Scenario for an environmental event “ecological skit”. Infotainment game "ecological skit"


Target: intensify cognitive activity students in the field of ecology and nature conservation, attract children's attention to environmental problems of the environment, cultivate a caring attitude towards nature, and develop the ability to work in a team.

educational: motivate schoolchildren to self-education, study natural sciences, contribute to the formation of knowledge about nature and its laws;
educational and developmental: promote the development of thinking, attention, observation, the ability to solve problems designed for ingenuity;
educational: continue to develop in students a sense of responsibility for the state of the environment; to develop the emotional and sensory sphere of schoolchildren’s personality, to promote the unity of the children’s team.
Form: environmental game-competition.

Characters : presenter - 1 person, Baba Yaga jury of the competition - 2 people.

Q: We cut down forests, arrange landfills,
But who will take everything under protection?
The streams are empty, there are only sticks in the forest.
Think about it, what awaits us next?
It's time for humanity to understand
Wealth from nature, taking away,
That the Earth also needs to be protected:
She is just like us - alive!

IN last years The word “ecology” is heard more and more often, more and more alarmingly. If earlier we did not really delve into the meaning of this concept, today we shudder at the terrifying facts of criminal persecution and murder of nature, and this means ourselves. This information bombards us daily, hourly, every minute. The air we breathe, the water we drink, the foods we eat do not in any way correspond to what eliminates illness, lifts our spirits, gives us confidence in tomorrow. Alas, the situation in Russia is so alarming that I want to shout: “Come to your senses, people, rumors about a global environmental catastrophe are not at all exaggerated!” And in response there is silence...

Poem to the sound of bells:

There is just a temple
There is a temple of science.
And there is also a temple of nature -
With scaffolding reaching out
To meet the sun and winds.
He is light at any time of the day,
Open to us in the heat and cold,
Come here, be a little hearty,
Do not desecrate her shrines!

III. Main part.
Round 1. Team presentation.
We will begin our tournament with the introduction of teams and the selection of a captain. The emblem will be evaluated; the name must be on environmental theme, command representation. Evaluated on a five-point system.

Round 2. Warm-up.
Each team is given four clues in turn. If a team answers with 1 clue, it gets 4 points, if with 2 - 3, if with 3 - 2, if with 4 - 1 point. If a team does not answer a question, but another team does, it receives 1 point.

1. It can live up to 2000 thousand years.
2. The trunk does not rot in water, but only turns black and becomes stronger.
3. Barrels and parquet are made from it.
4. Pushkin wrote that a mermaid was sitting there. (Oak)

1. The berry is good to eat with honey, but after frost it is delicious on its own.
2. There are many songs written about her.
3. The bark is more healing than the berry.
4. She has a relative with shiny black fruits - gorodik. (Kalina)

1. The best honey comes from its flowers.
2. Spoons and bast shoes are made from it.
3. Blooms in summer and is very fragrant.
4. A decoction of flowers cannot be replaced for a cold. (Linden)

Q: This concludes our warm-up.

Round 3. The story of Baba Yaga.

Q: Let's move on to the third round.

The appearance of Baba Yaga.

B.Ya. Hello, here I am.
Q. Where did you come from?
B.Ya. Guess where it came from. Now I’ll tell you a riddle.
Its spring and summer
We saw him dressed.
And in the fall from the poor thing
All the shirts were torn off.
B.Ya. Of course I came to you from the forest.

Oh, how I remember. Recently Leshiy and I went to a nearby forest for a picnic. We had such a great time.
V.: I already heard your story and was horrified. What did you do in the forest? The children will have the task of listening carefully to the story and finding out what Baba Yaga and Leshy did in the forest. Whoever finds the most errors wins. For each correct answer the team receives 1 point.
B.Ya. So it is!

With cheerful music we notified the forest that we had arrived. ( Loud music scares away animals and birds). The days were hot, but the heat was not felt so much in the forest. A familiar path led us to a birch grove. Along the way we often came across mushrooms - porcini, boletus, russula. The goblin and I pulled mushrooms out of the ground for distillation. All the mushrooms that we didn’t know were knocked down with sticks. (You should not pull out and knock down mushrooms - the mycelium is destroyed).

Halt. They quickly broke branches and lit a fire. (Dry wood is collected for the fire. In hot and dry weather, fires should not be lit.) We brewed tea in a pot, had a snack and moved on. Before leaving, Leshiy and I had a competition to see who could throw away the empty cans and plastic bags next. Well, the microbes will destroy them anyway. (These substances take 100-200 years to break down) the burning coals of the fire winked at us goodbye. (The coals should be covered with earth or filled with water.) We found a nest of some bird in the bushes. They held the warm bluish testicles and put them back. (You should not touch bird eggs) The sun rose higher above the horizon. It was getting hotter. At the edge of the forest we found little hedgehog. Deciding that his mother had abandoned him, they took him with them, maybe he would come in handy. (There is no need to take chicks and animals from the forest) we are already pretty tired. There are quite a lot of anthills in the forest. Leshy decided to show how formic acid is extracted. He cut out sticks and began to pierce the entire anthill with them. A few minutes later we were happily sucking on the ant sticks. (You should not push anything into the anthill.)

