Words to the husband on the wedding day from the bride. What touching poems should the bride read to the groom at the wedding? Beautiful words of gratitude at the wedding to parents, guests from the bride and groom in poetry and prose. Words of gratitude to the guests from the bride and groom: we say

Toasts and speeches occupy an important place in the wedding celebration process. And the bride's speech at the wedding should be as brilliant as the bride herself. The monologue should mention all the most important people in the lives of the newlyweds, if not by name, then at least in general phrases - friends, godparents and other guests.

Most often, the bride’s speech is heard closer to the end of the holiday and in it you should thank all the guests for their congratulations, gifts and sharing the joy of this celebration with the newlyweds.

How to write a speech?

This is quite a crucial moment, and you need to approach it with appropriate seriousness. You can take some standard theses as a basis and diversify them with private stories and characteristics of some people present at the wedding. In order for your speech to be structured, you need to adhere to several rules:

  • The speech should be divided into parts - introduction, main part, conclusion with a smooth transition;
  • The bride's toast should not be drawn out so that the guests do not get bored - about 10-12 sentences, but the speech should not be delayed for 10 minutes;
  • In the speech you should thank the parents, and it is recommended to name the father-in-law and mother-in-law by name;
  • You can also diversify your speech with a song, poetry, slide show or video;
  • The toast can be addressed to all guests present at the holiday or specifically to your parents, parents of the groom or groom, witnesses;
  • The speech should not consist entirely of quotes from classics or only beautiful phrases, it is better to use your own words, and devote 1-2 sentences to the classics.

Bride's speech in verse

Poems always put you in a romantic mood, especially at a wedding. Therefore, it is recommended to write the speech in poetic form. If you don’t have any talent for choosing rhymes, then the Internet will help you choose the right option. But don't neglect your words. Sometimes words spoken from the heart in prose sound better than the most successful expressions in poetic form.

Speech to father-in-law and mother-in-law

For the bride, the groom's parents are a new family that accepts her into their fold. Therefore, they deserve special attention in the bride’s speech. You can even devote a separate speech to your father-in-law and mother-in-law, thanking them for raising such a wonderful son, who now becomes the main person in the bride’s life.

Speech to the groom

A speech dedicated to the groom can be composed as a declaration of love or a marital vow. In any case, words of love should sound sincere, and not like a memorized text. Therefore, it is advisable to write this speech in person, since a text from the Internet will not express your true feelings.

Speech to guests

Guests also deserve a separate part of the bride's thank you speech. Therefore, you can include several names of the most honored guests in your speech, thank them for honoring the newlyweds with their presence, for the gifts they gave, and if a second day of celebration is planned, then you should not invite them to continue the celebration.

If the event is hosted by an invited toastmaster, then you should discuss with him the sequence of actions of the entire event and each speech of the bride and groom, parents, and witnesses should have its place and fit into the overall scenario of the wedding feast. For example, each guest separately gives a gift and immediately makes a toast to the newlyweds, and in response the newlyweds thank the guest and after that the obligatory “Bitter!”

Speech separation

Depending on the format of the event, the bride's speech can be divided into several parts. In this case, each component part of speech can last 5-7 minutes. Parts may consist of a separate thank you to the parents, then a declaration of love to the groom, and the last part is gratitude to the guests.

You can also combine the groom’s speech with the bride’s speech on each point or in turn. For example, first the bride says words of gratitude to the groom's parents, and then the groom makes a speech dedicated to the bride's parents.

The speech can be diversified by showing photographs or videos taken as a so-called love story, which will also enliven. By the way, the bride’s speech can be built on the basis of comments on photographs that tell the newlyweds’ love story.

It is advisable to make a general speech dedicated to the newlyweds’ witnesses - the groom thanks the “buddy” witness for friendship and support, and the bride addresses words of gratitude to the “friend” witness, and at the end say a general toast to the friends who came to congratulate the newlyweds. The bride’s speech to the “boyfriend” is successfully intertwined with the ritual of throwing the bride’s bouquet to unmarried girls.

Not a single wedding celebration is complete without beautiful words and wishes addressed to the newlyweds. But the most important words of gratitude on this wonderful day will come from the lips of the young parents, because a wedding is an important life stage not only for quickly grown-up children. What words can you use to express your feelings, and especially your boundless respect for your dearest people, whose care and love surrounded and protected you all this time? The portal Svadbaholik.ru takes the liberty of offering you the main words of gratitude to the parents at the wedding. And let the most sincere wishes sound on this happy day!

