Gorgeous Celine Dion (Celine Dion): biography and personal life. Celine Dion - biography, photos, songs, personal life of the young singer Celine Dion

Celine Marie Claudette Dion is a Canadian singer who became a star as a teenager. The performer sings both in her native French and in English. It is believed that Dion is the most successful French-speaking musician, and Dion's album D'eux is the world's best-selling disc among all non-English studio recordings.

Celine was born in the Canadian province of Quebec in a large family. The singer's parents, Ademar Dion and Teresa Tange, had 14 children, of which the future world star was the youngest.

Interestingly, Celine is distantly related to many North American stars. For example, she shares common ancestry with the actor, singer, and Queen of Pop.

Music entered the girl's life literally from birth. Not only did religious gospel songs constantly sound in the family, they named Dion in honor of the then-fashionable composition “Celine” from the repertoire of the singer Hugues Ofre.

She started performing at the age of five. The first time Celine sang a song at the wedding of her older brother Michel, and it was not at all a funny children's gift, but a full-fledged number. Soon, together with his brothers and sisters, Dion begins to work professionally in bars and clubs.

When the girl was 12 years old, she wrote her first author's composition Ce n'était qu'un rêve, which, with the help of her brother, got to the music manager Rene Angelil. The man was so imbued with the voice of the young talent that he mortgaged his house and spent all the money on the promotion of the aspiring singer.

Interestingly, as a teenager, Celine Dion wanted to imitate the American, but at the insistence of the manager, she nevertheless found her own niche in music. And to conquer the English-speaking countries, the girl was trained at the Berlitz language school.

By the way, due to the fact that the singer is actually self-taught, it later turned out that she uses her vocal cords incorrectly. In 1989, there was even a question of ending his career due to sore throat and loss of voice. During the new tour in support of the fresh album Incognito, the singer completely lost her voice. It turned out that the girl was overloading her vocal cords.

Dion was threatened with surgery, but she found another way: she didn’t speak at all for about a month, and then consolidated the result achieved by learning to control her voice. Celine took a sabbatical and learned the art of vocals from William Riley in order to continue to properly load the ligaments.


Celine Dion's first professional composition was La voix du bon Dieu, which topped the local hit parade and turned the young singer into a Quebec star. A year later, another song, Tellement j'ai d'amour pour toi, sounded not only in Canada, but also in France and Japan.

A year later, the singer went on tour with a series of concerts "Les chemins de ma maison tournée".

The popularity of the singer grew. During this period, Celine Dion received a number of Felix awards, including Best Performer and Discovery of the Year.

With the hit D "amour ou d" amitié, Celine Dion became the first Canadian to top the French charts. And the victory at Eurovision 1988, where the girl with the hit Ne partez pas sans moi represented Switzerland, allowed the girl to say that Central Europe had been conquered. English-speaking countries are next in line.

To ensure her popularity in the world of English-language music, the girl decided on a dental operation designed to improve the appearance of the artist.

After completing a course in the British language, the singer records her first album with English lyrics - Unison. The song from this record Where Does My Heart Beat Now became a big hit in the USA. Even more about Dion started talking when she performed the lyric song Beauty and the Beast, which became the soundtrack to the cartoon "Beauty and the Beast".

The biggest commercial album of the 90s was The Color of My Love. The songs The Power of Love, Think Twice, and later To Love You More are played on radio stations around the world. The next disc, Falling into You, gave fans of the Canadian singer new wonderful compositions, and All by Myself and It's All Coming Back to Me Now entered the category of incorruptible. But the main hallmark of Celine Dion, of course, is the soundtrack to the Oscar-winning drama - the ballad My Heart Will Go On.

Of the following songs, it is worth noting I "m Your Angel, That" s the Way It Is, Because You Loved Me, Taking Chances, I Drove All Night and Alone. All the work of Celine Dion, whose style deviates from standard pop music, is permeated with sentimentality and is full of feelings and sincerity. The main themes of Celine Dion's songs remained the theme of poverty and awakening spirituality, and after the singer herself had children, the motive of the connection between mother and child was also added to these topics.

Celine Dion publishes albums in French and English, and with the advent of various Internet services, the singer has come to new platforms. So, Celine Dion leads the channel on YouTube, where both official videos for a number of compositions are posted, as well as just video messages from the star to fans. Celine is also present in " Instagram”, on this platform the singer has more than 2 million subscribers.

