Manor of the Venevitinovs. Visiting the Venevetinovs or Novozhivotinnoye's estate. To the image of Urania


[From Gresse]

In the priceless hour of solitude,

When the desert path

With lively delight

You wander with a sweet dream

In the shadow of the silent oak forest, -

Have you seen how playful the wind is

Will you pluck the young twig?

Leaving native bush,

She twirls as she falls

On the mirror of stream waters,

And, a new resident of pure moisture,

Forced to swim with the current.

That over a stream of silver

She runs calmly

Then suddenly disappears before the eyes

And lies at the bottom of the stream;

Floats - meets everything new,

All unfamiliar lands:

Dotted with delicate flowers

Here is a smiling shore

And there are deserts, eternal snow

Ile mountains with formidable rocks.

So far the twig floats

And he completes his wrong path,

Until she drowns

In the abyss of boundless waters.

Here is our life! - so to the right goal

An irresistible wave

Feed us all from the cradle

Attracts to the door of the grave.


"What are you, Parasha, so pale?"

- “Native! cursed brownie

He called me today at the window.

All in black, like a shaggy bear,

With a mustache, but what a big one!

You will never see such a thing."

- “Cross yourself, my angel!

Do you want to see the brownie?"

"Didn't you sleep, Parasha, night?"

- “Native! scary; does not leave

Cursed demon away from the door;

It knocks with a valve, breathes, wanders,

In the hallway he whispers to me: open it!

- "Well, what are you?" - "Yes, I do not say a word."

- “Eh, that’s enough, my angel, don’t lie:

Can you hear the brownie?"

“Parasha, you are not cheerful;

Did you suffer all night again?”

- "No, nothing: I slept the night."

- “How the night slept! you grieved

Walked, unlocked the door;

Are you scared again?"

- “No, no, dear, believe me!

I didn't see the brownie."

December 1826


Canto One

Noise, Sturgeon! Your shore is adorned

Affairs of glorious antiquity;

You dig the stones of mossy towers

And ancient solid walls

Overgrown with old grass.

But who is above the bright river

Scattered heaps of bricks

Remains of ancient fortifications

Ruins of bygone days?

Or for future generations

They stand like a monument

Military, high-profile adventures?

So, - abuse burned in this country;

But there are no more swear words: the grave

Compared the mighty with the weak.

On the battlefield - deep sleep.

Victory rejoicing has passed,

The groan of the vanquished ceased;

One dark legend

Broadcasts about the affairs of the ages

And blows around silent coffins.

Away, where in the thick shade,

In the darkness of the mysterious oak forest

The sturgeon hides its flow,

Do you see this majestic hill,

Which is on the edge of the valleys,

Like a lonely giant

Rising head high?

This hill has been famous for a long time.

The ancient legend says

What is in the darkness of antiquity deep

He was dedicated to Perun,

That every time a cereal was born

And the neighboring dol smiled,

Dressed in new clothes,

And the branches fluttered in the forest.

Our ancestors flocked here

Crowded from all sides.

There is even a rumor that the Slavs are here

Upon returning from fierce battles

On the altars of their gods

A blow of superstitious steel

Unfortunate prisoners poured blood

Or betrayed them to the flame

And in cold-blooded silence

They looked at their suffering.

And if you believe the old days,

Barely from the bonfires a wave of black

Smoke ascended to the azure of the mountain, -

Suddenly thunder in silent skies

At the glare of lightning it was heard,

The sturgeon roared in its banks,

And the forest shook with a crack.

Look like a new light

Threatening with a flaming tail,

Ryazan fields lit up

An ominous purple ray.

Meteor sky

It burns with a crimson glow.

The crowd in the princely court

Grows, crowds and makes noise;

Young elders surround

And greedily catch their words;

Various rumors are circulating

Of these, others portend

War bloody or smooth;

Others even say

That soon, to the horror of the universe,

The sacred trumpet will sound

And with a fiery sword in hand

The angel of destruction will rush.

On the faces of superstitious fear,

And with a cold trembling of confusion

The hair rose on their foreheads.

Canto two

In the midst of the tower, in dark peace,

Under a gloomy and huge vault,

Where dimly flashed between the pillars

Light pale, lonely

And lit up with a faint light

And the faces of the walls, and the vault is high

With pictures of saints

Prince Fedor, surrounded by a crowd

Boyars and young brothers.

But there is no joy between them:

In the fight against my anxiety,

Deep in thought, languishing

The young prince bowed to the hand.

And on his beautiful forehead

Thoughts wandered like spring

Clouds wander in the clear sky.

Hour followed hour, then another;

Princes, boyars were all silent -

Only loud bowls pounded

And boiling honey hissed in them.

But honey, Slavic hearts joy,

The soul of feasts and the enemy of worries,

For the prince lost all sweetness,

And Fedor drinks without consolation.

You flew away, happy delight,

And you lovely dreams

Spring life beauty.

Ah, you withered, as in the middle of a field

For a moment, sparkling flowers!

Why, why sad melancholy

Did he give away his young heart?

How long has he been with his sweet wife

Did you know the only joy in life?

It used to be that the brothers were distant

Gathered in a noisy crowd:

Between them young Eupraxia

Was cheerful soul

And the hour of evening leisure

In a friendly conversation,

Like a clean fast moment, flew.

But meanwhile over the river

Batu is preparing an army for battle,

Already under the city walls

Squads of the brave Slavs

They stood in neat rows.

Holy cross - a sign of Christians -

Was hoisted in front of the shelves.

Already a servant of the altars

Sang a prayer of consolation

And the army blessed the battle.

Twelve experienced leaders,

long covered with gray hair,

But strong in their old age,

Stand with ready swords.

Behind them is a young row of princes,

Support of faith and freedom.

Here young Roman matured,

Flattering hope of the Slavs,

Worthy of the rank of governor.

In the brilliant color of youth

He joined the princely council

And often with your wisdom

Ryazan elders surprised.

Long tested by armor,

He has been in many battles

And Polovtsy with a faithful squad

He struck many times on the field.

But, an exemplary leader for warriors,

He despised princes.

He has fun - storm storms,

And a solid shield is his lodging for the night.

Yuri is visible near Roman,

Mstislav, Boris and you, Oleg!

Why is this young man handsome,

A child by heart and years,

Left the shelter where he is, happy,

Walked carelessly through the flowers

Spring without storm and playful?

But he is with damask steel in his young hand

Flies to defend the homeland

And for the first time on the battlefield

Show love for freedom.

But formidable Tatar regiments,

Full of fierce courage

Already along the fast river

How noisy the waves are.

With a wild threat on your lips

They are ready for a bloody battle.

Silver-rimmed swords

Shine in their strong hands.

Their horses are richly trimmed -

Not copper or steel armor

They are kept from copies of their breasts,

But thin precious fabrics -

The booty of Asian swearing -

On the Persians of predators they shine.

Batu, their leader, with damask steel in his hand

Before them on a young horse.

Quiver with feathered arrows

hung on his back,

And a shawl with rich knots

Plays over his head.

Nurtured in the midst of robbery,

But lush luxury hand,

He is a friend of war and a friend of peace

In the days of idleness, in the noise of feasts.

He loves the bliss of pleasure

And at the hour of cheerful ecstasy

Willingly celebrates love.

But he is terrible in the heat of battle,

When with a smile on your lips

With a deadly dagger in the teeth,

Like a whirlwind, he strives for enemies

And in the foam the horse under him smokes.

Everywhere only the cries of the stricken,

And the sound of shields, and the gleam of swords...

Not the youth of sinless days,

Nor old age gray hair respectable

Bulat cruel does not spare.

And suddenly there was a clatter of hooves.

Detachments of the Slavic cavalry

At full speed rush into battle,

But the prince of Ryazan is the first to jump

Roman, followed by Oleg the young

And Yevpaty, the old boyar

With a gray long beard.

Blows are followed by blows.

The young man Oleg is the hottest of all.

Now on the left side, then on the right

His bloody damask glitters.

Such an unexpected run

Led the Mughals in amazement.

The raids of Suzdal are terrible.

They fly, the Tatars are crushed

And, embraced by cold horror,

They run, scattered across the fields.

In vain the brave son of Batu,

Nagai, resists enemies

And the rows of riders are thick

One wants to keep.

Carried away by the crowd of those running,

He involuntarily rushes after ...

So the boat in the midst of a furious storm

Instantly fights a thunderstorm,

Instantly despises the winds,

But suddenly, rushing off with speed,

Yielding to the angry waves...


O life, insidious siren,

How much you are attracted to yourself!

You are from the brilliant flowers

Chains of disastrous captivity.

You serve the cup of happiness

And sing songs of joy;

But in the cup of happiness - only treason,

And in songs of joy - only a lie.

Do not torment with vain temptation

My tormented breast

And do not catch my eyes

Some kind of bright ghost.

I don't care about false dreams.

To you my stingy hands

They will not bring obedient tribute,

No, I'm not doomed to you.

Your captivating betrayal

You can put in your heart

Minute fire, instant discord,

Pour pallor over the cheeks

And overshadow youth with sadness,

Take away peace, carelessness, joy,

But you won't take it, believe me

Love, hope, inspiration!

No! my good genius will save them,

And they are not mine now.

I dedicate them from now on

Forever poetry holy

And with a terrible oath and with a prayer

I put it on the altar to the goddess.

1826 or 1827


First, life captivates us:

Everything is warm in it, all the heart warms

And, like a tempting story,

Our bizarre mind cherishes.

Something frightens from afar, -

But there is pleasure in this fear:

He amuses the imagination

How about a magical adventure

An old man's night story.

But the playful deceit will end!

We get used to miracles.

Then - we look at everything lazily,

Then - and life disgusted us:

Her mystery and denouement

Already long, old, boring,

Like a fairy tale retold

Tired before sleep.


Here is the hour of the last suffering!

Take heed: the will of the dead

Pay attention: so that this ring

They didn’t take off the cold hand:

Let my sorrows die with him

And they will be buried with him.

Friends - hello and consolation:

Delights the best moments

I was dedicated to them.

Take heed, my goddess:

Now your soul is sacred

It’s more accessible and clearer to me;

The voice of passions fell silent in me,

Love magic forgotten

The rainbow haze is gone

And what you called paradise

It's open in front of me now.

