School Office - View Article. Literary sprint class What is the name of the story by A.N. Rybakova

Option 1

Level 1

1. A trend in literature, the signs of which are “speaking names”, the cult of reason.

1) romanticism

2) classicism

4) realism

2. What natural phenomenon described in “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign” occurred during Prince Igor’s campaign?

1) Lunar eclipse

2) Solar eclipse

3) Flood

4) Drought.

1) a) “Dead souls”

2) b) “Hero of our time”

3) c) “Woe from Wit”

4) d) “Eugene Onegin”

4. Who, according to Griboyedov, does not watch the clock?

2) Sentinels

3) Lovers

4) Happy

5. What literary characters are discussed in the following passage:

They got along. Wave and stone

Poetry and prose, ice and fire

Not so different from each other.

1) - Chatsky and Molchalin; 2) - Chichikov and Nozdryov, 3) - Onegin and Lensky, 4) - Pechorin and Grushnitsky

6. What words in the novel begin Tatiana’s letter to Onegin?

1) “I am writing to you...”

2) “I know everything...”

3) “I foresee everything...”

4) “I’ll tell you everything...”

7. Whose childhood was spent in Tarkhany?

8. Which part of the novel “A Hero of Our Time” can be classified as a philosophical story based on its genre characteristics?

1) "Bela" 2) "Taman" 3) "Princess Mary" 4) "Fatalist"

9. What was the name of the official who bought up dead souls?

1) Plyushkin

2) Manilov

3) Chichikov

4) Sobakevich

Tell me, branch of Palestine:

Where did you grow up, where did you bloom?

What hills, what valley

Were you a decoration? ()

Level 2

1. Give examples of autobiographical works (at least two)

2. Name the main types of literature

3. To what genre do we classify Shchedrin’s works “The Wild Landowner”, “The Wise Minnow”, “The Tale of How One Man Fed Two Generals”?

4. What artistic technique does he use to create images of the brothers in the story “Taras Bulba”?

5. Finish these lines: “Shine always, shine everywhere, until the last days of the bottom, shine - and no nails! This is my slogan and...”

6. Who did Pechorin really love?

7. Which Russian and Soviet writer was awarded the Nobel Prize?

8. What experiment was carried out in M. Bulgakov’s story “The Heart of a Dog”?

9. Name a work in which the hero fought in the war, was captured, lost his entire family, but found the meaning of life by taking in an orphan boy.

10. The main theme of the work “The Overcoat”

Introductory level test in literature (grade 10)

Option 2

Level 1

1. A trend in literature, the hallmark of which is cult of feeling.

1) romanticism

2) classicism

4) realism

2. Match the works and genres:

1) “Dead Souls” a) comedy

2) “Hero of Our Time” b) a novel in verse

3) “Woe from Wit” c) poem

4) “Eugene Onegin” d) philosophical and psychological novel

3. What topic does the following poems by A. Pushkin relate to: “To Chaadaev”, “Liberty”, “Village”?

1) On the topic of the poet and poetry

2) On the topic of freedom

3) On the topic of friendship

4) On the theme of nature

4. What is the name of the “winter” story?

1) "Blizzard"

2) "Blizzard"

3) "Snowfall"

4) "Blizzard"

5. What words in the novel begin Onegin’s letter to Tatyana?

1) “I am writing to you...”

2) “I know everything...”

3) “I foresee everything...”

4) “I’ll tell you everything...”

6. What was white alone “in the fog of the sea” in Lermontov’s famous poem?

4) Iceberg

7. Which literary character does the following words belong to:

“I run through my entire past in my memory and involuntarily ask myself: why did I live? for what purpose was I born?.. And, it’s true, it existed, and, it’s true, I had a high purpose, because I feel immense strength in my soul... But I didn’t guess this purpose, I was carried away by the lures of empty and ungrateful passions ; I came out of their furnace hard and cold, like iron, but I lost forever the ardor of noble aspirations - the best light of life.”

1) - Grushnitsky; 2) - Pechorin; 3) – Maxim Maksimych; 4) - Vulich.

8. A comedy whose plot was suggested.

1) "The Night Before Christmas"

2) "Inspector"

4) "Scary place"

9. Who said: “What Russian doesn’t like driving fast”?

4) Tsiolkovsky

10. Identify the type of rhyme in the following passage.

The storm covers the sky with darkness,

Whirling snow whirlwinds;

Then, like a beast, she will howl,

Then he will cry like a child... ()

1) encircling 2) cross 3) adjacent (pair)

Level 2

1. Give examples of autobiographical works (at least two)

2. Name the three-syllable meters of the verse.

3. What is chameleonism?

4. Name the term according to its definition: “excessive exaggeration of the properties of the depicted object.”

5. Complete these lines:

“In days of doubt, in days of painful thoughts about the fate of my homeland, you alone are my support and support, O great, mighty, truthful and free...”

6. Why does he call his monument “not made by hands”?

7. What topic is A. Tvardovsky’s poem “Vasily Terkin” devoted to?

8. What problems do Chatsky and Famusov raise in their disputes?

10. The name of the main character of the work “The Overcoat”?


Play a fun Unified State Exam with the guys, because in the future they will all face a serious test with real testing. Make sure that such a non-scary, entertaining test will be terribly useful for them.

1. What literary works in ancient times were not told, but sung?

a) Legends ; b) Epics; c) Fairy tales; d) Riddles (They were sung by traveling guslars and storytellers.)

2. What is the name of the famous cake?

a) “Fairy Tale”; b) “Fable”; c) “Novel”; of the year".

3. Which of the Russian heroes was the son of a boyar?

a) Volkhv Vseslavovich; b) Ilya Muromets; c) Alyosha Popovich; d) Dobrynya Nikitich.

4. How did the Nightingale the Robber greet random passers-by?

a) Whistling; b) Trill; c) Clicking; d) Hooting.

5. What did Pavel Bazhov collect in the Urals?

a) Russian ditties; b) Folk tales; c) Conspiracies; d) Ural gems.

6. Which of these writers was not a Decembrist?

a) Alexander Bestuzhev; b) Alexander Radishchev;

7. Which famous poet was Catherine II's personal secretary?

a) G. Derzhavin; b) V. Zhukovsky; c) A. Fet; d) A. Pushkin.

8. Which of these poets was the Minister of Justice?

a) Gavrila Derzhavin; b) Alexander Sumarokov;

9. What is the name of the comedy by D.I. Fonvizina?

a) “Foreman”; b) “Master”; c) “Brigadier”; d) "Helper".

(But this does not mean the head of the construction team, but a person with a military rank above colonel.)

10. Which of these writers had the title of count?

a) Mikhail Lermontov; b) Ivan Turgenev; c) Alexander Pushkin ; d) Leo Tolstoy.

11. Which Moscow theater has a monument to the great Russian playwright A.N. Ostrovsky?

a) Bolshoi Theater; b) Maly Theater; c) Taganka Theater; d) Moscow Art Theater (MKhT).

(Standing in front of the facade of the Maly Theater, because Ostrovsky gave almost all of his works to its stage.)

12. How does the title of one of A.N.’s plays end? Ostrovsky's "My People -..."?

a) Let's sing; b) Let's rub in; c) Let's be numbered; d) Let's call you.

13. Character of which play by A.N. Ostrovsky is Robinson?

a) “Thunderstorm”; b) “Dowry”; c) “Profitable place”; d) "Wolves and sheep."

14. Who owns the lines: “I’m sitting behind bars in a damp dungeon...”?

a) A.S. Pushkin; b) M.Yu. Lermontov; c) Odoevsky A.I.; d) K.F. Ryleev.

a) Belkin; b) Pushkin; c) Lermontov; d) Gogol.

16. Who exclaimed: “Get out of Moscow! I don’t go here anymore!”?

a) Khlestakov ; b) Chatsky; c) Onegin; d) Napoleon.

17 . What is the name of secretary Famusov from the comedy A.S. Griboyedov "Woe from Wit".

a) Pisarev; b) Perov; c) Molchalin; d) Referents.

18. A.S. Griboyedov was a good musician and even composed music. What musical work of his does everyone who plays the piano know?

a) “March of Griboedov”; b) “Griboyedov’s Waltz”;

(Sad, elegiac waltz dedicated to the wives of the Decembrists.)

19 . Which of these catchphrases did not “fly out” from Griboyedov’s comedy “Woe from Wit”?

c) “And the smoke of the Fatherland is sweet and pleasant to us”; G) “And they eat Russian lard!”

(From S. Mikhalkov’s fable “Two Friends.”)

20. Who, according to Griboyedov, does not watch the clock?

a) Lovers ; b) Happy; c) Blind; d) Sentinels.

21. How many fairy tales did A.S. write? Pushkin?

a) Five; b) Seven; at ten; d) Thirteen.

22. Which of Pushkin's fairy tales does not have a queen (princess)?

a) “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish”; b) “The Tale of the Priest and His Worker Balda”;

23. Which of these fairy-tale heroes of Pushkin does NOT live under water?

a) Goldfish; b) Chernomor; c) The Ghost of Rogdai; d) The Swan Princess.

24. “He has already spread his claws, / The bloody bite has pricked up...” Who are we talking about in these lines of A.S. Pushkin?

a) About the golden cockerel; b) About the kite; c) About the mosquito; d) About the Ugly Duckling.

25. Which of the proposed pairs of Pushkin fairy-tale heroes from the same fairy tale?

c) Popadya and goldfish; d) King Dadon and the Shamakhan queen.

26. What did the Head guard from Pushkin’s fairy tale “Ruslan and Lyudmila”?

a) Invisibility hat; b) Magic ring; c) Talking mirror; d) Magic sword.

27. Which of Pushkin’s works is NOT connected with the image of the poet’s nanny, Arina Rodionovna Yakovleva?

a) “My pedigree";b) "Winter Evening";c) "Friend of my harsh days"; d) “I visit again

28. What is the name of the “winter” story by A.S. Pushkin?

a) “Blizzard”; b) “Blizzard”; c) “Snowfall”; d) "Blizzard".

29. In A.S. Pushkin’s novel, what words begin Onegin’s letter to Tatyana?

a) “I foresee everything...” b) “I know everything...” c) “I’ll tell you everything...” d) “I’m writing to you...”

