Strategies for playing in a bookmaker's office. Betting strategies when playing at bookmakers for sporting events. Fixed percentage from the bank

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For sports fans, and for everyone gamblers, there is nothing more exciting than betting on sports broadcasts.

Sports betting

The principle of such bets is quite simple: there are special bookmakers on the Internet that offer people to bet on any game at a set certain odds.

Every day, 30,000 sporting events are broadcast live around the world, and betting enthusiasts are offered huge selection different types sports where possible.

For the outcome of a certain event, some coefficient is set.

Sports betting as a way to make money

Today, quite a large number of people earn their capital on the Internet. They all have their own methods of earning money, with the help of which they earn money: whoever is capable of what, does what he does. Some even manage to earn amounts that are several times higher than average salary Russian. The most experienced Internet users are already earning big. These types of earnings include betting on sporting events. According to statistics, only 10 percent out of a hundred are able to earn money in this way, and all because these people have learned to think through all events to the smallest detail.


In the football match "Zenit" - CSKA, the victory of CSKA is estimated at 1.5, i.e. with a simple mathematical calculation you can understand that when betting a thousand rubles on CSKA, if this team wins, the player will receive 1,500 rubles. And vice versa, if the coefficient on the other team is 2.3, then if the player wins, he will receive 2,300 rubles.

What sports are popular in betting?

Of all sports, football ranks first in betting, followed by hockey, then basketball and tennis.

The most visited bookmakers on the Internet:

LEON is considered one of the best;
- Williamhill - also quite famous among players;
- “Express” - here you can bet on several events at once.

Every day more and more new sites appear that offer their services in this industry. The most profitable offers are classified by bonuses, tournaments, etc.

Sports Betting Strategies

The main component of an effective game in any game is sports betting strategies.

Here, gaming strategies for sports betting are a tool that, if used correctly, can earn money and make the game productive.

An experienced bettor knows that if you do not use your specific sports betting strategies, then soon everyone is doomed to inevitable bankruptcy.

But if you do everything correctly and according to a certain strategy, you can earn very good money. Professional gamblers using such sports betting strategies make very good money every day. But if some gain such significant profits, while others suffer losses, the question arises: “Are there win-win strategies for sports?”

Definitely answer this serious question Not sure it's going to happen. Win-win strategies There are no sports bets, there is a competent application of strategies that will truly replenish the family budget. Usually they are all divided into two groups: gaming and money management systems. Using this technique will allow the player to minimize the possibility of losing and increase the possibility of winning.


Sports gaming strategies are practical game systems. Today there are more than twenty gaming strategies:

A series of numbers is a strategy that came to our country from Germany. Bets must be calculated using mathematical calculations;
- Miller. The strategy was developed by J. Miller, an American player who has been playing and winning for many years;
- counter move bet. Here a bet is made on the opposite outcome of the match;
- bet against the favorite. Especially beginners bet on favorites, thinking that this is a guaranteed success. And the professionals themselves place bets on three or even four favorites;
- tennis strategy from Shchukin;
- strategy from Mazharov for volleyball. This strategy is very similar to Shchukin's strategy, but here the profit percentage is much higher. The strategy is that after each loss on the next bet, you need to increase the bet amount. Live sports betting strategy is a system designed to manage an entire bank account (allocate a specific amount for betting).

If you look at it this way, there are also so-called “other strategies”. They are also worth paying attention to. One of the most popular is the “fork”. Here, each player places a bet in two or more offices. And he makes a profit regardless of the outcome of the match or half. This method will allow you to consistently earn about 4-5% of the invested amount. It is believed that this strategy is almost a win-win.

Live Strategy

Live sports betting strategies are primarily based on carefully watching each match. In order to bring profit to the family budget through live sports betting, you need to have great patience, as well as learn to accurately assess the team’s chances.

Strategies for live sports betting include:
- Martingale betting strategies. This is one of the most common sports betting strategies, which has brought a lot of money to the creators;
- betting strategy from D'Ambler;
- betting strategy from Oscar Grind.

