Alexander green, short biography. Alexander green interesting facts Information about the author a s green

In a row Soviet writers he stands apart. His books are saturated with the exciting smell of the sea and the thirst for the unrealizable. This is Alexander Green. The writer's biography tells about difficult life path, exile, arrests and escapes. The author reveals himself as a personality in his works.

Biography in dates

Alexander Green was born into a poor family. Year of birth: 1880. Homeland – provincial town Slobodskaya Vyatka province. Parents are not rich people. His father served as an accountant, and his mother worked as a nurse before her marriage.

  • 1896 - Sasha graduated from a four-year school.
  • 1897 – beginning independent life. He worked as a sailor, port marker, digger, census taker, and loader. Wandered around.
  • 1902 – joined regular army, deserted.
  • 1903 – the beginning of revolutionary underground activities.
  • 1906 – first published stories. The year of the final choice of life path.
  • 1903, 1905, 1910 - arrests and exiles.
  • 1908 – break with the underground Social Revolutionaries.
  • 1912 – marriage to V. Abramova.
  • 1918 – divorce, second marriage. New divorce.
  • 1919 – conscription into the Red Army. Typhus. Gorky's help.
  • 1921 – marriage to N. Mironova. New place of residence - Crimea, Feodosia.
  • 1927 – Old Crimea.
  • 1930 – ban on publishing books.
  • 1932 – death.

Real name writer - Grinevsky. Father - Stepan (Stefan) Evseevich Grinevsky, accountant of the zemstvo hospital, exiled Pole. Mother is Russian by nationality, Anna Stepanovna Lepkova. Before the birth of their son, the Grinevskys’ place of residence was Vyatka province (now Kirov region), the city of Slobodskaya, where the boy Sasha was born on August 23 (new style) 1880. In the city of Slobodskoye, the Museum of Romance of Alexander Green opened in 2010.

Sasha was taught basic literacy by his mother. The father made a lot of efforts to ensure that his son received an education. According to the writer’s recollections, his father brought home the first book that six-year-old Sasha read independently.

Important! As a child, Alexander Green was distinguished by his impressionability and dreaminess. The boy learned to read early fictional world books captivated him with their romance and adventure, which was later reflected in his own works.

When Sasha turned 9 years old, he was accepted into the preparatory class of the Vyatka Real School. From the second grade, Sasha Grinevsky was expelled for bad behavior. Childhood ended with the death of his mother in 1895. The father rented a separate house for his son. He knocked on the thresholds of institutions and acquaintances, begging to allow Sasha to complete his education. Young Grinevsky graduated from the city school in 1896.

It is impossible to convey in a short biography all the sorrows that befell the writer in adolescence and youth: early orphanhood, stepmother’s dislike, father’s oversight.


At the age of sixteen he went to Odessa, deciding to become a sailor. He wandered, got sick, lived in a shelter for sailors, and was expelled from it. The future writer was accepted onto the ship as an apprentice. For the apprenticeship it was necessary to pay money, and when there was no money to pay, he left the ship. Grinevsky got a job on a ship heading to the shores of Africa. Having argued with the captain, he was left without a job.

I returned home and could not find work. In search of work, he went to Baku. I was hungry and begging. He was a laborer, dug trenches, painted buildings, worked in a bakery, and fished. He fell ill with malaria and almost died from dehydration.

He returned home - without money, food, a beggar. He went to serve in the army, in the Orovai infantry battalion. The future writer was often put in a punishment cell. He fled from service and was convicted of escape. He made no further attempts to escape. The biography of Alexander Green was replenished with multiple imprisonments, escapes, exiles, and hunger.

Arrests and exiles

In the photo, Alexander Green is 30 years old.

On military service Grinevsky became friends with the revolutionaries. In 1903 he was arrested for revolutionary activities and escaped several times. He was sentenced to 10 years in 1905 and was amnestied.

A new arrest followed a year later, followed by a new exile to the Tobolsk province. He survived three days in exile, ran home to his father, who helped with documents under the surname Malginov.

In 1906, Alexander Grinevsky found his calling and began writing books and publishing. The first stories were confiscated by the police.

In 1908 he broke with the underground. The connection with the revolutionaries and the departure are explained by the relationship with Ekaterina Bibergal. The revolutionary announced a break, Grinevsky shot the woman in the chest. Ekaterina survived; no criminal case was initiated.

Grinevsky lived under a false name until 1910, then another arrest and exile followed. His wife was Vera Abramova. The young people got married in 1912.

In the period from 1913 to 1918, he actively published in popular monthly magazines and worked in the New Satyricon. Before the revolution, he was hiding from the police in Finland.

Revolution and changes in personal life

Alexander Grinevsky met the February revolution in the hope of change. Returned to St. Petersburg.

The changes were daunting. In 1918, he was arrested for articles about the lawlessness of revolutionaries. In the same year, Alexander Green divorced his wife. He married a second time, to M. Dolidze, and divorced again.

In 1919 he was drafted into Soviet army, where the writer fell ill. Great help Gorky provided support - he supported me with food, helped me get housing, and got me a job. This time became the time of creative flowering of the writer, he began to create his best books.

Nina Mironova became Grinevsky's wife in February 1921. They settled in a rented apartment. At the height of the NEP, books were published privately.

