The most famous paintings by Van Gogh. Famous paintings by Vincent van Gogh Portrait painting of van Gogh

Vincent Willem van Gogh (Dutch: Vincent Willem van Gogh; March 30, 1853, Grote-Zundert, Netherlands - July 29, 1890, Auvers-sur-Oise, France) was a Dutch post-impressionist artist whose work had a timeless influence on 20th-century painting. In just over ten years, he created more than 2,100 works, including about 860 oil paintings. Among them are portraits, self-portraits, landscapes and still lifes, depicting olive trees, cypress trees, wheat fields and sunflowers. Van Gogh was overlooked by most critics until his suicide at the age of 37, which was preceded by years of anxiety, poverty and mental disorders.

Born on March 30, 1853 in the village of Groot Zundert in the province of North Brabant in the south of the Netherlands, near the Belgian border. Vincent's father was Theodore Van Gogh (born 02/08/1822), a Protestant pastor, and his mother was Anna Cornelia Carbenthus, the daughter of a venerable bookbinder and bookseller from The Hague. Vincent was the second of seven children of Theodore and Anna Cornelia. He received his name in honor of his paternal grandfather, who also devoted his entire life to the Protestant church. This name was intended for Theodore and Anna's first child, who was born a year earlier than Vincent and died on the first day. So Vincent, although born second, became the eldest of the children.

Four years after Vincent's birth, on May 1, 1857, his brother Theodorus van Gogh (Theo) was born. In addition to him, Vincent had a brother Cor (Cornelis Vincent, May 17, 1867) and three sisters - Anna Cornelia (February 17, 1855), Liz (Elizabeth Guberta, May 16, 1859) and Wil (Willemina Jacoba, March 16, 1862). Family members remember Vincent as a willful, difficult and boring child with “strange manners”, which was the reason for his frequent punishments. According to the governess, there was something strange about him that distinguished him from the others: of all the children, Vincent was the least pleasant to her, and she did not believe that anything worthwhile could come of him. Outside the family, on the contrary, Vincent showed reverse side of his character - he was quiet, serious and thoughtful. He hardly played with other children. In the eyes of his fellow villagers, he was a good-natured, friendly, helpful, compassionate, sweet and modest child. When he was 7 years old, he went to a village school, but a year later he was taken away from there, and together with his sister Anna he studied at home, with a governess. On October 1, 1864, he went to boarding school in Zevenbergen, located 20 km from his home. Leaving home caused Vincent a lot of suffering; he could not forget it, even as an adult. On September 15, 1866, he began studying at another boarding school - Willem II College in Tilburg. Vincent is good at languages ​​- French, English, German. There he received drawing lessons. In March 1868, in the middle school year, Vincent suddenly dropped out of school and returned to Father's house. This ends his formal education. He recalled his childhood like this: “My childhood was dark, cold and empty...”.

In July 1869, Vincent got a job in the Hague branch of the large art and trading company Goupil & Cie, owned by his uncle Vincent (“Uncle Saint”). There he received the necessary training as a dealer. Initially future artist set to work with great zeal and achieved good results, and in June 1873 he was transferred to the London branch of Goupil & Cie. Through daily contact with works of art, Vincent began to understand and appreciate painting. In addition, he visited the city's museums and galleries, admiring the works of Jean-François Millet and Jules Breton. At the end of August, Vincent moved to 87 Hackford Road and rented a room in the house of Ursula Loyer and her daughter Eugenie. There is a version that he was in love with Eugenia, although many early biographers mistakenly call her by the name of her mother, Ursula. In addition to this naming confusion that has been going on for decades, recent research suggests that Vincent was not in love with Eugenie at all, but with a German woman named Caroline Haanebeek. What actually happened remains unknown. The lover's refusal shocked and disappointed the future artist; he gradually lost interest in his work and began to turn to the Bible. In 1874, Vincent was transferred to the Paris branch of the company, but after three months of work he again left for London. Things were getting worse for him, and in May 1875 he was again transferred to Paris, where he attended exhibitions at the Salon and Louvre and eventually began to try his hand at painting. Gradually, this activity began to take up more of his time, and Vincent finally lost interest in work, deciding for himself that “art has no worse enemies than art dealers.” As a result, at the end of March 1876 he was fired from Goupil & Cie due to poor performance, despite the patronage of his relatives who were co-owners of the company.

