Scandinavian runic alphabet. Ancient runic sacred alphabet. Application of runic inscriptions and artifacts

What is the runic alphabet? In the minds of modern man, this concept is closely connected with Scandinavia. However, there are several dozen runic alphabets, and Russia also had its own. Let's analyze all the differences and generalizing points associated with.

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(for complete information about the meaning of the rune, click on its photo)

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The younger futhark was used for domestic purposes and served for writing letters and other records. The elder futhark was used only for magical purposes; it was never used in everyday practice. The runic row of the elder futhark was used only by the initiates, since the sacred meaning of the runes was known only to them.

Also known is the Gothic runic row, which was used in Eastern Europe. The Anglo-Saxon alphabet of runes appeared as a result of the movement of Germanic tribes to Britain. There was also a mixture of the Scandinavian and Anglo-Saxon runic series - Marcomannic runes.

Over time, the rune alphabet underwent phonetic and graphic changes, some signs were added, and some symbols were eliminated.

Encrypted runes

These inscriptions were magical in nature and were called ligature. Runic ligature is a combination of several runic signs into one. The result is a graphic drawing endowed with a magical meaning. Knitted runes are the writing of characters on a common vertical line.

Branching runes are also a secret writing method. It is distinguished by the image not of the rune itself, but of its serial number in the atta and the number of the atta itself. The drawing looked like this: horizontally directed lines were drawn on a vertical line, indicating a serial number (three lines - number three, etc.). The lines on the left indicate the ordinal number of the atta, on the right - the ordinal number of the character in the futhark.

Armanic Futhark

This is a runic alphabet for fortune telling. The signs have been slightly changed and two new ones have been added. The alphabet for predictions on runes was introduced by the modern researcher Guido von List.

Rune use

In the modern world, the rune alphabet is used only for magical purposes. In esoteric stores you can find rune sets for predictions, runic talismans and amulets. Sets are made from certain types of wood, bone or stone. At home, you can make a set of salt dough.

Runologists have invented an additional twenty-fifth rune, denoting pure fate. It was called the rune of Odin. For magical purposes, they make up special spells for runic staves - visas. In visas, the runologist expresses his intention, with the help of which runic flows should be sent to change circumstances.

A page from the alphabet "Runa ABC" by Johan Bure. 1611 The first Swedish primer for learning the runic alphabet. Litteraturbanken

Runes are elongated and angular letters of the ancient Germans, the ancestors of the modern English, Dutch, Germans, Danes, Norwegians and Swedes. The oldest known monuments of runic writing date back to the middle of the 2nd century AD. e. The study of the inscription of the runes shows their origin from the Latin alphabet: signs ᚠ, ᚢ, ᚱ, ᚲ, ᚺ, ᛁ, ᛏ, ᛒ, ᛚ almost completely repeat the inscriptions of the corresponding Latin letters - F, U, R, C, H, I, T, B, L. The runes ᚨ, ᛊ, ᛗ, ᛞ and ᛟ, in which the letters A are guessed a little further , S, M, D and O.

The runic alphabet, like many other alphabets, is called by its initial letters. The Greek word for "alphabet" (ἀλφάβητος) is formed from the names of its first two letters - "alpha" (ἄλφα) and "beta" (βῆτα). The Russian word "alphabet" is formed according to the same scheme: from the names of the letters "az" and "beeches".- Futhark (ᚠᚢᚦᚨᚱᚲ). The oldest runic futhark contained 24 signs: ᚠᚢᚦᚨᚱᚲᚷᚹ ᚺᚾᛁᛃᛇᛈᛉᛊ ᛏᛒᛖᛗᛚᛜᛞᛟ (fuþarkgw hnijïpzs tbemlŋdo in Latin transcription), and the later Scandinavian younger runic futhark - 16: ᚠᚢᚦᚯᚱᚴ ᚼᚾᛁᛅᛋ ᛏᛒᛘᛚᛣ (fuþąrk hnias tbmlR). The third futhark rune ᚦ, representing the same sounds as th in English and θ in Greek, is still used in the Icelandic alphabet (its other letters are taken from Latin).

Most of the Germanic peoples used runes, but they were gradually supplanted by the Latin alphabet. Runes lasted least of all in Germany; the ancestors of the English, the Anglo-Saxons, continued to write in runes until the 10th century, and the Scandinavians until the late Middle Ages. In the remote Swedish province of Dalarna, runes survived into the 20th century, with hundreds of runic inscriptions preserved on buildings, furniture, tools, and utensils from the last four centuries. Many of them are the owner's signatures, but there are also more lengthy texts, for example, an inscription on a wooden table, made in the hungry year of 1730, reads: “A lot of food will fit on this table. He would be happy who would have so much.

2. Why runes look like this

Having borrowed most of the letters from the Romans, the ancient Germans changed their style so that it was more convenient to cut or scratch the signs on the tree. Because of this, the runes received elongated proportions and a chopped look. For the same reason, the classical Germanic runes contained only vertical and diagonal strokes, or "trunks" and "branches": it is impossible to draw rounded and horizontal elements by drawing signs across the wooden fibers.

A planer from Vimos with an inscription on an older runic futhark. Funen Island, Denmark, circa 300s Nationalmuseet, Danmark

A crest from Vimos with an inscription on an older runic futhark. Funen, Denmark, circa 160s Nationalmuseet, Danmark

3. Who else wrote in runes

The German word "runes" also refers to the outwardly similar ancient Turkic, or Orkhon-Yenisei, writing that existed in Central Asia in the 8th-10th centuries AD. e. The most important monuments of Orkhon-Yenisei writing are stone stelae erected in Mongolia, Southern Siberia and Semirechye (near Lakes Balkhash and Issyk-Kul). The inscriptions brought to us unique information about the history of the Turkic Khaganates and, no less important, the language of that era. The Turkic runic alphabet was deciphered in 1893 by the great Danish linguist Wilhelm Thomsen.