One of the most profitable sports betting strategies is “Dogon”. In fact, “Dogon” is the most profitable sports betting strategy. Profit is received at the end of a certain period. main idea is that the bet must be made serially, i.e. a series of bets on a specific event. This strategy is, of course, old, but is very popular among professionals. For beginners, this is the best gaming option. This one goes especially well with football.

New sports betting strategies such as “Play against the community” are also in good demand. How does this strategy work? A man comes to a sports bar, listens to which team is predicted to win, and talks about it to other bars. After the winner has already been determined, he bets on his opponent. Today this best strategy sports betting because there are so many people who have gotten rich from it.

Is there a better sports betting strategy?

When discussing which strategy is the best, it is impossible to give a definite answer. Each strategy has both negative and positive aspects.

Of course, no one can give a 100% guarantee of winning. Each player must choose a strategy to their liking.

Also, you shouldn’t take the first strategy that catches your eye and immediately want to start conquering all bookmakers with it. Each strategy is individual, everyone can choose the one they like.

The main thing to remember is that a competent selection of strategy and strict adherence to it can bring good profit, and the winnings will have some stability.

How to consistently make money betting on sporting events

While most beginners bet on luck, more experienced users think through each match, take into account all the nuances, and if the chances of winning are high, they bet only in this case. Yes, even experienced players make mistakes, but these mistakes are nothing compared to the sums that they withdraw when they are lucky.

So let's start with the starting bank. If you are going to play small, then it is better not to start, because this method earning money requires a certain amount of capital. You need to deposit such an amount into the office account that you can make at least 15-20 bets (50 rubles does not count). After each bet, you should have 95% of your initial capital in your account, even if you are completely confident in the outcome, because sports are unpredictable.

Second tip: do not place one bet at a time, select at least three events with odds of at least 1.7 percent and place three bets. According to statistics, 2 bets out of three are always successful in 95% of cases, and you remain a winner. For example, you bet 1000 rubles on three events, for a total of 3000 rubles. Two bets are played, and you receive 1700 rubles from them (1700 + 1700 = 3400) - we see that the profit is 400 rubles. But this is with odds of 1.7, and you can find events with higher odds. If two bets didn’t work out, you don’t need to lose your head and go all-in to win back, since most likely you will lose every penny!

Next tip! Choose one sport that you are most knowledgeable about and only bet on that sport. Explore all selected events and place bets.

Good profits can be made by betting on , if you play according to a previously chosen strategy. Today, every player can choose any sports betting strategy, play according to it, and increase their gaming bank every month.

What is a game bank in bookmaker

Today, the vast majority of bettors place bets on the Internet. They choose a bookmaker or betting exchange and place their bets. In order to place a bet, you need to open a gaming account in one of them and top it up in cash. Optimal choice BC can be done. The amount of money in the account will be called the game bank. After this we select game strategy which suits us best. Some players play with multiple strategies.

At the same time, they can divide the bank into parts. For each strategy there are allocated certain part. For example, for bets on “Goal in the first half”, 50% of the current game bank is allocated, for bets on a strong-willed victory of the favorite, 40% of the game bank, and 10% for some single bets.

Sports betting accounting

Serious players keep records of their bets so that they know at any time whether they are in the black or in the red in a given month or this week. All betting strategies imply that each bet will be taken into account and will be included in personal game statistics. It is best to use tables in Excel for these purposes. The following data is entered into it: the current game bank taking into account previous bets, sport type, championship, teams, bet type, etc.

Let's take one similar table as an example:

In it we see that the player prefers to bet on football matches and bets on totals. The table takes into account the championship, league, event odds, score and bet amount. We see cells with the values ​​of the starting bank, current bank and balance. Current bank and balance are replaceable values. The current balance is calculated automatically by the program. This is the difference between the initial game bank and the balance in the yellow cells. The values ​​in the yellow cells are the difference between the bet amount and the winnings. If the bet wins, then the value is positive, if a refund occurred, then it is zero, and if the bet lost, then the value is negative. All previous values ​​in yellow cells are summed up and opposite each cell is the value of the current balance in a white cell. That is, the white cells display the current balances after each bet.

