The full name is written as Slava. Vyacheslav: what does this name mean, and how does it affect the character and destiny of a person. Different languages

The name Slava is a name Slavic origin and is prevalent predominantly among Slavic peoples. The most widespread version is that The name Slava means "glorious". All names that use the root "slav" are considered partially related. These are names such as Vladislava, Vyacheslava, Miloslava, Miroslava, Rostislava, Stanislava, Svyatoslava, Cheslava, Yaroslava. In addition, the name Slava is a short form of all these names.

The meaning of the name Slava for a girl

Already in childhood Slava’s leadership character manifests itself. She is an active and persistent girl who has an immeasurable amount of energy. Slava prefers “male” games and often becomes the leader of a group of boys. She is a very lively and mischievous girl. It is worth noting the intractable nature of Slava. Don't try to force Slava to do anything. Learn to do what she wants. Parents will have to become an example for the child, because this is the only way they can control her.

Slava can study well, but only if she is interested in it. Most often, this depends on the talents of the teaching staff, which often causes problems. But if Slava is imbued with sympathy for the subject, then it will be difficult to find a more enthusiastic person. She enjoys immersing herself in a subject that interests her and can achieve very serious success in it. It is worth noting that it is not uncommon for Slava to find a hobby outside school curriculum. Usually it is this hobby that has a serious impact on her entire future life.

The girl's health is usually good, and her high vitality will be noticeable not only in childhood. Besides, Fame is growing athletic child. She enjoys playing any active games available. But forced inaction is very hard to bear. Slava definitely needs to move.

Short name Slava

Slavka, Slavchik.

Diminutive pet names

Slavochka, Slavushka, Slavonka, Slavulya, Slavulka, Slavunya, Slavunka, Slavusya, Slavuska.

Name Slava in English

IN English language there is no name Slava, and therefore the transliteration of the name is used - Slava.

Name Slava for international passport- SLAVA.

Church name Slava(V Orthodox faith) undefined. The name Slava is not in church calendar, which means church name will necessarily be different from the worldly.

Characteristics of the name Slava

As he grows up, Slava's sense of purpose becomes one of main features her character. Given her energy, characteristic of her since childhood, Slava almost always achieves her goal. However, for all his determination, Slava rarely shares his plans with anyone. It can also be noted that Slava tries to do everything perfectly. She is a perfectionist, and in all areas of her activity. And almost everywhere she succeeds. It is worth noting that the owner of the name has an excellent sense of taste. She always looks stylish and knows how to make a stunning impression.

Slava works successfully and with great enthusiasm. The best motivation for Slava is usually money, but other methods of motivation are also important. Slava values ​​her work and demands an appropriate salary, but her professionalism is worth it. Whatever Slava undertakes, she succeeds.

IN family relationships Fame will definitely take the place of leadership. Sometimes she skillfully hides it, but this is rather an exception to the rule. This does not mean at all that Slava will not consult with his loved ones. Not at all. She just leaves the right last word behind you. She's enough Difficult person For life together, but her marriage is often happy.

The secret of the name Slava

The secret of Slava can be called her ability to manipulate people. Slava is often skeptical and conscientious about others. However, it is worth noting her ability to cover up her actions with plausible intentions, although this is far from the case. You should be careful with the owner of the name.

Planet- Uranus.

Zodiac sign- Sagittarius.

Totem animal- Eagle.

Name color- Scarlet.

Tree- Cypress.

Plant- Carnation.

Stone- Agate.

Rare female name Glory has ancient origins, and its owners are distinguished by a special character due to the masculine energy of such a word.

Where does this name come from

This name has, without a doubt, Slavic roots. It is part of many famous names, originally male (Vladislav, Yaroslav, Mstislav, etc.), from which were formed women's options(Stanislav, Vyacheslav, Miroslav, etc.). Such names are quite common, and from them they form various options. Both the male and female name Slava is most often an abbreviation. However, sometimes it is also used as a full form, the meaning of which corresponds to the concepts of “glorious” or “Slav”. As for its origin, such a name is not recorded in Old Slavonic sources. Its appearance is associated with the fashion for Old Russian names.

Rules for writing and formatting

Since Slava corresponds to the short form of many names with such a stem, it is not further abbreviated. At the same time, there are many options for affectionately addressing its bearer: Slavochka, Slavunya, Slavusya, Slavchik, Slavonka, Slavulya, etc. This name is unknown abroad, so in other languages ​​the transliteration Slava is used for it. IN Orthodox calendar there is no such designation. At baptism, the girl is given a different name, according to which she will celebrate her name day.

The spelling SLAVA is used in the international passport.

Childhood and school years

The literal meaning of the name is manifested in Slavonka’s character already in early age. She is distinguished by her activity and persistence, which often turns into mischief.. Her irrepressible energy splashes out in outdoor games, more suitable for boys, and she often becomes the ringleader in the company of her peers. All attempts by parents to force their daughter to do anything will be doomed to failure. It is better for them to educate Slavusya by their own example and explain that all their demands are aimed at her benefit.