"Book of Divination" ("Irk Bitig"). Presumably 9th century

Written in Turkic runic writing. Found in 1907 in the Chinese province of Gansu.

Or. 8212/161 / The International Dunhuang Project / British Library

"Book of Divination" ("Irk Bitig"). Presumably 9th century

Written in Turkic runic writing. Found in 1907 in the Chinese province of Gansu.

Or. 8212/161 / The International Dunhuang Project / British Library

In the image and likeness of the Germanic runes, several artificial scripts were also created in the fictional world of John R. R. Tolkien. An Oxford professor and specialist in Old English language and literature, Tolkien not only knew many ancient languages, but also invented new ones, diligently developing their grammar and alphabets. One of them, kirta, is based on Germanic runes. Kirt, for example, made a gravestone inscription “Balin, son of Fundin, sovereign of Moria”, found by the heroes of The Lord of the Rings in an underground city.

The inscription on Balin's grave. Drawing by John R. R. Tolkien The Tolkien Estate Limited 2015

4. Are runes related to magic?

The traditional idea of ​​​​the close connection of runes with magic appeared in modern times. By that time, the runes had already been forced out of the practical sphere by the Latin alphabet and continued to be used in Scandinavia only for divination and secret writing. Each rune in the futhark had a name: ᚠ - fehu ("cattle, wealth"), ᚢ - ūruz ("bull, bison"), ᚦ - þurisaz ("giant"), ᚨ -ansuz ("god, as"), ᚱ - raidō ("path, wagon") and so on, so sometimes they were used as ideograms Ideogram- a written sign denoting a concept (and not, for example, a sound or a syllable).. So, the rune ᚠ could be inscribed as a wish for property well-being.

Perhaps it was about the Germanic runes that he wrote at the end of the 1st century AD. e. Roman historian Tacitus:

“They cut a branch cut from a fruit tree into slices and, having applied special signs on them, then pour it out as it should on a snow-white cloth. After that, if divination is carried out for public purposes, the priest of the tribe, if privately - the head of the family, having offered up prayers to the gods and looking up at the sky, takes out one plate three times and interprets what is predicted in accordance with the signs scraped on them in advance.

The magical use of runes flourished later. The medieval saga about the Icelandic skald (poet) of the 10th century, Egil Skallagrimsson, tells:

“When they already had the sails ready, Egil again went up to the island. He took a hazel pole and climbed with it to a rocky promontory facing the mainland. Egil took the horse's skull and planted it on the pole. Then he cast a spell, saying: “I erect this pole here and send a curse to King Eirik and his wife Gunnhild,” he turned the horse's skull towards the mainland. “I send a curse to the spirits that inhabit this country so that they all wander without a road and find no rest for themselves until they drive out King Eirik and Gunnhild from Norway.” Then he drove the pole into the crevice of the rock and left it there. He turned the horse's skull towards the mainland, and on the poles he carved the spell he said with runes.

5. Where can you find runic inscriptions

Runes can be found everywhere where the Germans lived, and especially the Scandinavians. Every year, archaeologists present runologists - as researchers of runic inscriptions are called - more and more new finds.

The oldest Old Runic inscriptions are concentrated in the north of Germany, on the Jutland Peninsula and in Scandinavia, and then spread across Europe along with various Germanic tribes, reaching the territory of modern Ukraine and Bosnia.

In the British Isles and Friesland (now the Netherlands) in the 5th-11th centuries, a variant of runic writing was used, called Anglo-Saxon or Anglo-Frisian runes. This variety of futhark has been supplemented to fully reproduce the sounds of the closely related Old English and Old Frisian languages.

The most common type of runes - junior runes - developed by the 9th century in Scandinavia to record the Old Norse language. It is logical that most of the inscriptions in younger runes have been preserved on the Scandinavian Peninsula and in Denmark. But not only. The Vikings also left them on the balustrades and window sills of the Hagia Sophia in Constantinople - and even on the marble lion that stood at the entrance to the Piraeus harbor near Athens and was taken to Venice in the 17th century.

Piraeus lion. Photo from 1920Swedish National Heritage Board

Runic drawing from the paw of the Piraeus lion. Drawing of 1857En Nordisk Runeindskrift i Piræus, med Forklaring af C. C. Rafn, 1857

Half of the six thousand runic inscriptions known today are carved on the so-called runic stones - steles installed in memory of a deceased relative. Almost all inscriptions on runic stones begin with a listing of the names of the customers and a message about the installation of the rune stone, after which the name of the deceased and his family relationship with the customers are indicated. For example, “Bergswein and Sigfast and Friedi installed this stone after Buri, their father. Carved Fartegn.

Görlev Stone No. 1. Denmark, 800–850

The inscription on the stone: “Thyodvi placed this stone along Odinkaur.
fþąrkhniastbmlR Enumeration of all the younger runic futhark.. Take care of the grave! þmkiiissstttiiiillll Patter: þistil - thistle,
mistil - mistletoe, kistil - chest.
. I placed the runes correctly. Gunny, Armund.

Stone from Jerminn No. 1. Denmark, 970-1020

The inscription on the stone: "Tolv set this stone for Hradi, his brother, a very good warrior."

Erik Moltke / Nationalmuseet, Danmark

A big event in the study of runic writing was the finds of archaeologists in the Norwegian Bergen in the second half of the 20th century. Like those from Novgorod on the banks of the Volkhov, hundreds of wooden rods and runic tablets have been preserved in the damp ground of the Bergen harbor. Smaller complexes of household inscriptions on wooden and bone objects were also found in other cities of Scandinavia. Today, more than two thousand runic "letters" are known.