Grinevsky published a lot during the NEP years and purchased an apartment in Leningrad. My wife and I moved to the Crimean Peninsula. Wonderful works were written here - “Running on the Waves”, “Golden Chain”.

End of life

Photo 1929

Starting in 1930, Greene was prohibited from reprinting; he was allowed to print one book a year. The Writers' Union did not help, no pension was granted. Life ended in the summer of 1932.

Wikipedia listed the cause of death as stomach cancer; the lungs were also affected. He was buried in Old Crimea. Before his death, Alexander Stepanovich confessed and received the Holy Mysteries of Christ.

Until his death, Grinevsky kept portraits of his father and first wife. He dedicated his best work to his wife Nina - a story.

The life and work of Alexander Green present the greatest contrast. At the beginning of his life, the writer visited the bottom of society, saw the abomination of human vices.

The creative path was not difficult - a rich imagination helped in writing books. The author had many ideas, improved from work to work and did not run out of steam. The refusal to publish deprived the writer of the strength to live. The novel “Touchy” remained unfinished, which could have become the author’s best work.

Creative heritage

The works of the writer Green Alexander are published by modern publishing houses. The most famous are “Scarlet Sails”, “Running on the Waves”, “Golden Chain”. All works touch on themes of love, friendship, and rejection.

The works of Alexander Green speak about the search for truth, the search for ourselves. Examples true friendship, pure, sincere love, courage, fidelity, endurance, the author cited in his works in great abundance.

Grinevsky's books began to be published in the Soviet Union in the fifties. They were very popular. The author has written many stories, novellas, and several wonderful novels. The extravaganza “Scarlet Sails” was recognized as the best work.

Important! Wikipedia has a page dedicated to Alexander Green. The biography is accompanied by an overview of criticism from the beginning of creativity to the present day, a bibliography is provided, and participation in underground activities is revealed. Wikipedia presents a list of the most famous books Alexandra Green.

The famous works of the writer are his best and most widely read books.


  • “Shining World”
  • “The road to nowhere”
  • "Jesse and Morgiana"
  • "Gold chain"
  • unfinished novel “Touchy”


  • extravaganza story “Scarlet Sails”
  • “Stone Pillar Ranch” (a story for children and youth)
  • "Lanphier Colony"
  • Mysterious forest
  • “Around the Central Lakes”
  • “The Adventures of Ginch”


  • Elephant and Moska
  • Merits of Private Panteleev
  • At leisure
  • Quarantine
  • To Italy
  • Conscience has spoken
  • Shark
  • Romantic Murder
  • Return
  • Ships in Lisse
  • Fighter
  • Saryn on a kitschka
  • Legless
  • Gold and miners
  • Fandango
  • Two promises
  • Father's Wrath
  • Green lamp
  • Autobiographical story
  • Port Commandant

Wrote poems, poems, feuilletons:

  • Golden Nina (poem)
  • Lee (poem)
  • How I work. Answer to the questionnaire
  • From step to step (feuilleton)
  • First snow (poems)
  • Brother and sister (poem)
  • Weather vane (poem)
  • Bells (poem)
  • The door is closed, the lamp is on
  • Modest about the great
  • To my dear wife (poem)

Like many writers, Grinevsky used pseudonyms. Before the revolution, Alexander Green could not sign works with his real name, because he escaped from exile and lived on a stolen passport, participated in the work of the underground and spoke unflatteringly about the existing system.

List of pseudonyms under which Alexander Greene’s books were published:

  • A.A. M-v (Malginov);
  • A. Stepanov;
  • A.S.G;
  • Alexandrov;
  • Grinevich.

Subsequently, all pseudonyms were eliminated, leaving the most famous one under which his works are known and loved by millions of readers.

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Alexander Green lived hard life before becoming a writer. He experienced a lot of grief - arrests, exile, hunger, poverty. He presented his works about love, friendship, and endowed the heroes of the books with happiness and good luck. The author's books have been reprinted many times, and will withstand more than one reprint.

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Alexander Green is a famous Russian writer and poet. He wrote his works mainly in the style of neo-romanticism and symbolism.

Over the years, he wrote many interesting stories, the most popular of which were “Scarlet Sails”.

So, in front of you short biography Alexandra Green.

Green's biography

Alexander Stepanovich Grinevsky (pseudonym Green) was born on August 11, 1880 in the small town of Slobodsky, Vyatka province.

His father, Stepan Evseevich, was from a family of Polish nobles. In his younger years, he took part in the January Uprising, for which he was exiled for a period of 5 years.

The future writer’s mother, Anna Stepanovna, worked as a nurse. Interestingly, she got married when she was only 16 years old. In addition to Alexander, two more girls and one boy were born into the Grinevsky family.

Childhood and youth

When Alexander Green learned to read at the age of six, he began to spend all his time reading books. In particular, he liked adventure works with an interesting plot.

One day, after reading stories about pirates and famous sailors, young Green began to dream of going to sea. For this reason, he repeatedly escaped from home in order to repeat the fate of his heroes.

When the boy turned 9 years old, he was sent to a real school. An interesting fact is that it was there that Alexander was given the nickname “Green”.

The teachers claimed that he had a very bad character. He constantly played around and disobeyed his teachers, for which he was repeatedly punished.

While studying in the 2nd grade, Green composed a poem about his teachers, which contained many offensive words and humorous allusions.