Come closer! here is the grave door!

Everything is allowed to me now:

I am not afraid of the judgments of the world.

Now I can hug you

Now I can kiss you

As with the first joy of hello

In paradise, the face of the angels of the saints

Kissed with clean lips,

Whenever we delight them

Behind a gloomy coffin met.

But forget this speech:

There is a secret murmur of frenzy in it;

Why cold doubts

Will I pour into a fiery chest?

One, one prayer for you!

Do not forget! .. away from assurances -

Swear!.. Do you believe, dear friend,

What is beyond the grave sim limit

My soul will say goodbye to the body

And will live like a free spirit,

Without image, without darkness and light,

Clothed with one incorruption.

This spirit, like an ever-watchful gaze,

Your companion will be relentless,

And if the memory of a criminal

You will change, trouble since then!

I will secretly put on reproach;

I will stick to the treacherous soul,

I will find food for vengeance in it,

And the heart will be sad, languid,

And I, like a worm, will not fall away.

1826 or 1827

Signs before Caesar's death

Oh Phoebus! dare we call you deceitful?

Is it not your quick glance that can penetrate

To the depths of hearts where vengeance arises

And stormy anger, but secret unrest.

After the death of Caesar, you shared sorrow with Rome,

He covered your forehead with a bloody cloud;

You turned away angry eyes from us,

And the world, the underworld, was afraid of eternal night.

But everything threatened us - and the roar of the sea waves,

And the languid click of the ravens, and the terrible barking of the dogs.

We matured Kolkrats, like Etna's siliceous forge

Molten rocks rotated fiery river

And the flame spewed out in clubs on the field.

The trembling German gazed at the heavens;

With a crash, the clouds fought with the clouds,

And the Alps moved under the eternal snows.

The sacred forest groaned; in the mist of a thick night

Wandered a pale host of flickering shadows.

Copper then flooded (a wonderful sign of sadness!),

We noticed tears on the marbles of the gods.

The earth opened up, the Tiber rushed back,

And the animals, to horror, could broadcast words;

Spilled Eridanus by boiling waves

He carried away the dense forest and the shepherds with their flocks.

In the entrails of the victims the sacred gaze of the priests

I read only disasters and the terrible wrath of the gods;

The streams turned into bloody jets;

The wolves, roaring among the haystacks, wandered in the darkness;

On a clear day we ripened both lightning and thunder,

And a terrible star with a flaming tail.

And so the second eagles fought with eagles.

In the fields of the Filippovs under the same banners

Relatives fought among themselves again regiments,

And in the battle the brother fell from the brother's hand;

Twice fate ordered that the Roman squads

The Thracian valleys fed with blood.

Perhaps, once in these vast fields,

Where our soldiers lie soulless ashes,

A calm villager with a heavy harrow

Hit the helmet with an empty and trembling hand

He will raise a rusty shield, blunted damask steel, -

And the bones under his feet will rattle.


Italy, motherland of inspiration!

My hour will come when I succeed

Loving you with the delight of pleasure,

How I love your image in a bright dream.

Without grief, I say goodbye to dreams,

And in reality, in the circle of your miracles,

Under the yahont of sparkling skies,

With a young soul, I will play out at will.

There joyfully I will sing the dawn

And congratulate the king of the luminaries on the sunrise,

There proudly I will soar with my soul

Under a fiery boundless vault.

How fun it is golden morning

And sweet silver night!

O world of vanities! then away from thoughts!

In the arms of neg and in creative peace

I will live in the past among the singers,

I will call their hosts from the coffins!

Then, O Tass! I will break your peaceful sleep

And your delight, your midday heat

Will shed both life and song of sweet gift

Into a cold mind and into a northern soul.

To friends

May the seeker of proud glory

Sacrificing peace to her!

Let him fly into the bloody battle

For a crowd of heroes!

But haughty crowns

The singer of the forests is not deceived:

I'm happy without crowns

With a lyre, with true friends.

Let wealth torment passion

Hungry slaves!

Let them shower with gold

Let them from foreign countries

With loaded ships

Violent waves crush:

I'm rich without gold

With a lyre, with true friends.

Let the cheerful swarm noisy

It draws crowds!

Let them shine on their altar

Everyone will make a sacrifice!

I do not strive for their crowds -

I am without their noisy passions

Cheerful with his fate

With a lyre, with true friends.

To friends for the New Year

Friends! the new year has arrived!

Forget old sorrows

And mourn the days, and the days of worries,

And everything that killed joy;

But don't forget the clear days

Fun, fun light-winged,

Golden hours, for dear hearts,

And old, sincere friends.

Live new in the new year

Leave old dreams

And everything that does not give happiness

And only one will give birth to desires!

Still in this new year

Love jokes, games, joy

And old, sincere friends.

Friends! Meet the New Year

In the circle of relatives, among freedom:

Let it flow for you, friends,

Like childhood happy years.

But in the middle of Petropol's undertakings

Do not forget the sounds of the lyre,

Sweet and peaceful pursuits,

And old, sincere friends.

To the image of Urania

Five stars crowned the forehead of the inspired:

Poetry wondrous star,

Gracious star of sweet hope,

Star of endless love

The radiant star of sincere friendship,

What will the fifth star be?

Let it be, beneficent gods,

Spiritual happiness star.

1826 or 1827

To the music lover

I beg you, do not torment me:

Your noise, your applause,

The tongue of fake fire

Pointless exclamations

Disgusting, hateful to me.

Believe me, the habits of the slave are cold,

Not so, not so delight free

Burning in the depths of the heart.

If only you knew that these sounds

Whenever their secret language

You got a fiery feeling -

Believe, your mouth and hands

They would be shackled, as in the holy hour,

Reverent silence.

Then your soul, numb,

It would be joy to understand

Then she would live more freely

She embraced her soul.

Then rebellious unrest

And heavy storms of passions -

Everything would have calmed down, silenced in her

Before the shrine of pleasure.

Then you wouldn't want to shine

The guise of forced passion,

But you would be in the corner, secluded,

hid the all-loving breast,

You would people were brothers,

You would secretly shed tears

And warm hugs to them,

As a friend of the universe, he extended.

1826 or 1827

To my goddess

Do not raise proud thoughts

Passion-filled chest

Not the waves of the Neva interfere

Rest the tired soul,

When I'm along the wide river

Wandering gloomy, lonely

And the gaze wanders along the shores,

The tongue babbles indistinctly

And softly splashing waves

Words intermittent mosque.

Then far from thoughts

And the proud hope of glory,

And the quiet river

And the Nevsky coast is majestic;

Then not timid longing

Possesses a powerless heart

And a secret murmur inspires me ...

You understand this murmur

O god of my soul!

Cold life of dispassion

Do you know if I can breathe and live?

Do you know if I idolize

A soul not made for happiness

Crowds of habitual dreams

And tributes of servile service

Wear the idol of the bustle?

No! No! and warm days of friendship

And hot days of love

The heart was taught to another:

Another fire they are in the blood

Other feelings settled.

What is happiness to me? Why is it?

Didn't you say that fate

It is given here only to the timid,

What happiness with a fiery soul

It is impossible to combine in this world,

Why can't I breathe for him...

Oh, be blessed by me!

It's sacred to me

This prophecy of misfortune

And, as keeping his covenant,

With what delight of sweetness

I'm waiting for the ruinous day

And the triumph of insidious fate!

And if the mind is ungrateful

He grumbled to heaven in trouble,

Your appearance, dear angel,

Like a gift from heaven, stopped

Curse on my lips.

My chest would fill again

Saint's reverence

The healing look of your eyes

And again in my soul

The forces of pleasure have risen,

And happiness proud contempt,

And sweet silence.

Behold, that's what lifts my chest

And a secret murmur inspires me!

That's what my soul is full of

When I'm along the Neva wide

I wander gloomy, lonely.

To my ring

You were dug in a dusty grave,

Herald of love for centuries

And again you are grave dust

You will be bequeathed, my ring.

But not love now by you

Blessed eternal flame

And over you, in anguish of the heart,

I made a holy vow...

No! friendship in the bitter hour of farewell

Gave sobbing love

You as a pledge of compassion.

Oh, be my faithful talisman!

Keep me from grievous wounds

And light, and an insignificant crowd,

From the caustic thirst for false glory,

From a seductive dream

And from spiritual emptiness.

In the hours of cold doubt

Revive your heart with hope

And if in the sorrows of imprisonment,

Far from the angel of love

It will plot a crime, -

You with wondrous power tame

Outbursts of hopeless passion

And from my rebellious chest

Turn away the lead of madness.

When will I be at the hour of death

Say goodbye to what I love here

I will not forget you in farewell:

Then I will ask a friend

So that he is from my cold hand

You, my ring, did not take off,

So that the coffin does not separate us.

And the request will not be fruitless:

He will confirm his vow to me

With the words of the fatal oath.

Ages will fly by, and perhaps

That someone will disturb my ashes

And in it you will open again;

And again timid love

You will whisper superstitiously

Words of tormenting passions,

And again you will be her friend,

As it was for me, my ring is true.

1826 or 1827

To Pushkin

I know: genius is available

For the voice of sincere hearts.

To you, sublime singer,

I call with the fervor of hymns.

Scatter for a moment the delight of the saint,

Meditation of the creative spirit

And condescending hearing

Honor the young muse.

When the prophet of freedom is bold,

Anguished poet,

Left the orphaned world

Leaving glory a hot light

And the shadow of the world's sadness,

Laudatory thunder sounded

Your poems follow him.

You brought tribute to the withered power

And glory on his grave

Bequeathed another name.

You are quieter, sweeter sang

At the muses of the stolen Gaul.

Excited by your song

In my rapturous chest

The soul trembled and trembled.

But you haven't paid yet

Stones of debt of inspiration:

To the praises of mourned graves

Add cheerful praises.

Another singer is waiting for them:

He is ours - a resident of the same world,

For a long time his crown shines;

But the glory of a loud hello

More sonorous, more encouraging is the poet's voice.

Our mentor, your mentor,

He lies in the land of dreams,

In my native Germany.

Hands so cold

Sometimes they run along the strings,

And intermittent sounds

Like after a sad separation

Dear old friendship voice,

We are led to familiar thoughts.