Among the inscriptions on wooden rods there are also love letters, for example: “My beloved, kiss me!” Also among them there are inclusions written in runes, but in Latin - usually these are fragments of prayer content.

Stone from Berezan Island. 1969 photo I. Pavlov / RIA Novosti

Scandinavian funeral inscriptions also influenced ancient Russian monumental epigraphy, few examples of which have come down to us. On the eastern outskirts of the Novgorod land, in Voymeritsy on the Msta River, near Lyubytin, in the 11th century, a stone cross was erected with a Cyrillic inscription: “The brothers and mothers of Miroslav put a christ to Boguslav and Lazarev. Slavone delale”, that is, translated from the Old Novgorod dialect “Brothers and mother Miroslav put an end to Boguslav and Lazar. Made by Slavon.

Voimeritsky cross in the Novgorod State Museum-Reserve. year 2014 Tatyana Shelomova /

Runic writing in Rus' continued to be used in the 12th century, and possibly survived until the 13th century: in Smolensk, in the layers of the 12th century, archaeologists found a younger birchbark letter of several words, and in Maskovichi near Braslav (the current Vitebsk region of Belarus) - individual runes and brief records on dozens of bone fragments. By the 13th century, the newcomers Scandinavians, apparently, were completely assimilated.


  • Melnikova E. Scandinavian runic inscriptions. New finds and interpretations: Texts. Translation. A comment.

Runes - the ancient alphabet of the Germanic peoples, well preserved in its original form, but having several varieties. Distinguish Senior and Junior Futhark, or runic system, Armanic Futhark, Icelandic runic rows. They have a difference in the number of runes and their names. Runic writing has been widespread in the territory of modern Scandinavian countries since the 9th century AD, and is still represented by many historical monuments. At present, the runes have fallen out of everyday use, they have been replaced by more developed writing.

Futhark is a runic alphabet.

Futhark - runic alphabet

The ancient runic alphabet is called Futhark. This unusual name is made up of the initial sounds of the names of the first runes: Fehu, Uruz, Turisaz, Ansuz, Raido, Kennaz, in much the same way as the Russian "Azbuka" - from the letters Az, Buki. If we compare Cyrillic and runic writing, at first glance, they are completely different, but both in Cyrillic and in the runic system there is a strictly defined order, where each letter or symbol is associated with a specific concept. Like many ancient alphabets, futhark is a set of symbols that mean important concepts for a person of that time. Probably, this was done in order to better memorize the letter, and maybe any writing has initially a sacred meaning, reflecting the picture of the world of native speakers.

Runes of the Elder Futhark

The Elder Futhark is the oldest known runic series. It includes 24 runes. Subsequently, the famous rune researcher - Ralph Blum - added to them the 25th, empty rune. He gave it the name "Rune of Odin". There was no such rune in the original Futhark.

Futhark runes are subdivided into three atta (ettira) - this is the name of three rows of runes, 8 in each, arranged in strict order. Each ettir bears the name of one of the Nordic gods: Freya, Heimdall and Tyr.

The meaning of all Futhark runes is associated with phenomena from the life of the Germanic peoples: natural phenomena, elements, plants, gods, animals, people and other creatures and concepts familiar to every Scandinavian. The division of the runes into three attas is symbolic - these are three worlds: the Middle - Midgard, the world of people, the Lower - the kingdom of Hel, and the upper - Asgard, the bright chambers of the gods.

Perhaps the runes are a language for understanding all the secrets of the universe, brought to people by the supreme god Odin, through his sacrifice, so that they can join magic and become like gods.

The first ettir of the goddess Freya

The first att is dedicated to Freya, the goddess of love and beauty. It starts with the Fehu rune and ends with Vunyo. This is the first level of creation, the confrontation between the forces of the elements, blind power and animal instincts, creation and destruction, struggle and victory. Here is a brief description of the first eight runes:

  • Fehu - livestock, material values, wealth;
  • Uruz - tour or bull, physical strength and power, health,
  • Turisaz - turs, ice giant, brute force, invasion or enemy, resistance;
  • Ansuz - ace, god, wisdom and power of the word, magic;
  • Raido - path, road, promotion;
  • Kauna - a torch or a wound, an ulcer, a fire or a gap;
  • Gebo - gift, union and association, agreement;
  • Vunyo is a banner, victory, joy and triumph.

The second ettir of the god Heimdall

The second att is named after the ace Heimdall, guardian of the gates of Asgard. This is the second, higher level of creation: birth and death, rebirth, connection of aces and people. It includes the following runes:

  • Hagalaz - hail, destruction, blind element;
  • Nautiz - need, obstacles on the way;
  • Isa - ice, freezing, stopping all processes;
  • Yer - year, harvest, cycle, wheel of the year, results;
  • Eyvaz - the world tree, the ash Yggdrasil, the basis, the connection between the worlds: Asgard, Midgard and Hel;
  • Perth - rune bag, vessel, cauldron, transformation;
  • Algiz - reed, horned elk, protection;
  • Soulu - sun, bright light, victory, good luck, honors.

The third ettir of the god Tyr

The third att is named after Tyr, the god of war and martial prowess. The third level of creation: choice of fate, body and spirit, emotions and law. It includes the last eight runes:

  • Teyvaz - Tyr, the tip of a spear or arrow, striving for a goal, battle;
  • Berkana - birch, maiden, beauty and femininity, childbearing;
  • Evaz - horse, Sleipnir - Odin's eight-legged horse, movement between worlds, ally;
  • Mannaz - man, friend, comrade-in-arms, procreation;
  • Laguz - water, stream, river or sea, magic and enchantment;
  • Inguz - the god Freyr (Yngvi), male power, fertility;
  • Otal - family, allotment of land, house, property, homeland (in the broadest sense);
  • Dagaz - day, change, transformation, transition from one state to another.

