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(estimates: 28 , average: 4,29 out of 5)

In Russia, literature has its own direction, different from any other. The Russian soul is mysterious and incomprehensible. The genre reflects both Europe and Asia, which is why the best classical Russian works are extraordinary, striking in their soulfulness and vitality.

Main actor- soul. For a person, his position in society, the amount of money is not important, it is important for him to find himself and his place in this life, to find the truth and peace of mind.

The books of Russian literature are united by the features of a writer who has the gift of the great Word, who has completely devoted himself to this art of literature. The best classics They saw life not flatly, but multifacetedly. They wrote about life not of random destinies, but of those expressing existence in its most unique manifestations.

Russian classics are so different, with different destinies, but what unites them is that literature is recognized as a school of life, a way of studying and developing Russia.

Russian classical literature was created the best writers from different corners Russia. It is very important where the author was born, because this determines his formation as a person, his development, and it also affects writing skills. Pushkin, Lermontov, Dostoevsky were born in Moscow, Chernyshevsky in Saratov, Shchedrin in Tver. Poltava region in Ukraine is the birthplace of Gogol, Podolsk province - Nekrasov, Taganrog - Chekhov.

The three great classics, Tolstoy, Turgenev and Dostoevsky, were completely different people from each other, had different destinies, complex characters and great talents. They made a huge contribution to the development of literature by writing their best works, which still excite the hearts and souls of readers. Everyone should read these books.

Another important difference between the books of Russian classics is that they ridicule the shortcomings of a person and his way of life. Satire and humor are the main features of the works. However, many critics said that this was all slander. And only true connoisseurs saw how the characters are both comical and tragic at the same time. Such books always touch the soul.

Here you can find the best works classical literature. You can download books of Russian classics for free or read them online, which is very convenient.

We present to your attention 100 best books Russian classics. IN full list The books included the best and most memorable works of Russian writers. This literature known to everyone and recognized by critics from all over the world.

Of course, our list of top 100 books is just a small part that brings together best works great classics. It can be continued for a very long time.

A hundred books that everyone should read in order to understand not only how they used to live, what were the values, traditions, priorities in life, what they were striving for, but to find out in general how our world works, how bright and pure the soul can be and how valuable it is for a person, for the development of his personality.

The top 100 list includes the best and most famous works Russian classics. The plot of many of them has been known since school days. However, some books are difficult to understand at a young age and require wisdom that is acquired over the years.

Of course, the list is far from complete; it can be continued endlessly. Reading such literature is a pleasure. She doesn’t just teach something, she radically changes lives, helps us understand simple things that we sometimes don’t even notice.

We hope you liked our list of classic books of Russian literature. You may have already read some of it, and some not. A great reason to make your own personal list books, your top that you would like to read.

The day before world day writer "Levada Center" wondered who in the minds of Russian residents is worthy of entering list of the most outstanding domestic writers . 1,600 residents completed the survey Russian Federation over 18 years old. The results can be called predictable: the top ten reflects the composition school curriculum on literature.

Human rights activist Solzhenitsyn joined her almost closely (5%). Kuprin, Bunin and Nekrasov finished at the same time - each received 4% of the votes. And then, among the names familiar from textbooks, new ones began to appear, for example, Dontsova and Akunin took a place next to Griboedov and Ostrovsky (3% each), and Ustinova, Ivanov, Marinina and Pelevin stood on the same level with Goncharov, Pasternak, Platonov and Chernyshevsky ( 1%).

Opens the top 10 most outstanding writers Russian poet-misanthrope, full of contempt for the soulless world, creator of demonic characters and singer of Caucasian exoticism in the form mountain rivers and young Circassian women. However, even stylistic errors like “a lioness with a shaggy mane on her spine” or “a familiar corpse” did not prevent him from ascending the Parnassus of Russian literature and taking tenth place in the rating with a score of 6%.

9. Gorky

In the USSR he was considered the founder Soviet literature and socialist realism, and ideological opponents denied Gorky his writing talent, intellectual scope and accused him of cheap sentimentalism. Received 7% of the votes.

8. Turgenev

He dreamed of a career as a philosopher and even tried to get a master's degree, but he failed to become a scientist. But he became a writer. And he was quite a successful writer - his fees were among the highest in Russia. With this money (and income from the estate), Turgenev supported the entire family of his beloved Pauline Viardot, including her children and husband. The survey scored 9%.

7. Bulgakov

Russia rediscovered this writer only twenty-five years ago, after perestroika. Bulgakov was one of the first to encounter the horrors of communal apartments and obstacles on the way to Moscow registration, which was later reflected in The Master and Margarita. His contribution to literature was appreciated by 11% of Russians.