A very useful filtering function in the table for championship, league, team, bet type. We can click on one or more filters and select bets, for example, only for the Scottish Championship in the third league and specify the bet type “total over 3.5. As a result, we get the following table:

As you can see, we have a positive balance in the bets selected by this filter. Selecting In a similar way already played bets, we will find for ourselves those championships, leagues and types of bets for which we have a positive balance of bets. Thus, we will select the most promising championships for betting.

Such helper tables can be downloaded on the Internet, or you can create them yourself. Strategies sports betting imply calculation before each bet. To determine whether to place a bet and how much, you only need to enter the odds and team statistics. In this article we will look at the following sports betting strategies and tactics:

  1. Percentage from the bank
  2. Goal in the first half
  3. Kelly criterion
  4. “The strong-willed victory of the favorite”
  5. Forks

Percentage of bank in bookmakers

The essence of this sports betting strategy is that each bet depends on the amount of the game bank and the odds. First, the player determines what percentage of the bank he will bet on an event with odds of 2. The recommended value is 2% of the bank. But for this we need a large gaming bank. More aggressive tactics involve betting 5% of the game bank. For other coefficients, the amounts will be as follows:

You can get the values ​​using the following formula: . Where S is the percentage of the bank for odds 2, k is the odds. If we choose a percentage of the bank for 2 - 5%, then instead of S we put 5. Such a table can be easily made in Excel. For the cells in the second column, enter the formula, and for the cells in the “coefficient” column, enter values ​​from 1.2 to 10 in increments of 0.1. As a result, we will get the basic values ​​for the bet amounts.

Let's look at how to bet using this strategy in practice. Let's say we allocate an amount of $500 for this strategy. It turns out that we must bet $25 on bets with odds of 2. If we win the bet, then our game bank will increase by $25 and will be $525. Thus, the next bet with the same odds will be 5% of the amount of 525 and will be equal to $26.25. If we lost the first bet, we would bet 5% of the amount 475 equal to 23.75,

Betting on a goal in the first half

Very interesting and profitable betting strategies along the way football match. One of them was for a goal in the first half. The essence of this strategy is that we bet during the first half between the 15th and 22nd minutes of the match. Why is it necessary to place a bet during this period? The fact is that at the beginning of the first half, a small coefficient is given for a goal in the first half of the game: from 1.3 to 1.5, plus or minus 0.05. Our task is to wait for the coefficient to increase to an acceptable value - at least to 1.75, and preferably to 1.9. This happens more often at 20-22 minutes, that is, in the middle of the first half.

But we must not only wait, but also see the game. Watching the match is required. If we see that teams are trying to score, attack, have chances, shoot on goal, then such a match is suitable. If we see a dull spectacle, without chances and shots, then we miss this match. In order not to waste time, it is better to choose 3-4 promising, from our point of view, games and watch them on the Internet on one screen, making 4 small windows for each game. Thus, we will select a couple of matches for betting. If suddenly a goal was scored in the first minutes, it’s okay, we monitor the nature of the game and wait for the odds to increase for the second goal.

You can choose a bookmaker to play using this strategy here. Which championships and leagues are suitable for this strategy? Statistics show that the championships of Holland, Germany, Sweden, Denmark and Norway are best suited for playing the sports betting strategy on a goal in the first half. It is especially worth paying attention to the lower leagues of these countries. ;We look at how teams score and concede in the first half and pay attention to their motivation.

If teams play open football and strive, above all, to score, then such matches suit us. For convenience, we go to statistical sites and select the most productive teams. Naturally, we enter all bets into an Excel spreadsheet.

The bet size should be correlated with the game bank and odds. That is, we set a percentage of the bank, as indicated in the first strategy.

Kelly criterion

As stated earlier, sports betting strategies should be optimized for the gaming pot. One of the best strategies in this regard is the Kelly criterion. Its essence is to find those events that are underestimated. Simply put, find events with inflated odds and bet the correct amount.

