Chic congratulations on Tatiana's day. Beautiful congratulations on Tatiana's day in verse. Congratulations for brown-eyed Tatyana

A holiday is a pleasant and joyful event in all respects dedicated to a specific event, whether it is a birthday, anniversary, wedding, new year, Christmas, March 8, February 23, professional holidays that are marked on the calendar in honor of something or someone or - they all have a sacred meaning and are associated with a cultural or religious tradition. No wonder they say that a Russian person, when buying a calendar for the next year, first of all looks to see if weekends coincide with holidays. Yes, whatever you say, but we love to take a walk and relax!

But then the morning came after the holiday, and what pleasant things can you remember? And how to make sure that instead of a headache from the holiday, something valuable and pleasant remains, with the recollection of which, even after many, many years, the mood would rise? Here, in order to have something to remember, something to smile, in order to give each other maximum pleasure and minimum material costs, on our portal you will find the most beautiful and original congratulations for any occasion.

Congratulations on Tatiana's day in verse and prose

Tatyana's Day, which is celebrated on January 25, in 1755, Empress Elizaveta Petrovna signed a decree "On the Establishment of Moscow University", and Tatyana's Day became an official university day, in those days it was called the Foundation Day of Moscow University. Since then, Saint Tatiana has been considered the patroness of students. So if today is January 25 and you have a girlfriend, colleague or relative named Tatiana, then congratulate her with beautiful words that you can pick up on our website.

Tatyana's day has come today,
Let health bring
Let it give a lot of happiness
And take away all the problems!

Let it give you a mood
And protect you from evil.
Let everything be always in order.
And I congratulate you!

Winter day, cold, snowy,
All trees are in silver.
Tatyana's Day - sweet, gentle -
We celebrate in January.

On this day we wish you
Happiness, joy, warmth,
Fulfillment of dreams.
The ones you've been waiting for.

Let the holiday be your favorite
This day of the calendar.
Because you, Tatyana,
January queen.

On a January day, on a cold day,
I congratulate you
Let health be strong
Cheerful for you to be!

So that the heart does not know troubles,
To make your dream come true.
Congratulations on Tatyana's day.
Happiness, health, kindness!

Tanyusha, my dear Tatyana,
Today is your Angel Day!
Always be cheerful, cheerful, blush,
Step forward, don't hide your smile!

May your angel protect from evil,
From troubles, sorrows and from all mistakes.
Let only goodness and goodness send
And gives happiness, joy and a smile!

Today is a holiday - St. Tatiana's Day!
And I will not hesitate to congratulate you.
I wish you lots and lots of happiness!
Reliable, loyal, real friends.

Pleasant meetings and the kindest words.
More very happy calls,
Good health and many long years,
And every day let there be light in the soul!

On a beautiful day Tatyana
I wish you well
Smiles, laughter and fun.
And, of course, heat.

So that you don't have to be bored
Let fun come to your home.
Get together with friends
At a full holiday table.

Let love surround everyone
Let the flowers bloom in the soul.
Let every holiday be bright
Let friends bring joy.

Congratulations on Tatyana's Day
And I wish you to be
Every day drunk with happiness
Forget about adversity!

Let spring wake up in your soul
Bright light fills everything.
Let luck smile
A miracle will enter your life!

Tatiana, dear Tatiana,
In your soul you have a meadow of flowers,
Eyes like a delicate emerald
You are appreciated, loved here and there ...

You are like an unearthly angel,
So vulnerable and dear.
You are a wonderful friend, sister and mother,
And the problem will not break you.

You are the tenderness of lotus and roses.
And you are not afraid of frost,
Neither heat, nor anger, nor fuss,
After all, you are blessed and pure!

You are our pride and totem,
Bring happiness to all people!
Good luck to you, our dear,
And let life become even more beautiful!

St. Tatyana's Day is your holiday,
Let the name day bring joy with them.
I wish you had
There is a lot of light, happiness and warmth in life.

May your angel from heaven help to live,
The right path for you to walk.
Be always beautiful, have time everywhere
And warm your soul with your smile.

Tatyana's day is a beautiful holiday,
I congratulate all Tatyana.
May your house be full of happiness
Let the family be healthy.