6. Sholokhov

It is still unknown who exactly wrote “ Quiet Don» — unknown writer from the “white” camp, or a group of comrades from the NKVD, or Sholokhov himself, who later received Nobel Prize. In the meantime, he ranks sixth in the list of outstanding writers with a score of 13%.

5. Gogol

They love him not for his moralizing, but for the door to the world of grotesques and phantasmagoria, intricately intertwined with real life. Scored the same number of points with Sholokhov.

4. Pushkin

In his youth, he loved to play pranks (for example, to shock the inhabitants of Yekaterinoslav with an outfit of translucent muslin pantaloons without underwear), was proud of his thin waist and tried with all his might to get rid of the status of a “writer.” At the same time, already during his lifetime he was considered a genius, the first Russian poet and creator of the Russian literary language. In the minds of today's readers, it ranks fourth with a score of 15%.

3. Chekhov

Author humorous stories and the founder of tragicomedy in Russian literature in the world is considered a kind of “ business card"Russian drama. The Russians give him an honorable third place, giving him 18% of the votes.

2. Dostoevsky

Five books by the former convict and inveterate gambler were included in the list of “The 100 Best Books of All Time” according to the Norwegian Nobel Institute. Dostoevsky knows better than anyone and describes with utmost honesty the dark and painful depths human soul. He took second place in the ranking with a score of 23%.

1. Leo Tolstoy

“The Seasoned Man” earned the fame of a brilliant writer and classic of Russian literature during his lifetime. His works have been published and republished many times in Russia and abroad and have appeared on the silver screen many times. Anna Karenina alone was filmed 32 times, Resurrection 22 times, War and Peace 11 times. Even his life itself served as material for several films. Perhaps it was thanks to recent high-profile film adaptations that he earned the fame of the first writer in Russia, receiving 45% of the votes.

Anna Karenina. Lev Tolstoy

The greatest love story of all time. A story that has not left the stage, has been filmed countless times - and has not yet lost the boundless charm of passion - destructive, destructive, blind passion - but all the more bewitching with its greatness.

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Master and Margarita. Michael Bulgakov

This is the most mysterious novel in history Russian literature XX century This is a novel that is almost officially called “The Gospel of Satan.” This is “The Master and Margarita”. A book that can be read and reread dozens, hundreds of times, but most importantly, it is still impossible to understand. So, which pages of “The Master and Margarita” were dictated by the Forces of Light?

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Wuthering Heights. Emily Bronte

Mystery novel included in the top ten best novels of all times and peoples! The story of a stormy, truly demonic passion that has been exciting the imagination of readers for more than one and a half hundred years. Katie gave her heart to her cousin, but ambition and a thirst for wealth push her into the arms of a rich man. Forbidden attraction turns into a curse for secret lovers, and one day.

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Eugene Onegin. Alexander Pushkin

Have you read “Onegin”? What can you say about “Onegin”? These are the questions that are constantly repeated among writers and Russian readers,” noted the writer, enterprising publisher and, by the way, the hero of Pushkin’s epigrams, Thaddeus Bulgarin, after the publication of the second chapter of the novel. For a long time now it has not been customary to evaluate ONEGIN. In the words of the same Bulgarin, it is “written in Pushkin’s poems. That's enough."

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Cathedral Notre Dame of Paris. Victor Hugo

A story that has survived centuries, become canon and given its heroes the glory of household names. A story of love and tragedy. The love of those to whom love was not given and not allowed - by religious dignity, physical weakness or someone else's evil will. The gypsy Esmeralda and the deaf hunchback bell-ringer Quasimodo, the priest Frollo and the captain of the royal riflemen Phoebus de Chateaupert, the beautiful Fleur-de-Lys and the poet Gringoire.

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Gone With the Wind. Margaret Mitchell

The Great Saga of Civil War in the USA and about the fate of the wayward and ready to go over heads Scarlett O'Hara was first published more than 70 years ago and does not become outdated to this day. This is Margaret Mitchell's only novel for which she received a Pulitzer Prize. A story about a woman whom neither an unconditional feminist nor a staunch supporter of house-building is ashamed to emulate.

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Romeo and Juliet. William Shakespeare

This is the highest tragedy about love that human genius can create. A tragedy that has been filmed and is being filmed. A tragedy that does not leave the theater stage to this day - and to this day it sounds as if it was written yesterday. Years and centuries go by. But one thing remains and will forever remain unchanged: “There is no sadder story in the world than the story of Romeo and Juliet...”

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The Great Gatsby. Francis Fitzgerald

“The Great Gatsby” is the pinnacle not only in Fitzgerald’s work, but also one of the highest achievements in world prose of the 20th century. Although the novel takes place in the “roaring” twenties of the last century, when fortunes were made literally from nothing and yesterday’s criminals became millionaires overnight, this book lives outside of time, because, telling the story of the broken destinies of the generation of the “Jazz Age”.