Personal life

Celine Dion met her future husband when she was 12 years old, and he was already 38. This was exactly the person who made her a world-class star - manager Rene Angelil. The romantic relationship of the future spouses began, of course, much later - in 1988, and a few years later the engagement was announced.

The singer was afraid that the fans would not take such a union well, but they supported the choice of their favorite, and marriage did not affect Dion's popularity. The wedding of Celine and Rene took place on December 17, 1994 at Notre Dame Cathedral in Montreal. The celebration looked extravagant, and even broadcast live on Canadian television.

Celine Dion could not get pregnant for several years and, for the sake of motherhood, she underwent two special operations that improved her chances of conceiving. The first son of the Canadian singer was born in 2001 and received the name Rene-Charles Angelil, and 9 years later twin brothers were born with a difference of one minute. The parents gave the names to these boys in honor of famous people - the composer Eddie Marne and the former president of South Africa.

The singer lived happily with her husband until the man's death from cancer in January 2016. René Angelil battled laryngeal cancer for 20 years. The man underwent the first operation to remove the tumor back in 1999. This procedure allowed the man to temporarily forget about the disease.

The relapse happened in 2013. Angelil continued treatment and underwent another operation, but it did not help. The disease confined the man to bed. Celine Dion left the stage during this period in order to devote more time to her husband. But in 2015, Rene himself persuaded his wife to resume her musical biography and sign a major contract with a recording studio.


  • 1981 - La voix du bon Dieu
  • 1990 - Unison
  • 1993 - The Color of My Love
  • 1997 - Let's Talk About Love
  • 2002 - A New Day Has Come
  • 2007 - D'elles
  • 2007 - Taking Chances
  • 2012 - Sans attendre
  • 2013 - Loved Me Back to Life
  • 2016 - Encore un soir

In January 2016, the husband of one of the most famous and sought-after world stars of our time, Celine Dion, died of a serious illness. René Angelil devoted his entire life to the career of his wife. He did not leave her in the most difficult moments for her, such as the loss of her second child. Rene understood that their family life would always be on their lips, because Celine Dion personal life has always been of interest to everyone. Celine was a world star. It is difficult to find a person who has never heard the soundtrack from the sensational movie "Titanic".

The couple met when Celine was twelve years old. On that day, the future star came to the audition for the promising producer Rene Angelil, who at that time was thirty-eight years old. The producer was impressed by the strong voice of the girl. Thus began a world-famous collaboration. Rene taught the girl how to sing, manners, helped to do plastic surgery (little Celine's upper teeth protruded strongly). All his efforts were aimed at the success of the future star. Celine fell in love immediately with her patron. At the age of twenty, the girl confessed her feelings to Rene. At that time, the producer had a hard break with his third wife. The love of a young girl saved him from suicide.

Celine Dion with her husband

After Rene mortgaged his house for the release of the album, the whole world started talking about the girl. The public became interested in Celion Dion's personal life. Many fans of the singer accused Rene of a depraved attitude, believed that his feelings were not real. Celine did not pay any attention to the rumors. A few years later, the couple finally decided to officially legalize their relationship. Their wedding is called one of the most beautiful and magnificent in the history of show business.
After three years of marriage, Celine learned about her husband's terrible illness. For the sake of her husband, she terminated all contracts for two years. Rene underwent an operation, after which the doctors insisted that the disease had completely disappeared. Now Celine dreamed only of becoming a mother, but all the experts insisted that after chemistry, Celine's wife would not be able to get pregnant.
After some time, Celine turned to a doctor who was engaged in artificial insemination. The attempt was successful, and Celine became pregnant. In 2001, Celine gave birth to Rene-Charles, and in 2010, the twins Eddie and Nelson. The couple was just happy. Celine's career went uphill, the couple enjoyed family life and even wanted to have a fourth child. But in 2013, Rene learned that the cancer had returned. Celine, without hesitation, again stopped all performances and decided to devote herself entirely to her beloved husband. Celine said that she never resorted to the help of a nurse, she always did everything herself.

Celine Dion with her husband and children

Rene understood how important the stage was to his wife. When Celine went out to the audience, she felt absolutely happy, and Rene felt it. Therefore, in 2015, he persuaded the singer to return to show business.
In 2016, producer René Angelil passed away. His wife, Celine Dion, was by his side until the last moment.

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😉 Greetings to regular and new readers! In the article "Celine Dion: biography, personal life, video" about the popular Canadian singer. If this is a new name for you, I'm sure you've heard her voice. It is difficult to find a modern person in the world who has not heard the song from the movie "Titanic". This is the voice of Celine Dion.