Words of gratitude from the bride: we fascinate with sincerity

The speech of the bride at the wedding is touching to the point of tears. Girls, as a rule, like to pronounce important words beautifully, so consider options for your daughter to address her parents in poetic form, as well as the main words of gratitude from the bride to the groom in prose.

To my father

There is a beginning in the world, as well as an end,
There is sky and water, earth and fire,
You united many, father -
Your character is sensitive, but you are hard as a stone.
You raised your daughter to be your princess,
Today you give it to your beloved to her husband,
But I remain your daughter,
I love you, I need you so much!
Thank you for being my friend, my dad,
I will always find reasons for joy:
I am calm, in harmony with you,
My dad, my most faithful man!

Words of gratitude will sound incredibly touching, especially if the bride is a “daddy’s girl.”


No one can guess how a mother's heart feels when her daughter leaves for another family. Therefore, sincere words and support for mom are perfect for a wedding celebration.

Sweet and affectionate mommy,
I say “thank you” now,
For support, glance and dimples,
And what a wonderful wedding.
Soaring like a bright angel,
You will always share the path with me,
Kind and real
And be the same for your grandchildren!
I want to hug you now
Just bow down to the ground.
You are the most wonderful mother in the world,
And a bow - for mother's love!

To the groom

Behind the continuous cries of “bitter”, it is important to have time to say the main words to your loved one, because now you are one whole and will overcome all obstacles together. Yes, and showing off your ideal husband to your guests is the most opportune moment.

Today is exactly like a fairy tale. This wedding day is a symbol of the lights of genuine joy in our eyes and an unconditional reason for smiles on our faces. Isn't this fabulous? And all this is thanks to you, my dear, thank you so much! I really want all the guests to share with me the happy emotions that overwhelm me! I couldn't even imagine that our day would be so perfect. Every bride dreams of a handsome prince. But I affirm - my husband is better than any prince. Let the fairy tale of our wedding day, once begun, know no end.

To the groom's parents

While expressing gratitude to your parents, don't forget to say a few words to the groom's parents. Even if your relationship leaves much to be desired, a wedding is a great reason to start over with a clean slate. Besides, parents have a lot of responsibilities at a wedding, so a few kind words won’t hurt.

Dear guests! Today, at our wedding, people deserve respect like no other, without whom this holiday simply would not have been possible - the parents of my adored husband. You gave life and raised a wonderful person - courageous, wise, sensitive and a real man. You are the best role model and also my second family. I sincerely wish you the best health, joy and longevity! Let's raise a glass to you, dear parents!

Words from the groom at the wedding: short and straight to the heart

Forcing the groom to say thanks at a wedding is a delicate matter, therefore, knowing the taciturnity of men, we do not offer long congratulations or poems. We will limit ourselves to just one thank you to everyone - briefly, but very sincerely.

Beloved wife, our dear parents, dear guests! This significant day is filled with an event of great importance - a new family is being born, my family, and I want to say a few words. I thank fate for giving me a chance to meet such a wonderful girl - (name of the bride). I know that dozens of happy years await us in the future. Thanks to the bride for making the right decision and agreeing to give me her hand and heart. I am grateful to our parents for always helping and supporting, and now sharing our common joy. Thanks to my wife's parents for raising an unsurpassed princess, now my task is to make her a queen. Thank you to my family and friends for the kind words that were heard today. And finally, I’ll add - I dream that all the guests will gather in full force for our silver, and then golden wedding! I raise this glass to you!

To parents from newlyweds: words for the closest ones

The moment after congratulations from the parents is the ideal moment for words of gratitude from the newlyweds.

For lovers of laconic thanks

Today all the words resonate for us, and we congratulate and thank our parents, because without you there would be no us, there would be no wedding celebration. Thank you so much for your patience, care and true love!

It is not necessary to memorize the text, because when the words come from the heart, it always causes awe. The order in which gratitude is pronounced may vary. The newlyweds can say one phrase of their wishes or, for example, the bride can express gratitude to the mothers, and the groom to the fathers.

Words of gratitude to the guests from the bride and groom: we say thank you beautifully

Dear our guests! We want to say a huge thank you for spending this significant day with us. You witnessed the birth of our family, desired and dear and the best people today. Our wedding became a dream come true thanks to your sincerity, participation, support and positivity. Thank you so much for your warm, sincere words, for your feelings and your attention. We expect that we will continue to meet with you, even if not on such solemn occasions, but in the same cheerful circle. Once again we thank each of you for your enormous contribution to our best day!