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Three Musketeers. Alexandr Duma

The most famous historical and adventure novel by Alexandre Dumas tells about the adventures of the Gascon d'Artagnan and his musketeer friends at the court of King Louis XIII.

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Count of Monte Cristo. Alexandr Duma

The book presents one of the most exciting adventure novels of the French classic literature of the 19th century century of Alexandre Dumas.

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Triumphal Arch. Erich Remarque

One of the most beautiful and tragic novels about love in history European literature. The story of a refugee from Nazi Germany Dr. Ravic and the beautiful Joan Madu, entangled in the “unbearable lightness of being,” takes place in pre-war Paris. And the alarming time in which these two happened to meet and fall in love with each other becomes one of the main characters of the Arc de Triomphe.

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The man who laughs. Victor Hugo

Gwynplaine, a lord by birth, was sold as a child to comprachicos bandits, who made a fair jester out of the child, carving a mask of “eternal laughter” on his face (at the courts of the European nobility of that time there was a fashion for cripples and freaks who amused the owners). Despite all the trials, Gwynplaine retained the best human qualities and your love.

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Martin Eden. Jack London

A simple sailor, in whom it is easy to recognize the author himself, goes through a long, hardship-filled path to literary immortality... By chance, he finds himself in secular society, Martin Eden is doubly happy and surprised... both by the creative gift that has awakened in him, and by the divine image of young Ruth Morse, so unlike all the people he knew before... From now on, two goals are relentlessly facing him.

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Sister Kerry. Theodore Dreiser

The publication of Theodore Dreiser's first novel was fraught with such difficulties that it led its creator to severe depression. But further fate The novel “Sister Carrie” turned out to be lucky: it was translated into many foreign languages, reprinted in millions of copies. New and new generations of readers enjoy immersing themselves in the vicissitudes of Caroline Mieber's fate.

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American tragedy. Theodore Dreiser

The novel “An American Tragedy” is the pinnacle of the work of the outstanding American writer Theodore Dreiser. He said: “No one creates tragedies - life creates them. Writers only portray them.” Dreiser managed to portray the tragedy of Clive Griffiths so talentedly that his story does not leave the modern reader indifferent.

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Les Misérables. Victor Hugo

Jean Valjean, Cosette, Gavroche - the names of the heroes of the novel have long become household names, the number of its readers in the century and a half since the publication of the book has not become smaller, the novel has not lost popularity. A kaleidoscope of faces from all walks of French society first half of the 19th century centuries, bright, memorable characters, sentimentality and realism, intense, exciting plot.

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The adventures of the good soldier Schweik. Jaroslav Hasek

A great, original and outrageous novel. A book that can be perceived both as a “soldier’s tale” and as classic, directly related to the traditions of the Renaissance. This is a sparkling text that makes you laugh until you cry, and a powerful call to “put down your arms,” and one of the most objective historical evidence in satirical literature.

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Iliad. Homer

The attractiveness of Homer’s poems is not only that their author introduces us to a world separated from modernity by tens of centuries and yet unusually real thanks to the genius of the poet, who preserved in his poems the beat of contemporary life. Homer's immortality lies in the fact that in his brilliant creations contains inexhaustible reserves of universal human enduring values ​​- reason, goodness and beauty.

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St. John's wort. James Cooper

Cooper managed to find and describe in his books that originality and unexpected brightness recently open continent, which managed to captivate the whole of modern Europe. Every new novel The writer was eagerly awaited. The exciting adventures of the fearless and noble hunter and tracker Natty Bumppo captivated both young and adult readers..

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Doctor Zhivago. Boris Pasternak

The novel “Doctor Zhivago” is one of the outstanding works of Russian literature, throughout for long years remained closed for wide range readers in our country, who knew about him only through scandalous and unscrupulous party criticism.

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Don Quixote. Miguel Cervantes

What do the names of Amadis of Gaul, Palmer of England, Don Belianis of Greece, Tirant the White tell us today? But it was precisely as a parody of the novels about these knights that “The Cunning Hidalgo Don Quixote of La Mancha” by Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra was created. And this parody has survived the genre being parodied for centuries. “Don Quixote” was recognized as the best novel in the entire history of world literature.

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Ivanhoe. Walter Scott

"Ivanhoe" - key work in the series of novels by W. Scott, which take us to medieval England. The young knight Ivanhoe, who secretly returned from the Crusade to his homeland and was deprived of his inheritance by the will of his father, will have to defend his honor and love beautiful lady Rowena... King Richard will come to his aid Lion Heart and the legendary robber Robin Hood.