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Vincent Willem van Gogh is a Dutch artist who laid the foundations of the post-impressionism movement, which largely determined the principles of creativity of modern masters.

Van Gogh was born on March 30, 1853 in the village of Groot Zundert in the province of North Brabant, bordering Belgium.

Father Theodore Van Gogh was a Protestant clergyman. Mother Anna Cornelia Carbentus is from the family of a respected bookseller and bookbinding specialist from the city (Den Haag).

Vincent was the second child, but his brother died immediately after birth, so the boy was the eldest, and after him five more children were born in the family:

  • Theodorus (Theo);
  • Cornelis (Cor) (Cornelis, Cor);
  • Anna Cornelia;
  • Elizabeth (Liz) (Elizabeth, Liz);
  • Willemina (Vil) (Willamina, Vil).

The baby was named after his grandfather, a Protestant minister. This name was supposed to be borne by the first child, but due to his early death it went to Vincent.

Memories of loved ones depict Vincent's character as very strange, capricious and wayward, disobedient and capable of unexpected antics. Outside of home and family, he was well-mannered, quiet, polite, modest, kind, distinguished by an amazingly intelligent look and a heart full of compassion. However, he avoided his peers and did not join in their games and fun.

At the age of 7, his father and mother enrolled him in school, but a year later he and his sister Anna were transferred to home schooling, and a governess taught the children.

At the age of 11, in 1864, Vincent was sent to school in Zevenbergen. Although it was only 20 km from his homeland, the child had a hard time withstanding the separation, and these experiences were remembered forever.

In 1866, Vincent was assigned as a student to the educational institution of Willem II in Tilburg (College Willem II in Tilburg). The teenager made great progress in mastering foreign languages; he spoke and read French, English, and German perfectly. Teachers also noted Vincent’s ability to draw. However, in 1868 he suddenly abandoned his studies and returned home. He was no longer sent to educational institutions; he continued to receive his education at home. The famous artist’s memories of the beginning of his life were sad; childhood was associated with darkness, cold and emptiness.


In 1869, in The Hague, Vincent was recruited by his uncle, who bore the same name, whom the future artist called “Uncle Saint”. Uncle was the owner of a branch of the company Goupil&Cie, which was engaged in the examination, evaluation and sale of art objects. Vincent acquired the profession of a dealer and made significant progress, so in 1873 he was sent to work in London.

Working with works of art was very interesting to Vincent, he learned to understand the fine arts, and became a regular visitor to museums and exhibition halls.

His favorite authors were Jean-François Millet and Jules Breton. The story of Vincent's first love dates back to the same period. But the story was incomprehensible and confusing: he lived in a rented apartment with Ursula Loyer and her daughter Eugene; biographers argue about who was the object of love: one of them or Carolina Haanebeek. He begins to read the Bible thoughtfully. During this period, in 1874, he had to transfer to the Paris branch of the company. There he again becomes a regular at museums and enjoys creating drawings. Having hated the dealer's activities, he stopped bringing income to the company, and he was fired in 1876.

Teaching and religion

In March 1876, Vincent moved to Great Britain and became a free teacher at a school in Ramsgate. At the same time, he is thinking about a career as a clergyman. In July 1876 he moved to school in Isleworth, where he additionally assisted the priest. In November 1876, Vincent reads a sermon and becomes convinced of his destiny to convey the truth of religious teaching.

In 1876, Vincent comes to the Christmas holidays in native home, and his mother and father begged him not to leave. Vincent got a job in a bookstore in Dordrecht, but he doesn’t like the trade. He devotes all his time to translating biblical texts and drawing.

His father and mother, rejoicing at his desire for religious service, send Vincent to Amsterdam, where, with the help of a relative, Johannes Stricker, he prepares in theology for admission to university, and lives with his uncle, Jan Van Gogh. Gogh), who had the rank of admiral.

After admission, Van Gogh was a theological student until July 1878, after which, disappointed, he abandoned further education and flees Amsterdam.