In this regard, Alexander Green was expelled from the school. After that, he continued his studies at the Vyatka School.

In 1895, a tragedy occurred in Green's biography: his mother, whom he loved dearly, died of tuberculosis.

When Green's father remarried, Alexander was unable to get along with his stepmother. As a result, he left home and began renting separate housing for himself.

To feed himself, he had to take on any job. During that period of his biography, he worked as a loader, digger, fisherman, and even for some time was an artist in a traveling circus.

Wanderings and revolutionary activities

After graduating from college, Green went to Odessa to fulfill his childhood dream. He wanted to become a sailor on a big ship.

It is interesting that initially he even had to wander for some time, without sufficient means of subsistence.

One fine moment he finally found himself on board the ship. However, every day Alexander became more and more disillusioned with the sailor's business. As a result, Green had a serious row with the captain and went ashore.

In 1902, he was forced to enlist because he was sorely short of money. Life as a soldier turned out to be so difficult for Green that he decided to desert.

Then a new hobby occurs in Green’s biography: he meets revolutionaries and begins campaigning with them.

A year later, the writer was arrested and sent to 10 years of hard labor in Siberia. In addition, he received an additional 2 years of exile in Arkhangelsk.

Green's works

In 1906 in creative biography A significant event occurred in Alexander Greene. From his pen came the first work, “The Merit of Private Panteleev,” which dealt with offenses in the army.

However, the entire edition was withdrawn from print and destroyed. After this, Green wrote a new work, “Elephant and Pug,” which was also confiscated and burned.

Alexander Green and his tame hawk

And only the story “To Italy” became the first creation of the writer that readers could read.

Since 1908, Alexander Stepanovich began publishing all his works under the pseudonym “Green”. Every month 2 new stories or novellas came out from his pen.

This allowed him to earn the amount of money he needed for a normal existence.

Alexander Green in St. Petersburg, photo 1910

Soon he wrote so many works that in 1913 Alexander Green published his works in 3 volumes.

Every year his work became more meaningful and deep. In addition, quite a lot of aphorisms and wise sayings appeared in his books.

"Scarlet Sails"

From 1916 to 1922, Alexander Green wrote the most significant story in his biography, “Scarlet Sails.” This work immediately brought him enormous popularity.

The story told about firm faith and lofty dreams, as well as the fact that each of us is able to perform a miracle for loved one. After the publication of “Scarlet Sails”, the beautiful Assol became an idol for many girls.

After 6 years, Alexander Green presents the novel “Running on the Waves,” written in the genre of romanticism.

After this, such works as “The Velvet Curtain”, “We Sat on the Shore” and “Stone Pillar Ranch” were published.

Personal life

When Green was 28 years old, he married Vera Abramova, with whom he lived for 5 years. It is interesting that their separation occurred on Vera’s initiative.

Alexander Green with his first wife Vera (far left) in the village of Velikiy Bor near Pinega, 1911.

According to her, she was tired of enduring her husband’s drunkenness and unpredictable behavior. And although the writer repeatedly tried to establish relations with her, he never succeeded.

The second wife in the biography of Alexander Green was Nina Mironova, with whom he lived happily for the rest of his life. There was a real idyll and complete mutual understanding between the spouses.

Alexander Green and his second wife Nina

When the writer is gone, Nina will be called an enemy of the people and sent to correctional camps for 10 years. An interesting fact is that both of Green's wives knew each other and maintained friendly relations.


Shortly before Greene's death, doctors discovered he had stomach cancer, from which he later died.

Alexander Stepanovich Green died on July 8, 1932 in Old Crimea at the age of 51. At the site of his burial, a monument was erected with the characters from his novel “Running on the Waves.”

The last lifetime photo of Alexander Green

An interesting fact is that during his reign, Greene’s books were considered anti-Soviet, and only after the death of the leader of the peoples was the writer’s name rehabilitated.

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  • Father - Stefan (Stepan) Evseevich Grinevsky (1843-1914), Belarusian, hereditary nobleman of the Disnensky district of the Vilna province of the North-Western Territory Russian Empire, for participation in the Belarusian-Polish uprising of 1863, he was exiled to Kolyvan, Tomsk province. Later he was allowed to move to the Vyatka province, where he arrived in 1868.
  • Mother - Anna Stepanovna Grinevskaya (nee Lepkova; 1857-1895) was Russian, the daughter of the collegiate secretary Stepan Fedorovich Lepkov and Agrippina Yakovlevna. She graduated from the Vyatka midwifery school and received a certificate for the title of midwife and smallpox vaccination.
  • Natalia (1878-?) - stepdaughter Grinevsky.
  • Alexander (1879-1879). Died in infancy.
  • Antonina (1887-1969) - lived in Warsaw.
  • Ekaterina (1889-1968) - in the fall of 1910, attended the wedding of Alexander Green and Vera Abramova.
  • Boris (1894-1949) - lived in Leningrad. In 1947-48 came to the city of Stary Krym and tried to open the first museum of the writer in Green’s house. Then he failed.
  • Pavel Dmitrievich Boretsky (1884-?) - step-brother Alexandra Green. Son of Lydia Avenirovna Grinevskaya and her first husband.
  • Nikolai (1896-1960) - son of Stepan Evseevich and Lydia Avenirovna (stepmother of Alexander Green).
  • Varvara (1898-?) - daughter of Stepan Evseevich and Lydia Avenirovna. Teacher.
  • Angelina (1902-1971) - daughter of Stepan Evseevich and Lydia Avenirovna. Teacher.