Gratitude to the holiday person: toastmaster, musician, photographer

Despite the fact that these people at the wedding are doing their job, a few words of gratitude, at least out of respect, are worth saying. And if a person gave his all and turned your wedding into a fairy tale, even more so, do not skimp on gratitude.

Toastmaster or presenter

We thank our wonderful host (toastmaster) for the impeccable execution of the wedding and ask him to relax. He saved our wedding from boredom and laziness all evening, and he did a wonderful job. We raise our glasses to the endless imagination and always wonderful mood of our host!

Musician or band

Thank you for the most exciting musical accompaniment and a full dance floor throughout the evening. You gave us and our guests happy moments and incredible emotions.

Photographer and videographer

Thank you for spending this important day with us with full dedication. The most pleasant memories, thanks to your work and talent, will remain with us for life.

It is not at all necessary to memorize kilometer-long words of gratitude. Just feel what exactly your heart wants to say to the people closest to you at this moment. You will find the best wedding toasts for parents on our website www.site.

When the official part of the wedding is over, everyone present gathers at the table and begins to make toasts and wishes to the newlyweds. At the height of the congratulatory part, the newlyweds give a speech to their parents and invited guests. Most often, the young wife speaks for both, but the groom should not relax. In the event that you have to give a speech, the groom should prepare in advance.

Speech should not just be beautiful, but come from the soul and heart. If you borrow florid and thoughtful speech, memorize it and read it out loud, you will not make an impression. Write it yourself, add a bit of humor and irony, say words of gratitude and sincere respect to your loved ones. Then you will make a splash, even if you forget a couple of phrases or mix up the words.

Don't talk too long, your guests will get bored. The meaning can be put into several phrases, the main thing is that you put meaning and feelings into them.
To avoid getting confused at a crucial moment, rehearse in front of a mirror. Watch your gestures and diction, note how long your speech lasts. If it lasts more than 4-5 minutes, cut it short without regret.

  • Start with some greetings, reminisce about a few funny stories, and make a toast to end your speech. This way, you will definitely meet the regulations.
  • Another option: tell us about your family future. To create a trusting atmosphere, admit your strong and deep feelings for your wife, confirm your words with stories from your life. To prevent your guests from losing interest, structure your speech in such a way that it is easy for people to imagine what you are talking about.
  • If you feel embarrassed, tell a relevant joke before your speech to lighten the atmosphere.
  • Divide the speech into three parts: introduction, main part and ending. The first and last parts should be strong because they are what people will remember.
  • Don't overindulge in alcohol before a performance, allow yourself a little drink to relax. Otherwise, the speech will be slurred and crumpled.
  • Don’t wander your gaze around all the guests, choose one point for yourself and look at it during the performance.
  • To confirm your words, use a look: piercing and open. If you are talking about your spouse, look into her eyes with love; if you are talking to your parents, look at them with respect. In this case, the speech will have a stunning effect. The main thing is not to get emotional ahead of time, so that the speech does not turn out to be crumpled.
  • Don’t forget to mention your parents and relatives who helped you; it will be appropriate and touching to note this in your speech.
  • Before your speech, write a cheat sheet - a short outline from which you can easily recall in your memory everything you want to say.

Examples of the groom's speech at the wedding

Dear wife, dear parents and invited guests!
Today is an extremely important day - the birthday of a new happy family, my family. And I want to say a few words at this solemn moment. First of all, I would like to say words of gratitude to fate, which gave me a magical meeting with my beloved (name).

I am sure that only happiness and love await us ahead. I want to express my gratitude to my beloved, who agreed to become my wife and gave me many wonderful moments. I am endlessly grateful to my parents, who supported our decision and provided invaluable assistance. Now they are here and share our happiness. I want to say thank you to my wife’s parents for the excellent upbringing of their daughter, you handed her over to good hands. I will do everything to make her the happiest newlywed on earth.

Thank you to all the close people gathered in this room who said so many warm and pleasant words and parting words to us. We are glad to see you today at our holiday. You are truly dear people to us. We will be happy to see you all on our silver wedding anniversary. Let's raise our glasses and drink to this!