So far, his heart has not cooled down,

And believe me, he is alive with joy

In the shelter of dull old age

And maybe captivated by you

Inspired by the last heat,

The swan will sing in response

And, to the sky with a farewell song

Stirrup solemn flight,

In the delight of a wondrous dream

You, O Pushkin, will be called.

Mid or October 1826

To S[karyatin]

When sending him a vaudeville

Not the fruit of high inspirations

The singer and friend brings you a gift;

Not pierid heavenly heat,

Not fiery delight, not genius

Possessed my soul

My lyre sounded like a discordant song,

And I changed in madness

The smile of the Muses on the laugh of the satyr.

But you will forgive me my innocent sin;

You yourself, a beautiful seeker,

arts happy lover,

Often, for pranks, forgetting the delight of living,

Throwing a brush - an instrument of talent,

Before the muses sinned alone

And bold coal on the wall

He drew fantasy playful creatures.

Imagination without fetters

It is like a butterfly playful:

That loves over a brilliant field

Flutter in a circle of earthly flowers,

It rushes to the rainbow, to the flowers of heaven.

Don't think to go out in me

To high songs heat! No, he is hidden in the soul,

He will be awakened again by the poet's powerful voice,

And, brave disciple of Byron,

I will fly on the wings of a dream

To the fairy side where the swan of Albion is

Picked up forgotten flowers.

Let it be a dream! he comforts me

And I won't be discouraged

As long as fate allows me

Share the delight with friends.

O friend! we are on different paths

Let's go a certain way:

You have chosen a field covered with labors,

I wanted to rest early;

Under the peaceful shade of the olive

I have chosen my shelter; but my lot is happy

Should not flicker with glory:

In modest silence in the bosom

My life will steal away,

Like the still water of a desert stream.

You cheerful spirit doomed Bellone

And, loving the valor of the strong,

Doomed his sword to an idol of loud glory -

Go! - But the camp is noise, military fun,

Everything will be foreign to you

Like dreams of unexpected visions,

As the world of a new phenomenon.

Perhaps on the banks of the Dnieper,

When in the shadow of the moving tent

Your comrades, daring dragoons,

Seething with fighting courage,

They will gather around you in a noisy crowd,

And the round glasses will loudly knock, -

Regretting the thought of the former silence,

You will remember your friends, you will remember me;

Avoiding these new joys,

You will remember my list

Ile, accidentally stopping his gaze on him,

Say to yourself: we once knew how

Play pranks with decency, play pranks with the mind.

K. I. Gerke (In the evening hour of solitude...)

(When sending Werner's tragedy)

In the evening hour of solitude,

When, free from labor,

Your heart yearns for inspiration

Harmony of sweet verses,

Read, dream - let it be before you

The curtain of time will fall

And in a clear long line

A number of past years will rush by!

Look! already a mighty genius

Dissolved the cold darkness of the graves;

Already, having collected the heroes of the shadow,

He surrounded you with a host -

Learn the seal of heavenly power

On their pale foreheads.

She was not smoothed by the ashes of the grave,

And the same flame in their eyes...

But you are in the temple. Around the tomb

Where the sweet child lies

The sad girls sing

And a slender cry flies to the sky:

“Why is she, like the color of May,

For a moment gleaming with beauty,

Left the light so early

And joy took with him!

You listen - and tears fell

On a leaf with flaming cheeks,

And a feeling of quiet sadness

Involuntarily, the heart moves.

Blessed, blessed, who is at noon life

And at the sunset of clear years,

As in the bowels of a joyful homeland,

Still lives in fantasy.

To whom heaven is dear,

Who combines with gray hair

Imagination is young

And a mind with a fiery soul.

In a magical bowl of pleasure

He will not find an empty bottom

And exclaim, in feelings of ecstasy:

"Beautiful has no limits!"


Leave me, forget me!

I loved you alone in the world,

But I loved you like a friend

How they love an asterisk on the air,

How they love the bright ideal

Or a clear dream of the imagination.

I learned a lot in life

In one love did not know torment,

And I want to go to the grave

Like an enchanted ignoramus.

Leave me, forget me!

Look - that's where my hope is;

Look - but why are you startled?

No, don't tremble: death is not terrible;

Oh, don't whisper to me about hell:

Believe me, hell in the world, beautiful friend!

Where there is no life, there is no pain.

Give me a kiss as a pledge of goodbye...

Why do your kisses tremble?

Why are your eyes burning in tears?

Leave me, love another!

Forget me, I'll be on my own soon

I will forget the sorrow of earthly life.

wings of life

From Milvois

On light wings

Swallows fly;

But wings are lighter

Life is windy.

Don't know in youth

She's tired

And joy frisky

Takes trustingly

On your wings.

Flying, admiring

I wear beautiful...

But soon painful

She has a dear guest;

tired wings,

And joy frisky

She shakes them off.

Sadness seems to her

Not so heavy

And whimsical

Misty sadness

Beret on wings

And off into the distance

With a new friend.

But the wings are light

All the pain, more

Bend under the burden.

And soon falls

They have a new guest

And life is tired

Alone, no burden

Flying calmer

Only in the wings

Barely noticeable

From burdens thrown

Traces remain

And imprinted

Only in feathers

Two colors are pale:

A little light

From frisky joy

A little dark

From a gloomy guest.

1826 or 1827

love pet inspiration

And bow your proud mind before him;

But in pure thirst for pleasure

Don't entrust your hearing to every harp.

Not many true prophets

With the seal of power on the forehead,

With gifts of lofty lessons,

With the verb of heaven on earth.

Favorite color

(Dedicated to S[ofya] V[ladimirovna]

In [enevitina])

All the flowers in the sky are beautiful.

All nicely shine above the earth,

Everyone breathes mountain beauty.

I love the color of clear azure:

He often captivated with languor

My thoughtful thoughts

And poured into a timid heart

A radiant ray of good hope.

I love, I love the color of the moon

When she is in the fields of the ether

With the gifts of the sweet world

Floats like an angel of silence.

I love the color of the rainbow transparent -

But my favorite of flowers

There is a young dennitsa color:

In this color, as in wedding clothes,

The sky is shining in the morning.

He is the color of happy innocence,

He is pure, like a bashful maiden's gaze,

And clear as a baby's dream.

When both fear and a swarm of fun -

Everything was foreign to you

Within a cramped cradle,

Heaven's messenger, love

Baby's sweet carelessness,

I cherished you in silence

You rested - but in a dream,

Soul unraveling eternity,

Met a clear dream

A sweet, lovely smile.

What broke that smile

What are you mature - I do not know;

But your keeper, heavenly guest

Waved a mysterious wing -

And the shadow of the night ran

Played in the sky

Dennitsa with purple fire,

And a ray of ruddy dawn

Illuminated your cheeks.

Since then, he has become twice as sweet to me,

This ray of ruddy dawn.

Keep him - no wonder he

Burnt on virgin cheeks,

Not a reflection of beauty in vain,

No! he is the seal of a clear minute,

The pledge is secret, unearthly.

All the flowers in the sky are beautiful

All breathe with mountain beauty;

But among the flowers there is a holy color -

He is the color of a young dennitsa.

My prayer

Souls invisible guardian,

Hear my prayer!

bless my home

And be the guard at her gates,

Yes, through my humble threshold

Do not step, like a thief of the night,

Nor the cunning deceiver,

Neither laziness with a dead soul,

Nor envy with a poisonous eye,

Nor a false friend with guile in disguise.

Always reliable armor

Let my chest be clothed

Don't shoot me down with an arrow

The treason of the vengeful light.

Don't give my soul

To the sacrifice of vain desires;

But bring up calmly in it

The fire of sublime passions.

Close my mouth in silence,

All the feelings of the secret autumn

Yes, cold eyes do not meet them,

Yes, the ray of vanity will not enlighten

For unseen days.

But pour sweetness into the soul,

Sow seeds of hope

And take away joy from the heart:

She is an unfaithful wife.

For New Year 1827

So again the year flashed like a shadow,

Hidden in the gloomy eternity

And quickly reproached

My lazy carelessness.

Oh, if he asked me:

“Where is the fruit of ardent promises?

What did you do to stop me?" —

I would find no excuse

In my scattered dreams!

I have nothing to drown out the reproach!

But listen, you cruel fugitive!

I swear to you in a farewell moment:

You did not rush off without a return;

I will follow you

And the upcoming brother

I will pay all my heavy debt.


(Dedicated to A.I.T.)

"Go ahead, coachman, but talk,

How far away is Novgorod? — "Near,

Four or three versts.

You see something up there,

Like a black forest from afar ... "

— “Well, I see; it's clouds."

- "No! These are Novgorod roofs.”

Are you before me, O ancient city

Freedom, glory and trade!

How vividly they say to the heart

Hills of scattered debris!

Your deeds did not fall silent in them,

And the glory of the ancestors passed

In the mouth of true descendants.

"Well, threesome! conveyed in spirit!

- "Be quiet. Where is the Sophia Cathedral?

“The cathedral is close from here, sir.

Here is the street, yes two to the left,

And there you will find yourself

And the cross on the golden head

It will be right in front of you."

Everywhere there is a fresh trace of the past!

Centuries have passed... but their flight

Rushed here without destroying.

"Coachman! Where is Vechevaya Square?

“There is no name for this…”

- "How not?" “Oh, square? Near:

Behind this wide street.

Here is the square. See the six pillars?

According to the tales of our elders,

Once hung on these poles

Huge bell, but

It's been taken away from here for a long time."

“Be quiet, my friend; here is a holy place:

Here the air is cleaner and freer!

Quiet! .. No, go quickly:

What am I looking for here, crazy?

Where is Volkhov? - "Here in front of you

It flows under this mountain ... "

All the same, he is a noisy wave

Playing, running fun!..

He is not sad about the past.

So everything is close here, as before ...

Now you answer me yourself

O Novgrad! In ancient clothes

You are in front of me, as in gray hair,

The same age as immortal knights.

Your ashes speak like a vigilant messenger

About impenetrable antiquity.

Answer, majestic city:

Where are the times of blooming glory,

Sounding like copper here in a stormy evening,

To court or to a bloody slaughter

Called obedient sons?

When your sword, neighbor's storm,

Punished both the knights and the Swede,

And this proud wave

Wore a tribute to the cruel war?

Tell me, where are these times?

They are far away, oh, far away!

