Tolstoy war and peace historical event. The main events of each volume of the novel War and Peace

Tolstoy begins his novel with the image of two elements: one - embodied in the Rostovs, Pierre, Andrei Bolkonsky, the other - secular society.

Erg always speaks very precisely, calmly and courteously, without expending any spiritual strength, and always about what concerns him alone. The same impeccability is revealed in the state reformer and outwardly amazingly active figure Speransky, when Prince Andrei notices his cold, mirror-like, distant gaze, sees a meaningless smile, hears a metallic, distinct laugh. In another case, the “revitalization of life” is opposed by the lifeless look of the Tsar’s minister Arakcheev and the same look of Napoleonic Marshal Davout. Myself great commander Napoleon is always pleased with himself. Like Speransky, he has a “cold, self-confident face”, “a sharp, precise voice that finishes every letter. However, revealing the fleeting movements of the human soul, Tolstoy sometimes suddenly revives these metallic, distinct figures, these mirror eyes, and then Prince Vasily ceases to be himself, the horror of death takes possession of him, and he sobs at the death of the old Count Bezukhov. The “little princess” experiences sincere and genuine fear, anticipating her difficult birth.

“War and Peace” is one of the few works in world literature of the 19th century that can rightfully be called an epic novel. Events of a large historical scale, life in general, and not private, form the basis of its content, it reveals historical process, an unusually wide coverage of Russian life in all its layers has been achieved, and as a result of this, the number characters, in particular characters from the folk environment.

All these cold and deceitful people are not able to understand the danger and difficult situation in which the Russian people are experiencing the invasion of Napoleon, or to be imbued with the “people's thought.” They can only be inspired by a false game of patriotism, like Anna Pavlovna Scherer or Julie Karagina, by a wardrobe successfully acquired at a time when the fatherland is going through a terrible time, like Berg, by the thought of closeness to supreme authority or the expectation of awards and advancement through the ranks, like Boris Drubetskoy on the eve of the Battle of Borodino. Their ghostly life is not only insignificant, but also dead. It fades and crumbles from contact with real thoughts and feelings. Even the shallow but natural feeling of attraction of Pierre Bezukhov to Helen suppressed everything and hovered above the artificial babble of the living room, where “the jokes were sad, the news was not interesting, the animation was obviously fake.”

For Tolstoy, secular society is a symbol of deceit and pretense. This is Anna Pavlovna Scherer, portraying an enthusiast, offering guests a viscount, then an abbot. Thought, feeling, sincerity are somewhere else for her. This is a regular guest in Anna Pavlovna’s salon - Prince Vasily, who speaks like a “wound clock.” And here the automatism, the lack of freedom, the hypocrisy that has become the essence of man are emphasized. This is the beautiful Helen, who always smiles equally beautifully at everyone. When Helen first appears, her constant smile is mentioned three times. The “Little Princess” Bolkonskaya is not forgiven for her completely innocent coquetry only because with the hostess of the drawing room, and with the general, and with her husband, and with his friend Pierre, she speaks in the same capricious and playful tone, and Prince Andrei hears from her five times exactly the same phrase about Countess Zubova. The eldest princess, who does not love Pierre, looks at him “dullly and motionlessly,” without changing the expression of her eyes. Even when she is excited (by talking about an inheritance), her eyes remain the same, as the author carefully notes, and this external detail is enough to judge the poverty of her nature. B

It shows Russian national life and, most importantly, the history of the people and the path best representatives noble class to the people are the ideological and artistic core of the work. “War and Peace” is a work in which the writer sought to answer the questions: what is the calling of the Russian intelligentsia? What should you do thinking people to benefit the Motherland? What can veneration lead to? strong personality? What is the general role of the individual and the people in history? The breadth of coverage of the Russian nation in the work is amazing: noble estates, aristocratic metropolitan salons, village holidays and diplomatic receptions, greatest battles and paintings peaceful life, emperors, peasants, dignitaries, landowners, merchants, soldiers, generals. We meet more than 500 characters on the pages of the novel.