Words of gratitude from the groom to the witnesses

Thank you, our close friends, for helping and supporting us in our desire to create a strong family, helping us organize the wedding and lending a shoulder in the most difficult moments! Thank you for your readiness to help at any time. For the best bachelor and bachelorette parties, for the funniest ransom and the most beautiful ceremony! We hope that you will be frequent guests in our home and will forever remain the best friends of our happy family! Thanks for all! I raise this glass in your honor!!!

Words of gratitude from the groom to the guests

With all my heart I want to express my gratitude to all the people who came to our celebration! You witnessed the amazing birth of a new family, shared our joy and happiness, and provided support in exciting moments. Today we united two large families into one - this moment is incomparable to anything else. Thank you for your congratulations and parting words, for your gifts and wishes! I wish you happiness and long life! We want to drink to you!

Words of gratitude from the groom to his parents

Dear guests, parents and my beloved wife!
I could not even imagine that a wedding is such an exciting and joyful event. Now that I have realized the importance and responsibility of the moment, I am very happy that the circumstances turned out this way and I became the happy husband of the most beautiful girl in the world. It is very important not to lose your happiness, because a young family is very fragile and it is very easy to destroy it. I promise you that I will do everything in my power to make your daughter happy.

I will pass all the upcoming tests with dignity and will make every effort for the prosperity of our home. I will justify the trust placed in me and become an excellent husband and father. I will not disgrace my parents and I will not let them down. Today I want to say words of sincere gratitude to our respected parents, who accepted us into their family and treated us with warmth and care. Our parents created us and gave us everything we have. You are priceless to us, we love and respect you very much! Dear guests present, let's raise a glass to our parents! May they delight us with their cordiality and hospitality for many years to come!

You can combine all the proposed options in one speech, or you can focus your attention on one point. Tell me everything. Whatever you want, but do not forget that the wedding speech should carry a positive and positive charge.

A wedding is a wonderful celebration that newlyweds look forward to. But the parents of the newlyweds are no less worried, because on this day their adult children will start their own family and leave their parents’ home. We have selected the best words of gratitude to parents at a wedding in prose and poetry, from the bride and groom, as well as universal poems that the bride and groom can read together.

Newlyweds can prepare a speech about gratitude to their parents in advance or improvise. But you should understand that at the most important moment you may get excited and simply will not be able to clearly express what you want to say, so a little rehearsal will not be superfluous.

Prepare words of gratitude for both your parents and the parents of your significant other. Even if some misunderstandings flashed between you, you should not remember them on this solemn day. A wedding is a great excuse to re-build relationships with the groom's parents.

When choosing a speech, avoid excessive pathos or pomposity, this is inappropriate, let these be ordinary words that everyone understands. Words of gratitude don’t have to be long and complicated. Also, in simple words you can easily express warm feelings and gratitude. It’s great if your words are associated with some pleasant story or funny incident that you remember. Do not be afraid of sincerity, it could not be more appropriate in this situation. Tell them how much you love your family, because sometimes people need to talk about it.

It is appropriate to say poems to parents after congratulating parents. As a rule, they give gifts to the newlyweds; in response to the parents, it is appropriate to say words of gratitude.

Parents, thank you, dear ones
During those sleepless nights for us,
When with love in your heart, young people,
We were at the cradle at a late hour...

For that love, support and care,
What we were given as children and always.
Being a mom and dad is the best job
Which never gets boring.

Thank you for the golden son,
For a precious husband, after all, no
Another equally reliable one.
They brought Happiness into the world for me!

Thank you for the unearthly Baby,
For a wise and kind wife,
Attentive and sensitive.
I love her as March loves spring.

Thank you for teaching us once
People worthy of being worthy in life.
Love in hearts is always more valuable than gold.
And we were able to recognize it.

After all, if it weren’t for you, then both of us
There would be no Miracle on the way.
And now we will double our love
And fortunately we can find all the keys.

We hope for your understanding
And we will thank you with our grandchildren.
Thank you for your patience and effort.
We love you, appreciate you and keep you in our hearts!

Our dear parents,
Thank you dear ones, I bow to you,
For the fact that you gave us life,
And a house filled with happiness.

You raised us, gave us knowledge,
And they gave such a family,
Today we created our family,
You gave us faith in a dream.

I want to say thank you for my son,
He is nice, caring, kind,
And with him I will certainly be happy,
He is sensitive, so golden.

And I, in turn, am grateful for my daughter,
Your hostess is simply classy,
Extraordinary, wise, gentle,
Don't take your eyes off her beauty.