A girl’s school success is directly dependent on the extent to which she is fascinated by the subject, as well as on the level of sympathy for the teacher. If Slava is really interested in something and sees a friendly attitude towards herself, then she will work hard and achieve great success. Very often a girl finds something she likes outside of the school curriculum, and such a hobby can become her future profession.

Slava rarely suffers from anything serious. An active lifestyle has a positive effect on her health, and her physical condition can only worsen during periods of forced inactivity. Slava will make an excellent athlete, but inactivity is contraindicated for her.

Features of adulthood

Over the years, Slava’s energy and determination only increase. At the same time, she develops traits of perfectionism, a desire to do everything perfectly. She does not like to discuss her plans with anyone and prefers to act alone. The bearer of this name always achieves her goals and desired results. At the same time, she practically makes no mistakes, has impeccable taste and looks great.

All this makes a wonderful impression on others. Fame usually enjoys authority, it has wide circle communication. But although her goals and actions seem impeccable, she is actually very critical of other people. Moreover, the woman will not hesitate to use them to her advantage, declaring that she is acting solely for the common good. The secret of Slava’s personality is her ability to cleverly manipulate people.

Love and family

Slava’s activity and good external data attracted the attention of the stronger sex to her even in school years. However, the girl knows her worth and knows how to analyze the advantages and disadvantages of a potential suitor for her heart. She will never lose her head and will not be condescending to his shortcomings.

For a serious relationship, the owner of such a name is looking for a man who will agree to her leadership and the fact that the final word will always be hers. Oddly enough, if she wants, Slava solves this difficult task as successfully as everyone else, and her married life develops quite happily. She understands that the strength of a family depends on how well the interests of all its members are taken into account, so she consults with them on important issues and makes a decision, trying not to injure anyone. The same applies to raising children, for whom Slava tries to do everything as best as possible.

Work and profession

Women with this name determine their interests during their school years, so they acquire the necessary knowledge and skills quite early. The scope of their abilities is very wide: an original fashion designer or designer, a high-level professional in sports, politics, law, finance, etc. Slava achieves excellent results everywhere, but at the same time values ​​her skills and abilities and will not agree to low pay or promises of income in the future. In addition to money, she is also interested in other motives, for example, public recognition, authority, high status. Whatever Slava does, she will do it in the best possible way.

The origin and meaning of the name Vyacheslav lies in the fusion of two roots - “vyache”, which is translated as “better” or “more”, and “slav”, that is, “glory”. It turns out that the meaning of the name Vyacheslav is “more glorious.”

The name is used most often in Slavic countries, including Bulgaria, Poland, Slovakia, and the Czech Republic. It is less common in other states. Its initial forms looked like this: Vecheslav, Vyacheslav. Today they have mutated to Wenceslaus or Wenceslas.

The meaning of a name for a child

For a boy, the meaning of the name Vyacheslav is kindness, mobility, and barely perceptible impulsiveness. The baby will be very cheerful, active and playful. He is distinguished by his peculiar naivety and loves to spend time playing active games in a large friendly company. But his excessive impulsiveness can often serve as a barrier to communication with other children. If parents do not pay due attention to the emotional component of their child’s life, then increased impulsiveness can become a problem in his teenage and adult life.

Vyacheslav Tretyak

For a child, the meaning of the name Vyacheslav ensures good academic performance. It is not difficult for him to delve into the topic and understand almost any school discipline. This is incredible talented child, which can go far beyond the boundaries of the school curriculum. He will still have a great desire for the exact sciences, namely, for the implementation of acquired knowledge in practice. This can be seen in his Great love to the designers with whom he is ready to tinker all day long.

Even from childhood, a child can notice the meaning of the name Vyacheslav for a boy such as pedantry. Adults are very often surprised and touched by the child’s maximum responsibility and his desire to ensure order in his own things. But for Vyacheslav there is a big difference: he will be happy to create his own interesting order, but if you impose an extraneous opinion or desire on him, then his desire will instantly disappear.

It is very important to get your child into the habit of playing sports from childhood. Despite the fact that by nature he has good health, sports will be very useful for him, as it will help limit his impulsiveness. At the same time, the child’s nervous system will also periodically rest from emotional stress. This boy will be endowed with enormous endurance, so he will be able to conquer any sports where functional loads are a priority.

Personal life

The name Vyacheslav - the meaning of the name and fate in your personal life will not be connected with the desire to start a family. Yes, the meaning of the name Vyacheslav will allow a man to become an excellent and even ideal companion for women if they together manage to overcome the moment of grinding into each other. A man with the name Vyacheslav, which means “most glorious,” will never be able to forgive his betrayal of a woman. In other cases, his chosen one will have fun and ease with him. He will sincerely love his family and do household chores with joy.

Very often leads to a breakdown in relationships complex nature Vyacheslav. He persistently tries in every way to push the woman away and does not strive to find common ground with her. Therefore, starting a family is often quite late. Men with this name often become good fathers. With age, they gain experience, only then do they become ideal family men and begin to live up to the title of head of the family.

Before marriage, in relationships with women, the meaning of the name Vyacheslav allows a man to behave relaxed in intimate relationships and communication. They often choose more experienced partners, to appearance which have increased demands. Such qualities as the manifestation of imagination, tenderness, affection and ingenuity make women become attached to Vyacheslav for a long time and sincerely love him.

