Biography of D.N. Mamin-Sibiryak (presentation). Brief biography of my mother's Siberian

On November 6 (October 25), 1852, Dmitry Narkisovich Mamin-Sibiryak (real name Mamin) was born - a great Russian prose writer and playwright.

There is no such person in Russia who has not heard the name of Mamin-Sibiryak and has not read at least one of his books.

In the post-revolutionary years, this name was covered with such a thick layer of “textbook gloss” that many do not know its real fate famous writer, nor many of his works. As soon as you say “Dmitry Narkisovich Mamin-Sibiryak”, it appears before your eyes famous photograph, where he looks happy with life, a respectable man, wearing a rich fur coat and an astrakhan fur hat.

D.N. Mamin-Sibiryak

According to the recollections of friends, the writer was of average height, but strongly built, charming, with beautiful black eyes, and always had a pipe. Despite his temper, he was distinguished by his kindness and sociability, was known as an excellent storyteller, and was often the life of the party. At the same time, he did not tolerate injustice, he was a straightforward, integral person, and did not know how to lie or pretend. Like everyone good man, “old people and children loved him and animals were not afraid of him.” The colorful figure of Mamin the Sibiryak was so noticeable that Ilya Repin himself painted one of the Cossacks from him for his famous painting.

However, the personal fate of Mamin-Sibiryak was difficult and unhappy. Only early childhood and fifteen months of a happy marriage can be called prosperous. The creative path of the famous writer was not easy either. At the end of his life, he wrote to publishers that his works “will amount to 100 volumes, but only 36 have been published.” Did not have literary success, which he deserved, and the family drama of the Russian prose writer completely resembles the plot of a Mexican TV series...

Childhood and youth

Dmitry Narkisovich Mamin was born in the village of Visim (Visimo-Shaitansky plant, owned by the Demidovs), 40 kilometers from Nizhny Tagil, on the border of Europe and Asia. The father of the future writer is a hereditary priest. The family is large (four children), friendly, working (“I have never seen either my father or my mother without work”), and reading. The family had a large library: they ordered magazines and books from St. Petersburg. The mother loved to read aloud to the children. Dmitry's favorite book as a child was “The Childhood Years of Bagrov the Grandson” (Aksakov).

The writer said about his early childhood and his parents: “There was not a single bitter memory, not a single childhood reproach.” Hundreds of amazing letters from Dmitry Narkisovich to his parents have been preserved, where he writes “Mom” and “Dad” always with capital letters. But the time had come to study seriously, and the poor priest Mamin did not have money for the gymnasium. Dmitry and his older brother Nikolai were taken to the Yekaterinburg Theological School (Bursa), where their father had once studied. It was hard times for Mitya. He considered the years in the bursa to be wasted and even harmful: “... the school did not give anything to my mind, I did not read a single book... and did not acquire any knowledge.” (Later Pavel Petrovich Bazhov graduated from the same school).

After theological school, the son of a priest had a direct path to the Perm Theological Seminary. There, Dmitry Mamin began his first literary work. But he felt “cramped” in the seminary, and the course future writer didn't graduate. In 1872, Mamin entered the veterinary department of the St. Petersburg Medical-Surgical Academy. In 1876, without graduating from the academy, he transferred to the Faculty of Law of St. Petersburg University. It was extremely difficult for him to study; his father could not send money. The student often went hungry and was poorly dressed. Dmitry earned his living by writing for newspapers. And then there is a serious disease - tuberculosis. He had to quit his studies and return home to the Urals (1878), but to the city of Nizhnyaya Salda, where his family moved. Father is dying soon. Dmitry takes care of the family.

Singer of the Urals

Dmitry Narkisovich had to work a lot and give lessons: “For three years, 12 hours a day, I wandered through private lessons.” He wrote articles and educated himself. Moved to Yekaterinburg. Wrote books. The writer walked many roads in the Urals, rafted along the Ural rivers, met many interesting people, studied archives, was engaged in archaeological excavations. He knew the history of the Urals, economics, nature, folk tales and legends. “Ural! Ural! The body is stone, the heart is fiery” - this was his favorite expression.

The future “classic” signed his first journalistic works by D. Sibiryak. In those days, everything that was beyond the Ural ridge was called Siberia. He started signing novels double surname Mamin-Sibiryak. Now he would call himself Mom’s Uralian.

Recognition did not come to the writer immediately. For 9 years he sent his works to different editors and was always rejected. Only in 1881-1882 a series of essays by D. Sibiryak “from the Urals to Moscow” was published in the Moscow newspaper “Russkie Vedomosti”. The talented provincial was noticed not by publishers, but by radical journalists. The St. Petersburg censored magazine “Delo” published a number of his essays about Ural land, and subsequently published the most famous novel"Privalov's millions." However, for a serious writer to be published in Delo in the 1980s was not a great honor: the magazine was living out its last days and took any material allowed by censorship (even pulp novels). The works of Mamin-Sibiryak deserved better. However, this publication allowed the talented writer to finally “reach out” to the capital’s publishing houses and become famous not only in the Urals, but also in the European part of the great country.

Mamin-Sibiryak revealed the Urals to the world with all its riches and history. A separate and serious conversation needs to be had about his novels, which will not fit into the scope of this essay. The novels required a huge amount of work from Mamin-Sibiryak. The writer did not have assistants or secretaries: he had to rewrite and edit manuscripts himself many times, make insertions, and perform technical processing of texts. Mamin-Sibiryak was distinguished by his enormous ability to work as a writer and was talented in many literary genres: novels, stories, short stories, fairy tales, legends, essays. The pearls of his work - “Privalov's Millions”, “Mountain Nest”, “Gold”, “Three Ends” - made a huge contribution to the development of Russian literature and the Russian literary language.