And for those who are just growing up
Who was named Tatiana
Good luck, I wish you joy
And in the future great love!

Tatyana's day is a beautiful holiday,
He is full of joy and kindness.
Let your thoughts be beautiful
And every soul is bright!

Congratulations on Tatyana's Day!
Happiness will be permanent
And let success come
Building a joy route.

Let there be light in the soul
At home - clear and warm,
On the shoulder - any business,
To make the heart sing more often.

Luck will knock on the door -
You can safely believe her
Fate does not cast a shadow.
So meet Tatyana's day!

All Tanya I on this holiday
Congratulations from the bottom of my heart.
Tanya, Tanya, Tanya,
How good are you all.

On a January day, on a cold day,
I wish you warmth
To shine with kindness
Your lovely eyes!

Congratulations on Tatyana's day!
Let all failures be forgotten.
May success come in everything
To solve any problem.

Happiness will come, health will come.
Fulfillment of cherished desires
Let it bring you soon
Wonderful holiday Tatyana!

Someone's dream, a fatal secret,
You are someone's main prize from heaven ...
Men only dream about Tanya:
How about you, graceful lynx,

A wild cat with a passionate look,
Hunt, lure, tame...
Be always mischievous, dangerous,
Always giving rays of the sun,

Bold and bold, tearing apart
Difficulties that got in the way.
Happy birthday, Tanya! Shine with happiness
In the velvet of snow, bloom like a rose!

Today is Tatyana's Day and your name day,
I wish you, Tanyusha, that you find reasons
For holidays and jokes, for joy and laughter,
I wish you more luck and success,

And also - optimism, energy, health
And the Angel to you, Tanya, is always at the head,
True love and friendship, and many wonderful years,
I wish you earthly blessings and heavenly blessings!

On this icy January holiday, we bring you a warming bouquet of congratulations. Be modest, but unforgettable, like a forget-me-not, luxurious and feminine, like a scarlet rose and more refined than a rare variety of orchid. Happy Tatyana's Day! Bloom with happiness at any time of the year.

Happy birthday! And be happy, Tanya!
Be wiser, more confident and more beautiful,
Let the men beg for dates
Even timidly kneeling!

May success, luck and luck
Helping you achieve a lot
Always be in a great mood
Be light, free like a bird

Pure as a river and majestic
And shine like the sun, dear!
Let your angel mischievous curly
Protects you day and night!

Like a snowball cheerful and fluffy,
Congratulations, Tanya, catch!
I wish you bright, clean,
Unearthly, huge love!

The sun shines on you smiling
Giving their rays of amber,
Looking at you and smiling
Let January melt away!

Tatyana, congratulations on Angel Day. Go through life easily and with optimism. Let the stars of happiness shine brightly in your eyes, and bitter drops never approach them. But if it sometimes rains a little, then after a rainbow always blooms.

Let your life be, Tatyana,
Cheerful, like the sound of an accordion,
May every day be happy
Success is reliable, not obstinate.

Let your angel be near
Don't forget for a second
Won't turn away, won't leave
And he always leads by the hand.

Let them love you, understand
More tender hugs
And warm endlessly
Native, faithful hearts.

You are the founder, Tanya.
This is what the translation says.
May the name bring good luck
Keeps life from adversity.

On Tatyana's holiday, I wish
For an angel to guide you to your dreams.
Let there be a place in your life
And magic, and miracles!

Let Tatyana's day give you only positive emotions and colorful moments! I wish you to always remain the same sincere and kind person! May pure love always fill your heart, and may true friendship only grow stronger!

Even though the January frosts are outside,
Let life, Tatyana, be decorated with roses,
Motives of happiness sound in your soul,
Let boredom and bad weather disappear.

Let now, on this holiday - Tatyana's Day
Your dreams and plans will come true
All problems and tasks will be solved,
And meet success and good luck.

Let dawns wake you up with hopes,
All questions will be answered,
Sunsets will delight in harmony,
May you always be happy!

Let the heavenly angel rejoice
Your life is bright and wonderful,
Let him give his blessing
Health, beauty and inspiration!

Alina Ogonyok In verse:

Tatyana - Russian soul,
At home, endowed with beauty,
And the king, whose name he bears from childhood,
He gave her kingship as an inheritance.