In relation to his chosen one, Vyacheslav tries to be as attentive as possible, studies all her desires and feels his responsibility to her. Smells are very important to this man. If he doesn’t like the scent of his partner, he can break up with her at any time without explaining the circumstances.

Business and career

A talented boy Vyacheslav, who excels in studies in all subjects, will also be able to successfully realize himself in any field of activity. The character and meaning of the name Vyacheslav are best manifested in areas where there is healthy competition. You can see many examples of Slaviks who successfully realized themselves in sports, where they were able to show their perseverance, determination, grit, passion and endurance.

If this team game, then Vyacheslav is usually the most respected person there, that is, the captain. According to the meaning of the name, Vyacheslav can become a leader, where his organizational skills, honesty and justice will be demonstrated. He will become a wise and reliable mentor-friend for his subordinates, who skillfully combine their own interests with the benefits of a common occupation.

Not many people know what the name Vyacheslav means for a man: financial success. He has great prospects and many financial opportunities. Any business started from scratch can lead to material well-being.

This man will most like technical professions. Slava can become a successful archivist or accountant. It would be better for him to be a hired worker, although he would also make a good businessman. Employers will value him for his scrupulousness, responsibility, punctuality, good manners, and conscientiousness. He always finishes what he starts, but does not show much enthusiasm or initiative at work.

Character of the name

For Vyacheslav, the meaning of the name is enormous endurance and patience. This man is a great worker. Since childhood, he has been accustomed to doing everything himself and not asking for help from others, he does not need outside advice. Prefers to cope alone life problems and difficulties. His goal is constant self-improvement. He constantly finds new things to do. He likes to study foreign languages, visit various sections, go to the pool, refuse to drink alcohol.

The nature of the name, meaning and fate of Vyacheslav are often associated with his temperament - he is a sanguine person, distinguished by shyness and modesty at the same time. This is the most honest, decent, open and straightforward person. His character simultaneously combines gentleness and enormous pressure, but his nervous system is rather weak.

Sometimes this man is overcome by a wave of anger, which he gives full vent to, after which he very quickly cools down and comes to his senses. Slava’s impulsiveness, not suppressed by her parents even in childhood, can result in the commission of various rash acts in adulthood.

The most glorious, which means the name Vyacheslav, does not tolerate deception, especially from women. If the deception was revealed by him, then his chosen one will forever lose the trust of this man. He attracts women with his charm and kindness.

A person named Vyacheslav, who was born in summer or winter, is distinguished by such qualities as stubbornness, perseverance and has excellent health. Men born in spring and autumn are endowed with a tougher disposition and have problems with the cardiovascular system.

Vyacheslav is a loyal and reliable friend. You should not expect betrayal, envy, gloating or dirty tricks from him. But if he has to choose between his own well-being and helping a friend, then the latter will not receive protection and support from him.

The secret of the name Vyacheslav

The main secret of the name Vyacheslav is a predisposition to pride and narcissism. It is a man’s impulsiveness that prompts the manifestation of these harmful qualities. The people around him should be attentive to such a deficiency and try with all their might to slow down the development of the unfavorable feature.

The meaning of the name Vyacheslav corresponds to the following astrological criteria:

  • patron planet - Venus;
  • zodiac constellation – Libra;
  • totem animal - buffalo;
  • talisman stone – topaz;
  • auspicious tree - nut;
  • shade – pale golden.


Slavik will have successful relationships with women named Valentina, Antonina, Maria, Polina. He should also marry Anna, Irina, Margarita, Larisa, Elena, Yulia. Difficult relationships will arise in a man with Valeria, Inna, Alla, Lilia, Oksana, Tatyana.

From this article you will learn what the name Vyacheslav means for a boy and a man. If you are considering it for your son, then it is best to carefully read the information below to note for yourself what significance this name carries for the child.

The name Vyacheslav, abbreviated as Slava, consists of two Old Russian words"vyache" and "glory", which in translation mean “more” and “glory”, so it is interpreted as “more glorious”. This name is popular in Russian-speaking countries, as well as in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland and Bulgaria. Complete male name Vyacheslav is usually abbreviated as Slava or Slavik.

  • The name Vyacheslav has great value for boy. As a child, the bearer of the name Vyacheslav is quite active, cheerful child. It is worth noting his excessive impulsiveness, and at a young age give this quality special significance so that it does not accompany a person throughout his life.

    The boy grows up obedient and kind, but sometimes many perceive his kindness as naivety. The child is friendly and loves funny Games, but they can show excessive emotionality, thereby scaring away children.

  • During his school years, Vyacheslav shows great success in his studies and is even ready to take extra classes to learn even more about science. He has a predisposition to the exact sciences, so parents should pay attention to this and develop the child’s abilities already at this age. Slavik loves construction kits and is ready to devote all of his time to them free time. To the surprise of adults, the boy is pedantic and always keeps order in his territory, but not outside it.