About the language of these works, Chekhov wrote: “Mamin’s words are all real, but he speaks them himself and doesn’t know others.”

Life at a turning point

Dmitry Narkisovich was approaching his fortieth birthday. Comparative prosperity has arrived. Royalties from publishing novels gave him the opportunity to buy a house in the center of Yekaterinburg for his mother and sister. He married Maria Alekseeva in a civil marriage, who left her husband and three children for him. She was older than him, a well-known public figure, and an assistant in his writing work.

It would seem that there is everything to live in peace, happy life, but Dmitry Narkisovich began a “midlife” crisis, followed by complete spiritual discord. His work was not noticed by metropolitan critics. For the reading public, he still remained a little-known “talented provincial.” The originality of the creativity of the Ural “nugget” did not find proper understanding among readers. In 1889, Mamin-Sibiryak wrote in one of his letters to a friend:

“... I gave them a whole region with people, nature and all the riches, but they don’t even look at my gift.”

I was tormented by dissatisfaction with myself. The marriage was not very successful. There were no children. It seemed like life was ending. Dmitry Narkisovich started drinking.

But to the new theater season In 1890, a beautiful young actress Maria Moritsevna Heinrich (by husband and stage - Abramova) arrived from St. Petersburg. They couldn’t help but get acquainted: Maria brought Mamin-Sibiryak a gift from Korolenko (his portrait). They fell in love with each other. She is 25 years old, he is almost 40. Everything was not easy. The writer was tormented by his debt to his wife. The husband did not give Maria a divorce. Mamin-Sibiryak's family and friends were against this union. There was gossip and gossip in the city. The actress was not allowed to work, and the writer had no life. The lovers had no choice but to flee to St. Petersburg.

On March 20, 1892, Maria gave birth to a daughter, but she herself died the next day after a difficult birth. Dmitry Narkisovich almost committed suicide. From the shock he experienced, he cried at night, went to pray at St. Isaac's Cathedral, and tried to drown his grief with vodka. From letters to my sister: “I have one thought about Marusya... I go for a walk so that I can talk loudly with Marusya.” From a letter to his mother: “... happiness flashed like a bright comet, leaving a heavy and bitter aftertaste... Sad, difficult, lonely. Our girl, Elena, remained in my arms - all my happiness.”

"Alyonushka's Tales"

Elena-Alyonushka was born a sick child (cerebral palsy). The doctors said, “I’m not going to live.” But the father, the father’s friends, the nanny-teacher - “Aunt Olya” (Olga Frantsevna Guvale later became the wife of Mamin-Sibiryak) pulled Alyonushka out of the other world. While Alyonushka was little, her father sat by her crib day and night. No wonder they called her “father’s daughter.” We can say that Mamin-Sibiryak accomplished the feat of fatherhood. Rather, he accomplished three feats: he found the strength to survive, did not let his child disappear, and began to write again.

The father told the girl fairy tales. At first he told those that he knew, then, when they ended, he began to compose his own. On the advice of friends, Mamin-Sibiryak began to record and collect them. Alyonushka, like all children, had a good memory, so the writer-father could not repeat himself.

In 1896, Alyonushkin’s Tales were published as a separate edition. Mamin-Sibiryak wrote: “...The publication is very nice. This is my favorite book - it was written by love itself, and therefore it will outlive everything else.” These words turned out to be prophetic. His "Alyonushka's Tales" are republished annually and translated into different languages. Much has been written about them, they are associated with folklore traditions, the writer’s ability to entertainingly present to the child important moral concepts, especially the feeling of kindness. It is no coincidence that the language of “Alyonushka’s Tales” was called “Mother’s Syllable” by contemporaries. Kuprin wrote about them: “These tales are prose poems, more artistic than Turgenev’s.”

During these years, Mamin-Sibiryak wrote to the editor: “If I were rich, I would devote myself specifically to children’s literature. After all, it’s happiness to write for children.”

Mamin-Sibiryak with her daughter

You just have to imagine in what state of mind he wrote these fairy tales! The fact is that Dmitry Narkisovich did not have any rights to his child. Alyonushka was considered “the illegitimate daughter of the bourgeois Abramova,” and Maria Moritsevna’s first husband, out of revenge, did not give permission for her adoption. Mamin-Sibiryak reached despair and was even going to kill Abramov. Only ten years later, thanks to the efforts of the writer’s wife, Olga Frantsevna, permission was obtained.

“Happiness is writing for children”

Mamin-Sibiryak knew this happiness long before Alyonushka’s Tales. Even in Yekaterinburg, the first short story-essay for children, “The Conquest of Siberia,” was written (and he has about 150 children’s works in total!). The writer sent his stories to metropolitan magazines " Children's reading", "Spring" and others.

Everyone knows the fairy tale "The Gray Neck". Together with Alyonushka’s Tales, it was included in the collection “Fairy Tales of Russian Writers” (in the “Library of World Literature for Children” series). When the fairy tale was written, it had sad ending, but later Mamin-Sibiryak added a chapter about saving the Gray Neck. The tale has been published many times - both separately and in collections. Many tales before recent years were not published. Now they are returning to readers. Now we can read “Confession of the old St. Petersburg cat Vaska,” written back in 1903, and others.

WITH early childhood Everyone knows the stories of D. N. Mamin-Sibiryak: “Emelya the Hunter”, “Winter Quarters on Studenoy”, “Spit”, “The Rich Man and Eremka”. Some of these stories were highly appreciated during the writer's lifetime. “Emelya the Hunter” was awarded the Prize of the Pedagogical Society in St. Petersburg, and in 1884 received International Prize. The story “Winter quarters on Studenoy” was awarded the Gold Medal of the St. Petersburg Literacy Committee (1892).