We are grateful to you for the holiday,
Which you helped us arrange,
You are our support, and you are our joy,
Thank you for always believing in us.

We say to moms and dads “Thank you!”
For our holiday, for the wedding, the best day,
Thank you, our dears,
Let no shadow fall on your faces!

You are guests of honor at the celebration,
Thank you, dear ones, for your love,
We love you and appreciate you very much,
After all, your own blood flows in us.

The wind of change has burst into our lives,
We fell in love, you supported us,
We want to protect you in return.
From anxiety, from worry, from sadness.

In gratitude, we will give you grandchildren,
Five boys or five girls
Let them bawle and scream
Getting out of my diapers.

Our gratitude for the love
We can no longer express it in words.
We are both your life and your blood,
We will remain with you forever.

Dear parents, on our wedding day
We would like to say thank you for your love and warmth,
For your care, attention and tenderness,
For helping us make our dream come true!

Thank you for your attention and congratulations,
For the touching, wonderful words.
For giving us a blessing
Thank you and we will always love you!

Thank you for the tears you shed,
For the nights that you sat awake,
Protecting our peace and dreams
Over the baby's cradle until late.

For the first breath, for the first smile,
For the first step we took.
For birthdays, for the first mistake,
For all the surprises that were presented.

For helping us rise
And find the connecting thread.
And in difficult times you won’t break down from life,
That the question was not: “How to continue to live?”

You helped gnaw the granite of science,
We were guided with a firm hand.
Thank you for everything: for the pain, for the torment,
For our happiness, peace above our heads.

We are here with you today in this room.
Gathered for the birth of a family,
And, as they once promised in childhood
We bring our bow to the ground.

Thank you to the parents.
Thank you for everything, my dears,
A priceless gift for life,
For those happy childhood days
They flowed without any major blemishes.
Thank you for having a family bonfire
Always keeps on burning.
May the heavenly carpet give you warmth...
Thank you for existing!

Gratitude from the bride in verse

Mom, dad, dears,
I will call you tenderly,
I am grateful to you, golden ones,
How could they raise such a son?
You put your heart and soul into it,
Taught loyalty, kindness,
Today they gave me a husband,
So that I can be happy with him.
You have done a lot for me,
I'll try to answer now,
So that your path is easy,
You nursed your grandchildren until they were a hundred years old.
Low bow to you, my gratitude,
I am glad that I became your family.

It's not easy for you today, I know
From the heart, let go of your son.
But I honestly promise you
Be caring and gentle
Share joy and sorrow with him,
Protect and strengthen the family.
I want you to know about this:
I love your son!
For a real man
For giving me happiness
For a wonderful son
I am doubly grateful to you!
Protects with your care
My peace and honor.
Thank you for accepting
Me as I am!
I'm not afraid of heat and cold with him,
And at this trembling moment
I thank you for my husband,
Which is more reliable!

I want to say thank you today
For the fact that you managed to become close to me!
For your son, for your Love,
And may I be your daughter-in-law, and you my mother-in-law,
But you and I have found a common language,
I want to bow to my mother today,
Let mom not be the first, let mom be second,
After all, you managed to become my dear mother!
I found the best adviser in you!
There is no bitterness or evil in your speeches!
And if we had disputes,
I want to ask you for forgiveness,
So that I don’t offend you with a dashing word in the future!
I wish you to shine like sunshine in the future,
And kindle us with this flame again,
Instilling Respect and Love into our marriage!

Dad and mom are the main people
The best people on this earth!
If you're nearby, I know what will happen
Peace of mind in life for both me and you.

Your warmth will warm you in the bitter cold,
Strong hands will always support you,
Dear heart, when you get sick,
He can cure you without difficulty.

May God grant you long life, health,
Shine, enthusiasm in happy eyes!
My dears, thank you for everything!
We compose an ode to you in these verses.

Dear, beloved Mother!
Today I stand before you,
In the dress I once dreamed of,
You, having given birth to me, in the summer...

Gently braided my braids,
You have always been next to me,
Today I am standing in front of the hall,
She also became my beloved wife!

I will always remember your speeches,
How we walked, holding hands,
The warmth of your soft palms,
A gentle voice and a gentle look!

Know that I remember how you said
How I taught you to cook, wash,
In this life, I used everything,
And my own family hearth...

Dear, beloved Mother!
Today, remember me
Today I stand in front of the hall,
And giving you these words...