Between October and December 1826

liberation of the skald

(Scandinavian story)

El m o r

Lay down the heavy sword. Is it a powerless hand

To own this damask steel, O peaceful singer!

Glory to us in battles, dangerous battles to us;

To you - a crown of sweet-sounding singing.

Forgive me, O son of Scandinavian kings!

In the right hand of the singer, this damask steel is not dishonorable.

Do you remember that Reckner was famous for the harp

And a brave example among the quarrelsome fields.

El m o r

Forgive me, young skald, you are an inspired singer,

But if you want, Egil, we broadcast

About the glory, only in the battles you gained,

For a long, long time you will be silent.

Elmore! or forgot that, proud of the scarlet,

The king of the skald offended, and with the near den

His mournful mother, in bitter tears,

Wept over the cold tomb of her son...

So, with firmness of spirit, with a threat in the mouth,

Egil answers, - and, with a quick foot,

Silent, both, with a sigh in their hearts,

They hid in the oak forest under the leafy darkness.

A whole hour in the silence of the thick night

Sword rattled against sword in the midst of a deaf grove.

Spattered with blood and all exhausted,

Egil! you came out of the oak forest alone.

O brave Elmore! You in vain Armin,

In the halls surrounded by his family,

At the feast awaits the evening under the roof of the native.

You don't have to drink round from the cup.

Without life, without glory, your corpse is distorted

It lies among the oak forest on dry turf.

You bowed to the dust with an arrogant brow.

The surroundings are silent, like a mute grave,

And the death of the Scandinavian avenged the skald.

But in the morning, barely between the bluish vapors

Aurora blushed cold in the sky,

In a dense oak forest, with the barking of dogs,

We recognized the bloody body of Elmore.

Recognizing Elmore, the features are distorted,

Armin stricken by a sudden blow

He doesn't cry, but his chest is torn apart by his hand.

Meanwhile, everything rose up, in the city of excitement,

Everyone is looking for the killer, everyone is demanding revenge.

“I know,” Armin exclaimed, “Ingisfal

He fed his constant malice towards Elmore!

Hurry, hurry to comprehend the villain,

Strive, O friends, strive faster,

Than lightning jagged shine in the sky.

Prepare your weapons for the killer's death.

Meanwhile, let the gates of impregnable dungeon

They will rattle on it on cast-iron hooks.

And everyone rushed. Egil on the banks

By the sea he wandered with a sad foot.

Like a cloud, from which a fiery arrow

Perun fleeting flashed in the sky,

On black wings with the remains of a storm

Floats a little mobile in the azure sky, -

So gloomy is Egil, and wandered pensively.

Suddenly, in front of him, surrounded by a crowd,

To the halls of the innocent goes Ingisfal.

"Elmore triumphs, and revenge on the murderer!" -

So in rage the whole people repeated.

But the skald, rushing into the crowd, exclaimed:

"People! he is innocent; my right hand

The young prince died in the middle of the battle.

But I am not a murderer, O king of the Scandinavians!

Your daring son fought me,

He fell and is glorious in heroic death.

Trembling with anger, Armin commanded

Throw Egil into a deep dungeon.

The innocent is free, death is the lot of the skald.

But the skald is not afraid of captivity, nor the grave,

And quietly, silently, a powerful singer

Walks among the cries of ferocious vengeance,

Goes - as if waiting for his glorious crown

The reward of his sweet-sounding singing.

“Oh, woe to you!” exclaimed all the people,

Oh, woe to you! woe, majestic skald.

Here the bards will not broadcast your glory.

Like a shadow, your memory will pass without noise,

And with life the name of the villain will disappear.

And, circling heavily on copper ropes,

Dungeon iron door locked,

And hid it merged with the whistle of Boreas.

So, he is alone, without joy: but no, -

With him is a harp, in misfortune a friend dragging.

Egil, rattling in the darkness of the dungeon,

Elmora sings the last song.

"Lucky! you fell among the dear homeland,

Your ashes will smolder under the native land,

Your memory did not descend into the coffin with you,

And often over your cold grave

Your sad father will come to shed tears!

And a friend will not forget to visit you.

And I'm dying at the dawn of my life

Far from relatives and from a sweet homeland.

Sister young and tender mother

They will not come to irrigate my coffin with tears.

Farewell, my harp, our songs have passed.

And the young skald happy days -

How fast waves they rushed.

And soon, full of terrible vengeance,

The furious barbarian will stop my age,

And the evil Scandinavian with a ferocious hand

Your consonant strings will break.

Thunder, thunder! breaking up with you

Yes, I will listen to your last song! -

I lived and during my life

I was happy with you, I was glorious with you.

But the bards, performing the rite of the Scandinavians,

Meanwhile, a harsh chant began

And loudly thundered among the wild chorus:

"May perish, perish the murderer of Elmore!"

In their fiery eyes, furious anger,

And all, in a circular united hands,

Elmora discordantly sang praises

And, surrounding the corpse, they walked around.

Already in the middle of a vast field near the forest

Huge and wild piece of rock

To the murder of the singer approved by the altar.

The damask ax lay on him,

And nearby, waiting for the victim, were the killers.

And suddenly, creaking, deep dungeons

The doors have opened, the people are striving.

Alas! everything is ready for Egil's death,

The unfortunate skald's grave is open,

But the skald goes to death without fear.

Nor the cries of the people seething with vengeance,

No formidable steel, no altar, no fire

The singer is not shaken, only he is disgusted

Listens like a bard's frantic choir

Thunders with unworthy Elmora praise.

“O king!” exclaimed the inspired Egil,

Let me say goodbye to the world and singing,

Before death, I repeated my songs

And quietly glorified on the harp consonant

Elmore, whom in the battle unfortunate

I slew, but the way I slew the hero.

He rivers; but with the name of the son of Elmore

The king's heart shook with rage.

Gazing at Egil with fierce eyes,

He already said ... When suddenly it was heard

The dull, gentle sound of a harp,

Armin became numb at the harmony of the strings,

He ordered the noisy crowd to be silent,

And the whole people stood in silent expectation.

The singer leaned on a wild cliff,

I took a faithful harp, a friend in sorrow,

And his fingers played along the strings,

And the wind blew his song in the valley.

"Where is the brave youth who

Reflected the enemies of the fatherland

And the land of fathers, native mountains

Protected by a mighty muscle?

Elmore, not defeated by anyone,

You have fallen, you are no more.

You fell - like a strong wolf will fall,

Slain by a powerless shepherd.

Where are the days when to the bloody war,

Hero, you led the squads,

And returned to Elva with glory,

Did you share happiness with Elva?

Ah, soon quivering girl

Mother will announce with tears

That her true friend lies

In damp earth, in a mute tomb.

But good gods honor the strong,

And he's on the wings of the clouds

Rushed into the mountain chambers,

Heroic residence of spirits.

And I'm along the mysterious shore,

Surrounded by night fog

Always roam condemned

Beneath the cold waves of Leg.*

O skald, what a hostile god

In the middle of a desperate fight

Helped you invisibly

Slay the brave hero

And ruled by your hand?

You won by cruel fate.

Alas! far from home

The grave will be your trophy!

Already I see before me

I see a hungry death

Ready over my head

Stretch a terrible scythe,

With an iron hand

She takes me to the grave.

Farewell, farewell beautiful light

Forever I part with you

And you, playful breeze,

Fly to your beloved homeland,

Tell your family that fierce rock

Told the singer to give up his life

Far from home country!

But what about death, dying,

He sang, remembering them,

And he flew to them with his soul.

My last hour has already come.

Come killer, I'm ready.

Come, strike, let my pale corpse

Fall before the eyes of enemies.

Let the poppy with fragrant grass

Growing graves around mine.

And you, son of the north, above her

Make noise with pleasant coolness.

He fell silent, but for a long time and by itself

The strings sounded in lovely harmony,

And slowly the voice of sadness disappeared from the field.

Armin, beside himself, with his head bowed,

Silently sat among the astonished crowd, -

But suddenly, awakened as from a long sleep:

"O skald! what song? what a sweet voice

He exclaimed. - What magical power

Did you suddenly instill tender feelings in me?

He sang - and in me the terrible anger went out.

He sang - and shook his cruel heart.

He sang - and his sweet singing,

It seemed that my sadness was quenched,

O skald... O my Elmore... no. Revenge, revenge!

Murderer! take deadly steel...

Throw down the altar... let Egil's family

They will be happier than a bitter father.

Go. You are free, magical singer."

And with a joyful cry the crowd repeated:

"Free singer!" Grateful Egil

Washed Armin's right hand with tears

And before the benefactor fell touched.

Egil returned to his native shore,

Where with impatience, under the humble roof,

His mother was waiting with her young sister.

Sad, tormented by evil memory,

He cursed his sword and hid it under a rock.

When, thoughtfully, in the evening,

The singer admired the excitement of the sea,

The gloomy shadow of young Elmore

Appeared to him on the misty shores.

But only in the east did Aurora blush,

This ghost, like a dream, disappeared into the clouds.

1823 or 1824

Song of the Greek

Under the sky of rich Attica

A happy family blossomed.

Like my father, a simple orator,

Behind the plow I sang freedom.

But the Turks are evil militias

Our possessions poured over ...

Mother died, father killed,

My young sister was saved with me,

I hid with her, repeating:

I did not shed tears in cruel grief,

But the chest was tight and cramped;

Our light boat rushed us to the sea,

Burning poor village

And a column of smoke blackened over the rampart.

Sister sobbed - with a veil

The sad look is half-closed;

But, hearing a quiet prayer,

I sang to her in consolation:

“For everything, my sword will avenge them!”

We swim - and under the silvery moon

We see a fortress above a rock.

Above, like a shadow, on a mossy tower

Chagall Turkish sentry;

The turban leaned towards the squeak -

Suddenly the waves sparkled

And now - in my hands lies

Without life, the maiden is young.

I hugged the body, repeating:

“For everything, my sword will avenge you!”

The East blushed at dawn,

The boat landed on the shore,

And above the noisy wave

I dug my sister's grave.

Not marble with the inscription dull

Hides the body of a sweet maiden, -

No, the corpse is buried under the rock;

But on this unchanging rock

I drew a sacred vow:

“For everything my sword will avenge you!”