Legends in the works of Mamin-Sibiryak

The writer had a long-standing interest in folk legends, especially to those created by the indigenous population of the Urals and Trans-Urals: Bashkirs, Tatars. Previously, part of the indigenous population was called Kyrgyz (they are mentioned in the legends of Mamin-Sibiryak). In 1889, he wrote to the Society of Russian Literature: “I would like to start collecting songs, fairy tales, beliefs and other works folk art“, asked for permission to do this. The permit - “Open sheet” - was issued to Mamin-Sibiryak.

He wanted to write historical tragedy about Khan Kuchum, but didn’t have time. I wrote only five legends. They were published as a separate book in 1898, which was later not reprinted. Some of the legends were included in the collected works of Mamin-Sibiryak, the most famous of which is “Ak-Bozat”. The legends have strong, bright heroes, their love for freedom is simply love. The Mayan legend is clearly autobiographical, in it early death the heroine who left a small child, the endless grief of the main character, who loved his wife very much, and the consonance of names - Maya, Maria. This is a personal song about bitter love, about longing for a deceased loved one.

Yuletide stories and tales of Mamin-Sibiryak

The son of a priest, a believer, Mamin-Sibiryak wrote Christmas stories and fairy tales for both adults and children. Naturally, they were not published after 1917. During the struggle against religion, it was impossible to link these works with the name of a democratic writer. Now they have begun to be published. IN Christmas stories and fairy tales, Mamin-Sibiryak preaches the ideas of peace and harmony between people different nationalities, different social classes, different ages. They are written with humor and optimism.

Last period of life

The last years of the writer were especially difficult. He himself was sick a lot and was very worried about the fate of his daughter. He buried his closest friends: Chekhov, Gleb Uspensky, Stanyukovich, Garin-Mikhailovsky. They almost stopped printing it. On March 21 (fateful day for Mamin-Sibiryak), 1910, his mother dies. It was a huge loss for him. In 1911, the writer suffered from paralysis.

Shortly before his death, he wrote to a friend: “...The end is coming soon... I have nothing to regret in literature, she has always been a stepmother for me... Well, to hell with her, especially since she was intertwined with bitter need for me personally, which they don’t even talk about to their closest friends.”

The writer's anniversary was approaching: 60 years since his birth and 40 years literary work. They remembered him and came to congratulate him. And Mamin-Sibiryak was in such a state that he could no longer hear anything. At 60 years old, he seemed like a decrepit old man with dull eyes. The anniversary was like a funeral service. They talked Nice words: “the pride of Russian literature”, “an artist of words”... They presented a luxurious album with congratulations and wishes. This album also contained words about his works for children: “You opened your soul to our children. You understood and loved them, and they understood and loved you..."

But the “confession” came too late: Dmitry Narkisovich died six days later (November 1912). After his death, telegrams continued to arrive with congratulations on the anniversary. The capital's press did not notice the departure of Mamin-Sibiryak. Only in Yekaterinburg did friends and admirers of his talent gather for a funeral evening. Mamin-Sibiryak was buried next to his wife in the cemetery of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra in St. Petersburg.

Alyonushka's fate

Elena outlived her father by two years. After his death, she insisted on a trip to Yekaterinburg. I looked at the city, the surrounding area, and met my family. In her will, Elena Mamina wrote that after the death of the last owner, her father’s house would become a museum, “which I urgently ask to be established in this city and, if possible, in the bequeathed house or the house that will be built in its place.”

Her will was fulfilled: in the center of Yekaterinburg there is a wonderful Literary Quarter, which includes the preserved House of Mamin-Sibiryak (Pushkinskaya St., 27) with all the furnishings of those years, books, photographs, drawings and manuscripts of the writer.

Alyonushka died at the age of 22 from transient consumption in the fall of 1914, when the First World War. All her archives, poems, drawings, and some of her father’s works were lost. Alyonushka was buried next to her parents. A year later, a monument was erected to all three. The words of Mamin-Sibiryak are carved on it: “To live a thousand lives, to suffer and rejoice in a thousand hearts - that’s where real life and real happiness."

Elena Shirokova

based on the materials of the article: Kapitonova, N. A. Mamin-Sibiryak D. N. // Literary local history: Chelyabinsk region/ ON THE. Kapitonov. - Chelyabinsk: ABRIS, 2008. - pp. 18-29.

IN Lately website website increasingly responds to the same search query: “Why is the hero of the fairy tale D.N. Mamin-Sibiryak “Ak-Bozat” left his wife?”

The frequency and frightening regularity of this request first surprised us, then puzzled us: “Is it really only this global problem is the younger generation of the entire post-Soviet space worried today?” - we thought.

It turned out that this insoluble question torments only the victims of the current secondary education system - schoolchildren and students, who, instead of reading Russian literature, today are offered ready-made answers to simple questions, as on a ballot paper (“yes”, “yes”, “no”, “yes” - cross out what you need!). The imperfection of the Unified State Examination is aggravated by the absolute confidence of students that on the World Wide Web one can easily find solutions to all the insoluble problems that humanity has ever set itself.

We will not smash this enviable confidence to smithereens, for hope dies last. We will answer this question without using “too many letters”, so that the answer can be “powered” by every representative of the “Pepsi generation”, i.e. - in the spirit of the Unified State Examination test.