Tolstoy always believed that a person’s smile speaks volumes: “if a smile adds charm to the face, then the face is beautiful; if it does not change it, then it is ordinary; if it spoils it, then it is bad.” And Tolstoy carefully watches people’s smiles. About Vera Rostova, he says: “A smile did not grace Vera’s face, as usually happens; on the contrary, her face became unnatural and therefore unpleasant.” Andrei Bolkonsky knows the value of this whole world, the people of the world. Living rooms, gossip, balls, vanity, insignificance - this is a vicious circle that he sees and from which he wants to break out. This is why he goes to war. Prince Andrei has a “bored look”; expressions of boredom, fatigue and annoyance alternate on his face. However, the portrait of Andrei Tolstoy reflects the contradiction between the demonstrative expression of boredom and the inner passion of struggle. This is manifested in Andrei's conversations with Pierre.

When Pierre Bezukhov first entered Anna Pavlovna's living room, she was frightened, because Pierre had something that was not characteristic of the world - an intelligent and natural look that distinguished him from everyone in this living room. Tolstoy calls Pierre a child. He is naive, he does not understand that he is in a toy house, he wants to talk about world politics with wind-up toys. He mistakes Helen for a "genius" pure beauty" And “his smile was not like other people’s, merging with a non-smile. On the contrary, when a smile came, then suddenly, instantly, his serious face disappeared and another, childish, kind one appeared.” His smile seemed to say: “Opinions are opinions, but you see what a kind and nice fellow I am.”

Work on the novel “War and Peace” lasted 7 years (from 1863 to 1869). Tolstoy begins his novel in 1805. He intended to take heroes and heroines through the historical events of 1805, 1807, 1812, 1825 and end in 1856. That is, the novel had to cover a large historical period. However, in the process of working on it, Tolstoy gradually narrowed its chronological scope and thus came to the creation of a new novel.

This book combines the most important images in the world history of events and a deep analysis of human souls. And although the chronological framework was narrowed from 1805 to 1820, Tolstoy went beyond the personal fate of the heroes and created a grandiose epic picture of Russian life at the beginning of the last century.

All of them, especially the positive heroes, are in constant search. Tolstoy's favorite heroes are not flawless, but they strive for improvement, search for the meaning of life, tranquility for them is tantamount to spiritual death. But the path to truth and righteousness is difficult and thorny. The characters created by Tolstoy reflect the moral and philosophical research of the author of the novel himself. The novel tells about the events taking place during three stages of Russia's struggle with Bonapartist France. Volume 1 describes the events of 1805, when Russia, in alliance with Austria, waged a war on its territory with France. In the 2nd volume of 1806-1807, when Russian troops were in Prussia. The 3rd and 4th volumes are devoted to a broad depiction of the Patriotic War of 1812, which Russia waged on its native soil. In the epilogue, the action takes place in 1820.

Marshal Davout forgets his cruel duty for a moment and is able to see a man, a brother, in the arrested Pierre Bezukhov. The always self-confident Napoleon on the day of the Battle of Borodino experiences confusion and a restless feeling of powerlessness. Tolstoy is convinced that “people are like rivers”, that every person contains all the possibilities, the abilities of any development. They flash before frozen, self-satisfied people at the thought of death and at the sight of mortal danger, but for these people “possibility does not turn into reality.” They are not able to leave the usual path; they leave the novel spiritually empty, vicious, and criminal. External immutability and staticity turn out to be the surest sign of internal coldness and callousness, spiritual inertia, indifference to general life, beyond the narrow circle of personal and class interests.

And Tolstoy contrasts this empty, false world with another world, which is especially close and dear to him - the world of the Rostovs, Pierre Bezukhov, Andrei Bolkonsky.

Historical events in the novel “War and Peace” through the destinies of the heroes (Completed by 10th grade student Khaidarshin Rinat

Images of the heroes of the novel: Anatol Kuragin Andrey Bolkonsky Anna Pavlovna Sherer Bagration Bagration Boris Druybetskaya Vasily Kuragin Countess Rostov Dolokhov Captain Tushin Princess Marya Kutuzov Lisa Bolkonskaya Napoleon Natasha Rostov Nikolai Rostov Platon Pierkhov Pierkhov Sonya Sonya Sonya Sonya Schordy

The theme of the novel “War and Peace” is the image of Russian society in the first quarter of the XIX century. The main historical event of this period is, of course, the Patriotic War of 1812, which became the most important turning point in Russian history. Tolstoy shows the war of 1812 as historical event, in which the Russian was most clearly manifested national character. - Firstly, the war and the victory over Napoleonic France contributed to the growth of the national self-awareness of the Russians, who had until now worshiped France, and now had become the conquerors of their own idols. - Secondly, victory in Patriotic War exacerbated all social and economic contradictions in Russia, raised the question of government reforms. In particular, advanced Russian people understood that huge role The common people played a role in the victory over Napoleon, and they hoped that Alexander the First would limit or even abolish serfdom, so painful for the victorious people. But no decisive government reforms followed after the Patriotic War, which led to discontent and the Decembrist uprising in Senate Square. Historians precisely because domestic policy They call the reign of Alexander the First “the era of lost opportunities.”