Since then, the Mohammedans have me

We learned in a skirmish,

Since then, as often in the noise of abuse

I repeat my vow!

Fatherland death, beautiful death,

Everything, everything I will remember in a terrible hour;

And whenever the sword shines

And the head with a turban falls,

I say with an evil smile:

“For everything, my sword will avenge you!”

Song of Colma

[From McPherson]

Terrible night, and I'm alone

Here at the top of the lonely.

The elemental war surrounds me.

In the gorges of the high mountain

I hear the whistle of the winds deaf.

Here on the rocks from the steep mountain

A roaring stream is striving down,

Terrible over my head

Thundering Perun, clouds are rushing.

Where to run? where is my darling?

Alas, under the storm at night

I'm homeless, alone!

Shine on high, moon,

Arise, appear over the mountain!

Perhaps a blessed light

Will lead me to Salgar.

It is true that he is exhausted by fishing,

Surrounded by his dogs

In the oak forest or in the deaf steppe.

He threw off his mighty bow from his shoulders,

With bowstring down

And despising thunders, clouds,

He knows the howl of the storm,

Lies on the ant dry.

Or wait for me on a desert mountain,

Until the day comes

And will not dispel the long night?

Terrible thunder; more terrible shadow;

Howling stronger than the winds;

Stronger than gray-haired waves splashing!

And do not hear the voice!

O faithful friend! Salgar my dear,

Where are you? Oh, how long have I been sad

To suffer in this desert?

Here is an oak, a stream, about a crushed bank,

Where did you swore to be until the night!

And for Salgar blood dear

And my dear brother is forgotten.

Our families know revenge,

They are enemies to each other

We are not enemies, Salgar, with you!

Shut up, wind, even for a moment!

Stop, gray-haired stream!

Perhaps my lover

Salgar! here Colma waits;

Here is an oak, a stream, crushed on the shore;

Everything is here: only the sweet is not here.

Clara's song

(From Goethe's tragedy "Egmont")

The drums are beating

The whistle has played;

With a retinue of swearing

My friend jumped!

He jumps, he swings

Big spear...

My heart is with him!

Oh, I'm not a warrior!

What I don't have

Spears and horse!

I would run after him

To distant lands

And I would fight him

I have no trepidation!

Enemies staggered -

Behind them...

They have no mercy!

O brave man!

Who is equal to you

In a happy fate!

Mid 1826

Message to R[ozhali]nu (Leave, my friend...)

Leave, my friend, your murmuring,

Subdue criminal unrest;

Doesn't seek solace

A soul rich in itself.

Do not believe that people dispersed

Hearts of sublime sorrow.

Avaricious friendship gives them

Empty caresses, not happiness;

Be proud that you are forgotten by them, -

Their indifferent dispassion

May you be praised.

Stone did not smile at dawn;

So the hearts of the heavenly flame

Crowd soulless and empty

It has always been a mystery.

Meet her with a damask soul

And don't be afraid of weak hands

No severe wounds, no severe pain.

Oh, if you could with a quick glance

My new lot to run

Would you stop tempting

Fate with an unrighteous reproach.

When you see this world

Where the look and taste are disappointed,

Where the feeling freezes, the mind is chained

And where vanity is an idol;

When in the crowded desert

You did not find the soul of one, -

Believe me, you would forever, my friend,

I forgot my reckless murmur.

How often in the flame of speeches,

Carrying thought among friends,

Dream deceptive, obedient

I gave my hand ingenuously -

Nobody shook my hand.

Here the caress of a warm hello

The soul of the young is not warmed.

I do not find here in my eyes

The fire kindled in them by feeling,

And the word, compressed by art,

Involuntarily dying in my mouth.

Oh, if prayers could

Reach for miserly skies

Not a new cup of pleasure

I used to ask them of the old days.

Give me my friends

Give the flame of their embrace

Their quiet but hot gaze,

The language of silent handshakes

And inspirational conversation.

Give sweet sounds:

They guarantee me happiness, -

So quietly they blew

The fire of love in the soul of the ignoramus

And a bright rainbow of hope

My painted days.

But no! not everything changed me:

Another faithful friend to me

He alone is for the sad soul

Friends here replaces the circle.

His talks and lessons

I catch greedy attention;

They are clear and deep

As if the waves of being;

In his rich fantasy

I have lived to the fullest

And early experience did not buy

Raptures of early loss.

He does not sacrifice himself to passions,

He himself does not believe in their dreams;

But, as creatures witness,

He unfolded the fabric of all life.

Him vice and virtue

Equally bear humbly tribute,

As the proud ruler of the world:

My friend, do you recognize Shakespeare?

Message to R[ozhali]nu (I'm young, my friend...)

I am young, my friend, in the color of years,

But I have tasted the sea of ​​life,

And for me there is no secret

Neither in ardent joy, nor in sorrow.

I've been dreaming for a long time

Blindly believed in the stars of heaven

And the ocean is a boundless measure

With his fragile boat.

With haughty joy, it happened,

I looked like my bold boat

I printed my trace in the abyss of waves.

The abyss did not frighten me:

“What to be afraid of?” I thought.

Was the mirror so clear

Like the swell of the seas? So I thought

And proudly swam, forgetting the edges.

And what was hidden under the wave?

About the stone I struck with a boat,

And shatter my boat!

Deceived by heaven and dreams

I cursed fate and dreams...

But from a distance you beckoned me,

As the inviting shore smiled,

I hugged you with delight

I believed again in pleasure

And combined with a cold life

Souls of hot dreams.


Do you know the son of the gods

A favorite of muses and inspiration?

Would I know between the earthly sons

Are you his speech, his movements?

He is not quick-tempered, and a strict mind

Does not shine in noisy conversation,

But a clear beam of high thoughts

Involuntarily shines in a clear look.

Let around him, in a child of comfort,

Windy youth is raging,

Crazy cry, immodest laughter

And unbridled joy:

Everything is alien, wild for him,

He calmly looks at everything

Only rarely something from his mouth

Breaks a fleeting smile.

His goddess is simplicity,

And the quiet genius of thought

He was given from birth

The seal of silence on the lips.

His dreams, his desires

His fears, hopes -

Everything is a mystery in him, everything in him is silent:

Carefully keeps in the soul

He has unresolved feelings...

When suddenly something

Excite the fiery chest -

Soul, without fear, without art,

Ready to pour out in speeches

And shines in fiery eyes ...

And again he is quiet and bashful

He lowers his gaze to the ground

As if he hears a reproach

For irrevocable impulses.

Oh if you meet him

With meditation on a stern forehead -

Walk without noise near him,

Don't break with a cold word

His sacred, silent dreams;

Look with tears of awe

And say: this is the son of the gods,

A favorite of muses and inspiration.

Poet and friend

You only flourish in life

And the world is clear before you, -

Why are you young at heart

Do you feed on an insidious dream?

Who is close to the door of the grave,

That mouth does not burn

Not so passionate is his soul,

In greetings, the eyes do not brighten,

Is that how his hand shakes?

My friend! your words are in vain

Feelings do not lie to me - their language

I have long been accustomed to understand

And their prophecies are clear to me.

My soul told me a long time ago:

You will rush through the world like lightning!

You can feel everything

But you won't enjoy life.

Nature's precept is not so strict.

Do not despise her gifts:

She is the joy of youth

Gives us hope and dreams.

You proudly heard their greetings;

She's a holy desire

Itself lit in your blood

And in the chest for sweet love

Invested in a young heart.

Nature is not for everyone

He lifts his secret veil:

We still read in it

But who reads and understands?

Only the one who from youthful days

Was a fiery priest of art,

Who did not spare life for feelings,

I bought a crown with torment,

Above the bustle ascended in spirit

And hearts tremble with eager hearing,

To the one who completed the lot,

The loss of life is not a loss -

Without fear, he will leave the world!

Fate is rich in its gifts,

And she has more than one law:

To that - flourish with developed power

And erase the trace of life with death,

Another is to die early

But to live behind a gloomy grave!

My friend! why cheat?

No! life does not cherish us twice.

I love that my heart warms

What can I call mine

What a pleasure in a full bowl

We are offered every day.

And what's behind the coffin, it's not ours:

Let our shadow be praised

Our naked skeleton is torn off,

At the behest of a windy dream

Give him a face, features

And the ghost is called glory!

No, my friend! glory do not scold.

The soul is related to the dream;

She is good hope

Sorrow lit up the days.

It's sweet for me to believe that with me

Not everything, not everything will die suddenly

And what my mouth was saying -

Fun is a fleeting sound

The melody of thoughtful sadness, -

Still reminds me

And a bold verse will disturb more than once

The mind of an ardent young man in a dream,

And the old man with a tear, perhaps

Works unfaithful will read -

He will find a seal in their souls

And he says a word of compassion:

“How I love his creatures!

He breathes the heat of beauty,

In it mind and heart agreed

And thoughts were full of rushing

On the light wings of a dream.

How he knew life, how little he lived!

The prophecies of the poet came true

And a friend in tears with the beginning of summer

Visited his grave.

How he knew life! how little he lived!

Sonnet (To you, O pure Spirit...)

To you, O pure Spirit, source of inspiration,

My thoughts fly on the wings of love;

She is lost in the vale of confinement,

And everything calls her to heavenly lands.

But you clothed yourself in a veil of eternal mystery:

In vain my spirit strives to soar to you.

I read you in the depths of my heart,

And I'm left with hope and love.

Thunder with hope, thunder with love, lyre!

On the eve of eternity, thunder with his praise!

And if the world collapsed, eclipsed the light of the ether

And chaos crushed nature with emptiness, -

Thunder! Let them mourn among the ruins of the world

Love with hope and holy faith!

Sonnet (Quietly my days...)

Quietly my days bloomed in the valley of life;

I was cherished fun with a dream.

To me the world of fantasy was a clear land of the fatherland,

He attracted me with familiar beauty.

But early the flame of feelings, spiritual impulses

They destroyed me with magical power:

I'm losing a happy ray of sweet life,

Just a memory from the past.

O muse! I have known your charm!

I saw the brilliance of lightning, the ferocity of furious waves;

I heard the crackling of thunders and the howling of a storm:

But what can be compared with a singer when he is full of passion?

Sorry! your pet dies by you

And the perishing one blesses you.

three roses

In the deaf steppe of the earth's road,

Emblem of heavenly beauty,

Three roses were thrown to us by the gods,

Eden's best flowers.

