Strong personalities in children's literature. Education and formation of the child's personality in fiction. Arguments from literature

Fiction tells about amazing things that may never happen to us in real life. Together with the heroes of the books, you can endlessly travel, fall in love, overcome difficulties and, of course, gain life experience. Books, like good friends, can suggest solutions to personal problems. For those who have lost solid ground under their feet, he advises 7 works of art that can help you look at this world with different eyes.

"The Catcher in the Rye" (1951)

Jerome David Salinger

Holden Caulfield suffers from unmotivated aggression, pathological irritability and outright cynicism. Having lost the meaning of life and having lost the opportunity to influence the course of significant situations, he begins to deny reality. No, he's not weird. He's just 17.

The book does not have a twisted plot for 1000 pages. It has the soul of young generations, rebels and fighters against the system.

"It's good to be quiet" (1999)

Stephen Chbosky

Charlie is too naive for his fifteen years. Expressing a personal opinion, fighting for a place in the sun is not for him. Charlie understands books better than people. He is cosmically lonely, although there is always someone next to him. The hero keeps a terrible secret even from himself.

There are no difficult words in this work. It has a world shown through the eyes of an introvert.

"A Clockwork Orange" (1962)

Anthony Burgess

Alex combines within himself a love of violence and beauty. He is a victim of his time, who is also the executioner of the system. After a juvenile delinquent enters an experimental reform program, he loses the part of himself that was responsible for the will to live. Without inner impulses, Alex becomes subhuman. And Beethoven's favorite music now causes only nausea.

Happy ending is not to be expected here. This book is a reflection on the nature of human cruelty and the pursuit of beauty.

"Martin Eden" (1909)

Jack London

Simple sailor Martin Eden, blinded by his goals, is completely absorbed in reading books and writing his own works. Even sleep seems to a young man a waste of time. Diligence is good, but in excess it leads to completely unexpected results.

In this novel, Jack London does not reveal new truths, but once again reminds that the value of a person does not depend on the degree of its recognition.

"All Quiet on the Western Front" (1929)

Erich Maria Remarque

Paul Bäumer loved life, but the war had other plans for that. She threw the young German into a cold trench and doomed him to survival. His co-workers are just like him. People without a past and without a future.

There is little patriotism in this book. It contains many regrets about the lost generation.

"Teenager" (1875)

Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky

The protagonist, a young man with a sensitive but undeveloped soul, is experiencing the temptations of his time. Dostoevsky skillfully mixes romance and vulgarity, pain and vindictiveness, passion and clumsiness, love and rejection, self-confidence and all-consuming fear, banality and originality, pseudo-exclusivity and venality, youthful maximalism and dementia in his work.

This book is a cross-section of an era with a whole palette of moods that were characteristic of young people abandoned by the older generation.

"Two Captains" (1940)

Veniamin Kaverin

Sanya Grigoriev is stubborn, proud and contradictory. His life motto is "Fight and seek, find and never give up." The personality of Alexander for everyone, without exception, becomes a guideline that you want to follow. A bright and slightly idealized story about the romance of scientific research still attracts young seekers of the truth of life.

There is no tragedy in the book. It has a biography that you want to believe.

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Natalia Stepanova
Children's fiction in the formation of personality and speech development of the child

The book plays a huge role in shaping the personality of a child - a preschooler, in his speech development. Children's fiction should be considered as a means of mental, moral and aesthetic education. “Reading books is a path along which a skillful, intelligent, thinking educator finds the way to the heart child”, - said the famous Soviet teacher-innovator V. A. Sukhomlinsky. Fiction shapes moral feelings and assessments, norms of moral behavior child, brings up aesthetic perception.

Artworks literature contribute to the development of speech, give samples of Russian literary language. The Soviet teacher E. A. Flerina noted in her works that literary the work gives ready-made language forms, verbal characteristics of the image, definitions that child. means artistic word before school, before mastering grammar rules, small child practically masters the grammatical norms of the language in unity with its vocabulary.

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences N. S. Karpinskaya, who made a huge contribution to research in the field of aesthetic education of children by means of fiction also believed that artistic the book gives excellent examples literary language. In stories, children learn the laconicism and accuracy of the language, in poetry - the musicality, melodiousness, rhythm of Russian speech, in fairy tales - accuracy, expressiveness.

From book child learns many new words, figurative expressions, his speech is enriched with emotional and poetic vocabulary. Literature helps children express their attitude to what they have heard, using comparisons, metaphors, epithets and other means of figurative expression.