Celine Dion: biography

Celine Marie Claudette Dion is the full name of the singer. She came into this world in the spring of 1968. Celine is from a large family, besides her there were 13 more children.

Mother and father were musicians and ran a small piano bar in Quebec. At the age of 5, Celine decided to become a singer. When she was 12, she wrote a French song with her mother and brother that changed her life forever.

Rene Angelil

The cassette with the song was sent to producer Rene Angelil. It is said that when Rene heard her singing, he could not hold back his tears. A year later, this producer set a goal: to make Celine a world-famous singer. René mortgaged his own house to sponsor the young singer's debut album!

With the support of Rene, she begins her musical career. In 1982, 14-year-old Dion won the composers' competition in Japan. Studying at an English school helped her polish her English.

It was a necessary pass to the big world. Soon, from a teenager, Dion turned into a young singer, ready for all difficulties.

After winning Eurovision, the 20-year-old singer has already enjoyed superstar status in her native Quebec.

Soon the relationship between the producer and the singer grew from a business into something more. 26 years of age difference forced the lovers to hide their relationship. After several years of conspiracy, in 1994 the happy couple got married. Rene Angelil became the closest person in the world after his parents. They will be married for 22 years.


The pop star keeps a diary, entries in which he does not forget to do daily. Recently, she often enters quotes from her late husband there. Celine believes that he was a very wise man, and is afraid to forget some of his sayings, which seem to her especially valuable. The pop star started this tradition during his lifetime.

Rene Angelil died in January 2016 from cancer (at the same time her brother died from the same disease). She is still deeply saddened by this loss. And when he misses his beloved, he tries to communicate with him with the help of a diary.

“Constant travel around the world with tours is a huge and difficult task,” says the 49-year-old widow. This is especially so when you have three children. Travel becomes problematic, sometimes it scares me. And now everything has become even more difficult, my grief has not yet passed.

She took a long vacation in order to be with her husband in the last hours of his life.

“He suffered for three years,” the widow complains. - It's a long time. I took a vacation for a year and told him: “I can only live well next to you, I don’t live for a career, you are my life, my work.”

Any wife will do it, any mother will do it. And any artist will do the same. I took care of him in the best possible way, did everything I could. We talked a lot, made notes together. I still have a notebook and a pencil. I write down all his questions, comments, thoughts there.

Today, Dion is learning to live anew in a world that no longer has a loved one. Dion's height is 1.71 m, the sign of the zodiac is


In this video, additional and detailed information "Celine Dion: biography, personal life." Photos of parents, husband, children, house, interior, etc.

Celine Marie Claudette Dion was born on March 30, 1968 in Charlemagne, Quebec, Canada.
She was the youngest of 14 children of Adhemar and Teresa Dion. Her family was friendly. Also a musical family, her parents formed the Dion's family and traveled across Canada when Celine was a baby. Later, the family opened a bar with a pianist, in which Celine performed, delighting visitors.

At 12, Celine recorded her first song, written and directed by her mother. They sent the tape to manager and producer René Angelil, who was pursuing the career of popular French singer Ginette Reno. After listening to the recording, Rene invited Celine for a personal audition and after listening, he immediately signed her to a contract with the condition that he would pursue her career. He mortgaged his house to sponsor her first album, La Voix du bon Dieu (Voice of God).

By the age of 18, Dion had recorded nine albums in French and received numerous Felix and Juno awards (analogous to the Grammy in Canada). In 1988, she won the Eurovision Song Contest in Dublin, Ireland, which was broadcast live in Europe, the Middle East, Australia and Japan. Having reached a new level of recognition, Celine began to look towards the United States and the American world of stars.

Dion recorded her first English-language album, Unison, in 1990. Like most of her English-language albums, the work on the album took place in close collaboration with composer-arranger and musician David Foster. The album has sold over one million copies worldwide. It included such hits as "Where Does My Heart Beat Now".

Dion achieved real success in American pop music in 1992, recording a duet with Peabo Bryson on the main musical composition for the animated film Beauty and the Beast. The song peaked at number ninth on the Billboard Hot 100 and also earned Dion a Grammy and an Oscar. The song was included in her second English-language album with the title "Celine Dion". The album went gold in the US and sold 12 million copies worldwide. The undeniable success of her self-titled album, which peaked at number four on the Hot 100 and number one on the Adult Contemporary list, landed her on her first highly publicized US tour.