Alone under a cashmere sky

Blooms near a bright stream;

She's a marshmallow lover

And the inspiration of the nightingale.

Neither day nor night does she wither,

And if someone breaks it,

As soon as the morning ray peeps through,

A fresh rose will bloom.

Even prettier is the other one:

She, a ruddy dawn

Blooming in the early sky

Captivates with bright beauty.

Fresh from this rose blows

And it's more fun to meet her:

For a moment she glows,

But every day it blooms again.

Still fresh from the third blows,

Although she is not in heaven;

She cherishes for hot lips

Love on virgin cheeks.

But this rose will soon wither:

She is shy and gentle

And in vain the morning ray will glimpse -

It won't bloom again.

three fates

Three fates in the world are enviable, friends.

Lucky, who controls fate for centuries,

In the soul of an unsolved thought melting.

He sows for the harvest, but does not reap the harvest:

The peoples of recognition did not praise him,

The peoples of the curse do not reproach him.

For centuries he bequeaths a deep plan;

After the death of the immortal, things ripen.

More enviable than a poet's destiny on earth.

From infancy, he became friends with nature,

And the heart of the stone saved from the cold,

And the rebellious mind is brought up by freedom,

And a ray of inspiration lit up in the eyes.

He clothes the whole world in harmonious sounds;

Is the heart embarrassed by the excitement of flour -

He will cry out grief in burning verses.

But believe, O others! a hundred times happier

A careless pet of fun and laziness.

Deep thoughts do not trouble the soul,

He does not know tears and fire of inspiration,

And the day for him, like another, flew by,

And he will meet the future again carelessly,

And the heart will wither without heartache -

Oh rock! why didn't you give me this lot?


Blessed is the one to whom fate has invested

In the mouth of a high gift of speech,

To whom she hearts the people

Subdued by magical power;

Like Prometheus, he stole

Source of life, wondrous flame

And around myself, like Pygmalion,

Animates the cold stone.

Few heavenly gift

They receive a happy lot,

And rarely, rarely the heart is hot

The mouth obediently expresses.

But if the soul is invested

Though a spark of noble passion, -

Believe me, she is not in vain in her,

She does not warm fruitlessly ...

It was not with this that fate set her on fire,

So that death is cold ash

She was forever extinguished:

No! - that in the depths of the soul,

The grave will not carry him away:

It will stay with me.

The souls of prophecy are true.

I knew the impulses of the heart

I was their victim, I suffered

And he did not grumble at suffering;

I had comfort in my life

What is not in vain torment

The chest was torn to pieces before the deadline.

He said, "Someday

The fruit of this torment of mystery will ripen

And the word is strong by chance

In the unexpected flame of speeches

It will break out of your chest;

You will drop him for good reason:

It will set fire to someone else's chest,

Like a spark falls into her

And it will wake up in a fire.

But an hour will pass - and our boats

They suffered death towards them!

They are still hidden behind the rock;

But soon they will fly out to the mercy of the shafts.

Son of the North! get ready for a fight.

B a i r o n

I am always ready to die.

Yes! Death is sweet when the color of life

You bring it as a tribute to your fatherland.

I have met her many times

Among our valiant squad,

And the fluctuations of the deep sea

Hope, life and everything entrusted.

I remember the glorious coast of Chio -

He is in the memory of his enemies.

In the midst of the faithful pier, spending the night,

Calm Mohammedans

They did not think about the noise of scolding.

Peace cherished their carelessness.

But we, we Greeks, are not afraid

Disturb the sleep of your enemies:

We fly on ten boats;

Fatal lightnings rose,

And in an instant the waves of the sea lit up.

Hulks of ships took off -

And everything was quiet in the abyss of waters.

What did the ray of clear morning light up?

Just an empty ocean

Where occasionally a wreck of a ship

Rushing to the green shores

Or a cold corpse, and with a turban,

Swinging quietly over the wave.

Ramparts of the Archipelago

Boil under an evil gang;

Friends! on ships

Turbans flicker in the distance,

And the months are shining

On white sails.

The slaves of the Sultan are sailing,

But the commandment of the Quran

They are not guaranteed to win.

May they be carried by courage!

Sons of the Archipelago

They will send death after them.

Eagle! What Perun is hostile

He called you into the darkness of the graves?

Oh Eurus! vey sad news!

Roar sadly, stormy shaft!

May Albion be a distant shore,

Trembling, hears that he has fallen.

Flock, tribes of Hellas,

Sons of freedom and victory!

Let instead of laurels and awards

Our vow will burst over the coffin:

Fight with a fiery soul

For the happiness of Greece, for revenge,

And as a sacrifice to the fallen hero

Bring the faded moon!

Elegy (Sorceress! How sweetly you sang...)

Enchantress! How sweetly you sang

About the wondrous land of charm,

About the hot homeland of beauty!

How I loved your memories

How eagerly I listened to your words

And how he dreamed of the land of the unknown!

You got drunk on this wonderful air,

And your speech so passionately breathes it!

You looked at the color of heaven for a long time

And she brought us the color of heaven in our eyes.

Your soul flared up so clearly

And a new fire in my chest lit.

But this fire is languid, rebellious,

He does not burn with quiet, tender love, -

No! he burns, and torments, and mortifies,

Agitated by changing desire,

It suddenly subsides, then boils violently,

And the heart will awaken again with suffering.

Why, why did you sing so sweetly?

Why did I listen to you so eagerly

And from your lips, singer of beauty,

Did you drink the poison of dreams and joyless passion?

I feel it burns in me

Holy flame of inspiration

But the spirit soars towards the dark goal...

Who will show me the way of salvation?

I see life in front of me

Boils like a boundless ocean...

Will I find a sure rock

Where can I rest my firm foot?

Ile, full of eternal doubt,

I will sadly look

To the changing waves

Not knowing what to love, what to sing?

Open your eyes to all nature, -

But give them choice and freedom

Your hour has not yet come:

Now chase the wonderful life

And resurrect every moment in it,

For every sound her calling -

Respond with a hymn!

When are the moments of surprise

Like a foggy dream, they will fly by

And the secrets of eternal creation

Clearer read a calm look, -

Humble proud desire

Embrace the whole world in a single moment,

And the sounds of your quiet strings

Merge into slender creatures.

And my faithful strings

Since then, the soul has not changed.

I sing either joy or sorrow,

Now the ardor of passions, then the heat of love,

And fleeting thoughts innocently

I trust in the flame of poetry.

So the nightingale in the shade of the oaks,

Delight short obedient,

When the shadow falls on the valleys,

Sad evening sings

And in the morning cheerfully meets

In the ruddy sky is a bright day.

Venevitinov, Dmitry Vladimirovich

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Dmitry Vladimirovich Venevitinov (September 14 (26), 1805, Moscow - March 15 (27), 1827, St. Petersburg) - Russian romantic poet, translator, prose writer and philosopher.

Dmitry Venevitinov was born on September 14 (26), 1805 in Moscow, in the parish of the now lost Church of the Archdeacon Evpla, which was located at the intersection of Myasnitskaya Street and Milyutinsky Lane. His father, retired ensign of the Semyonovsky regiment Vladimir Petrovich Venevitinov (1777-1814), came from a wealthy Voronezh noble family. Mother, Anna Nikolaevna, came from the princely family of Obolensky-Bely. Through her, Dmitry Venevitinov was distantly related (fourth cousin) with A. S. Pushkin.
Venevitinov grew up in a preserved house in Krivokolenny Lane, where he received a classical home education, which was led by his mother (Princess Anna Nikolaevna Obolenskaya). Venevitinov was taught French and Latin, as well as classical literature, by his tutor Dorer, a retired French officer, Greek - by the Greek Beyle (Bailo), painting - by the artist Laperche. Russian literature was taught by Professor of Moscow University A.F. Merzlyakov, and music, most likely, by I.I. Genishta.

In 1822, Dmitry Venevitinov entered Moscow University, where he became interested in German philosophy and romantic poetry. At the university he listened to individual lectures, in particular the courses of A. F. Merzlyakov, I. I. Davydov, M. G. Pavlov and Loder. Participated in the meetings of the student literary circle of N. M. Rozhalin. In 1823, he successfully passed the exam at the university course and in 1824 entered the service of the Moscow Archives of the Collegium of Foreign Affairs (“archival youths” - this is how Pushkin ironically called the employees of this archive in his novel “Eugene Onegin”). In August - September 1824, together with his younger brother Alexei, he visited his Voronezh estates, which was clearly reflected in his letters.

Together with Prince V. F. Odoevsky, Venevitinov organized a secret philosophical "Society of Philosophy", which also included I. V. Kireevsky, A. I. Koshelev, V. P. Titov, N. A. Melgunov and others. M. P. Pogodin and S. P. Shevyrev attended meetings of the circle, not formally being its members. The circle was engaged in the study of German idealistic philosophy - the works of F. Schelling, I. Kant, Fichte, Oken, F. Schlegel and others. Venevitinov took an active part in the publication of the magazine "Moscow Bulletin".

In November 1826, under the patronage of Princess Zinaida Volkonskaya, Venevitinov moved from Moscow to St. Petersburg, joining the Asian Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. At the entrance to St. Petersburg, the poet, together with F. S. Khomyakov and the librarian of Count Laval O. Voshe, who accompanied the wife of the Decembrist Prince. S. P. Trubetskoy, Ekaterina Ivanovna (nee Laval was arrested on suspicion of involvement in the Decembrist conspiracy. He spent three days under arrest in one of the guardhouses in St. Petersburg. Venevitinov was interrogated by the duty general Potapov. According to biographers, the arrest and interrogation had a strong effect on Venevitinov He spent three days under arrest, which exacerbated his lung disease.After that, in March, returning lightly dressed from the ball, Venevitinov caught a bad cold.

Venevitinov and Khomyakov settled in the Lansky house. Staying away from relatives and friends, away from his native Moscow oppressed the poet, although the social circle in St. Petersburg was quite wide: V. F. Odoevsky and A. I. Koshelev already lived here. A. Delvig was a frequent guest of Venevitinov.