The fact is that the odds for events are formed by the players themselves. The office only adjusts the odds values ​​in such a way as to get its 5-10% profit regardless of the outcome of the game. Therefore, the office doesn’t care at all how the match ends. In any case, she will be in the black.

So, most of players mainly bet on the favorites, thereby reducing the odds on it. To optimize profits, you have to reduce the coefficient. The more players bet on one of the teams, the lower the odds on it in the future. If team “A”, for example, won 15 victories in 20 home matches, then the probability (conditional) of the next victory will be 15/20 = 0.75. In odds it will be 1.33. They will offer approximately a coefficient of 1.25 at the start. Players will still “catch up” to 1.2, or even lower. As a result, we will get an unfavorable coefficient. If we always bet on such matches, then in the long run we will be in the red. This has been proven both by mathematics and practice.

The Kelly criterion assumes that the player, using his own methods, will determine the probability of an event and substitute it into the formula: Bet size = S x (K x V-1)/(K-1), where K is the odds for the event, and V is the probability events, S - the amount of the game bank.

Based on this criterion, you can do Various types bets: on totals, handicaps, team victories, etc. Better to use online calculator, it will be faster to calculate the bet size:

Betting strategy for a strong-willed victory of the favorite

There are various sports betting tactics. Among them there are also quite original ones. For example, this strategy involves betting on the favorite who is losing during the match. There are many matches taking place on weekends. You need to constantly monitor the games in various championships and choose those in which the favorite missed at the beginning of the game.

If before the match the odds for his victory were 1.3-1.4, then after the missed goal it will rise to 1.7-1.9. We look at how much is left until the end of the game and watch the game for about 10 minutes. If we see a continuous assault on the goal and dangerous moments from the favorite, then we can bet on the match. If teams play cotton wool, then we skip this game. We also take into account the team schedule. If the conditional favorite played a European Cup match before this, then most likely he did not have time to fully recover and is not 100% ready. In such cases, it is probably better to bet against him, or skip the match altogether, since it can end either way. We also skip matches where the weather is bad and the quality of the turf is poor. These factors level out the class of teams. The team that scores the goal becomes defensive and it becomes extremely difficult to score at least one goal against it.

The size of the bet depends on the game bank; it is calculated according to the first strategy, as a percentage of the bank.

Forks in bookmakers

Another strategy involves the player betting different amounts in different games, while making a profit for any outcome of the match. This happens if, when adding up the probabilities of events expressed by the odds of different companies, the result is a number less than one, the so-called fork.

To bet using this strategy, you need to register as soon as possible. more office The main task of the player is to find such situations as quickly as possible. The lifetime of forks is calculated in minutes. The odds are constantly moving. And if there is a fork now, then in 5 minutes it will not be there. To help the player there are programs and websites that specialize in searching for arbitrage situations. Naturally, such programs and sites are paid, since no one will look for profitable matches for you for free. You need to pay a certain amount per month to use the resource.

Typically sure bets are used for three events at different bookmakers. Special surebets calculators will help you calculate the bet amounts for each event. There are free Excel sheets or websites have ready-made calculators for 3, 4 or more outcomes. You beat the odds and get the amounts for each odd that you need to bet.

Let's look at one example. In one, the odds for a win are 2.71, in the other, for a draw, the odds are 4, and in the third, for team 2 to win, the odds are 2.8. We convert the coefficients into probabilities and add them up. We get: 1/2.71 + 1/4 + 1/2.8 = 0.37 + 0.25 + 0.36 = 0.98. We got a number less than 1. That means we found a fork. The bet size is calculated as follows:

R = V/S. R is the percentage of total amount rates. V is the probability of the event. S is the sum of the probabilities of all events. For our case, the percentage of the amount is as follows: 0.37/0.98 = 37.7%; 0.25/0.98= 25.5%, 0.36/0.98 = 36.7%.

If the first team wins, we will receive a profit of 2.26 dollars, if there is a draw, we will receive 2.1 dollars, and if the second team wins, we will receive a profit of 2.86 dollars.

