Extracurricular activity “Once upon a time there were fairy tales. Quiz on the pages of your favorite fairy tales in elementary school

Extracurricular activity for students primary classes according to fairy tales

Scenario for primary schoolchildren “Through the pages of your favorite fairy tales”

The event script is written for primary school students. It is entertaining in nature and is intended for organizing children's leisure time.
1. Develop reading interest, instill a love of reading and books; promote the development of speech and memory.
2. Organize children’s leisure time, help strengthen the children’s team, and instill the ability to listen and hear each other.
3. Cultivate intolerance towards human vices - greed, lies, cowardice.
4. Show the children amazing world fairy tales, their wisdom and beauty; develop interest, creative thinking, attention, memory; cultivate a love of fairy tales
Equipment: illustrations for fairy tales, projector, screen, presentation “Through the pages of your favorite fairy tales,” presentation “Guess it!”, exhibition of student drawings.
At the fairy tale a pure soul,
Like a forest stream.
She comes slowly
In the cool hour of the night.
Native people its creator
A cunning people, a wise people,
He put his dream into it,
Like gold in a casket.

Children perform the song “Little Country”, author I. Nikolaev.

Why do we need fairy tales?
What does a person look for in them?
Maybe kindness and affection.
Maybe yesterday's snow.
In a fairy tale, joy wins
A fairy tale teaches us to love.
In a fairy tale, animals come to life,
They start talking.
In a fairy tale, everything is fair:
Both the beginning and the end.
The brave prince leads the princess
Definitely down the aisle.
Snow White and the mermaid,
Old dwarf, good gnome -
It’s a pity for us to leave the fairy tale,
Like a cozy sweet home.
Read fairy tales, children!
Learn to love them.
Maybe in this world
It will become easier for people to live.
Presentation "Through the pages of your favorite fairy tales"
Slide No. 1 of the presentation “Through the pages of your favorite fairy tales” is shown.
(Title slide of the presentation)

Guys, I suggest going on a trip to flying ship through the pages of your favorite fairy tales. We will not only meet our friends there, the heroes of fairy tales, but also check how well you remember these fairy tales. And so, let's go!

Slide No. 2 (flying ship)(A flying ship is projected on the screen)
Not in reality and not in a dream,
Without fear and without timidity
We're flying around the country again
Which is not on the globe.

Not shown on the map
But you and I know
What is she, what is the country
The country is magical!

Gloomy centuries float by,
Floating like clouds in the sky.
They hurry, they run after year after year,
And the fairy tale is on you! - lives!

When and who folded it
In my hut somewhere -
And the oldest old-timer
Won't give you an answer.

And about animals
And about kings,
And what in the world happened -
Everything is a fairy tale in my memory
Saved it for you and me.

She lives in any house
And travels across countries.
And why?
Yes because
That we can’t live without her.

Now let’s turn over the pages of your favorite fairy tales and check how you remember them.
Teacher: In what fairy tale did the king-father address his sons with the words:
“Before all honest people I give my royal word,
That today, in passing, I, sons, will marry you!
Here are your bows, here are your arrows - get to work!
You shoot an arrow without looking,
Wherever your arrow lands, there your bride is waiting for you!” (Princess Frog)

Slide No. 3(Slide showing an illustration for the fairy tale “The Frog Princess”)

Who was awarded by Moroz Ivanovich in the fairy tale “Morozko”? (Needlewoman)
Slide No. 4(Slide with the image of Moroz Ivanovich)

Why did Ivanushka turn into a little goat? (I drank water from the goat's footprint
Who saved him? (Merchant)
Slide No. 5 (The slide for the fairy tale “Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka” is projected)

Slide No. 6 (Illustration for the fairy tale "By pike command")
What is the name of the hero of this fairy tale? (Emelya)
Which magic words did the pike tell him?
(At the behest of the pike, at my desire...

The geese quietly flew up
We circled around and looked,
The boy was quickly grabbed
And they put me on wings,
Gone beyond the clouds
Without leaving a trace.
Slide No. 7(slide with illustration for the fairy tale "Geese and Swans")
Who helped Mashenka save brother Ivanushka? (Mouse)
What did Masha’s parents promise to buy? (handkerchief)

Many interesting tales
Accumulated over centuries
But especially famous
About Ivan the Fool.

Frank, kind guy
And naive, like a child.
He never lost heart
I did difficult things jokingly.

He didn't have to study
Learn book wisdom
But the magical Firebird
Only he managed to catch it.

On his hunchbacked horse
He galloped halfway around the world.
Famous and rich
He conceded nothing.

There was a simpleton Ivan,
But cabbage soup
Laptem still didn’t take a sip.
He is the immortal Kashchei
Found and punished.

Russian guy from the village
Wasn't afraid of anything
And the beautiful princess
She married him.

Vanya threw a noisy feast,
But without quarrel and without fights,
Because he was smart
He was a very smart fool!