Succeeding in the USA

Celine Dion wisely embraced the new wave of fame and released the well-selling The Color of My Love in 1993. The album included the strong romantic ballads that made Dion famous - "When I Fall in Love" (soundtrack to the film "Sleepless in Seattle") and "The Power of Love", the first of her songs to reach number one in " Hot Hundred.

In 1994, Dion successfully combined her personal and professional life when she married Angelil, even though he was 26 years older than her. Angelil divorced his second wife in the 80s, and immediately after that, he and Dion began a romantic relationship. They announced their engagement in 1991 and married in an elaborate ceremony at Montreal's Notre Dame Cathedral that was celebrated across Canada.

Celine Dion's international success was further strengthened after her performance at the 1996 Olympic Games in Atlanta, Georgia, where she performed the song "The Power of the Dream". In the same year, her album won the Grammy Award for Album of the Year and Best Pop Album. It included the absolute hit "Because You Loved Me" - the song that was the soundtrack of the Robert Redford film "Close to the Heart", released in 1996. In 1997, along with the release of the film Titanic, which starred Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet, Celine Dion became even more popular, because her song was the main composition in the film. The film received a record number of Oscars - eleven - including for the best song. This song filled all the radio stations of the world.

The song "My Heart Will Go On", which was featured on the film's soundtrack disc and on Dion's own album Let's Talk About Love, became her third number one Hot 100 song and has sold over 50 copies worldwide. million copies. The album also includes songs performed together with musicians such as Barbra Streisand, Luciano Pavarotti, the Bee Gees and Bryan Adams.

Canadian diva

In April 1998, Celine Dion received the National Order of Quebec, the province's highest honor. Later that year, she performed at the acclaimed television concert "Divas Live" on VH-1 along with such stars as Aretha Franklin, Mariah Carey, Gloria Estefan and Shania Twain.

In 1998, Celine took part in the tour, simultaneously recording two albums - "S'il Suffisait d'Aimer" and the weekend album "These Are Special Times". In late 1998, Dion won six Billboard Music Awards, including Singer of the Year and Album of the Year for Let's Talk About Love.

In the summer of 1998, Celine Dion went on a tour of 14 countries, which, in honor of the new millennium, ended on December 31, 1999 with a gala concert in Montreal. Her duet with rhythm and blues artist R Kelly earned her a fourth No. 1 spot for "I'm Your Angel".

In early 2000, Celine Dion announced that she was taking a short sabbatical in order to devote more time to her family. Dion and Angelil tried to have a baby for years and eventually decided to use in vitro fertilization to get pregnant. In May 2000, Dion underwent two minor surgeries at a New York reproductive clinic to increase her chances of conceiving.

The operations were successful and on January 25, 2001, Celine Dion gave birth to her first child, a son whom his parents named Rene-Charles. In her interviews, she said that another fertilized egg is stored in the clinic in order to eventually give birth to their child's brother or sister. On October 23, 2010, at the age of 42, Dion gave birth to twin brothers.

Angelil, who was diagnosed with skin cancer in 1999, is now in remission.

World fame

After a two-year hiatus, Celine Dion returned in March 2002 with "A New Day Has Come", which reached the top of the charts in over 17 countries. A year later, she took part in a highly publicized performance that took place on stage at the famous Las Vegas hotel and casino, the Caesars Palace. Almost simultaneously, Dion presents his album "One Heart", which does not receive the popularity of its predecessor. In 2003, she returned to recording albums in French with the release of 1 Fille & 4 Types.

Together with photographer Anna Geddes, Dion creates the album "Miracle: A Celebration of New", which turns out to be a hit. In 2007, Dion presents two albums: "Taking Chances", which almost reaches the top of the charts, and "D'Elles", his new album in French.

And although her presence at the top of the ratings became less frequent, Celine Dion still remained a popular artist. In June 2009, Forbes magazine reported that the singer earned approximately $100 million in 2008. This information made her the second in the world in terms of the amount of money earned, after Madonna.

In August 2014, Dion canceled all her shows until March 22, 2015 in order to pay more attention to her 72-year-old husband, who had a cancerous tumor removed in December 2013, as well as to her children. “I want to devote every ounce of my strength and energy to the recovery of my husband, and for this it is important for me to devote this time to him and our children,” Dion said in her statement regarding the cancellation of the concerts.