Gradually, clouds began to roll in, it began to get dark, lightning flashed, and thunder roared. It started to rain quite heavily. But we were no longer afraid - we managed to run to the lonely standing tree and hide under it. (It is dangerous to hide under a lonely tree during a thunderstorm.) We returned to our forest with armfuls of meadow and forest flowers. (Meadow and forest flowers should not be picked.) The day passed happily.

(Students write down their answers on pieces of paper)
V. Now you are B.Ya. I realized what you and Leshiy did.
B.Ya. Yes, sure. I’ll run to him right now and tell him everything.

ROUND 4. Hide and seek game.
Find the hidden flower and bird in each expression given. This can be done only by connecting and separating words in a line, but without changing their places. For each correct answer the team receives 1 point. Time for a task is limited (distribute tasks)

1. We will go along the path past the fence, are you Pierre? (mimosa, bittern)
2. We thought about walking for twenty minutes, but there was a mistake - at least forty. (chamomile, magpie)
3. I look out the window: I don’t want to read or draw. Cozy in the compartment. The night will fly by and you will be home. (iris, warbler)
4. We sail to Zhiguli. There is a thunderstorm over the mountains, the Volga is moving in waves. (rose, oriole)
5. Who are you today? I'm a spy today, - Password? - U-two, shell. (peony, bluethroat)
6.But the problems are good. Listen up, listen up - this is not a joke. (rose hips, ducks)

ROUND 5. Captains competition.

The captains take turns answering questions. For each correct answer 1 point.
1. Natural resources located deep in the earth that people use in farming? (fossils)
2. Human activities aimed at protecting living and non-living nature? (security)
3. A common substance found on earth in 3 states? (water)
4. the top layer of soil in which plants grow? (the soil)
5. A living creature that actively and consciously influences living and inanimate nature? (Human)
6. Organisms found in all natural areas who cannot live without light and air? (plants)
7. What is the name of the line that limits the visible part of the earth's surface? (horizon)
8. What device can you use to navigate in any weather? (compass)
9. What is the ability to find the sides of the horizon called? (orientation)

TOUR 6 . Now the teams will receive a task - a legend.

You must guess what flower we are talking about (distribute the task)
According to legend, these flowers arose from the tears of Eve, who was expelled along with Adam from the Garden of Eden. The ancestor of the human race wept bitterly, and wherever her tears fell, these flowers bloomed. It was with this flower in his hand that the Archangel Gabriel appeared to the Virgin Mary on the day of the Annunciation to announce to her the birth of a Son who would be great and would be called the Son of the Most High. This flower was on the banners of the French knights. (lily)

TOUR 7"Logical chain"
It is necessary to underline the extra word in this chain (distribute tasks)
1. Root, stem, flower, bouquet, leaves are parts of plants.
2. Sun, stone, oak, sky, snow - this is inanimate nature.
3. Elm, alder, fir, ash, maple are deciduous trees.
4. Hawthorn, euonymus, hazel, honeysuckle, Linden, are shrubs.
5. Nuthatch, jay, woodpecker, thrush, wren are wintering birds.
6. Bear, chipmunk, badger, squirrel- hibernate.
7. Spruce, pine, fir, birch, larch, thuja, juniper are coniferous trees.
8. Nightingale, swallow, swift, crow, cuckoo, larks are migratory birds.
9. Sparrow, nightingale, lark, thrush are songbirds.
10. Coltsfoot, chamomile, yarrow, nettle, dandelion, wolf's face- These are medicinal plants.

TOUR 8 “Fashionista”

Make a hat from waste material (newspapers, bottles, cassette tapes)

Summarizing. Winner's reward ceremony.

Celebration script for college students for Ecologist Day. We are destined to save the planet

Description. The material is intended for class teachers, educators and parents. My summary of the event “We are destined to save the planet”, dedicated to World Day Environment (Ecologist's Day) - June 5, intended for schoolchildren, students aged 14-15 who spend their holidays in health camps. Events in educational institutions and in summer camps allow schoolchildren to reveal their Creative skills, skills and abilities. In this way, the teacher can unite the entire group, dexterity of movements, attention, logic of thinking, and communicative qualities of speech develop.

Purpose of the event:
congratulate environmentalists and promote the development of teamwork skills.
Tasks: teach children masculinity and responsibility; to cultivate love for the Motherland; develop logical thinking, attention and speech.
Preliminary preparation for the event, decorating the hall with a sign and balloons.

Progress of the event.

1st presenter:
On the great day of caring for nature,
Think for a moment about
That this world is open and free,
For all earthly creatures there is one common home!
2nd presenter:
But since we have been given reason from above,
We are destined to save the planet,
And for her to be not a scourge, but a roof,
Give, create, heal, plant, love...