During his school years, Vyacheslav shows great success in his studies and is even ready to engage in additional activities

  • Adult Vyacheslav is endowed with such character traits as kindness, decency, simplicity and conservatism. Impulsivity is no longer so clearly manifested in communication, but sometimes it can be driven out of one's temper. Slava shows the makings of a leader, and these qualities are more clearly visible in the matter that will most interest the owner of this Slavic name.
  • TO positive traits Vyacheslav's character can be attributed to the desire for leadership without selfishness and ambition. He is relatively calm about his own achievements or expected business, and sees in this race exclusively “sporting interest.” He is very honest and fair, and for these qualities he received great respect from others. He is ready to support the weak or losers, and is also a patriot of his country. This guy is also funny and makes a great conversationalist.

  • TO negative traits character can be attributed to his tendency to become depressed if he was treated unfairly. In such a situation, he is capable of coming into conflict with absolutely anyone. He is not entirely picky about people, and may end up in dubious company. But even in the criminal world he will earn respect for his desire for justice.

The secret of such a man’s name is narcissism and pride. They are the ones who cause his impulsive behavior. If a man named Vyacheslav is significant to you, you should not irritate him with or without reason, so as not to cause such a reaction.

  • The owner of the name also needs to attach importance to this feature of his behavior and better think about decisions made. He is surrounded by a huge number of friends and even more acquaintances. He values ​​friendship, is attentive and caring towards others, but if he has to defend a friend and risk his reputation or life, he will most likely step aside and watch what is happening at a safe distance.

Vyacheslav Dovzhenko - actor


  • As a child, a boy has good health, but it's better to strengthen it sports activities. Often, due to increased impulsiveness at a young age, a child may ignore preparation and warm-up before main activities, which can lead to injury. Both the child and the coach should know about this, and give higher value warm-up
  • An adult Vyacheslav should pay attention to the nervous system and be less susceptible to emotional disorders. Against this background, the food system may suffer, so you should improve the quality and diet of your diet. You should not get carried away with alcohol, otherwise you can drag yourself into a “hole”. Healthy sleep will be the reason Have a good mood and well-being.

Vyacheslav Gennadievich Butusov is a Soviet and Russian rock musician, leader and vocalist of the rock groups Nautilus Pompilius and U-Piter, writer.

Marriage and family

  • The bearer of the name Vyacheslav is popular with women, but is in no hurry to seal the relationship by marriage.
  • After marriage, he can show himself from a completely different side. If you awaken his leadership qualities, he will become a good family man, loving husband and father. He does not tolerate female infidelity, and he himself is inclined to remain faithful in marriage. He will not forgive a woman if he catches her in deception. He does not show love for children right away; it may take some time to get used to the title of father. Likes to do household chores and keeps order. Quite hospitable and responsive.

Vyacheslav is popular with women, but is in no hurry to seal the relationship with marriage

Career and hobbies

He will choose a profession in which he needs to work with his hands and equipment, and in this area he will be able to become a good leader. It will be more difficult for him to start a business, but those who become exceptions are lucky. He is generous and ready to do charity work.

Vyacheslav celebrates his name day on October 11, March 7 and 17. On October 11th it is customary to spray children sacred water from the evil eye and bindings.


  • Vyacheslav Polunin, variety artist, National artist Russia.
  • V. Kotenochkin, animation director.
  • V. Butusov, musician.
  • V. Shalevich, People's Artist of the RSFSR.
  • V. Tikhonov, People's Artist of the USSR.
  • Vyacheslav Dobrynin, famous composer and singer, and others.

Vyacheslav Grigorievich Dobrynin - Soviet and Russian composer, crooner, author of about 1000 songs.

Other options

Dear readers, now you have found out what the name Slava means. I would like to note that a person’s fate will be influenced not only by his name, but also by his date of birth and patronymic. When choosing a name for your child, take this fact into account, and also pay attention to its consonance with the surname and patronymic. On this site you will find other name options that you can consider for your son. I suggest reading the characteristics of some of them.

  • The native is patient and painstaking in any matter. He can focus on one thing and get things done. Does not strive for leadership, but knows how to make good money. Home comfort and family warmth are important to him, so the woman who can provide this to him will become the happiest wife.
  • Loves to charm others. He tries to please everyone and expects the same attitude towards himself. He loves to travel, so he will choose an attractive wife, easy-going, who cooks deliciously.
  • A successful person is. He has well-developed leadership qualities, he is able to soberly assess any situation, and makes thoughtful decisions. He loves to look after a woman and present her with pleasant surprises.

Dear readers, write in the comments what name you have already chosen for your baby, and what qualities in him are more valuable to you. I wish you success and good health!

Vyacheslav - sonorous and beautiful name. It endows its owner with pronounced leadership qualities. But championship for such a man is not a means to stroke his pride, but an opportunity to satisfy a simple sporting interest. In many ways, the character of Slava depends on the date of his birth.

Origin of the name

Vyacheslav - Old Russian name. It is formed by the words “vyache” and “slava” and means “the most glorious”, “possessing the greatest glory”.

Ancient analogues of the name, still common among some peoples, are Wenceslaus, Wenceslas.

Forms named after Vyacheslav

Short forms of the name:

  • Glory;
  • Slavik;
  • Vyachik;
  • Vyacha;
  • Vyachko;
  • Vatsus;
  • Venek.