Whatever it takes, she
Firm in decisions and often
Rights. Strong in character
Yes, and he knows how to sharply aptly.

Empty does not tolerate objections -
Weighty facts, the importance of topics ...
It's easier for her to build relationships
With men with whom there are no problems.

Among them, she is comfortable and sweet.
Full of charm
All your artistry without a trace
She will show among men.

Everyone is looking for Tatiana's society:
She is quick to think
As in toastmaster, there is no flaw in it,
Like the sun, generous with warmth.

And symbolically - in January,
When it's cold, the day is longer
From the sun brighter in the yard,
Tatyana's day is coming to us.

Happy birthday to everyone,
Whom to call Tatiana
And we will celebrate the noisy Tanya holiday,
Let's give it a chance to shine.

Our dear Tatyana,
Happy Birthday to You!
Can't find a flaw in you
Honestly, sincerely, loving!
Be as beautiful
Never be sad
And most importantly, happy
Stay forever!

You are mysteriously beautiful
Like from a book novel
You smile clearly
Our dear Tatyana!

Infect with optimism
And we know that always
You lend a helping hand
You will never refuse!

Always be as sweet
Responsive and groovy,
And successful, and beloved!
We are glad to be friends with you!

The sun rose early in the morning
Only for you, Tatyana.
Somewhere it's raining across the ocean
Only for you, Tatyana.

The winds are mischievous drunk
Only you, Tatyana.
You are beautiful without flaw!
Happy birthday, Tatyana!

Do not be sad, do not cry, Tanya,
Don't let yourself get sloppy.
Be cheerful because
Happiness loves optimists.

Well, if for a minute
You suddenly become sad
Turn problems into jokes
Smile in spite of fate.

On this glorious autumn day
We came to visit you
To wish you a happy birthday
Wish you love.

Wish you fun, peace,
Kindness and beauty
Well you deserve it
Let dreams come true.

And then, believe me, everything will be
Right into place.
Raise your glass, Tanya,
We drink to the bottom for you.

You are mysteriously beautiful
Like from a book novel
You smile clearly
Our dear Tatyana!
Infect with optimism
And we know that always
You lend a helping hand
You will never refuse!
Always be as sweet
Responsive and groovy,
And successful, and beloved!
We are glad to be friends with you!

On behalf of Tatyana, I am always warm
He hears love and hears peace
Perhaps that's why Tatyana - full - full,
But there is not one like you in the country!

There are shortcomings in other Tatyanas.
You can find some flaws in them.
But do not take my words for flattery:
You are just perfect Tatyana!

All perfection: both face and height,
The smile that makes all men melt
Therefore, I ask you to support my toast:
For the ideal Tatyana, I propose to drink!

Tanya, you are the most beautiful of all!
When I look into your eyes
I dream of hearing your laughter.
I thank heaven
For the fact that you are next to me,
I'm afraid to lose you!
Today, on your birthday,
I confess my love to you!

Tatyana, wonderful soul,
What a spark you appeared!
Good in every aspect
For everyone around it has become a native!

Always calm without looking back
You work wholeheartedly.
We are not afraid of inspections,
Any balance is always in order!

And how you cook the heart melts!
Dumplings, pies, pates...
When Tatiana treats
Sonnets are ready for her to read!

In prose:

Tanya, my love! Happy student day! For you, this is a double holiday - student's day and Tatyana's day! For me, this is a magical day, and even a blizzard will not hurt us to celebrate our student holiday and the day of my beloved Tanya! I wish you this day only happiness in your eyes, let them shine for me with the most gentle, kind, loving light! May your smile make me happy every day! Do not be sad, because I am always with you, I love you!

Dear Tatyana! Today is your day, it’s called Tatyana’s Day, and I want to congratulate you, let it be fun and interesting for you, in the company of your loved ones, who, like me, will congratulate you from the bottom of my heart! Stay always beautiful and blooming, cheerful and sympathetic and believe me, with people like you, the world is getting better!

Darling! You are not only a student, but your name is Tatyana, which means that on this day I have a double reason to congratulate you on the holiday and wish you to always remain blooming, kind and cheerful! I promise that I will do everything for your happiness, maybe I will even be able to pick a star from the sky for you, my love! Happy holiday to all students, beauty, study diligently!

