Rosstat reported which organizations will have to report on the number of employees by occupational group. Legislative framework of the Russian Federation

Form 1-T was introduced by the Federal State Statistics Service as a tool for statistical monitoring at the federal level of the composition, number and need for personnel. The answer to the question of who submits Form 1-T (number and need for workers) is contained in Appendix 1 to Rosstat Letter No. 04-04-4/132-SMI dated October 10, 2016. According to it, reporting is collected from legal entities and separate divisions whose average number of employees exceeds 5 people. However, not all enterprises in this category submit data to Rosstat. The list of organizations to which this responsibility is assigned is formed “as a result of a scientifically based sampling of reporting units” (clause 1 of the Instructions for filling out the form). You can check whether an organization is included in the sample on the website by entering one of the following details: OKPO, INN, OGRN.

Form 1-T (professional)

A report in Form 1-T (number and need for employees) has been submitted by organizations since 2008 in accordance with the relevant order of Rosstat dated July 7, 2008 No. 156. Currently, this normative act has lost force, as has the report form attached to it. If an organization is included in the statistical sample, a new form 1-T (number and need for employees), approved by Rosstat Order No. 325 dated 07/05/2016, is filled out. Updated form 1-T (number and need for employees), instructions for filling out which are given below, still has the name No. 1-T (prof). Forms 1-GS and 1-MS, information about which is contained in the order, apply to state and municipal institutions, respectively.

Form 1-T (professional), rules for filling out for legal entities

Report 1-T (prof) cannot be called complex. In addition to the title page, it includes one section, represented by a table with groups of professions and their names. Thus, the document must indicate:

  • full name of the organization;
  • company postal address;
  • OKPO code assigned by Rosstat;
  • average number of employees by position and profession;
  • the number of people by position and profession in which the organization’s need to fill vacant positions is expressed.

The total values ​​are calculated in accordance with the row numbers given in the table itself. It should also be remembered that the average number does not include persons working under a civil contract, external part-time workers, women on maternity leave, as well as employees called up for military service.

Sample of filling out form 1-T (number and need for workers)

Where to take it

The statistical report completed and signed by the responsible person is submitted to the territorial office of the Federal State Statistics Service. To submit a document, you can choose one of the following methods:

  • in person through an authorized representative (a supporting document will be required);
  • by registered mail with a list of the contents;
  • through special Internet resources using an electronic signature.

Currently, the third method is the fastest, most convenient and in demand. To implement it, you can use one of the paid Internet services, special templates loaded into the accounting program used by the enterprise, or software offered for download on the Rosstat website.

Penalties for failure to provide

When submitting statistical reports, meeting deadlines is extremely important. Form 1-T (number and need for employees) 2019 is submitted in accordance with the data as of October 31 in the period from November 1 to November 28. The frequency of providing information established by law is once every 2 years. In case of delay in submitting a document to Rosstat, the respondent enterprise is subject to a system of penalties provided for in Part 1 of Art. 13.19 of the Code of Administrative Offenses, namely a fine in the amount of 20,000 to 70,000 rubles. - for the organization and a fine of 10,000 to 20,000 rubles. - for officials. Repeated violation, according to this article, entails fines for legal entities and officials in the amount of 100,000 to 150,000 and from 30,000 to 50,000 rubles. respectively.

Form 1-T (statistics) characterizes information about the number and wages of employees. We’ll figure out who submits the form, present its current form (can be downloaded in the article) and provide a sample for filling it out.

The form for information on the number and wages of employees and a sample filling that meets all legal requirements are presented below:

You can find, fill out and download other forms of statistical reporting for free in our program

Who submits Form 1-T

The list of organizations that are required to report on it includes:

  • public;
  • religious;
  • horticultural;
  • dacha partnerships;
  • garage or housing cooperatives
  • organizations like those listed above.

At the same time, they must meet the following criteria:

  • is not a small business entity;
  • the average number of employees based on the results of work for the year was no more than 15 people;
  • included by the territorial divisions of Rosstat in the list of organizations that do not report in Form P-4.

Branches, representative offices and divisions of foreign organizations operating in the Russian Federation are also required to report in Form 1-T.