The shortened form Slava makes this name similar to many others, both male and female: Miloslava, Bronislava, Zlatoslava, etc.

Diminutive forms:

  • Slavushka;
  • Slavochka;
  • Vyacheslavushka.

When writing poems about a man with this name, you can use the following rhymes: Vyacheslav - headlong, alloy, strong character, Glory - power, frame, right.

Photo gallery: name forms

Vyacheslav - full form of the name
Slava is the most popular short form of the name Vyacheslav Slavushka is one of the variants of affectionate address to Vyacheslav

The church form of the name is Vyacheslav.

Transliteration of the name for a foreign passport is VIACHESLAV.

The patronymics formed from this name are Vyacheslavovich and Vyacheslavovna.

The Vyacheslavovichs are strong-willed, but stubborn and wayward men. Vyacheslavovnas are independent, active and impulsive.

Table: name options in different languages

LanguageIt is writtenReading
Chinese维亚切斯拉夫 Wei ya kye silafu
Japaneseヴィシャスラフ Vuishasurafu
FrenchWenceslas, VenceslasWenceslas
SpanishWenceslao, WenceslaoWenceslao
Arabفياتشيسلاف Fjatshislaf
CzechVáclav, VěnceslavVaclav, Wenceslaus
PolishWaclaw, Wienczyslaw, WienczyslawVaclav, Venchislav, Vinchislav
BelorussianVyachaslav, VatslauVyachaslav, Vaclav

Middle names that go with the first name

The following patronymics are harmoniously combined with the name Vyacheslav:

  • Andreevich;
  • Borisovich;
  • Vitalievich;
  • Mihailovich;
  • Evgenyevich.

Nickname options for social networks

  • slava;
  • vyacheslav;
  • s1avon;
  • slav4ik;
  • viaseslav.

Patron saints of Vyacheslav, name day dates

Patron saints of men with this name:

  • Hieromartyr and Deacon Vyacheslav Lukanin;
  • Hieromartyr and Priest Vyacheslav Zakedsky;
  • Hieromartyr and Priest Vyacheslav Infantov;
  • Hieromartyr and Priest Vyacheslav Zankov;
  • Hieromartyr and Priest Vyacheslav of the Belogorsk St. Nicholas Monastery;
  • passion-bearer Prince Vyacheslav of Czech.

Prince Vyacheslav of the Czech Republic was raised by his grandmother Lyudmila in the Christian faith. He was educated and spoke several languages. He ascended the throne when he was 18 years old. He ruled fairly and wisely, tried to spread Christianity, and built churches. At the same time, he was merciful to non-believers, for example, he ransomed pagan children sold into slavery, abolished the death penalty, and prohibited torture.

Vyacheslav of Czech - patron saint of men with this name

Vyacheslav's name day is celebrated:

  • January 14;
  • March 17;
  • August 16, 23 and 25;
  • October 11 and 13.

On Vyacheslav, March 17, children were placed on the threshold of the house and sprinkled with water from a sieve. It was believed that this would protect children from the evil eye and improve their health.

Characteristics and influence of the name

Positive traits:

  • desire for leadership;
  • persistence;
  • sincerity;
  • patriotism;
  • readiness to defend the offended.

Negative features:

  • painfully experiences any manifestation of injustice;
  • promiscuity;
  • stubbornness.

Slavochka in childhood

As a child, Slavochka is active, kind, sensitive and inquisitive. This boy enjoys participating in active games and starts various pranks himself. He has a lot of friends. However, it is sometimes difficult for a child to communicate due to his impulsiveness and hot-tempered nature.

As a child, Slavochka enjoys participating in active games

Vyacheslav has been different since childhood heightened senses justice. He openly speaks the truth to his face, regardless of who is in front of him: a peer or an adult. The boy is ready to defend his opinion by any means: both by talking and with the help of his fists. If he fails to protect the offended person, he may even burst into tears.

An analytical mind, pedantry and a wonderful memory help Slava in her studies. Almost all school subjects are easy for him. Moreover, the boy strives to study not only in class, but also in his free time, reading books and watching educational videos. Vyacheslav especially likes exact sciences.

Glory Teen

Young Slava is a fair and straightforward guy. He is smart and independent, even when he needs support, he will never ask his loved ones for it. Parents' advice is important to him, but only as a recommendation. Vyacheslav will not blindly obey adults. He is sure that you need to build your own life, and not be someone’s puppet.

Young Vyacheslav is distinguished by his straightforwardness and desire for justice

Such a guy is constantly engaged in self-development. Slava actively participates in various events educational institution, so he splashes out his irrepressible energy. Friends appreciate his honesty, great sense of humor and positive outlook on the world. People often turn to him for practical advice and real support.

Despite his popularity among his peers, the guy is shy and vulnerable. He is greatly offended by any deception from the outside. loved one. Betrayal can make Slava distrustful and alienated. His own impulsiveness also complicates life for young Vyacheslav.