The Patriotic War is a people's war, so Tolstoy pays great attention to the description guerrilla warfare. Here the author acts both as a historian and as an artist. He talks about the origin, organization, role partisan movement in the victory over the French. Tolstoy writes sarcastically about the indignation of the French, who historical works They wrote about Napoleon’s Russian campaign that the war of 1812 was not won by the Russians according to the rules. As if there were any rules for war! The writer in his novel responds to the reproaches of the French: the Russians, seeing their Fatherland in danger, did not think long about whether they were fighting correctly with the aggressor who had invaded their land or not. “Blessed are those people who, in a moment of trial, without asking how others acted according to the rules similar cases, with simplicity and ease, picks up the first club he comes across and nails it with it until in his soul the feeling of insult and revenge is replaced by contempt and pity,” exclaims the author. Tikhon Shcherbaty, the most useful person in the detachment of Vasily Denisov. For Tolstoy it is absolutely clear that Napoleon could not win the Russian campaign, since he fought not with an army, but with an entire people.

The action of the novel does not end with the end of the Patriotic War. The description of the Patriotic War occupies only the third and fourth volumes of the novel, therefore the first and second volumes, which describe the participation of Russian troops in the Napoleonic Wars of 1805-1807, can be called an exposition of the main historical action. The most important historical events of the first and second volumes of the novel are descriptions of two military operations - the Battle of Shengraben and Battle of Austerlitz- and the Tilsit world.

Anatol Kuragin Son of Prince Vasily, brother of Helen and Hippolyte. The father looks at his son as a “restless fool.” Very handsome, dandy, impudent, selfish Stupid, not resourceful, but popular in society Anatole is Dolokhov’s friend Anatole treats women with contempt, feeling his superiority. He is used to being liked by everyone without experiencing anything serious in response

Andrei Bolkonsky Son of Prince Bolkonsky, brother Princess Marya. At the beginning of the novel we see Andrei as an intelligent, proud, but rather arrogant person. He is very reserved, well educated, he has a strong will. He despises people of high society, is unhappy in his marriage. He fights on an equal basis with all soldiers, shows great courage, composure, and prudence. Bolkonsky was seriously wounded in the Battle of Austerlitz. This moment is extremely important, because that’s when it began spiritual rebirth hero. Bolkonsky understands the pettiness and stupidity of everything that happens in the war. Andrey sees Napoleon and understands the insignificance of this

Anna Pavlovna Sherer Anna Pavlovna is the owner of a fashionable salon in St. Petersburg, the description of the evening in which opens the novel. Artificial, like all high society. Her attitude towards any person or event depends entirely on the latest political, courtly or secular considerations. In 1812, her salon shows false patriotism, eating cabbage soup and being fined for speaking French.

Bagration This is real historical figure. Hero of the Patriotic War of 1812, bears the title of prince. Tolstoy says that he is short, with an oriental type of hard and motionless face, dry, not yet an old man. In the novel, we mainly see him as the commander of the Battle of Shengraben, whom Kutuzov blessed to save the army. Everyone loves and respects him for his determination and courage. During the most decisive moment of the battle, Bagration does not give visible orders, but dismounts and goes into battle ahead of the entire army. During the Battle of Austerlitz, B. also showed his heroism. Tolstoy notes that when a dinner was given in honor of Bagration, in his person “honor was given to a fighting, simple, without connections or intrigue, Russian soldier....”

Begr German, first the groom, and then the husband of Vera Rostova. At the beginning of the work, Berg is a lieutenant, and at the end of the work he becomes a colonel, from which one can see that Berg has made a good career. He is precise, calm, courteous, but very selfish and stingy. He loves and can only talk about himself and his successes.