30. Which of these 20th century poets has a poem in his archive that does not contain a single verb?

a) Afanasy Fet; b) Valery Bryusov; c) Alexander Blok; d) Sergei Yesenin.

31 . Who said: “What Russian doesn’t like driving fast”?

a) Gogol; b) Chekhov; c) Pushkin; d) Tsiolkovsky.

32. Whose childhood was spent in Tarkhany?

a) M.Yu. Lermontov; b) A.S. Pushkin; c) I.S. Turgenev; d) L.N. Tolstoy.

33. M.Yu. Lermontov, lieutenant of the Tenginsky regiment, awarded a golden weapon “For Bravery”, in his spare time wrote the works “The Battle of Valerik”, “Shootout in the Caucasus Mountains”. What were these works?

a) Paintings; b) Poems; c) Stories; d) Concerts.

34 . What whitens alone “in the fog of the sea” in Lermontov’s famous poem?

a) Sail; b) Yacht; c) Seagull; d) Iceberg.

35. What did the main character of the drama M.Yu. lose? Lermontov's "Masquerade"?

a) Fan; b) Scarf; c) Bracelet; d) A shoe.

36. Which Lermontov line became the title of the story by V.P. Kataeva?

a) “The lonely sail is white”; b) “In the wild north”;

37. What picture of I.I. Shishkina was named after a poem by M.Yu. Lermontov?

a) “Among the flat valley...”; b) “In the wild north...”;

38. L.N. Tolstoy said about the poem by M.Yu. Lermontov’s “Borodino” the following words: Lermontov’s “Borodino” was the seed from which the novel grew...” Name this novel by Tolstoy.

a) “War and Peace”; b) “Anna Karenina”; c) “Resurrection”; d) “Cossacks”.

39. In which of these fables does I.A. Krylov's fox fighting for a piece of cheese?

a) “Wolf and Fox”; b) “The Crow and the Fox”; c) “The Fox and the Eagle”; d) “The Fox and the Marmot.”

40. With what “weapon” did the fabled Fox take the cheese from the Crow?

a) Promise ; b) Flattery; c) Beauty; d) Threats.

41 .Which of the proposed phraseological units did not come from I. Krylov’s fables?

c) And Vaska listens and eats. d) Stay with nothing.

(From “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish” by A.S. Pushkin.)

42 . From which fable by I. Krylov did the catchphrase “Eat with your eyes” “fly out”?

a) “Wolf in the kennel”; b) “The Cat and the Cook”; c) “The Fox and the Grapes”; d) “The Crow and the Fox.”

(“With his eyes, it seems like he would like to eat them all.”)

43. At whom did the dog Moska bark in I. Krylov’s fable?

a) On a bear; b) On a cat; c) On the elephant; d) To the moon.

44. What, according to I. Krylov’s fable, were the Swan, Cancer and Pike unable to budge?

a) Stone; b) Horse; c) Woz; d) Carriage.

45. What is the name of the painting by P.A. Fedotov, written on the plot of the fable of the same name by I.A. Krylova?

a) “The Picky Bride”; b) “Major’s Matchmaking”;

46. Continue the aphorism of F. Dostoevsky: “The greatest skill of a writer is the ability...”

a) listen; b) look out; c) invent; d) cross out.

47. Which of these notes belong to the pen of F.M. Dostoevsky?

a) “Notes of a Hunter”; b) “Notes of a Dead Man”;

c) “Notes of a Madman”; d) “Notes from the Dead House.”

(“Notes of a Hunter” - I.S. Turgenev, “Notes of a Dead Man” - M.A. Bulgakov, “Notes of a Madman” - N.V. Gogol.)

48. What piece of furniture became a symbol of “Oblomovism”?

a) Sofa; b) Bed; c) Chair; d) Folding bed.

49 . What new literary genre was created by I.S. Turgenev?

a) A novel in verse; b) Poem in prose; c) Fairy tales for adults; d) Fantasy.

50. By what name is Turgenev's dog Gerasim known?

a) Bim; b) Mumu; c) Kashtanka; d) Bug.

51. Choose the correct version of the title of the novel by I.S. Turgenev.

a) “The other day”; b) “Evening”; c) “The day before”; d) Nadys.”

52 . Who, according to the line by N.A. Nekrasov, can a Russian peasant woman stop him?

a) Falcon in flight; b) Eagle on takeoff; c) Galloping horse; d) Wolf on the run.

53. What did grandfather Mazai sail for in the famous poem by N.A. Nekrasova?

a) For fish ; b) For firewood; c) For mail; d) For retirement.

54 . Insert the missing word into the quotation from A. Blok: “And eternal...! Rest only in our dreams".

a) Call ; b) Fight; c) Running; d) Engine.

55. How does Alexander Blok’s most famous poetic line end: “Night, street, lantern...”?

a) Entrance; b) Hooligan; c) Library ; d) Pharmacy.

56. Who does this line belong to: “You are still alive, my old lady”?

a) S. Yesenin; b) A. Pushkin; c) M. Gorky; d) R. Raskolnikov.

57. What kind of poetic letter did Sergei Yesenin not write?

a) “Letter to grandfather”; b) “Letter to Mother”; c) “Letter to my sister”; d) “Letter to the nanny.”

58 What is the name of the cycle of poems by S. Yesenin?

a) “Moscow restaurant”; b) “Moscow tavern”;

c) “Moscow tavern”; d) “Moscow Club”.

59. Which of these lines does not belong to S. Yesenin?

c) “The golden grove dissuaded me...”; d) “I asked the ash tree...”.

60. What did Rakhmetov work out while lying on nails?

a) Poetic gift; b) Willpower; c) Sense of humor; d) Biocurrents.

(In Chernyshevsky’s novel “What is to be done?”)

61. What fairy tale does M.E. have? Saltykov-Shchedrin?

a) “Eagle Patron”; b) “Sponsor Eagle”; c) “Eagle Investor”; d) “Eagle-creditor”.

62. What is the name of one of M.E.’s fairy tales? Saltykov-Shchedrin?

a) “The dog is missing”; b) “Conscience is gone”;

c) “Modesty is gone”; d) “Responsibility is gone.”

63. Which of these works was written by L.N. Tolstoy?

a) “Three Sisters”; b) “The Three Musketeers”; c) “Three fat men”; d) "Three Bears".

(This is a fairy tale for children.)

64. Which of these works by L.N. Is Tolstoy a fable?

a) “Three bears; b) “Philippok”; c) “Two comrades”; d) “Forest cutting.”

(“Three Bears” is a fairy tale, “Filippok” is a true story, “Cutting Wood” is a story.)

65. Story by L.N. Tolstoy "Hadji Murat" is named after:

a) Mountains ; b) Highlander; c) Aula; d) Horse.

66. Which of these names is common to the works of L.N. Tolstoy and V.V. Mayakovsky?

a) “War and Peace”; b) “Resurrection”; c) “Bath”; d) “Bedbug.”

(Novel by L.N. Tolstoy and poem by V.V. Mayakovsky “War and Peace.”)

67. What does Natasha Rostova do to prove her love and friendship to Sonya?

a) Burns his hand with a hot ruler; b) Pierces a finger with a compass needle;

68. Continue L. Tolstoy’s aphorism: “He who does nothing always has a lot...”

a) critics ; b) assistants; c) time; d) health.

69. What age stage is missing in the autobiographical trilogy of L.N. Tolstoy?

a) “Infancy”; b) “Childhood”; c) “Adolescence”; d) "Youth".

70. The title of which of these masterpieces of Russian classics is misspelled?

a) “Ordinary history”; b) “The Brothers Karamazov”;

c) “The Captain's Daughter”; d) "Sunday".

(“Resurrection”, Tolstoy L.N.)

71. What two antonyms make up the title of Anton Pavlovich Chekhov's story?

a) "Thick and Thin." b) "High and Low".

c) "Evil and Good". d) "Rich and Poor".

72. What is the name of Leskov's story, which tells about the tragic fate of a serf hairdresser?

a) “The Barber of Seville”; b) “The Barber of Siberia”;

c) “Stupid artist”; d) "Left-handed".

73 . The jumper from the story about Master Lefty is... Who?

a) Dragonfly; b) Locust; c) Flea; d) Frog.

74. Which of these Russian writers was a teacher?

a) A.P. Chekhov ; b) P.P. Ershov; you. Griboyedov; d) F.M. Dostoevsky.

(He taught Russian literature at the gymnasium of the Tobolsk province. Then he was its director.)

75. Which of these literary flowers was “nurtured” by V.M. Garshin?

a) “Seven-flowered flower”; b) “The Scarlet Flower”;

c) “Stone Flower”; d) “Red flower”.

(That was the name of the writer’s story.)

76. What is the title of the poem written by V. Mayakovsky?

a) “Satisfactory!”; b) “Okay!”; c) “Excellent!”; d) “Cool!”

77. Who came to the father in V. Mayakovsky's poem?

a) Baby raccoon; b) Little son; c) Tiny Khavroshechka; d) Little Tsakhes.

78 . Who wrote the hymns to the judge, the critic, the scientist, health, dinner and even... a bribe?

a) A. Blok; b) V. Mayakovsky; c) E. Yevtushenko; d) A. Voznesensky.

79. What did the “damned bourgeois” try to find out from Malchish-Kibalchish in Arkady Gaidar’s fairy tale?

a) Computer password. b) Bank account number.

c) Trade secret. d) Military secret.

80. What is the name of the hooligan from A. Gaidar’s story “Timur and His Team”:

a) Kvakin; b) Khryukin; c) Kryakin; d) Mumukin.

81 . What did Arkady Gaidar call one of his works?

a) “The Life of a Guitarist”; b) “Career of a violinist”;

c) “The Fate of the Drummer”; d) “The Genesis of a Keyboard Player.”

82. The name of which educational institution is used in the title of A. Gaidar’s work?

a) School; b) Lyceum; c) Gymnasium; d) University.

(Autobiographical story “School”.)

83. What did A. Green call his work “Scarlet Sails”?

a) Fairy tale; b) Poem; c) Extravaganza; d) Phantasmagoria.

(From the word “fairy” - sorceress.)

84. Who is Gorky's play “At the Depths” dedicated to?

a) Divers; b) Marine animals; c) Marine vegetation; d) Inhabitants of the shelter.