The poet died on March 15 (27), 1827 in St. Petersburg, before reaching the age of 22. He was buried in the cemetery of the Simonov Monastery in Moscow. He bequeathed to put a ring on his finger at the hour of death - a gift from Zinaida Volkonskaya. When he fell into oblivion, the ring was put on his finger. But suddenly Venvetinov woke up and asked: “Are they going to marry me?” And died. A. Pushkin and A. Mitskevich were at the funeral. Reburied in the 1930s. at Novodevichy Cemetery...

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Another poet of the Pushkin era.

Russian romantic poet, translator, prose writer and philosopher


Dmitry Venevitinov was born on September 14 (26), 1805 in Moscow, in an old and wealthy noble family, his distant relative (fourth cousin) was A. S. Pushkin. He received a classical education at home, which was led by his mother (Princess Anna Nikolaevna Obolenskaya), studied French, German, Latin and Greek. He became interested in German philosophy and romantic poetry. He listened to individual lectures at Moscow University, in particular the courses of A. F. Merzlyakov, I. I. Davydov, M. G. Pavlov and Loder. Participated in the meetings of the student literary circle of N. M. Rozhalin.

In 1825, Venevitinov entered the service of the Moscow Archives of the Collegium of Foreign Affairs (“archival youths” - this is how Pushkin ironically called the employees of this archive in his novel “Eugene Onegin”).

He organized, together with Prince V.F. Odoevsky, a secret philosophical "Society of Philosophy", which also included I.V. Kireevsky, A.I. Koshelev, V.P. Titov, N.A. Melgunov and others. Attended meetings of the circle, not being formally its members, A. S. Khomyakov, M. P. Pogodin and S. P. Shevyrev. The circle was engaged in the study of German idealistic philosophy - the works of F. Schelling, I. Kant, F. Schlegel and others.

Venevitinov took an active part in the publication of the magazine "Moscow Bulletin".

In November 1826, Venevitinov moved from Moscow to St. Petersburg, joining the Asian Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. At the entrance to St. Petersburg, the poet was arrested on suspicion of involvement in the Decembrists' conspiracy. He spent three days under arrest, which aggravated his lung disease. After that, in March, returning lightly dressed from the ball, Venevitinov caught a bad cold.

The poet died on March 15 (27), 1827 in St. Petersburg, before reaching the age of 22. He was buried in the cemetery of the Simonov Monastery in Moscow. He bequeathed to put a ring on his finger at the hour of death - a gift from Zinaida Volkonskaya. When he fell into oblivion, the ring was put on his finger. But suddenly Venvetinov woke up and asked: “Am I to be crowned?” And died. A. Pushkin and A. Mitskevich were at the funeral. Reburied in the 1930s. at the Novodevichy cemetery.


In his literary activity, Venevitinov showed versatile talents and interests. He was not only a poet, but also a prose writer, wrote literary and programmatic and critical articles (his controversy with N. A. Polevoy about the 1st chapter of Pushkin's "Eugene Onegin" is known), translated the prose works of German authors, including Goethe and Hoffmann (E. A. Maimin. "Dmitry Venevitinov and his literary heritage." 1980).

Venevitinov wrote only about 50 poems. Many of them, especially later ones, are filled with deep philosophical meaning, which is a distinctive feature of the poet's lyrics.

The central theme of Venevitinov's last poems is the fate of the poet. In them, the cult of the romantic poet-chosen one, highly exalted above the crowd and everyday life, is noticeable:

A number of Venevitinov's poems of 1826-1827, written a few months before the poet's death ("Testament", "To my ring", "Poet and friend") can rightly be called prophetic. In them, the author seemed to foresee his early death:

Venevitinov was also known as a gifted artist, musician, and music critic. When a posthumous edition was being prepared, Vladimir Odoevsky suggested including not only poems, but also drawings and musical works: “I would like to publish them together with the works of my friend, who wonderfully combined all three arts.”

1805 - 1827

A country: Russia

Venevitinov Dmitry Vladimirovich - poet. Born September 14, 1805, died March 15, 1827 Coming from an old noble family, Venevitinov grew up in the most favorable conditions, taking advantage of the caring care of an intelligent and educated mother. Of his mentors, Venevitinov was particularly influenced by the intelligent and enlightened French Alsatian Dorer, who familiarized him well with French and Roman literature. Venevitinov studied Greek with the Greek Bailo, the publisher of the Greek classics. Venevitinov got acquainted early with the ancient classical world; hence the graceful harmony of his mental structure, clearly reflected in the inseparable connection between his poetic inspiration and his philosophical thinking; contemporaries called him "a poet of thought". He also had the ability to paint and significant musical talent. He did not enter the students, but listened to the lectures of some university professors. He was especially interested in the courses of A.F. Merzlyakov, I.I. Davydov, M. G. Pavlov and Professor of Anatomy Loder. The last three tried to connect the teaching of their subject with the then dominant philosophical system of Schelling in the West and, undoubtedly, greatly contributed to the mental development of Venevitinov in the spirit of Schellingism. Merzlyakov had a beneficial effect on university youth with the public pedagogical talks he arranged; here Venevitinov soon attracted general attention with his clear and deep mind and remarkable dialectics.He showed these qualities in the circle of students, the center of which was N.M. Rozhalin. Young people were engaged in philosophical debates and read their own compositions on various abstract topics. In 1825 Venevitinov was assigned to the Moscow Archives of the Collegium of Foreign Affairs. Easy service left a lot of free time. A rather numerous literary society was formed from the aforementioned circle, and five of its members constituted a more intimate secret "society of wisdom", with the aim of exclusively pursuing philosophy, mainly German; but it was closed by themselves, due to fears aroused by the event of December 14, to which their acquaintances and relatives turned out to be touchy. Among the small works read at the meetings of the society are Venevitinov's prose sketches: "Sculpture, Painting and Music", "Morning, Noon, Evening and Night", "Plato's Conversations with Alexander", representing (the last - even in the form itself) a successful imitation of Plato's dialogues, both in the development of thoughts and in poetic tone. The members of the society had a desire to have their own printed organ. At first it was supposed to publish an almanac (almanacs were then in vogue); but Pushkin, who arrived in Moscow in early September 1826, advised the circle to found a monthly magazine. Venevitinov, who was distantly related to Pushkin and already known to him from the article about the first song of "Eugene Onegin", outlined the program of the planned periodical, heading it: "A Few Thoughts on the Plan of the Journal." Soon, the publishing of the Moskovsky Vestnik was started, in the spirit of the Venevitin program, according to which the main task of the Russian periodical was “to create in our country scientific aesthetic criticism on the basis of German speculative philosophy and to inculcate in the public consciousness the conviction of the need to apply philosophical principles to the study of all epochs of sciences and arts. The journal has been published since the beginning of 1827, under the supervision of the collective editorial board and under the official responsibility of M.P. Pogodin. By this time, Venevitinov had already transferred to the service from Moscow to St. Petersburg, in the office of a foreign collegium. This was facilitated by the platonically adored Princess Zinaida Alexandrovna Volkonskaya Venevitinov. Leaving Moscow at the end of October, Venevitinov took with him a companion, at the request of the same Volkonskaya, the Frenchman Voshe, who had just escorted Princess E.I. to Siberia. Trubetskaya, who followed her Decembrist husband there. At the entrance to St. Petersburg, Venevitinov and Voshe were arrested due to the extreme suspicion of the police towards everyone who had even the slightest relation to the participants in the conspiracy of December 14th. The three-day arrest had a detrimental effect on Venevitinov: in addition to a heavy moral impression, staying in a damp and untidy room had a harmful effect on his already poor health. He missed Moscow, where his beloved family, Princess Volkonskaya, his comrades in the literary society and the jointly started journal, the concerns about which Venevitinova warmly expressed in his surviving letters to Pogodin and others, remained. Dissatisfaction with his position prompted him to think about leaving as soon as possible to serve in Persia. Before leaving Moscow, Venevitinov enthusiastically devoted himself to the study of German philosophers: Schelling, Fichte, Oken, as well as the works of Plato, which he read in the original (these studies are evidenced by a small work he performed for Princess Alexandra Troubetzkoy: "Letter on Philosophy", remarkable for its Platonic harmonious presentation and impeccable clarity of thought). Venevitinov, apparently, devoted most of his time to poetic creativity. This can be seen both from the number of his generally few poems falling on the Petersburg period of his life, and from the perfection of form and depth of content achieved in them. In early March, returning lightly dressed from the ball, Venevitinov caught a bad cold, and soon he was gone. On his grave monument in the Simonov Monastery, in Moscow, his significant verse is carved: “How he knew life, how little he lived!” He knew life not from experience, but due to the fact that he was able to penetrate deeply into its inner meaning with his early ripened thought "Poet" is for Venevitinov the subject of a kind of cult, expressed in his best poems, both in sincerity of tone and in charm of form: "Poet", "Sacrifice", "Consolation", "I feel, it burns in me ... "," Poet and friend "and" Last poems ". His rhymed translation of the famous monologue "Faust in the Cave" is distinguished by an extraordinary grace of verse and expressive language; "Earthly Destiny" and "The Apotheosis of the Artist" are also excellently translated from Goethe. Apart from the above-mentioned translations, the number of poems by Venevitinov does not exceed 38. Those belonging to the first period of his work, that is, written before moving to St. Petersburg, do not differ in the impeccable form that those listed above represent, which in this respect can be compared with Pushkin's poems. But the poems of both periods are equally characterized by sincerity of feeling and lack of sophistication both in thoughts and in expressions. In some of them, a pessimistic mood affected, under the influence of which the novel in prose, which remained unfinished, was started. In general, however, Venevitinov's poetry is dominated by a bright view of life and faith in the fate of mankind. The contemplative-philosophical direction of Venevitinov's poetry makes many who wrote about him assume that he would soon leave poetry and indulge in the development of philosophy. A vivid imprint of the philosophical turn of thought lies on his remarkable critical articles, in which he was far ahead of his contemporaries with aesthetic understanding. In addition to the publication of "Works of D.V.V." (1829), the Complete Works of D.V. Venevitinov", edited by A.V. Pyatkovsky (St. Petersburg, 1882), with his own article about life, about the works of Venevitinov, and separately "Poems of Venevitinov" (1884), in the "Cheap Library". - See Barsukov “Life and Works of M.P. Pogodin” (vol. II, St. Petersburg, 1888); N. Kolupanov “I. A. Koshelev "(vol. I, part 2, St. Petersburg, 1889) and articles by Mikhail Venevitinov in the Historical Bulletin (vol. XVII, 1884) and in the Russian Archive (1885, I, pp. 313 - 31 ). I. Boldakov.