About the Elder Runic Futhark

The Elder Futhark is the most ancient in comparison with other runic scripts. It is he who is used for spells and compiling galdrastavs. Runes of the Elder Futhark were cut for magical purposes and stained with blood. It is believed that this sacred language - runic - helps to establish a connection with the gods and get initiated into the Northern Tradition, so many people use these symbols for meditation, living, energy work and even runic astrology, placing the runes on the wheel of the year.

About the younger runic futhark

There is an opinion that the younger Futhark is just a runic script used in everyday life. It has no sacred meaning, it is simplified compared to the older one. However, many use both the lesser and the Armanic futhark for magical purposes.

Freya is one of the most beloved goddesses of the Scandinavian pantheon, the daughter of Njord and the sister of Freyr. Her name is correctly spelled as Freyja, presumably meaning "lady" or "virgin". Freya lives in Asgard with her father and brother, but she comes from Vanaheim, so her other known name is Vannadis, "maiden of the Vanir."

Myths about Freya

Freya ended up in Asgard, sharing the fate of her father, who became a hostage of the world after the war of the Aesir and the Vanir. He came to Asgard in exchange for the ace Khenir, who went to live in Vanaheim. Freya is the goddess of love and battle, as well as beauty and youth. She owns the magic of seidr (seidr) and taught her to Odin. She lives in the beautiful castle of Folkwang, in the chambers of Sessrumnir. Freya's personal life failed: she had a human husband named Od, but he left her, and the goddess went in search, shedding golden tears.

Freya has a beautiful golden Brisingamen necklace and falcon plumage, with which she can turn into a falcon and fly through the sky. Freya is the leader of the warlike Valkyries, she takes the most beautiful warriors from among those who died in battle, which is why she is also called the "mistress of the fallen." She travels in a wagon pulled by two big cats or a wild boar named Hildisvini. It is said that this boar is a former admirer of Freya: in this way she fulfilled his desire to serve her forever.

Freya's Seal

This is a runic formula or galdrastav, from two interconnected runes: Berkana and Inguz. Becoming very simple and effective, it is used for a love spell. Symbolizes the unity of female and male sexual forces, fertility. The seal can be carved and worn as a talisman to attract a suitable candidate for marriage and procreation. You can also test it on a specific person to kindle love feelings in him.

Heimdall is the guardian of the gates of Asgard and the Bifrost rainbow bridge. He guards the chambers of the gods from the invasion of giants - jotuns from the neighboring world, Jotunheim. Heimdall has very sharp eyesight and hearing, not a single enemy will pass him unnoticed. He is also the guardian of the World Tree Yggdrasil. He has a golden-maned horse Gulltopr, and his house is called "heavenly mountains" - Himinbjorg.

Myths about Heimdall

Heimdall is the son of Odin and nine mothers. As predicted, during the final battle, Heimdall and Loki will kill each other.

Artifacts of Heimdall

Heimdall has a magical golden horn Gjallarhorn, so Heimdall is also called "golden-horned", as well as "gold-toothed". On this horn he must blow, announcing the beginning of the last battle called Ragnarok.

In Scandinavian mythology, Tyr is the god of war and martial arts, one-armed. Tyr is the son of Odin and a giantess. He is associated with the rune Teiwaz, which in some versions of the Futhark bears his name. Tyr or Tiu, perhaps, was once the supreme god, but having lost one hand, he was forced to transfer this "position" to another, while he himself did not lose his fighting skills and remained the patron of military prowess. Tyr gives victory in battle and courage to those who ask him for it.

Myths about Tyr

Tyr is known for his courage: it was he who helped bind the monstrous wolf Fenrir with a magic chain, putting his hand in his mouth for this. None of the gods dared to do it again. Tyr, knowing that he would most likely lose his arm, nevertheless decided on such a feat. During Ragnarok, Tyr and the monstrous dog Garm, the guardian of the gates of the kingdom of Hel, will have to fight and kill each other.

Initially, runes were simply magical images in the form of symbols, each of which denoted a certain god and controlled a certain element: Water, Fire, Air or Earth.

What awaits you in the near future:

Find out what awaits you in the near future with the help of runes.

Slavic runes and alphabet

The ancient Slavs are an extremely educated people. They had their own alphabet and well-developed writing. The basis of the alphabet was runes - complex characters with several meanings. The “ABC” of Cyril and Mifody, which appeared later, is only part of the ancient heritage left by the Slavic civilization.

Slavic runes were used not only to compose texts, but also to conduct all kinds of rituals. In addition, they served as the main elements in the creation of amulets and protective prayers. At the time of its existence, the runic alphabet was the most perfect type of writing. One character could mean a single letter, word or action. Archaeologists have established that the Slavs had exactly 144 signs.

Nobody knows the exact number of runes: historians believe that there were several million of them. And those 18 runes that we use today are a drop in the ocean and echoes of the once developed runic alphabet.

How to write in Slavic runes?

When writing texts, a well-thought-out system is used. All symbols are arranged in a row, and each row must have 16 individual characters. The number of rows is nine. It is also allowed to write 32 and 64-digit series. In this case, the written symbols will complement the main 16 runes written earlier. Roughly speaking, every second rune will interpret, complement or develop the meaning of the previous symbol.

Reading characters

The process of reading Slavic runes has its own characteristics: without a correct understanding of the inscribed symbols, it is impossible to understand their meaning. As we have already said, a single rune can mean a letter, a word, or an entire image. Initially, the lines are read in accordance with the rules of the Russian language - from left to right. After that, the runes are read in the opposite direction - from right to left, and the reading begins with the last, 9th rune in the line.