85. Finish Gorky’s line: “In the carriage of the past...”:

a) “...shakes a lot”; b) “... there are few places”; c) “... you can’t go quickly”; d) “ won’t go far.”

86. What is the name of Maxim Gorky's revolutionary novel?

a) “Fathers and Sons”; b) “Mother”; c) “The Brothers Karamazov”; d) "Three Sisters."

87. What catchphrase comes from Gorky’s “Song of the Falcon”?

a) “I feel sorry for the bird”; b) “Goal like a falcon”;

c) “One born to crawl cannot fly”; d) “The outfit is like a falcon, and the gait is like a crow.”

88 . What work was written by Alexander Belyaev?

a) “Treasure Island”; b) “Mysterious Island”;

c) “Island of Lost Ships”; d) “At the bottom.”

89. Which country was invented by the young heroes of Lev Kassil's work?

a) Republic of SHKID; b) Schwambrania; c) Unlearned lessons; d) Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors.

a) M. Prishvin; b) V. Bianchi; c) A. Rybakov; d) A. Brem.

91. What is the name of the story by A.N. Rybakova?

a) “Dagger”; b) “Broadsword”; c) “Sword”; d) "Dirk".

92. Which Russian writer wrote “Deniska’s Stories”?

a) Denis Ivanovich Fonvizin; b) Denis Vasilievich Davydov;

c) Viktor Yuzefovich Dragunsky; d) Nikolai Nikolaevich Nosov.

93. Name the dream of the poor youth of Vladimir Dubrovsky, the hero of A.S. Pushkin’s story “Dubrovsky”.

a) Rich bride b) General rank; c) Computer, d) Circumnavigation

94. Which work of N.V. Gogol ends with the “Silent Scene”?

a) “Dead Souls”, b) "Inspector" c) “Marriage”, d) “Taras Bulba”

95. Who “gave” N.V. Gogol the plot for the play “The Inspector General”?

a) V.G. Belinsky, b) N.A. Nekrasov, c) A.S. Pushkin, d) I.S. Turgenev

96. Which of the famous writers of the 19th century gave A.S. Pushkin his portrait with the inscription “To the victorious student from the defeated teacher”?

a) V.A. Zhukovsky, b) G.R. Derzhavin, c) D.I. Fonvizin, d) M.Yu. Lermontov

97. In which story by A.P. Chekhov the main character was the executor I.D. Chervyakov?

a) “Chameleon”, b) Attacker”, c) “Death of an Official”, d) "Surgery"

98 . In which work by A.S. Pushkin there is no heroine named Maria?

a) “Blizzard”, b) “Dubrovsky” c) “ Eugene Onegin", d) "Poltava"

99. Which literary character owns the words: “...I really want to die for the people”?

a) Ilya Muromets, b) Pierre Bezukhov, c) Ruslan, d) Ivan Flyagin

a) M.A. Bulgakova, b) N.V. Gogol, c) A.P. Chekhov, d) L.N. Tolstoy.


1. What literary works in ancient times were customary not to be told, but to be sung?

a) Legends; b) Epics; c) Fairy tales; d) Riddles

2. What is the name of the famous cake?

a) “Fairy Tale”; b) “Fable”; c) “Novel”; of the year".

3. Which of the Russian heroes was the son of a boyar?

a) Volkhv Vseslavovich; b) Ilya Muromets; c) Alyosha Popovich; d) Dobrynya Nikitich.

4. How did the Nightingale the Robber greet random passers-by?

a) Whistling; b) Trill; c) Clicking; d) Hooting.

5. What did Pavel Bazhov collect in the Urals?

a) Russian ditties; b) Folk tales; c) Conspiracies; d) Ural gems.

6. Which of these writers was not a Decembrist?

a) Alexander Bestuzhev; b) Alexander Radishchev;

c) Alexander Odoevsky; d) Wilhelm Kuchelbecker.

7. Which famous poet was Catherine II’s personal secretary?

a) G. Derzhavin; b) V. Zhukovsky; c) A. Fet; d) A. Pushkin.

8. Which of these poets was the Minister of Justice?

a) Gavrila Derzhavin; b) Alexander Sumarokov;

c) Vasily Zhukovsky; d) Alexander Griboyedov.

9. What is the name of the comedy by D.I. Fonvizina?

a) “Foreman”; b) “Master”; c) “Brigadier”; d) "Helper".

10. Which of these writers had the title of count?

a) Mikhail Lermontov; b) Ivan Turgenev; c) Alexander Pushkin; d) Leo Tolstoy.

11. At which Moscow theater is there a monument to the great Russian playwright A.N. Ostrovsky?

a) Bolshoi Theater; b) Maly Theater; c) Taganka Theater; d) Moscow Art Theater (MKhT).

12. How does the title of one of A.N.’s plays end? Ostrovsky's "My People -..."?

a) Let's sing; b) Let's rub in; c) Let's be numbered; d) Let's call you.

13. The protagonist of which play is A.N. Ostrovsky is Robinson?

a) “Thunderstorm”; b) “Dowry”; c) “Profitable place”; d) "Wolves and sheep."

14. Who owns the lines: “I’m sitting behind bars in a damp dungeon...”?

a) A.S. Pushkin; b) M.Yu. Lermontov; c) Odoevsky A.I.; d) K.F. Ryleev.

a) Belkin; b) Pushkin; c) Lermontov; d) Gogol.

16. Who exclaimed: “Get out of Moscow!” I don’t go here anymore!”?

a) Khlestakov; b) Chatsky; c) Onegin; d) Napoleon.

17. What is the name of secretary Famusov from the comedy by A.S. Griboyedov "Woe from Wit".

a) Pisarev; b) Perov; c) Molchalin; d) Referents.

18. A.S. Griboyedov was a good musician and even composed music. What musical work of his does everyone who plays the piano know?

a) “March of Griboedov”; b) “Griboyedov’s Waltz”;

c) “Tango Griboyedov”; d) “Griboyedov’s Polonaise.”

19. Which of these catchphrases did not “fly out” from Griboedov’s comedy “Woe from Wit”?

a) “Who are the judges?”; b) “Bah! All familiar faces”;

c) “And the smoke of the Fatherland is sweet and pleasant to us”; d) “And they eat Russian lard!”

20. Who, according to Griboyedov, does not watch the clock?

a) Lovers; b) Happy; c) Blind; d) Sentinels.

21. How many fairy tales did A.S. write? Pushkin?

a) Five; b) Seven; at ten; d) Thirteen.

22. Which of Pushkin’s fairy tales does not have a queen (princess)?

a) “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish”; b) “The Tale of the Priest and His Worker Balda”;

c) “The Tale of Tsar Saltan”; d) “The Tale of the Golden Cockerel.”

23. Which of these fairy-tale heroes of Pushkin does NOT live under water?

a) Goldfish; b) Chernomor; c) The Ghost of Rogdai; d) The Swan Princess.

24. “He has already spread his claws, / The bloody bite has pricked up...” Who are we talking about in these lines of A.S. Pushkin?

a) About the golden cockerel; b) About the kite; c) About the mosquito; d) About the Ugly Duckling.

25. Which of the proposed pairs of Pushkin’s fairy-tale heroes from the same fairy tale?

a) The Swan Princess and the seven heroes; b) Prince Guidon and the evil stepmother;

c) Popadya and goldfish; d) King Dadon and the Shamakhan queen.

26. What did the Head guard from Pushkin’s fairy tale “Ruslan and Lyudmila”?

a) Invisibility hat; b) Magic ring; c) Talking mirror; d) Magic sword.

27. Which of Pushkin’s works is NOT connected with the image of the poet’s nanny, Arina Rodionovna Yakovleva?

a) “My pedigree”; b) “Winter Evening”; c) “Friend of my harsh days”; d) “I visit again

28. What is the name of the “winter” story by A.S. Pushkin?

a) “Blizzard”; b) “Blizzard”; c) “Snowfall”; d) "Blizzard".

29. In A.S. Pushkin’s novel, what words begin Onegin’s letter to Tatyana?

a) “I foresee everything...” b) “I know everything...” c) “I’ll tell you everything...” d) “I’m writing to you...”

30. Which of these 20th century poets has a poem in his archive that does not contain a single verb?

a) Afanasy Fet; b) Valery Bryusov; c) Alexander Blok; d) Sergei Yesenin.

31. Who said: “What Russian doesn’t like driving fast”?

a) Gogol; b) Chekhov; c) Pushkin; d) Tsiolkovsky.

32. Whose childhood was spent in Tarkhany?

a) M.Yu. Lermontov; b) A.S. Pushkin; c) I.S. Turgenev; d) L.N. Tolstoy.

33. M.YU. Lermontov, lieutenant of the Tenginsky regiment, awarded a golden weapon “For Bravery”, in his spare time wrote the works “The Battle of Valerik”, “Shootout in the Caucasus Mountains”. What were these works?

a) Paintings; b) Poems; c) Stories; d) Concerts.

34. What whitens alone “in the fog of the sea” in Lermontov’s famous poem?

a) Sail; b) Yacht; c) Seagull; d) Iceberg.

35. What did the main character of the drama M.Yu. lose? Lermontov's "Masquerade"?

a) Fan; b) Scarf; c) Bracelet; d) A shoe.

36. Which Lermontov line became the title of the story by V.P. Kataeva?

a) “The lonely sail is white”; b) “In the wild north”;

c) “At the gates of the holy monastery”; d) “Under the mask, all ranks are equal.”

37. What picture of I.I. Shishkina was named after a poem by M.Yu. Lermontov?

a) “Among the flat valley...”; b) “In the wild north...”;

c) “Morning in a pine forest”; d) “Forest distances.”

38. L.N. Tolstoy said about the poem by M.Yu. Lermontov’s “Borodino” the following words: Lermontov’s “Borodino” was the seed from which the novel grew...” Name this novel by Tolstoy.

a) “War and Peace”; b) “Anna Karenina”; c) “Resurrection”; d) “Cossacks”.

39. In which of these fables I.A. Krylov's fox fighting for a piece of cheese?

a) “Wolf and Fox”; b) “The Crow and the Fox”; c) “The Fox and the Eagle”; d) “The Fox and the Marmot.”

