Therapeutic fairy tales: how to understand your child and help him. Just for your child: A Tale about Kittens

During childhood, a child listens to fairy tales with pleasure. I remember a huge stack of children’s books that lay on the shelf next to the sofa and every night I read them in turn to my son at night.

The books were thin. Usually one fairy tale - one book. I really liked this format. There were large, bright illustrations with clearly drawn characters, and while I was reading the text, my son was looking at the pictures. One day I noticed that a child took a book, opened it and, looking at the illustration, began to retell the text almost word for word.

I slipped him a book I had not yet read, and looking at the picture, he began to invent a fairy tale. I told it slowly, tried to modulate my voice, as I did when reading, changing the timbre.

Of course, there was nothing in common with what was written in the book. But I was wondering what he would come up with. Two characters were drawn: a fox and a hare. And I thought: “Why did he choose a hare as the main character, although the fox is drawn larger?” And listening further to the tale, I realized that he was not telling this tale about a hare, but about himself. He personifies himself with a hare. He presents the long-eared one as bold, brave and intelligent, who as a result deceives the fox and takes possession of her basket of pies. The written fairy tale was about something completely different: about a cunning little fox and a trusting little bunny.

The next day, I slipped my son two more unread books and asked me to “read” them. The son began to flip through the pages with importance and, looking at the illustrations, composed a plot as he went. Not everything always lined up logically, the story sometimes reached a dead end, but this did not upset the kid at all and, not knowing about any laws of writing, he boldly continued the story.

This went on for several days. First, my son “read” an unfamiliar fairy tale to me, and then I read to him a book that I had already read and re-read more than once. I noticed that all of his main characters are somewhat similar. First of all, character and actions. At first they appear as unfortunate, offended and oppressed by someone, but then, with the passage of time and certain circumstances, they are reborn into strong and courageous ones. Of course, all Russian children's literature played an important role in this. There were so many fairy tales read about Emel, Ivanushka the fools, Brave little tailors...

Once I asked him which of the characters he invented was his favorite, and he listed for me those who were at first offended and unhappy, and then became winners. This was not without reason.

Two weeks later, while waiting for my son to finish playing war games with the boys on the kindergarten playground, I got into a conversation with his teacher. She was glad that my son finally joined the team, adapted, stopped being embarrassed and staying away.

The son moved to another group, but the children from new group he knew well from common walks and, nevertheless, it took him a long time to become part of the team.

And in the evening, out of habit, settling down on the sofa to read together, for some reason I remembered those bunnies, squirrels, puppies who invariably became the main characters of his fairy tales, although according to the semantic component of the illustrations they could not possibly be leading the narrative.

Perhaps his adaptation to the new kindergarten group was partly helped by the fairy tales that he himself invented. He came up with a pattern that no matter how bad you were now, no matter how bad you were, this is temporary. There will be certain circumstances and your own efforts that will help change the situation in a positive direction.

Any fairy tale involves development and a path from bad to good. This is a classic of the genre. The son learned this well and perhaps he transferred it to real life Having realized that if it’s bad, it can’t last forever, it will end someday and the circumstances that arise need to be turned with “interest” for yourself.

In fairy tales, the son played out a difficult situation for himself several times: how to transform from a sad and unhappy character into a hero.

Fantasy and writing, it turns out, can influence real life.

Savateeva Marina

Inventing a fairy tale is creative task, which develops speech, imagination, fantasy, and creative thinking in children. These tasks help the child create fairy world, where he is the main character, forming in the child such qualities as kindness, courage, boldness, patriotism.

By composing independently, the child develops these qualities. Our children really enjoy inventing things themselves. fairy tales, it brings them joy and pleasure. Fairy tales invented by children are very interesting and help to understand inner world your children, a lot of emotions, the invented characters seemed to come to us from another world, the world of childhood. The drawings for these essays look very funny. The page presents short tales that the schoolchildren came up with for the lesson literary reading in 3rd grade. If the children cannot write a fairy tale themselves, then invite them to come up with the beginning, end or continuation of the fairy tale on their own.

