Snuffbox poster for October. The special atmosphere of "Snuffbox" and youth

There is no person in our country who does not know Oleg Tabakov. And there is no person who has not heard about his "Snuffbox" - that's what they call with love Tabakov theater. Today's theater was once a warehouse with coal, which was kindly given to Oleg Pavlovich for use. And there, on his own, with the help of young actors, he set up a magnificent studio. Even in Soviet times, Tabakov and his troupe began to tour abroad, thereby causing close attention of the press and critics. But they boldly went forward, and all the doors opened before them, before their talent. Thanks to his amazing organizational skills, Tabakov immediately became the best teacher of dozens of artists.

Now tickets to the Tabakov Theater are a great honor, it's nice, it's interesting and even prestigious. The aged outstanding actor absolutely defies the age in the passport. He is still on stage and to this day leads the team. "Theatre-family" - this is what people also call it, hurrying to make ordering tickets to the Tabakov Theater. And they are not wrong. And once again they find themselves in a warm family atmosphere, parallel to the powerful creative energies that flow from each actor. Actors Sergey Bezrukov, Marina Golub, Irina Miroshnichenko and many, many others consider it an honor to speak on behalf of "Snuffbox" and are very proud that at one time fate led them to Tabakov theater, where they were met in a fatherly way warmly and strictly. And how much the theater had to endure during its entire existence - only Oleg Tabakov knows ...

Probably only seasoned actors are able to deliver something creative and memorable. Always Tabakov theater. And why? But because in Soviet times powerful performances were staged there. And the actors lived on a scholarship, not even a salary, and made props on their own. was a problem until services like ours evolved. Always sold out and queues in But the theatrical spirit turned out to be immortal, and its strength is felt even today - it is immediately clear that the actors are not inspired by a commercial goal. It is important.

In order not only to read about the theater of Oleg Pavlovich and listen to reviews about the campaign from friends, you must definitely buy tickets to the Tabakov theater and dedicate one evening to it, you need to watch at least one performance to understand what people are talking about. Or maybe you are already an old fan of this amazing studio on Chistye Prudy and often go there with friends? In any case, we can make your leisure time more convenient! With us ordering tickets to the Tabakov Theater it is done easily and simply, without leaving home, in any weather and at any time.

The theater under the direction of Oleg Tabakov began to officially sell tickets for its events back in 1987, but the history goes back far into the past. A children's theater studio appeared back in 1974 at the Bauman Palace of Pioneers. A small studio, based in the basement, reached a completely new level within two years, and in 1978 the studio-theater gave its first performance for numerous spectators. The play by A. Kazantsev became the premiere production.

Later, the whole capital learned about the theater studio, and the young team went on tour to Hungary. The theater was duly appreciated by numerous foreign spectators, however, Tabakov was allowed to officially open the theater only in 1987. A permanent cast of star performers and affordable ticket prices guarantee the success of every performance.

What is in the theatre's repertoire?

The stage directors focus on the classical works of Gogol, Tolstoy, Chekhov, Flaubert, Neil Simon, Thomas Bernhard.

Where to buy tickets to the Tabakov Theater

If you want to attend one of the performances in the Tabakerka, you can buy tickets online on the KASSIR.RU website. You can order tickets at one of our ticket offices or receive them electronically to the email address specified during registration. KASSIR.RU offers tickets to other concert halls: we give the opportunity to visit any event.

All you need is:

  • choose a performance on the website (all schedules of upcoming events are available to you);
  • choose a seat in the hall using an interactive diagram;
  • pay the cost of tickets;
  • receive them at the checkout, by e-mail or by courier delivery.

With KASSIR.RU you can quickly and easily buy tickets for any events you are interested in.

The Tabakov Theater is often affectionately called "The Snuffbox". Not for the resemblance to a small snuff box, but for the consonance with the name of its creator and permanent leader for almost thirty years - Oleg Pavlovich Tabakov.

How it all began

Back in 1978, in the basement of one of the residential buildings on Chaplygin Street, or rather, in house No. 1, a new stage space appeared, which, almost ten years later, received the official name - Tabakov's theater studio. His first actors were students of Oleg Pavlovich at GITIS: Sergey Gazarov, Elena Mayorova, Mikhail Khomyakov, Igor Nefyodov and others.

On October 29, the Tabakov Theater wrote the first line in its history. It was a production of "And in the spring I will return to you ..." based on the play of the same name by A. Kazantsev. Other works came out later. The first playbill included performances:

  • "Goodbye, Mowgli!";
  • "Two arrows";
  • "Pinched", etc.

All of them were well received by appreciative spectators.

official recognition

The theater-studio of Tabakov, which initially did not have its own place, was forced to wander around different stages. But its artistic director managed to secure government support. And on March 1, 1987, the new stage of Tabakov's theater-studio was officially opened, the first production was the play "Armchair" (the literary basis is the story of Yu. Polyakov).

For many years, the theater troupe was replenished with students of Oleg Pavlovich, whom he nurtured as a caring father of his children. Over time (in the 90s), those who would make the glory of the Russian theater stage joined it: Vladimir Mashkov, Sergey Shentalinsky, Evgeny Mironov, Sergey Bezrukov and others. A. Galich.

From almost every issue of the Moscow Art Theater School, talented youth came to the theater of Oleg Tabakov. Its leader has a rare gift to find and reveal young talents.

The special atmosphere of "Snuffbox" and youth

The Oleg Tabakov Theater features:

  • full trust of partners to each other,
  • reigning on the stage; freedom of expression;
  • the opportunity to try yourself not only as an actor, but also as a director.

Young actors tried their hand at directing. Oleg Pavlovich not only did not forbid, but welcomed such a desire. And the audience who came to the Tabakov Theater could see the performances of V. Mashkov's "Passion for Bumbarash", A. Marina's "The Sandman", A. Mokhov's "Lady Macbeth of the Mtsensk District" and others. The theater poster was full of classic and innovative productions.

Directing in the theater

Directors Valery Fokin, Kama Ginkas, Yevgeny Kamenkovich, Andrei Zhitinkin came to the Oleg Tabakov Theater, whose productions made up his repertoire. It includes performances based on the works of classics and modern playwrights:

  • “More Van Gogh…”;
  • "Room of laughter";
  • "At the bottom";
  • "Ideal Husband", etc.

Each of these productions was an event, and it was not so easy to buy tickets for the premiere at the Tabakov Theater.

At the beginning of the 21st century, a new young director Mindaugas Karbauskis joined him. Many of his performances have won theatrical prizes and awards, and the productions of The Actor and The Story of a Happy Moscow still attract full houses.

The Tabakov Theater tours a lot. He showed his repertoire in many countries of the world, visiting Japan, Israel, Germany, Italy, Canada, etc.
Today, lovers of theatrical art have a great opportunity to make an unusual gift for themselves or their loved ones - buy tickets for a performance at the Tabakerka. And the BiletiCo agency will help you with this.