Organizations using the simplified tax system report on a general basis.

There are two ways to find out in advance whether your company must submit Form 1-T:

  1. Through the website of the territorial division of Rosstat. Find your region on the official website of the department (“About Rosstat” - “Territorial Bodies (TOGS)” - “TOGS Sites”). Go to the website of the territorial division. Open the tabs on it: “Reporting” - “Statistical reporting” - “List of reporting business entities” and download the list.
  2. Directly in the territorial division of Rosstat. Using the method described above, find the website of your territorial division. Open it and in the main menu, click on the tab about the department. There you will find department data. Once you know the address, you can call the department or come to it in person and request information and a form.

Frequency of submission of form 1-T

The frequency of submission of Form 1-T is annual. The deadline for submitting the document to the territorial division of Rosstat at the location of the company is January 20 of the year following the reporting year.

You must report on Form 1-T for 2018 no later than January 22, 2019 (Monday). When the due date indicated in the form is a weekend or a non-working holiday, it is postponed to the next working day (State Statistics Committee post dated 03/07/2000 No. 18).

You can check the deadlines for submitting statistical, accounting and tax reporting in the accountant’s calendar:

Check reporting deadlines

Sample of filling out form 1-T

Rosstat approved the current form 1-T on August 6, 2018 by order No. 485 (Appendix 1). It includes a title page and a sheet with a table consisting of seven columns, in which data on the average number of personnel, the wage fund and social payments are entered.

The form looks like this:

Let's look at an example of filling it out.

Procedure and features of filling

First fill out the title page. It indicates the full name of the organization. If there is a short name, it is indicated in brackets.

In the form for a separate division, indicate its name and legal address with postal code in the appropriate fields.

If the legal address does not coincide with the actual place of activity, enter the actual address.

In the table of the second sheet, line 01 shows the general values. For the remaining lines, they are deciphered and OKVED2 codes are indicated (column 3).

You can find current OKVED using our online service:

Column 4 shows the average number of employees for the year. Find it using the formula:

Average number of employees for all months of the reporting year: 12

Please note: the calculation includes persons with whom the organization has entered into employment contracts (including for temporary or seasonal work) and the owners of the organization who are paid salaries.

Table 1. Who does not participate in the calculation of the average headcount?


Women on maternity leave

clause 79.1 of the Instructions, approved. by order of Rosstat dated November 22, 2017 No. 772

Persons on leave related to the adoption of a newborn from a maternity hospital

Persons on parental leave (except for those working from home or part-time and continuing to receive benefits)

Employees on unpaid leave for training purposes

Employees on leave without pay for the purpose of passing entrance exams to an educational organization

Persons who are not included in the payroll (in particular, those working under a civil contract)

clause 78 of the Directives, approved. by order of Rosstat dated November 22, 2017 No. 772

To calculate the monthly average number of employees, you need to determine the number of employees on the payroll for each day of the month. The resulting value is divided by the number of calendar days of the month.

Columns 5 and 6 include wages in cash and in kind for time worked, compensation payments related to work activities, additional payments, allowances, bonuses, one-time incentive payments, as well as systematic payment for food and (or) accommodation.

Column 7 indicates the amounts transferred to employees in the form of social benefits (see the list in paragraph 88 of the Instructions).

After filling out all the columns, you need to fill in lines 14 and 15.

Line 14 is intended for information regarding non-payroll personnel (their payroll and the amount of social payments).

If there are no payments in the reporting period, the data is not filled in. To reduce the risk of claims, you can send a letter to your territorial division of Rosstat about the absence of indicators.

The completed Form 1-T is signed by the director of the organization or a person authorized to submit statistical reports on its behalf. In addition to the signature, their positions, telephone numbers, and email addresses are indicated on the form. In addition, the date the form was filled out is indicated.