A fairy tale should have:

  • introduction (starter)
  • main action
  • denouement + epilogue (preferably)
  • a fairy tale should teach something good

The presence of these components will give your creative work correct finished look. Please note that in the examples presented below, these components are not always present, and this serves as a basis for lowering the ratings.

Fight against an alien

In a certain city, in a certain country, there lived a president and a first lady. They had three sons - triplets: Vasya, Vanya and Roma. They were smart, brave and courageous, only Vasya and Vanya were irresponsible. One day, the city was attacked by an alien. And not a single army could cope. This alien destroyed houses at night. The brothers came up with an invisible drone. Vasya and Vanya were supposed to be on duty, but fell asleep. But Roma couldn’t sleep. And when the alien appeared, he began to fight it. It turned out to be not so simple. The plane was shot down. Roma woke up the brothers, and they helped him control the smoking drone. And together they defeated the alien. (Kamenkov Makar)

How the ladybug got dots.

Once upon a time there lived an artist. And one day he came up with the idea of ​​drawing fairytale picture about the life of insects. He drew and drew, and suddenly he saw a ladybug. She didn't seem very beautiful to him. And he decided to change the color of the back, the ladybug looked strange. I changed the color of the head, it looked strange again. And when I painted spots on the back, it became beautiful. And he liked it so much that he drew 5-6 pieces at once. The artist’s painting was hung in the museum for everyone to admire. And ladybugs still have dots on my back. When other insects ask: "Why do you have ladybugs dots on their backs?" They answer: “It was the artist who painted us” (Surzhikova Maria)

Fear has big eyes

There lived a grandmother and granddaughter. Every day they went for water. The grandmother had large bottles, the granddaughter had smaller ones. One day our water carriers went to fetch water. They got some water and are walking home through the area. They walk and see an apple tree, and under the apple tree there is a cat. The wind blew and the apple fell on the cat’s forehead. The cat got scared and ran right under our water carriers’ feet. They got scared, threw the bottles and ran home. The grandmother fell on the bench, the granddaughter hid behind her grandmother. The cat ran scared and barely ran away. It’s true what they say: “Fear has big eyes – what they don’t have, they see.”


Once upon a time there lived a king, and he had a daughter. She was called Snowflake because she was made of snow and melted in the sun. But despite this, her heart was not very kind. The king did not have a wife and he said to the snowflake: “Now you will grow up and who will take care of me?” The snowflake saw the suffering of the king-father and offered to find him a wife. The king agreed. After some time, the king found himself a wife, her name was Rosella. She was angry and jealous of her stepdaughter. Snowflake was friends with all the animals, since people were allowed to see her, because the king was afraid that people might harm his beloved daughter.

Every day Snowflake grew and blossomed, and the stepmother figured out how to get rid of her. Rosella learned Snowflake’s secret and decided to destroy her at all costs. She called Snowflake to her and said: “My daughter, I am very sick and only the decoction that my sister cooks will help me, but she lives very far away.” Snowflake agreed to help her stepmother.

The girl set off in the evening, found where Rosella’s sister lived, took the broth from her and hurried back. But dawn began and she turned into a puddle. Where the Snowflake melted, a beautiful flower grew. Rosella told the king that she sent Snowflake away to look into the world, but she never returned. The king was upset and waited days and nights for his daughter.