The next stage of the search was associated with the Protestant missionary school in the city of Laken, near Brussels. The school was led by Pastor Bokma. Vincent gains experience in composing and reading sermons for three months, but leaves this place too. Biographers' information is contradictory: either he quit his job himself, or was fired due to sloppiness in clothing and unbalanced behavior.

In December 1878, Vincent continued his missionary service, but now in the southern region of Belgium, in the village of Paturi. Mining families lived in the village, Van Gogh unselfishly worked with children, visited houses and talked about the Bible, and cared for the sick. To support himself, he drew maps of the Holy Land and sold them. Van Gogh proved himself to be an ascetic, sincere and tireless, and as a result he was given a small salary from the Evangelical Society. He planned to enter the Evangelical school, but the education was paid, and this, according to Van Gogh, is incompatible with true faith, which cannot be related to money. At the same time, he submits a request to the mine management to improve conditions labor activity miners. He was refused and deprived of the right to preach, which shocked him and led to another disappointment.

First steps

Van Gogh found peace at his easel, and in 1880 he decided to try himself at the Brussels Royal Academy of Arts. His brother Theo supports him, but a year later his studies are abandoned again, and the eldest son returns under his parents' roof. He is absorbed in self-education and works tirelessly.

He feels love for his widowed cousin Kee Vos-Stricker, who raised their son and came to visit the family. Van Gogh is rejected, but persists and is kicked out of his father's house. These events shocked young man, he flees to The Hague, immerses himself in creativity, takes lessons from Anton Mauve, comprehends the laws visual arts, makes copies of lithographic works.

Van Gogh spends a lot of time in neighborhoods inhabited by the poor. The works of this period are sketches of courtyards, roofs, alleys:

  • "Backyards" (De achtertuin) (1882);
  • “Roofs. View from Van Gogh's studio" (Dak. Het uitzicht vanuit de Studio van Gogh) (1882).

An interesting technique that combines watercolor paints, sepia, ink, chalk, etc.

In The Hague, he chooses a woman of easy virtue named Christine as his wife.(Van Christina), which he picked up right on the panel. Christine moved to Van Gogh with her children and became a model for the artist, but her character was terrible, and they had to separate. This episode leads to a final break with parents and loved ones.

After breaking up with Christine, Vincent leaves for Drenth, in countryside. During this period, landscape works by the artist appeared, as well as paintings depicting the life of the peasantry.

Early works

The creative period representing the first works executed in Drenthe is distinguished by its realism, but it expresses the key characteristics individual manner of the artist. Many critics believe that these features are explained by the lack of basic art education: Van Gogh did not know the laws of human representation, therefore, the characters in paintings and sketches seem angular, ungraceful, as if emerging from the bosom of nature, like rocks on which the vault of heaven presses:

  • "Red Vineyards" (Rode wijngaard) (1888);
  • "Peasant Woman" (Boerin) (1885);
  • "The Potato Eaters" (De Aardappeleters) (1885);
  • “The Old Church Tower in Nuenen” (De Oude Begraafplaats Toren in Nuenen) (1885), etc.

These works are distinguished by a dark palette of shades that convey the painful atmosphere of the surrounding life, the painful situation ordinary people, sympathy, pain and drama of the author.

In 1885, he was forced to leave Drenthe, as he displeased the priest, who considered painting to be debauchery and forbade local residents pose for pictures.

Parisian period

Van Gogh travels to Antwerp, takes lessons at the Academy of Arts and additionally at a private educational institution, where he works hard on depicting nudes.

In 1886, Vincent moved to Paris to join Theo, who worked in a dealership that specialized in transactions for the sale of art objects.

In Paris in 1887/88, Van Gogh took lessons at a private school, learned the basics Japanese art, the basics of the impressionistic style of painting, the work of Paul Gauguin. This stage in creative biography Vag Gogh is called light, the leitmotif in his works are soft blue, bright yellow, fiery shades, his brushwork is light, betraying movement, the “flow” of life:

  • Agostina Segatori in het Café Tamboerijn;
  • “Bridge over the Seine” (Brug over de Seine);
  • "Papa Tanguy" and others.

Van Gogh admired the Impressionists and met celebrities thanks to his brother Theo:

  • Edgar Degas;
  • Camille Pissarro;
  • Henri Touluz-Lautrec;
  • Paul Gauguin;
  • Emile Bernard and others.