Since childhood, Green loved books about sailors and travel. He dreamed of going to sea as a sailor and, driven by this dream, made attempts to run away from home.

Greene was significantly influenced by his father, the Belarusian nobleman Stefan Grinevsky, who allowed his son to buy a gun and encouraged him to take long excursions into nature, which influenced both the development of the young man’s character and the future original style of Greene’s prose.

In 1896, after graduating from the four-year Vyatka City School, he left for Odessa. For some time he wandered in search of work. He got a job as a sailor on a ship plying the route Odessa - Batumi - Odessa. Soon he decided to leave his sailor career. He tried many professions - he was a fisherman, a laborer, a lumberjack, and a gold miner in the Urals.

He served as a soldier in the 213th Orovai Reserve Infantry Battalion, stationed in Penza. In the summer of 1902 he deserted, but was caught in Kamyshin. After escaping, he met the Social Revolutionaries. In the winter of 1902, they arranged for Green to escape again, after which he went underground and began to conduct revolutionary activities. In 1903 he was arrested for propaganda work among sailors in Sevastopol. For attempting to escape, he was transferred to a maximum security prison, where he spent about two years. In 1905 he was released under an amnesty.

In 1906, in St. Petersburg, Green was again arrested and exiled for four years to the city of Turinsk, Tobolsk province. Green stayed in Turinsk for only 3 days: the book “The Best Travels in the Middle Urals: Facts, Legends, Traditions” provides funny story, how he, having drunk the police officer and the police, who could not resist the free vodka, escaped. He fled to Vyatka, got hold of someone else’s passport, and used it to go to Moscow. Here his first politically engaged story, “The Merit of Private Panteleev,” was born, signed by A. S. G. The circulation was confiscated from the printing house and burned. The pseudonym A. S. Green first appeared under the story “The Case” (1907). In 1908, Green published his first collection, “The Invisible Cap,” with the subtitle “Stories about Revolutionaries.”

Due to a conflict with the authorities, Green was forced to hide in Finland from the end of 1916, but, having learned about the February Revolution, he returned to Petrograd. In the spring of 1917, he wrote a story-essay, “Walking to the Revolution,” testifying to the writer’s hope for renewal. However, reality soon disappoints the writer.

In 1919, Green served in the Red Army as a signalman and fell ill with typhus. The seriously ill writer was brought to Petrograd in 1920, where, with the assistance of M. Gorky, he managed to get academic rations and housing - a room in the “House of Arts”, where Green lived next to V. Piast, V. A. Rozhdestvensky, N. S. Tikhonov, M. Shaginyan.

In 1921, the Greens went to the Finnish village of Toksovo for the whole summer. During his stay in Toksovo, Alexander Green lived in Rogiyainen’s house (Sanatornaya St. 19).

During civil war he publishes his works in the magazine "Flame". IN revolutionary years In Petrograd, Green began writing the “extravaganza story” “Scarlet Sails” (published in 1923). This story is his most famous work. It is believed that the prototype of Assol is Green’s wife, Nina Nikolaevna.

In 1924, Green’s novel “The Shining World” was published in Leningrad. That same year, Green moved to Feodosia. In 1927, he took part in the collective novel “Big Fires,” published in the magazine “Ogonyok.”

In 1929, he spent the entire summer in Old Crimea, working on the novel “The Road to Nowhere,” and in 1930 he completely moved to the city of Old Crimea. At the end of April 1931, already seriously ill, Green went to Koktebel to visit Voloshin. This route is still known and popular among tourists as the Greene Trail.

The novel “Touchable,” which he began at this time, was never completed.

Green died on July 8, 1932 in the city of Stary Krym. He was buried there in the city cemetery. On his grave, sculptor Tatyana Gagarina erected a monument “Running on the Waves”.

Since 1945, his books have not been published; in 1950, Greene was posthumously accused of “bourgeois cosmopolitanism.” Through the efforts of K. Paustovsky, Yu. Olesha and others, he was returned to literature in 1956; his works were published in millions of copies.


In Petrograd - Leningrad

  • 1920 - 05.1921 - DISK - 25th October Avenue, 15;
  • 05.1921 - 02.1922 - apartment building Zaremby - Panteleimonovskaya street, 11;
  • 1923-1924 - apartment building - Dekabristov Street, 11.

Addresses in Odessa

  • St. Lanzheronovskaya, 2.



Alexander Green Prize

In 2000, on the occasion of the 120th anniversary of the birth of A. S. Green, the Union of Writers of Russia, the administration of Kirov and Slobodsky established the annual Russian Literary Prize named after Alexander Green for works for children and youth, imbued with the spirit of romance and hope.


  • In 1960, on the occasion of his eightieth birthday, the writer’s wife opened the Writer’s House-Museum in Old Crimea.
  • In 1970, the Greene Literary and Memorial Museum was also created in Feodosia.
  • On the occasion of the centenary of his birth, in 1980, the Alexander Green House-Museum was opened in the city of Kirov.
  • In 2010, the Alexander Greene Romance Museum was created in the city of Slobodskaya.