Question: “Why does the hero of the fairy tale D.N. Mamin-Sibiryak “Ak-Bozat” left his wife?”
Possible answers:

  1. He fell in love with a woman from a neighbor's harem;
  2. He was inflamed with passion for a mare named Ak-Bozat (diagnosed with bestiality);
  3. The wife didn’t manage the house well, didn’t tidy up the tent and didn’t know how to milk mares, and spent all day on

Now try, my dear users who basically don’t read anything, point your finger at the sky and choose the correct answer. We would also recommend that education officials who write similar tests on Russian literature do this. Their only goal is to turn Russian schoolchildren into stupid, obedient sheep, capable of choosing answer options already proposed by someone without much thought and tedious reading.

We advise all other students to turn to the original source and read the very worthy (not to be confused with the word “sucky”!) literary text fairy tales of the Russian writer D.N. Mamin-Sibiryak. Reading “Ak-Bozat” will take no more than 10-15 minutes, which in any case is less time spent searching for a ready-made answer on the Internet.


“Why is the hero of the fairy tale D.N. Mamin-Sibiryak “Ak-Bozat” left his wife?”
(opinion of the site’s authors familiar with the text “Ak-Bozat”)

The hero of the fairy tale Bukharbay, in the past a very wealthy man, through his own fault, lost (walked away, drank, went on a spree) all his fortune. The only thing he managed to save was a thoroughbred foal named Ak-Bozat (Star). For many years, Bukharbay raised his foal, and the mare Ak-Bozat became the main thing in his life: at the same time the memory of his father and mother, and hope for his own better future, an object of self-realization.

Hard work bears fruit: the daughter of a rich man pays attention to Bukharbai, whom Bukharbai himself likes. However, her father asks for Ak-Bozat as a dowry for his daughter! It would seem that a mare is a completely acceptable payment for family happiness with a loving wife.

However, the horse was stolen! And this happens precisely at the moment when Bukharbay “betrayed” his destiny - he agreed to exchange Ak-Bozat for family happiness, a home and material well-being. As a result, life without Ak-Bozat, without a dream that he once betrayed and lost forever, turned out to be unbearable for him. Therefore the hero leaves his wife(!) and rushes off to his guiding star- Ak-Bozat, the possession of which, as he understands, constituted true meaning his life.

Description of the presentation by individual slides:

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BIOGRAPHY of Dmitry Narkisovich Mamin-Sibiryak Prepared by a teacher primary classes GBOU Secondary School No. 349 of Krasnogvardeisky District of St. Petersburg Pechenkina Tamara Pavlovna

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Dmitry Narkisovich Mamin-Sibiryak 10/25/1852 – 11/02/1912 Russian prose writer and playwright

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Dmitry Narkisovich Mamin-Sibiryak (real name Mamin) was born in the factory village of Visimo-Shaitan, Perm province in the family of a factory priest. Father really wanted Dmitry to follow in his footsteps and devote his life to serving God. Dmitry's family was very enlightened, so he received his first education at home. After this, the boy went to the Visim school for children of workers. The parents' desire to guide their child along a spiritual path led Dmitry to the Yekaterinburg Theological School in 1866. There he studied for two years, and then moved to the Perm Theological Seminary (until 1872, full course did not graduate). Dmitry's extraordinary character can be seen already in these years: he becomes a member of a circle of advanced seminarians, studies the ideas of Dobrolyubov, Chernyshevsky, Herzen. While studying at the seminary, Dmitry writes his first stories - not very good yet, but already indicating literary inclinations.

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In 1872, Dmitry entered the St. Petersburg Medical-Surgical Academy in the veterinary department. Since 1874, to earn money, he wrote reports on meetings of scientific societies for newspapers. In 1876, without graduating from the academy, he transferred to the Faculty of Law of St. Petersburg University. After studying for a year, he was forced to leave the university due to financial difficulties And sharp deterioration health. In the summer of 1877 he returned to the Urals to his parents. IN next year his father died, and the whole burden of caring for the family fell on Dmitry. To educate his brothers and sister and be able to earn money, he moved to a large Cultural Center Yekaterinburg, where he married Maria Yakimovna Alekseeva, who became for him not only his wife and friend, but also an excellent advisor in literary issues. During these years, the future writer made many trips around the Urals, studied literature on the history, economics, and ethnography of the Urals, and became acquainted with folk life.

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Soon after this they publish travel essays under common name"From the Urals to Moscow." They were published for the first time by the newspaper Russkie Vedomosti. The success of Mamin-Sibiryak’s prose forces the publications “Delo”, “Foundations”, “Russian Thought”, “Bulletin of Europe”, “Otechestvennye Zapiski” to pay attention to him. Then Mamin becomes Mamin the Siberian. He often signed his works literary pseudonym D. Sibiryak, which Dmitry decided to join his real name. After the publication of these works, the main motives of Mamin-Sibiryak’s work become noticeable: a unique description of the nature of the Urals, its influence on human life. During this period, Mamin-Sibiryan traveled a lot around the Urals, carefully studying the economy, history, and ethnography of the region. Communication with local residents, immersion in the original life of ordinary people provides enormous material for works.

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In 1883, the writer completed work on his first novel from factory life in the Urals, Privalov’s Millions, which took ten years to create. The novel first appeared in the magazine “Delo” and gained great popularity. The following year, the novel “Mountain Nest” was published in the pages of the journal Otechestvennye zapiski. This work brought Mamin-Sibiryak the fame of a talented realist writer. Scene from the play "Privalov's Millions"

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In 1890, he divorced his first wife, married Maria Abramova, an artist of the Yekaterinburg Drama Theater, and moved to St. Petersburg. A year later, Abramova died, leaving her sick daughter Alyonushka in the arms of her father, shocked by this death. This tragedy became a very big shock for the writer, which he could not fully cope with until his death. Deep depression was reflected in the letters that Mamin-Sibiryak sent to his relatives during this period.