“Had Venevitinov lived for at least ten years more, he would have moved our literature forward for decades…”
N. G. Chernyshevsky

Dmitry Vladimirovich Venevitinov(September 14 (26), 1805 - March 15 (27), 1827) - Russian poet, translator, prose writer.

Dmitry Vladimirovich Venevitinov was born in Moscow. His father, retired ensign of the Semyonovsky regiment Vladimir Petrovich Venevitinov (1777-1814), came from a wealthy Voronezh noble family. Mother, Anna Nikolaevna, came from the princely family of Obolensky-Belykh. Through her, Dmitry Venevitinov was distantly related (fourth cousin) with A. S. Pushkin.

Venevitinov received a classical home education, in 1822-1824. as a volunteer attended lectures at Moscow University. He was fond of not only history, philosophy and the theory of literature, but also mathematics and the natural sciences. Having passed the exams for the university course, in 1824 he entered the service of the Moscow Archive of the College of Foreign Affairs, but his main occupation was literature. By this time, he was already the author of several poems, mostly freely transcribing ancient and modern European authors. Venevitinov was one of the organizers of the Moscow Society of Philosophy, which aimed to study idealistic philosophy and romantic aesthetics.

In November 1826, Venevitinov moved from Moscow to St. Petersburg, joining the Asian Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. At the entrance to St. Petersburg, the poet was arrested on suspicion of involvement in the Decembrists' conspiracy. He spent three days under arrest in one of the guardhouses in St. Petersburg. Being away from relatives and friends oppressed the poet. In addition, Venevitinov caught a bad cold, which led to an early death on March 15 (27), 1827, apparently from severe pneumonia. The body was sent to Moscow. Venevitinov was buried on April 2, 1827 at the cemetery of the Simonov Monastery in Moscow. At the funeral were Pushkin, Mickiewicz and other friends of the poet.

In his literary activity, Venevitinov showed versatile talents and interests. His romantic poetry is full of philosophical motifs. Many poems are dedicated to the high purpose of poetry and the poet, the cult of friendship: "Poet" (1826), "Poet and friend" (1827). He dedicated poems to friends, close people, beloved Zinaida Volkonskaya: "To my goddess" (1826), "Elegy" (1827), "Testament" (1826).

Venevitinov bequeathed at the hour of his death to put a ring on his finger - a gift from Zinaida Volkonskaya. When he fell into oblivion, AS Khomyakov put the ring on his finger. In the 1930s, during the demolition of the Simonov Monastery, the body of D.V. Venevitinov was exhumed and reburied at the Novodevichy cemetery. During the exhumation, the ring was removed from the poet's finger and is now kept in the Literary Museum.

Venevitinov was not only a poet, but also a translator, prose writer, wrote literary critical articles, translated the works of E. T. A. Hoffmann, J. V. Goethe and others. He was also known as a gifted artist, musician, and music critic.

The name of Dmitry Venevitinov is closely connected with our region. The Venevitinovs had possessions in the Voronezh province. As a child, Dmitry, together with his parents, stayed in the "family nest" - in Novozhivotinny. After the death of his father, the Venevitinov family stopped coming to the estate. But in August - September 1824, together with his younger brother Alexei, Dmitry Venevitinov visited Voronezh and his Voronezh estate. He lived in Novozhivotinnoye for about a month, often recalled his childhood, wrote letters to his mother and sister Sofya, and composed poetry. Now there is a monument of federal significance - the Museum-estate of D. V. Venevitinov.

In 1994, in the outskirts of the Kominternovsky district of Voronezh, a new street was formed - Venevitinskaya. In 2005, in honor of the 200th anniversary of Dmitry Venevitinov, a monument to the poet was opened on the territory of the Museum-estate of D. V. Venevitinov.

Works by D. V. Venevitinov

Venevitinov DV Complete works / DV Venevitinov; ed. A. P. Pyatkovsky. - St. Petersburg: Printing house of O. I. Bakst, 1862. - 264 p.

The complete works of the poet, published in 1862 in the St. Petersburg printing house of Bakst under the editorship of A.P. Pyatkovsky, also contain a portrait of the author, a facsimile and articles about his life and writings.

Venevitinov D.V.Poems / D. V. Venevitinov. - Moscow: Soviet Russia, 1982. - 174 p. - (Poetic Russia).

Venevitinov D.V.Poems. Poems. Dramas / D. V. Venevitinov. - Moscow: Fiction, 1976. - 128 p.

The poet's books include his selected works.

Venevitinov DV Poems // Anthology of Russian poetry. – URL: .

Poets of Pushkin's time: selected poems. - Moscow; Leningrad: Detgiz, 1949. - 286 p. - (School library).

The collection includes selected poems by sixteen of the greatest poets of Pushkin's time, including Dmitry Venevitinov.

Russian poetry of the first halfXIX century. - Moscow: Slovo, 2001. - 765 p. - (Pushkin Library).

The book presents the work of fifty-six poets of various trends, including Dmitry Venevitinov (pp. 379–389).

Literature about the life and work of D. V. Venevitinov

Akinshin A. N. Voronezh nobility in persons and destinies: historical and genealogical essays with the application of the List of noble families of the Voronezh province / A. N. Akinshin, O. G. Lasunsky. – Ed. 2nd, revised. and additional - Voronezh: Center for the Spiritual Revival of the Chernozem Territory, 2009. - 432 p.

The book of Voronezh scientists presents biographies of the noble families of the Voronezh province, who lived on the territory of the region until 1917. The Venevitinovs and Stankeviches, the Raevskys and Tulinovs, the Potapovs and the Somovs… Poets and educators, manufacturers and military men. Among the illustrations, one can find drawings by the brother of the poet Dmitry Venevitinov, Alexei Vladimirovich, who captured views of the village of Novozhivotinnoye in the middle of the 19th century.

Budakov V. V. Poet-philosopher Dmitry Venevitinov / V. V. Budakov // Voronezh: Russian Provincial Journal. - Voronezh, 2003. - Special. issue : Day of Slavic Writing and Culture. - S. 118.

Budakov V. V. “It is too early to die, but to live ...” (Dmitry Venevitinov) / V. V. Budakov // Devotees of the Russian word / V. V. Budakov. - Voronezh, 2007. - S. 110-116.

The book "Ascetics of the Russian word" - lyrical essays about writers and poets, life and work related to the black earth region, the Central Russian strip. One of the essays is dedicated to Dmitry Venevitinov.

Venevitinov Dmitry Vladimirovich // Literary map of the Voronezh region. – URL: .

Dmitry Venevitinov. Estates of the Venevitinovs. The creative heritage of the poet / [intro. Art. E. G. Novichikhina]. - Voronezh: Center for the Spiritual Revival of the Chernozem Territory, 2010. - 215 p.

The name of the poet is closely connected with the Voronezh region: four estates of the Venevitinov family were located in Ramon - on the picturesque banks of the Don. The world of the noble estate was saved only in the village of Novozhivotinnoye. This book offers not only an acquaintance with biographical materials and the work of a remarkable poet, critic, philosopher. For the first time, the reader will be able to look into all four estates, learn about their history and modern life, walk through the halls of the house-museum of D. Venevitinov.

Zhikharev V. In the captivity of the "queen of muses and beauty": (Dmitry Venevitinov and Miniato Ricci) / V. Zhikharev // Rise. - Voronezh, 2012. - No. 12. - P. 218–223.

Vitaly Zhikharev's essay brings new details to the love story of the twenty-year-old Russian poet Dmitry Venevitinov for Zinaida Volkonskaya, who, in turn, was carried away by the Italian chamber singer Count Minato Ricci.

Lasunsky O. G. Venevitinov Dmitry Vladimirovich / O. G. Lasunsky // Voronezh Encyclopedia: [in 2 volumes] / [ch. ed. M. D. Karpachev]. - Voronezh, 2008. - T. 1. - P. 126.

Mordovchenko N. I. Venevitinov and poets of wisdom / N. I. Mordovchenko // History of Russian literature: in 10 volumes - Moscow; Leningrad, 1953. - V. 6: Literature of the 1820-1830s. – S. 448–459. – URL: .

An article on the website of the Fundamental Electronic Library (FEB) "Russian Literature and Folklore" tells about the literary and philosophical circle "Society of Philosophy" (1823-1825). Venevitinov took an active part in the organization and work of the circle. The members of the circle were engaged in the study of German idealistic philosophy.

Museum-estate of D. V. Venevitinov. – .

Museum-estate of D. V. Venevitinov // Literary map of the Voronezh region. – URL: .

The museum-estate of D. V. Venevitinov, opened in 1994, is a monument of federal significance, one of the few noble estates of the 18th century that have survived in Russia. The museum is located in the village of Novozhivotinnoye, Ramonsky District, Voronezh Region. Its exposition includes the decoration of the halls of a noble noble estate of the 19th century and everything connected with the Venevitinov family. The museum includes a two-storey mansion (1760-1770), an outbuilding (1887), a park area with a pond. In 2005, a monument to the poet was unveiled on the estate.

Novichikhin E. Novozhivotinnoe / E. Novichikhina. - Voronezh: Central Black Earth Book Publishing House, 1994. - 114 p. - (Voronezh Land. Encyclopedia of cities and villages).

The book tells about a village in the Voronezh region, originating in the second half of the 17th century. The fate of the poet Dmitry Venevitinov is closely connected with the history of this village.

Poet and philosopher Dmitry Venevitinov // Origins. Ethnocultural features of the Voronezh region. - Voronezh, 2014. - S. 147-148.

An article from a collection that tells about the ethno-cultural features of our region, about the life and traditions of our ancestors, about people associated with the Voronezh land.

Udodov B. Dmitry Vladimirovich Venevitinov / B. Udodov // Voronezh residents: famous biographies in the history of the region. - Voronezh, 2007. - S. 116-120.

Chernyshev M. A. “In the soul of an unsolved thought melting ...” / M. A.Chernyshev. - Saratov: Zavolzhye, 1992. - 280 p.

The book tells about the life and work of the famous poet of the XIX century Dmitry Venevitinov.