Boris Drubetskoy Son of Princess Anna Mikhailovna Drubetskoy. From childhood he was brought up and lived for a long time in the house of the Rostovs, to whom he was a relative. B. and Natasha were in love with each other. A tall, blond young man with regular, delicate features of a calm and beautiful face Since his youth, B. has dreamed of a military career and allows his mother to humiliate herself in front of her superiors if it helps him. So, Prince Vasily finds him a place in the guard. Boris is going to do brilliant career, makes many useful contacts.

Vasily Kuragin Prince, father of Helen, Anatoly and Hippolyte. This is a very famous and quite influential person in society; he occupies an important court post. Treats everyone around him condescendingly and patronizingly. External description: in a courtier's, embroidered uniform, in stockings, shoes, with stars, with a bright expression on a flat face, with a perfumed and shining bald head. He does not specifically wish harm on anyone, but simply uses people and circumstances to carry out his plans. Strives to get closer to people who are richer and higher in position than him. Prince Vasily is a great intriguer who knows how to live in society and make acquaintances with the right people.

Count Rostov Ilya Andreevi - count, father of Natasha, Nikolai, Vera and Petya. A very good-natured, generous person, loving life and not very good at calculating his funds. He is capable of hosting a reception or a ball better than anyone, he is a hospitable host and an exemplary family man. The count is accustomed to living in grand style, and when his means no longer allow this, he gradually ruins his family, from which he suffers greatly.

Countess Rostov The wife of Count Rostov, “a woman with an oriental type of thin face, about forty-five years old, apparently exhausted by children... The slowness of her movements and speech, resulting from weakness of strength, gave her a significant appearance that inspires respect.” Rostova creates an atmosphere of love and kindness in her family and is very concerned about the fate of her children. The news of the death of her youngest and beloved son Petya almost drives her crazy. She is accustomed to luxury and fulfillment of the slightest whims, and demands this after the death of her husband.

Dolokhov Physical description: Dolokhov was a man of average height, curly hair and with light blue eyes, about twenty-five. He did not wear a mustache, like all infantry officers, and his mouth, the most striking feature of his face, was completely visible. This hero is not rich, loves to have fun, but knows how to position himself in such a way that everyone around him respects and is afraid of him. He is a smart, brave and cold-blooded person. He is not afraid of death, he is reputed an evil person, hides his tender love for his mother. He divides people into harmful and useful, sees those around him mostly as harmful and is ready to get rid of them.

Captain Tushin Staff Captain, hero of the Battle of Shengraben. Tushin is a man vertically challenged with a thin voice, there was something “unmilitary, somewhat comical, but extremely attractive” about him. This hero is shy in front of his superiors and feels guilty. On the eve of the battle, Tushin talks about the fear of death, but during the battle the hero is transformed. He feels like “a huge, powerful man who throws cannonballs at the French with both hands.” During the battle, the staff captain is no longer afraid of death or injury, he becomes more and more cheerful, the soldiers obey him like children.

Princess Marya Daughter of the old Prince Bolkonsky and sister of Andrei Bolkonsky. She is ugly, sickly, but her whole face is transformed by the beautiful eyes of Religious. She often hosts strangers. She has no close friends, she lives under the yoke of her father, whom she loves but is incredibly afraid of. She gives all her love to her father, brother Andrei and his son, trying to replace little Nikolenka deceased mother. Marya's life changes after meeting Nikolai Rostov. It was he who saw all the wealth and beauty of her soul. They get married, M. becomes a devoted wife, completely sharing all the views of her husband.

Kuragina Helen is the daughter of Prince Vasily, and then the wife of Pierre Bezukhov. A brilliant St. Petersburg beauty with an “unchanging smile,” white full shoulders, glossy hair and a beautiful figure. Helen is unperturbed, giving everyone the right to admire herself, which is why she feels like she has a shine from many other people’s glances. She knows how to be silently dignified in the world, giving the impression of being tactful and smart woman which, combined with beauty, ensures her constant success.

Kutuzov A real historical figure, commander-in-chief of the Russian army. “He will listen to everything, remember everything, put everything in its place, will not interfere with anything useful and will not allow anything harmful. He understands that there is something stronger and more significant than his will - this is the inevitable course of events, and he knows how to see them, knows how to understand their meaning and, in view of this meaning, knows how to renounce participation in these events, from his personal will aimed at something else.” Kutuzov knew that “the spirit of the army decides the fate of the battle.” Kutuzov merges with the people, he is always modest and simple. He is an exponent folk wisdom in the novel.