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However, the writer overcomes the shock of loss and gives maximum attention to his daughter. Creativity at this time is very fruitful, many works for children appear. The cycle of fairy tales “Alyonushkina Tales”, written by Mamin-Sibiryak for his daughter, became one of the best examples of his work. Animals, birds, fish, insects, plants and toys live and talk happily in them. For example: Komar Komarovich - a long nose, Shaggy Misha - short tail, Brave Hare - long ears - slanting eyes - short tail, Sparrow Vorobeich and Ruff Ershovich. Talking about fun adventures animals and toys, the author skillfully combines fascinating content with useful information, kids learn to observe life, they develop feelings of camaraderie and friendship, modesty and hard work.

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Mamin-Sibiryak took children's literature very seriously. He called a children's book a "living thread" that takes the child out of the children's room and connects him with the wider world of life. Addressing writers, his contemporaries, Mamin-Sibiryak urged them to truthfully tell children about the life and work of the people. He often said that only an honest and sincere book is beneficial. Mamin-Sibiryak’s works for older children tell about the life and work of workers and peasants in the Urals and Siberia, about the fate of children working in factories, industries and mines, about young travelers along the picturesque slopes of the Ural Mountains. A wide and diverse world, the life of man and nature, is revealed to young readers in these works. Mamin-Sibiryak’s story “Emelya the Hunter,” which was awarded an international prize in 1884, was highly appreciated by readers.

D. N. Mamin-Sibiryak (Dmitry Narkisovich Mamin)
25.10.1852 – 02.11.1912

In a village surrounded on all sides by green, huge mountains, like giants, standing far from Nizhny Tagil on the very watershed of Europe and Asia, Dmitry Narkisovich Mamin was born on October 25, 1852. Native green mountains, rocky steeps, deep ravines, mountain springs, wonderful mountain air filled with the aromas of mountain herbs and flowers, and the endless whisper of a hundred-year-old forest... In this wonderful atmosphere, the childhood and youth of Mamin-Sibiryak, one of the most famous children's writers of our country, passed .

However, despite the surrounding beauty, life in those distant times was not easy. The people who inhabited the village were mostly workers; poverty reigned in the society, at times hunger and inhumane conditions work.

The writer's father Narkis Matveevich Mamin was a priest. They lived as a family friendly, hardworking and modest. Father stood out noticeably among other clergy for his breadth of interests; he knew and loved Russian literature. There was a small library in the Mamins’ house, with the help of which the parents instilled in their children a love and respect for literature.

Probably, environment and love of literature contributed to the fact that Mamin-Sibiryak’s stories are filled with stunning beauty and love for nature, for ordinary people, for the beautiful and vast Ural region. People who are encountering the work of Mamin-Sibiryak for the first time will find it pleasant and easy to read his stories, novellas and fairy tales. Even during the writer’s lifetime, criticism recognized the writer’s undoubtedly bright talent, deep knowledge of the Ural reality, depth psychological drawing, landscape art...

And how pleasant it is to read the tales of Mamin-Sibiryak, in them the writer prepares the child for the future adult life, forms in him, through the characters of his fairy tales, a strong and sympathetic personality to the grief of his neighbor. You read, and your heart rejoices, warms, and calms. Mamin-Sibiryak wrote his fairy tales carefully and thoughtfully; in his deep conviction, a children's book is the foundation on which a person's moral edifice is built, and how strong this foundation will be largely depends on children's writers. Mamin-Sibiryak created fairy tales for a long time, and when the writer was 45 years old (in 1897), the collection “Alenushka’s Tales” was published, which were published annually during the writer’s lifetime. This is not surprising, because Mamin-Sibiryak wrote fairy tales for children with meaning, love and beauty, which is why he acquired such a large readership.

On our website you can download fairy tales, short stories and stories by D. N. Mamin-Sibiryak in the formats you need.

Russian prose writer and playwright Dmitry Narkisovich Mamin-Sibiryak (1852-1912) entered literature with a series of essays about the Urals. Many of his first works were signed under the pseudonym “D. Siberian". Although his real name is Mamin.

The writer’s first major work was the novel “Privalov’s Millions” (1883), which had big success while. In 1974, this novel was filmed.
In 1884, his novel “Mountain Nest” was published in the journal Otechestvennye zapiski, which established Mamin-Sibiryak’s reputation as an outstanding realist writer.
The writer's last major works were the novels “Characters from the Life of Pepko” (1894), “Shooting Stars” (1899) and the story “Mumma” (1907).

Dmitry Narkisovich Mamin-Sibiryak

In his works, the writer depicted the life of the Urals and Siberia in the post-reform years, the capitalization of Russia and the associated breakdown public consciousness, norms of law and morality.
“Alyonushka’s Tales” were written by the author already in mature years– in 1894-1896. for his daughter Alyonushka (Elena).

D. Mamin-Sibiryak with his daughter Alyonushka

The works of Mamin-Sibiryak for children are still relevant today, because they have an informative plot, are truthful, and are written in a good style. Children will learn about the difficult life of that time and get acquainted with wonderful descriptions of the writer’s native Ural nature. The author took children's literature very seriously, because... believed that through it the child communicates with the natural world and the world of people.
Mamin-Sibiryak’s tales also had a pedagogical goal: raising fair, honest children. He believed that words of wisdom thrown on fertile soil will definitely sprout.
Mamin-Sibiryak's tales are varied and designed for children of any age. The author did not embellish life, but always found warm words that convey kindness and moral strength ordinary people. His love for animals cannot leave anyone indifferent; children's hearts vividly respond to this feeling.