What fairy tales do you know in which Ivan was the hero? (" Ivan the peasant son", "Ivan and the Miracle Yudo", "Sivka-Burka", "The Little Humpbacked Horse", "Ivan the Tsarevich and Gray wolf", "Princess Frog")

Slide No. 8(On the slide is an illustration for the fairy tale “Sivka-Burka”)
What magic words did Ivan the Fool say in this fairy tale so that Sivka the Burka would appear?
(Sivka-Burka, prophetic kaurka, stand in front of me like a leaf in front of the grass)

Slide No. 9(Slide with the image of Ivan Tsarevich on the Gray Wolf)
What is the name of this fairy tale? ("Ivan Tsarevich and the Grey Wolf")
Who brought dead and living water for Ivan the Tsarevich? (Crow)

Slide No. 10(Image of King Berendey)
What was the name of the king whose Firebird stole apples from his garden? (Berendey)
What fairy tale is he from? ("Ivan Tsarevich and the Grey Wolf")

Slide No. 11(Illustration for the fairy tale "Ryaba Hen")
Who broke the egg? (Mouse)

Slide No. 12(Slide with an illustration of the fairy tale “Tops and Roots”)
What fairy tale characters are depicted? (“Tops and Roots”)
Why was the bear offended by the man?
(Because the man deceived him)

Slide No. 13(Slide showing an illustration for the fairy tale "Kolobok")
Which kolobok song was the last? Why?
(Fourth, the fox ate the bun)

Slide No. 14 (On the slide there is a picture for the fairy tale “The Cockerel and bean seed")
What did the cockerel get up to? (bean seed)
Who helped the hen save the cockerel? (Mistress, master, cow)
What is the name of this fairy tale? ("The Cockerel and the Bean Seed")
What does this fairy tale teach?
(Comradely mutual assistance, the ability to be friends and help each other)
Teacher: You're right, guys. A.S. Pushkin also said: “A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, good fellows lesson". What lessons does the fairy tale teach us? What does it teach?

You can learn from a fairy tale
She's full of wisdom
Her heroes teach life,
Kindness adorns them.
Cinderella comes to the rescue
The mermaid of speech says,
Puss in Boots reads a story
Koschey the immortal is sleeping at home.
Are there no fairy tales in life?
Heroes here, heroes there, -
The good wizard is sunbathing,
And even goes to Amsterdam.
Everyone in the world needs magic,
All people believe in miracles
And Snow White dark night,
Draws cities online.
And I want to believe so much
That in a fairy tale we are again magical,
Let there be storms and blizzards in life,
We wish you kindness.

Now let's turn to the exhibition of your drawings. For today's event, you illustrated your favorite fairy tales. I give the floor to the authors of these drawings. Present your work, guys.
(Children describe their work and express their attitude towards fairy tales.)

Children's drawings.

Many thanks to the authors of wonderful works for their love of fairy tales, creativity, and ability to express their feelings in drawings. I invite everyone to draw a picture together to wish everyone well famous fairy tale. But our drawing will be unusual. We will make it out of puzzles. They themselves form a picture if you answer the riddles correctly. So…
Presentation “Guess it!

Slide No. 1, No. 2(Title slide of the “Guess” presentation, slide with an address to the guys)

“The fox tried all winter,
Rebuilt the house.
Decorated, tidied up,
She felt good in it.
But spring has come, away from home
There was no trace left.
All the foxes' mansions
Melt water washed away.” (Zaykina's hut")

Slide No. 3(Slide with image of 1 puzzle)

As a child, everyone laughed at him,
They tried to push him away:
After all, no one knew that he
Born a white swan. ("Ugly duck")

Slide No. 4(Slide showing two puzzles)

In this book there are name days,
There were many guests there.
And on these name days
Suddenly a villain appeared.
He wanted to kill the owner
Almost killed her.
But to the insidious villain
Someone cut off the head. ("Fly Tsokotukha").

Slide No. 5(slide showing 3 puzzles)

Who didn't want to work
Did you play and sing songs?
To the third brother later
They came running to new house.
We escaped from the cunning wolf,
But they shook their tails for a long time.
The fairy tale is known to every child
And it’s called... (“The Three Little Pigs”).

Slide No. 6(Slide showing 4 puzzles)

And now about someone's house
We'll start a conversation...
It contains a rich mistress
Lived happily
But trouble came unexpectedly:
This house burned down! ("Cat house").

Slide No. 7(Slide showing 5 slides)

Pounded and pummeled
On the plate with your nose,
Didn't swallow anything
And he was left with his nose.

Slide No. 8, No. 9(Slide showing the entire picture: illustration for the fairy tale “Teremok”)

I'm sure you enjoyed today's journey and will take away from it good lessons, you will become more attentive to others, you will rush to help those who need it, show courage and determination, ingenuity and resourcefulness. And I hope that we will have more encounters with fairy tales. Thank you for your activity.
We will grow up, we will become different,
And maybe among the worries
We will stop believing fairy tales,
But the fairy tale will come to us again!
And we will meet her with a smile:
Let him live with us again!
And this fairy tale to our children
We will tell you again in good time!

Competition program.

Hello, dear guys! And we invited you during spring break also because there is an excellent reason for this to meet - this is children's book week, which is held annually, precisely during spring break. This is a kind of name day book.

The Children's Book Festival came to us back in 1943. Hard times Our country was going through: war, hunger, cold, devastation. Although the adults tried to somehow protect the children and make their life easier during these terrible years. But everyone understood that children had the hardest time. And so in March 1943, the adults decided to please the children and hold a holiday for them. But which one? How to distract children from fear and hunger at least for one day, let them have a little fun.