The interpretation of what is written is carried out both in the form of individual letters and images. But this requires significant experience and knowledge of the ancient Slavic culture.

Symbol translation

It is an analogue of the modern letter M

Meaning: help from outside, a detailed understanding of what is happening, asking for blessings from higher powers. It symbolizes goodness, and therefore is not used for rituals with a negative meaning.

Analogue in the alphabet are Ch and C at the same time

Meaning: symbolizes evil in all its manifestations, encourages to break the shackles, change established principles and forget past grievances. It is also a symbol of duality and evil deeds committed in the name of a great goal.

It is an analogue of A - the first letter of the alphabet

It symbolizes the beginning and the point on which our universe rests. The rune hides the beginning and the end, multi-ton weight and light fluff, a microscopic element and a huge cosmos. This is a sign of cyclicality and endless roads open to exploration.

The analogue in the modern alphabet is the letter P

Meaning is a short path that connects Earth and Heaven. This order is interpreted as a journey and fulfillment of the plan. This is a reward for the work done and satisfaction with communication.

Corresponds to the modern letter H

Meaning: symbolizes the cleansing fire that descends on evil people. Interpretation of a positive meaning: awareness of one's own shortcomings, humility of pride and the destruction of empty desires. Interpretation of a negative meaning: coercion to action, suppression of the will, hard fate.

Corresponds to modern letters G and K

Meaning: a cleansing fire that opens the way to well-being and new achievements, the desire for new knowledge, the possibility of choice, getting rid of the shackles.

Corresponds to the modern letter T

Translation of the Slavic rune: a symbol of a warrior who strives for his Altar. It is a symbol of strict rules, excessive demands and sacrifice in the name of a great goal. It also symbolizes a game in which it is impossible to violate the established order. Victory lies in the observance of common truths and a fair fight.

Corresponds to the letter C of the Slavic alphabet

Meaning and translation: symbolizes the force that affects a person or circumstance. It is also a symbol of the efforts made to change the situation.

Corresponds to the letter B

Meaning and translation: variability, problems, destruction, power and strength. This is the embodiment of the main element - the wind, which can sweep away everything in its path. If you harness this power, then a person will be able to move in the right direction. For a more accurate value, it is necessary to compare this rune with neighboring signs.

Meaning: interaction with the earth's firmament and water surface, material wealth, family well-being, completion of the black stripe, patronage of the gods. Often used to enhance female charms, knowledge of wisdom and increase soil fertility.

In the Slavic alphabet corresponds to U

Main meaning: symbolizes feminine beauty and masculine strength. It is an energy that can connect loving hearts and give birth to new life. It is a symbol of carnal love, fertility and transformation.

In appearance, it resembles a modern L

The meaning of the Slavic rune: it is a symbol of youth, female beauty, awakening from winter sleep. It hides the concept of family well-being, the joy of motherhood, intuition and the power of female charms.

Similar in spelling to the letter X.

Translation of the Slavic runes: fate, human karma, the inevitability of events, a predetermined path. It is also a symbol of hope. A more accurate definition is possible in the presence of other runes.

Similar to O

Meaning: help from higher powers, circle or zone of influence, firmness of character, intentions and chosen position. In magical rites, it is used to influence a specific object or person.

Corresponds to D

Meaning: symbolizes the powerful Slavic god DazhdBog. He is the personification of warmth, care, help and assistance. This is a wise old man, around whom young men gather, adopting knowledge. Dazhdbog passes on to his descendants a legacy that needs to be preserved and multiplied. It is also a symbol of material wealth, satisfaction with work, and productivity.

Corresponds to the modern letter P

The meaning and translation of the Slavic rune: a symbol of justice. You can use this sign only if a person is confident in his actions and the chosen position. It is also a symbol of the defender who defends his home.

Corresponds to the letter E

Meaning and translation: the regularity of life, the immutability of the laws of being, renewal, growth and development. It embodies the vital juices flowing through the branches of all earthly vegetation. It is the energy of the sun converted into nutrients.

Corresponds to the letter I from the modern alphabet

Meaning and free translation: ice, the power of cold winds, the basis of all things, development.

Now the stars advise you to use one of the layouts below. Don't miss your chance to find out the truth.

Slavic runes as the alphabet of the Gods and the oldest way to communicate with them and among themselves have not caused controversy among historians and connoisseurs of the Russian Veda for a long time. Moreover: to our great joy and the universal Strength of the People, the Native Memory is being revived every day, and the language of the Ancestors is being studied by the Brothers and Descendants with the same great pleasure and interest as modern foreign languages.

As before, amulets with deep meaning and great power are created from Slavic runes. Our masters present numerous works on the pages of this portal, in which each Slavic rune from the alphabet is compiled into a capacious word or phrase, and carries a certain message and charge. Many of the alphabet approved today in 18 main Slavic runes have a translation in the form of Cyrillic letters, and the strongest of them bear the name of the Native Gods: Perun, Chernobog, Dazhdbog and Lely.

But at the very beginning of acquaintance with the alphabet of Slavic runes, forgotten for centuries, many people experience fear and confusion - how to translate this or that symbol, how to interpret the tie and how does it work in amulets and talismans?

Zarenitsa will try to answer all your questions and try to tell you simply and clearly about the Slavic runes so that you hear the Main and be able to learn how to use their Power.

