Russian genre painting: a selection of paintings. Repin’s paintings have arrived “Cossacks writing a letter to the Turkish Sultan”

Expression “Repin’s painting “They sailed” has become a real idiom that characterizes a stalemate. The painting, which has become part of folklore, really exists. But Ilya Repin has nothing to do with her.
The painting, which popular rumor attributes to Repin, was created by the artist Soloviev Lev Grigorievich (1839-1919). The canvas is called “Monks. We went to the wrong place." The painting was painted in the 1870s, and until 1938 it entered the Sumy Art Museum.

“Monks. We went to the wrong place.” L. Solovyov

In the 1930s, the painting hung at a museum exhibition next to the paintings of Ilya Repin, and visitors decided that this painting also belonged to the great master. And then they also assigned a sort of “folk” name - “They sailed.”

The plot of Solovyov’s painting is based on a bathing scene. Someone else is undressing on the shore, someone is already in the water. Several women in the painting, beautiful in their nakedness, enter the water. The central figures of the picture are monks, dumbfounded by an unexpected meeting, whose boat was brought to the bathers by an insidious current.

The central figures of the picture

The young monk froze with oars in his hands, not knowing how to react. The elderly shepherd smiles - “They say they have arrived!” The artist amazingly managed to convey the emotions and amazement on the faces of the participants in this meeting.

Lev Solovyov, an artist from Voronezh, is little known to a wide circle of art fans. According to the information that reached him, he was a modest, hardworking, philosophical person. He loved to paint everyday scenes from the lives of ordinary people and landscapes.

Lev Solovyov and his painting “Shoemakers”

Very few works by this artist have survived to this day: several sketches in the Russian Museum, two paintings in a gallery in Ostrogozhsk and the genre painting “Shoemakers” in the Tretyakov Gallery.

Do you know what, what Repin's painting "They sailed"- not Repin at all

written, and called differently - "Monks (We went to the wrong place)". The painting lives in Ukraine, in the Sumy Art Museum named after. Nikanor Onatsky, and it was written by Repin’s contemporary, Voronezh artist and teacher Lev Soloviev, who also did a lot of icon painting.

However, the plot of the picture, despite the different name, fits perfectly into the meaning that is given when recalling the supposed work of Repin. When the situation leads to embarrassment of the participants, when it is funny and a little ashamed, when around the corner (literal or allegorical) it turns out to be completely different from what was expected, we exhale and say: “Well, Repin’s painting “We have sailed!”. And we smile – cheerfully or sarcastically, depending on the situation.

Looking at the picture to which this name is firmly attached, it is difficult to maintain seriousness. There is a river on the outskirts, foggy weather, poor visibility. There are monks on the boat. It is not known where they were heading, but clearly to some other place. But in the fog, their boat was carried to the shore where the village women wash themselves. A kind of women's bathhouse on the river. Probably, the monks, when the fog cleared and they found themselves surrounded by many naked young ladies, could only summarize: Repin’s painting “They have sailed”!

What makes the plot funny is the fact that the monks do not take their eyes off the temptations of the devil; on the contrary, they do not take their eyes off the girls. Two mischievous children bring special charm to the picture, who are the only ones who seem to look straight into the viewer’s eyes. It seems that they caught us looking at naked young ladies in a completely unmonastic way, and now they will burst into laughter: they got caught, they say. And all we can do is agree and nod: “We don’t deny Repin’s painting “They have sailed,” they say.”

In all likelihood, at one of the exhibitions, the “Monks” that had gone to the wrong place were adjacent to the works of Ilya Repin. By association with the aphoristic title of his other work - “They Didn’t Expect” - this could have arisen as “Repin’s painting “They Sailed”.

“Monks (We went to the wrong place)” by Lev Soloviev. Sumy Art Museum named after. Nikanor Onatsky, Ukraine, Sumy

Description of the artwork “We didn’t expect”

Painting by Repin "We didn't expect it" depicts the sudden return of an exiled revolutionary. Repin's wife Vera Shevtsova, their daughter, mother-in-law, and friends at home posed for the picture. Exile was written from Vsevolod Garshin.

It is noteworthy that Repin initially determined the setting, and the room in the sketches remains virtually unchanged, but the characters were subject to significant changes in the process of work. The artist struggled especially for a long time with the image of the returnee, painfully selecting the right intonations. The Tretyakov Gallery houses a sketch in which the girl was “not expected.” This is probably a student who was exiled for political activities. The mood of this option is the joy of returning, the joy of meeting and even a feeling of surprise, almost a New Year's gift. The final version was completely different.