Writer Lev Abramovich Kassil thought that children love to read more than anything else in the world. War children especially loved books. Many of them could not study: schools were destroyed, there were not enough teachers, there were very few children's books. And Lev Abramovich Kassil proposed holding a children's book celebration. And so on March 23, 1943, in Moscow, half-starved, poorly dressed children came to the Kremlin hall. But curiosity shone in their eyes: “What will happen here at the meeting?” And in the Kremlin, the writers who wrote their favorite books, who talked about themselves, about their books, and answered the children’s questions were waiting for them. Everyone was interested and happy that day. The participants of the holiday decided to celebrate book name days every year during spring break. And not just one day, but a whole week of vacation, go to the children's library: read books, take part in various conversations and quizzes. And not only in Moscow, but in all countries. This is how Children's Book Week was born.

“Through the pages of your favorite fairy tales” is the theme of our holiday.

In a certain kingdom, in a distant state,

Teddy bear, mouse, turnip, blot,

Sivka-burka, Sineglazka,

They invite you to visit fairy tales.

Tell me, do you like fairy tales? Why do you love fairy tales?

In a fairy tale you can ride on the moon,

And ride across the rainbow on a horse,

Make friends with a baby elephant

And catch the feather heat of the bird,

Ride the stove

Build beautiful palaces in an instant,

From a frog to a princess,

Turn a pumpkin into a carriage.

Fairy tales are miracles

Beauty and kindness win there.

The fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it,

A lesson to good fellows.

Now we will find out how well you know your favorite fairy tales. To do this we need to split into two teams.

Children are divided into teams - “Kolobok - ruddy side”, “Turnip - stuck in the ground”.

The rules of the competitions are very simple. For each correct answer the team receives 1 point. If a team does not have an answer, the opposing team has the right to answer.

So, the first competition, which is called “Warm-up”

Two teams take part in this competition at the same time. I say the task, and you all answer together in unison.

Guys, guess my funny riddles.

I fly in a mortar,

I kidnap children

And my name is...

Vasilisa the Wise? (B. Yaga)

He lives in the wilderness of the forest

Hero of my heart

He rattles his bones

And everyone in the area is scared.

What kind of old man is this?

Well, of course... Piglet. (Koschei)

It's shaped like a ball

He was once hot

Jumped off the table onto the floor

And he left his grandmother.

He has a ruddy side

Did you find out? (Kolobok).

Father has a strange boy

Unusual, wooden

On land and under water

Looking for golden key,

He sticks his long nose everywhere

Who is this? (Pinocchio)

Competition "Intellectual"

Questions for the first team.

1. By what special sign can you recognize Baba Yaga? (hook nose).

2. What bird did Thumbelina fly on? (martin).

3. What was it that grandfather and his entire family couldn’t pull out of the ground? (turnip).

4. What tool did the soldier use to cook the porridge? (axe).

5. What object did Cinderella lose? (shoe).

6. What did IA the donkey lose? (Tail).

Questions for the second team.

1. The meeting with which fish greatly influenced Emelya’s life? (Pike).

2. Name one feature of the famous fairytale hut? (Chicken legs).

3. Who said that he is a handsome and moderately well-fed man? (Carlson).

4. Which fairy-tale character came up with the idea of ​​keeping death at the end of a needle? (Koschei).

5. Which fairy tale characters ate from a jug and from a plate and both remained hungry? (Fox and crane).

6. B. Ya.’s favorite aircraft? (mortar).

Competition "Fairytale Botany".

1. In one of the Russian fairy tales, the king sent his sons for rejuvenation...

a) oranges;

b) grenades;

c) apples;

d) tomatoes.

2. This plant helped the prince find the real princess.

a) bean;

b) rose hips;

c) peas;

d) lily.

3. In the fairy tale “Thumbelina,” the heroine’s mother bought a magic grain from a witch. Which?

a) rye;

b) barley;

c) rice;

d) wheat.

4. What flower did the plant from which Thumbelina came from look like?

a) on a tulip;

b) on a dandelion;

c) on a lily;

d) on a bell.

5. The prince from the fairy tale “Cipollino” was called...

a) Onion;

b) Pumpkin;

c) Tomato;

d) Cherry.

6. What was the nickname of the princess from the fairy tale by Charles Perrault, who fell asleep for a hundred years?

a) Rosette;

b) Rosehip;

c) Violet;

d) Cloves.

7. Cheburashka sailed on a ship in a box with...

a) oranges;

b) bananas;

c) cherries;

d) grenades.

Contest "Fairytale Zoology".


1. Who helped the heroine of the fairy tale “Little Khavroshechka”?

a) cow;

b) dog;

c) rooster;

d) cat.

2. This hero was not among the Bremen musicians.

a) donkey;

b) rooster;

c) cat;

d) wolf.

3. From the ugly duckling in Andersen’s fairy tale grew...

A) beautiful goose;

b) a beautiful swan;

c) pheasant;

d) Finist - Yasny Sokol.

5. In one of the Russian fairy tales, Ivan Tsarevich marries...

a) lizard;

b) frog;

c) toad;

d) cat.

6. The minister in the fairy tale “The Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors” was actually called...

a) Toad;

b) Viper;

c) Snake;

d) Kite.

7. In Gauf’s tale, the caliph turns into...

a) nightingale;

b)stork ;

c) falcon;

d) crow.

Games with buffoons.