According to the press, the singer also has health problems. She reportedly suffered from inflammation of her throat muscles, which prevented her from performing at a concert in Las Vegas starting July 29, 2014. Dion apologized to her fans for letting them down and thanked them for their support during her forced vacation.


“I decided a long time ago that I wanted to be an open book.”

“When all is said and done, the songs set the end of the evening.”

“If you don’t take risks in life, you won’t know anything.”

“Being successful is not hard. And being the person you are is the hardest part. And I'm proud of what I did."

“I want to be professional both in my career and as a mother.”

“You can’t go back, there are things that you can’t fix. But they can be made better.”

“In music, I can try anything I want, even things that I can't do at all. It's because I won't jeopardize my career anyway."

“I don’t know if the camera likes me, but I really like it.”

“You don't have to go into all the details. Let people think for themselves. Close the window and let them be surprised.”

“I've always said that you have to have fun and make music, and that you can't be in show business because you never know how to get into it. You just have to do your job, that's all."

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On March 20, Celine Dion's mother, Teresa Tanguet-Dion, turned 90 years old. In honor of such an event, a large family celebration was arranged, which brought together all 13 children of Teresa, including Celine, her grandchildren and friends. Photographer Denis Truskello took a memorable family portrait that was missing one person in particular - Celine's brother, Daniel Dion, who died of cancer last year at the age of 59.

Today we are all next to you - this is a real gift. Happy birthday mom! Happy 90th birthday! We love you very much ... - Celine wrote on Instagram under a photo in which you can also look at her grown-up children - 16-year-old Rene Charles, 6-year-old twins Nelson and Eddie.

Celine Dion with her mother, sisters, brothers and children

Mother Celine Dion is a truly unique woman. With her husband Adémar Dion, they were believers and poor, if not poor, people, but despite the difficult financial situation, they were able to give birth and raise 14 children. True, Celine - the youngest in the family - could not have been born. When Teresa found out that she was expecting her 14th child, her first thought was an abortion, but before venturing into this terrible act, she decided to seek the advice of a priest.

At that time, my mother had already given birth to 13 children, Celine said in an interview with HELLO! magazine. - For more than 20 years, she was driven into the circle of domestic work - washing, ironing, cooking and other duties. 365 days a year, without a break. Of course, she thought that the time had finally come to an end. Her two youngest children - twins Paul and Pauline - finally went to school, and she had time for herself. She got the opportunity to walk, relax, travel with my father and visit the places they dreamed of going to. And then suddenly she finds out that she is pregnant again. She was devastated and went to a priest before having an abortion. He told her: "You cannot go against nature, you have no right to decide whether this child should live or not." So you could say I owe my life to that priest. When I was born, my mother loved me as much as she loved all her other children.

The Celine family has always been musical, even the singer Teresa and Ademar decided to name the French artist Hugues Ofre after the Celine song. Later, Teresa and Adémar opened a small piano bar in the Charlemagne district, where the future world star gave her first concerts with her brothers and sisters.

It was Teresa who wrote, together with Celine and her brother Jacques, her daughter's first song - Ce n "était qu" un rêve ("It was only a dream"), which then another brother - Michel - sent to producer Rene Angelil, whose name he accidentally saw on the back side of Jeanette Renaud's album. Both the song and the voice of Celine herself immediately fell into the heart of Rene - according to him, he cried and then decided to mortgage his own house to record this track with 12-year-old Dion.

I will never forget that she was the first person to knock on René Angelil's door. I was just a child then. She was the one who wrote my first song. I owe her everything, - Celine said about her mother in another interview.

René Angelil, Celine and Teresa Dion

However, at first Teresa did not support marriage with Rene. She was frightened by the 26-year age difference, so she tried to dissuade her daughter from this step.

It was very difficult for her to accept this. When I expressed my serious feelings to Rena, she tried every method to get me to change my mind. I was confused, even angry at her at first, but she just wanted to convey to me the reason for her feelings. She said that Rene had two marriages, three children behind her back, which means that he does not know how to be responsible for other people. She said: "You are my daughter, you are my child, I wish only happiness for you." And only when my whole family was fascinated by Rene, she had to give up, ”Celine recalled in an interview.

After Celine became successful, Teresa found herself in a television career and philanthropy. She launched her product line Pâtés de Maman Dion and later became the host of a cooking show on TVA. She is also the head of the Fondation Maman Dion, which provides school uniforms, textbooks and educational supplies to underprivileged children.