A girl was walking in the forest where a fairy flower grew. She took the flower home, began to look after it and talk to it. One spring day, a flower blossomed and a girl grew out of it. This girl turned out to be Snowflake. She went with her savior to the palace of the unfortunate king and told everything to the priest. The king became angry with Rosella and kicked her out. And he recognized his daughter’s savior as his second daughter. And they have lived together very happily ever since. (Veronica)

Magical forest

Once upon a time there lived a boy named Vova. One day he went into the forest. The forest turned out to be magical, like in a fairy tale. Dinosaurs lived there. Vova was walking and saw frogs in the clearing. They danced and sang. Suddenly a dinosaur came. He was clumsy and big, and he also began to dance. Vova laughed and so did the trees. That was the adventure with Vova. (Boltnova Victoria)

The Tale of the Good Hare

Once upon a time there lived a hare and a hare. They huddled in a small dilapidated hut at the edge of the forest. One day the hare went to pick mushrooms and berries. I collected a whole bag of mushrooms and a basket of berries.

He is walking home and meets a hedgehog. “What are you talking about, hare?” - asks the hedgehog. “Mushrooms and berries,” answers the hare. And he treated the hedgehog to mushrooms. He went further. A squirrel jumps towards me. The squirrel saw berries and said: “Give me a bunny of berries, I’ll give them to my squirrels.” The hare treated the squirrel and moved on. A bear is coming towards you. He gave the bear some mushrooms to taste and continued on his way.

A fox is coming. “Give me your harvest!” The hare grabbed a bag of mushrooms and a basket of berries and ran away from the fox. The fox was offended by the hare and decided to take revenge on him. She ran ahead of the hare to his hut and destroyed it.

The hare comes home, but there is no hut. Only the hare sits and cries bitter tears. Local animals learned about the hare's troubles and came to help him. new house line up. And the house turned out a hundred times better than before. And then they got bunnies. And they began to live their lives and receive forest friends as guests.

Magic wand

Once upon a time there lived three brothers. Two strong and a weak one. The strong ones were lazy, and the third was hardworking. They went into the forest to pick mushrooms and got lost. The brothers saw the palace all made of gold, went inside, and there were untold riches. The first brother took a sword made of gold. The second brother took an iron club. The third one took magic wand. The Serpent Gorynych appeared out of nowhere. One with a sword, the other with a club, but Zmey Gorynych doesn’t take anything. Only the third brother waved his wand, and instead of the kite there was a boar, which ran away. The brothers returned home and have been helping their weak brother ever since.


Once upon a time there lived a little bunny. And one day a fox stole him and carried him far away, far away. She put him in prison and locked him. The poor bunny sits and thinks: “How to escape?” And suddenly he sees stars falling from the small window, and a little fairy squirrel appears. And she told him to wait until the fox fell asleep and get the key. The fairy gave him a package and told him to open it only at night.

Night has come. The bunny untied the package and saw a fishing rod. He took it, stuck it through the window, and swung it. The hook hit the key. The bunny pulled and took the key. He opened the door and ran home. And the fox looked for him and looked for him, but never found him.

Tale about the king

In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there lived a king and a queen. And they had three sons: Vanya, Vasya and Peter. One fine day the brothers were walking in the garden. In the evening they came home. The king and queen meet them at the gate and say: “Robbers have attacked our land. Take the troops and drive them out of our land.” And the brothers went and began to look for the robbers.

For three days and three nights they rode without rest. On the fourth day, a heated battle is seen near one village. The brothers galloped to the rescue. There was a battle from early morning until late evening. Many people died on the battlefield, but the brothers won.

They returned home. The king and queen rejoiced at the victory, the king was proud of his sons and threw a feast for the whole world. And I was there, and I drank honey. It flowed down my mustache, but didn’t get into my mouth.

Magic fish

Once upon a time there lived a boy, Petya. Once he went fishing. The first time he cast his fishing rod, he caught nothing. The second time he cast his fishing rod and again did not catch anything. The third time he cast his fishing rod and caught goldfish. Petya brought it home and put it in a jar. I began to make imaginary fairy-tale wishes:

Fish - fish I want to learn mathematics.

Okay, Petya, I'll do the math for you.

Rybka - Rybka I want to learn Russian.

Okay, Petya, I'll do Russian for you.

And the boy made a third wish:

I want to become a scientist

The fish said nothing, just splashed its tail in the water and disappeared into the waves forever.