There are a number of significant disadvantages to this strategy. The first and most unpleasant of them is the prohibition of individual players from placing bets at the most inopportune moment. The fact is that they have common bases with players who play for sure. Many of them have their maximum bets cut and their ability to place bets significantly limited.

For example, you have found an arbitrage situation and have already placed two bets and are placing a third one for a sure bet with three outcomes. But he doesn’t want to accept your bet, suspecting you of playing for sure, and a minute later the odds change to a value unfavorable for you. As a result, you risk losing on two bets already made and losing a considerable amount.

Another point related to the commission when withdrawing funds. Some simply cover your winnings from sure bets, making the withdrawal commission slightly higher than that of other bookmakers. Thus, your winnings are very small.

Another nuance related to different rules V . Some take into account extra time in knockout matches, while others do not.

If you analyze paid services for searching for sure bets, you can find a number of shortcomings. For example, they often indicate an inflated percentage of winnings when betting on sure bets. Reaches up to 20%. Such figures are simply impossible; bookmakers cannot set such different odds. A good win is 3-5% of the bet amount.

And the most unpleasant moment associated with betting using this strategy is the possibility of ending up on the office’s black ban list. In this case, you may be prohibited from placing bets and even have your gaming account closed. indefinite time. Given the above, we do not recommend using this betting strategy. It is better to use more reliable strategies. With good odds and a large selection of bets can be found.

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I suggest taking TB or TM in the third quarter, take several fights and you will get a good odds, since they usually give 1.87 for one fight consistently.
Also, especially in the third quarter, bet on the team that won the second quarter; if there was a draw, then we bet on the team with the smaller odds; if you don’t like it, then we take them with a minus handicap. For example, with -1.5
BUT before betting on TB or TM in the third quarter:
If the first and second quarters are TB, then the third will be TB.
Provided that at least one team scored less than 20 points (this does not apply to the NBA). Also, if one scored 25, for example, and the other 11 or 12, then it is not recommended to bet on the third team’s total. It’s optimal if one team scores about 20- 25, and the other 14-20.
If in the first and second quarters more than 40 points are scored by both teams, then you should not bet on TB in the third, but take TM.
But before you bet on TM, go to, look for this match and look at the statistics of both teams. You can make a mistake in choosing TM or TB, since teams can play all quarters effectively, so I advise you to use the rules above and look at the statistics.

If a team whose odds before the game were lower lost the first 2 quarters, but in the first quarter let’s say there was a big difference, and in the second the game was almost equal, then we bet on the losing team’s handicap (plus or maybe -1.5 for example)

In women's basketball, 6-7 out of 10 passes tm.

Often the first quarter is won by the favorite of the match (the team with the lower odds).
For example: Goverla - Azovmash. Before the start of the match, the victory in the first quarter of the first team is 2.2, and the second is 1.67
We put it on the second one.
8 out of 10 passes.


Tennis players worth betting on on a certain surface, the probability of passing is 75%
Nadal (clay) - without any nerves we put a minus handicap on him or the exact score 2-0 or 3-0
Azarenka (hard) - look above, similar.
Federer (grass) - no comments here, his favorite surface, you shouldn’t bet on everyone else’s handicap. He likes to play the first 2-3 matches at any tournament for a long time and a TB is possible, but it’s not worth the risk.

Doubles: Brian Brothers (any surface)
Djokovic (very rarely plays 1 set tb 9.5, so we take the choice tb 9.5). 8 out of 10 matches take place.

Tennis players who often play on the TB:
Isner (for his matches, if they are not held in the USA, bet on a time break and there will be a TB)

When the opponents are equal, and this can be determined for example by looking at at what number they are seeded at the tournament, then it is worth paying attention to what surface they play on, since it plays a very important role.
Find this information here:


Hello, excerpts of this information may have been on the forum, but read to the end. You will find a lot of interesting things for yourself.
In my methods, methods and strategies for playing bookmaker, at least 50 rubles are enough to start, but if you can invest 200 or more, then this will help promote our account faster.
Recommended bookmakers: Marathon, Betcity (for live betting, absolutely necessary) and Bwin.