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Headless horseman. Reed Main

The plot of the novel is constructed so skillfully that it keeps you in suspense until the very end. last page. It is no coincidence that the exciting story of the noble mustanger Maurice Gerald and his lover, the beautiful Louise Poindexter, investigating the sinister mystery of the headless horseman, whose figure terrifies the inhabitants of the savannah when he appears, is extremely beloved by readers in Europe and Russia.

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Dear friend. Guy de Maupassant

The novel “Dear Friend” became one of the symbols of the era. This is the most strong romance Maupassant. Through the story of Georges Duroy, who is making his way to the top, the true morals of high French society are revealed; the spirit of corruption that reigns in all its spheres contributes to the fact that an ordinary and immoral person, such as Maupassant’s hero, easily achieves success and wealth.

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Dead Souls. Nikolay Gogol

The publication of the first volume of N. Gogol’s “Dead Souls” in 1842 caused heated controversy among contemporaries, splitting society into fans and opponents of the poem. “...Speaking of “ Dead souls“-you can talk a lot about Russia...” - this judgment of P. Vyazemsky explained main reason disputes. The author’s question is still relevant: “Rus, where are you rushing, give me the answer?”

The jury of 'The Top Ten: Writers Pick Their Favorite Books', led by a New York Times columnist, included: famous writers like: Jonathan Franzen, recognized by Times magazine as the best American novelist, author of the novel “The Emperor's Children” Claire Mesud, Joyce Carol Oates, famous American novelist, and many others. The writers compiled lists of the top 10 novels and writers by looking at 544 titles. The novels were scored from 1 to 10.

Ten greatest writers of all times, according to the total number of points scored:

1. Leo Tolstoy – 327

One of the most widely known Russian writers and thinkers, revered as one of the world's greatest writers. Participant in the defense of Sevastopol.
A writer recognized during his lifetime as the head of Russian literature, whose work marked new stage in the development of Russian and world realism, becoming a kind of bridge between the traditions of classical novel XIX century and literature of the 20th century.
The most famous works of Tolstoy are the novels “War and Peace”, “Anna Karenina”, “Resurrection”, the autobiographical trilogy “Childhood”, “Adolescence”, “Youth”, the stories “Cossacks”, “The Death of Ivan Ilyich”, “Kreutzerova” sonata", "Hadji Murat", series of essays " Sevastopol stories", dramas "The Living Corpse" and "The Power of Darkness", autobiographical religious and philosophical works "Confession" and "What is my faith?" and etc.

2. William Shakespeare – 293

English poet and playwright, often considered the greatest writer in the English language and one of the world's best playwrights. Often called the national poet of England. The surviving works, including some written jointly with other authors, consist of 38 plays, 154 sonnets, 4 poems and 3 epitaphs. Shakespeare's plays have been translated into all major languages ​​and are performed more often than the works of other playwrights.
Most of Shakespeare's works were written between 1589 and 1613. His early plays are mainly comedies and chronicles, in which Shakespeare excelled considerably. Then a period of tragedies began in his work, including the works “Hamlet”, “King Lear”, “Othello” and “Macbeth”, which are considered among the best in history. English language. At the end of his career, Shakespeare wrote several tragicomedies and also collaborated with other writers.

3. James Joyce – 194

Irish writer and poet, representative of modernism, Joyce significantly influenced world culture. He remains one of the most widely read English-language prose writers in our time. In 1998, Modern Library compiled a list of the "100 Best Novels Newest library", which includes all three of James Joyce's novels: Ulysses (number 1 on the list), A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man (number 3) and Finnegans Wake (number 77). In 1999, Time magazine included the writer in its list of “100 Heroes and Idols of the 20th Century,” saying that Joyce carried out an entire revolution. Ulysses has been called "the demonstration and summing up of the entire modern movement [of modernism]."

4. Vladimir Nabokov – 190

Russian and American writer, poet, translator and entomologist.

Nabokov's works are characterized by complex literary technique, a deep analysis of the emotional state of the characters combined with an unpredictable, sometimes almost thriller plot. Among the most famous examples of Nabokov’s creativity are the novels “Mashenka”, “The Defense of Luzhin”, “Invitation to Execution”, “The Gift”. The writer gained fame among the general public after the publication of the scandalous novel “Lolita,” which was subsequently adapted into several film adaptations (1962, 1997).

5. Fyodor Dostoevsky – 177

One of the most significant and famous Russian writers and thinkers in the world. Dostoevsky's work had a great influence on Russian and world culture. Literary heritage The writer is assessed differently both at home and abroad. In the West, where Dostoevsky's novels have been popular since the early twentieth century, his work has had a significant influence on such generally liberal-minded movements as existentialism, expressionism and surrealism. Many see him as the forerunner of existentialism literary critics. However, abroad Dostoevsky is usually assessed primarily as an outstanding writer and psychologist, while his ideology is ignored or almost completely rejected.