40. With what “weapon” did the fabled Fox take the cheese from the Crow?

a) Promise; b) Flattery; c) Beauty; d) Threats.

41.Which of the proposed phraseological units did not come from I. Krylov’s fables?

a) And the casket simply opened. b) I didn’t even notice the elephant.

c) And Vaska listens and eats. d) Stay with nothing.

42. From which fable by I. Krylov did the catchphrase “Eat with your eyes” “fly out”?

a) “Wolf in the kennel”; b) “The Cat and the Cook”; c) “The Fox and the Grapes”; d) “The Crow and the Fox.”

43. At whom did the dog Moska bark in I. Krylov’s fable?

a) On a bear; b) On a cat; c) On the elephant; d) To the moon.

44. What, according to I. Krylov’s fable, were the Swan, Cancer and Pike unable to budge?

a) Stone; b) Horse; c) Woz; d) Carriage.

45. What is the name of the painting by P.A. Fedotov, written on the plot of the fable of the same name by I.A. Krylova?

a) “The Picky Bride”; b) “Major’s Matchmaking”;

c) “Fresh gentleman”; d) “The poor girl’s beauty is like a death’s scythe.”

46. ​​Continue the aphorism of F. Dostoevsky: “The greatest skill of a writer is the ability...”

a) listen; b) look out; c) invent; d) cross out.

47. Which of these notes belong to the pen of F.M. Dostoevsky?

a) “Notes of a Hunter”; b) “Notes of a Dead Man”; c) “Notes of a Madman”; d) “Notes from the House of the Dead.”

48. What piece of furniture became a symbol of “Oblomovism”?

a) Sofa; b) Bed; c) Chair; d) Folding bed.

49. What new literary genre was created by I.S. Turgenev?

a) Novel in verse; b) Poem in prose; c) Fairy tales for adults; d) Fantasy.

50. By what name is Turgenev’s dog Gerasim known?

a) Bim; b) Mumu; c) Kashtanka; d) Bug.

51. Choose the correct version of the title of the novel by I.S. Turgenev.

a) “The other day”; b) “Evening”; c) “The day before”; d) Nadys.”

52. Who, according to the line by N.A. Nekrasov, can a Russian peasant woman stop him?

a) Falcon in flight; b) Eagle on takeoff; c) Galloping horse; d) Wolf on the run.

53. What did grandfather Mazai sail for in the famous poem by N.A. Nekrasova?

a) For fish; b) For firewood; c) For mail; d) For retirement.

54. Insert the missing word into the quotation from A. Blok: “And eternal...! Rest only in our dreams".

a) Call; b) Fight; c) Running; d) Engine.

55. How does Alexander Blok’s most famous poetic line end: “Night, street, lantern...”?

a) Entrance; b) Hooligan; c) Library; d) Pharmacy.

56. Who does this line belong to: “You are still alive, my old lady”?

a) S. Yesenin; b) A. Pushkin; c) M. Gorky; d) R. Raskolnikov.

57. What kind of poetic letter did Sergei Yesenin not write?

a) “Letter to grandfather”; b) “Letter to Mother”; c) “Letter to my sister”; d) “Letter to the nanny.”

58. What is the name of the cycle of poems by S. Yesenin?

a) “Moscow restaurant”; b) “Moscow tavern”; c) “Moscow tavern”; d) “Moscow Club”.

59. Which of these lines does not belong to S. Yesenin?

a) “Maple, you are my fallen one...”; b) “White birch tree under my window...”;

c) “The golden grove dissuaded me...”; d) “I asked the ash tree...”.

60. What did Rakhmetov work out while lying on nails?

a) Poetic gift; b) Willpower; c) Sense of humor; d) Biocurrents.

61. What fairy tale does M.E. have? Saltykov-Shchedrin?

a) “Eagle Patron”; b) “Sponsor Eagle”; c) “Eagle Investor”; d) “Eagle-creditor”.

62. What is the name of one of M.E.’s fairy tales? Saltykov-Shchedrin?

a) “The dog is missing”; b) “Conscience is gone”; c) “Modesty is gone”; d) “Responsibility is gone.”

63. Which of these works was written by L.N. Tolstoy?

a) “Three Sisters”; b) “The Three Musketeers”; c) “Three fat men”; d) "Three Bears".

64. Which of these works by L.N. Is Tolstoy a fable?

a) “Three bears; b) “Philippok”; c) “Two comrades”; d) “Forest cutting.”

65. Tale by L.N. Tolstoy "Hadji Murat" is named after:

a) Mountains; b) Highlander; c) Aula; d) Horse.

66. Which of these names is common to the works of L.N. Tolstoy and V.V. Mayakovsky?

a) “War and Peace”; b) “Resurrection”; c) “Bath”; d) “Bedbug.”

67. What does Natasha Rostova do to prove her love and friendship to Sonya?

a) Burns his hand with a hot ruler; b) Pierces a finger with a compass needle;

c) Sleeps on nails; d) Walks barefoot on broken glass.

68. Continue L. Tolstoy’s aphorism: “He who does nothing always has a lot...”

a) critics; b) assistants; c) time; d) health.

69. What age stage is missing in the autobiographical trilogy of L.N. Tolstoy?

a) “Infancy”; b) “Childhood”; c) “Adolescence”; d) "Youth".

70. The name of which of these masterpieces of Russian classics is misspelled?

a) “Ordinary History”; b) “The Brothers Karamazov”; c) “The Captain’s Daughter”; d) “Sunday”.

71. What two antonyms make up the title of Anton Pavlovich Chekhov’s story?

a) “Fat and Thin” b) “Tall and Short” c) “Evil and Good” d) “Rich and Poor”.

72. What is the name of Leskov’s story, which tells about the tragic fate of a serf hairdresser?

a) “The Barber of Seville”; b) “The Barber of Siberia”; c) “Stupid artist”; d) "Left-handed".

73. The jumper from the story about Master Lefty is... Who?

a) Dragonfly; b) Locust; c) Flea; d) Frog.

74. Which of these Russian writers was a teacher?

a) A.P. Chekhov; b) P.P. Ershov; you. Griboyedov; d) F.M. Dostoevsky.

75. Which of these literary flowers was “grown” by V.M. Garshin?

a) “Seven-flowered flower”; b) “The Scarlet Flower”; c) “Stone Flower”; d) “Red flower”.

76. What is the title of the poem written by V. Mayakovsky?

a) “Satisfactory!”; b) “Okay!”; c) “Excellent!”; d) “Cool!”

77. Who came to the father in V. Mayakovsky’s poem?

a) Baby raccoon; b) Little son; c) Tiny Khavroshechka; d) Little Tsakhes

78. Who wrote hymns to the judge, the critic, the scientist, health, dinner and even... a bribe?

a) A. Blok; b) V. Mayakovsky; c) E. Yevtushenko; d) A. Voznesensky.

79. What did the “damned bourgeois” try to find out from Malchish-Kibalchish in Arkady Gaidar’s fairy tale?

a) Computer password b) Bank account number. c) Trade secret. d) Military secret.

80. What is the name of the hooligan from A. Gaidar’s story “Timur and His Team”:

a) Kvakin; b) Khryukin; c) Kryakin; d) Mumukin.

81. What did Arkady Gaidar call one of his works?

a) “Life of a Guitarist”; b) “Career of a Violinist”; c) “The Fate of the Drummer”; d) “The Genesis of a Keyboard Player.”

82. The name of which educational institution is used in the title of A. Gaidar’s work?

a) School; b) Lyceum; c) Gymnasium; d) University.

83. What did A. Green call his work “Scarlet Sails”?

a) Fairy tale; b) Poem; c) Extravaganza; d) Phantasmagoria.

84. To whom is Gorky’s play “At the Depths” dedicated?

a) Divers; b) Marine animals; c) Marine vegetation; d) Inhabitants of the shelter.

85. Finish Gorky’s line: “In the carriage of the past...”:

a) “...shakes a lot”; b) “... few places”; c) “ won’t go fast”: d) “ won’t go far.”

86. What is the name of the revolutionary novel by Maxim Gorky?

a) “Fathers and Sons”; b) “Mother”; c) “The Brothers Karamazov”; d) "Three Sisters."

87. What catchphrase comes from Gorky’s “Song of the Falcon”? a) “I feel sorry for the bird”;

b) “Hollow as a falcon”; c) “One born to crawl cannot fly”; d) “The outfit is like a falcon, but the gait is like a crow.”

88. What work was written by Alexander Belyaev?

a) “Treasure Island”; b) “Mysterious Island”; c) “Island of Lost Ships”; d) “At the bottom.”

89. Which country was invented by the young heroes of Lev Kassil’s work?

a) Republic of SHKID; b) Schwambrania; c) Unlearned lessons; d) Kingdom of crooked mirrors.

a) M. Prishvin; b) V. Bianchi; c) A. Rybakov; d) A. Brem.

91. What is the name of the story by A.N. Rybakova?

a) “Dagger”; b) “Broadsword”; c) “Sword”; d) "Dirk".

92. Which Russian writer wrote “Deniska’s Stories”?

a) Denis Fonvizin; b) Denis Davydov; c) Victor Dragunsky; d) Nikolai Nosov.

93. Name the dream of the poor youth of Vladimir Dubrovsky, the hero of A.S. Pushkin’s story “Dubrovsky”. a) Rich bride, b) General rank; c) Computer, d) Circumnavigation

94. Which work of N.V. Gogol ends with the “Silent Scene”?

a) “Dead Souls”, b) “The Inspector General”, c) “Marriage”, d) “Taras Bulba”

95. Who “gave” N.V. Gogol the plot for the play “The Inspector General”?

a) V.G. Belinsky, b) N.A. Nekrasov, c) A.S. Pushkin, d) I.S. Turgenev

96. Which of the famous writers of the 19th century gave A.S. Pushkin his portrait with the inscription “To the victorious student from the defeated teacher”?

a) V.A. Zhukovsky, b) G.R. Derzhavin, c) D.I. Fonvizin, d) M.Yu. Lermontov

97. In which story by A.P. Chekhov the main character was the executor I.D. Chervyakov?

a) “Chameleon”, b) Intruder”, c) “Death of an Official”, d) “Surgery”

98. In which work by A.S. Pushkin there is no heroine named Maria?

a) “Blizzard”, b) “Dubrovsky” c) “Eugene Onegin” d) “Poltava”

99. Which literary character owns the words: “...I really want to die for the people”?

a) Ilya Muromets, b) Pierre Bezukhov, c) Ruslan, d) Ivan Flyagin

a) M.A. Bulgakov, b) N.V. Gogol, c) A.P. Chekhov, d) L.N. Tolstoy.