When reading the book, the connection speech and aesthetic development language is assimilated in its aesthetic function. Possession of language figurative and expressive means serves development of artistic perception of literary works.

Interest in the book baby comes early. At first, he is interested in turning pages, listening to an adult reading, looking at illustrations. With the advent of interest in the picture, interest in the text begins to arise. Studies show that with appropriate work already in the third year of life child you can arouse his interest in the fate of the hero of the story, make the baby follow the course of the event and experience new feelings for him.

Interest in the book, which arose in the early years, helps the child in the future, when he masters independent reading, overcomes all difficulties in order to experience the joy of discovering something new. Good children's the book introduces the baby to the world artistic images, gives the first, and therefore the most powerful impressions of the beautiful. Specificity literature is that means of expression artistic content is a unique linguistic image, to which the baby unconsciously reaches out, attracted by its beauty, extraordinaryness. This encourages the child to repeatedly repeat a bright living word, to play with a word, as a result of which the latter becomes property. The book improves the content of the child's speech, enriches and polishes it. form.

Circle children's readings are works of different genres: stories, novellas, fairy tales, poems, lyrical and comic poems, riddles, etc.

It is at the age of 4-5 that it is determined who will be a reader in the future and who will not. In this "age level" it is especially important to bring child to the golden fund of children's book. The collections "Russian fairy tales", "Once upon a time" were recognized as the best publications. Of the publications of folklore, experts recommend "Triptsy-bryntsy, bells" - Russian folk rhymes, jokes, incantations, counting rhymes, teasers, lullabies.

Of the poetic works for children 4-5 years old, it is advisable to get acquainted primarily with the works of the classics children's literature. Among them are works by A. Pushkin, N. Nekrasov, A. Blok, K. Chukovsky, S. Marshak, V. Berestov, I. Tokmakova. Poems and stories by E. Uspensky, S. Kozlov, A. Barto, E. Blaginina are very popular with children.

Among the stories and fairy tales of Russian writers, publications of works by K. Ushinsky are in the lead (stories and fairy tales "For children") and L. Tolstoy ("For children" and "ABC"). Very loved by children 4-5 years old are the stories of N. Nosov, published in separate collections "Live Hat" (1986)"Bobik visiting Barbos" (1991). It is impossible to pass by the publication of the collection "Alyonushka's Tales", which includes the tales of many children's writers. It is also impossible to imagine a book collection for children 4-5 years old without the works of such modern writers as S. Kozlov ("The Lion and the Turtle", G. Tsiferov ("Tales of the ancient city"). Children of this age can handle G. Andersen's fairy tales "Thumbelina", "The Steadfast Tin Soldier", Brothers Grimm "The Bremen Town Musicians".

More than one generation of 4-5 year old children grew up on the picture book "Pif's Adventure", on Kipling's fairy tale "Elephant". The collection of translated fairy tales in pictures "Little Raccoon and Others" is interesting in content, which includes fairy tales by Italian, English, Norwegian, French, Polish and other writers for children of preschool age.

Among the best books on wildlife should be called "Big and Small" by E. Charushin, many editions of works by V. Bianchi and V. Sladkov.

Children will also be interested in some magazines published for children 4-5 years old, in which "come alive" familiar characters, magazines filled with different games, puzzles, crossword puzzles.

After storytelling, preschool children should be taught to answer questions related to the content, as well as the simplest questions on artistic form of the work. daily reading children's literature in kindergarten, special classes fiction, have a great influence on children's vocabulary development. On literary material, children begin to learn complex concepts (genre, rhyme, writer, epithet, etc.). Children not only practice the ability to distinguish comparisons in works of art, but also participate in the construction of phrases and sentences with comparisons. At the same time, they learn to use unions characteristic of comparison as, as if, as if. By using fiction in children should develop the ability to notice the beauty and richness of the Russian language. Many new publications are published every year. literature for children, the output of which the educator needs to monitor and independently replenish « children's library» , guided by the criteria discussed above and a creative approach to the choice of books.


1. Alekseeva M. M., Yashina V. I. Methods development speech and teaching the native language of preschoolers. Textbook for students of secondary pedagogical institutions. M.: Academy, 1997

2. Gerbova V. V. Classes in development speeches in the middle group kindergarten. A guide for the educator. M.: Enlightenment, 1983

3. Grizik T. I., Timoshchuk L. E. Speech development of children 4-5 years old. Methodical manual for educators of preschool educational institutions. M.: Enlightenment, 2004

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We publish an excerpt from the thesis “Features of the image of a child in expectant mothers receiving various specialties”, author M.Yu. Gumilyovskaya, graduate:

As we have already said in the first paragraph of the diploma, the study of the image of the child is not limited to the framework of any one discipline, it runs like a thread through many sciences and is found in art, religion and other areas of public consciousness. In order to understand it more fully, let us consider literature as a separate area in which this image is reflected.