Charming Tatiana! I congratulate you on a magical winter holiday - your name day! It is truly wonderful that you were called by this beautiful Russian name. It suits you so well. After all, you are the very femininity and tenderness, modesty and charm, kindness and spirituality! God bless you all! Happy birthday, Tanechka!

Congratulations on Tatyana's Day ©

January 25 is traditionally celebrated as Tatyana's Day and Student's Day, and prepared cool and funny congratulations on the holiday. There are obviously Tatyanas and students in your environment, and they will definitely be pleased to read or hear positive words from you.

Take note of the original congratulations on Tatyana's Day and Student's Day in verse!


Tatyana's name day: congratulations on Tatyana's day are cool

For Tatyana various
The holiday is coming!
How many Tatyanas are there in the world?
You can count them!
We won't even try
Count all Tatyan
But today we can
Send them congratulations!
This day is given for that,
To congratulate all Tatyana!

Happy Tatyana's Day: congratulations to women

I congratulate all Tatyana!
May your house be full of happiness
Let the family be healthy
And for those who are just growing up
Who was named Tatiana
Good luck, I wish you joy
And in the future great love!
Tatyana's day is a beautiful holiday,
He is full of joy, goodness!
Let your thoughts be beautiful
The spirit is strong and the soul is bright!


Congratulations on Angel Day to Tatyana in verse

Sparkling strewn with hoarfrost
January morning ringing
My friend, with your name -
Hello sends me a blinding sun,

And it pours like nightingale trills,
And lightness carries a dandelion...
You are summer in winter! Happy birthday
Beloved, tender Tanechka!

Blossom with delightful beauty,
And be excited by the heat of love
I want to be delightful all my life
You were bewitched by happiness!


Funny congratulations on Tatyana's day - student's day

Scenario for student's day © Depositphotos

Let your session give up easily
For a couple, let the couple go faster,
The exam is definitely a success
Especially when a freebie student is waiting.

May the most evil professor not forget
What does it mean to be a student yourself,
May a miracle suddenly happen on Tatiana's day -
Would you like to learn something...

Coolcongratulationshappy student dayon Tatyana's day

Tatyana's day is a holiday for all students,
He gives happiness, joy, positive!
But do not rush to get drunk, like a prankster,
The science of life is completely forgotten.

We are given only one youth,
And there is so much I want to do in it -
May everyone smile on this holiday
And will have fun, live, dance and sing!


Congratulations on Tatiana's day in verse: beautiful wishes for studentsov

Student's Day in Ukraine © Depositphotos

Tatyana's day has come,
Students are walking around
We are too lazy to study today,
And our goal is completely different!

And let the whole world envy
And remember those moments
When cheerful, young,
He celebrated his Student's Day!

Life congratulations on Student's Day

Who was not a student - to understand is not destiny,
As a crowd walks on Tatyana's holiday,
How to ask for favors in school,
To bring gifts to the protector on a holiday.

Shout on the balcony: "Freebie, come!",
Sometimes it's not easy, no matter how you look at it.
You stubbornly gnaw the edges of science,
And you will, of course, be irresistible.

Sleepless nights you give books
Check your dictionaries more often
But you will be cheerful and drunk today
On a student holiday - Tatyana's holy day!


Positive verse on Tatyana's day for former students

Tatyana's day is a big date,
And there is a holiday here and there.
We used to be students
Let's go back to those years!

We remember sweet moments
When the spirit is full of fun;
We were greedy for learning -
Science stone was like fluff.

Today we have learning again
Come and test us again
But it will be harsh on those
Who will not hear his voice.

Today is the day of St. Tatiana,
Day of wisdom, and therefore
If you are drunk with a good thought,
Everything will be decided according to the mind.

Short congratulations to women on Tatyana's Angel Day

Tatyana's Day - a wonderful holiday
For Tanya, Tanya, Tan.
Tatyana is more beautiful than the sun,
Like birds in the early morning!

I wish the "tails" were shorter,
I wish you an easy session always,
I wish you don't forget
Holy this time never!