Form 1T professional Information on the number and needs of organizations for workers by professional groups Appendix No. 3 to the Order of Rosstat dated 05. Statistics form 1T 2018 download the form. Since all data in the form is compiled as of October 31, the company must provide the completed Form 1T professional to the territorial authority. Save Outdated Version 1T prof Information on the number and needs of organizations for workers. Form 1T prof must be completed as of October 31, 2017. The statistical observation form 1Tprof has been approved. Information on the number and needs of organizations for workers by professional groups. Consignment note 1T form and sample

Unfortunately, no one has left comments on this file yet. Information on the number and needs of organizations for workers by professional groups, form 1T professional, download the form using the OKUD form. According to these instructions, form 1T professional must be submitted not only at the location of the company, but also at the place where its separate branches are opened. T prof, which reflects information about. Information on the number and needs of organizations for workers by professional groups approved. Statistical form Labor report index 1T, monthly frequency is filled out for the period from the first to. Information in the 1Tprof form is provided by legal entities other than small businesses, determined as a result of scientific research

Form 1T Prof 2016 how to fill out and what changes. Let us remind you that data on Form 1T professional is filled out as of October 31, 2016 and submitted to territorial statistical bodies by 28. A selection of the most important documents upon request Form 1T professional regulations, forms, articles, expert consultations and much more. It must be sent to the territorial bodies of Rosstat no later than 28. The personnel officer requested form 1t prof Information on the number and needs of organizations for workers by professional groups. The changes also affected other points of the instructions for filling out the 1T annual form. New form of federal statistical observation 1T Information on the number and wages of employees

A new form of statistics 1T prof. has been approved. By order of Rosstat of Russia dated August 2, 2010, as before, legal entities other than small businesses engaged in all types of activities must report in the 1Tprof form. Organizations other than small businesses and all their separate divisions are subject to a sample survey using the 1T professional form. Directory of distribution of employees into groups and subgroups OKZ form 1Tprof. If it exists in your 1C configuration, ask the person who installed it and services it for you. Form 1T PROF download sample document

Rosstat has approved the form of statistical observation 1T professional Information on the number and. Officials also warned that for submitting reports late, including Form 1T professional, the violator faces an administrative fine. One of them is the 1Tprof form Information on the number and needs of organizations for workers by professional groups, below is Form 1. In 2016, a selective federal statistical survey on the number and needs of organizations for workers according to the 1T prof form will be. If I have up to 100 people, can I not submit this report? Who needs to move and who doesn't? Form 1T prof must be completed as of October 31, 2018. T PROF, frequency once. The new form Information on the number and needs of organizations for workers by professional groups, form 1T professional, has been officially approved

The form of federal statistical observation 1T prof has been approved. Information on the number and needs of enterprises for workers. T PROF Report on the wages of employees by. Companies included in the sample must submit Form 1T prof.

You will learn:

  • What is the updated reporting form?
  • Who should fill it out?
  • How does the updated report form differ from the previous one?

Order of the Federal State Statistics Service (Rosstat) dated 07/05/2016 No. 325 “On approval of statistical tools for organizing federal statistical monitoring of the number and need of organizations for workers by professional groups, composition of personnel of the state civil and municipal service” (hereinafter - Order No. 325) the updated form of federal statistical observation No. 1-T (prof) “Information on the number and needs of organizations for workers by professional groups” (hereinafter referred to as Form No. 1-T (prof)) and instructions for filling it out were approved and put into effect.

Point No. 31: City - the city where you received the document. Item 34: Date of issue. You must write using the following format: day-month-year. Clause 35: Expiration date - the date of expiration of the passport. Item #36: Have you ever lost your passport or had it stolen? -Have you ever lost your passport or had it stolen? If you answered yes, please provide the lost passport number and the issuing country.

Point #38: Specify - Specify precisely. We must choose Tourism\\Treatment. Item #39: Have you made specific travel plans? - Do you already have a specific travel plan? You must select Yes and provide the following information. We specify the day of the month format. Point No. 41: Flight arrival - flight number if you know it.

Soon, organizations will have to report using this form, which will be used starting with the report as of 10/31/2016.

The new form is significantly different from the previous one, and in this article we will look in detail at what has changed in it compared to the form of the same name, approved by Rosstat Order No. 486 dated July 23, 2014 “On approval of statistical tools for organizing federal statistical monitoring of the number and needs of organizations in employees by professional groups” (hereinafter referred to as Order No. 486), which became invalid with the introduction of a new form.