Repin’s painting “We Didn’t Expect” from 1884 (the artist will continue to refine it until 1888) shows us a returning man. There is surprise, shock, which will soon be replaced by joy. There is no sense of surprise at all. Initially, the author intended to show an unbroken hero, a freedom fighter. But the final version is about something else. It has strong motives for the return of the prodigal son and the resurrection. The hero looks intensely and painfully into the faces of his family: will they accept him? Will they not also pass their guilty verdict? The face of the person who entered is mostly in the shadows, but the wary gaze of the huge eyes is visible to us. They contain a question and an attempt to justify themselves, they contain a dilemma between the dictates of his conscience, which he followed, and the fact that he left his family. Are they waiting for him here? How will he be received?

Consider the furnishings: bare wooden floors, modest wallpaper, everything is very clean and rather poor - there are clearly no extra funds here. On the wall are photographic portraits of Shevchenko and Nekrasov, a reproduction of a painting by Karl Steuben dedicated to the Passion of Christ, and Alexander II killed by the Narodnaya Volya (portrait by Konstantin Makovsky). The portraits leave no doubt that the exile had political overtones. And biblical allusions make it clear that the return of a hero who has endured much torment is like a resurrection from the dead.

Repin's skill is fully reflected in the choice of the moment - the peak, the most acute: the son, husband, father has returned and has already entered the room, the frightened maid who let him in and one of the other servants are standing at the door and watching how events will develop further. But his relatives realize the return of a dear person right this very second. An old mother and a revolutionary's wife in black mourning clothes. The mother has risen from her chair, stretches her weakened hand forward; we do not see her eyes, but we guess that there is hope, fear, joy and, most likely, tears in them. She peers intently at the man who entered dressed as a convict, and now finally recognizes him as her son.

The wife, sitting at the piano, perked up and froze, ready to jump up in the next moment and throw herself on the newcomer’s neck. Her eyes are widened, timid joy breaks through mistrust and fear, her hand convulsively squeezes the armrest. The girl was probably very young when her father was exiled, she does not recognize him, she is slouched and looks wary, she is agitated by an incomprehensible tension caused by the appearance of this strange man. But the older boy, on the contrary, is all stretched out in the direction of his father, his mouth is open, his eyes are shining and, probably, in the next moment he will squeal joyfully. In the next moment there will be everything: tears mixed with laughter, hugs. And now is the moment preceding this, and aspirations, fears and hopes are reflected in it with incredible skill. Repin's brush took what was happening out of the everyday context and added monumentality, a universal human factor - we are not talking about a specific returned exile, we are talking about faith, love, fear, conscience and hope.

The painting was first shown at the XII traveling exhibition. She left few people indifferent; opinions were divided into two opposing camps. Repin’s close friend, critic Vladimir Stasov, said that this “ his largest, most important, most perfect creation". And reactionary criticism, not satisfied with the plot, tore the picture to smithereens, making a sarcastic play on the title. A review was published in Moskovskie Vedomosti, ending with the words “pathetic genius, bought at the price of artistic mistakes, by playing along with the curiosity of the public, through the “slave language.” This is worse than a crime, this is a mistake... We didn’t expect it! What a falsehood...”

Even Pavel Tretyakov had complaints about the painting, which did not stop him from buying the painting for his collection.

And here is the first version, a sketch of the painting “We Didn’t Expect”:

This is probably a student who was exiled for political activities.

Collected material based on articles Alena Esaulova (from the site

Have you ever heard that there is a painting by Repin “Sailed”? Perhaps, because the great artist created many genre paintings. If there is a painting “We Didn’t Expect,” then why not a painting with a similar “plot” title? To create such a canvas, you must have an adventurous character and a remarkable sense of humor. However, those who carefully examined the master’s masterpieces will not argue with the fact that literally every painting by Repin reveals to us a multifaceted and fascinating world.

"We've arrived." Description of a pictorial masterpiece

A small river meanders along the meadows behind the village, with fog hanging over it. In the distance you can see the domes of a white-walled church, and horses are grazing. In the background of the picture, life is in full swing. Nude women of all ages splash in the water near the shore, some blissfully bask in the warm streams, others busily wash themselves. Clothes and buckets with a rocker are thrown on the sloping bank, a girl undresses, and an old woman takes off her clothes with her back to her. Between them, looking at the water, two gossips are gossiping about something. Two kids in their underwear look at us defiantly.