The influence of a name on the character and fate of an adult man

According to Boris Khigir, Vyacheslav reacts sharply to injustice. He may flare up, quit abruptly, or cause a big scandal. Cannot control his outbursts of anger. Such a man is reliable, economical, punctual and responsible.

According to Khigir, Vyacheslav has a hot-tempered, explosive character

Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima believe that the energy of the name puts Vyacheslav before a choice: to strengthen his character and realize his need for leadership, or, when faced with difficulties and disappointments, to give up. However, usually such a man perceives any challenge with sporting passion and overcomes it.

According to Mendelev, the owner of this name is distinguished by conservatism, gentleness and sociability. Vyacheslav's views on the world largely depend on the beliefs of those around him. Doesn't like long, hard work. Such a man has many friends and acquaintances, he is a devoted husband and loving father.

Talents and hobbies

Vyacheslav's main hobby is sports. It contains everything that this man likes: fairness, clear rules, activity, competition. Even if the owner of such a name does not achieve success as a professional athlete, then regular training help him stay in shape.

At any age, Vyacheslav loves to play sports

In any situation, Slava makes a choice in favor of greater activity. On vacation, he is unlikely to want to lie on the beach and sunbathe. Rather, he will go to the mountains or begin to conquer the waves on the surf. Another man's passion is cars.

Career and business of Vyacheslav

Vyacheslav’s responsibility, scrupulousness and pedantry help him achieve success in any field. He loves work and gives back. professional activity most of its time. At the same time, such a man does not have exorbitant ambitions. His main goal is to conscientiously carry out assigned tasks. However, Slava will not refuse the post of leader.

Vyacheslav takes his work responsibly and seriously

It is difficult for someone with such a name to be a boss. A measured rhythm of life and a clear sequence of tasks are important to him. The manager often has to control everything at once, and also quickly respond to changes. At the same time, employees value Vyacheslav for his fairness, responsible attitude and sincerity.

Such a man can build his own successful business. His excellent organizational skills help him in this. Honesty and the ability to be responsible for your words allow you to earn high authority among business partners.


Due to excessive emotionality, Vyacheslav may have problems with nervous system. It is important for him to learn to calm down and tame his impulses. Yoga classes will help him with this, breathing exercises or just regular walks fresh air and good sleep. Such a man should also pay attention to the condition of the respiratory system.

It is important for Vyacheslav to learn to control his emotions

Love and marriage of Vyacheslav

Vyacheslav's sincerity, his gallantry and energy ensure his success with women. He enjoys this popularity. At the same time, he starts a serious relationship with a girl who captivates him with her beauty, erudition, thriftiness and tenderness. Such a man is ready to search for his ideal lady for more than one year.

Slava is passionate and temperamental, his intimate life interesting and varied. The owner of this name prefers women who are liberated and experienced. Does not accept any prohibitions or restrictions in the sexual sphere. He shows extraordinary tenderness towards his chosen one, he is attentive to her desires.

Vyacheslav wants to see a beautiful, smart and independent woman next to him

Vyacheslav is usually in no hurry to get married. He wants to enjoy freedom, and then devote his whole life to one girl. The wife of such a man should become both a passionate lover and true friend, and a brilliant hostess.

Usually he chooses a beautiful, intelligent and independent lady as his other half. However, this is not a very suitable match for him. It will be easier for the owner of this name to get along with a patient and calm young lady. Slava helps his wife with housekeeping and enjoys taking care of the children. It is important for him from time to time to give him the opportunity to spend time with friends, to take a break from family life

. Such a man is capable of betrayal; to prevent this, it is important for his wife to remain attractive and desirable to her chosen one.

Table: compatibility with female namesNameCompatibility in loveMarriage Compatibility
Features of relationships70% 100% Olga
A strong alliance. The woman supports her ambitious lover in everything. She runs the household, and Vyacheslav provides the family with material wealth.70% 90% Anna
Vyacheslav conquers Anna with his activity and assertiveness. Such people can build a prosperous family. The woman does not pretend to be the leader in the couple, and Slava takes care of the fragile and tender beloved.70% 30% Elena
The partners are comfortable together and have excellent sexual compatibility. But Lena’s restlessness tires Vyacheslav and makes him jealous. Because of this, the couple may break up.90% 40% Julia
Self-realization and career success are important to a girl, but it is important to a man that his beloved maintains comfort in the home. The passion that arises between them in the first months of the relationship will not be able to keep them close.90% 60% Both partners are active and cheerful. Mutual understanding reigns in their relationship. But the excessive emotionality of Nastya and Slava leads to numerous quarrels. Conflicts can destroy their union.
Tatiana80% 80% An interesting relationship, filled with passion and bright emotions. An obstacle to a happy marriage can be the difference in the interests of the partners: Slava strives for stability, and Tatyana needs adventure.
Catherine70% 40% Partners are brought closer together common interests and originality of views. But a happy life together is hampered by the independence of both. But Katya and Slava can become true friends.
Natalia50% 40% A vulnerable girl likes a reliable and attentive man. Natalya gives him love and understanding, but over time, Slava’s love of freedom begins to irritate her, and they may separate.
Maria90% 60% Partners look closely at each other for a long time and are in no hurry to get closer. Such a scrupulous approach to choosing the other half bears fruit - their union can become strong and prosperous.
Irina70% 40% For such a couple, joint self-development plays an important role. This allows Ira and Slava to remain interesting to each other. The stumbling block may be the desire of both for independence.
Svetlana80% 50% The relationship between the bright Svetlana and the ambitious Vyacheslav will only work out if both learn to give in to their other half. Then these people will have an interesting and rich life together.
Victoria70% 40% Both partners are bright and independent. They approach building relationships wisely, focusing not on feelings, but on reason. But Victoria’s independence does not suit Slava, and they may separate.
Ksenia80% 50% A couple of impulsive and temperamental people. Stormy scandals often occur in their relationship. If they learn to seek compromises, they will be able to build a strong and stable union.
Daria50% 40% Vyacheslav wants to maintain his freedom, and Daria does everything to create a comfortable atmosphere for her beloved. Over time, her dissatisfaction accumulates, which can lead to a break.
Evgenia90% 40% Because of the emotionality and love of freedom of such people, conflicts often break out between them. To be happy, partners lack mutual understanding and confidence in each other.
Hope70% 100% For the purposeful and emotional Vyacheslav, the calm and patient Nadezhda becomes the ideal second half. They can become faithful and loving spouses and will be able to build a prosperous union.
Lyudmila80% 30% The relationship between Lyuda and Slava becomes a battlefield for their complex characters. Their ambition and independence clash, leading to frequent quarrels. It is important for partners to learn to give in, otherwise a breakup is inevitable.