If you don’t study and don’t work, you can’t become a scientist.

Magical girl

Once upon a time there lived a girl - the Sun. And she was called the Sun because she smiled. The sun began to travel across Africa. She felt thirsty. When she said these words, a large bucket of cool water suddenly appeared. The girl drank some water, and the water was golden. And the Sun became strong, healthy and happy. And when things were difficult for her in life, those difficulties went away. And the girl realized about her magic. She wished for toys, but it didn’t come true. The Sun began to act up and the magic disappeared. It is true what they say: “If you want a lot, you will get little.”

Tale about kittens

Once upon a time there lived a cat and a cat, and they had three kittens. The eldest was called Barsik, the middle one was Murzik, and the youngest was Ryzhik. One day they went for a walk and saw a frog. The kittens chased after her. The frog jumped into the bushes and disappeared. Ryzhik asked Barsik:

Who is it?

“I don’t know,” Barsik answered.

Let's catch him, Murzik suggested.

And the kittens climbed into the bushes, but the frog was no longer there. They went home to tell their mother about it. The mother cat listened to them and said that it was a frog. So the kittens found out what kind of animal it was.


NEW TRAINING - PRACTICUM for teachers and parents




During the training, together with you, we will compose fairy tales that will help us and our children solve the problems that have arisen in their upbringing and development (does not want to brush their teeth or wash their hair, is afraid of dogs or peers in the sandbox, says “toilet words”, does not want to share toys, too trusting or, on the contrary, distrustful, etc. - according to your requests and situations of specific children and mothers who participated in the training),

we will learn to tell them correctly to children, play, discuss.

we will find out what and how to do, so that the fairy tale helps us and the child to establish relationships and mutual understanding, to support each other in difficult moments, gently and easily resolve difficult communication situations.

We will share the results with each other, support and help each other, receiving professional help from child and family psychologist Natalia Barinova, her tips, advice from her experience.

Individual fairy tales that you will learn to compose at the training for your child are:

  • the key to success and joyful creative communication with children,
  • a key that will always be with you - at home and on the road, in winter and summer;
  • a key that will gently, easily and lovingly help you resolve problems in raising children.

The training includes:

  1. Introductory webinar about why and how to compose fairy tales for your specific child, taking into account his characteristics, the characteristics of the family and the problem that you want to solve. How to tell a fairy tale to a child? What should be changed in the texts of finished fairy tales and how can they be edited taking into account the specifics of your situation?
  2. Two webinars-workshops, where we will help each other to compose a fairy tale for our specific children of the course, discuss our fairy tales, give each other ideas, phrases, plot points, and the host of the training, child and family psychologist Natalya Barinova, will guide you at the webinar will help each of you.
  3. Communication of training participants with each other in remote class forums, group support.
  4. Communication with the leader of the training - family and child psychologist Natalya Barinova, her assistance to each participant course, answers to your questions, analysis of fairy tales. Natalya will always guide you and help you see something. what is not immediately visible will tell you
  5. Collections of fairy tales composed by training participants(will be ready based on the results of the training after its completion).
  6. Appendix - All recordings of our old course "A fairy tale will help - 1, 2, 3", which took place on our website and in the Games Workshop “Through the game - to success!” four years ago (a complete set of webinar recordings, answers to questions, fairy tales, practical materials). Here's what this kit includes" old version course" - see below

DATES OF TRAINING: July - August, each training participant learns at an individual pace





See you at our fabulous training! Our children and we so need the world of fairy tales!

A fairy tale is the key to happy communication with children and to the easy resolution of many problem situations. But you still need to be able to use this key. How? - we will talk about this in our course.

In this course you will learn:

    • how to compose a fairy tale to solve your child’s problems,
    • how to tell it to your baby, so that it gives results,
    • How edit in relation to individual characteristics Your child’s ready-made psychocorrectional tales from books or other sources,
    • what fairy tales and how will they help? To you in different specific situations raising children (the baby is afraid of something, does not use the potty, cannot wean himself off the pacifier, does not want to go to the kindergarten, is embarrassed by guests, does not want to get dressed or cut his nails, is afraid to wash his hair and many others).