Point No. 42: City of arrival - the city where you arrived. It is also listed in the day-month-year format. Point No. 44: Flight departure - flight number. Point No. 45: City of departure - the city from which you are flying home. Item #46: Location - Enter the name of the city you want to visit during your stay in the United States. For example, Los Angeles, New York, Chicago, Flagstaff. Using the "Add More" button you can add a city. With a delete button - cancel it.

Item No. 48: - additional address, if you have one. Select the appropriate option, if you clicked “other person”, please provide the contact details of that person. Item 54: Are you traveling as part of a group or organization? - Are you a member of a group or organization? Answer Yes \\ No, if you select "Yes", enter his name.


According to information published on the Rosstat website, the agency conducts a sample survey of organizations every 2 years in order to study the needs of organizations for workers to fill vacant jobs by professional groups.

Organizations (without small businesses) engaged in all types of economic activity are subject to examination, except for organizations whose main activity is financial activity; public administration and military security; social insurance; activities of public associations and extraterritorial organizations.

Item #55: Have you ever been to the USA? -Have you ever been to the United States? If you were, please indicate your arrival date and how many days. Has your visa been denied admission to the United States or your application for admission to a port of entry has been revoked? - Yes\\No Will your visa to enter the United States ever be denied or if your application is denied? Item #58: Has anyone ever filed an immigration petition with your United States Citizenship and Immigration Services? - Has anyone ever submitted an immigration application on your behalf to the Immigration Service?

The results obtained as part of the sample survey allow us to analyze the professional and qualification structure of the number of employees and the current situation with the shortage of specialists and workers by professional groups, types of economic activity and forms of ownership of organizations (state and municipal, non-state), and constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

If you do not personally know anyone in the United States, you can write the name of the store, company, or organization you plan to visit during your trip. Point No. 59: Surnames - first name. Item 60: Given names. Item No. 61: Name of organization - name of the organization.

Point #62: Relationship with you - What connects you with this person. Select the desired option and provide the address: street, apartment, city, state, zip code, telephone, email address. Part 8 - Information about relatives. No. 63 - father's full name and date of birth - father's full name and date of birth.


As before, legal entities (except for small businesses) engaged in all types of economic activities (except for financial activities and ensuring military security; activities of public associations and extraterritorial organizations) must report in Form No. 1-T (prof).

Item No. 64: given names. Item 65: Date of birth - date of birth. Item No. 66: Is your father in the USA? - Is your father in the United States? Item No. 67: Mother's Full Name and Date of Birth - Mother's full name and date of birth. Item 68: given names. Item 69: Date of birth.

Part 9 - Family information: husband\\wife. Here you must write exactly as it appears in your passport, including the girl's name. Item No. 75: “Date of birth” - date of birth, in the “day-month-year” format. Item No. 76: Citizenship of spouses: Nationality.

Point No. 77: City - the city where your spouse was born, if you don’t know, you don’t know. Item No. 78: Country - the country in which you were born. Item 80: Main occupation - area of ​​activity at that time. From all the points we choose the right one. For example, click "Communication".

Note According to sub. 99.00 “OK 029-2014 (NACE Rev. 2). All-Russian Classifier of Types of Economic Activities”, approved. By Order of Rosstandart dated January 31, 2014 No. 14-st (as amended on April 14, 2016), the group “Activities of extraterritorial organizations and bodies” includes:

    activities of international organizations such as the United Nations and its specialized agencies, regional bodies, etc., International Monetary Fund, World Bank, World Trade Organization, Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries, European Community, European Association free trade, etc.

    Item 81: Real name of employer or school - the name of the company where you work, the school or university where you study. Item No. 82: Street address - address, street name, house number, apartment. Unless you click "Do not apply". Item No. 87: Telephone number - telephone number.

    Item No. 89: Monthly income in local currency - monthly income in local currency. Item #90: Briefly describe your responsibilities. Briefly describe what your responsibilities cover. Item 91: Have you previously worked? -You answer Yes\\No. If you answer “Yes,” please include the employer's name, full address, job title, supervisor's first and last name, from what date to as long as you worked there, and what your responsibilities were.