Each team will be asked 18 questions. You need to answer immediately, without hesitation. If you don't know the answer, say "next." At this time, the opposing team is silent and does not give any hints.
Questions for the first team:

1. Where did Doctor Aibolit go by telegram? (to Africa)

2. What was the name of the dog in the fairy tale “The Golden Key or the Adventure of Pinocchio”? (Artemon)

3. A mustachioed character from Chukovsky’s fairy tale. (Cockroach)
4. Groom of the tskotukha fly. (Mosquito)
5. What did the cunning soldier cook the porridge from? (From an ax)
6. Who did Emelya catch in the ice hole? (Pike)

7. Who was in Russian folk tale frog? (Princess)

8. What was the name of the boa constrictor from Kipling’s fairy tale “Mowgli”? (Kaa)
9. What did Emelya drive in the fairy tale “At the Pike’s Command”? (On the stove)
10. Postman from the village of Prostokvashino. (Pechkin)
11. What flowers did you go for? New Year the heroine of the fairy tale “Twelve Months”? (Behind the snowdrops)
12. Which fairy tale hero wore red boots? (Puss in Boots)
13. Sister of brother Ivanushka. (Alyonushka)
14. The most famous resident Flower City. (Dunno)
15. How many years did the old man from the fairy tale about the goldfish fish? (33 years)
16. What was Pinocchio made from? (From a log)
17. Fruits that Cheburashka ate too much. (Oranges)
18. What was the name of the girl from the fairy tale? The Snow Queen", who went all over the world to look for her sworn brother? (Gerda)

Questions for the second team:
1. To whom did Little Red Riding Hood bring pies and a pot of butter? (To grandma)
2. What was the name of the girl who owned the magic flower from Kataev’s fairy tale “The Seven-Flower Flower”? (Zhenya)
3. Name Fedora’s middle name from Chukovsky’s fairy tale “Fedorino’s Grief.” (Egorovna)
4. What was the name of the girl traveling through Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass? (Alice)
5. What did the buzzing fly buy at the market? (Samovar)
6. Best friend Carlson. (Baby)
7. What kind of hut did the fox have in the fairy tale “Zayushkina’s Hut”? (Icy)
8. What was the name of Doctor Aibolit’s sister? (Varvara)
9. Mistress of Artemon. (Malvina)
10. Who caught it goldfish? (Old man)
11. What was the name of the little girl who was born and lived in a flower? (Thumbelina)
12. What birds did the 11 king’s sons turn into? (Into the swans)
13. Who did the ugly duckling turn into? (IN beautiful swan)
14. What was the carriage made of in which Cinderella went to the ball? (from pumpkin)
15. Friend of Winnie the Pooh. (Piglet)
16. What was the name of the cunning cat from the fairy tale “The Golden Key”? (Basilio)
17. What was the name of the mother bear in the fairy tale “The Three Bears”? (Nastasya Petrovna)
18. From what plant did Eliza weave shirts for her brothers in the fairy tale “Wild Swans”? (From nettle)

Competition "Magic Chest".

Objects are taken out of the chest, and the children guess fairy-tale heroes who they belong to. The team with the most correct answers wins.

1) Golden Key (Pinocchio);

2) basket (Little Red Riding Hood);

3) needle (death of Kashchei);

4) pea (to the queen from the fairy tale “The Princess and the Pea”);

5) paper boat(to the steadfast tin soldier);

6) shell walnut(Thumbelina);

7) thermometer (to Dr. Aibolit);

8) mirror (for the queen from the fairy tale about dead princess);

9) egg (hen Ryaba);

10) soap (Moidodyru);

11) Air ball (Winnie to the Pooh).

Summing up and rewarding.

Literary quiz

"Through the pages of your favorite fairy tales."

2nd grade

Literary quiz


    generalize knowledge of fairy tales, develop speech, and the ability to work in a team.

    developing students’ motivation to read through exciting gaming activities,

    ability to cooperate in decision making common tasks and creatively apply knowledge in new situations,

    develop Creative skills children.

Progress of the lesson

    introduction teachers.

- Guys, today we have a literary quiz. Guess for yourself what the topic is.

* Uh, follow me and you

Fairy tales run in droves!

Favorite fairy tales -

Sweeter than any berry!

* In a fairy tale, the sun is burning,

Justice reigns in it!

The fairy tale is clever and lovely!

The path is open to her everywhere.

( Children's answers. Determining the topic of the quiz).

Well done guys, you guessed right. We will visit a fairy tale.

From the early childhood we hear fairy tales. Mom reads them to us when she puts us to bed, grandmother tells them in quiet winter evenings. We listen to fairy tales kindergarten, we meet them at school too. Fairy tales accompany us all our lives. Not only children, but also adults love them.

Listening and reading a fairy tale, we find ourselves in Magic world, where miracles happen, where good always triumphs over evil.

Today we will try to remember fairy tales and fairy-tale characters, play games, learn a lot of new and interesting things, relax with a fairy tale.

Three teams play.

2. Presentation of commands.

Each team presents its name.

3.Warm up.

Name the second part of the fairy tale title:

Sivka - (Burka); The Little Humpbacked Horse); Moroz - (Ivanovich); Swan geese); Little Red Riding Hood); The Scarlet Flower); Zayushkina – (hut); Princess Frog); Tiny - (Khavroshechka); Dr. Aibolit); Boy - (Thumb); The Bremen Town Musicians).

Well done! Did a good job. You are real experts in fairy tales, and you are not afraid of any difficulties.

