Vitalina Tsymbalyuk personal life. A new man has appeared in the life of Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya. The artist's double tragedy

Mazur decided to tell the whole truth. In addition, she provided the investigation with some documents that exposed Vitalina.

Dni.Ru correspondents managed to interview Mazur. The woman said that Vitalina’s name in Kyiv used to be Vika. The pianist moved to Russia. The ambitious girl decided that she could conquer the capital without much effort.

Tsymbalyuk came to Moscow following her mother, who got her to work in the house of the rector of the Maimonides Academy, Veronica Irina-Kogan. Helpers were needed in the house, since there was old man with which he was very ill. But when he died, Vika Tsymbalyuk lost her job. Veronica Irina-Kogan helped the poor girl in as soon as possible obtain Russian citizenship.

Vitalina urgently needed a job. Actor Vladimir Yachmenev was familiar with Tsymbalyuk’s former employers. He learned about the fate of the unfortunate girl in 2008 and decided to help her. He suggested that Armen hire a house help, but the actor refused. Then Dzhigarkhanyan remembered his friend Arthur Soghomonyan. However, he did not have a vacant place for Vitalina. Armen is very a kind person, he is not indifferent to people who need help. Dzhigarkhanyan met with Tsymbalyuk again and found out that she was a pianist. Then it turned out that she plays the piano poorly. musical instrument. Dzhigarkhanyan came up with an idea for her new position, which had not previously appeared in the theater.

At the end of 2009, Vitalina began working with Armen. The girl constantly followed Dzhigarkhanyan and helped him. But who would have thought that she would be so selfish. Arthur Soghomonyan says that she looks like an angel, but in fact she is the most terrible and vile person that can only be. The man also reports that Vitalina took control of the production of one performance, which was unsuccessful. Armen was against it, but Tsymbalyuk stopped listening to him and made decisions herself.

It is worth noting that Mazur admitted that she was wrong. She asks for forgiveness from everyone she hurt. “Vitalina will be imprisoned and she will knit mittens in the colony. I know Tsymbalyuk, all her secrets. I have important documents that will help put Vitalina behind bars, this includes theft of money, cashing, and illegal filming hidden camera, and much more. The pianist was cynical and did everything with calculation. True, she made mistakes for which she would soon pay. There will be a court hearing in March that will help put everything in its place.” – Elina said.

Watch the video in which the pianist answers questions from journalists.

We hope that the story will end soon and everyone can live in peace.

      shame on her, okay, he needs an inheritance, but he’s an old fart who’s gone completely crazy

      Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya - General Director of the Moscow drama theater named after Dzhigarkhanyan. And also the muse of Armen Borisovich himself. Their romance became known in the fall of 2015, when on the eve of his anniversary (October 3 turned 80 years old), Armen Dzhigarkhanyan announced his divorce from his wife Tatyana, with whom they had lived for many years different cities. And also that he is having an affair with his 36-year-old theater colleague Vitalina.

      Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya was born in Kiev. She graduated from a music school in piano, then from the National music academy Ukraine named after P.I. Tchaikovsky. In 2001 she moved to Moscow, where she entered the Maimonides State Classical Academy.

      Vitalina since youth I was a fan of Armen Dzhigarkhanyan and went to all his performances. After moving to Moscow, she even managed to meet him and communicate. In 2002, Armen Borisovich suffered a mini-stroke. Vitalina immediately offered her help and began to help his sister take care of him. In 2008, while still a student at the Maimonides Academy, Vitalina received an offer from Dzhigarkhanyan to work as an accompanist in his theater, and then became musical director theater

      At the age of 36, Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya was not yet married and has no children. They also have not yet formalized their relationship with Dzhigarkhanyan. But, despite the difference of 44 years, they are happy together. And this is the main point.

    • Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya: biography facts

      Unexpectedly, last year, Dzhigarkhanyan informed the people that he was divorcing his wife Tatyana, who lived and worked in America at that time. The reason for the divorce is another woman and this homewrecker is the same one - Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya. New wife, and part-time: muse, pianist and... general director of the theater Dzhigarkhanyan!

      The young lady is originally from Kyiv, the capital of Ukraine. She is 36 years old, exact date birth could not be found. I would like to note that the great artist is already over 80.

      Once, having arrived in Moscow to study, she, by the will of fate, became Dzhigarkhanyan’s nurse when he had a stroke and needed care. Apparently Vitalina courted her diligently, which is why the artist liked her.

      They live happily and even think about children....

    • On February 25, 2016, the wedding of actor Armen Dzhigarkhanyan and Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya took place. He is 80 years old, she is 36. Although about Vitalin theater world I found out a little earlier, when the actor himself announced in October 2015 about his divorce from his wife Tatyana, who lived and worked in America.