This grouping also includes the activities of diplomatic and consular missions if they are counted by the place where they are located rather than by the country they represent.

According to paragraph 1 of the Instructions for filling out the federal statistical observation form No. 1-T (prof) (hereinafter referred to as the Instructions), legal entities required to submit a report are determined by conducting a scientifically based sample of reporting units. Rospotrebnadzor also draws attention to this in letter No. 01/14444-14-27 dated December 8, 2014, focusing on the mandatory submission of Form No. 1-T (prof) only upon official request from territorial bodies of Rosstat. At the same time, Rospotrebnadzor asks to inform it about the receipt of an official request from the territorial bodies of Rosstat.

Item 92: Have you attended any educational institutions at the secondary level or above? - Have you studied in higher educational institutions? That is, you went to college, university, you took courses, you followed a doctorate, etc. Item 93: Do you belong to a clan or tribe? - Do you belong to any tribe or clan?

We will indicate the name affirmatively. Item 94: Provide a list of languages ​​you speak. Write down a list of languages ​​you have. Item 95: Have you traveled to any country in the last five years? - Have you traveled to any country in the last 5 years? If yes, write a list of countries you have visited.

The frequency of submission of the report has not changed - as before, it is compiled 1 time every 2 years. The deadline for submitting the report has not changed - no later than November 28.

Thus, a new report in form No. 1-T (prof) must be submitted by all legal entities specified in the header of the form that received a request from the territorial bodies of Rosstat by November 28, 2016.

Item 96: Have you been involved or worked in any professional, social or charitable organization? - Have you been, worked or worked in professional, social or charitable organizations? If you answer yes, please provide a list of organizations. Item 97: Do you have any specialized skills or training, such as firearms, explosives, nuclear, biological, or chemical experience? - Do you have special knowledge, skills or experience in the field of weapons, explosives or nuclear, biological or chemical areas?

Violation of the procedure for providing statistical information

At the top of form No. 1-T (prof) there is a warning that violation of the procedure for submitting statistical information, as well as the submission of unreliable statistical information, entails the responsibility established Art. 13.19 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation dated December 30, 2001 No. 195-FZ, as well as Art. 3 Law of the Russian Federation of May 13, 1992 No. 2761-1 “On liability for violation of the procedure for submitting state statistical reporting” (hereinafter - Law of the Russian Federation No. 2761-1).

If yes, indicate the country you traveled to. Item 98: Have you ever served in the army? Was he involved in armed service? If yes, please indicate the country you served in, what type of unit, rank or position, military specialty, and date of start of service.

Item 99: Have you ever served in, been a member of, or been associated with a paramilitary unit, a vigilante unit, a rebel group, a guerrilla group, or an insurgent organization? - Are you satisfied with armed service or are you a member of any military formation, paramilitary groups or rebels?

Article 3 of Law of the Russian Federation No. 2761-1 establishes that enterprises, institutions, organizations and associations shall, in accordance with the established procedure, compensate statistical bodies for damages arising in connection with the need to correct the results of consolidated reporting when presenting distorted data or violating reporting deadlines. This norm has not changed since the adoption of the law, unlike Art. 13.19 Code of Administrative Offenses - both the title of this article and its content have changed.

Part 12 - Safety and Others: Part 1 Item #101: Do you have a mental or physical impairment that poses or may pose a threat to your safety or well-being or to others? Do you have a mental disorder that could put the health or lives of others at risk?

Item #102: Are you or have you ever been a drug addict or addict? - Would you use your drug addiction? We answer Yes No, ideally this answer, like the previous ones, should be negative. Part 13 Item No. 103: Have you ever been arrested or convicted of any crime or crime, even if you were granted amnesty or other similar actions? - Have you ever been arrested or participated in a murder, even in cases where you were declared innocent, amnestied, etc.