1st presenter: Today is World Environment Day! We congratulate all ecologists and all those whose work is related to nature and its protection. Our environment today requires each of us to take care of it. We must protect forests, rivers, and streams from pollution and garbage. We must protect forests from fires. And therefore we all must remember and observe simple rules: do not burn garbage and grass in the forest, do not leave burning fires, clean up all garbage after a picnic. After all, this is very important for the surrounding ecology!
2nd presenter: We smoothly approached our event and competitions. In order to play competitions, you must decide on the tokens. (Asks to take one token from the box). Those who have a “pink triangle” token in their hands stand in one column on the left. Those who come across a “white circle” stand on the right. And those who took the “green square” stand in one column between the two teams, in the middle. We ended up with 3 teams of 5 people in each group. (After splitting up, they can think about the names of the teams.)
1st presenter: Our first competition is quite simple and even easy. It's called “Guess the Word.” I'm giving you poems about animals. Your task is to find the lost word that matches the content in the text. You find the right word, check the correctness of your choice and fill in your word instead of dots. (Hands out sheets of poetry, a glue stick, words to choose from). Completion time: 3 minutes.

1st competition “Guess the word”
(for 1st team)
White and red…….
He fell on his side.
Nuts are hidden under the cheeks,
And……….eats them without haste.
Words to choose from: cat, squirrel, foal, calf, hamster.
(The correct option is hamster)

(for the 2nd team)
Looks straight into my eyes!
It's pushing hard...
She doesn't like the barn.
Words to choose from: horse, goat, cow, fox, she-wolf.
(That's right - goat)
(for the 3rd team)
Adults and children know:
I love to ride like the wind
And I always wear a sailor suit
Black and white striped.
Words to choose from: horse, horse, zebra, antelope, deer.
(Correct - zebra)
2nd presenter: We got it done quickly! Well done! Time for the second competition. It's called “Sketches about Living Nature.” I distribute excerpts from V. Beznosikov’s story “The Shalaya Rechka” to three teams. Your task is to find living things (plants, trees, insects, etc.) and show them using gestures. In this case, one person is the reader. He reads a passage, and the rest show what he has read. Preparation time: 5 minutes.
At the command of the presenters, one begins to read, and the others begin to gesture.
2nd competition “Sketches about living nature”
For the 1st team.
Meanwhile, the sun climbed higher and higher into the blue sky. In a meadow bluish with dewy fog, a blue-and-white magpie sat down on last year’s snow, waving its tail with pleasure on such a gentle morning - chirping mischievously and recklessly, waking up the world around it. A swift shrike fell from a willow bush and flew to a pea field to have breakfast, a tangled horse snored in the milky fog near Sysola, a goat muttered long and displeasedly in someone’s barn, asking for lush grass.
(4 participants take turns showing what they read with gestures.)
For the 2nd team.
The earth soars under the July sun. The village streets are quiet and peaceful. In the Komi village, as in any village, in summer time only the pigs are blissful in the dust and in the shade, reclining, grunting with pleasure. People in the fields and gardens. It is known - a summer day whole year feeds From the field, the wind brings the honeyed smells of freshly cut hay. Approaching his yard, Vladik caught himself thinking that with its forbs it resembled a colorful carpet.
(One person reads, 4 participants take turns showing what they read with gestures.)
For the 3rd team.
There are countless different flowers: mouse peas are buried in the lush wheatgrass, decorating the yard with small yellow coin flowers. Blue, almost transparent bells caught on the daisies. And they hold tightly to the ground with wire stalks, and with white eyes with yellow pupils they watch the sun. A cabbage butterfly perched itself on a bright daisy, its velvet wings nervously trembling. And on the fluffy wild clover flower crawls large, like a fingernail thumb, bumblebee.
(Also, 4 participants take turns showing what they read with gestures.)