Similarity of Slavic runes, descriptions, interpretations and meanings with the Scandinavian Futhark

Those who already know the Scandinavian Futhark well will immediately determine the similarity with it in the description, meaning and interpretation of many Slavic runes from the designated alphabet. Without trying to break spears, internal personal beliefs and claim the Truth, and even more so to conduct our own research with serious calculations (nevertheless, our Internet portal aims to popularly convey known information and proposals - and not to break existing ones and give rise to new disputes), we note - it really has a place to Be.

And it doesn't even matter who was the first, the egg or the chicken. The Slavic and Aryan peoples initially had common roots and a common culture, and the Brothers always respected each other, their behavior, customs and customs, and the descendants respected Veles in the guise of Odin or Odin in the Veles image. That is why many choose the alphabet and futhark, which is easier and more understandable for them to use, as a tendency to speak a particular language, or the use of certain folk dialects, as well as accents in sounds characteristic of a particular region.

Be that as it may, each Scandinavian and Slavic rune needs to be understood and felt, tuned in to its sound in the word and in the soul, understand with the heart - what exactly it carries for you and hear the personal, Important. Only after such working out can one hope that your dialogue with the Gods will be heard correctly and quickly read the sent answer.

It takes days, months and even years, but if you urgently need a charm with Slavic runes, contact the Masters who are fluent in the Native Ancient Language and have an established connection with the Ancestors. They will readily help you create an amulet or talisman that brings good luck and the resolution of your problems, attract prosperity and prosperity, and protect the Patrons.

Description of Slavic runes: interpretation of symbols and use in amulets

Slavic runes with meanings corresponding to the goals were used in creating ornaments for embroidering home amulets, creating household items: dishes, interior decorations, religious products, outerwear and underwear for men, women or children, towels and belts.

By translating Slavic runes on a shirt or shield of a person, one can understand both his belonging to the Family and his role in it, and also feel how strong his Faith and the Protection of the Gods are. In ritual symbolism, the Slavic alphabet is also used very actively - Veduns create real ties from runes, which, after proper activation and intention, carry a huge message and friendly interaction of Reveal, Navi and Rule.

Slavic runes are also used in the mantle - to effectively diagnose the situation and layouts for the upcoming work, to identify the results of what has been done and forecasts for the future. Just like Scandinavian, runes are applied to wooden or stone dies, direct and inverted meanings are determined, and they are taken into account when interpreting. The reading of Slavic runes in one or another author's scenario is carried out according to a certain system, however, each rune is always an important sentence and a vivid image in a single, frank story of the Gods.

Turning to them before the start of the mantle and receiving favor increases the Strength of the Family and cohesion, expresses the Spirit and Will, helps to realize the Coming and prepare for it, sometimes changing the Path, having the opportunity to weave with Matyu-Makosh a happy Share in the Fate of the Family.

1. Rune World

In the Slavic runic alphabet, it symbolizes the letter M
Main meanings: Belbog, Tree of the World, inner self

Getting help, answer, protection, understanding the situation, turning to the Gods and getting peace and blessings, rethinking and reassessing existing values. The rune will force an act not from the point of view of justice, but from the concept of Good and Good itself. Therefore, never use it for negative influences or an attempt to turn the situation in your favor.

The world, the rune of Belbog in the traditional Slavic representation is the image of God and Man as his incarnation in Reveal. The axis of the universe is the world Generic Tree, just as the spine is the skeleton of a person - that is the main thing that is the basis of the World. The Slavic rune itself symbolizes both the Tree growing upwards and the man with his hands raised up. One of the main meanings of the word world is a family, a society, a community, which certainly have their own Order, calling for the observance of the Laws.

In the Scandinavian futhark, the meaning of the Slavic rune Mir is conveyed by two runes: Mannaz - as the image of Man, personality and Algiz - as the image of God. The very image of BelBog is parallel to Heimdal, or the White As. Like the Slavic White God, Heimdal protects the Limits from the forces of Chaos, is the main guardian of Order.

2. Rune Chernobog

In the Slavic runic alphabet, it symbolizes the letter Ch or C
Main meanings: Chernobog, inverted World Tree, shadow, jester

Translation and meaning of the Slavic rune: in contrast to Belbog, Chernobog is an absolute evil. In order for a place for something new, good to appear on the Path and in Life, the old, unnecessary must be destroyed. Want new love, prepare to lose past memories, etc. Chernobog and Belbog are two sides of Being, two facets of Balance. Runes Mir (Belbog) and Chernobog together produce Rock, the rune of Fate. The meaning of the rune itself in translation: change and destruction, causing harm even for good purposes (for example, conducting an operation), double bottom, hidden presence and negative impact.

If Chernobog protects from the effects of Chaos and protects the world Order, then Chernobog connects us with the roads and forces of Chaos. However, it would be wrong to consider absolute evil only as a negative action or force, since a Human consists of good and evil, and the view of this or that act and its causes will be completely different in different situations.

That is why the existence and interaction of Good and Evil is invariable in Nature and constantly strives for the Balance of these centrifugal forces that affect the World itself.

The rune of Chernobog is the god-trickster, the Jester and the Clown, fighting with the guardian of Order and violating the established Borders. In relation to a person, the rune is a shadow behind our left shoulder, which effortlessly leads us to tearing off masks and destroying illusions. In magic, Chernobog helps to resolve old unnecessary connections and break out of the vicious circle.

In the Scandinavian futhark, the rune Chernobog finds great coincidences in the Hagalaz rune and partly in Perth. One of the images of Chernobog is the ubiquitous joker and destroyer Loki.

3. Rune Alatyr

In the Slavic rune alphabet symbolizes the letter A
Basic meanings: World year, Holy Grail, Aze, Beginning, Greatness

Translation and meaning of the Slavic rune: Alatyr is the Beginning, the stumbling block around which the World revolves. Alatyr is everywhere and nowhere, it is both light and heavy, it is both small and large. This is pure energy, magic - this is where everything begins. The main meanings of the Alatyr rune are in strength, knowledge, and opportunities. Cyclicity, stability, treatment, restoration, indication of the path - opening roads and prospects.