Teams that fail at most 2 times out of 10. Let's take the game at home: Bayern F (-1), Barcelona (win in 1st half, TB 2.5, F -1), Shakhtar (F -1, TB 2.5, win in 1st half)
Real (win in 1st half, F1-1, GOAL FROM 45 TO 75 MINUTES), Borussia D (F1-1, TB 2.5), Juventus (F-1), Porto.

1) One of the most interesting ways is a live bet. When you see that teams play 0-0 after the first half, and their class is different, then it’s worth taking the favorite team, since the passage is 8 out of 10 in such matches that this team will win.
If a team has a player kicked out and loses 1-0, let’s say, then bet on the winning team with a handicap equal to that team’s loss.
For example, if 1-0 loses, then we set the Handicap of the team that wins -1.

2) In the Championship of Spain, Holland and England, the second half is very often more productive than the first.
I also advise you to bet on TB2.5 in these championships if the score after the first half is 1-1.

3) Bet that the team will score.
We take teams with odds. from 1.4 to 1.7 and whose goals conceded is 1 or more, if divided by the number of matches in the championship.
4-5 such outcomes and express 4.5 and higher are guaranteed to you. Passability is about 70%.

4) Champions League matches usually take place without much large quantity yellow cards, so betting on the general TM 3.5 or 4.5 is very tempting, in more than 6 cases this method works

Home teams: I suggest betting on them F1(0) or 1X, the passability of these teams is 7-8 out of 10
Swansea City, Stoke City, Sunderland.
TB1.5 is appropriate for these commands:
Newcastle, Everton, MS, Arsenal, Chelsea, Manchester United, Reading
Passability is also 7-8 out of 10.
In the derby, that is, Liverpool-Manchester United, Liverpool-Everton, MS-Manchester United, Chelsea-Tottenham, red card or penalty bets are very likely
The completion of this event is about 66%.

In this championship, home victories are very high for these teams:
Borussia M, Borussia D, Bayern, Hamburg.
Derby: Borussia D-Schalke 04 (TB2.5 happens very often in this match, also taking the choice of the red card is very good, but a large amount I don’t recommend betting!)

In this championship, if you see strange odds for the favorite (2 or higher), in this case, to find out, just look at the table. For example, here:
You shouldn’t bet on it right away, since “paddling pools” like to play a draw very often even on TM2.5.
Therefore, in France, you should bet X2 on all the favorites, and these are PSG, Lyon, Marseille, Bordeaux, if they play away.
It is also a very interesting bet to place 1x with these teams when they play away.
It is not recommended to place multiple events from this championship in an express bet!


Teams that like to play at TB2.5:
Rayo Vallecano, Real M, Malaga, Atlético, Barcelona.
In Spain, it is very good to bet TB 1.5 on several matches at once, and in the end you will already have odds of 2 out of two or three events.
Teams you should not bet on away:
Levante, Valencia (this team always plays disgustingly on the road after the Champions League matches, so you can bet 1x on the hosts of this match), Athletic.

Derby: Barcelona-Real, Real-Atlético, Barcelona-Osasuna (overall 1.5 in these matches is stable)

It is very good to look at the statistics of head-to-head matches of the teams you are going to bet on. There are very few surprises in Spain.
In this championship, matches are statistically highly passable, about 75%
Teams with which TB2.5 is the most passable 7 out of 10
Barcelona (B), Real (B), Hercules, Guadalajara and Jerez.


It’s very good to look at the statistics of head-to-head matches of the teams you are going to bet on. You can determine TB2.5 from the statistics of the last 5 matches; if in 3 or 4 cases out of 5 with this team the TB got through, then in this match it will come in.
They play very efficiently here, so it is recommended to bet on one team scoring. We choose 4 such outcomes and here is an express bet with odds of about 2.5.
Teams on which it is not recommended to bet on a clear victory: Heerenveen, Az Alkmaar, Feyenoord (TB2.5 with them is the opposite very often)

Teams you can bet on F1 -1 at home.
Inter, Juventus, Napoli
Home teams: Napoli, Lazio, Fiorentina, Torino, Bologna.