(training tests)


Krasnodar region

Krasnoarmeysky district

Art. Novomyshastovskaya

MBOU secondary school No. 12

Teacher of Russian language and literature

Bykova Raisa Petrovna

year 2012


Studying fiction is a complex creative process that requires careful attention on the part of both the teacher and the student. In the process of analyzing literary works, one becomes familiar with the art of words and gains a deeper understanding of the author’s position. We suggest you use practice tests when preparing for the Unified State Exam in Literature, which will allow you to pass the exam with an “excellent” mark.

Play a fun Unified State Exam with the guys, because in the future they will all face a serious test with real testing. Make sure that such a non-scary, entertaining test will be terribly useful for them.

1. What literary works in ancient times were customary not to be told, but to be sung?

a) Legends; b) Epics;

c) Fairy tales; d) Riddles.

(They were sung by traveling guslars and storytellers.)

2. What is the name of the famous cake?

a) “Fairy Tale”; b) “Fable”;

c) “Novel”; of the year".

3. Which of the Russian heroes was the son of a boyar?

a) Volkhv Vseslavovich; b) Ilya Muromets;

c) Alyosha Popovich; d) Dobrynya Nikitich.

4. How did the Nightingale the Robber greet random passers-by?

a) Whistling; b) Trill;

c) Clicking; d) Hooting.

5. What did Pavel Bazhov collect in the Urals?

a) Russian ditties; b) Folk tales;

c) Conspiracies; d) Ural gems.

6. Which of these writers was not a Decembrist?

a) Alexander Bestuzhev; b) Alexander Radishchev;

c) Alexander Odoevsky; d) Wilhelm Kuchelbecker.

7. Which famous poet was Catherine II’s personal secretary?

a) G. Derzhavin; b) V. Zhukovsky;

c) A. Fet; d) A. Pushkin.

8. Which of these poets was the Minister of Justice?

a) Gavrila Derzhavin; b) Alexander Sumarokov;

c) Vasily Zhukovsky; d) Alexander Griboyedov.

9. What is the name of the comedy by D.I. Fonvizina?

a) “Foreman”; b) “Master”;

c) “Brigadier”; d) "Helper".

(But this does not mean the head of the construction team, but a person with a military rank above colonel.)

10. Which of these writers had the title of count?

a) Mikhail Lermontov; b) Ivan Turgenev;

c) Alexander Pushkin; d) Leo Tolstoy.

11. At which Moscow theater is there a monument to the great Russian playwright A.N. Ostrovsky?

A) Bolshoi Theater; b) Maly Theater;

c) Taganka Theater; d) Moscow Art Theater (MKhT).

(Standing in front of the facade of the Maly Theater, because Ostrovsky gave almost all of his works to its stage.)

12. How does the title of one of A.N.’s plays end? Ostrovsky's "My People -..."?

a) Let's sing; b) Let's rub in;

c) Let's be numbered; d) Let's call you.

13. The protagonist of which play is A.N. Ostrovsky is Robinson?

A) “Thunderstorm”; b) “Dowry”;

c) “Profitable place”; d) "Wolves and sheep."

14. Who owns the lines: “I’m sitting behind bars in a damp dungeon...”?

a) A.S. Pushkin; b) M.Yu. Lermontov;

c) Odoevsky A.I.; d) K.F. Ryleev.

a) Belkin; b) Pushkin;

c) Lermontov; d) Gogol.

16. Who exclaimed: “Get out of Moscow!” I don’t go here anymore!”?

A) Khlestakov; b) Chatsky;

c) Onegin; d) Napoleon.

17. What is the name of secretary Famusov from the comedy by A.S. Griboyedov "Woe from Wit".

a) Pisarev; b) Perov;

c) Molchalin; d) Referents.

18. A.S. Griboyedov was a good musician and even composed music. What musical work of his does everyone who plays the piano know?

a) “March of Griboedov”; b) “Griboyedov’s Waltz”;

c) “Tango Griboyedov”; d) “Griboyedov’s Polonaise.”

(Sad, elegiac waltz dedicated to the wives of the Decembrists.)

19. Which of these catchphrases did not “fly out” from Griboyedov’s comedy “Woe from Wit”?

a) “Who are the judges?”; b) “Bah! All familiar faces”;

c) “And the smoke of the Fatherland is sweet and pleasant to us”; d) “And they eat Russian lard!”

(From S. Mikhalkov’s fable “Two Friends.”)

20 Who, according to Griboyedov, does not watch the clock?

a) Lovers; b) Happy;

c) Blind; d) Sentinels.

21. How many fairy tales did A.S. write? Pushkin?

a) Five; b) Seven;

at ten; d) Thirteen.

22. Which of Pushkin’s fairy tales does not have a queen (princess)?

a) “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish”; b) “The Tale of the Priest and His Worker Balda”;

c) “The Tale of Tsar Saltan”; d) “The Tale of the Golden Cockerel.”

23. Which of these fairy-tale heroes of Pushkin does NOT live under water?

a) Goldfish; b) Chernomor;

c) The Ghost of Rogdai; d) The Swan Princess.

24. “He has already spread his claws, / The bloody bite has pricked up...” Who are we talking about in these lines of A.S. Pushkin?

a) About the golden cockerel; b) About the kite;

c) About the mosquito; d) About the Ugly Duckling.

25. Which of the proposed pairs of Pushkin’s fairy-tale heroes from the same fairy tale?

a) The Swan Princess and the seven heroes; b) Prince Guidon and the evil stepmother;

c) Popadya and goldfish; d) King Dadon and the Shamakhan queen.

26. What did the Head guard from Pushkin’s fairy tale “Ruslan and Lyudmila”?

a) Invisibility hat; b) Magic ring;

c) Talking mirror; d) Magic sword.

27. Which of Pushkin’s works is NOT connected with the image of the poet’s nanny, Arina Rodionovna Yakovleva?

a) “My pedigree”; b) “Winter Evening”;

c) “Friend of my harsh days”; d) “I visited again.”

28. What is the name of the “winter” story by A.S. Pushkin?

a) “Blizzard”; b) “Blizzard”;

c) “Snowfall”; d) "Blizzard".

W29. In A.S. Pushkin’s novel, what words begin Onegin’s letter to Tatyana?

a) “I foresee everything...” b) “I know everything...”

c) “I’ll tell you everything...” d) “I’m writing to you...”

30. Which of these 20th century poets has a poem in his archive that does not contain a single verb?

a) Afanasy Fet; b) Valery Bryusov;

c) Alexander Blok; d) Sergei Yesenin.

31. Who said: “What Russian doesn’t like driving fast”?

a) Gogol; b) Chekhov;

c) Pushkin; d) Tsiolkovsky.

32. Whose childhood was spent in Tarkhany?

a) M.Yu. Lermontov; b) A.S. Pushkin;

c) I.S. Turgenev; d) L.N. Tolstoy.

33. M.Yu. Lermontov, lieutenant of the Tenginsky regiment, awarded a golden weapon “For Bravery”, in his spare time wrote the works “The Battle of Valerik”, “Shootout in the Caucasus Mountains”. What were these works?

a) Paintings; b) Poems;

c) Stories; d) Concerts.

34. What was white alone “in the fog of the sea” in Lermontov’s famous poem?

a) Sail; b) Yacht;

c) Seagull; d) Iceberg.

35. What did the main character of the drama M.Yu. lose? Lermontov's "Masquerade"?

a) Fan; b) Scarf;

c) Bracelet; d) A shoe.

36. Which Lermontov line became the title of the story by V.P. Kataeva?

a) “The lonely sail is white”; b) “In the wild north”;

c) “At the gates of the holy monastery”; d) “Under the mask, all ranks are equal.”

37. What picture of I.I. Shishkina was named after a poem by M.Yu. Lermontov?

a) “Among the flat valley...”; b) “In the wild north...”;

c) “Morning in a pine forest”; d) “Forest distances.”

38. L.N. Tolstoy said about the poem by M.Yu. Lermontov’s “Borodino” the following words: Lermontov’s “Borodino” was the seed from which the novel grew...” Name this novel by Tolstoy.

a) “War and Peace”; b) “Anna Karenina”;

in Sunday"; d) "Cossacks".

39 In which of these fables I.A. Krylov's fox fighting for a piece of cheese?

a) “Wolf and Fox”; b) “The Crow and the Fox”;

c) “The Fox and the Eagle”; d) “The Fox and the Marmot.”

40. With what “weapon” did the fabled Fox take the cheese from the Crow?

a) Promise; b) Flattery;

c) Beauty; d) Threats.

41. Which of the proposed phraseological units did not come from I. Krylov’s fables?

a) And the casket simply opened. b) I didn’t even notice the elephant.

c) And Vaska listens and eats. d) Stay with nothing.

(From “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish” by A.S. Pushkin.)

42. From which fable by I. Krylov did the catchphrase “Eat with your eyes” “fly out”?

a) “Wolf in the kennel”; b) “The Cat and the Cook”;

c) “The Fox and the Grapes”; d) “The Crow and the Fox.”

(“With his eyes, it seems like he would like to eat them all.”)

43. At whom did the dog Moska bark in I. Krylov’s fable?

a) On a bear; b) On a cat;

c) On the elephant; d) To the moon.

44. What, according to I. Krylov’s fable, were the Swan, Cancer and Pike unable to budge?

a) Stone; b) Horse;

c) Woz; d) Carriage.

45. What is the name of the painting by P.A. Fedotov, written on the plot of the fable of the same name by I.A. Krylova?

a) “The Picky Bride”; b) “Major’s Matchmaking”;

c) “Fresh gentleman”; d) “The poor girl’s beauty is like a death’s scythe.”

46. ​​Continue the aphorism of F. Dostoevsky: “The greatest skill of a writer is the ability...”

a) listen; b) look out;

c) invent; d) cross out.