4. Competition "Who is more."

Each team is asked questions for 30 seconds. Which team will answer correctly? large quantity questions, she will win.

    What does Winnie the Pooh fly on? (On the ball).

    How many petals does Tsvetik - Semitsvetik have? (Seven).

    In what fairy tale did things take offense at a slob boy? (“Moidodyr”).

    Who lives in a house on chicken legs? (Baba Yaga).

    Favorite expression of Leopold the cat. ("Guys let's be friends!").

    The postman's name in Prostokvashino is... (Pechkin).

    It makes a gloomy day brighter. (Smile).

    Carlson's medicine. (Jam).

    Unfortunately, it's only once a year. (Birthday).

    Brother Kokoshi from the fairy tale “Moidodyr” (Totosha).

    Fabulous tablecloth. (The tablecloth is self-assembled).

    Bear house. (Den).

    Fairytale boots. (Boots are fast walkers).

    Round of text. (Kolobok).

    Who loves to ride on the stove. (Emelya).

    Fairytale hat. (Invisible hat).

    He has a very a long nose. (Pinocchio).

    A cat who can embroider on a machine. (Matroskin).

    What did the fox treat the crane with? (Semolina porridge).

    What did the wolf catch fish with? (Tail).

Well done, you completed the task. But they were light. Let's try to overcome a more difficult obstacle. The team that knows the answer raises its hand and answers:

1. What is the name of the work by K.I. Chukovsky, main character which “Washstands are the boss and washcloths are the commander”? (“Moidodyr”).

2. In the fairy tale “Cinderella,” a pumpkin turns into ... (carriage), a rat into ... (coachman), mice into ... (horses), and an ordinary girl into ... (princess).

3. A fairy tale in which a wolf eats all the main characters and only the youngest managed to hide from him in the oven. ("The wolf and the seven Young goats").

5. Poetic questions

1. Our hero didn’t wash his face

I was completely left without things.

“If you don’t want to wash your hand,

We don’t want to be friends with you!”

But soap came to the rescue.

Became a dirty fellow.

The fairy tale ended with friendship,

A good, happy ending.

(K.I. Chukovsky “Moidodyr”)

2. He quietly climbed down from the window,

Rolled along the path.

Chubby, rosy and bold,

Everyone wanted to eat it.

From enemies and from friends

He saved himself with his song.

Well, why are you, my friend,

Did you sit on the fox's sock?

(“Kolobok”, Russian folk tale.)

3. The old man - father cannot sleep,

He gave the order to his sons to get married:

"Everyone will shoot an arrow

And he will find himself a wife!”

Happiness of the youngest, Ivan,

It was difficult, long-awaited.

Ivan walked a hundred roads

I found Vasilisushka.

(“The Frog Princess,” Russian folk tale.)

4. Sister ran and played

Yes, and I lost my brother.

How to be? Where to run?

Where can I find my brother?

In a deep forest, in a dilapidated hut

From the yaga, from the evil old woman.

Friends helped the children

They returned to their native home.

(“Geese are swans”, Russian folk tale.)

5. Grandfather was pleasantly surprised:

The vegetable is now grown.

Alone in the garden

He can't handle it.

And she sat firmly in the ground

Amazing... (turnip).

(“Turnip”, Russian folk tale).

6. There is no river or pond,

Where can I drink water?

Very tasty water

In the hole from the hoof!..

(“Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka”)

6. Competition "Correct the mistake."

I've been reading fairy tales for a whole week. Listen carefully and try to correct me if I'm wrong.

– “Turkey Princess”;

- “At the dog’s command”;

- “Ivan Tsarevich and the Green Wolf”;

- “Sister Alyonushka and brother Nikitushka”;

– “Cockerel - the golden shepherdess”;

– “Boy-with-a-fist”;

- “Fear has big ears”;

- “Axe noodles”;

- “Little Red Hat.”

7. Captains competition.

Solve fairytale problems (from the book Oster G. Problem book. - M.: Rosman, 1996).

    Ryaba the hen laid an egg, but the mouse broke it. Then Ryaba laid three more eggs. The mouse also broke these, Ryaba strained herself and took down five more, but the unscrupulous mouse broke these too. How many eggs could grandpa and grandma make themselves scrambled eggs from if they hadn't spoiled their mouse? (From 9 eggs.)

    Once upon a time there was a Little Red Riding Hood. She loved her grandmother very much. One day her mother baked pies, and Little Red Riding Hood decided to take them to her grandmother. She put 3 pies with cabbage, 2 pies with apples and 4 pies with meat in the basket. How many pies did Little Red Riding Hood take for her grandmother? (9 pies.)

Reflection.Summing up the quiz.

Now, let's count the points. The team with the most points wins (team awards).

Our journey in the world of Miracles and Magic has ended. Thanks to your knowledge of fairy tales and your friendship, we were able to walk this path. But now you can continue it yourself, because fairy tale path infinite. Once you open the collection of fairy tales, you're off!

Did you enjoy the journey through fairy tales? (Children's response)

What did you like best? (Children's response)

Why do you think we need fairy tales? What do they teach? (Children's response)

Fairy tales teach you to be smart and kind, honest and hardworking, friendly and brave. They teach how to defeat evil, lies, deceit, never lose faith in luck, love your homeland and protect the weak.