I promise I'll always be there for you
I will always share all the troubles,
But from now on, we are not afraid,
After all, I’m standing with my husband in front of you!

He is my rear, my protector, support,
Don't cry, never, I beg you
Today we are standing in front of the hall,
And I hold his hand!

Today we are one,
Today we are your hope,
We will hug you and of course,
We promise to live together, lovingly!
It’s not in vain that in those hot times,
She gave birth to a daughter, for herself!

Remember, beloved mother!
I, too, will become her, later,
I will remember, I will always be there,
And my husband will be the best father!

Dear, beloved Mother!
Let me come to you,
I'll hug, kiss, cry,
How much I LOVE you!

There is a beginning in the world and there is an end,
There is heaven and earth, water and fire,
You connected a lot, father,
Your character is kind, but you are hard as a stone.
He raised me to be his princess,
Today you give love to your husband,
But I will remain your daughter
I love you, I need you as much as ever!
Thank you for being my friend and my dad,
And there is always a reason for joy:
Calm and confident with you,
My dad, the most devoted man!

Thank you very much parents,
For bread and salt, and for my life.
You loved me, looked after me,
I lived with you, just like in paradise.

You always understood half a word,
They didn't scold me, they explained everything.
And now that I'm leaving you,
Don't be sad, because we will meet again!

God bless you, you are the best in the world,
I wish you health, success and prosperity.
You have always been just the sun for me,
May you have a sweet life!

I came here for a reason,
There is only beauty around me!
I want to say thank you at this moment
Directly to all loved ones, family and friends.
Thank you, my husband, for your patience,
I know, sometimes it’s just torment for me!
Today I found my happiness,
I would go to the ends of the world with you.
Thanks to my parents for the home and warmth,
Where did my childhood flow so happily!
Thank you mommy for the nights without sleep,
That you spent at my cradle.
Thanks to daddy, your sweet daughter,
I will always be there, no matter how old I am!
Thanks to my mother-in-law and father-in-law for my son,
For the fact that now we are together.
Never refuse good advice,
Because you call me “daughter”.
Thanks to my friends for being faithful,
They will arrive at your call at any moment.
Thank you all for being here!
We couldn't do this day without you!


Two mothers, isn't it strange?
But I thank fate
One blood dear,
The other stood at the altar.

It’s not for nothing that you became a godmother,
Very close and dear to me,
Caring and gentle herself.
It's so good that you are with me!

Your attention is so important to me,
Your smile is kind.
After all, you are always by my side,
When I need it!

Let everything you want come true,
Love and happiness give light.
I will share with you forever,
After all, there is no better godmother in the world!

Gratitude from the groom in verse

Thank you for being a smart bride,
She is smart, beautiful and kind.
Let me tell you, I didn’t fall in love with her like a child.
And marriage, for me, is not a game at all!
I will be a faithful and good husband,
I will protect your daughter.
I will be the one she needs to live
And I will kiss her hands!

Today is a holiday for you too,
Which of course I congratulate
I want to say thank you
We are walking now because of you.

You gave me happiness.
And here she is, standing with me.
We promise to live together
And be a mountain for each other.

Thank you for being
This is how my bride was raised.
Raised in happiness and love,
They helped with all problems.

They raised me a princess
They gave her only the best.
And all your cherished dreams
When you could, you performed.

She will always understand, forgive,
He will look into your eyes with love.
Yes, and sometimes it flares up,
But little things are not a problem for us.

Thank you for this hour
We have become a strong family.
May all adversity if anything
We are all being passed over.

A special woman - my wife's mother,
He is worried about giving away his daughter.
Please don't be sad, don't, because
You are dear to me, like my own.

And they helped to grow my happiness,
He was raised well
And they put so much love into my heart.
Grateful. If only they knew!

We must say “thank you” to you today,
And touchingly, here I repent.
My respect goes to my wife's mother.
I will try to be your son!

I, my parents,
I say thank you.
They gave me a start in this life,
I created my own family.

For your support and care,
Long nights without sleep,
I am immensely grateful to you,
Happiness, love, goodness to you.

For what became the wedding day
Happy for me
I tell you thank you
To my beloved parents.

Thanks for the love,
What they always gave me
Thank you for having me
You taught life.

Taught not to be afraid
To be reliable, to be faithful,
Woman and mother
You taught me to love.

For your life and happiness
I am grateful to you
Let it be similar to yours
My family will be.