We will try, analyzing the literature, to touch upon several periods. In the literature of classicism, one can see that childhood is perceived as a deviation from the norm of “non-maturity”. At this time, they are interested in exemplary behavior of people.

Enlighteners have an interest in childhood, along with this, it is rather educational. Literature for children is published, where serious and scientific thoughts of the world of adults are trying to be explained to children. Books are built in an accessible didactic, illustrated form. Between 1750 and 1814, about 2400 titles of such books were published in England. Childhood and adolescence occupy more and more space in educational autobiographies and "novels of education", portrayed as a period of formation, formation of the personality of the hero. And only in the era of romanticism, childhood is seen as a "precious world in itself."

The romantics' attitude is reversed. As N.Ya. Berkovsky, “romanticism established the cult of the child and the cult of childhood. The 18th century understood the child as an adult of a small format, they even dressed children in the same camisoles, slapping them on top with wigs with a pigtail and slipping a skewer under their arm. Children's children begin with romantics, they are valued for themselves, and not as candidates for future adults. The “children's children” of the romantics are in fact not children at all, but the same conditional symbols of some ideal world, like the “happy savages” of the 18th century. Childish innocence and spontaneity are opposed to the "perverted" and cold world of rational adulthood. In W. Blake's Songs of Innocence, the child is a "joy-child", a "bird born for joy", which a cage-like school awaits in Songs of Experience. The self-worth of childhood is emphasized in every possible way. According to the definition of W. Wordsworth, "the child is the father of a man." S. Coleridge emphasizes that a child can teach an adult a lot. But in romantic works, it is not a real, living child that appears, but an abstract symbol of innocence, closeness to nature and sensitivity, which adults lack.

In Russia, the image of childhood is endowed with deep significance by M.Yu. Lermontov. He expresses the idea that childhood seems to be a shaky flowering island in the middle of a deserted sea of ​​life. Pushkin, in turn, refers to childhood as well as to old age, as simply to a moment in the cycle of time.

The theme of childhood entered Russian literature as a sign of the intense self-awareness of the individual and society as a whole. Writers before L.N. Tolstoy, as a rule, were guided by the type of an adult with his stable, formed personality. L.N. Tolstoy was the first who turned his attention to childhood, in this period of the development of literature. His thoughts on the image of the child L.N. Tolstoy reflected in the work “Childhood. Adolescence. Youth". He shows the inner mobility of feelings, abrupt transitions from denial to affirmation, from the whole to the particular, which are a typical feature of the child in his mind. Childhood, and after it the child himself, does not obey certain rules and one line, it lives multidimensionally, in different directions, biting into everything with which it comes into contact. Childhood and a child are “an ocean, on the surface of which islands of adult consciousness float.” L.N. Tolstoy depicts the development of reflection and moral consciousness of the child.

In B. Pasternak's "Childhood of Luvers", things appear before the reader as some kind of blurred lines that penetrate each other. Here we see that everything is in everything, without limitation. Childhood gap is aggravated by illness and dreams. B. Pasternak's child enters as a defenseless, gentle creature, striving to be constantly under someone's care and care. This creature wants to stay in this position for as long as possible, because his world allows him to live without thinking about adult problems.

Already in the 19th century, the concept of romanticism began to fade into the background, giving preference to a different image, it is most pronounced in F.M. Dostoevsky. The image of an innocent, sinless child is becoming more and more a thing of the past. The image of a child in F.M. Dostoevsky is built on the dual nature of the child. On the one hand, this is a unique childish purity, on the other, cruelty in all its manifestations. This is a traditional Christian image and a demonic being, ready to destroy all the commandments. At M.F. Dostoevsky is the highest ideal, which is already an adult with the innocence and spontaneity of a child and the experience of moral consciousness.