Van Gogh found himself among good friends and like-minded people, and was involved in the process of preparing exhibitions that were organized in restaurants, bars, and theater halls. The audience did not appreciate Van Gogh, they recognized them as terrible, but he immersed himself in learning and self-improvement, comprehending the theoretical basis of color technology.

In Paris, Van Gogh created about 230 works: still lifes, portrait and landscape paintings, painting cycles (for example, the “Shoes” series of 1887) (Schoenen).

It's interesting what a person gains on canvas minor role, and the main thing is the bright world of nature, its airiness, the richness of colors, and their subtle transitions. Van Gogh opens newest direction– post-impressionism.

Blooming and finding your own style

In 1888, Van Gogh, worried about the lack of understanding of the audience, left for the southern French city of Arles. Arles became the city in which Vincent understood the purpose of his work: not to strive to reflect the real visible world, but to express your inner “I” with the help of color and simple technical techniques.

He decides to break with the Impressionists, but the peculiarities of their style long years are manifested in his works, in the ways of depicting light and air, in the manner of arranging color accents. Typical of impressionistic works are a series of canvases depicting the same landscape, but at different times of the day and under different lighting.

The attractiveness of Van Gogh’s style of work from his heyday lies in the contradiction between the desire for a harmonious worldview and the awareness of one’s own helplessness in the face of a disharmonious world. Full of light and festive nature

  • works from 1888 are juxtaposed with gloomy phantasmagoric images:
  • "Yellow House" (Gele huis);
  • "Gauguin's Chair" (De stoel van Gauguin);

“Cafe terrace at night” (Cafe terras bij nacht). The dynamism, movement of color, the energy of the master’s brush is a reflection of the artist’s soul, his tragic quests, impulses to understand the world

  • living and nonliving:
  • "Red Vineyards in Arles";
  • "The Sower" (Zaaier);

"Night cafe" (Nachtkoffie). The artist plans to establish a society uniting budding geniuses who will reflect the future of humanity. To open society, Vincent is helped by Theo. Van Gogh assigned the leading role to Paul Gauguin. When Gauguin arrived, they quarreled so much that Van Gogh almost cut his throat on December 23, 1888.

Gauguin managed to escape, and Van Gogh, repenting, cut off part of his own earlobe. Biographers have different assessments this episode , many believe that this act was a sign of madness provoked by excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages. Van Gogh was sent to a mental hospital, where he was kept in strict conditions in the department for the violently insane.

Gauguin leaves, Theo takes care of Vincent. After treatment, Vincent dreams of returning to Arles. But city residents protested, and the artist was offered to settle next to the Saint-Paul hospital in Saint-Rémy-de-Provence, near Arles. Since May 1889, Van Gogh has lived in Saint-Rémy, painting more than 150 large works and about 100 drawings per year. watercolor works , demonstrating mastery of halftones and contrast. Among them the predominant landscape genre

In 1889, the fruits of Van Gogh's creativity were exhibited in Brussels and were met with rave reviews from colleagues and critics. But Van Gogh does not feel joy from the recognition that has finally come; he moves to Auvers-sur-Oise, where his brother and his family live. There he constantly creates, but the author’s depressed mood and nervous excitement are transmitted to the paintings of 1890, they are different broken lines, distorted silhouettes of objects and faces:

  • “Village road with cypress trees” (Landelijke weg met cipressen);
  • “Landscape in Auvers after the rain” (Landschap in Auvers na de regen);
  • “Wheat field with crows” (Korenveld met kraaien), etc.

On July 27, 1890, Van Gogh was fatally wounded by a pistol. It is unknown whether the shot was planned or accidental, but the artist died a day later. He was buried in the same town, and 6 months later his brother Theo, whose grave is located next to Vincent, also died of nervous exhaustion.

Over 10 years of creativity, over 2,100 works appeared, of which about 860 were done in oils. Van Gogh became the founder of expressionism, post-impressionism, his principles formed the basis of Fauvism and modernism.