Problematic situations often arise in raising children. One kid is shy strangers, another - doesn’t want to get dressed for a walk or put away toys, the third - can’t part with his pacifier, the fourth - likes to make faces, the fifth - has difficulty going to kindergarten every morning, the sixth - has difficulty finding mutual language with peers, etc.

How do you prefer to handle these situations? Which option do you usually choose?

Option 1.

  • read notations and it’s boring to explain to a child that you can’t do this, and then wonder why it doesn’t help,
  • try not to pay attention to the problem, worry about it every day,
  • ask neighbors and girlfriends for advice, grandmothers in the yard, but it’s not a fact that they will work and help, because all children are different,
  • look for an answer in the forums and try to apply the sketchy techniques that you managed to find, wasting your invaluable time on this,
  • find a ready-made fairy tale on the Internet to solve the problem, read it to your baby without changes, and wonder why the fairy tale you read had no effect on your baby’s behavior
  • consider that “the child was born that way” and lose faith that the problem can be solved.

Option 2.

  • learn to compose individual fairy tales, compiled by you specifically for your baby taking into account all its features - fairy tales that help specifically for your child,
  • gain a knowledge system about the secrets of fairy tale therapy for children preschool age from a specialist in this field - a child psychologist
  • get information in one place and quickly, in accessible language and with examples of use
  • avoid the most common mistakes,
  • get the key to a soft and easy solution to many problems in raising children,
  • learn to understand your child, see the life situation through his eyes,
  • learn to change ready-made fairy tales taking into account the characteristics of your child and your situation and tell them correctly to your baby.

The purpose of fairy tale therapy- help the child develop in the most optimal and natural way for him, realizing his capabilities

Fairy tales and fairytale therapy are a tool that is very necessary for every parent and teacher who loves children. It is a fairy tale that often helps when nothing else helps. That’s why I invited child psychologist Natalya Barinova to conduct a whole series of webinars on the basics of fairy tale therapy. And now this cycle is available to everyone.

The choice is yours.

Part 1. "A fairy tale will help - 1: How to compose and tell fairy tales? Brave child"

This is a basic webinar of the series “A Fairy Tale Will Help”

The set "A fairy tale will help - 1" includes:

1.Four videos(total duration - 129 minutes)

1.1. How to write a fairy tale to solve a child's problems? How to change a finished fairy tale taking into account the characteristics of your baby? (video lecture - 39 minutes)

1.2. How to tell your fairy tale to a child? (video lecture - 17 minutes)

1.3. Brave child: what you need to know about children's fears and anxiety, about communication with a child for every parent and teacher, what mistakes are important to avoid? What are the causes of children's fears and anxiety? (video lecture - 28 minutes)

1.4. Answers on questions - video recording of the webinar (45 minutes).

2. Mini-book "Brave Kid" with webinar materials.

3. Reader with poems, games, fairy tale texts.

You will learn:

"A fairy tale will help - 2"

Part 2. "A fairy tale will help - 2: fairy tales for children early age" What is included in the "A Fairy Tale Will Help - 2" kit: 1. Recording of the webinar “A fairy tale will help - 2” (1 hour 45 minutes). 2. Practical application - mini-book "A fairy tale will help - 2. Fairy tales for kids."

You will learn:

  • What to do if the baby just can’t wean yourself off the pacifier?
  • How to teach a baby to use the potty?
  • What to do if the baby doesn't want to sleep in your own crib separately from your parents?
  • How can a fairy tale help if the child doesn't want to go to kindergarten?
  • What to do if the baby doesn't clean up his toys?
  • What to do if the baby doesn't want to take a bath or cut his nails?
  • Why your baby asks to be held on the street and what to do in this case?
  • How can a fairy tale help a child who doesn't like to dress up?
  • What to do if your baby often teased?