In the 20th century, some Western writers have such a position of M.F. Dostoevsky in relation to the child is sharpened towards the anti-morality of childhood. For example, W. Golding in "Lords of the Flies" expresses the idea that a child easily stops behaving as adults taught him, and turns into a wild, unbridled creature. Children themselves degrade to such a state. The child is not originally a higher person, as the writers of romanticism imagined him to be, and not a person, some kind of alien and even hostile entity to humanity. Such an example can be seen in the work of R. Bradbury "Veld", "The Lesson Hour". He expresses a very interesting thought and idea in which he wants to show that a child can be the worst thing. On the one hand, he is completely dependent on an adult, he is completely defenseless, on the other hand, he is impervious to adults in terms of his internal structure. The child speaks his own language, plays his own games, all this remains a mystery to an adult. As a result, aliens can penetrate our civilization thanks to children, given their image and characteristics. Then they will be just as mysterious and unpredictable in their designs and just as cunning and ruthless in their deeds.

Contrasting the English image, Russian literature has developed its own image of a child, for whom an interest in the world of nature and things can be considered specific. If L.N. Tolstoy, we saw a focus on people, then Aksakov’s nature and the child’s relationship with it come to the fore. Aksakov believes that a child is a person before the fall, the person who gave names to all things and animals that came to him. The image of a child includes enthusiasm and involvement in the process of communication with nature, interest in everything around. According to Aksakov, the predominant interest in things, and not in people, arises only during infancy.

In the 19th century, images of poor, destitute children, deprived of a home, victims of family and especially school tyranny, appear, but the children themselves remain one-dimensionally naive and innocent. Then the family “nest” is subjected to artistic research and it turns out that cruel slavery, oppression and hypocrisy, crippling a child, are often hidden under a warm shell. As the psychological analysis deepens, the children's images themselves also lose their former clarity and one-dimensionality. Oliver Twist is a small, pathetic little man, poked from all sides by adults, bruised from physical and moral bruises; little man, squeezed by a huge mass of strangers, non-native people, among whom he was lost. I would like to immediately bring the opposite image of the child and childhood. J.-P. Sartre's child lives in full bourgeois prosperity, he is deprived of support in the real world, everything is done for him by others, he is artificially fenced off from reality. Before us are two different images: one is unfortunate and persecuted, the other is secure and constantly living in care - at the same time they are both defenseless, each in their own way.

M. Twain shows a child who loves the romance of travel and adventure, the joy of homelessness. And if in Dickens, the child does not love, even hates his home, because he has lost the warmth of kinship, then Huckleberry Finn hates his home, because it is a limited space, and he needs breadth and space. If Oliver cannot remember his mother without tears, then Finn fiercely hates his father. The childhood of Finn and Tom Sawyer is as happy as that of Nikolenka L.N. Tolstoy and Serezha Aksakov, only they are happy in different ways. The first is complete freedom of action and fantasy, the second is in the unity of oneself and the earth, a deep sense of the earth.

In Hemingway, Folker, T. Wolfe, Salinger, the image of a child is built on the naturalness of a child, intolerant of falsehood, rejecting conformity.

Only in the 20th century did the image of a child of the Twain type appear in Russian literature. These are tomboy boys, daring, brave, uninhibited - this is Timur A. Gaidar. These guys are ready for combat actions, they crave the unknown, they are ready for any trials.

In the 40s - 50s. In the 20th century, Prishvin and Paustovsky have a sentimental image of a child, where the child is surrounded by the reality of nature and the atmosphere of a fairy tale, it has features of naivety, high simplicity, and childishness.

But each new image of a child is not just a stage of deepening the artistic knowledge of childhood, but also a specific type of social projection, a reflection of the aspirations and disappointments of adults.

The multidimensionality and diversity of children's images in literature or portraiture reflect not only the progress of artistic knowledge and differences in the authors' personalities, but also changes in the real content of childhood and its symbolization in culture.

S. Zweig wrote: “... Our spiritual world is made up, as if from millions of monads, from individual impressions, of which the smallest part is personally seen and experienced, and everything else - the bulk - we owe to books, read, perceived, studied. "

The system of ideas reflected in the book really actively forms both the image of the world and the image of the child. The image in the book itself becomes a second reality, sometimes more real than reality itself. And since the book is an indefinite expansion of the ties of the subject of social action with the world, the more the book opens up for the individual, the richer her personal image of the world becomes.

Lomov B.F. singled out the role of the word in the construction of the image and determined its formative role through fiction. With the help of the word, the writer paints a living picture, which is then recreated by the reader. So, for example, when reading the descriptions of the steppe in the works of M.A. Sholokhov, not only vivid visual images arise, but also sounds and smells are recreated.

Building his image of the world, a person cannot, at least to a minimal extent, not be included in the process of learning the image of the world that is characteristic of his society, because the book is a materialized need for adequate inclusion in normative social and personal moral relations. The book is a significant factor not only in structuring, but also in the nature of creating the image of the world and the image of the child and their features.