Teams recommended for betting when they are at home, 1x only!
Braga, Gil Vicente, Pacos de Ferreira, Benfica (clear victory), Porto (in rare cases F1-1)
Not recommended for clean victories: Sporting (a team can play a draw on the road), Academica, Maritimo.

Here it is very good to bet on the underdog team scoring, since the leading teams very often concede goals from them. The odds are usually 1.6-1.8 for this outcome.

Home teams: Tavriya, Dnepr, Metalist
Derby: Shakhtar-Dynamo, Shakhtar-Metallurg D (in these F1 matches Shakhtar has a very high percentage of passing), Hoverla-Karpaty and Volyn and these 2 teams (usually play TM2.5, often the result is a draw or the victory goes to the team , which is more important)
During Shakhtar-Zarya games (there are no defeats, you can take the risk.)
It’s very good to look at the statistics of head-to-head meetings between teams; if it’s in the last matches, then there won’t be any surprises either.

Useful links for football predictions: (projections are given, team compositions on the day of the game, information is usually posted at 10 a.m. Moscow time) (forecast site, a lot of useful information) (before the broadcast there are lineups and comments from people, they help coordinate your thoughts) - here the guys post very good forecasts, their traffic is excellent, when you place bets, look at the site, check if your opinion agrees with theirs - offers the final match score in 3 out of 5 matches good result gives, the creators also offer good express trains every day - a site that will allow you to see statistics for a specific match, from the results on your field to the output of the estimated score, this site’s choice of winner is more accurate than the previous one

Most of the strategies and tactics for playing in bookmakers migrated from the classic casino. It was there that various systems were born, designed to ensure regular winnings in roulette or blackjack. It is worth noting that for decades enthusiasts have been trying to create win-win system. However, such a strategy has not yet been invented.

There are several of the most popular systems for playing bookmakers. Some of them involve strictly following certain progressions, others focus on working correctly with the bank. Each tactic has its pros and cons.


This system assumes a constant bet amount. In this case, the result of previous forecasts is completely unimportant. The capper initially selects the bet amount. Of course, it can be revised once you reach intermediate goals. Flat tactics do not include big wins and losses. The curve of success or failure is very smooth. The strategy is a huge success among cappers. Often this is what professionals use. They know for sure that a sharp jump in winnings is replaced by the same (in best case scenario) loss. Therefore, a “smooth” game is the most effective way to get a small but stable profit over a long distance.


The catch-up strategy involves dynamically increasing the bet in the event of a loss or a series of failures. The main task for the player is to return the funds spent, as well as receive a fixed profit. The formula for calculating the rate is as follows:

C=(B+P)/(K-1), where C is the amount of the next bet, B is the desired winnings, P is the lost amount, K is the odds.

A special case of the catch-up system is the Martingale system (K=2; B – initial bet).

Catch-up tactics do not allow you to withstand long series of failures. Over a short distance, it may seem quite effective, but if the capper loses 5-6 bets, then he will already need an impressive amount to cover expenses. The rapid growth of the rate can be reduced due to a high coefficient or the use of express bets. However, this often significantly reduces the probability of winning the prediction.

Percentage from the bank

The tactic of proportional betting is very popular among cappers. It vaguely resembles the flat strategy, but the jumps here will be sharper. The idea is to bet a certain percentage of the bank each time. If the score increases, so does the bet. And vice versa.

For example, the original bank was equal to 1000 monetary units. The capper determined that he would always bet 5%. The first bet of 50 at odds of 2.0 worked. Now the tipster has 1050 in his account. This means that the next bet will be equal to 52.5.

All-in game

This strategy is absolutely not suitable for a professional capper. However, new players think that going all-in can be a good tactic. Even if you play at the minimum odds (1.1 or 1.05), pretty soon the player will lose the entire bank. If we take more significant quotes, then bankruptcy will occur even earlier.

Among all possible tactics, the capper chooses the most suitable one for his character and goals. But every player must understand that winning streaks are always followed by losing streaks. Based on this, it is worth choosing a system for playing in a bookmaker’s office.

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