The meaning of each letter of the name

B - love of life, optimistic outlook on the world, sociability, honesty. There are two of these letters in the name Vyacheslav, so their influence on character doubles.

I - it is important for such people to maintain self-esteem at a high level. They need to feel the respect of other people, but still they will not adapt to others at the cost of losing their own dignity.

H - generous and romantic. They are distinguished by their hardness moral principles, stubbornly defend their own principles. Ready to selflessly help others.

E - due to independence of judgment, they often find themselves alone. This oppresses them, because communication for such people is vital. Therefore, they can become incredibly intrusive.

S - strive for a prosperous life, love to live for their own pleasure. They may be indiscriminate in the methods used to achieve their goals. Great staff. They show excessive demands on the other half.

L - delicate taste, Creative skills. They know how to appreciate the beauty of nature, other people, and works of art. They love gourmet food.

A - active, purposeful, leaders in everything. They strive to continuously develop and improve.

The eight letters in the name Vyacheslav mean that such a man is prone to shocking behavior. He loves change very much and is capable of sacrificing a lot for the sake of adventure. Loves to shock others with extravagant clothing, dubious connections or provocative behavior. At the same time, it is easy and pleasant to communicate with him.

Table: name matches

StoneAmberGives its owner optimism and inspiration, strong intuition and peace. Helps to realize your plans, attracts good luck and protects against witchcraft.
ColorBrownA sensitive, kind and hardworking man. Because of his own temper, he often gets into various troubles. They don’t listen to the advice of loved ones.
Number4 They are distinguished by determination, practicality, and perseverance. They strive for the goal, regardless of obstacles. They do not tolerate frivolity, careless attitude to business, or hypocrisy. They avoid risk, do not rely on luck, rely only on themselves.
PlanetMarsThey have a strong character and are very persistent. We are ready to use any means to achieve the goal. They can show excessive temper and are too aggressive.
ElementAirSuch a man is always full of ideas and plans, but he often does not have enough time and energy to realize everything he has planned. Sociable, inquisitive, with a great sense of humor. Characterized by initiative and foresight.
AnimalBuffaloIn China, he personifies calm, perseverance and creative power. Americans associate it with prosperity and fertility.
Zodiac signAriesConstantly strive for primacy, leadership, leadership. They have an explosive temperament. Well-mannered, but overly straightforward.
TreeNutSymbolizes abundance, wisdom, iron will and the secrets of the universe, reliably hidden from the curious.
PlantHeatherRepresents loneliness and sadness. White flowers symbolize the fulfillment of desires, and purple flowers symbolize beauty. Heather is used to drive away evil spirits and neutralize magical influence, attract good luck and prosperity into your life.
MetalLeadSymbol of spiritual rebirth. It is believed that this metal protects its owner from witchcraft and any negative energy.
Auspicious dayFriday
Significant years of life14, 38, 52

When was Vyacheslav born?

Winter Vyacheslav is distinguished by stubbornness, perseverance and determination. He goes towards his goal, persistently overcoming all obstacles. Such a man is very straightforward, which many people around him do not like. Can be overly emotional and hot-tempered. It is very difficult for him to control his anger.

Winter Vyacheslav is persistent and purposeful

Slava, born in spring, is kind and sympathetic. Someone else's grief cannot leave him indifferent; such a man always strives to help those in need. He has many friends, and he usually devotes much more time to them than to his own family. Independent and freedom-loving, will not tolerate encroachments on his personal space.

Vyacheslav, born in spring, is kind and sympathetic

In summer, optimistic and cheerful Vyacheslavs are born. They take life lightly and live in harmony with outside world. Such men are hardworking, responsible and meticulous. Thanks to this, they achieve a lot in their work activities. Family is the main value in life for them.