In the Scandinavian futhark there is not a single rune that fully conveys the meaning of Alatyr. Only to some extent can we compare the rune Yera and Stan from the Northumbrian series of runes.

Alatyr is the World Mountain, the center of the World. It is around Alatyr that the eternal struggle of Chernobog and Belbog takes place, battles and clashes between the forces of Chaos and Order - the preservation of the law of balance. Alatyr, the foundation stone - a handful of earth raised by the Gods from the bottom of the Okiya and transferred to Buyan Island in the open sea.

Under Alatyr, all the rivers of the World originate and all roads begin. Magical altars for appealing to Rule and presenting Trebs are a symbolic image of Alatyr-stone, which serves as a throne for the main Gods.

4. Rune Rainbow

In the Slavic runic alphabet, it symbolizes the letter R
Basic meanings: Road and Joy, Victory and Success, Result

Translation and meaning of the Slavic rune: A rainbow is the shortest path from point A to point B, it is a heavenly bridge connecting the two banks of the river. This is a path, a journey, the maximum approximation of what is desired, including with the help of magic, the intervention of the Gods. This is the establishment of contact and the joy of communication, the successful outcome of the event.

The road is a state of movement between Order and Chaos. The road has no beginning and end, but there is a Source, a Point of the first step and an Outcome. The well-known motto "do what you must and be what will be" is an excellent illustration for the Rainbow rune. The rainbow path has a heart, and the rune leads to Alatyr. The trajectory of the path, the speed of movement and other parameters determine the eternal confrontation between the forces of Chernobog and Belbog, the harmonious effect of fire and water, light and darkness, day and night.

In the Scandinavian futhark, the rune Alatyr corresponds in general meaning: the road, I travel to the rune Raido. However, the latter symbolizes the time in the journey, its very fact and the Path, sometimes - a lifetime. It is impossible to stay on the Rainbow, because this path is opened by the Gods at a specific time for a specific purpose.

5. Rune Need

In the Slavic runic alphabet, it symbolizes the letter H
Basic meanings: Viy, Nav, Fate, Krivda, inevitability

Translation and meaning of the Slavic rune: it is a rune of hellfire that hurts those who deserve such a fate. In a positive sense, it is the recognition of one's problems, needs and desires, whatever they may be. In the negative - pressure and coercion, difficulties, captivity, poverty, a bitter and difficult existence. Turning to the rune is a connection with the dark face of Veles.

Need is the rune of Veles in the Image of Niya or otherwise Viy, the main God of the Lower World, Navi. Viy, a terrible god - his gaze burns all life, but this fire does not give light and shackles in chains, it gives a feeling of hopelessness and emptiness. But sometimes this fire is needed to turn the Kolovrat of the road in the direction you need. In magic, Need is a ban on any action or a prediction of material difficulties, bonds and chains of consciousness that close the true reality of the universe.

In the Scandinavian futhark, this Scandinavian rune corresponds to the meaning of Nautiz.

6. Rune of Krada

In the Slavic rune alphabet, it symbolizes the letters G and K
Main meanings: Truth, Fire, Incarnation, action verb

Translation and meaning of the Slavic rune: Krada is a sacrificial fire that is kindled for the Gods not only when the dead are burned, but also when bringing requirements, rituals and asking for advice or help in difficult matters. This fire burns, removes everything that is unnecessary, interferes, cleanses and opens the way. The most important meanings of Krada in work: deliverance, recognition, striving for a goal, knowledge and thirst for knowledge, gratitude and choice.

In the Scandinavian futhark, this rune most of all corresponds to Queort. The same clear action - strong and irreversible, the same power of fire and the embodiment of Divine power and design. Fire is a gift of the Gods to people, therefore, to some extent, the Scandinavian Kano and Gebo correspond to the meaning of the Slavic rune Krada. This is a rune of action, a verb - the embodiment of the goal and intentions. In the magic of Krada, it clears the channels, releases desires and helps to realize them.

7. Rune Treba

In the Slavic runic alphabet, it symbolizes the letter T
Main meanings: Warrior, sacrifice, fortitude

Translation and meaning of the Slavic rune: This is the rune of a warrior-wanderer on the road to the main one - Alatyr. This is the rune of establishing your own rules, requirements, and, if necessary, sacrifices. The game does not break the rules. It is their observance, careful study and adherence to them that leads to victory.

However, every game and achievement of victory implies rivalry, battle, competition - war. Overcoming difficulties, goal, distribution of forces, their expenditure, achievements, skills, necessity - these are the main defining symbols of the rune Required words. Treba is similar in meaning to the Scandinavian rune Teyvaz. In the northern tales there is such a legend: when the Gods caught Fernir - the Wolf, entailing Ragnarok, the end of the World, it was necessary to put strong fetters on the beast to protect it from its strength and actions. However, this could only be done by cunning. Promising Fernir that the Gods would only test the bonds and then remove them, Tyr put his hand in the wolf's mouth as a pledge of the promise. The fetters were put on, but not removed, and Fernir bit off Tyr's hand. At this price, the victory over Chaos and the continuation of the World was achieved.

It is the inevitable sacrifice of something that Teivaz and Treba mean. However, not a simple sacrifice, but the sacrifice of the most important thing - oneself. The Warrior of the Spirit, with the light fire of such a sacrifice, overcomes the shackles of consciousness and finds the way to Alatyr, who bestows Strength and Knowledge.