Advice and evaluation of presenters.
1st presenter: Well done! Our participants do very well in competitions! It's time for the 3rd Artists Competition. You need to draw in turn with eyes closed summer picture. The picture you want. In order for your picture to be beautiful, you discuss who is drawing what, each participant uses only that part of the sheet that he needs to create his artistic image, not forgetting the still unpainted images of their accomplices. Since they still have to draw their own details of the picture. Last participant completes the painting. Preparation time 5 minutes.
3rd competition "Artists"
The necessary materials on the table of each team are a landscape sheet and colored markers.
Having previously discussed what they are drawing on sheets of paper, at the command of the presenters, the second participant blindfolds the first one with a scarf. He, blindfolded, approaches the table that is right in front of him, begins to draw on one side of the paper, the image that the team had planned in advance, without turning over the sheet of paper, leaves it on the table. The 1st and 2nd teams do the same. Next, the 3rd participant blindfolds the second participant (the 5th will be blindfolded by the first participant), he, in turn, comes up and creates his own image. The last participant in the teams completes the picture.
Children can draw a summer day, flowers in a meadow, a river with a boat, bumblebees on flowers, etc.
Evaluation of the leading summer paintings created.
2nd presenter: Well done! It's time for the 4th Skillful Hands competition. Also creative. You need to use colored paper, glue and scissors to create a craft on the theme: “The natural world, the animal world.” Once completed, you will need to prepare a short presentation about your work. Execution time 7-9 minutes.
4th competition “Skillful Hands”
Using materials prepared in advance on the tables - a set of colored paper, a glue stick and scissors, you need to create a craft on the theme: “The natural world, the animal world.” Each team works individually. After creating the craft, its presentation: what happened, the difficulties of completing the work, where and how the craft can be used.
Crafts can turn out to be very different: a bouquet of flowers in a vase, a boat on the river, a bee on a flower, etc.
5th competition “My talent”.
Self-prepared performances: dancing, reading poems on the theme of nature, animals.
Evaluation of presenters, determination of 1st, 2nd, 3rd place.
1st presenter: Our holiday has come to an end! Don't forget about careful attitude to living nature. After all, living with nature is more fun. After all, it’s easier to breathe with her. This makes your soul feel good and calm.
2nd presenter: Thanks to all participants! Take care environment! See you soon!

Extracurricular activity " Ecological skit».
Prepared and conducted by: Belonogova I.A., biology teacher of the 1st qualification category, MBOU "Russian-Aktash Secondary School" Almetyevsky municipal district, Republic of Tatarstan
Epigraphs: The earth can satisfy the need,
but not everyone's greed. (Mahatma Gandhi)
A person’s behavior in nature is a mirror of his soul.
(K. Zelinsky)
Goal: education ecological culture and environmental literacy of students through the organization of gaming activities.
To develop the cognitive interest and cognitive activity of schoolchildren, their creative abilities;
Increase environmental literacy of students;
Shape personal attitude schoolchildren to environmental problems, to cultivate a careful, humane attitude towards nature;
Broaden the horizons of students;
Develop communication skills;
Develop group work skills.
I. Organizational moment.
It's the twenty-first century on the planet.
Vanity, the pursuit of luck.
And a man is in a hurry somewhere.
To succeed is the main task.
The Earth is spinning in a whirlwind of affairs,
More and more quickly after novelty and progress.
And people are accustomed to exterminating,
Take without measure for personal interests.
Mother Earth suffered
From the actions of unreasonable children.
As if begging us for mercy,
The nature of the entire planet trembled.
And today we cannot be silent,
We will all stand up for her.
So let's play KVN!
Talk funny about unfunny topics.
- Hello guys! I'm very happy new meeting with you in the Club of cheerful and resourceful people, where hands never know boredom, and the head is constantly striving to learn something new and interesting. I think that today we will be able to make our meeting unusual and memorable.
Our today's KVN called “Ecological skit” will be dedicated to the year of ecology. Our respected jury, consisting of... will evaluate the game today. (announces the jury members).
And now, let's welcome the teams who are ready to tell us about painful issues in the language of humor environmental problems. We wish the teams good luck in the game and no feathers!
II. Game-competition.
Competition 1. Greeting competition on the theme “Oh, this ecology.”
Presentation of KVN teams.
The jury evaluates artistry, humor, erudition, comprehensive knowledge and team coherence. The maximum score for the competition is 5 points.
Competition 2. Competition - warm-up “The world around us”.
Questions for team 1:
Striped horse. (Zebra.)
The largest animal on earth. (Elephant.)
The most famous dam builder. (Beaver.)
The bird is a symbol of love and fidelity. (Swan.)
What mushrooms grow on stumps? (Honey mushrooms.)
Which animal changes color? (Chameleon.)
The smallest bird on earth. (Hummingbird.)
The fastest-footed bird? (Ostrich.)
Pine forest. (Bor.)
The most voracious insect. (Dragonfly.)
Questions for team 2:
The tree is a symbol of our Motherland. (Birch.)
The bird is a symbol of peace. (Pigeon.)
A herb that even the blind know? (Nettle.)
Which beast of prey Craving for raspberries? (Bear.)
The flower that gives its name to the yoga pose. (Lotus.)
The most poisonous mushroom. (Death cap.)
The slowest moving animal. (Snail, its speed is 0.05 km/h)
What bird's flight speed reaches 170 km/h? (Swift.)
Birch forest. (Grove.)
The most big fish planets. (Whale shark.)
The maximum score for the competition is 10 points.
Competition 3. “Verifier.”
Teams answer yes or no questions. For each correct answer - 1 point.
Questions for team 1:
Is it true that...
...can crocodiles climb trees? (YES.)
...snakes can jump up to a meter in height? (YES.)
... do swifts even sleep on the fly? (YES.) roses only grow in China? (NO. They don't exist at all)
... can a bear eat up to 200,000 berries in a day? (YES)
Questions for team 2:
Is it true that... zebras have striped fleas? (NO.)
... do spiders feed on their own webs? (YES.)
... is radiation from cell phones safe for the human body? (NO.)
... does the average person throw away 2.5 kilograms of garbage per day? (YES.)
... the mycelium of most mushrooms lives up to 100 years? (YES.)