"A fairy tale will help - 3"

Part 3. "A fairy tale will help - 3. Fairytale therapy. Gender approach" - fairy tales that educate masculinity and femininity The kit includes: 1. Fairy tale therapy: gender approach (video lecture - 25 minutes)

  • What is gender education?
  • What is the difference between women's and men's fairy tales, women's and men's paths in life?
  • What are mixed fairy tales?
  • Should girls read “male” fairy tales, and boys should read “female” ones, and why?

2. Fairy tales for boys and not only - men's fairy tales (video lecture - 20 minutes):

  • How did our ancestors instill masculinity in boys?
  • How does a fairy tale teach a child to be flexible in life?
  • What does the tale of the three little pigs teach a boy?
  • Archetype of struggle and road in a folk tale
  • What ideas and life scenarios are contained in fairy tales for boys: Kolobok, Three Little Pigs, Po pike command, tales about Ivanushka the fool?

3. Fairy tales for girls and more - women's fairy tales(video lecture - 40 minutes)

  • How do fairy tales teach a girl to create a cozy, comfortable environment around herself and accept help?
  • What does the metaphor of sorting seeds mean?
  • How do fairy tales instill in a girl the expectation of love as happiness?
  • What is women's happiness?
  • How to “unfreeze” love in yourself?
  • What feminine power and its source?
  • Why are feelings of guilt and resentment dangerous?
  • Which fairy tale images most often tried on by modern women?
  • Who are Cinderellas, Snow Whites, Little Red Riding Hoods, Snow queens, Gerda in modern life?
  • How not to turn from a source of love into a source of pain?

4. Webinar answering questions and clarifying information from video lectures (recording of the webinar - 46 minutes). Analysis of specific fairy tales and specific cases of the influence of fairy tales on children.

You will learn:

  • How can you use three little pigs to teach a boy to weigh his strength in the fight against the enemy, and use beans to teach a girl to be picky about her suitors?
  • Which fairy tales should boys read and which should girls read?
  • How to read fairy tales to children, how to read “girly” fairy tales to boys, and how to read “boyish” fairy tales to girls.
  • How to read fairy tales if your family has children of different sexes?
  • What do we - adults - need to know about masculinity and femininity in order to be happy in our lives and raise happy children?
  • How not to live your life in the scenario of Little Red Riding Hood or the Snow Queen?
  • How to correct a child’s gender-inappropriate behavior with the help of a fairy tale?
  • and much more.

  • For parents- mothers, fathers, grandmothers, grandfathers - who love their kids and care about their happiness and health,
  • For teachers of kindergartens and children's centers, those interested in fairy tale therapy and wishing to use fairy tales in raising children,
  • For teachers of family clubs and associations.
  • Winner of the Moscow Grant award in Education (2009)
  • Winner All-Russian competition professional excellence "Teacher-psychologist of Russia"(2009) and the “Professional Vocation” competition.
  • Practicing child psychologist, specialist in child-parent relations, masters fairy tale therapy and art therapy techniques, author of psychological and pedagogical development programs for children.
  • Has more than 30 publications on the topic of psychological development of children
  • Takes part as a specialist - child psychologist in the television programs "Mom's School" First educational TV channel.
  • Head of the psychological department of the Center for Natural Development and Child Health.
  • Member of the expert council of the All-Russian Toy Expertise to "Expertise for children".
  • Mother two adult children.
  • Editor of the magazine - family and pedagogical almanac "Children's Question"

Webinar materials design and organization- Valasina Asya, host of the Internet Workshop of educational games “Through the game - to success!”, author of the site “Native Path”, candidate of pedagogical sciences.

For any questions, please contact: valasina@site

We wish you creative inspiration, new fairy tales, joyful communication with your kids and successful solution of their problems with the help of fairy tales!

See you on the course!

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences.

See you again on the "Native Path"!