47. Which of these notes belong to the pen of F.M. Dostoevsky?

a) “Notes of a Hunter”; b) “Notes of a Dead Man”;

c) “Notes of a Madman”; d) “Notes from the Dead House.”

(“Notes of a Hunter” - I.S. Turgenev, “Notes of a Dead Man” - M.A. Bulgakov, “Notes of a Madman” - N.V. Gogol.)

48. What piece of furniture became a symbol of “Oblomovism”?

a) Sofa; b) Bed;

c) Chair; d) Folding bed.

49. What new literary genre was created by I.S. Turgenev?

a) A novel in verse; b) Poem in prose;

c) Fairy tales for adults; d) Fantasy.

50. By what name is Turgenev’s dog Gerasim known?

a) Bim; b) Mumu;

c) Kashtanka; d) Bug.

51 Choose the correct version of the title of the novel by I.S. Turgenev.

a) “The other day”; b) “Evening”;

c) “The day before”; d) Nadys.”

52. Who, according to the line by N.A. Nekrasov, can a Russian peasant woman stop him?

a) Falcon in flight; b) Eagle on takeoff;

c) Galloping horse; d) Wolf on the run.

53. What did grandfather Mazai sail for in the famous poem by N.A. Nekrasova?

a) For fish; b) For firewood;

c) For mail; d) For retirement.

54. Insert the missing word into the quotation from A. Blok: “And eternal...! Rest only in our dreams".

a) Call; b) Fight;

c) Running; d) Engine.

55. How does Alexander Blok’s most famous poetic line end: “Night, street, lantern...”?

a) Entrance; b) Hooligan;

c) Library; d) Pharmacy.

56. Who does this line belong to: “You are still alive, my old lady”?

a) S. Yesenin; b) A. Pushkin;

c) M. Gorky; d) R. Raskolnikov.

57. What kind of poetic letter did Sergei Yesenin not write?

a) “Letter to grandfather”; b) “Letter to Mother”;

c) “Letter to my sister”; d) “Letter to the nanny.”

58. What is the name of the cycle of poems by S. Yesenin?

a) “Moscow restaurant”; b) “Moscow tavern”;

c) “Moscow tavern”; d) “Moscow Club”.

59. Which of these lines does not belong to S. Yesenin?

a) “Maple, you are my fallen one...”; b) “White birch tree under my window...”;

c) “The golden grove dissuaded me...”; d) “I asked the ash tree...”.

60. What did Rakhmetov work out while lying on nails?

a) Poetic gift; b) Willpower;

c) Sense of humor; d) Biocurrents.

(In Chernyshevsky’s novel “What is to be done?”)

61. What fairy tale does M.E. have? Saltykov-Shchedrin?

a) “Eagle Patron”; b) “Sponsor Eagle”;

c) “Eagle Investor”; d) “Eagle-creditor”.

62. What is the name of one of M.E.’s fairy tales? Saltykov-Shchedrin?

a) “The dog is missing”; b) “Conscience is gone”;

c) “Modesty is gone”; d) “Responsibility is gone.”

63. Which of these works was written by L.N. Tolstoy?

a) “Three Sisters”; b) “The Three Musketeers”;

c) “Three fat men”; d) "Three Bears".

(This is a fairy tale for children.)

64. Which of these works by L.N. Is Tolstoy a fable?

a) “Three Bears”; b) “Philippok”;

c) “Two comrades”; d) “Forest cutting.”

(“Three Bears” is a fairy tale, “Filippok” is a true story, “Cutting Wood” is a story.)

65. Tale by L.N. Tolstoy "Hadji Murat" is named after:

a) Mountains; b) Highlander;

c) Aula; d) Horse.

66. Which of these names is common to the works of L.N. Tolstoy and V.V. Mayakovsky?

a) “War and Peace”; b) “Resurrection”;

c) “Bath”; d) “Bedbug.”

(Novel by L.N. Tolstoy and poem by V.V. Mayakovsky “War and Peace.”)

67. What does Natasha Rostova do to prove her love and friendship to Sonya?

a) Burns his hand with a hot ruler; b) Pierces a finger with a compass needle;

c) Sleeps on nails; d) Walks barefoot on broken glass.

68. Continue L. Tolstoy’s aphorism: “He who does nothing always has a lot...”

A) critics; b) assistants;

c) time; d) health.

69. What age stage is missing in the autobiographical trilogy of L.N. Tolstoy?

a) “Infancy”; b) “Childhood”;

c) “Adolescence”; d) "Youth".

70. The name of which of these masterpieces of Russian classics is misspelled?

a) “Ordinary history”; b) “The Brothers Karamazov”;

B) "The Captain's Daughter"; d) "Sunday".

(“Resurrection”, Tolstoy L.N.)

71. What two antonyms make up the title of Anton Pavlovich Chekhov’s story?

a) "Thick and Thin." b) "High and Low".

c) "Evil and Good". d) "Rich and Poor".

72. What is the name of Leskov’s story, which tells about the tragic fate of a serf hairdresser?

a) “The Barber of Seville”; b) “The Barber of Siberia”;

c) “Stupid artist”; d) "Left-handed".

73. The jumper from the story about Master Lefty is... Who?

a) Dragonfly; b) Locust;

c) Flea; d) Frog.

74. Which of these Russian writers was a teacher?

a) A.P. Chekhov; b) P.P. Ershov;

you. Griboyedov; d) F.M. Dostoevsky.

(He taught Russian literature at the gymnasium of the Tobolsk province. Then he was its director.)

75. Which of these literary flowers was “grown” by V.M. Garshin?

a) “Seven-flowered flower”; b) “The Scarlet Flower”;

c) “Stone Flower”; d) “Red flower”.

(That was the name of the writer’s story.)

76. What is the title of the poem written by V. Mayakovsky?

a) “Satisfactory!”; b) “Okay!”;

c) “Excellent!”; d) “Cool!”

77. Who came to the father in V. Mayakovsky’s poem?

a) Baby raccoon; b) Little son;

c) Tiny Khavroshechka; d) Little boy.

78. Who wrote hymns to the judge, the critic, the scientist, health, dinner and even... a bribe?

a) A. Blok; b) V. Mayakovsky;

c) E. Yevtushenko; d) A. Voznesensky.

79. What in Arkady Gaidar’s fairy tale did the “damned bourgeois” try to find out from Malchish-Kibalchish?

a) Computer password. b) Bank account number.

c) Trade secret. d) Military secret.

80.What is the name of the hooligan from A. Gaidar’s story “Timur and His Team”:

a) Kvakin; b) Khryukin;

c) Kryakin; d) Mumukin.

81. What did Arkady Gaidar call one of his works?

a) “The Life of a Guitarist”; b) “Career of a violinist”;

c) “The Fate of the Drummer”; d) “The Genesis of a Keyboard Player.”

82. The name of which educational institution is used in the title of A. Gaidar’s work?

a) School; b) Lyceum;

c) Gymnasium; d) University.

(Autobiographical story “School”.)

83. What did A. Green call his work “Scarlet Sails”?

a) Fairy tale; b) Poem;

c) Extravaganza; d) Phantasmagoria.

(From the word “fairy” - sorceress.)

84. To whom is Gorky’s play “At the Depths” dedicated?

a) Divers; b) Marine animals;

B) Marine vegetation; d) Inhabitants of the shelter.

85. Finish Gorky’s line: “On the carriage of the past...”:

a) “...shakes a lot”; b) “... few places”;

B) “ can’t go fast”; d) “ won’t go far.”

86. What is the name of the revolutionary novel by Maxim Gorky?

A) “Fathers and Sons”; b) “Mother”;

c) “The Brothers Karamazov”; d) "Three Sisters."

87. What catchphrase comes from Gorky’s “Song of the Falcon”?

a) “I feel sorry for the bird”; b) “Goal like a falcon”;

c) “One born to crawl cannot fly”; d) “The outfit is like a falcon, and the gait is like a crow.”

88. What work was written by Alexander Belyaev?

a) “Treasure Island”; b) “Mysterious Island”;

c) “Island of Lost Ships”; d) “At the bottom.”

89. Which country was invented by the young heroes of Lev Kassil’s work?

a) Republic of SHKID; b) Schwambrania;

c) Unlearned lessons; d) Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors.

a) M. Prishvin; b) V. Bianchi;

c) A. Rybakov; d) A. Brem.

91. What is the name of the story by A.N. Rybakova?

a) “Dagger”; b) “Broadsword”;

B) “Sword”; d) "Dirk".

92. Which Russian writer wrote “Deniska’s Stories”?

a) Denis Ivanovich Fonvizin; b) Denis Vasilievich Davydov;

c) Viktor Yuzefovich Dragunsky; d) Nikolai Nikolaevich Nosov.


Play a fun Unified State Exam with the guys, because in the future they will all face a serious test with real testing. Make sure that such a non-scary, entertaining test will be terribly useful for them.

What literary works in ancient times were not told, but sung?

a) Legends; b) Epics;

c) Fairy tales; d) Riddles.

(They were sung by traveling guslars and storytellers.)

What is the name of the famous cake?

a) "Fairy Tale"; b) “Fable”;

c) “Novel”; of the year".

Which of the Russian heroes was the son of a boyar?

a) Volkhv Vseslavovich; b) Ilya Muromets;

c) Alyosha Popovich;d) Dobrynya Nikitich.

How did the Nightingale the Robber greet random passers-by?

A) Whistling; b) Trill;

c) Clicking; d) Hooting.

What did Pavel Bazhov collect in the Urals?

a) Russian ditties;b) Folk tales ;

c) Conspiracies; d) Ural gems.

Which of these writers Not was he a Decembrist?

a) Alexander Bestuzhev; b) Alexander Radishchev;

c) Alexander Odoevsky; d) Wilhelm Kuchelbecker.

Which famous poet was Catherine's personal secretary? II?

a) G. Derzhavin; b) V. Zhukovsky;

c) A. Fet; d) A. Pushkin.

Which of these poets was the Minister of Justice?

a) Gavrila Derzhavin; b) Alexander Sumarokov;

c) Vasily Zhukovsky; d) Alexander Griboyedov.

What is the name of the comedy by D.I. Fonvizina?

a) “Foreman”; b) “Master”;

c) "Brigadier"; d) "Helper".