D. Mamin-Sibiryak “Alyonushka’s Tales”

Fairy tales from this collection are available to children starting from kindergarten or primary school age. His fairy tales themselves speak to children through the lips of animals and birds, plants, fish, insects and even toys. They help to instill in children hard work, modesty, the ability to make friends, and a sense of humor. The nicknames of the main characters alone are worth it: Komar Komarovich - long nose, Ruff Ershovich, Brave Hare - long ears...
The collection “Alyonushka’s Tales” includes 11 fairy tales:

1. "Saying"
2. “The Tale of the Brave Hare – long ears, slanting eyes, short tail”
3. “The Tale about Kozyavochka”
4. “The tale about Komar Komarovich - a long nose and about shaggy Misha - a short tail”
5. “Vanka’s name day”
6. “The Tale of Sparrow Vorobeich, Ruff Ershovich and the cheerful chimney sweep Yasha”
7. “The Tale of How the Last Fly Lived”
8. “The Tale of Voronushka – the black little head and the yellow bird Canary”
9. “Smarter than everyone else”
10. “The Parable of Milk, Oatmeal Porridge and Gray Cat Murka”
11. “Time for bed”

D. Mamin-Sibiryak “The Tale of the Brave Hare - long ears, slanting eyes, short tail”

This is very good fairy tale, just like everyone else.
Everyone has small weaknesses, but what matters is how others treat them.
Let's read the beginning of the fairy tale.
“A bunny was born in the forest and was afraid of everything. A twig will crack somewhere, a bird will fly up, a lump of snow will fall from a tree - the bunny is in hot water.
The bunny was afraid for a day, afraid for two, afraid for a week, afraid for a year; and then he grew up big, and suddenly he got tired of being afraid.
- I'm not afraid of anyone! - he shouted to the whole forest. “I’m not afraid at all, that’s all!”
The old hares gathered, the little bunnies came running, the old female hares tagged along - everyone listened to how the Hare boasted - long ears, slanting eyes, a short tail - they listened and did not believe their own ears. There has never been a time when the hare was not afraid of anyone.
- Hey, slanting eye, aren’t you afraid of the wolf?
“I’m not afraid of the wolf, or the fox, or the bear—I’m not afraid of anyone!”
See how other animals in the forest react to this statement. They did not laugh at the hare or criticize him, although everyone understood that these words were spoken by the hare rashly and thoughtlessly. But good animals They supported him in this impulse, everyone had fun. We read further: “This turned out to be quite funny. The young hares giggled, covering their faces with their front paws, the kind old hare women laughed, even the old hares, who had been in the paws of a fox and tasted wolf teeth, smiled. A very funny hare!.. Oh, how funny! And everyone suddenly felt happy. They started tumbling, jumping, jumping, racing each other, as if everyone had gone crazy.”
According to the laws of a fairy tale, a wolf should have appeared here at that moment. He appeared. And he decided that now he would eat the hare.
The hare, seeing the wolf, jumped in fear and fell straight on the wolf, “rolled head over heels on the wolf’s back, turned over again in the air and then gave such a screeching sound that it seemed like he was ready to jump out of his own skin.” And the wolf, out of fear, also ran, but in the other direction: “when the Hare fell on him, it seemed to him that someone had shot at him.”
As a result, the animals found a hare under a bush, almost alive from fear, but they saw the situation completely differently:
- Well done, oblique! - all the hares shouted in one voice. - Oh, yes, a scythe!.. You cleverly scared the old Wolf. Thank you brother! And we thought you were bragging.
The brave Hare immediately perked up. He crawled out of his hole, shook himself, narrowed his eyes and said:
- What would you think! Oh you cowards...
From this day Brave Bunny I began to believe that I really wasn’t afraid of anyone.

D. Mamin-Sibiryak “The Tale of Sparrow Vorobeich, Ruff Ershovich and the cheerful chimney sweep Yasha”

Vorobey Vorobeich and Ersh Ershovich lived in great friendship. Each time they met, they invited each other to visit, but it turned out that neither of them could live in the circumstances of the other. Sparrow Vorobeich said:
- Thank you brother! I would love to come visit you, but I’m afraid of water. It’s better if you come and visit me on the roof...
And Yorsh Ershovich responded to his friend’s invitation:
- No, I can’t fly, and I’m suffocating on the air. It’s better to swim on the water together. I'll show you everything...
And so they were good friends, loved to talk, despite the fact that they were completely different. But their troubles and joys were similar. “For example, winter: how cold poor Sparrow Vorobeich is! Wow, what cold days there were! It seems that my whole soul is ready to freeze out. Sparrow Vorobeich gets ruffled, tucks his legs under him and sits. The only salvation is to climb into a pipe somewhere.” “Ruff Ershovich also had a hard time in the winters. He climbed somewhere deeper into the pool and dozed there for whole days. It’s dark and cold, and you don’t want to move.”
Sparrow Vorobeich had a friend - chimney sweep Yasha. “Such a cheerful chimney sweep - he sings all the songs. He cleans the pipes and hums. Moreover, he will sit down on the very ridge to rest, take out a piece of bread and have a snack, and I pick up the crumbs. We live soul to soul. “I also like to have fun,” Vorobey Vorobeich told his friend.