Green's readings

  • International Scientific Conference“Grinov Readings” - has been held in even years in Feodosia since 1988 (the first half of September).
  • Green's readings in Old Crimea are an annual festival on the writer's birthday (August 23).
  • Green's readings in Kirov are held once every 5 years since 1975 on the writer's birthday.


  • In Kirov there is an embankment named after him.
  • In Moscow in 1986, a street was named after the writer (Green Street).
  • In Old Crimea there is a street named after him.
  • In Slobodskoye, the street on which A. Green was born is named in his honor.
  • In the city of Naberezhnye Chelny there is a street named after the writer (Alexander Green Street).
  • In Gelendzhik there is a street named after him (Green Street).


  • The Kirov Regional Children's Library named after A. S. Green is located in Kirov.
  • In Slobodskoye the city library is named after A. Green.
  • In Moscow Youth Library No. 16 named after. A. Green.
  • Library named after A. Green

Alexander Green - Russian writer and poet, representative literary direction neo-romanticism. He is the author of philosophical and romantic works with elements of fantasy. In total he has about 400 literary works. The writer's real name is Grinevsky.

In contact with



According to the Wikipedia portal, the writer was born on August 23, 1880 in the Vyatka province. His father, Stefan Grinevsky, is a Polish nobleman, his mother Anna Stepanovna Lepkova. Alexander was the first-born in the family; later he had a brother, Boris, and sisters, Ekaterina and Antonina.

At the age of 6, Sasha learned to read. The first book he read was Gulliver's Travels. Since childhood, Sasha has been addicted to literature about travelers and sailors. He dreamed of becoming a sailor and going to sea and even made repeated attempts to run away from home.

At the age of 9, Sasha was sent to a preparatory class at a real school. It was there that he received the nickname Green. Being a very unsuccessful student, he nevertheless completed the preparatory class and moved on to the first. However, while studying in the second grade, he wrote a poem about his teachers, which was considered offensive, for which he was expelled from the school. The father petitioned for the boy to be admitted to another school in Vyatka, which was very notorious.

When the boy was 15 years old, his mother died of tuberculosis. A few months later, my father remarried the widow Lydia Avenirovna Boretskaya. Alexander did not have a good relationship with his stepmother, and he began to live separately from new family. The teenager lived independently, earning extra money by copying documents and making book bindings. I read it a lot and enjoyed it. For some time the boy was fond of hunting, but often returned without prey, which was due to his very impulsive character.


At the age of 16, Alexander graduated from the fourth grade of the Vyatka City School and moved to Odessa, deciding to become a sailor. The father gave his son 25 rubles for travel and the address of his Odessa friend. At first, the sixteen-year-old teenager wandered in search of work and went hungry. In the end, he still had to turn to that very friend of his father. He fed the young man and helped him get a job on the Platon steamer, which sailed from Odessa to Batumi and back. Once Greene even had a chance to visit Alexandria, the capital of Egypt.

Unfortunately, Green never became a sailor - he was disgusted by the hard and routine work of a sailor. Very soon he had a fight with the captain and left the ship. In 1897 he returned back to Vyatka, but a year later he left again - this time to Baku. Here he tried himself in the most different professions- was a laborer, a worker in railway workshops, a fisherman. Wandering around the country, he managed to work as a lumberjack, a gold miner in the Urals, a miner, and even a copyist in the theater.

Revolutionary activities

In 1902, Green served for some time as a soldier in an infantry reserve battalion, which was stationed in Penza. Here, in the service, Greene's revolutionary views only intensified. Of the six months he spent in the service, he spent three and a half in a punishment cell. Six months later, Greene deserted his unit, was found and captured, but was able to escape again.

During his service in the army, Green managed to make acquaintance with, who appreciated the mood of the young man and helped him hide in Simbirsk. At this time, he received the nickname Lanky and threw all his strength into fighting the existing social order, which he deeply hated. Nevertheless, Greene did not take part in carrying out terrorist attacks, limiting himself to propaganda among workers and soldiers.

In 1903, Grinevsky was arrested in Sevastopol for disseminating revolutionary anti-government ideas. After a failed escape attempt, he was transferred to a maximum security prison, where he was kept for more than a year. In police documents, Greene was described as angry, withdrawn, capable of anything, even at the risk of his own life. Grinevsky’s case was dealt with for more than a year and a half, during which he twice attempted to escape.

In 1905, the Sevastopol Naval Court sentenced Grinevsky to 10 years of exile in Siberia. Six months later he was released under a general amnesty, but was soon arrested again in St. Petersburg and exiled to the Tobolsk province for 4 years. After 3 days, he fled home to Vyatka, where, with the help of his father, he obtained documents in the name of Malginov, according to which he returned to St. Petersburg.

In 1908, Green married 24-year-old Vera Abramova. In his story “One Hundred Miles Along the River”, under the names Nok and Gelly, Green described himself and his wife.

Beginning of literary activity

The surname Malginov became the first literary pseudonym Greena.