1. Develop reading interest, instill a love of reading and books; promote the development of speech and memory.
2. Organize children’s leisure time, help strengthen the children’s team, and instill the ability to listen and hear each other.
3. Cultivate intolerance towards human vices - greed, lies, cowardice.
4. Show children the wonderful world of fairy tales, their wisdom and beauty; develop interest, creative thinking, attention, memory; cultivate a love of fairy tales.
Equipment: illustrations for fairy tales, projector, screen, presentation “Through the pages of your favorite fairy tales,” presentation “Guess it!”, exhibition of student drawings.
The fairy tale has a pure soul,
Like a forest stream.
She comes slowly
In the cool hour of the night.
The native people are its creator,
A cunning people, a wise people,
He put his dream into it,
Like gold in a casket.

Children perform the song “Little Country”, author I. Nikolaev.

Why do we need fairy tales?
What does a person look for in them?
Maybe kindness and affection.
Maybe yesterday's snow.
In a fairy tale, joy wins
A fairy tale teaches us to love.
In a fairy tale, animals come to life,
They start talking.
In a fairy tale, everything is fair:
Both the beginning and the end.
The brave prince leads the princess
Definitely down the aisle.
Snow White and the mermaid,
Old dwarf, good gnome -
It’s a pity for us to leave the fairy tale,
Like a cozy sweet home.
Read fairy tales, children!
Learn to love them.
Maybe in this world
It will become easier for people to live.
Presentation "Through the pages of your favorite fairy tales"
Slide No. 1 of the presentation “Through the pages of your favorite fairy tales” is shown.
(Title slide of the presentation)

Guys, I propose to go on a journey on a flying ship through the pages of your favorite fairy tales. We will not only meet our familiar fairy tale heroes there, but also check how well you remember these fairy tales. And so, let's go!

Slide No. 2(A flying ship is projected on the screen)

Not in reality and not in a dream,
Without fear and without timidity
We're flying around the country again
Which is not on the globe.

Not shown on the map
But you and I know
What is she, what is the country
The country is magical!

Gloomy centuries float by,
Floating like clouds in the sky.
They hurry, they run after year after year,
And the fairy tale is on you! - lives!

When and who folded it
In my hut somewhere -
And the oldest old-timer
Won't give you an answer.

And about animals
And about kings,
And what in the world happened -
Everything is a fairy tale in my memory
Saved it for you and me.

She lives in any house
And travels across countries.
And why?
Yes because
That we can’t live without her.

Now let’s turn over the pages of your favorite fairy tales and check how you remember them.

In what fairy tale did the king-father address his sons with the words:

“Before all honest people I give my royal word,
That today, in passing, I, sons, will marry you!
Here are your bows, here are your arrows - get to work!
You shoot an arrow without looking,
Where your arrow lands, there your bride is waiting for you!” (Princess Frog)
Slide No. 3(Slide showing an illustration for the fairy tale “The Frog Princess”)

Slide No. 4

(Slide with the image of Moroz Ivanovich)

What is the name of this fairy tale? Who was awarded by Moroz Ivanovich in the fairy tale “Morozko”? (Needlewoman)

Slide No. 5(A slide is projected for the fairy tale “Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka”)

Why did Ivanushka turn into a little goat? (Drank water from the goat's hoof print) Who saved him? (Merchant)

Slide No. 6(Illustration for the fairy tale "At the Pike's Command")

What is the name of the hero of this fairy tale? (Emelya)
What magic words did the pike tell him?
(At the behest of the pike, at my desire...

The geese quietly flew up
We circled around and looked,
The boy was quickly grabbed
And they put me on wings,
Gone beyond the clouds
Without leaving a trace.
Slide No. 7(slide with illustration for the fairy tale "Geese and Swans")

Who helped Mashenka save brother Ivanushka? (Mouse)
What did Masha’s parents promise to buy? (handkerchief)

Poems are read by trained students
Many interesting tales
Accumulated over centuries
But especially famous
About Ivan the Fool.

Frank, kind guy
And naive, like a child.
He never lost heart
I did difficult things jokingly.

He didn't have to study
Learn book wisdom
But the magical Firebird
Only he managed to catch it.

On his hunchbacked horse
He galloped halfway around the world.
Famous and rich
He conceded nothing.

There was a simpleton Ivan,
But cabbage soup
Laptem still didn’t take a sip.
He is the immortal Kashchei
Found and punished.

Russian guy from the village
Wasn't afraid of anything
And the beautiful princess
She married him.

Vanya threw a noisy feast,
But without quarrel and without fights,
Because he was smart
He was a very smart fool!
What fairy tales do you know in which Ivan was the hero?