Competition 4. “Who is who.”
Representatives of fauna for 1 team:
Wagtail - (bird).
Peacock eye - (insect).
Scops Owl - (bird).
Triton - (amphibian).
Platypus - (mammal).
Representatives of fauna for team 2:
Nuthatch - (bird).
Snake - (reptile).
Moray – (fish).
Aphid - (insect).
Emu - (bird).
Competition 5. “Captain, captain, smile...”
A tongue twister competition in which only captains participate. The tongue twister must be spoken at a fast pace three times.
A couple of daisies with thyme I often drank tea from cups After an hour the thyme dried up,
The tea party is over.
The snake has been bitten by the snake. You can’t get along with the snake. The snake has become narrower from horror - The snake will eat you for dinner.

Competition 6. “Shifters”.
Assignment: After listening to the shifter, you need to guess the proverb. Write down your answers on paper and give them to the jury.
They plant grass and the logs fly. (The forest is being cut down - the chips are flying.)
New enemy- worse than the old one. ( old friend- better than the new two.)
A big war is worse than an evil world. (A bad peace is better than a good quarrel.)
An elephant will not dull its tail. (A mosquito will not erode your nose.)
The crow is treated to dancing. (The nightingale is not fed fables.)
The maximum score for the competition is 5 points.
Competition 7. “Ball at Mukha-Tsokotukha’s.”
- Everyone knows the fairy tale “The Tsokotukha Fly.” Imagine that a fly invited guests to a ball. Show in 1-2 minutes how you could dance at a ball:
Team 1: butterflies, cockroaches.

Team 2: grasshoppers, dragonflies.
The maximum score for the competition is 5 points.
Competition 8. “Garbage fantasy.”
Within 3-5 minutes, teams must come up with a poem about protecting nature from garbage using a given rhyme: in the forest, beautiful, neat, pleasant.
Example: There is no need to litter in the forest, spoiling all the beauty of Nature, when the forest is clean, beautiful, tidy,
Then resting there is doubly pleasant!
The jury evaluates the relevance of the poems to the topic and originality.
Competition 9. “Do no harm.”
Questions for team 1:
1. Why can’t you take eggs from a bird’s nest? (The bird may leave the nest.)
2. Why you can’t collect medicinal herbs in one place for several years in a row? (So ​​that they do not disappear, but have time to recover.)
3. Why should we protect bumblebees? (They are the most beneficial wild plant pollinators.)
Questions for team 2:
1. Why can’t you fish in the spring? (At this time she spawns.)
2. Why you can’t hunt in nature reserves, reserves and national parks? (These are specially protected natural areas.)
3. Why, when grazing livestock, do you need to move animals from one pasture to another? (To prevent soil compaction and desertification.)
The maximum score for the competition is 3 points.
Competition 10. “Accusatory speech.”
- Imagine that we are now in court. Write and then read the indictment.
1 team:
Old woman Shapoklyak - for walking a rat in the wrong place.
Team 2:
Emelya for fishing using prohibited methods.
Competition 11 "Garbage Ball".
- It’s no secret that when walking along the streets of the village, we often leave behind a wide variety of garbage: pieces of paper, plastic bottles, boxes, bags. This happens even when the bins are nearby. Sometimes we can't even get into them. Now let's try to practice accurately placing garbage in the trash can.
All players participate. Each accurate hit is worth 1 point.
Competition 12. “ECO racing”
One question is asked to each team in turn. For each correct answer - 1 point.
1. People who shoot animals without permission and at the wrong time of the hunt. (Poachers.)
2. A forest where an oak tree grows. (Dubrava.)
3. Artificial pond. (Pond.)
4. Volatile substances of some plants that kill microbes. (Vatoncides.)5. Synonym of hippopotamus. (Hippopotamus.)
6. Dense fog containing dust and harmful gases. (Smog.)
7. Who introduced the term “ecology” into science? (E. Haeckel.)
8. Organisms that live in limited areas. (Endemic.)
9. Clean air indicators. (Lichens.)
10. The roots of this tree help hydraulic builders, fastening the banks no worse than steel reinforcement and preventing waves from eroding the banks. (Willow.)
11. Where on Earth are the largest reserves of water? (In Antarctica.)
12. An increase in the temperature of the lower layers of the planet’s atmosphere compared to the effective temperature due to excessive accumulation of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. (Greenhouse effect.)
13. The ugly duckling in adulthood. (Swan.)14. An animal whose strength is measured by engine power. (Horse.)15. Chip or Dale as representatives of the fauna. (Chipmunk.)
16. Marsh plant is the main natural purifier of the coastal zone of a large river. (Reeds.)
III. Summarizing.
Presenter: Well done, guys! Our journey to amazing world nature. Let's try never to offend her. We must always remember that man is not a destroyer, but a friend of nature, a gardener and a doctor.
Some good advice:
Learn to understand nature, become its friend and protector.
Enjoy the beauty of nature, do not harm it with your attitude.
In the lap of nature, be quiet and inconspicuous: look, listen and don’t make noise.
Take every opportunity to do something useful for nature.
Be a friend to all living beings, do not torture or kill animals.
Keep the waters clean, take care of springs and wells.
Keep the natural environment clean and do not leave behind traces of being in it.
Help those who care about nature, protect it from pests and unknowing tourists.
I would like to end today’s meeting with the poems of M. Dubin:
Like an apple on a saucer
We have one Earth.
Take your time, people
Exhaust everything to the bottom.
It's no wonder to get there
To hidden hiding places,
Loot all the wealth
In future centuries.
We common life grains,
Relatives of the same fate,
It's shameful for us to feast
For the next day.
Understand this people
Like your own order.
Otherwise there will be no Earth
I give the floor to our jury to sum up the results. (Team awards).
The jury announces the winners of the game. Winner's reward ceremony.