In a certain kingdom, in a children's state, there lived a Fairy Tale. She loved children very much, had strong friendships with them, taught them and helped them. She told the children about the world around them, about strange countries and their inhabitants; - she shared deep knowledge about a person, his life and customs - and the children understood themselves and other people better, the children’s inner world became richer, they became smarter and more confident. Together with the heroes of the fairy tale, the children overcame obstacles and grew up strong, fair and resilient. And when the fairy tale was funny and weird, the children also had fun, and their souls were filled with peace, joy and goodness. Encounters with fairy tales also made the children’s childhood a little fairy-tale-like. Therefore, the children loved the Fairy Tale very much as the kindest and best friend. And parents loved fairy tales because it made it easier to raise and raise children.

But “different times” came. The children have grown up, they have become adults and smart people, and complex and “smart” mechanisms appeared in their lives - televisions, Cell phones, computers, slot machines...And when former children children of their own appeared, the adults decided that the Fairy Tale was outdated and not suitable for modern world...And the adults decided to find new friends for their children...

This is how kids got “cool” toys, fashionable games, exciting cartoons, and then the almighty computer. The fairy tale was not listed among friends, it was forgotten and I felt abandoned and useless to anyone. Children long hours played with ready-made toys, spent time in front of a screen or monitor, and adults went about their business.

So the days passed. Suddenly, parents began to notice that their children’s faces were becoming gray, their bodies were becoming haggard, and their eyes were dull. Over time, more and more often, interactions with children ended in outbursts of anger or crying, and some of the children even began to get sick. The parents were perplexed, because for happy childhood they do so much! The children continued to feel sad and wasted away and could not explain to the adults why. And kindergarten teachers and school teachers wondered why children had become so aggressive, why they couldn’t make friends... Doctors also shrugged...

One day, one boy played on the computer for a long, long time and defeated all the monsters and bandits. But he couldn’t understand why he felt so bad at heart after that. He hit his beloved dog, was rude to his dad and, while talking on the phone, quarreled with his friend... Neither he himself nor the adults could understand what was happening... He sat with his head on the table, and no one knew how to help him...

And then his mother quietly approached him, stroked his head and said: “I want to introduce you to the most best friend my childhood..."

- And who is it? - the boy asked incredulously

- This is my children's fairy tale.

“Read it,” the boy asked. Mom opened the book and quietly began “once upon a time...”, and then “in a certain kingdom, in the thirtieth state...”, and then “once upon a time there was an old man and an old woman...”.

And - lo and behold! Mom saw how with every page her boy seemed to be filled with joy, light, strength, goodness and health. She took a short break to call other parents and tell them that a cure for the child's soul had been found! And then she returned to her child, and together they continued the magical healing that evening and many, many more evenings in a row...

What is the power of a fairy tale?

A fairy tale develops a child’s cognitive world, broadens his horizons, helps improve speech and thinking, and national self-awareness.

Fairy tales educate careful attitude to the world of living beings, nature and environmentally educate the child.

Magical adventures in a fairy tale reduce a child’s anxiety and aggression, help to take a break from stress, and gain strength.

Through a fairy tale, a child gains knowledge about people's lives, their problems and ways to overcome them. A “bank” is laid in the child’s subconscious life situations and solutions”, which a person uses throughout his life.

True fairy tales fill a child’s world with life-affirming power: good defeats evil, and together with the heroes, the child gains confidence in their and his own strength.

While reading a fairy tale nervous system children are in a special state during which an unconscious elaboration of their own psychological problems, the child’s inner world is restored and harmonized.

How to communicate with a children's fairy tale?