Beloved parents,
My deepest bow to you
For your upbringing,
For your cozy home!

For being there for you
On any of my difficult days.
For ruling life
They were able to vaccinate everything for me.

Thank you for your teaching
My peace of mind,
For all your patience,
For the tender look of my dear.

You raised your daughter well,
She and I have become like family,
Thank you for your daughter,
We are glad to see you here,
Call for no reason
And come visit.
To remind you of this day
It’s a pleasure for me to present the present.

Words of gratitude to parents at a wedding in prose

Below are sample words of gratitude to parents for a wedding in prose, in your own words. You can also compose your own unique congratulations using our examples of words of gratitude.

Dear fathers and mothers! Today’s bread is especially tasty, because it was given to us by our dearest people - you. It is impossible to express in words how happy we are to have you. We cannot express how grateful we are for your support and unconditional love. Thank you, dear ones, for raising us for each other and sharing this day with us. Thanks to the fact that you are nearby, he has become even more beautiful!

Words of gratitude to the parents from the bride in her own words

Dad! Mother! You will always be the best people for me, and I will always love and respect you endlessly. Despite all the quarrels and misunderstandings that occurred, I firmly knew that at any moment I could turn to you for support and help. Dad. Your jokes could cheer me up at any time if I was upset. Thanks for them. And for tacitly approving of my actions and my choice. Now I think that you knew about my and (groom’s name) upcoming wedding even before we realized it ourselves. This is probably a special paternal intuition. Mother. I have no one closer to you. At any moment you knew what I needed most - to be silent or cry, talk or hear advice, or maybe just eat! Thank you for everything. I know that you are confident in (groom's name) and fully approve of us. You are the best in the world!

Mother, father! I thank fate that I have you. So kind and patient, bright and loving. Without your support and advice, it would be incredibly difficult and lonely for me. Daddy! You showed me what a man should be, you knew how to both cheer and calm me down. Dear mom, the warmth of your hands warms my heart every minute. Thank you, my best people!

Dear (names of husband’s parents), first of all, I want to thank you for (name of husband), your wonderful son. You did a lot for him, and therefore for me. You raised him so strong and kind, confident in himself and his abilities. Thanks for this wonderful person! I promise to be a good daughter to you and a good wife to your son.

Now I want to say thank you to people who are very important to me – these are (names of my husband’s parents). Why is this so important to me? After all, (husband’s name) is now my husband, and what matters to him also becomes significant to me. Thank you for your son, for everything you did for him and for him. Thank you for accepting me into your family - I will do everything to become a good daughter and a good wife for (name of the groom). Accept these words - they come from the bottom of my heart.

Dear (names of mother-in-law and father-in-law)! I want to thank you for once giving this world a kind, honest and good man - my husband. I am eternally grateful to you for accepting me and I promise to be a good daughter, always take care of your son, love him and help him through life. Thank you for allowing me to become his soulmate from now on until the end of his life!

Dear Mom and Dad! Today we cannot help but thank you for making us so happy. After all, without you there would never have been (husband’s name), and without your approval, we could not become a family. Looking at how you treat each other, we see an example of what it should be. Thank you for (husband's name). I would like to promise you that from today you will not lose your son, but will receive an assistant and a daughter.

Words of gratitude to the parents from the groom in his own words

My parents! Your love has always helped me. And today I want to thank you for it. Despite the fact that it was sometimes difficult for me, you did not refuse me support and good advice. Now, starting a new life, creating my own family, I understand how important the support of my parents is. Without you there simply would not be me. Thanks for all!

Eloquence is not my trait, but today I am not afraid to speak. After all, my gratitude to you, mother, father, is enormous. Thank you for your patience, care and support throughout. Mom, you put the best in me - tenderness, kindness and sympathy. Father, you taught me what it means to be a man. It is only thanks to you that I was able to achieve what I have today. And the path that I am embarking on today – a new life in a new family – is also partly thanks to you. In gratitude, I will be your support. And one more thing - today you are not losing your child, but getting another one - my wife. Thank you!

Dear (names of father-in-law and mother-in-law)! I want to thank you for being able to raise such a good daughter. (Bride's name) has all the qualities of a wonderful wife and I am incredibly lucky that she chose me. Thank you for your care and help, I promise to protect your daughter from any evil and any misfortune. I promise to carry my love through all the years of our married life, to be a faithful and kind husband, to cherish and adore! Thank you!