Lisa Bolkonskaya Wife of Prince Andrei. She is the darling of the whole world, an attractive young woman Lisa was everyone's favorite thanks to her always liveliness and courtesy secular woman, she could not imagine her life without high society. She does not understand her husband, his aspirations and ideals. After Andrei leaves for the war, Lisa lives in the Bald Mountains with the old Prince Bolkonsky, for whom she feels fear and hostility.

Napoleon This is a real historical figure, the French emperor. Napoleon in the novel is revealed deeply negative traits his character. Outwardly we see a well-fed and lordly pampered man with a “round belly”, “fat thighs of short legs”, “a white plump neck”, “a plump short figure”. All his behavior is pure posturing. He is selfish, narcissistic, people were of no interest to him. After a won battle, he likes to walk around the battlefield and look at the victims.

Natasha Rostova One of the main characters. Daughter of Count and Countess Rostov. “Black-eyed, with big mouth, ugly, but alive. . . ". She is emotional and sensitive, not very smart, but she has an amazing ability to guess people. She is capable of noble deeds, she can forget about her interests for the sake of others. Natasha has a very beautiful voice, she is very musical. Lives in an atmosphere of love and happiness.

Nikolai Rostov Son of Count Rostov. "A short, curly-haired young man with an open expression on his face." The hero is distinguished by “impetuousness and enthusiasm”, he is cheerful, open, friendly and emotional. Participates in the Patriotic War of 1812. In the Battle of Shengraben he bravely goes on the attack, but after being wounded he panics and thinks about death for all those “who love him.” This event somewhat belittles the image of the hero. Afterwards, Nikolai becomes a brave officer, a real hussar, remaining faithful to duty

Nikolai Bolkonsky Nikolay Andreevich - prince, general-in-chief, was dismissed from service under Paul I and exiled to the village. He is the father of Andrei Bolkonsky and Princess Marya. Pedantic, dry, active person who cannot stand idleness, stupidity, or superstition. In his house, everything is scheduled according to the clock; he has to be on the job all the time. He was short, “in a powdered wig... with small dry hands and gray drooping eyebrows, sometimes, as he scowled, obscuring the brilliance of his intelligent and youthful sparkling eyes.” Proud, clever man, constantly cares about preserving family honor and dignity.

Petya Rostov The youngest son of the Rostovs. At the beginning of the novel we see Petya as a small boy. He is a typical representative of his family, kind, cheerful, musical. He wants to imitate his older brother and follow the military line in life. In 1812, he was full of patriotic impulses and joined the army. During the war, the young man accidentally ends up with an assignment in Denisov’s detachment, where he remains, wanting to take part in the real deal.

Platon Karataev This is a soldier of the Absheron regiment whom Pierre met in captivity. The embodiment of “everything Russian, good and round,” patriarchy, humility, non-resistance, religiosity. Karataev 0 is a kind, soft, affectionate, good-natured person. His kindness, calmness, confidence, and smiling round face are attractive.

Pierre Bezukhov Main character novel and one of Tolstoy's favorite heroes. Pierre is the illegitimate son of the wealthy and socially famous Count Bezukhov. Very different from people belonging to high society, even in appearance. He is a “massive, fat young man with a cropped head and glasses” with an “observant and natural” look. Pierre is smart, has a penchant for philosophical reasoning, has a very kind and gentle disposition, and is completely impractical. At the beginning of the novel we see that Pierre considers Napoleon his idol. Afterwards he becomes terribly disappointed in him and even wants to kill him. In the epilogue we see Pierre as a happy husband and father. In a dispute with Nikolai Rostov, P. expresses his beliefs, and we understand that before us is a future Decembrist.

Sonya S is the niece of the old Count Rostov, and is being brought up in this house. She is “a thin, petite brunette with a soft look, shaded by long eyelashes, a thick black braid that wrapped around her head twice, and a yellowish tint to the skin on her face and especially on her bare, thin, but graceful arms and neck. The smoothness of movements, the softness and flexibility of small members and with a somewhat cunning and restrained manner, she resembles a beautiful, but not yet formed kitten, which will be a lovely cat." Sonya is restrained, silent, reasonable, and capable of sacrificing herself.

Tikhon the Hollow-Toothed Man who pestered partisan detachment Denisova. Tikhon was distinguished by his excellent health, enormous physical strength and endurance. In the fight against the French, he shows dexterity, courage and fearlessness. This hero personifies the image of the “club of the people’s war,” which attacked the enemy with all its might. After his wound, T. begins to kill French prisoners unnecessarily, saying that they were “bad.” That's why the squad doesn't like him.