(“Ivan the Peasant Son”, “Ivan and the Miracle Yudo”, “Sivka the Burka”, “The Little Humpbacked Horse”, “Ivan the Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf”, “The Frog Princess”)

Slide No. 8(On the slide is an illustration for the fairy tale “Sivka-Burka”)

What magic words did Ivan the Fool say in this fairy tale so that Sivka the Burka would appear?
(Sivka-Burka, prophetic kaurka, stand in front of me like a leaf in front of the grass)

Slide No. 9(Slide with the image of Ivan Tsarevich on the Gray Wolf)

What is the name of this fairy tale? ("Ivan Tsarevich and the Grey Wolf")
Who brought dead and living water for Ivan Tsarevich? (Crow)

Slide No. 10(Image of King Berendey

What was the name of the king whose Firebird stole apples from his garden? (Berendey)
What fairy tale is he from? ("Ivan Tsarevich and the Grey Wolf")

Slide No. 11(Illustration for the fairy tale "Ryaba Hen")

Who broke the egg? (Mouse)
Slide No. 12(Slide with an illustration of the fairy tale “Tops and Roots”)

What fairy tale characters are depicted? (“Tops and Roots”)
Why was the bear offended by the man?
(Because the man deceived him)

Slide No. 13(Slide showing an illustration for the fairy tale "Kolobok")

Which kolobok song was the last? Why? (Fourth, the fox ate the bun)

Slide No. 14(On the slide there is a picture for the fairy tale “The Cockerel and the Bean Seed”)

What did the cockerel choke on? (Bean seed)
Who helped the hen save the cockerel? (Mistress, master, cow)
What is the name of this fairy tale? ("The Cockerel and the Bean Seed")
What does this fairy tale teach?
(Comradely mutual assistance, the ability to be friends and help each other)

Teacher: You're right guys. A.S. Pushkin also said: “A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, a lesson for good fellows.” What lessons does the fairy tale teach us? What does it teach?

You can learn from a fairy tale
She's full of wisdom
Her heroes teach life,
Kindness adorns them.
Cinderella comes to the rescue
The mermaid of speech says,
Puss in Boots reads a story
Koschey the immortal is sleeping at home.
Are there no fairy tales in life?
Heroes here, heroes there, -
The good wizard is sunbathing,
And even goes to Amsterdam.
Everyone in the world needs magic,
All people believe in miracles
And Snow White on a dark night,
Draws cities online.
And I want to believe so much
That in a fairy tale we are again magical,
Let there be storms and blizzards in life,
We wish you kindness.

Now let's turn to the exhibition of your drawings. For today's event, you illustrated your favorite fairy tales. I give the floor to the authors of these drawings. Present your work, guys.
(Children describe their work and express their attitude towards fairy tales.)

Many thanks to the authors of wonderful works for their love of fairy tales, creativity, and ability to express their feelings in drawings. I suggest everyone draw a picture together for a well-known fairy tale. But our drawing will be unusual. We will make it out of puzzles. They themselves form a picture if you guess the riddles correctly. So…
Presentation "Guess it!"

Presentation "Guess it!"
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Slide No. 1, No. 2 (Title slide of the “Guess It” presentation”, slide with an address to the guys)

“The fox worked all winter, rebuilt the house.
Decorated, tidied up,
She felt good in it.
But spring has come, away from home
There was no trace left.
All the foxes' mansions
Melt water washed away.” (Zaykina's hut")

Slide No. 3 (Slide with image of 1 puzzle)

As a child, everyone laughed at him,
They tried to push him away:
After all, no one knew that he
Born a white swan. ("Ugly duck")

Slide No. 4 (Slide showing two puzzles)

In this book there are name days, There were many guests there.
And on these name days
Suddenly a villain appeared.
He wanted to kill the owner
Almost killed her.
But to the insidious villain
Someone cut off the head. ("Fly Tsokotukha").

Slide No. 5 (slide with 3 puzzles)

Who didn't want to work, but played and sang songs?
To the third brother later
We ran to a new house.
We escaped from the cunning wolf,
But they shook their tails for a long time.
The fairy tale is known to every child
And it’s called... (“The Three Little Pigs”).

Slide No. 6 (Slide with 4 puzzles)

And now we’ll start a conversation about someone’s house...
It contains a rich mistress
Lived happily
But trouble came unexpectedly:
This house burned down! ("Cat house").

Slide No. 7 (Slide showing 5 puzzles)

He pounded and pounded on the plate with his nose,
Didn't swallow anything
And he was left with his nose.

Slide No. 8, (Slide showing the whole picture: illustration for the fairy tale “Teremok”)

Teacher: I am sure that you enjoyed today’s journey and you will learn good lessons from it, become more attentive to others, rush to help those who need it, show courage and determination, ingenuity and resourcefulness. And I hope that we will have more encounters with fairy tales. Thank you for your activity.

We will grow up, we will become different,
And maybe among the worries
We will stop believing fairy tales,
But the fairy tale will come to us again!
And we will meet her with a smile:
Let him live with us again!
And this fairy tale to our children
We will tell you again in good time!

GKOU SO "Krasnoturinsk boarding school, implementing adapted basic general education programs"
Quiz for students with mental retardation (intellectual disabilities). 5th grade.
Literary quiz