  1. In 1906, Green wrote his first two stories - "The Merit of Private Panteleev" And "Elephant and Moska". The first of the stories was of a propaganda nature and told about the atrocities of the military among the peasants. Green received a fee for his stories, but almost the entire circulation was found by the police and burned. Miraculously, we managed to find several copies. The second story suffered the same fate.
  2. Green's works began to be published and reach readers only in December 1906. His first legally published story was "To Italy". The story was published in the newspaper Birzhevye Vedomosti.
  3. Story "Happening" was first published under the pseudonym Green in the newspaper Tovarishch.
  4. At the beginning of 1908, Green published his first author's collection in St. Petersburg "Invisible hat". Most of The stories in this collection told about the Socialist Revolutionaries.
  5. In 1910, the author’s second collection was published - "Stories". Most of them are of a purely realistic nature. However, in some of the stories one can already discern Green’s style – a romantic and a storyteller. In stories "Lanphier Colony" And "Reno Island" The action takes place in a fictional country. According to Green himself, he began to feel like a writer precisely after these stories.

In the first few years of his writing career Green published 25 stories a year. He was quickly recognized as a young and talented author, after which he made acquaintance with outstanding Russian writers of that time - Alexei Tolstoy, Valery Bryusov, etc. Green had especially warm friendly relations with Kuprin.

At this time Green began to earn large sums money, but it did not stay with him for long, quickly flowing out of his hands during card games and parties.


In July 1910, the St. Petersburg police finally came to the conclusion that famous writer Green and the fugitive exile Grinevsky are one and the same person. He was arrested again and exiled to Arkhangelsk province. Vera Abramova followed him, and here they officially got married. After 2 years, Greene’s sentence was reduced and allowed to return to St. Petersburg.

  1. While in exile, Green wrote 2 more romantic works "The Life of Gnor" And "Blue Cascade Telluri".
  2. In 1913 they were published "Devil of Orange Waters", "Zurbagan shooter". In these works, the image of a fictional country was finally formed, which literary scholars later called Greenland.
  3. At first, Green published his work primarily in illustrated magazines and newspapers. Periodically, his works were featured on their pages in such reputable publications of the time as “Russian Thought” and “ Modern world" Green published here thanks to his close acquaintance with Kuprin.
  4. In 1913-14 Green's three-volume work was published.
  5. In 1914, the writer began collaborating with the popular magazine “New Satyricon” and published his collection as a supplement to the magazine short stories "An Incident on Dog Street". At this time he worked as productively as ever. The themes of his works are becoming more and more diverse - from humorous "Captain Duke" to a sophisticated and psychological novella "Hell Returned".
  6. When did the first one begin? World War, his works began to have a pronounced anti-war character. An example is "Battlelist Shuang", "Blue Top" or "Poisoned Island".

Since the police again brought charges of inappropriate statements about the reigning person, Green was forced to hide for some time in Finland. When the February Revolution occurred, Grinevsky returned to Petrograd.

October Revolution

In the hope of revolutionary renewal, the writer published an essay in the spring of 1917 entitled "Walking to the Revolution". After the start October revolution Green began to publish in magazines and newspapers a whole series of short feuilletons and notes that condemned the violence and outrage that was happening around.

In 1918, the Satyricon magazine was banned by the new government as reactionary, and Green was arrested and almost sentenced to death. However, in 1919 he was drafted into the Red Army as a signalman and sent to the front. Very soon, Grinevsky fell ill with typhus and ended up in the Botkin barracks, where he spent several months. Here Green was supported by Maxim Gorky, who sent him food - honey, bread and tea.

When Green recovered, Gorky helped him get housing in the House of Arts on Nevsky Prospekt and academic rations. The writer’s housemates were V.A. Rozhdestvensky, O. Mandelstam, N. Gumilyov, V. Kaverin. According to his neighbors, Green lived as a hermit and made acquaintances with practically no one. It was here that his famous extravaganza “Scarlet Sails” was written.

  1. In the early 20s, the writer conceived and finally decided to bring to life his first novel - "Shining World". Main character books Drood - a man with the extraordinary ability to fly - tried to convince people to turn to the highest values ​​of the Shining World.
  2. In addition to great prose, the writer did not stop publishing stories. His books were published in Leningrad "The Loquacious Brownie", "The Pied Piper", "Fandango".
  3. In 1925, Green wrote and published the novel "Gold chain". This book was conceived and executed as “a memoir of the dream of a boy seeking miracles and finding them.”

Not merged with the era

A year later, the writer finished one of his masterpieces - the book "Running on the waves". This work reflected the most brilliant facets of Green's talent. For several years the writer could not publish his work in Soviet publications. It took no less effort to publish and next novels"Jesse and Morgiana", "The Road to Nowhere".

In 1927, a private publisher attempted to publish the author’s collected works in 15 volumes, but soon the publisher was arrested and only 8 volumes were released. Failures began to lead Green to frequent drinking bouts. A few years later, the Grinevsky family finally managed to win a lawsuit against the publishing house and win several thousand rubles. However, by this time this amount had greatly depreciated due to inflation. The Grinevsky family was forced to move to Old Crimea, where life was somewhat cheaper.

In 1930, the existing censorship prohibited the republication of Grinevsky’s books, citing the fact that he “does not merge with the era.” New works by a writer were also limited to one per year. Green and his wife were often sick due to hunger. Attempts to hunt came to nothing.

The writer began working on a new novel "Touchable", but was never able to finish it.

Alexander Grinevsky died in 1932 at the age of 52 from a stomach tumor. He was buried in the city cemetery of Old Crimea. At his grave there is a monument “Running on the Waves” by sculptor Tatyana Gagarina, as a reflection of the life and work of Alexander Green.