1.July 1805. Anna Scherer, maid of honor, close to Empress Maria Feodorovna, has a larger reception 2. The Rostovs celebrate their mother’s name day and youngest daughter Natasha. 3.Farewell ceremony to Count Bezukhov. The count died. Pierre is the heir to everything and, moreover, is recognized as the legitimate son and therefore Count Bezukhov and the owner of the largest fortune in Russia. 4. Prince Andrei comes to Bald Mountains, on the estate of Prince Nikolai Andreevich Bolkonsky, with his wife and leaves her on his father’s estate. PART II 1. October 1805. Russian troops occupy villages and towns of the Archduchy of Austria. Mack suddenly appears at Kutuzov's headquarters. The Austrians are defeated and surrender their entire army at Ulm. Nikolai Rostov serves in the Pavlodar Hussar Regiment under the command of Captain Denisov. On October 28, Kutuzov moved with the army to the left bank of the Danube. The victory inspired the naked, exhausted soldiers. 2. Prince Andrei goes to Kutuzov. the battle. Retreat. PART III 1. The wedding of Pierre and Helen. 2. The unsuccessful matchmaking of Anatole and Marya Balkonskaya 3. The appearance of the French envoy Savary with a proposal for peace and a meeting between Emperor Alexander and Napoleon. 4. Defeat of the fourth column, which included Kutuzov himself, at the Pratsen Heights. 5. Injury of Andrei Balkonsky. Also the death of Andrei Bolkonsky’s wife.
Volume 2
Part 1
1. Nikolai Rostov’s arrival home to Moscow on vacation
2. Count Rostov organizes a dinner in honor of Bagration, Pierre Bezukhov hears gossip about the connection between his wife Helen and Dolokhov
3. Duel between Dolokhov and Bezukhov
3. Pierre Bezukhov’s thoughts about his family life and about his wife Helen and departure to St. Petersburg
4. Andrei Bolkonsky appears in the Bald Mountains, his wife Lisa gives birth to a child and dies
5. Rapprochement between Rostov and Dolokhov
6. Natasha Rostova's first ball
7. Rostova refuses Denisov’s proposal
Part 2
1. On the way to St. Petersburg, Bezukhov meets a Mason and a week later goes to Kyiv to join the Masonic brotherhood
2. Helen returns to St. Petersburg and makes a new acquaintance with Boris Drubetsky
3. In the spring of 1807, from Kyiv to St. Petersburg, Bezukhov toured his estates and stopped by Bolkonsky
4. Conversations over dinner between Pierre and Andrey and 2 days later Pierre leaves
5. Return of Rostov from his regiment, rapprochement with Denisov
6. Denisov beats Velyatin, is slightly wounded and ends up in the hospital
7. Boris Drubetskoy makes a career
Part 3
1. Prince Andrei has been living in the village for two years without a break.
2. In August 1809, Prince Andrei arrives in St. Petersburg
3. Pierre is engaged in self-improvement
4. The Rostovs lived in the village for two years and are moving to St. Petersburg
5. Drubetskoy increasingly went to the Rostovs, but after a conversation with the countess he stopped visiting their house.
6. A ball is held on the eve of the New Year. The entire elite has arrived. Natasha goes to her first big ball. Dancing with Bolkonsky.
7. Dinner at the Bergers'
8. Andrei asks his father for permission to get married and leaves for Europe
Part 4
1. Rostov still lives in the regiment
2. Things are getting worse for the Rostovs and the countess is trying to marry Nikolai favorably
3. Natasha misses Andrey
Part 5
1. Pierre starts going to the club again, drinking a lot, etc.
2. Old Prince Bolkonsky, along with Princess Marya and his grandson, also come to Moscow
3. Drubetsky’s matchmaking with Julie Karagina
4. Rostov Sr., together with Natasha, goes on a visit to the elder Bolkonsky.
5. Anatol Kuragin lives in Moscow, does not get close to anyone
6. Natasha Rostova is still waiting for Andrei Bolkonsky
7. Helen invites Natasha to a masquerade.
Anatole appears here, talks about his love again, kisses Natasha
8. Natasha is tormented by the question of who she loves: Anatoly or Prince Andrei
9. Natasha wants to run away with Kuragin, but the plan failed
10. Anatole moves out of Moscow.
11 Natasha's suicide attempt
12. Arrival of Prince Andrei
13. Natasha realizes that everything is over between her and Prince Andrei

Historical events in Tolstoy's novel "War and Peace"

Now we only need to know that we have before us a huge composition depicting the state of minds and morals in the advanced class " new Russia”, conveying in main features the great events that shook the then European world, drawing the faces of Russians and foreigners statesmen that era and connected with the private, household affairs of two or three of our aristocratic families, who send several members from their midst to this disgrace!