  • Read and Analyze fairy tales from an early age. Select fairy tales in accordance with the child’s age, help him understand their meaning and the actions of the characters.
  • Reread your favorite fairy tales with your child many times.
  • Tell folk “grandmother’s” tales.
  • Write fairy tales together with your child, developing him Creative skills and speech.
  • Draw illustrations for what you read.
  • Make (sculpt, design, cut out of paper) heroes and characters, sew and knit dolls together.
  • Feel the child’s problem (fear, anxiety, loneliness) and come up with a fairy tale where the hero finds ways to overcome this trouble.
  • Act out fairy-tale stories, assigning your child the role of a character with similar problematic or missing character traits for the child: the fearful one - the role of a brave knight, and the greedy one - the generous wizard.

Let the mighty energy of a fairy tale accumulate in your child’s soul!

Have a fabulous growing up!

Psychologist GDPPND L.A. Sinyavskaya

In all centuries, at all times, people have helped each other. Someone ended up in difficult situation, confused, doesn’t know what to do next - how good it would be if there are those who can help with advice, kind words or business. The story “Help a friend” is about those who helped in time.

Once upon a time there were two hedgehogs, two friends, one was called Squishy, ​​and the other was Smarty. The hedgehogs' friendship began a long time ago. Clever Man liked that Squishy always believed in his strength. And Squishy was glad that Clever Man knew how to share his friend’s joy, and did not laugh at his shortcomings, of which Squishy had plenty. He knew about them himself.

Yes, Squishy was afraid of unfamiliar sounds, was sometimes careless, and, most importantly, did not know how to stand up for himself. Clever Hedgehog tried to help his friend get rid of his shortcomings, but it was not so easy to do.

One day, Clever Hedgehog was walking along the path and whistling something cheerfully.

“I’ll go see Squishy,” he thought.

But Khlyupsik was not at home. The wise guy did not find a friend either in the house, or in the pantry, or in the yard.

-Where did Squishy go? - Smart the hedgehog said out loud.

“I saw,” said Beauty the magpie flying past, “how your friend was talking with some unfamiliar wolf, whose black tail ends in white fluff.” Your friend and the wolf - all hee-hee-hee yes ha-ha-ha. Apparently, after that your friend disappeared.

- Where is he, my trusting friend, my dear Squishy? - the hedgehog groaned. - What to do, where to find him?

“Well, okay,” said the magpie Beauty, “I’ll fly and see, maybe I’ll meet this wolf with white fluff somewhere.”

And she flew. At the foot of the Green Mountain, the magpie met the wolf it was looking for. Magpie Beauty quickly flew towards the hedgehog. Clever Hedgehog set off on the road, and the magpie showed him the way.

Having reached Green Mountain, the hedgehog Clever hid and began to watch the wolf. The wolf wandered back and forth and suddenly went somewhere.

“Probably headed to his house, which is called the “den,” the hedgehog thought.

And exactly. The wolf house turned out to be well camouflaged.

“It’s a good shelter,” thought Smart Hedgehog.

And suddenly he heard some strange sounds. Either someone snorted angrily, or groaned, or grinned. And suddenly it dawned on Smart Guy:

- This is Squishy! He's locked up somewhere and he's snorting.

“Are you going to tell me where your whole hedgehog family hid?” – Smart Guy suddenly heard.

“So that’s why the unfamiliar wolf didn’t eat Squishy,” thought Smart Guy. “He decided to find out from him where his family was hiding so that he could feast on everyone!”

Squishy did not answer the wolf’s menacing question.

“We urgently need to save Squishy,” decided the Smarty Hedgehog. - But how?

And then one thought came to Smart Man’s head. He quietly called out to the magpie Beauty and she flew up to him.

- Fly, call your sisters here. And then shout out loud:

— Hedgehogs are celebrating a holiday at Strawberry Meadow! And everything like that. The wolf will run there, and here we will unlock Squishy and run home.

So they did. Soon Khlyupsik was released. He realized that the salvation occurred thanks to the cunning plan of the hedgehog Clever and the help of the forty sisters. He, of course, thanked the magpie Beauty and her sisters. And the hedgehog said to Smarty:

- Thank you a true friend! Helped me out of trouble.

What about the wolf?

He came to Strawberry Glade, and there was no one there!..