Posthumously, a series of triumphant exhibition events took place in Paris, Brussels, The Hague, and Antwerp. At the beginning of the 20th century, another wave of shows of works by the famous Dutchman took place in Paris, Cologne (Keulen), New York (New York), Berlin (Berlijn).


It is not known exactly how many paintings Van Gogh painted, but art historians and researchers of his work are inclined to figure about 800. In the last 70 days of his life alone, he painted 70 paintings - one per day! Let's remember the most famous paintings with names and descriptions:

The Potato Eaters appeared in 1885 in Nuenen. The author described the task in a message to Theo: he sought to show people hard work who received little remuneration for their work. The hands cultivating the field accept his gifts.

Red vineyards in Arles

The famous painting dates back to 1888. The plot of the film is not fictional; Vincent talks about it in one of his messages to Theo. On the canvas, the artist conveys the rich colors that amazed him: deep red grape leaves, a piercing green sky, a bright purple rain-washed road with golden highlights from the rays of the setting sun. The colors seem to flow into one another, conveying the author’s anxious mood, his tension, and the depth of his philosophical thoughts about the world. Such a plot will be repeated in Van Gogh’s work, symbolizing life eternally renewed through work.

Night cafe

"Night Cafe" appeared in Arles and presented the author's thoughts about a man who independently destroys own life. The idea of ​​self-destruction and steady movement towards madness is expressed by the contrast of bloody burgundy and green colors. To try to penetrate the secrets of twilight life, the author worked on the painting at night. The expressionistic style of writing conveys the fullness of passions, anxiety, and painfulness of life.

Van Gogh's legacy includes two series of works depicting sunflowers. In the first cycle there are flowers laid out on a table; they were painted during the Parisian period in 1887 and were soon acquired by Gauguin. The second series appeared in 1888/89 in Arles, on each canvas - sunflower flowers in a vase.

This flower symbolizes love and loyalty, friendship and warmth of human relationships, beneficence and gratitude. The artist expresses the depths of his worldview in sunflowers, associating himself with this sunny flower.

“Starry Night” was created in 1889 in Saint-Rémy; it depicts the stars and the moon in dynamics, framed by the boundless sky, the Universe eternally existing and rushing into infinity. The cypress trees located in the foreground strive to reach the stars, and the village in the valley is static, motionless and devoid of aspirations for the new and infinite. Expression of color approaches and use different types brush strokes convey the multidimensionality of space, its variability and depth.

This famous self-portrait was created in Arles in January 1889. An interesting feature is the dialogue of red-orange and blue-violet colors, against the background of which a person plunges into the abyss of a person’s distorted consciousness. Attention is drawn to the face and eyes, as if looking deep into the personality. Self-portraits are a conversation between the painter and himself and the universe.

« Blooming branches almonds" (Amandelbloesem) are created in Saint-Rémy in 1890. The spring blossoming of almond trees is a symbol of renewal, the birth and strengthening of life. The unusual thing about the canvas is that the branches float without a foundation; they are self-sufficient and beautiful.

This portrait was painted in 1890. Bright colors convey the significance of every moment; brush work creates a dynamic image of man and nature, which are inextricably linked. The image of the hero of the picture is painful and nervous: we peer into the image of a sad old man, immersed in his thoughts, as if he had absorbed the painful experience of years.

“Wheat Field with Crows” was created in July 1890 and expresses the feeling of approaching death, the hopeless tragedy of existence. The picture is filled with symbolism: the sky before a thunderstorm, approaching black birds, roads leading to the unknown, but inaccessible.


(Van Gogh Museum) opened in Amsterdam in 1973 and presents not only the most fundamental collection of his creations, but also works of the Impressionists. This is the first most popular exhibition center in the Netherlands.


  1. Among the clergy, as well as among the masters of the brush, a despotic academicism reigns, dull and full of prejudices;
  2. Thinking about future hardships and hardships, I would not be able to create;
  3. Painting is my joy and tranquility, giving me the opportunity to escape from life’s troubles;

1. Vincent Willem van Gogh was born in the south of the Netherlands to a Protestant pastor, Theodore van Gogh, and Anna Cornelia, the daughter of a respected bookbinder and bookseller.

2. The parents wanted to name their first child, who was born a year earlier than Vincent and died on the first day, with the same name. In addition to the future artist, the family had five more children.