And suddenly, out of the dense fog, a boat with monks floats into the very center of the scene in the nude style. The peasant women recoil, the monks stand dumbfounded with their oars, and only the fat priest in the middle of the boat seems not at all embarrassed: he stands with his hands behind his back and hides him in a sly smile. The climactic moment is written superbly by the author: shock, surprise, amazement and at the same time laughter ready to burst out from the incident. Why isn't this Repin? "We've arrived!" - we smile, amused by the comic effect of the situation. Only this picture does not belong to Ilya Efimovich at all. Where does the misconception that this is a painting by Repin come from?

“We arrived” or “We went to the wrong place”?

The canvas with the above-described plot, exhibited in the museum of the city of Sumy in Ukraine, belongs to the brush of Lev Grigorievich Solovyov. The Russian artist, who did not receive a professional education (he was a free student at the Academy of Arts), painted talented canvases and icons. Coming from a peasant background, the painter willingly illustrated Nekrasov’s works.

A painting called “Monks. We went to the wrong place” Soloviev created in the 70s of the 19th century. At the exhibition next to her there were paintings by Repin. Confusion in the public consciousness arose, perhaps, because there is some similarity in the understanding of the plot conflict, in the attitude towards the characters and in the visual style of the two artists. So a legend appeared, passed on from mouth to mouth, called “Repin’s Painting “We’ve Arrived!” This expression has already become a phraseological unit.

Another myth

But the collective mind does not calm down and continues to look for a work in the works of the famous painter that can be designated by this name. And now some “experts” are reporting that Repin’s painting “Sailed” is the painting “Tramps” created by Ilya Efimovich in 1894. Homeless." It is exhibited at the Odessa Art Museum.

What do tramps dream about?

In the foreground we see two homeless people. The older one is sadly lost in thought, chillily hiding his hands in a long black caftan. Next to his bent figure lies, lordly leaning on his arm, a young “ragamuffin” in dirty, frayed clothes. The bright azure of the water glistening in the sun is crossed out diagonally by a shabby stone curb. Competing with the blindingly clear expanse of water and the white sail in the center are the wretched dark outlines of the vagrants. At the same time, the romance of the landscape somehow echoes the serene expression on the face of the young tramp, who seems to find his happiness in wandering. Contrast, in which there is, however, a certain parallel, is what this painting by Repin conceals. Did these two sail on a random barge and settle down right there on the pier, or are they waiting for a passing barge to go to other places? Together with the heroes, we find ourselves in a paused moment of waiting and reflect on the vicissitudes of life.

“Water” paintings by Ilya Repin

The master created more than one work in which events play out on the shore, and about which one could say: “This is Repin’s painting “They Sailed.” Photos of reproductions of the great artist’s paintings are easy to find in many printed publications. Of course, the well-known “Barge Haulers on the Volga” are not included in this category, but, for example, “The End of the Black Sea Freemen” (the canvas was created in the 1900s) fully corresponds to this name.

The plot of the painting can be considered a continuation of the theme to which the canvas “Cossacks on the Black Sea” created in the same years is dedicated. It depicts the Cossacks caught in a storm after an attack on the Turkish coast. Confusion, heroism, dramatic intensity are present on the canvas. And the canvas “The End of the Black Sea Freemen” shows captured Cossacks sitting on the shore of a stormy sea and doomedly drooping under the evil gaze and guns of Turkish guards.

The expression “Repin’s painting “They have sailed”” has become a real idiom that characterizes a stalemate. The painting, which has become part of folklore, really exists. But Ilya Repin has nothing to do with her.

The painting, which popular rumor attributes to Repin, was created by the artist Soloviev Lev Grigorievich (1839-1919). The canvas is called “Monks. We went to the wrong place." The painting was painted in the 1870s, and until 1938 it entered the Sumy Art Museum.

In the 1930s, the painting hung at a museum exhibition next to the paintings of Ilya Repin, and visitors decided that this painting also belonged to the great master. And then they also assigned a sort of “folk” name - “They sailed.”

The plot of Solovyov’s painting is based on a bathing scene. Someone else is undressing on the shore, someone is already in the water. Several women in the painting, beautiful in their nakedness, enter the water. The central figures of the picture are monks, dumbfounded by an unexpected meeting, whose boat was brought to the bathers by an insidious current.

The young monk froze with oars in his hands, not knowing how to react. The elderly shepherd smiles - “They say they have arrived!” The artist amazingly managed to convey the emotions and amazement on the faces of the participants in this meeting.

Lev Solovyov, an artist from Voronezh, is little known to a wide circle of art fans. According to the information that reached him, he was a modest, hardworking, philosophical person. He loved to paint everyday scenes from the lives of ordinary people and landscapes.

Very few works by this artist have survived to this day: several sketches in the Russian Museum, two paintings in a gallery in Ostrogozhsk and the genre painting “Shoemakers” in the Tretyakov Gallery.