(But this does not mean the head of the construction team, but a person with a military rank above colonel.)

Which of these writers had the title of count?

a) Mikhail Lermontov; b) Ivan Turgenev;

c) Alexander Pushkin; d) Leo Tolstoy.

U Which Moscow theater houses a monument to the great Russian playwright A.N. Ostrovsky?

A) Bolshoi Theater;b) Maly Theater;

c) Taganka Theater; d) Moscow Art Theater (MKhT).

(Standing in front of the facade of the Maly Theater, because Ostrovsky gave almost all of his works to its stage.)

How does the title of one of A.N.’s plays end? Ostrovsky's "My People -..."?

a) Let's sing; b) Let's rub in;

c) Let's be numbered; d) Let's call you.

Character of which play by A.N. Ostrovsky is Robinson?

A) “Thunderstorm”; b) “Dowry” ;

c) “Profitable place”; d) "Wolves and sheep."

Who owns the lines: “I’m sitting behind bars in a damp dungeon...”?

a) A.S. Pushkin;b) M.Yu. Lermontov;

c) Odoevsky A.I.; d) K.F. Ryleev.

a) Belkin; b) Pushkin;

c) Lermontov; d) Gogol.

Who exclaimed: “Get out of Moscow! I don’t go here anymore!”?

A) Khlestakov; b) Chatsky;

c) Onegin; d) Napoleon.

What is the name of secretary Famusov from the comedy A.S. Griboyedov "Woe from Wit".

a) Pisarev; b) Perov;

c) Molchalin; d) Referents.

A.S. Griboyedov was a good musician and even composed music. What musical work of his does everyone who plays the piano know?

a) “March of Griboedov”; b) “Griboedov’s Waltz”;

c) “Tango Griboyedov”; d) “Griboyedov’s Polonaise.”

(Sad, elegiac waltz dedicated to the wives of the Decembrists.)

Which of these catchphrases “fluttered out” Not from Griboedov's comedy "Woe from Wit"?

a) “Who are the judges?”; b) “Bah! All familiar faces”;

c) “And the smoke of the Fatherland is sweet and pleasant to us”;d) “And they eat Russian lard!”

(From S. Mikhalkov’s fable “Two Friends.”)

Who, according to Griboyedov, does not watch the clock?

a) Lovers; b) Happy;

c) Blind; d) Sentinels.

How many fairy tales did A.S. write? Pushkin?

a) Five; b) Seven;

at ten; d) Thirteen.

Which of Pushkin's fairy tales does not have a queen (princess)?

a) “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish”; b) “The Tale of the Priest and His Worker Balda”;

c) “The Tale of Tsar Saltan”;d) “The Tale of the Golden Cockerel.”

Which of these fairy-tale heroes of Pushkin does NOT live under water?

A) Gold fish; b) Chernomor;

c) The Ghost of Rogdai;G)Swan Princess.

“He has already spread his claws, / He has sharpened his bloody bite...” Who are we talking about in these lines of A.S. Pushkin?

a) About the golden cockerel; b) About the kite;

c) About the mosquito; d) About the Ugly Duckling.

Which of the proposed pairs of Pushkin fairy-tale heroes from the same fairy tale?

a) The Swan Princess and the seven heroes; b) Prince Guidon and the evil stepmother;

c) Popadya and goldfish;G) King Dadon and the Shamakhan Queen.

What did the Head guard from Pushkin’s fairy tale “Ruslan and Lyudmila”?

a) Invisibility hat; b) Magic ring;

c) Talking mirror; G)Magic sword.

Which of Pushkin’s works is NOT connected with the image of the poet’s nanny, Arina Rodionovna Yakovleva?

A) "My Pedigree"; b) “Winter Evening”;

c) “Friend of my harsh days”;d) “I visited again.”

What is the name of the “winter” story by A.S. Pushkin?

a) “Blizzard”; b) "Blizzard";

c) “Snowfall”; d) "Blizzard".

In A.S. Pushkin’s novel, what words begin Onegin’s letter to Tatyana?

a) “I foresee everything..." b) "I know everything..."

c) “I’ll tell you everything...” d) “I’m writing to you...”

Which of these 20th century poets has a poem in his archive that does not contain a single verb?

a) Afanasy Fet; b) Valery Bryusov;

c) Alexander Blok;d) Sergei Yesenin.

Who said: “What Russian doesn’t like driving fast”?

a) Gogol; b) Chekhov;

c) Pushkin; d) Tsiolkovsky.

Whose childhood was spent in Tarkhany?

a) M.Yu. Lermontov; b) A.S. Pushkin;

c) I.S. Turgenev; d) L.N. Tolstoy.

M.Yu. Lermontov, lieutenant of the Tenginsky regiment, awarded a golden weapon “For bravery”, in his spare time wrote the works “The Battle of Valer And ke", "Shootout in the Caucasus Mountains". What were these works?

a) Paintings; b) Poems;

c) Stories; d) Concerts.

What was white alone “in the fog of the sea” in Lermontov’s famous poem?

a) Sail; b) Yacht;

c) Seagull; d) Iceberg.

What did the main character of the drama M.Yu. lose? Lermontov's "Masquerade"?

a) Fan; b) Scarf;

c) Bracelet; d) A shoe.

Which Lermontov line became the title of the story by V.P. Kataeva?

a) “The lonely sail is white”; b) “In the wild north”;

c) “At the gates of the holy monastery”; d) “Under the mask, all ranks are equal.”

What picture of I.I. Shishkina was named after a poem by M.Yu. Lermontov?

a) “Among the flat valley...”; b) “In the wild north...”;

c) “Morning in a pine forest”; d) “Forest distances.”

L.N. Tolstoy said about the poem by M.Yu. Lermontov’s “Borodino” the following words: Lermontov’s “Borodino” was the seed from which the novel grew...” Name this novel by Tolstoy.

a) "War and Peace"; b) “Anna Karenina”;

in Sunday"; d) "Cossacks".

In which of these fables does I.A. Krylov's fox fighting for a piece of cheese?

a) “Wolf and Fox”; b) "A Crow and a fox" ;

c) “The Fox and the Eagle”; d) “The Fox and the Marmot.”

With what “weapon” did the fabled Fox take the cheese from the Crow?

a) Promise; b) Flattery;

c) Beauty; d) Threats.

Which of the proposed phraseological units came Not from the fables of I. Krylov?

a) And the casket simply opened. b) I didn’t even notice the elephant.

c) And Vaska listens and eats.d) Stay with nothing.

(From “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish” by A.S. Pushkin.)

From which fable by I. Krylov did the catchphrase “Eat with your eyes” “fly out”?

a) “Wolf in the kennel” ; b) “The Cat and the Cook”;

c) “The Fox and the Grapes”; d) “The Crow and the Fox.”

With my eyes seems like I'd like them all eat».)

At whom did the dog Moska bark in I. Krylov’s fable?

a) On a bear; b) On a cat;

c) On the bishop; d) To the moon.

What, according to I. Krylov’s fable, were the Swan, Cancer and Pike unable to budge?

a) Stone; b) Horse;

c) WHO; d) Carriage.

What is the name of the painting by P.A. Fedotov, written on the plot of the fable of the same name by I.A. Krylova?

a) "The Picky Bride" ; b) “Major’s Matchmaking”;

c) “Fresh gentleman”; d) “The poor girl’s beauty is like a death’s scythe.”

Continue F. Dostoevsky’s aphorism: “The greatest skill of a writer is the ability...”

a) listen; b) look out;

c) invent; d) cross out.

Which of these notes belong to the pen of F.M. Dostoevsky?

a) “Notes of a Hunter”; b) “Notes of a Dead Man”;

c) “Notes of a Madman”; d) “Notes from the Dead House”.

(“Notes of a Hunter” - I.S. Turgenev, “Notes of a Dead Man” - M.A. Bulgakov, “Notes of a Madman” - N.V. Gogol.)

What piece of furniture became a symbol of “Oblomovism”?

a) Sofa; b) Bed;

c) Chair; d) Folding bed.

What new literary genre was created by I.S. Turgenev?

a) A novel in verse; b) Prose poem;

c) Fairy tales for adults; d) Fantasy.

By what name is Turgenev's dog Gerasim known?

a) Bim; b) Mumu;

c) Kashtanka; d) Bug.

Choose the correct version of the title of the novel by I.S. Turgenev.

a) “The other day”; b) “Evening”;

c) "The day before"; d) Nadys.”

Who, according to the line by N.A. Nekrasov, can a Russian peasant woman stop him?

a) Falcon in flight; b) Eagle on takeoff;

c) Galloping horse; d) Wolf on the run.

What did grandfather Mazai sail for in the famous poem by N.A. Nekrasova?

a) For fish; b) For firewood;

c) For mail; d) For retirement.

Insert the missing word into the quotation from A. Blok: “And the eternal ... ! Rest only in our dreams".

a) Call; b) Fight;

c) Running; d) Engine.

How does Alexander Blok’s most famous poetic line end: “Night, street, lantern...”?

a) Entrance; b) Hooligan;

c) Library; d) Pharmacy .

Who does this line belong to: “You are still alive, my old lady”?

a) S. Yesenin; b) A. Pushkin;

c) M. Gorky; d) R. Raskolnikov.

What kind of poetic letter Not did Sergei Yesenin have?

a) “Letter to grandfather”; b) “Letter to Mother”;

c) “Letter to my sister”; d) “Letter to the Nanny”.

What is the name of the cycle of poems by S. Yesenin?

a) “Moscow restaurant”; b) “Moscow tavern”;

c) “Moscow tavern” ; d) “Moscow Club”.

Which of these lines Not belongs to S. Yesenin?

a) “Maple, you are my fallen one...”; b) “White birch tree under my window...”;

c) “The golden grove dissuaded me...”;d) “I asked the ash tree...”.

What did Rakhmetov work out while lying on nails?

a) Poetic gift;b) Willpower;

c) Sense of humor; d) Biocurrents.

(In Chernyshevsky’s novel “What is to be done?”)

What fairy tale does M.E. have? Saltykov-Shchedrin?

a) “Eagle Patron” ; b) “Sponsor Eagle”;

c) “Eagle Investor”; d) “Eagle-creditor”.