Illustration by Yu. Vasnetsov

But there was a quarrel between the friends. One summer, a chimney sweep finished his work and went to the river to wash off the soot. There he heard a strong cry and hubbub, the angry Vorobey Vorobeich shouted loud accusations at his friend, and he himself was all disheveled, angry... It turns out that Vorobey Vorobeich got a worm and carried it home, and Ersh Ershovich took possession of this worm by deception, shouting: "Hawk!". Sparrow Vorobeich released the worm. And Yorsh Ershovich ate it. So there was a fuss about this. In the end, it turned out that Vorobey Vorobeich had acquired the worm by dishonest means, and besides, he had stolen a piece of bread from the chimney sweep. All the birds, big and small, rushed after the thief. Further, the events of the fairy tale unfolded like this: “There was a real dump. Everyone just tears it up, only the crumbs fly into the river; and then the edge also flew into the river. At this point the fish grabbed onto it. A real fight began between the fish and the birds. They tore the whole edge into crumbs and ate all the crumbs. As it is, there is nothing left of the edge. When the edge was eaten, everyone came to their senses and everyone felt ashamed. They chased the thief Sparrow and ate the stolen piece along the way.”
And Alyonushka, having learned about this story, concluded:
Oh, how stupid they all are, both the fish and the birds! And I would share everything - both the worm and the crumb, and no one would quarrel. Recently I divided four apples... Dad brings four apples and says: “Divide in half - for me and Lisa.” I divided it into three parts: I gave one apple to dad, the other to Lisa, and took two for myself.”
The fairy tales of Mamin-Sibiryak emanate warmth and childhood. I want to read them aloud and see the happy and kind faces of the children.
In addition to the cycle “Alyonushka’s Tales,” the writer has other fairy tales:

1. "Gray Neck"
2. “Forest Tale”
3. “The Tale of the Glorious King Pea”
4. "Stubborn goat"

D. Mamin-Sibiryak “Gray Neck”

“The Gray Neck” is not only the writer’s most famous fairy tale, but also the most famous work in children's literature. She

attracts with its touchingness, evokes a desire to protect the weak and helpless, to help those in need in need. The natural world in this tale is depicted in unity and harmony with the human world.
... Migratory birds were getting ready to go on the road. Only in the family of Duck and Drake there was no joyful pre-flight bustle - they had to come to terms with the thought that their Gray Neck would not fly south with them, she would have to spend the winter here alone. Back in the spring, her wing was damaged: a Fox crept up to the brood and grabbed the duckling. The Old Duck boldly rushed at the enemy and fought off the duckling; but one wing turned out to be broken.
The Duck was very sad that Gray Neck would have a hard time being alone, she even wanted to stay with her, but Drake reminded her that, besides Gray Neck, they had other children to take care of.
And so the birds flew away. Mother taught Gray Neck:
- You stay near that bank where the spring runs into the river. The water there won't freeze all winter...
Soon Gray Neck met the Hare, who also considered the Fox his enemy and was as defenseless as Gray Neck, and saved his life by constant flight.
Meanwhile, the hole in which the duck was swimming was getting smaller and smaller due to the advancing ice. “Seraya Neck was in despair because only the very middle of the river, where a wide ice hole had formed, did not freeze. There was no more than fifteen fathoms of free space left to swim. Gray Neck’s grief reached its final pitch when the Fox appeared on the shore - it was the same Fox who broke her wing.”

The fox began to hunt for the duck and lure it to itself.
The old hunter saved Gray Neck. He went out hunting for a hare or a fox for his old woman's fur coat. “The old man took the Gray Neck from the wormwood and put it in his bosom. “I won’t tell the old woman anything,” he thought as he headed home. “Let her fur coat and collar take a walk in the forest together.” The main thing is that the granddaughters will be so happy.”
And how happy little readers are when they learn about the salvation of Gray Neck!

Beat, drum, ta-ta! tra-ta-ta! Play, pipes: work! tu-ru-ru!.. Let's get all the music here - today is Vanka's birthday!.. Dear guests, you are welcome... Hey, everyone get here! Tra-ta-ta! Tru-ru-ru!

Vanka walks around in a red shirt and says:

Brothers, you are welcome... As many treats as you like. Soup made from the freshest wood chips; cutlets from the best, purest sand; pies made from multi-colored pieces of paper; and what tea! From the best boiled water. You are welcome... Music, play!..


By the river, in deep forest, one fine winter day a crowd of men who arrived on sleighs stopped. The contractor walked around the entire site and said:

Chop here, brothers... The spruce forest is excellent. Each tree will be a hundred years old...

He took the ax and knocked the butt on the trunk of the nearest spruce. The magnificent tree seemed to groan, and lumps of fluffy snow rolled from its shaggy green branches. Somewhere at the top a squirrel flashed, looking with curiosity at the extraordinary guests; and a loud echo echoed throughout the entire forest, as if all these green giants, covered in snow, were speaking at once. The echo died down to a distant whisper, as if the trees were asking each other: who came? For what?..

Well, this old lady is no good... - added the contractor, tapping the standing spruce with a huge hollow with his butt. - She's half rotten.


One of Alyonushka’s eyes is asleep, the other is watching; One ear of Alyonushka is sleeping, the other is listening.

Sleep, Alyonushka, sleep, beauty, and dad will tell fairy tales. It seems that everyone is here: the Siberian cat Vaska, the shaggy village dog Postoiko, the gray Little Mouse, the Cricket behind the stove, the motley Starling in a cage, and the bully Rooster.

Whatever you want, it was amazing! And the most amazing thing was that this was repeated every day. Yes, just like they put a pot of milk and an earthenware saucepan with it on the stove in the kitchen. oatmeal, so it will begin.

At first they stand as if nothing is happening, and then the conversation begins:

I am Milk...

And I am oatmeal porridge!

At first the conversation goes quietly, in a whisper, and then Kashka and Molochko gradually begin to get excited.