      Vitalina laureate international competition in Paris, studied piano in Kyiv at a music school. She graduated from the Kyiv Conservatory, then went to Moscow and entered the State Classical Academy.

      Back in Kyiv, at the age of 16, she attended a performance with the participation of Armen Dzhigarkhanyan, took an autograph, and from that moment on, she periodically looked for an occasion, a meeting with the actor. Through friends I found his phone numbers, in Moscow sometimes I even managed to meet and have lunch together. The girl is active, persistent, and when the actor fell ill, only his sister and Vitalina were nearby. After some time, Dzhigarkhanyan himself invited him to work in his theater. Now she is the director of the theater and the legal wife of Armen Dzhigarkhanyan. They are happy.

      Vitalina has no children yet.

      bullshit, senile at 80 years old - come to your senses, he divorced his wife - old goat

      Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya is a pianist and general director of the Dzhigarkhanyan Theater. She is also already the wife of Armen Dzhigarkhanyan, who recently divorced his wife and married Vitalina on February 25, 2016. Vitalina admitted that the actor has been her idol since childhood and the age difference does not bother the couple at all, because Vitalina is only 36 years old, and her current husband is already 80 years old.

      It is known that Vitalina was not previously married and has no children.

      Here are Vitalina’s words:

      Vitalina Ts Y Mbalyuk-Romanovskaya, the first surname is written with the letter Y.

      What date of birth the media are silent about, although I think that in fact it is not difficult to find out, I only know that she was born in 1977, 1978 or 1979, since she herself personally said that in 1994 she was 16 years old, This means she may be 37, 38 or 39 years old, but not as they say in the media that she is 36. Then in 1994 I saw Dzhigarkhanyan for the first time. But in the same interview he talks about a difference of as much as 44 years, so perhaps the media concluded about 36 years. And from then on I strove for him. She’s from Ukraine, sort of from Kyiv. According to inaccurate information, she was not married before her wedding to Armen and has no children.

    Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya is again at the center of a scandal. The pianist is sure that she ex-husband Armen Dzhigarkhanyan has always envied Oleg Tabakov, so the people's artist will die in poverty and in shame.

    IN Lately Things aren't going well for Vitalina in the best possible way. Recently, a Moscow court arrested her apartment on Malogvardeiskaya and a bank account worth 1 million rubles. Apparently, being upset, the pianist said that, unlike the late Oleg Tabakov, her ex-husband Armen Dzhigarkhanyan would die in shame.

    “Tabakov has always been more successful, courageous and consistent in his actions. Dzhigarkhanyan knew this and did not like him. But this is already human qualities“, Vitalina wrote in her microblog. Earlier, she stated that Armen Borisovich “doomed himself to die in shame. And it’s his choice.”

    Let us remind you that Oleg Tabakov and Armen Dzhigarkhanyan are the same age, born in 1935. Both folk artists married young girls with a large age difference. There was a 30-year difference between Marina Zudina and Oleg Pavlovich, but they last breath loved each other. A woman has difficulty coping with grief after losing her beloved husband. It is unlikely that Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya, who is 43 years younger than Armen Borisovich, will kill herself like that at the grave of her ex-husband.

    Perhaps Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya is angry because of the problems that have befallen her. The other day, the court imposed a security arrest on the pianist’s apartment and on her bank account, which contained a million rubles. Dzhigarkhanyan's ex-wife was accused of violating immunity privacy because she published a video featuring people's artist without his wishes. In addition, CCTV cameras were installed in Armen Borisovich’s office and Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya is also suspected of this.

    “The Moscow City Court was supposed to consider the complaint against the decision of the Cheryomushkinsky court, filed by me and Larisa Shirokova for illegal seizure in November (or December) 2017 Money from my safe deposit box. In fact, they were looking for fake documents about fraudulent real estate transactions, but in their absence they decided to seize at least the money. The article under which the investigation is being conducted does not provide for such sanctions, and we will appeal anything that is contrary to the law in all possible instances in a procedural manner. In fact, the meeting was postponed due to untimely notification (at least 7 days), and in our case, the complete lack of notification by the Cheryomushkinsky court to me and my lawyer about the date of the meeting. However, we were never notified of any procedural action of this court. We found out about the seizure by chance, a month later,” Vitalina was quoted as saying by 7days.

    Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya: biography, personal life, children

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    Welcome to our portal new star - Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya ! CEO Moscow Drama Theater is known for its relations with cult actor Armen Dzhigarkhanyan. Let's try to understand the situation. But let's start gradually, with the biography of Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya.

    Biography of Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya

    Vitalina was born in the capital of Ukraine in 1979. From a young age she became interested in music, behind her - School of Music, piano class. After graduation, she entered the National Music Academy of Ukraine named after Tchaikovsky. Won the title of laureate international festival, which took place in Paris.

    Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya and Armen Dzhigarkhanyan

    Vitalina experienced romantic feelings for Armen Borisovich from a young age, which she does not hide.