What is the name of one of M.E.’s fairy tales? Saltykov-Shchedrin?

a) “The dog is missing”; b) “Conscience is gone”;

c) “Modesty is gone”; d) “Responsibility is gone.”

Which of these works was written by L.N. Tolstoy?

a) “Three Sisters”; b) “The Three Musketeers”;

c) “Three fat men”; d) "Three Bears".

(This is a fairy tale for children.)

Which of these works by L.N. Is Tolstoy a fable?

a) “Three Bears”; b) “Philippok”;

c) “Two comrades” ; d) “Forest cutting.”

(“Three Bears” is a fairy tale, “Filippok” is a true story, “Cutting Wood” is a story.)

Story by L.N. Tolstoy "Hadji Murat" is named after:

a) Mountains; b) Highlander;

c) Aula; d) Horse.

Which of these names is common to the works of L.N. Tolstoy and V.V. Mayakovsky?

a) “War and Peace”; b) “Resurrection”;

c) “Bath”; d) “Bedbug.”

(Novel by L.N. Tolstoy and poem by V.V. Mayakovsky “War and Peace.”)

What does Natasha Rostova do to prove her love and friendship to Sonya?

a) Burns his hand with a hot ruler ;

b) Pierces a finger with a compass needle;

c) Sleeps on nails;

d) Walks barefoot on broken glass.

Continue L. Tolstoy’s aphorism: “He who does nothing always has a lot...”

A) critics; b) assistants;

c) time; d) health.

What age stage is missing in the autobiographical trilogy of L.N. Tolstoy?

a) “Infancy”; b) “Childhood”;

c) “Adolescence”; d) "Youth".

The title of which of these masterpieces of Russian classics is misspelled?

a) “Ordinary history”; b) “The Brothers Karamazov”;

B) "The Captain's Daughter";d) "Sunday".

(“Risen And e", Tolstoy L.N.)

What two antonyms make up the title of Anton Pavlovich Chekhov's story?

A) "Thick and thin". b) "High and Low".

c) "Evil and Good". d) "Rich and Poor".

What is the name of Leskov's story, which tells about the tragic fate of a serf hairdresser?

a) “The Barber of Seville”; b) “The Barber of Siberia”;

c) “Stupid artist”; d) "Left-handed".

The jumper from the story about Master Lefty is... Who?

a) Dragonfly; b) Locust;

c) Flea; d) Frog.

Which of these Russian writers was a teacher?

a) A.P. Chekhov; b) P.P. Ershov;

you. Griboyedov; d) F.M. Dostoevsky.

(He taught Russian literature at the gymnasium of the Tobolsk province. Then he was its director.)

Which of these literary flowers was “nurtured” by V.M. Garshin?

a) “Seven-flowered flower”; b) “The Scarlet Flower”;

c) “Stone Flower”; d) “Red Flower”.

(That was the name of the writer’s story.)

What is the title of the poem written by V. Mayakovsky?

a) “Satisfactory!”; b) “Okay!”;

c) “Excellent!”; d) “Cool!”

Who came to the father in V. Mayakovsky's poem?

a) Baby raccoon; b) Little son;

c) Tiny Khavroshechka; d) Little boy.

Who wrote the hymns to the judge, the critic, the scientist, health, dinner and even... a bribe?

a) A. Blok; b) V. Mayakovsky;

c) E. Yevtushenko; d) A. Voznesensky.

What did the “damned bourgeois” try to find out from Malchish-Kibalchish in Arkady Gaidar’s fairy tale?

A) Computer password. b) Bank account number.

V) Trade secret.d) Military secret .

What is the name of the hooligan from A. Gaidar’s story “Timur and His Team”:

a) Kvakin; b) Khryukin;

c) Kryakin; d) Mumukin.

What did Arkady Gaidar call one of his works?

a) “The Life of a Guitarist”; b) “Career of a violinist”;

V) "Drummer's Fate" d) “The Genesis of a Keyboard Player.”

The name of which educational institution is used in the title of A. Gaidar’s work?

a) School; b) Lyceum;

c) Gymnasium; d) University.

(Autobiographical story “School”.)

What did A. Green call his work “Scarlet Sails”?

a) Fairy tale; b) Poem;

c) Extravaganza; d) Phantasmagoria.

(From the word “fairy” - sorceress.)

Who is Gorky's play “At the Depths” dedicated to?

a) Divers; b) Marine animals;

B) Marine vegetation;d) Inhabitants of the shelter.

Finish Gorky’s line: “On the carriage of the past...”:

a) “...shakes a lot”; b) “... few places”;

B) “ can’t go fast”;d) “ won’t go far.”

What is the name of Maxim Gorky's revolutionary novel?

A) “Fathers and Sons”;b) “Mother”;

c) “The Brothers Karamazov”; d) "Three Sisters."

What catchphrase comes from Gorky’s “Song of the Falcon”?

a) “I feel sorry for the bird”;

b) “Goal like a falcon”;

c) “One born to crawl cannot fly”;

d) “The outfit is like a falcon, and the gait is like a crow.”

What work was written by Alexander Belyaev?

a) “Treasure Island”; b) “Mysterious Island”;

c) “Island of Lost Ships” ; d) “At the bottom.”

Which country was invented by the young heroes of Lev Kassil's work?

a) Republic of SHKID; b) Schwambrania;

c) Unlearned lessons; d) Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors.

a) M. Prishvin; b) V. Bianchi;

V) A. Rybakov; d) A. Brem.

What is the name of the story by A.N. Rybakova?

a) “Dagger”; b) “Broadsword”;

B) “Sword”; d) "Dirk".

Which Russian writer wrote “Deniska’s Stories”?

a) Denis Ivanovich Fonvizin; b) Denis Vasilievich Davydov;

c) Viktor Yuzefovich Dragunsky; d) Nikolai Nikolaevich Nosov.

1. What literary works in ancient times were customary not to be told, but to be sung?

a) Legends b) Epics

c) Fairy tales d) Riddles

2. Which famous poet was Catherine II’s personal secretary?

a) G. Derzhavin b) V. Zhukovsky

c) A. Fet d) A. Pushkin

3. Which of these writers had the title of count?

a) Mikhail Lermontov b) Ivan Turgenev

c) Alexander Pushkin d) Leo Tolstoy

4. At which Moscow theater is there a monument to the great Russian playwright A.N. Ostrovsky?

a) Bolshoi Theater b) Maly Theater

c) Taganka Theater d) Moscow Art Theater (MKhT)

5. How does the title of one of A.N.’s plays end? Ostrovsky's "My People -..."?

a) Let's sing b) Let's dry ourselves

a) Belkin b) Pushkin

c) Lermontov d) Gogol

7. Who exclaimed: “Get out of Moscow!” I don’t go here anymore!”?

a) Khlestakov b) Chatsky

c) Onegin d) Napoleon

8. Which of these catchphrases “fluttered out” Not from Griboedov's comedy "Woe from Wit"?

a) “Who are the judges?” b) “Bah! All familiar faces"

c) “And the smoke of the Fatherland is sweet and pleasant to us” d) “And they eat Russian lard!”

9. Who, according to Griboyedov, does not watch the clock?

a) Lovers b) Happy

c) Blind d) Sentinels

10. Which of the proposed pairs of Pushkin’s fairy-tale heroes from the same fairy tale?

a) The Swan Princess and the seven heroes b) Prince Guidon and the evil stepmother

c) Popadya and the goldfish d) King Dadon and the Shamakhan queen

11. What is the name of the “winter” story by A.S. Pushkin?

a) “Blizzard” b) “Blizzard”

c) “Snowfall” d) “Blizzard”

12. What words in the novel by A.S. Pushkin begins Onegin's letter to Tatyana?

a) “I foresee everything...” b) “I know everything...”

c) “I’ll tell you everything...” d) “I’m writing to you...”

13. Which of these poets has a poem in his archive that does not contain a single verb?

a) Afanasy Fet b) Valery Bryusov

c) Alexander Blok d) Sergei Yesenin

14. Who and in what work said: “What Russian doesn’t like driving fast”?

a) Gogol b) Chekhov

c) Pushkin d) Tsiolkovsky

15. Which Lermontov line became the title of V.P.’s story? Kataeva?

a) “The lonely sail is white” b) “In the wild north”

c) “At the gates of the holy monastery” d) “Under the mask, all ranks are equal”

16. What picture of I.I. Shishkina was named after a poem by M.Yu. Lermontov?

a) “Among the flat valley...” b) “In the wild north...”

c) “Morning in a pine forest” d) “Forest distances”

17. Continue the aphorism of F. Dostoevsky: “The greatest skill of a writer is the ability to...”

a) listen b) look out

c) invent d) cross out

18. Which of these notes belong to the pen of F.M. Dostoevsky? Name the other authors.

a) “Notes of a Hunter” b) “Notes of a Dead Man”

c) “Notes of a Madman” d) “Notes from the House of the Dead”

19. What literary genre was created by I.S. Turgenev?

a) Novel in verse b) Poem in prose

c) Fairy tales for adults d) Fantasy

20. Who, according to the line by N.A. Nekrasov, can a Russian peasant woman stop him?

a) Falcon in flight b) Eagle on takeoff

c) A galloping horse d) A running wolf

21. Insert the missing word into the quotation from A. Blok: “And eternal...! Rest only in our dreams".

a) Call b) Fight

c) Running d) Engine

22. What is the name of the cycle of poems by S. Yesenin?

a) “Restaurant Moscow” b) “Tavern Moscow”

c) “Moscow Tavern” d) “Moscow Club”

23. What is the name of one of M.E.’s fairy tales? Saltykov-Shchedrin?

a) “The dog is missing” b) “The conscience is missing”

c) “Modesty is gone” d) “Responsibility is gone”

24. Which of these literary flowers was “grown” by V.M. Garshin?

a) “Seven-flowered flower” b) “Scarlet flower”

c) “Stone Flower” d) “Red Flower”

25. Who wrote hymns to a judge, a critic, a scientist, health, dinner and even... a bribe?

a) A. Blok b) V. Mayakovsky

c) E. Yevtushenko; d) A. Voznesensky

26. What did A. Green call his work “Scarlet Sails”?

a) Fairy tale b) Poem

c) Extravaganza d) Phantasmagoria