Firstly, the new wording of Art. 13.19 of the Code of Administrative Offenses has significantly increased the amount of the administrative fine that can be imposed on an official, and secondly, from December 30, 2015, not only an official, but also a legal entity can be held administratively liable in the form of a fine. In addition, liability has been introduced for both officials and legal entities for repeated violations:

Item #104: Have you ever violated or conspired to violate any law relating to controlled substances? - Have you ever broken laws or taken part in such actions? Item No. 106: Have you ever engaged in or attempted to engage in money laundering? -Have you ever had anything to do with money laundering?

Item #107: Have you ever committed or committed a crime related to human trafficking in the United States or outside the United States? -Have you ever been involved in a human trafficking conspiracy within or outside the United States?


The volume of Section 1 “Number and demand of organizations for workers by professional groups as of October 31, 2016” has increased significantly due to greater detail in the data in the table and the introduction of a large number of significant changes and additions.

Item 109: Are you the spouse, son, or daughter of a person who has committed or committed a human trafficking offense in the United States and outside the United States, and you have, within the last five years, knowingly benefited from human trafficking activities? - During the last 5 years, has your spouse, son or daughter been involved in such crimes, regardless of whether they knowingly committed a crime related to human trafficking?

Some received such a visa upon request. If you have been issued a multiple-entry visa in the United States for ten years, you should be aware that the validity of that visa allows you to travel to a United States port of entry and be permitted to enter the United States by an immigration officer.

Compared to the previous form, the distribution of workers into occupational groups, as well as the names of occupational groups, has changed; some occupational groups have reappeared, others have been excluded. For example:

  • in the old report form there were three professional groups in the first section “Heads of institutions, organizations and enterprises and their structural divisions (services).” In the updated form, the first section is called “Managers” and includes 10 professional groups;
  • in the old form, specialists in the field of biological, agricultural sciences and health were included in one professional group. In the new form, healthcare specialists are allocated to a separate professional group;
  • from the trade union group of the old form “Journalists and literary workers”, journalists were allocated to a separate trade union group of the new form;
  • in the previous form there was a professional group “Specialists of personnel services and employment institutions”, classified as mid-level personnel in the field of financial, economic, administrative and social activities. In the new form there is no such occupational group, but the occupational group “Employees for maintaining personnel records” has appeared in the category “Other office employees”;
  • in the old form there was a subgroup “Stenographers and typists”, in the new form there are no stenographers, and typists are combined into one professional group with text editing equipment operators;
  • assistant accountants and office managers are again included as separate lines in the professional group “Secondary specialized personnel for economic and administrative activities”;
  • Chefs are included as a separate line in the new report form to the professional group “Secondary specialized personnel in the field of legal, social work, culture, sports and related activities.”

It is impossible to list all such changes, and there is no need.

A multiple-entry visa, valid for ten years, does not allow you to remain in the United States for ten years. Each person is responsible for maintaining legal status in the United States. If you no longer have an old passport with a valid visa, you will need to apply for a new visa.

How to post a document from a seated person. Under Standing Orders 38 and 166, committees, ministers and the Auditor General may submit reports and documents to the President, the Vice-Chairman or the temporary chairman of the committees when the Senate is not in session. Submitted reports and documents are permitted for publication. The reports and documents listed here were submitted after the Senate last met.

Some trade union groups were not mentioned in previous versions of the reporting form and appeared only in the latest version of form No. 1-T (prof). For example:

  • “Agents for labor contracts and hiring”, which are classified as mid-level specialized personnel for economic and administrative activities;

Note. Labor contract and recruitment agents select vacancies for job seekers, find workers for employers and draw up employment contracts for the implementation of specific projects at the request of enterprises and other organizations, including institutions, or for employment on a commission basis.

They will be presented formally when the Senate follows and are recorded in the Journals of the Senate. How to answer a Senate question about notice. In accordance with Rule 74, responses to Notice Questions must be provided within 30 calendar days.

How to find a document in a database of related documents. This database provides a search facility that allows the use of digital images of documents presented in the Senate. Documents from the 43rd Parliament are currently being processed and will gradually be made available online.