Brothers and sisters:


Alexander Green with his first wife Vera Pavlovna in the village of Velikiy Bor near Pinega. 1911

Alexander Grinevsky was born on August 11 (23), 1880 in the city of Slobodskaya Vyatka province. Since childhood, Green loved books about sailors and travel. He dreamed of going to sea as a sailor and, driven by this dream, made attempts to run away from home.

A significant influence on Green was exerted by his father, the nobleman Stefan Grinevsky, who allowed his son to buy a gun and encouraged him to take long excursions into nature, which influenced both the development of the young man’s character and the future original style of Green’s prose.

Due to a conflict with the authorities, Green was forced to hide in Finland from the end of the year, but, having learned about the February Revolution, he returned to Petrograd. In the spring of the year, he writes a story-essay “On Foot for the Revolution,” testifying to the writer’s hope for renewal. However, reality soon disappoints the writer.

In 1924, Green’s novel “The Shining World” was published in Leningrad. That same year, Green moved to Feodosia. In 1927, he took part in the collective novel “Big Fires”, published in the magazine “Ogonyok”.

The novel “Touchable,” which he began at this time, was never completed. Green died on July 8, 1932 in the city of Stary Krym. He was buried there in the city cemetery. On his grave, sculptor Tatyana Gagarina erected a monument “Running on the Waves”.


In Petrograd - Leningrad

  • 1920 - 05.1921 - DISK - 25th October Avenue, 15;
  • 05.1921 - 02.1922 - Zaremba apartment building - Panteleimonovskaya street, 11;
  • 1923-1924 - apartment building - Dekabristov Street, 11.

Addresses in Odessa

  • St. Lanzheronovskaya, 2.



There is a tradition in St. Petersburg when on the night of prom Russian schoolchildren enter the mouth of the Neva sailing ship with scarlet sails. See Scarlet Sails (graduates holiday).

Alexander Green Prize

Memorial plaque on the Green embankment, 21, Kirov

Bust on the Green embankment in Kirov

Alexander Green on postage stamp Ukraine, 2005

In 2000, on the occasion of the 120th anniversary of the birth of A. S. Green, the Union of Writers of Russia, the administration of Kirov and Slobodsky established the annual Russian Literary Prize named after Alexander Green for works for children and youth, imbued with the spirit of romance and hope.


  • In 1960, on the occasion of his eightieth birthday, the writer’s wife opened the Writer’s House-Museum in Old Crimea.
  • In 1970, the Greene Literary and Memorial Museum was also created in Feodosia.
  • On the occasion of the centenary of his birth, in 1980, the Alexander Green House-Museum was opened in the city of Kirov.
  • In 2010, the Alexander Greene Romance Museum was created in the city of Slobodskaya.

Green's readings

  • International scientific conference “Grinov Readings” - has been held in even years in Feodosia since 1988 (the first half of September).
  • Green's readings in Old Crimea are an annual festival on the writer's birthday (August 23).
  • Green's readings in Kirov are held once every 5 years since 1975 on the writer's birthday.


  • In Kirov there is an embankment named after him.
  • In Moscow in 1986, a street was named after the writer (Green Street).
  • In Old Crimea there is a street named after him.
  • In Slobodskoye, the street on which A. Green was born is named in his honor.
  • In the city of Naberezhnye Chelny there is a street named after the writer (Alexander Green Street).
  • In Gelendzhik there is a street named after him (Green Street).
  • In Feodosia there is Alexander Green Street
  • In Riga there is Alexander Greens Street, but it is named after the Latvian writer Aleksandrs Grins, the namesake and namesake of the Russian romantic.


  • The Kirov Regional Children's Library named after A. S. Green is located in Kirov.
  • In Slobodskoye the city library is named after A. Green.
  • In Moscow Youth Library No. 16 named after. A. Green.
  • Library named after A. Green in Nizhny Novgorod.
  • Central City Library named after. A. Green in Feodosia, Crimea, Ukraine.


  • In 1985, the minor planet 2786, discovered on September 6, 1978 by Soviet astronomer N. S. Chernykh, was named Grinevia.
  • Since 1987, the festival of author's songs "Greenland", named after the writer, has been held in Kirov.
  • In 2000, a bronze bust of the writer was installed on the embankment in Kirov. (Sculptors Kotsienko K.I. and Bondarev V.A.)
  • In Kirov there is a Gymnasium named after Alexander Green.
  • Memorial plaque in the city of Slobodskoye, where the writer was born.

Based on Green's works


  • - Morgiana
  • - The Man from Green Country (television play)
  • - Life and books of Alexander Green (television play)
  • - One hundred miles along the river
  • - Gelly and Nok
  • - Green lamp


Rock opera

Russian composer Andrei Bogoslovsky wrote the musical “Scarlet Sails” in the second half of the 20th century. Recorded in 1977.