For Tatyana various
The holiday is coming!
How many Tatyanas are there in the world?
You can count them!
We won't even try
Count all Tatyan
But today we can
Send them congratulations!
This day is given for that,
To congratulate all Tatyana!


I congratulate all Tatyana!

Let the family be healthy
And for those who are just growing up
Who was named Tatiana
Good luck, I wish you joy
And in the future great love!
Tatyana's day is a beautiful holiday,
He is full of joy, goodness!

The spirit is strong and the soul is bright!

Sparkling strewn with hoarfrost
January morning ringing
My friend, with your name -
Hello sends me a blinding sun,
And it pours like nightingale trills,
And lightness carries a dandelion...
You are summer in winter! Happy birthday
Beloved, tender Tanechka!
Blossom with delightful beauty,
And be excited by the heat of love
I want to be delightful all my life
You were bewitched by happiness!

Tatyana's day is a holiday for all students,
He gives happiness, joy, positive!
But do not rush to get drunk, like a prankster,
The science of life is completely forgotten.
We are given only one youth,
And there is so much I want to do in it -
May everyone smile on this holiday
And will have fun, live, dance and sing!

Tatyana's Day - a wonderful holiday
For Tanya, Tanya, Tan.
Tatyana is more beautiful than the sun,
Like birds in the early morning!

I wish you optimism
Love and magnetism
Be healthy, be beautiful
Always so cute
In love and beloved
Smiling, happy.
You are the best friend!
Happy Angel Day, Tanya!

Tatyana, today is your day,
And I congratulate you on it
Long ago I forgot peace -
Your smile takes away!
May the Lord keep you
May the angels not leave
And this day gives you
Everything you wish for yourself!

Tatiana's Day, Tatiana's feast -
Today the whole world is celebrating
After all, this name is not easy:
It is truly holy.
Cold winter time,
Like a ray of sunshine in spring
Tatyana's day will warm the soul,
There is no holiday kinder and better!
May Tatiana be happy
And beauty, wonderful camp
Men's hearts conquer
In love, confessions are received!

I wish my Tanechka
Happiness always smiled!
So that on your road -
The sun is always laughing!
So that only luck -
Everywhere and in everything!
So that only love -
Light up your house!

Congratulations on Tatyana's day
I send my warm regards.
Let your angel be near
Gives many bright years.

Beautiful poems for Tatyana's Day

Tatyana, my dear,
I want to congratulate you
Happy calendar day
In which it is inscribed not in vain
Your native name.
And we'll go together
Celebrate in the sacred hour
Tatyana's Day
Under the starry waltz.

Although there is a blizzard outside
Spring drops ring in my soul.
On Tatyana's day, hearts are open,
The streets are washed with a smile,
Tatyana's look intoxicates me,
Gently pulls to itself with a magnet,
Love gives me without deceit.
On Tatiana's day, Tatiana is generous.
The student is in love.
He spent the last ruble:
Managed to borrow a little money
And she leads the girls to the restaurant!
And I was there. And I drank vodka.
And Tatyana smiling to me,
And again youth woke up
And I'm heading home
To be with you on Tatyana's day!

Congratulations on Tatiana's day
For everyone who loves this day
Who is not afraid of a blizzard
Who has happiness like a shadow.
Let people respect you
Give joy and warmth
Let no one offend
Let goodness live in the house.

Hooray! Tatyana's day has come
I'm not too lazy to congratulate you.
I wish you a great mood
decent salary,
And great personal happiness!
How are all Tatiana today
Run to restaurants
Soon all Tanya will become
Very cheerful and drunk.
You enjoy the fun
Sing, laugh, smile.
And dance with all your heart
After all, all Tatyanas are good!

I want to sincerely congratulate
Happy birthday dear Tanechka!
To leave a piece of her heart,
Gently kiss her on the cheek!
You, Tanyusha, are like a swan in the sky:
Regal, free and beautiful!
You teach us to believe in goodness and joy,
Plunging into the sea of ​​positive!
Never let fate deceive!
Be happy, dear Tanya!

"So, her name was Tatyana" -
once written by a poet
and you, waking up early in the morning
on your birthday, which is not strange,
became famous all over the world.
Always cute, always beautiful
Perhaps Pushkin is not in vain
took you for the heroine!
Let there be only happiness in life
And not a single bad weather in the soul
Do not overshadow your ball!