Teacher of Russian language and literature
Sevryukova Anastasia Alexandrovna
Krasnoturinsk 2016
The colors glow in a whimsical way, And no matter how wise your head is, You still believe the fairy tale, The fairy tale is always right!
(Eduard Asadov)
Consolidating children's knowledge about Russian folk tales.
instill a love of reading;
to activate and consolidate children’s knowledge about Russian folk tales;
create conditions for creative self-expression (telling a monologue from a fairy tale);
develop the ability to compose words based on sound analysis;
develop team spirit and the ability to act in concert;
enrich the experience of children’s communication in a team;
help children see their achievements, successes and realize the need for new knowledge;
expand lexicon students;
organize leisure time for students.
Quiz progress:
Presenter: Dear guys, we are glad to welcome you all to literary quiz“Through the pages of your favorite fairy tales”! Tell me, do you like fairy tales? What kind of fairy tales are there? (Children's answers). Now name your favorite fairy tales. Well done! Now we will find out how well you know your favorite fairy tales. To do this we need to split into two teams. Each team must choose a name for itself. The quiz consists of three stages. The rules of the quiz are very simple. For each correct answer the team receives 1 point. If a team does not have an answer, the opposing team has the right to answer. The tasks of all competitions are related to the names, characters of fairy tales or the authors who wrote them. After each competition, the jury sums up the results. (Present to the jury).
So, I announce the start of the quiz. I wish you all success!
The first stage of the quiz – warm-up
1. It’s mixed with sour cream. It’s cold in the window. His side is ruddy, Who is it? (Kolobok)
2. The girl is kind lived a fairy tale, K I went to visit my grandmother in the forest. Mom a beautiful hat I sewed it and didn’t forget to give some pies with me. What kind of sweet girl is that? What’s her name? … (Little Red Riding Hood)
3. Along the chain everyone grabbed each other so tightly! But helpers will soon come running, Friendly common work will defeat the stubborn one. How firmly entrenched! Who is this? ... (Turnip)
4. An elderly man with an enormous beard. He offends Pinocchio, Artemon and Malvina. In general, for all people, he is a notorious villain. Do any of you know who this is? (Karabas)
5. I am a wooden boy, Here is the golden key! Artemon, Pierrot, Malvina - They are all friends with me. I stick my long nose everywhere, My name is... (Pinocchio)
6. A boy in a blue hat is from a famous children’s book. He is silly and arrogant, and his name is... (Dunno)
7. And she did the laundry for her stepmother, and sorted the peas at night by candlelight, and slept by the stove. As beautiful as the sun. Who is this? ... (Cinderella)
8. He is cheerful and not angry, This cute eccentric. With him is the boy Robin And his friend Piglet. For him, a walk is a holiday And he has a special nose for honey. This plush prankster Bear... (Winnie the Pooh)
9. Three of them live in a hut, There are three chairs and three mugs in it, Three beds, three pillows. Guess without a hint Who are the heroes of this fairy tale? (Three Bears)
10. In a dark forest at the edge, Everyone lived together in a hut. The children were waiting for their mother, The wolf was not allowed into the house. This fairy tale is for the children... (A wolf and seven kids)
Second stage of the quiz - general questions
With what types of oral folk art Have we already met?
(1 point for each correct answer)
Remember proverbs and sayings. (1 point for each correct answer)
What folk tales have you studied in reading lessons? (1 point for each correct answer)
Which literary tales did you study in reading lessons? (1 point for each correct answer)
What folk tales did we study in reading lessons? (Russian, Tofalar, Bashkir, Tatar). (1 point for each correct answer)
Presenter: - You have already answered a large number of questions and a little tired, so I suggest you rest a little.
- If you have good mood, stamp your feet.
- If you have a cat, pat yourself on the head.
- If you like chocolate, lick your lips.
- If you have a friend, take his hand.
- If you love school, clap your hands.
- If you want to enjoy the quiz, be active. Good luck everyone.
The third stage of the quiz – questions about fairy tales
What evil did the snake cause to people in the Russian folk tale “Nikita Kozhemyaka”? (“he dragged a lot of people from Kyiv into his den, dragged them and ate them. He dragged away the snakes and the king’s daughter”). What decision did the animals make at the meeting for the bear in the Tofalar folk tale “How the Bear was Punished”? (“From now on, the bear will spend six months in hibernation every year. Let him lie down in a den throughout our long winter, let him sleep from the end of October to the end of April. And you don’t need to feed him, let him suck his paw.”) What was the name of the daughter - the beauty of the old bay in the Bashkir folk tale “Golden Hands”? (Maftuk).
What kind of groom did Maftuk want to choose in the Bashkir folk tale “Golden Hands”? (“- Father, I will only marry the man who will be both the richest and the poorest man in the world”).
What tests did Morozko come up with for his stepdaughter and daughter in the Russian folk tale “Morozko”? (for the stepdaughter - “you spin threads from this tow, weave canvas, sew me a shirt from canvas!”, for the daughter “Show me first what kind of craftswoman you are, tie me some mittens!”).
How did the Frost brothers decide to have fun in the Russian folk tale “Two Frosts”? (“Come on, Brother Frost-Red Nose, let’s run onto the road, maybe we’ll meet someone and freeze them”).
Why did the squirrel punish the eldest daughters in the Tatar folk tale “Three Daughters”? (for refusing to help their mother when she got sick).
What did the queen do to destroy the young princess in A.S.’s fairy tale? Pushkin's "The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights"? (She ordered the hay girl Chernavka to “take the princess into the wilderness of the forest and, tying her up, leave her alive under a pine tree to be devoured by the wolves...”).
Why couldn't Gray Neck fly away with everyone else? warmer climes in a fairy tale D. Mamin-Sibiryak"Gray neck"? (because her wing was broken).
Host: And now the exciting moment, we will count the points and find out who won this quiz.
(The jury sums up the results. Teams are rewarded with thanks and sweet prizes). Final protocol of the results of the literary quiz
"Through the pages of your favorite fairy tales"
Quiz stage Task Points
Team 1 Team 2
Warm up 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 General issues 1 2 3 4 5 Questions about fairy tales 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Quiz results