Epigraphs: The earth can satisfy the need,
but not everyone's greed. (Mahatma Gandhi)
A person’s behavior in nature is a mirror of his soul.
(K. Zelinsky)
Goal: to develop environmental culture and environmental literacy of students through
organization of gaming activities.
1. To develop cognitive interest and cognitive activity of schoolchildren, their
Creative skills;
2. Increase environmental literacy of students;
3. To form schoolchildren’s personal attitude towards environmental problems,
cultivate a caring, humane attitude towards nature;
4. Broaden the horizons of students;
5. Develop communication skills;
6. Develop group work skills.
I. Organizational moment.
It's the twenty-first century on the planet.
Vanity, the pursuit of luck.
And a man is in a hurry somewhere.
To succeed is the main task.
The Earth is spinning in a whirlwind of affairs,
More and more quickly after novelty and progress.
And people are accustomed to exterminating,
Take without measure for personal interests.
Mother Earth suffered
From the actions of unreasonable children.
As if begging us for mercy,
The nature of the entire planet trembled.
And today we cannot be silent,
We will all stand up for her.
So let's play KVN!
Talk funny about unfunny topics.
Hello guys! I am very glad to meet you again at the Club of cheerful and resourceful people,
where hands do not know boredom, and the head is constantly striving to learn something new and interesting.
I think that today we will be able to make our meeting unusual and memorable.

Our today's KVN called “Ecological skit” will be dedicated to the year
ecology. Our respected jury, consisting of... will evaluate the game today. (announces
jury members).
And now, let's welcome the teams who are ready to tell us in the language of humor
about pressing environmental problems. We wish the teams good luck in the game and no fluff, no
II. Game competition.
Competition 1. Greeting competition on the theme “Oh, this ecology.”
Presentation of KVN teams.
The jury evaluates artistry, humor, erudition, comprehensive knowledge and
team cohesion.
Competition 2. Warm-up competition “The world around us”.
Questions for team 1:
1. Striped horse. (Zebra.)
2. The largest animal on earth. (Elephant.)
3. The most famous dam builder. (Beaver.)
4. The bird is a symbol of love and fidelity. (Swan.)
5. What mushrooms grow on stumps? (Honey mushrooms.)
6. Which animal changes color? (Chameleon.)
7. The smallest bird on earth. (Hummingbird.)
8. The fastest-footed bird? (Ostrich.)
9. Pine forest. (Bor.)
10. The most voracious insect. (Dragonfly.)
Questions for team 2:
1. The tree is a symbol of our Motherland. (Birch.)
2. The bird is a symbol of peace. (Pigeon.)
3. A herb that even the blind know? (Nettle.)
4. What beast of prey is greedy for raspberries? (Bear.)
5. The flower that gives its name to the yoga pose. (Lotus.)
6. The most poisonous mushroom. (Death cap.)
7. The slowest moving animal. (Snail, its speed is 0.05 km/h)
8. Which bird’s flight speed reaches 170 km/h? (Swift.)
9. Birch forest. (Grove.)
10. The largest fish on the planet. (Whale shark.)
The maximum score for the competition is 10 points.
Competition 3. “Verifier.”
Teams answer yes or no questions. For each correct answer - 1 point.
Questions for team 1:
Is it true that...