8. Rune Strength

In the Slavic runic alphabet, it symbolizes the letter C
Main meanings: Strength, gaining knowledge and integrity

Translation and meaning of the Slavic rune: It refers to absolutely any force acting on someone or something. It is also an applied effort - an action that changes a situation or an object. Beginning, impact, concentration, the call of Divine and elemental forces, the call and the ability to take in a stream: all these are the key characteristics of this rune. In the Scandinavian futhark, Strength in its meaning corresponds to the Soul rune. For the Nords, strength is not only the ability and ability to change the whole world and oneself, but also following the chosen path without the fetters of consciousness, which separates thought and being. The Slavs also followed such a logical interpretation and called the rune a symbol of victory in their fetters and sacrificing oneself externally for the sake of the present - the release of the Spirit and one's own "I". In magic, the use of this Slavic rune helps to direct the questioner on a short, victorious Path and clarify the question being asked, make a decision to act.

9. Rune Wind

In the Slavic runic alphabet, it symbolizes the letter B
Basic meanings: Veles, Wind, strength, sorcerer, knowledge

Translation and meaning of the Slavic rune: variability, destruction, ending, annihilation, natural disaster, winding, dispelling, purification, possibilities, speed - this is what the power of the Wind is hidden in. The main thing is to learn how to manage it and use it carefully for your own purposes, setting the correct motion vector. As a rule, in work it is used in combination with other runes precisely to clarify a positive or negative position, as well as to work with the inner self, improvement and development, summoning the elements and using the energy of air. At the level of magic, the rune Wind symbolizes the magic circle and the power in it, creating a whirlwind and giving speed. This rune symbolizes the strength, wisdom, wealth and knowledge of Veles. Visually, it resembles a double Trebu - the rune of the warrior of the Spirit. Just like Treba, the Wind symbolizes a wanderer on the way to the stone-Alatyr, heading for the result and Strength. On an emotional level, Wind is rage, inspiration, overwhelming desire and action.

10. Runa Bereginya

In the Slavic runic alphabet, it symbolizes the letter B
Basic meanings: mother Makosh, Earth, Fate, birch

Translation and meaning of the Slavic rune: Working with water and land, gaining strength in a new undertaking, good luck, prosperity, well-being, solving all family issues and ending troubles, protection, justice and patronage - these are the main properties and meanings of the Bereginya rune. She is also famous for strengthening such qualities as female beauty, wisdom, cunning, maturity and fertility.

Bereginya is the maternal principle; in the Slavic Vedas, this name meant the Goddess Makosh. Therefore, the rune of Mother-Makoshi Bereginya knows both earthly fertility, which allows people to live, and human destinies in general. Since Mokosh has two hypostases - daytime and nighttime, this Slavic rune in an inverted meaning is not only a symbol of life, but also of death. Only in part of its meanings does it resemble the Scandinavian rune Berkan, as well as the image of Frigga, the Heavenly mother and Hel, the Underground Mother. According to tradition, Mother Makosh both gives life to souls on earth and takes it away over time, weaves human destinies together with the help of Doli and Nedolya.

Bereginya is a rune of fate, since Makosh is sometimes considered a continuation of Veles, as a spouse, as well as a rune of the power of the elements of the earth - heavy, powerful and grateful for care.

11. Rune Oud

In the Slavic rune alphabet, it symbolizes the letter U
Basic meanings: Yarovit, Yar, Yarilo, fire, love, passion, youth

Translation and meaning of the Slavic rune: Ud symbolizes the son of Veles, Yarovit, or the son of the Scandinavian god Odin, Balder. The rune carries its possible strength, making women feminine, and all men masculine - Yar. In the Scandinavian futhark, Ud corresponds to the Uruz rune and Inguz a little in its meanings. This is a force that unites two opposite principles and gives birth to a new life, this is the fire of love and passion, a creative flash and attraction. It is no coincidence that the word Ud is also perceived as a limb, member, phallus - a symbol of fertility and the transformation of Chaos, the transformation of emptiness into Being.

Yarilo as a rune Oud - this is spring, this is flowering, the awakening of the living and joy. This is a passionate relationship between a couple, conception, warmth, growth, sex, desire, beauty and youth.

12. Runa Lelya

In the Slavic runic alphabet, it symbolizes the letter L
Basic meanings: Lelya, love, water, attraction

Translation and meaning of the Slavic rune: Lelya, like the continuation of Lada, is youth, beauty, spring, clear streams and melting cold snow. In the meaning of the rune, love, family, children, witchcraft, intuition, joy are hidden. In the magical aspect, Lelya awakens intuition and strength, setting off in search of the True. The Scandinavian futhark has a Laguz rune similar in meaning, and by some criteria this Slavic rune is similar to the action of Vunyo.

From ancient times, Lelya was revered by her Slavic sons as the daughter of the Great Mother. From her name came a lot of single-rooted, very warm and soft words, the main ones in terms of strength and significance in a person’s life: lala - a child, cherish and others. Being the sister of Yarovit, who owns the element of fire, Lelya is connected with the element of water - clean and constantly moving, running along streams and rivers, singing springs.

Under different names, we meet Lelya as the goddess of power in many cultures and legends: the sea or river maiden, the keeper of the Holy Grail and the paths to it, she leads as confidently and purposefully as a water stream flows, and nothing will stop her on the way to goals. It cannot be caught and imprisoned, but it envelops and flows, filling all living things with saving moisture, washing away sorrows and sorrows.

13. Rune Rock

In the Slavic rune alphabet symbolizes the letter X
Basic meanings: Rock, Spirit, fate, unknown, hidden

Translation and meaning of the Slavic rune: This is karma, predestination, fate, inevitability - this is the Doom prepared by the Gods. It is a lack of options, a way out, determination, but also an important event, a hope for a better life.