3. In the family, Vincent was considered a difficult and wayward child, when, outside the family, he showed the opposite traits of his temperament: in the eyes of his neighbors, he was a quiet, friendly and sweet child.

4. Vincent dropped out of school multiple times—he dropped out of school as a child; Later, in an effort to become a pastor like his father, he prepared to take university exams for theology department, but ultimately became disillusioned with his studies and dropped out. Wanting to enroll in an Evangelical school, Vincent considered the fees to be discriminatory and refused to attend. Turning to painting, Van Gogh began attending classes at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts, but dropped out after a year.

5. Van Gogh took up painting when he was already mature man, and in just 10 years he went from a novice artist to a master who changed the idea of ​​fine art.

6. Over the course of 10 years, Vincent Van Gogh created more than 2 thousand works, of which about 860 were oil paintings.

7. Vincent developed a love for art and painting through his work as an art dealer at the large art firm Goupil & Cie, which belonged to his uncle Vincent.

8. Vincent was in love with his cousin Kay Vos-Stricker, who was a widow. He met her when she was staying with her son at his parents' house. Kee rejected his feelings, but Vincent continued his courtship, which turned all his relatives against him.

9. The lack of artistic education affected Van Gogh's inability to paint human figures. Ultimately devoid of grace and smooth lines in human images became one of the fundamental features of his style.

10. One of Van Gogh's most famous paintings, Starry Night, was painted in 1889 while the artist was in a mental hospital in France.

11. According to the generally accepted version, Van Gogh cut off his earlobe during a quarrel with Paul Gauguin, when he came to the city where Vincent lived to discuss issues of creating a painting workshop. Unable to find a compromise in resolving the topic so trembling to Van Gogh, Paul Gauguin decided to leave the city. After a heated argument, Vincent grabbed a razor and attacked his friend, who fled the house. On the same night, Van Gogh cut off his earlobe, and not his entire ear, as some legends believed. According to the most common version, he did this in a fit of repentance.

12. According to estimates from auctions and private sales, Van Gogh's works, along with works of art, rank high on the list of the most expensive paintings ever sold in the world.

13. A crater on Mercury is named after Vincent van Gogh.

14. The legend that during Van Gogh’s lifetime only one of his paintings, “Red Vineyards at Arles,” was sold is incorrect. In fact, the painting sold for 400 francs was Vincent’s breakthrough into the world of serious prices, but in addition to it, at least 14 more works by the artist were sold. There is simply no accurate evidence of the remaining works, so in reality there could have been more sales.

15. Towards the end of his life, Vincent painted very quickly - he could finish his painting from start to finish in 2 hours. However, he always quoted favorite expression American artist Whistler: “I did it in two hours, but I worked for years to do something worthwhile in those two hours.”

16. Legends that Van Gogh's mental disorder helped the artist to look into depths that were inaccessible ordinary people, are also untrue. The seizures, which were similar to epilepsy, for which he was treated in a psychiatric clinic, began only in the last year and a half of his life. Moreover, it was precisely during the period of exacerbation of the disease that Vincent could not write.

17. Van Gogh's younger brother, Theo (Theodorus), was of great importance to the artist. Throughout his life, his brother provided Vincent with moral and financial support. Theo, being 4 years younger than his brother, fell ill with a nervous disorder after Van Gogh’s death and died just six months later.

18. According to experts, if not for the almost simultaneous early death both brothers, fame could have come to Van Gogh back in the mid-1890s and the artist could have become a rich man.

19. Vincent Van Gogh died in 1890 from a gunshot to the chest. Going out for a walk with drawing materials, the artist shot himself in the heart area from a revolver, bought to scare away birds while working in the open air, but the bullet passed lower. 29 hours later he died from loss of blood.

20. The Vincent Van Gogh Museum, which has the world's largest collection of Van Gogh's works, opened in Amsterdam in 1973. It is the second most popular museum in the Netherlands, after the Rijksmuseum. 85% of visitors to the Vincent Van Gogh Museum come from other countries.

On December 23, 1888, the now world-famous post-impressionist artist Vincent Van Gogh lost his ear. There are several versions of what happened, however, Van Gogh’s whole life was full of absurd and very strange facts.