The first autumn cold, from which the grass turned yellow, brought all the birds into great alarm. Everyone began to prepare for the long journey, and everyone had such a serious, worried look. Yes, it is not easy to fly over a space of several thousand miles... How many poor birds will be exhausted along the way, how many will die from various accidents - in general there was something to seriously think about.

Serious big bird, like swans, geese and ducks, getting ready for the journey with important look, realizing the difficulty of the upcoming feat; and the most noisy, fussing and fussing were small birds, such as sandpipers, phalaropes, dunlins, dunnies, and plovers. For a long time they had been gathering in flocks and moving from one bank to another along the shallows and swamps with such speed, as if someone had thrown a handful of peas. The little birds had this big job

How fun it was in the summer!.. Oh, how fun! It’s hard to even tell everything in order... There were thousands of flies. They fly, buzz, have fun... When little Mushka was born, she spread her wings, and she also began to have fun. So much fun, so much fun that you can’t tell. The most interesting thing was that in the morning they opened all the windows and doors to the terrace - whichever window you want, go through that window and fly.

Which kind creature man,” little Mushka wondered, flying from window to window. - These are the windows made for us, and they open them for us too. Very good, and most importantly - fun...

Vorobey Vorobeich and Ersh Ershovich lived in great friendship. Every day in the summer, Sparrow Vorobeich flew to the river and shouted:

Hey brother, hello!.. How are you?

It’s okay, we live little by little,” answered Ersh Ershovich. - Come visit me. I'm doing well, brother deep places... The water is quiet, there is as much water grass as you want. I'll treat you to frog eggs, worms, water boogers...

Thank you brother! I would love to go visit you, but I’m afraid of water. It’s better if you fly to visit me on the roof... I, brother, will treat you with berries - I have a whole garden, and then we’ll get a crust of bread, and oats, and sugar, and a live mosquito. You love sugar, don't you?

This happened at midday, when all the mosquitoes hid from the heat in the swamp. Komar Komarovich - his long nose snuggled under a wide leaf and fell asleep. He sleeps and hears a desperate cry:

Oh, fathers!.. oh, carraul!..

Komar Komarovich jumped out from under the sheet and also shouted:

What happened?.. What are you yelling at?

And the mosquitoes fly, buzz, squeak - you can’t make out anything.

Oh, fathers!.. A bear came to our swamp and fell asleep. As soon as he lay down in the grass, he immediately crushed five hundred mosquitoes, and as soon as he breathed, he swallowed a whole hundred. Oh, trouble, brothers! We barely managed to get away from him, otherwise he would have crushed everyone...

A bunny was born in the forest and was afraid of everything. A twig will crack somewhere, a bird will fly up, a lump of snow will fall from a tree - the bunny is in hot water.

The bunny was afraid for a day, afraid for two, afraid for a week, afraid for a year; and then he grew up big, and suddenly he got tired of being afraid.

I'm not afraid of anyone! - he shouted to the whole forest. - I’m not afraid at all, that’s all!

The old hares gathered, the little bunnies came running, the old female hares tagged along - everyone listened to how the Hare boasted - long ears, slanting eyes, a short tail - they listened and did not believe their own ears. There has never been a time when the hare was not afraid of anyone.

A fairy tale about the glorious King Pea and his beautiful daughters Princess Kutafya and Princess Pea.

Soon the fairy tale is told, but not soon the deed is done. Fairy tales are told to old men and old women for consolation, to young people for instruction, and to little children for obedience. You can’t erase a word from a fairy tale, but what has happened has become what it is. As soon as a slanting hare ran past, he listened with his long ear, a firebird flew past and looked with a fiery eye... The green forest is noisy and humming, grass-ant with azure flowers is spread out like a silk carpet, stone mountains rise to the sky, pouring from the mountains fast rivers, boats are running across the blue sea, and a mighty Russian hero is riding through the dark forest on a good horse, riding along the road to get the gap-grass, which reveals heroic happiness.

The Crow sits on a birch tree and pats its nose on a twig: clap-clap. She cleaned her nose, looked around and heard a croak:

Karr... karr!..

The cat Vaska, who was dozing on the fence, almost fell over with fear and began to grumble:

Eh, you got it, black head... God willing, such a neck!.. Why were you happy?

Leave me alone... I have no time, don't you see? Oh, how never before... Carr-carr-carr!.. And still things are going on.


Once upon a time there lived a cheerful carpenter. That’s what his neighbors called him “the cheerful carpenter,” because he always worked with songs. He works and sings.

It’s good for him to sing when he has everything,” the neighbors said with envy. - And your own hut, and a cow, and a horse, and a vegetable garden, and chickens, and... even a goat.

Indeed, the carpenter had everything: his own hut, and a horse, and a cow, and chickens, and an old stubborn goat. He lived neither poor nor rich, and most importantly, everything was his own. The carpenter himself said:

Thank God I have everything...

Alyonushka's tales of Mamin-Sibiryak

Alyonushka's tales of Mamin-Sibiryak- a wonderful book from the children's literature collection. This list of tales includes fairy tales, which Mamin-Sibiryak told his little daughter Alyonushka. There are colors in them sunny day, the beauty of beautiful Russian nature. Together with Alyonushka you penetrate into magical land, where children's toys come to life and various plants talk, and ordinary mosquitoes can defeat a huge bear. And, of course, you will laugh when you are read a fairy tale about a stupid fly, completely sure that people take out the jam only to feed it. Children's tales of Mamin-Sibiryak quite varied and written for children of different ages. On our website you can read Alyonushka's tales from Sibiryak's mother online without restrictions.