Their responsibilities include selecting vacancies for job seekers; selection of workers for vacant positions on commission from an employer or employee, etc. (see section “Descriptions of main groups, subgroups, small and initial groups” of the All-Russian Classification of Occupations OK 010-2014 (MSKZ-08), adopted and put into effect by the Order of Rosstandart dated December 12, 2014 No. 2020-Art.

Individuals and organizations may attempt to present petitions to Parliament. How to apply to the committee. The main purpose of parliamentary committees is to conduct investigations and present the results of these investigations to parliament. Each request has terms of reference that outline the issues to be considered by the committee.

As part of the inquiry process, the committee seeks written submissions regarding the terms of reference. How to apply for notification. Questions addressed to the Minister must relate to government affairs with which the Minister is officially associated, to proceedings pending before Parliament, or to any matter of administration for which the Minister is responsible.

  • “Employees of collection firms and workers in related occupations for the collection of debts and payments.” The developers of the form classified it as employees in the public service sector (along with employees conducting consumer surveys and employees in the reception area (general profile)), who in turn are included in the section “Employees involved in the preparation and execution of documentation, accounting and service”;
  • in the section “Unskilled workers” in the new version of the report, the trade group “Street vendors and other unskilled workers providing various street services” appeared, etc., etc.


According to clause 1 of the Instructions the rules for filling out the address part of form No. 1-T (prof) and the “Mail address” line have remained virtually unchanged.

According to paragraph 8 clause 1 of the Instructions in the code part of the form the code of the All-Russian Classifier of Enterprises and Organizations (OKPO) is entered, while the new edition of the Instructions clarifies that this code is entered on the basis Notifications about assignment of OKPO code, sent (issued) to organizations by territorial state statistics bodies.

In the note to clause 1 of the Guidelines added a link to clause 2 of Art. 11 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, according to which a workplace is considered stationary if it is created for a period of more than one month.

In paragraph 2 of the Directions An updated list of employees is provided that are not included in the list of employees of the organization. Thus, in addition to external part-time workers, executors under civil contracts and women on maternity leave and child care leave, the payroll now does not include military personnel in the performance of military service duties.

In paragraph 3 of the Directions provides information about the new All-Russian Classification of Occupations (OKZ), which should now be used as a guide when distributing workers into professional groups (occupations). The new classifier was put into effect by Order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology dated December 12, 2014 No. 2020-st instead of the previously used OKZ, approved by Decree of the State Standard of the Russian Federation dated December 30, 1993 No. 298.

If in the previous version a link to the directory for the distribution of employees by subgroups and groups of OKZ was located at the end of the Instructions for filling out the form, then in the new version information about the Directory and its location on the Internet is presented in the second paragraph of clause 3 of the Instructions:

Extract from the Guidelines

To correctly distribute employees of organizations into professional groups, you should use the Directory of distribution of employees into subgroups and groups of OKZ, which is posted on the Rosstat website on the Internet information and telecommunications network: in the section Information for respondents/Federal state statistical observation forms/ Album of federal statistical observation forms, the collection and processing of data on which is carried out in the system of the Federal State Statistics Service, for 2016/20. Labor market/form No. 1-T (professional). The directory is developed in Excel format and contains 9 sheets, each of which corresponds to one of the main groups. In accordance with the survey program in main groups from 2 to 5, a list of occupations is provided for initial groups in 1, 6, 7 and 8 main groups - in small groups, and in main group 9 “Unskilled workers” - in subgroups. For each occupational group of OKZ, a list of professions included in this group is provided.

The scope of the Instructions has been significantly reduced by eliminating clause 6, which provided the principles for distributing employees into larger groups. Accordingly, as stated in paragraph 5 of the new edition of the Guidelines, the distribution of enterprises’ needs for workers by professional groups is carried out similarly to the distribution of payroll in accordance with paragraph 3 of the Guidelines(previously - in accordance with paragraphs 5 and 6), in which we are referred to the All-Russian Classification of Occupations (OKZ) and the Directory of Distribution of Workers by subgroups and groups of OKZ.

In addition, in the new edition of the Instructions, clause 9, which set out the rules for filling out Certificate 1, is excluded, since it is not in the new form No. 1-T (prof). The certificate concerned workers engaged in activities in the production of goods and services related to the creation or use of nanotechnology.