    According to Vitalina, she remembers how she noticed him for the first time - it was 1994, when Armen performed with a play at the Mayakovsky Theater in Kyiv. At that time, Dzhigarkhanyan took part in two performances at once.

    On that moment Vitalina was 16 , she was still a schoolgirl. But Armen made an unforgettable impression on her, and since then she has not missed the opportunity to visit the theater when his name was on the poster.

    How Armen Dzhigarkhanyan and Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya met

    The acquaintance took place in 2000. 21-year-old Vitalina graduated from the academy, and it was during this period that she met famous actor her friend.

    Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya in her youth

    In 2001, Vitalina moved to Moscow, and her mother and father emigrated to Russia with her - they settled in the near Moscow region. History is silent about how much Armen Borisovich helped young Vitalina with these moves.

    In 2002, the actor fell ill with a serious illness, and he was nursed by Vitalina and the actor’s sister, Marina Borisovna.

    After this, Dzhigarkhanyan invited Vitalina to try her hand at his theaters, learning songs with the actors. Events developed rapidly, and very soon Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya was already leading the musical direction of the Moscow Theater.

    On June 18, 2015, she received the position of theater director. Not all the actors who worked here for a long time liked her leadership - many still believe that her decisions in this post led to the destruction of the theater and the loss of many famous artists.

    Personal life of Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya

    What can I say? According to Vitalina herself, she has been in love with Armen since a young age, and the huge difference of 44 years did not seem to be a problem for her. As she says, the most important thing is mutual understanding.

    Note that her affair with famous artist was hidden from curious journalists for a long time.

    They were officially published only in the spring of 2015, and already in September 2015, Armen divorced his actress wife, Tatyana Sergeevna Vlasova. It is easy to assume that immediately after this, rumors began that Armen Dzhigarkhanyan and Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya got married. This is what happened, although a little later, in the spring of 2016.

    Armen Dzhigarkhanyan and Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya: divorce?

    The couple survived a year and a half in the status of an official marriage, and thunder struck. In October 2017, the actor left his wife and disappeared in an unknown direction with two of his friends. Vitalina stated that he did not answer the phone.

    The husband was found in a Moscow hospital. But he still didn’t want to see her. What happened there is unknown, but immediately after this, information appeared in the media that Armen filed for divorce from Vitalina. The final point was made by the actor himself, on the air of the program “Andrey Malakhov: Live Broadcast” calling his wife Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya a swindler.

    As the artist’s friend Arthur Soghomonyan told reporters, a little earlier Vitalina secretly introduced changes to the theater’s charter, according to which she became the only person which has the right to make decisions. It turned out that she could kick Armen Borisovich out of the theater, but he could not do this in response according to the documents. In his own theater... In addition, bank accounts and real estate also turned out to be registered in the name of the spouse.

    Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya could not stand the insulting accusations from her husband and filed for divorce. What do you think really happened there?

    Vitalina's parents, Viktor Romanovsky and Lydia Tsymbalyuk, worked at the Armen Dzhigarkhanyan Theater in the recent past. The entire management of the theater knew that they were partial to one religious society. On one talk show, shocking details emerged that the parents of pianist Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya profess a system of beliefs and practices that was created by the American science fiction writer Ron Hubbard.

    In 2015, the court decided to close the Church of Scientology of Moscow and the Church of Scientologists of St. Petersburg. According to Dzhigarkhanyan’s neighbor Emma Kutsabenkova, Vitalina daily brought to the Department of Culture the script for a new play, which was written by Scientologists. The pianist herself does not give any comments on this matter.

    Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya nationality who were her parents: who are Scientologists

    Scientology is a religion that includes knowledge. The main truth is that man is a spiritual being who has great abilities. He can decide own problems, achieve his goals and achieve new states that he had never even dreamed of.

    All religions of the world entail the hope of spiritual freedom, in which there is no suffering and material restrictions. However, the question always remained of how to achieve such a state. Scientology claims that every person is capable of getting rid of all problems.

    Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya nationality who were her parents: the personal life of the pianist

    According to Vitalina, Armen Dzhigarkhanyan has been her idol since she was 16 years old. For a long time the couple hid their relationship. But the age difference of 44 years did not stop them from finding mutual language and be together. So, in 2016, Dzhigarkhanyan and Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya got married. At that time, Dzhigarkhanyan was already 80 years old, and Vitalina was only 36. The wedding took place in secret, only the closest relatives knew.

    But their happiness did not last long; in the fall of 2017, Dzhigarkhanyan flatly refused to see and talk with his wife. At the same time, he filed documents in court for divorce, accusing her of theft. In November, the court granted Dzhigarkhanyan’s claim and officially dissolved their marriage. Today, Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya is on the run, which was confirmed by her former representative Elena Mazur. She left the country with her parents.