Happy Tatyana's Day, Tanya congratulations!
Happiness to you, joy, goodness!
Let your eyes shine like the sun
From flowers, smiles and warmth!
Be cheerful, bright, interesting,
Like a ray, sweet, mischievous,
To make your life wonderful
Under the captivating star of love!

Warmth to you, Tanechka, joy,
Good looks, smiles, flowers,
Let your troubles be dispelled
Happiness, tenderness, luck, love!

If someone is flawless,
Then, of course, you, Tatyana!
You are beautiful and smart
Cheerful, kind, gentle!
Happy Birthday
And I wish you inspiration
Eternal youth, love,
Sing, dance, live easy!
May all dreams come true
Flowers will surround
Laughter, fans, toys!
Happy birthday, Tanya!

Tatyana's day is your holiday,
I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart.
May all misfortunes be avoided
Family friends will be around!
May the Lord keep you
Protects from various troubles.
Place love in your heart
And let the light not go out in the soul!

Beautiful congratulations in verse on Tatyana's day

Today is the time for fun -
Tatyana's day of students of all!
And you, girls, on this day,
Whom we call Tanyusha!
So congratulations.
Good luck, courage, luck,
Love, delight, kindness,
May all dreams come true!

On a bright, quiet and winter day
I will open the lock from the house,
To congratulate Tatyana's day zealously ...
Guessed? Of course, Tatyana!
You are sweet and beautiful, charming,
And your walk is so wonderful!
You are perfect, without flaw -
I love Tatyana!

Today, despite the fact
What is the pursuit of knowledge?
Everyone who attends university
Not in the mood to study!
Although there are reasons for students
Roll up fun can not be counted
This time for celebration
There is an official holiday.
Teachers and their deans
All excellent students and nerds,
Nerds, geeks and boobies,
Everyone celebrates Tatyana's day!

Tanya, Tanya, Tanya,
Accept congratulations.
Stay the best
Don't be sad and don't be bored.
On a winter holiday, on Tatyana's day
From love to you all are drunk.
Only he's not drunk yet
Who has not heard about Tatyana.

Let the great Tatyana
Protects you from all adversity.
Let it save you from bad weather,
Problems, sorrows and troubles.
May your whole life be easy,
And my head is full of ideas.
Let happiness wake you up in the morning
Good, loyal friends.

The calendar lights up in red today,
January brings wonderful holidays!
Christmas was celebrated, as well as the New Year,
And now Tatyana's day is coming to us!
Congratulations on a wonderful holiday,
Please accept this glorious congratulations from us!
Let, despite the winter, spring bloom in the soul,
Let Tatyana's day please you, bring you good luck!

The January calendar is full of holidays:
Tatyana's Day is one among them.
Defended the students brethren
And in the name of Christ she sang a hymn.
Congratulations student noisy
And, of course, all the lovely Tatyanas.
We wish you success and wisdom
And the Lord's protection for business!
Tatyana's day is shrouded in frost
And draws a pattern on the glass.
Be happy, dear, kind
Every day, including in January!

The wonderful name of Tanyusha
You were once named.
You were an obedient girl
But the days went by quickly.
Now you've grown up, babe!
You - with Tatyana's day!
Let everything in life be clear
And it only gets better every day!

On Tatyana's day, hello to you -
From the warmest words a bouquet.
You, beautiful, dear.
You decorate the world with yourself.
Bloom always for our joy,
To your kind friends,
Love yourself and be loved
After all, our life is unique.
Always be our sunshine
To never be sad.

Tatyana's day is a beautiful holiday,
I congratulate all Tatyana.
May your house be full of happiness
Let the family be healthy.
And for those who are just growing up
Who was named Tatiana
Good luck, I wish you joy
And in the future great love!
Tatyana's day is a beautiful holiday,
He is full of joy and kindness.
Let your thoughts be beautiful
And every soul is bright!

Tanyusha, my dear Tatyana,
Today is your Angel Day!
Always be cheerful, cheerful, blush,
Step forward, don't hide your smile!
May your angel protect from evil,
From troubles, sorrows and from all mistakes.
Let only goodness and goodness send
And gives happiness, joy and a smile!