According to clause 4 of the Instructions Column 5 contains a list of jobs that are classified as vacant. The content of this list has not changed compared to the Guidelines in the previous edition (where it was number 7):

Extract from the Guidelines (paragraph 2, paragraph 4)

Vacant jobs include those vacated in the event of employee dismissal, maternity leave or child care leave, as well as newly created jobs for which it is planned to hire employees within 30 days after the reporting period. If vacant positions are occupied by internal part-time workers and the organization does not take active steps to find workers, then this need for workers should not be reflected in Form No. 1-T (prof).

Section 2 is not in either the previous or updated form of the report. For what reason the developers number the only section is unknown. - Note author.

The word “state” is missing on the website under the “Information for Respondents” section. - Note author.

Legal entities of all forms of ownership are required to report to Rosstat on the number and wages of their employees by January 20, 2017. This article provides a sample of filling out such a report on Form 1-T.

Statistical form 1-T (prof) is called “Information on the number and wages of employees”, it was approved by order of Rosstat. Legal entities of all forms of ownership, with the exception of small enterprises, must submit Form 1-T.

Who must submit a report on Form 1-T and when?

Officials determined that only small businesses are exempt from the need to submit this statistical report. All other organizations must report to statistics.

Any organization has the opportunity to independently check whether it needs to submit this report. This can be done on the official website of Rosstat. To do this, you must enter the OKPO, INN or OGRN of the organization. If you still need to submit a report, you should do it before January 20, 2017. After this date, statistical authorities will begin to apply penalties to latecomers.

Separately, it should be noted that if an organization has separate divisions (branches), then Form 1-T is filled out and submitted both separately for each of these divisions and for the entire organization as a whole. It is important to understand that in this case, by a separate unit, officials understand any territorially separate unit from the organization, at or from the location of which economic activity is carried out at equipped stationary workplaces. Whether such a unit is registered as separate or not does not play a role in this case. The report should be submitted to the territorial statistical bodies at the location of each of them.

In addition, bankrupt organizations in respect of which bankruptcy proceedings have already been opened are not exempt from the obligation to submit this report. The legislation allows not to submit this form only after the complete liquidation of such a legal entity.

Sample of filling out form 1-T

Before you start filling out the reporting form itself, you need to remember that it contains such an indicator as the average number of employees. It can be calculated using the standard formula:

the sum of the average number of employees for all months of the reporting year divided by 12.

At the same time, the average number of employees per month is calculated as follows:

the sum of the payroll number of employees for each calendar day of the month, from the 1st to the 30th or 31st (for February - on the 28th or 29th), including holidays (non-working days) and weekends, divided by the number of calendar days of the month.

Statistical form 1-T must be filled out according to data as of December 31, 2016. The title page is easy to fill out. It should contain: the full name of the organization and a short name in brackets next to it; legal address of the legal entity, indicating the subject of the Russian Federation and the index, the actual address of the organization, if it does not coincide with the legal one, the OPKO code assigned by Rosstat.

In section 1 of the report you should indicate the following numerical values:

  • the average number of employees of the organization, broken down by industry,
  • the wage fund of these workers,
  • social benefits fund for these employees.

The number of employees must take into account all persons working on the basis of employment contracts, including those performing temporary or seasonal work, as well as the owners of the organization if they receive a salary. The average headcount traditionally does not include external part-time workers, persons with whom civil contracts have been concluded, and employees on maternity leave.

After all the data has been posted, it is necessary to sum it up. After which the document must be certified by the signature of the responsible official of the organization. In addition, you should set the date for filling out the T-1 report and indicate an email address for communication.

After which the report can be submitted to Rosstat in any available convenient way. This can only be done in paper form. In order to check the correctness of filling out this form, department specialists prepared control ratios. They are shown in the table:

Responsibility for late submission of Form 1-T

For late submission of statistical form 1-T, an administrative fine is provided. Its size is:

  • for organization - from 20 thousand to 70 thousand rubles;
  • for officials - from 10 thousand to 20 thousand rubles.