Van Gogh wanted to follow in his father's footsteps - to become a preacher

Van Gogh dreamed of becoming a priest, like his father. He even completed the missionary internship required for admission to an evangelical school. He lived in the outback among miners for about a year.

But it turned out that the admission rules had changed, and the Dutch had to pay for training. The missionary Van Gogh was offended and after that decided to leave religion and become an artist. However, his choice was not accidental. Vincent’s uncle was a partner in the largest art dealer company at that time, Goupil.

Van Gogh began painting only at the age of 27

Van Gogh began painting in adulthood, when he was 27 years old. Contrary to popular belief, he was not such a “brilliant amateur” like conductor Pirosmani or customs officer Russo. By that time, Vincent Van Gogh was an experienced art dealer and entered first the Academy of Arts in Brussels, and later the Antwerp Academy of Arts. True, he studied there for only three months until he left for Paris, where he met the Impressionists, including.

Van Gogh began with “peasant” paintings like “The Potato Eaters.” But his brother Theo, who knew a lot about art and supported Vincent financially throughout his life, managed to convince him that “ light painting"is created for success, and the public will definitely appreciate it.

The artist's palette has a medical explanation

Abundance of yellow spots different shades in the paintings of Vincent van Gogh, according to scientists, has a medical explanation. There is a version that this vision of the world is caused by big amount epilepsy medications consumed by him. He experienced attacks of this disease in the last years of his life due to hard work, a riotous lifestyle and abuse of absinthe.

The most expensive Van Gogh painting was in Goering's collection

For more than 10 years, Vincent van Gogh’s “Portrait of Doctor Gachet” held the title of the most expensive painting in the world. Japanese businessman Ryoei Saito, owner of a large paper manufacturing company, purchased this painting at a Christie's auction in 1990 for $82 million. The owner of the painting indicated in his will that the painting should be cremated with him after his death. In 1996, Ryoei Saito died. It is known for certain that the painting was not burned, but where exactly it is now is unknown. It is believed that the artist painted 2 versions of the painting.

However, this is just one fact from the history of “Portrait of Doctor Gachet.” It is known that after the exhibition “Degenerate Art” in Munich in 1938, the Nazi Goering acquired this painting for his collection. True, he soon sold it to a certain Dutch collector, and then the painting ended up in the USA, where it remained until Saito acquired it.

Van Gogh is one of the most kidnapped artists

In December 2013, the FBI published the top 10 high-profile thefts of brilliant works of art so that the public can assist in solving crimes. The most valuable on this list are 2 paintings by Van Gogh – “View of the Sea at Schevingen” and “Church at Newnen”, which are estimated at $30 million each. Both of these paintings were stolen in 2002 from the Vincent Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam. It is known that two men were arrested as suspects in the theft, but their guilt could not be proven.

In 2013, Vincent van Gogh’s “Poppies,” which experts value at $50 million, was stolen from the Mohammed Mahmoud Khalil Museum in Egypt due to management negligence. The painting has not yet been returned.

Van Gogh's ear may have been cut off by Gauguin

The story with the ear raises doubts among many biographers of Vincent Van Gogh. The fact is that if the artist cut off his ear at the root, he would die from loss of blood. Only the artist's earlobe was cut off. There is a record of this in the surviving medical report.

There is a version that the incident with the cut off ear occurred during a quarrel between Van Gogh and Gauguin. Gauguin, experienced in sailor fights, slashed Van Gogh in the ear, and he had a seizure from stress. Later, trying to whitewash himself, Gauguin came up with a story about how Van Gogh chased him in a fit of madness with a razor and crippled himself.

Unknown Van Gogh paintings are still found today

This fall, the Vincent Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam identified a new painting by the great master. The painting “Sunset at Montmajour,” according to researchers, was painted by Van Gogh in 1888. What makes the find exceptional is the fact that the painting belongs to a period that art historians consider the pinnacle of the artist’s work. The discovery was made using methods such as comparison of style, paint, technique, computer analysis of the canvas, X-ray photographs and the study of Van Gogh's letters.

The painting “Sunset at Montmajour” is currently on display at the artist’s museum in Amsterdam in the exhibition “Van Gogh at Work.”