(Names of the bride's parents)! On this beautiful day, I want to thank you for giving me the opportunity to feel happy, you gave me my beloved. From now on, I promise to keep her as the “apple of my eye,” to protect her, make her happy and fully provide for her. She came into my life like a fairy tale and still remains so.

On this happiest day for both of us, we cannot forget about the wonderful people present in this room. Dear and beloved parents (names of the bride’s mother and father)! Thank you for being able to raise such a wonderful daughter. Without your love, we could not have become what we are today. You gave us happiness - the opportunity to become one, to create our own family. I want it to be like yours. Please accept our sincere, enormous gratitude for simply existing!

Dear (names of mother-in-law and father-in-law). On this day I take upon myself the care of your daughter. First of all, I would like to say a huge thank you to you for being able to raise (bride’s name) to be a real princess. She is kind, honest, smart, gentle - the best girl in the world! Princesses only become queens when they get married. So I have to take care of this. Thank you for your trust and help. It costs a lot, and now you can count on me for everything.

Dear parents! I address you this way because now you are my family. After all, it was you who were able to raise such a wonderful person - (name of the bride). Thank you for everything you have already done for her (and, therefore, for us!), and for what you will do. For your endless trust, because you are giving your daughter to a stranger. Thank you! I promise to take care of her the same way you took care of her, to love and respect her. And, besides, listen to your advice, because no one else knows (name of the bride) better than you.
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A special day for every girl, which will come sooner or later, is the wedding day. From the very beginning of the day, the bride is worried, worried about how everything will go: the ransom, the registration of the marriage, and the wedding banquet itself. One of the important moments at the holiday is when the bride should toast at the wedding. Below are examples of toasts into which you can insert your own wishes.

As a rule, it is quite difficult to give a speech without preparation, so you need to prepare your speech in advance; the following tips will help with this:

Bride's toast to the groom's parents

The most important people at a wedding, besides the bride's parents, are the groom's parents. On their wedding day, they become second parents who also need to be loved, honored, and thanked. Below are several options for congratulating parents:

  • “I want to raise a glass to the health of the parents of my beloved and only one - mother-in-law and father-in-law. I express my gratitude for the fact that they raised and raised such a wonderful person, strong, kind, and smart. I hope that I will become for you not only a wonderful daughter-in-law, but also a beloved daughter. Our dear parents are here for you."
  • “On this day, I raise a glass to the mom and dad of my dear groom. With all my heart I thank you for raising my beloved to be such a caring, brave, decent, intelligent person - a real man. I wish you health and long life."

Words from the bride to the witnesses

The wedding witnesses deserve special attention; they entertained the guests all day and created the mood for the bride and groom. In addition, they were responsible for many moments at the wedding celebration. For newlyweds, these are one of the closest people, they should also express words of congratulations:

  • “Now I want to say a toast to the witnesses of our wedding. These are not the last people at our festive evening. Today they put their signatures under my signature and the signature of my husband. But this action now obliges them to the fact that for many years they supported us in all our endeavors and helped us in everything, and reminded us about every year, about today’s event, until the golden wedding. Thank you for everything you have done for us!”

  • “Once two cars collided. A traffic police inspector who arrived at the scene stopped a woman who was passing by with the following words: “Girl! - he says to her - Could you become a witness? - With great pleasure! - she answers. – And what’s the point? Tell me what happened? Today in the hall there are those who know what happened, and I mean the moment of marriage. They are the witnesses to this case. I propose to raise a glass to the witnesses.”

Words from the bride to the groom

For the bride, the most important person at the festive celebration is her now established husband. Today is one of the days when you need to tell your loved one about your feelings. The congratulation can be written in prose or poetry:

  1. “My dear beloved person! Congratulations on your wedding day, happy wedding day! I believe that we were sent to each other by fate. Every evening I will wait for you to return home. I’m incredibly happy that I’m next to you, and that a man like you is now mine!”
  2. "My love! I thank fate for bringing me together with you. I am ready to give you all the love that I have, I have been waiting for you for a very long time. I love you more than life itself. And I will love you all my life. I hope we will be together on our golden wedding day!”
  3. “Desired, my, my beloved person! You are the one who lit the fire of love in my heart. Now together we will maintain the warmth of this fire, may it never go out. I hope that we will maintain our love for many years to come!”

With such sincere wishes you can express your love for your husband, the warm feelings that fill your heart on this day, and words of gratitude to all the guests present.