1. ...can crocodiles climb trees? (YES.)
2. ...snakes can jump up to a meter in height? (YES.)
3. ... do swifts even sleep on the fly? (YES.)
4. roses grow only in China? (NO. They don't exist at all)
5. ... can a bear eat up to 200,000 berries in a day? (YES)
Questions for team 2:
Is it true that...
1. ...are there striped fleas on zebras? (NO.)
2. spiders feed on their own web? (YES.)
3. radiation from cell phones safe for the human body? (NO.)
4. ... does the average person throw away 2.5 kilograms of garbage per day?
5. ... the mycelium of most mushrooms lives up to 100 years? (YES.)
The maximum score for the competition is 5 points.
Competition 4. “Who is who.”
Representatives of fauna for 1 team:
1. Wagtail (bird).
2. Peacock eye (insect).
3. Scops Owl (bird).
4. Triton (amphibian).
5. Platypus (mammal).
Representatives of fauna for team 2:
1. Nuthatch (bird).
2. Snake (reptile).
3. Moray eel – (fish).
4. Aphid (insect).
5. Emu - (bird).
Competition 5. “Captain, captain, smile...”
A tongue twister competition in which only captains participate. Need a tongue twister
speak quickly three times.
1. With thyme, a couple of daisies
In the thicket I drank tea from cups
An hour later the thyme dried up,

The tea party is over.
2. The snake bit the snake.
I can't get along with the snake.
Already out of horror -
The snake will eat it for dinner.

Competition 6. “Shifters”.
Assignment: After listening to the shifter, you need to guess the proverb. Write down your answers on paper and
hand over to the jury members.
1. When they plant grass, the logs fly. (The forest is being cut down - the chips are flying.)
2. The new enemy is worse than the old one. (An old friend is better than two new ones.)
3. A big war is worse than an evil world. (A bad peace is better than a good quarrel.)
4. An elephant will not dull its tail. (A mosquito will not erode your nose.)
5. The crow is treated to dancing. (The nightingale is not fed fables.)
The maximum score for the competition is 5 points.
Competition 7. “Ball at MukhaTsokotukha’s.”
Everyone knows the fairy tale “Fly Tsokotukha”. Imagine that a fly invited guests to a ball.
Show in 1 2 minutes how you might dance at a ball:
Team 1: butterflies, cockroaches.

Team 2: grasshoppers, dragonflies.
The maximum score for the competition is 5 points.
Competition 8. “Garbage fantasy.”
Within 3-5 minutes, teams must come up with a poem about protecting nature from
garbage having a given rhyme: in the forest, beauty, neat, pleasant.
No need to litter in the forest,
Nature spoiling all its beauty,
When the forest is clean, beautiful, tidy,
Then resting there is doubly pleasant!
The jury evaluates the relevance of the poems to the topic and originality.
Competition 9. “Do no harm.”

Questions for team 1:
1. Why can’t you take eggs from a bird’s nest? (The bird may leave the nest.)
2. Why can’t you collect medicinal herbs in one place for several years in a row?
(So ​​that they do not disappear, but have time to recover.)
3. Why should we protect bumblebees? (They are the most beneficial wild plant pollinators.)
Questions for team 2:
1. Why can’t you fish in the spring? (At this time she spawns.)
2. Why is it forbidden to hunt in nature reserves, wildlife sanctuaries and national parks? (This
specially protected natural areas.)
3. Why, when grazing livestock, do you need to move animals from one pasture to another?
(To prevent soil compaction and desertification.)
The maximum score for the competition is 3 points.
Competition 10. “Accusatory speech.”
Imagine that we are now in court. Write and then read the indictment.
1 team:
Old woman Shapoklyak - for walking a rat in the wrong place.
Team 2:
Emelya for fishing using prohibited methods.
Competition 11 "Garbage Ball".
It's no secret that when walking along the streets of a village, we often leave behind the most
various garbage: pieces of paper, plastic bottles, boxes, bags. It even happens
when the bins are nearby. Sometimes we can't even get into them. Let's try it
Now practice how to accurately place garbage in the trash can.
All players participate. Each accurate hit is worth 1 point.
Competition 12. “ECO racing”
One question is asked to each team in turn. For each correct
answer – 1 point.
1. People who shoot animals without permission and at the wrong time of the hunt.
2. A forest where an oak tree grows. (Dubrava.)
3. Artificial pond. (Pond.)
4. Volatile substances of some plants that kill microbes. (Vatoncides.)
5. Synonym for hippopotamus. (Hippopotamus.)
6. Dense fog containing dust and harmful gases. (Smog.)
7. Who introduced the term “ecology” into science? (E. Haeckel.)
8. Organisms that live in limited areas. (Endemic.)