  • “Scarlet Sails” () is a graduation performance by graduates of the Faculty of Puppetry of the Music College named after. Gnessins, who created under the leadership of L. A. Khait famous theater"People and Dolls" ( Gray- V. Garkalin, Assol- doll)
  • Scarlet Sails - rock opera by A. Bogoslovsky. Recorded by VIA "Music" in 1977.
  • Musical " Scarlet Sails"(2007)
  • "Scarlet Sails" - musical performance. Theater-festival “Baltic House”. Staged by Eduard Gaidai, stage director - Raimundas Banionis, composer - Faustas Latenas. Premiere in St. Petersburg - 2008.
  • “Scarlet Sails” is a musical extravaganza based on the play by Mikhail Bartenev and Andrei Usachev. RAMT. Stage director: Alexey Borodin. Music - Maxim Dunaevsky. 2009
  • “Assol” musical extravaganza based on the play by Pavel Morozov, composer Mikhail Mordkovich, in the Lugansk Regional Academic Russian drama theater. Stage director: Oleg Alexandrov. 2010
  • Musical extravaganza “Assol” based on the play by Pavel Morozov, Zhambyl Regional Russian Drama Theater (Kazakhstan). Premiere - November 13, 2010.
  • Performance “Scarlet Sails”, “Theater on Spasskaya” (Kirov). Director - Boris Pavlovich. Premiere May 20, 2011.
  • The musical "Scarlet Sails" by Maxim Dunaevsky at the theater " Free space" Libretto by Mikhail Bartenev and Andrey Usachev. Stage director - A. Mikhailov. (2011)
  • Musical performance “Scarlet Sails” based on the play by Pavel Morozov in Irkutsk regional theater young viewer. Stage director: Ksenia Torskaya. 2011.
  • “Scarlet Sails” at the Bratsk Drama Theater. Stage director - Valery Shevchenko. (2008)
  • Musical-drama “Scarlet Sails”. Moscow musical theater "Monoton". Music by A. Bogoslovsky. Libretto by I. Chistozvonova. 2010
  • “Scarlet Sails” (based on the play “Assol”) on the stage of Chuvash state theater opera and ballet. Stage director: Anatoly Ilyin, Composer: Olga Nesterova. 2011.
  • Musical-drama “Scarlet Sails”. Moscow musical theater "Monoton". Music by A. Bogoslovsky. Libretto by I. Chistozvonova. 2010
  • The play “Pier of Scarlet Dreams” at the Irkutsk Regional Puppet Theater “Stork” based on the works “Scarlet Sails” and “Running on the Waves”. Author - Alexander Khromov. Director - Yuri Utkin. Premiere: March 21, 2012.
  • The play “Scarlet Sails” (based on the play “Assol” by P. Morozov) at the “SILVER ISLAND” theater. Stage director - Honored Artist of Ukraine Lyudmila Lymar. (Kyiv, Ukraine). 2011.
  • Theatrical extravaganza “Scarlet Sails” on the stage of the Dzerzhinsky Drama Theater. Stage director: Valentin Morozov. year 2012.
  • The musical “Scarlet Sails” at the Globus Theater to the music of Maxim Dunaevsky, directed by Nina Chusova. 2012
  • Premiere of the play “Scarlet Sails” based on Pavel Morozov’s play “Assol” at the Bryansk Theater Young Spectator Stage director: Larisa Lemenkova. 2012
  • musical “Scarlet Sails” to the music of Maxim Dunaevsky at the Perm Theater. Stage director Boris Milgram. 2012
in music
  • The song of the bard Vladimir Lanzberg “Scarlet Sails” and thematically adjacent to it “But in vain no one believed in miracles.”
  • Song by Yuri Chernavsky to the words of Leonid Derbenev “Zurbagan”, performed by Vladimir Presnyakov Jr. (1985)
  • Song “Assol” by the group “Untouchables” from the album “Brel, wandered, wandered” (1994)
  • “Assol and Gray” - song by the group “Zimovye Zverey” from the album “Like Adults” (2006)
  • Instrumental New-Age album by Andrei Klimkovsky - “Scarlet Sails” (2000)



  • Basinsky P.V., Fedyakin S.R. Russian literature late XIX- the beginning of the 20th century and the first emigration. - M., 1998.
  • Blok A. A. Notebooks 1901 - 1920. - M., 1965.
  • Borisov L. I. The Wizard from Gel-Gyu. Romantic story. - L., 1972.
  • Memories of Alexander Green / Comp., intro., notes. Vl. Sandler. - L., 1972.
  • Green N. N. Memories of Alexander Green. - Simferopol, 2000.
  • Kobzev N. A. A novel by Alexander Green. - Chisinau, 1983.
  • Kovsky V. E. The romantic world of Alexander Green. - M., 1967.
  • Literary heritage. T. 93. From history Soviet literature 1920-1930s. - M., 1983.
  • Mikhailova L. Alexander Green: Life, personality, creativity. - M., 1972.
  • Pervova Yu. A. Memories of Nina Nikolaevna Green. - Simferopol, 2001.
  • Prishvin M. M. Diary 1923-1925. - M., 1999.
  • Prokhorov E. I. Alexander Green. - M., 1970.
  • Tarasenko N. F. Green's House: Essay-guide to the A. S. Green Museum in Feodosia and the branch of the museum in Old Crimea. - Simferopol, 1979.
  • Kharchev V.V. Green's poetry and prose. - Gorky, 1975.
  • Varlamov A. N. Alexander Green. - M.: Young Guard, 2005 and 2008. - P. 449-451. - 452 s. - (Life of wonderful people).
  • Karpenko A. N. Russian forerunner of the fantasy genre. -

see also

  • Project:Greenland