Nothing gives such a resemblance to reality and nothing replaces the understanding of it so much as these comparisons, especially if they are managed and used by extraordinary talent, as happened here. Thanks to them, it seems to the reader that the Zeitgeist of the times, the discovery and definition of which costs researchers so much effort historical eras, is embodied on the pages of the novel, like Indian Vishnu, easily and freely, countless times.

...Nothing could be simpler than the many events described in War and Peace. All cases of ordinary family life, conversations between brother and sister, between mother and daughter, separation and meeting of relatives, hunting, Christmastide, mazurka, playing cards, etc. - all this is elevated to the pearl of creation with the same love as the Battle of Borodino . Simple objects occupy as much space in “War and Peace” as, for example, in “Eugene Onegin” the immortal description of the Larins’ life, winter, spring, trip to Moscow, etc.

True, next to this gr. L. N. Tolstoy brings to the stage great events and faces of a huge historical significance. But it’s impossible to say that this was exactly what excited him. general interest readers. No matter what huge and important events take place on the stage - whether it be the Kremlin, choked with people as a result of the arrival of the sovereign, or a meeting between two emperors, or terrible battle with the thunder of guns and thousands of dying - nothing distracts the poet, and with him the reader, from looking intently into inner world individuals. It’s as if the artist is not interested in the event at all, but is only interested in how he acts during this event. human soul, - what she feels and brings to the event.

You can... say that highest point The point of view that the author rises to is a religious view of the world. When Prince Andrei, an unbeliever like his father, experienced all the vicissitudes of life hard and painfully and, mortally wounded, saw his enemy Anatoly Kuragin, he suddenly felt that something was opening up to him. A New Look for life.

“Compassion, love for brothers, for those who love, love for those who hate us, love for enemies, yes, that love that God preached on earth, which Princess Mary taught me and Which I did not understand; That’s why I felt sorry for life, that’s what was still left for me if I were alive...”

And not only Prince Andrei, but also many persons in “War and Peace”, this high understanding of life is revealed to varying degrees, for example, the long-suffering and much-loving Princess Marya, Pierre after his wife’s betrayal, Natasha after her betrayal of her fiancé, etc. With amazing clarity and strength the poet shows how a religious view is the constant refuge of a soul tormented by life, the only point support for thought, struck by the variability of all human goods. A soul that renounces the world becomes higher than the world and discovers new beauty - forgiveness and love.

...The work we examined (written, according to some critics, by the author “a superstitious and childish fatalist”) has in our eyes more higher value in application to the solution of many practical issues, which can be repeated from time to time and even undoubtedly are repeated with their inherent fatal irresistibility. They are born somewhere, rise up and flow, dragging their Kutuzovs and Bolkonskys, Vereshchagins and Rastopchins, Vasek Denisovs and lower-ranking ladies who do not want to “bow to the Frenchman” behind the wheels of the chariot that moves them. If we look around more closely and count the whole heap of our boxes more accurately, we will see that all these fighters and waiters, all these believers and infidels, those who inspire and frog, upstarts and morons - they are all alive again and with us again...

Tolstoy is touched by the simple Russian man, because the simple Russian man denies all knowledge. And why does he need knowledge, says Count. Tolstoy, if he feels the truth of life directly and does the right thing without thinking. And where is this truth, who knows? Denying knowledge, the count, however, understands that he is creating Torricelli’s emptiness, and therefore fills it with what God put on his soul, what he read in the rural nature around him, what Slavophile Moscow inspired him.

This retreat into the depths of the steppes of Asia in order to save the shreds of torn youthful beliefs in a better, but failed future, may have significance as a fact of personal everyday failure, as a fact personal experience. But why do you think that the experienced wisdom of the lagging behind Karataev should serve as a lesson for the army moving forward? Call your novel an autobiography - we will understand both it and the author; but if the author wants to proclaim a solemnly new word, wants to reveal to the world a new wisdom that a deceived life has taught him, we, with the right of an army marching forward, will not believe the prophet who invites us to go to Palestine through the steppes of Asia, when our road is not going there at all.