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"E.M. Remarque

The novel `Three Comrades` by the famous German writer E.M. Remarque tells about the tragic fate of German soldiers who returned from the fields of the First World War, about the so-called `lost generation`, disillusioned with bourgeois values ​​and striving to find support in front-line camaraderie, strong male friendship and true love.

2. "" Boris Vasiliev

One of the most sincere and heartfelt works about the Great Patriotic War. The story of five female anti-aircraft gunners, led by their commander, foreman Vaskov, who entered into an unequal and mortal battle with German saboteurs, is distinguished by psychological authenticity and expressive brevity of the author's style, which turn the front-line episode told in the story into a high tragedy.

3. "" Ruben David Gonzalez Gallego

A Russian writer living in Madrid, Rubén David González Gallego, grandson of the general secretary of the Communist Party of Spain, has fully experienced the meaning of the words "communist morality" from his personal experience. About this experience, his brilliant literary debut - an autobiographical novel in the stories "White on Black", which became a sensation already in a magazine publication.

The book may seem sad to some, funny to others. One thing is certain: Ruben gave us all a unique opportunity to look at our terrible, cruel and beautiful world a little kinder, brighter and more joyful.

4. "" Maygull Axelsson

This girl didn't have a name. Actually, there were two. Her father called her Mary. Mother - Mary. Friends geeks - winners of the national competition for the best essay on the theme "Democracy and the Future" - solved the problem, christening it Mary Marie. But neither these promising teenagers, each of whom later went on to a brilliant career, nor all the others understood that Mary Marie had more than just a double name. That she really lives a double life. In one of her incarnations, she is a brilliant secular lady who holds the post of minister in the government, in another she is a criminal serving a prison sentence for the murder of her husband. And all this time she is looking for herself and her love.

5. "" Ken Kesey

Like the many high-profile events associated with the name of the "jolly prankster" Ken Kesey, his first book "Over the Cuckoo's Nest" (1962) made a lot of noise in the literary life of America. Kesey was recognized as a talented writer, and the novel became one of the main works for beatniks and hippies.

"Over the Cuckoo's Nest" is a raw and devastatingly honest depiction of the boundaries between sanity and insanity. "If anyone wants to feel the pulse of our time, let Kesey read. And if all goes well and the order of things does not change, it will be read in the next century," the Los Angeles Times wrote. Indeed, even today the book continues to live and does not lose its crazy popularity.

6. "" O. Henry

A wonderful short story about "Henry. It can be called a paper antidepressant for any age.

The main characters are a loving married couple. On the eve of Christmas, they have no money for gifts at all. Then Della sells her luxurious hair and buys her husband a chain for his gold watch. And Jim sells his watch and buys his beloved a set of combs.

But this does not spoil their holiday at all and, on the contrary, shows their devotion and love to each other!

7. "" Daniel Keyes

Forty years ago this was considered science fiction.

Forty years ago, this read like science fiction. Exploring and expanding the boundaries of the genre, greedily absorbing all sorts of new trends, trying on a universal face, bravely ignoring the Cain stamp of the "genre ghetto".

Now it is perceived as one of the most humane works of modern times, as a novel of piercing psychological power, as a filigree development of the theme of love and responsibility.

8. "" Colin McCullough

Colleen McCullough created this book - and forever inscribed her name in the "golden fund" of a high love story. Nora Gal translated this book into Russian and made the readers of our country an invaluable gift.

To readers who began to sew foxtrot and ash rose dresses for themselves.

To readers who sincerely experienced the joy, passion and pain of the love story of Maggie Cleary and Ralph de Bricassard. A love story unparalleled!..

9. "" Gabriel Garcia Marquez

"One Hundred Years of Solitude" - a cult novel that, according to contemporaries, caused a "literary earthquake", brought its author extraordinary popularity all over the world.

The evil of hardened souls, the loss of spiritual connection with people and nature, despotism, bureaucracy are gradually destroying our planet. The author sees the salvation of mankind only in love, kindness and mercy. "Love is my only ideology," says one of the most famous writers of our time, Nobel Prize winner Gabriel Garcia Marquez.

10. "" Erich Maria Remarque

Borrowed life. Life, when nothing is regretted, because, in essence, there is nothing to lose.

This is love on the verge of doom.

This is a luxury on the verge of ruin.

It is fun on the verge of grief and risk on the verge of death.

The future is not. Death is not a word, but a reality.

Life goes on. Life is Beautiful!..