9. Clean air indicators. (Lichens.)
10. The roots of this tree help hydraulic builders to fasten the banks no worse than steel
reinforcement and preventing waves from eroding the shores. (Willow.)
11. Where on Earth are the largest reserves of water? (In Antarctica.)
12. An increase in the temperature of the lower layers of the planet’s atmosphere compared to
effective temperature due to excessive accumulation of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
(Greenhouse effect.)
13. The ugly duckling in adulthood. (Swan.)
14. An animal whose strength is used to measure engine power. (Horse.)
15. Chip or Dale as representatives of the fauna. (Chipmunk.)
16. Marsh plant is the main natural purifier of the coastal zone of a large river.
III. Summarizing.
Presenter: Well done, guys! Our journey to
amazing world of nature. Let's try never to offend her. We have to
always remember that man is not a destroyer, but a friend of nature, a gardener and a doctor.
Some good advice:
 Learn to understand nature, become its friend and protector.
 Enjoy the beauty of nature, do not harm it with your attitude.
 In the lap of nature, be quiet and inconspicuous: look, listen and don’t make noise.
 Take every opportunity to do something useful for nature.
 Be a friend to all living beings and do not torture or kill animals.
 Keep the waters clean, take care of springs and wells.
 Keep the natural environment clean and do not leave behind traces of being in
 Help those who care about nature, protect it from pests and unconscious
I would like to end today’s meeting with the poems of M. Dubin:
Like an apple on a saucer
We have one Earth.
Take your time, people
Exhaust everything to the bottom.
It's no wonder to get there
To hidden hiding places,
Loot all the wealth
In future centuries.
We are the common life of grain,
Relatives of the same fate,
It's shameful for us to feast
For the next day.
Understand this people
Like your own order.
Otherwise there will be no Earth
I give the floor to our jury to sum up the results. (Team awards).

The jury announces the winners of the game. Winner's reward ceremony.

State budgetary educational institution

Boarding school No. 2 in Armavir, Krasnodar region

Chemistry teacher

Shevchuk M.A.


  1. Teams of 7, 8, 9 “A” and 9 “B” classes participate in the competition
  2. Previously, teams receive tasks:
  • Prepare a musical number

(dramatization or gestural song about nature).

  • Have whatman paper and markers with you.

3. Inventory and design: Whatman paper – 3 sheets, felt-tip pens, photographs of plants

And animals (2nd, 3rd competition), paper, simple pencils, the hall is decorated with drawings and posters about ecology made by school students. There are poems on the board.

Progress of the event.

Music is playing.

The presenter invites the teams to take their playing places and introduces the jury members.

1. Competition “My neighbors on the planet”.

Teams are asked to make a collective drawing on large sheets of paper, in which they must depict their neighbors on the planet.(the presenter does not specify who exactly).

Execution time - 10 min.

The jury evaluates the drawings according to 6-point system.

2. Competition: “Find a pair.”

The team captain represents each team in the competition.

(the competition is held while the teams are preparing a collective drawing).

The presenter names the plant, and the contestant must find an animal that is somewhat similar to the named plant and explain the reason for the choice(pictures attached).

Porcupine cactus (has needles). Aspen - hare (“cowards”).

Nettle is a bee (they sting). Liana is a boa constrictor (long body).

Thistle is a leech (they cling).

For the correct answer, the contestant can receive 1-2 points.

3. Competition "Musical"

Teams present previously prepared numbers. Teams may be offered the following songs to perform:

“A grasshopper was sitting in the grass”, “Two cheerful geese lived with a grandmother”, “There was a lapwing on the road”, “Don’t tease the dogs”, “A kitten and a puppy lived in the same apartment”, “A stork on the roof”, “Lucy”, “Squawk "

The jury evaluates the competition according to 5-point system.

4.Competition “Who is this?”

Two people from each team participate in the competition. One of them

A picture of an animal or plant is attached to the back.

This participant can ask questions to the second participant, to which hecan only answer “yes” or “no”. The task is to quickly and correctly “unravel” the image in the picture.

2 points.

5. Competition. “Mystery animal.”

Teams are offered drawings of fantastic animals. Teams must guess which animal parts were used to create the drawings.

Maximum competition score - 3 points.

Answers to animal jokes

5. The head of an eagle, the neck and wing of a swan, the body of a penguin, the legs of an ostrich.

6. Head of a crane, beak of a pelican, wing of a penguin, paws of a duck, tail of a peacock.

7. Head and ears of a hare, tusks of a walrus, body of a sheep, tail of a fawn, front legs of a dog, hind legs


6. Competition “Poetry”.

Teams must come up with a poem about nature within 3-5 minutes, having a given rhyme:

Natures are peoples; tasks - good luck; flowers - dreams; years - always.

The jury evaluates the relevance of the poems to the topic and originality.

Maximum score - 4 points.

The jury sums up the results of all competitions, and the presenter awards the winners with diplomas and gifts.

Ball at Mukha-Tsokotukha's

Everyone knows the fairy tale “The Cluttering Fly.” Imagine that a fly invited guests to a ball. Show in 2 minutes how butterflies, cockroaches, grasshoppers, and dragonflies could dance at a ball.

Accusatory speech.

Imagine that we are now in court. Write and then read the indictment

Old woman Shapoklyak - for walking a rat in the wrong place,

Emelya for fishing using prohibited methods,

Carlson – for accommodation without registration,

Postman Pechkin - for receiving gifts while on duty

























nature - peoples

tasks - good luck

flowers - dreams

years - always

Summary table of points.





"My neighbours

on the planet”

(6 points)

“Find a match”

(2 points for each answer)


(5 B)