Tolstoy is deeply convinced that not only in Russia, but everywhere - in Europe, Asia, America, people, like unreasonable animals, do not know why they live and what human happiness consists of, to which everyone instinctively strives. Well, what do you live for, reader? Read “War and Peace”, delve into the depths of the philosophy of gr. Tolstoy - and you will feel like a man who has been locked in a closet from a dimly lit room. If you knew little before, then after reading the novel, Mr. Tolstoy, you will feel such a vagueness of concepts in your head that your hands will give up and the last ground will disappear from under your feet.

Reflections on the causes of the war (based on the novel by L.N. Tolstoy “War and Peace”)

War is “an event contrary to human reason and all human nature.”

War of 1812 - in the center artistic design L.N. Tolstoy in his brilliant epic novel “War and Peace” (1863-1869).

Man has an undeniable right to live on earth. Death in war is terrible and immoral: it takes away this right. The death of a hero who defended the fatherland may glorify his name, but this does not tragic meaning will not become different: man does not exist.

While the war is going on, “such a countless number of atrocities, deceptions, betrayals, thefts, forgeries and the issuance of false banknotes, arson and murders are committed, which in entire centuries will not collect the chronicle of all the courts of the world.”

But, from the point of view of the morality of war, these actions are not immoral: they were committed against a hated enemy, as well as in the name of the honor and glory of “our” side.

L.N. Tolstoy writes that from the end of 1811, “armament and concentration of forces” began in Western Europe, so that by the summer of 1812, formidable hordes of Russia’s enemies appeared at its borders. According to sources, there were 450 thousand people in Napoleon’s army, of which 190 thousand were French, the rest were a contingent of the allies.

Speaking about the causes of the war, Tolstoy names the main one. In the human environment, be it states, classes, social movements, moments arise when certain forces unite in order to create the preconditions for the emergence of some very important event. This event, due to its significance in people's lives, can change the world.

Thus, Napoleon’s wars with the Triple Alliance in 1805-1807. and the concluded Treaty of Tilsit in 1807 redrew the map of Europe. Napoleon initiated the economic blockade of England. Russia did not agree with the conditions of isolation of England, receiving military and financial assistance. With the knowledge of Napoleon, Russia established its influence in Finland contrary to the interests of Sweden. Napoleon promised independence to Poland, which ran counter to the interests of Russia, but inspired the Poles.

Conflicts due to clashes of interests arise not only between states. Heads of nations and armies, members of royal families, diplomats - these are the high-ranking people on whom it depends whether there will be a war or not. But, as Tolstoy writes, their authority and decisive the last word in the events that arose could only be an appearance.

It only seemed that the firmness of the Russian Emperor Alexander and the lust for power of Napoleon could push the situation towards war Western Europe with Russia. According to the writer, “billions of causes coincided to produce what was.” The horror of war is that its formidable and terrible mechanism, having gained momentum, mercilessly kills people.

“Millions of people, having renounced their feelings and their reason, had to go east from the West and kill their own kind...”

As a rule, it is the “great men”, the aggressors and invaders, who are to blame for the personal tragedies of those whom they attacked.

Tolstoy writes: “It is impossible to understand... why, because the Duke was offended, thousands of people from another region killed and ruined the people of the Smolensk and Moscow provinces and were killed by them.”

Tolstoy is a great humanist. He claims that a person’s personal life and, most importantly, the value of this life is above all. But if people are involved in a historical process common to everyone, then their environment becomes “spontaneous, swarm life.”

In this case, as they say, the masses make history. The people of France willingly supported Napoleon in his claims to foreign territories and the material wealth of other countries. And everyone believed that the costs of these wars would be repaid by the benefits received after the victory.

The soldiers of Napoleon's army expressed their love for their idol with joyful exclamations when, upon leaving the forest towards the Neman, they saw his figure.

But Emperor Alexander and the subjects of his state had completely different motivating circumstances that involved them in the bloody events of the war. main reason entry into the war on the part of the Russian world was one - the desire of the entire nation to defend independence native land at any cost.

“People's thought” was embodied in concrete deeds of the defenders of the Fatherland.