Summer Vyacheslav is cheerful and optimistic

Vyacheslav, who was born in the fall, is serious and reliable. He is distinguished by his tough character and uncompromising nature. This creates a lot of communication problems for a man. However, he will not change for the sake of the sympathy of others. In actions and deeds he is guided only by his own interests and principles.

AriesSuch a man is characterized by good nature and sincerity. He is attentive and caring towards other people. But impulsiveness and the inability to restrain emotions negatively affect his relationships with colleagues and loved ones. However, Vyacheslav-Aries is forgiven a lot for his kind heart. TaurusThe mannered and extravagant Slava-Taurus captivates women with its mystery and enigma. But later the ladies realize that the man will not be able to provide them with stability and will not part with his love of freedom. He needs an easy-going girl who is ready to give up her career. TwinsThis man is distinguished by his temperament and sensuality. He supports active image life and does not tolerate monotony. Vyacheslav-Gemini is attracted to the mystic, he is engaged in spiritual practices, looking for his own place in this world. CancerThe nervous system of such a capricious man is weak and unstable. He often has fits of anger. Can't stand it criticisms, own opinion Vyacheslav-Rak defends with extraordinary stubbornness. Does not recognize authorities, does not listen to anyone's recommendations. a lionA wayward, persistent, strong-willed man who strives for recognition and glory. He talks about his achievements at almost every step. He loves to talk, but most often the conversation is about himself. Women like his courtesy and ability to care. VirgoFor the independent and pragmatic Vyacheslav-Virgo, everything is important practical side question. He is unemotional and does not like to talk about his feelings, but you can always rely on such a man in everything. Hardworking and responsible. ScalesIt is easy and pleasant to communicate with this sincere and erudite man. Friends, colleagues and relatives value Vyacheslav-Libra for his openness, loyalty and willingness to selflessly help. However, sometimes he can show incredible vanity and seemingly unusual selfishness. ScorpionSuch a man is distinguished by his exactingness, responsibility and scrupulous approach to everything. He strives to complete any task perfectly, and expects the same from other people. Sometimes it seems to others that Vyacheslav-Scorpio is constantly dissatisfied with something and it is simply impossible to please him. SagittariusA generous and sincere man who strives to uphold justice in any situation. He is confident that good must necessarily defeat evil. He idealizes those around him, which is why he is often disappointed. With age, he can become withdrawn and unsociable. CapricornAn organized man is distinguished by his concentration and discipline. Patient and diligent. He persistently strives for his goal, even if this path takes him a lot of energy and time. Very rarely trusts other people. AquariusInsight and thoughtfulness are the main character traits of this intellectual. Gives the impression of a wayward and arrogant man. I am not used to taking into account the opinions and interests of other people. Distinguished by mistrust and suspicion. FishA sensitive and meek man, it is difficult for him to make important decisions, so he often follows other people’s lead. For Vyacheslav-Pisces, the support and care of loved ones is extremely important. He marries quite early, and to a strong and strong-willed lady.

Famous people

Famous men with this name:

  • Vyacheslav Polunin - pop artist, mime clown, People's Artist of Russia;
  • Vyacheslav Kotyonochkin - animator director, creator of the cartoon “Well, wait a minute!” and many others;
  • Vyacheslav Butusov - musician, vocalist of the group “Nautilus Pompilius”;
  • Vyacheslav Tikhonov - theater and film actor, People's Artist of the USSR;
  • Vyacheslav Dobrynin - Soviet and Russian composer, pop singer, People's Artist of Russia;
  • Vyacheslav Zaitsev - Soviet and Russian fashion designer, painter and graphic artist, teacher, professor; folk artist Russia;
  • Vyacheslav Platonov - Soviet volleyball player, legendary volleyball coach, Honored Coach of the USSR and the RSFSR;
  • Vyacheslav Zudov - pilot-cosmonaut of the USSR, Hero of the Soviet Union;
  • Vyacheslav Ivanov - Russian symbolist poet, philosopher, translator and playwright, literary critic, teacher; one of the most authoritative figures of the “Silver Age”;
  • Vyacheslav Volodin is a Russian politician, formerly First Deputy Head of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation.

Songs with this name: “Lavochka” by Svetlana Lazareva, “Vyacheslav” by the group “King and the Clown”, “Glory” by Willy Tokarev.

Photo gallery: famous Vyacheslavs

Vyacheslav Butusov - musician Vyacheslav Volodin - Russian politician Vyacheslav Dobrynin - Soviet and Russian composer, pop singer Vyacheslav Zaitsev - Soviet and Russian fashion designer Vyacheslav Zudov - Soviet cosmonaut Vyacheslav Ivanov - Russian symbolist poet Vyacheslav Kotyonochkin - animator director Vyacheslav Platonov - legendary volleyball coach Vyacheslav Polunin - pop artist Vyacheslav Tikhonov - theater and film actor

Vyacheslav has a keen sense of justice. He is accustomed to honesty and strives to live by the rules. He does not forgive anyone for lies and hypocrisy. Such a man erases traitors from his life forever.