The Theater March festival will open the new season on the day of the city. The Theater March Festival will open a new season on City Day 

On September 9, 2017, the city's street festival "Theatre March" will be held in the capital's Hermitage Garden. The author of the idea of ​​the festival is the director of the Taganka Theater, theater and film actress Irina Apeksimova.

Participate in the holiday marathon Musical Theatre named after K.S. Stanislavsky and V.I. Nemirovich-Danchenko, Theatre. Pushkin, "Ballet Moscow", "School of Dramatic Art", Taganka Theater, "School modern play”, Teatrium on Serpukhovka under the direction of Teresa Durova, Puppet Theater. S.V. Obraztsova and many others.

Festival program:

  • 11:00 - "Bad advice" (6+), Theater "School of the modern play"
    Scene "Shell"
  • 11:30 - "The tablecloth that dreamed of flying" (2+), Theatrical and educational project "Story Studio"
    A gastronomic journey for the little ones.
    Scene "Arbor 1"
  • 12:20 - "Flying Ship" (4+), Teatrium on Serpukhovka n/r Teresa Durova
    big stage
  • 12:45 - "Niels" Almighty "(6+), Theatrical and educational project "Story Studio"
    The tale of the adventure of a boy who went on a journey with wild geese.
    Scene "Arbor 2"
  • 13:45 - "The Great Journey: Dragons, Demons, Heroes" (6+), Central Puppet Theater. S. V. Obraztsova
    Scene "Shell"
  • 14:00 - "The Mystery of the Battle of Kulikovo" (8+), Theatrical and educational project "Studio of stories"
    Reconstruction of one of the most greatest battles in Russian history.
    Scene "Arbor 1"
  • 15:00 - "On the Blue Danube" (12+), Moscow Academic Musical Theater. K. S. Stanislavsky and Vl. I. Nemirovich-Danchenko
    Popular arias, ensembles and orchestral fragments from classical operettas by Johann Strauss, Franz Lehar, Imre Kalman, Jacques Offenbach performed by leading soloists and the theater orchestra.
    big stage
  • 15:15 - "Olga" (8+), Theatrical and educational project "Story Studio"
    The story of how a difficult woman lived in Rus' with a simple Varangian name Helga.
    Scene "Arbor 2"
  • 16:00 - "O. Henry's Christmas", Theatre. Pushkin
    Scene "Shell"
  • 16:15 - "Peter the Great" (8+), Theatrical and educational project "Stories Studio"
    The story of how Peter became the First, what was his childhood.
    Scene "Arbor 1"
  • 17:15 - "All paths lead to the north" (16+), Ballet Moscow Theater
    A poetic story about growing up and character development. A tender story about what is in every big and strong man lives a little boy.
    Big Stage
  • 17:20 - "I am a thing!" (12+), Theatrical and educational project "Stories Studio"
    Stories about the important, told from the point of view of things. About choice, dreams, broken heart, illusions, loneliness, death, and also a pen, a cup, a frame, a chair and a box tell about trust, friendship and love
    Scene "Arbor 2"
  • 18:20 - Theater concert "Gilyarovsky" (12+), Theater "School of Dramatic Art"
    The theatrical concert, based on the chapters of the book "Moscow and Muscovites" and "People of the Theatre", acquaints the audience with the life of centuries-old districts of Moscow, which now house the School of Dramatic Art theater and the Hermitage garden.
    Scene "Shell"
  • 19:20 - Red Sailors (12+), LIQUID THEATER
    Performance-dedication October revolution, includes modern dance, clowning and circus.
    big stage
  • 20:30 - Golden Dragon (18+), Taganka Theater
    Surreal tragedy.
    Scene "Shell"
  • 21:30 - "Viy" (18+), Taganka Theater
    Rock-n-drama based on the story of the same name by N.V. Gogol.
    big stage

    The time of the event is from 11:00 to 24:00.
    Free admission.

  • The largest in Russia theater festival under open sky will be held in Moscow on City Day.

    Photo: DR

    On City Day, September 8, the Hermitage Garden will host the sixth Theater March, the largest open-air theater festival in Russia. In the 12-hour marathon, 10 Moscow theaters will present their performances: the Taganka Theater, the K.S. Stanislavsky and Vl. I. Nemirovich-Danchenko, Meyerhold Center, "Ballet Moscow", "School of Dramatic Art", "School of Modern Play" and others.

    Five years ago, the idea of ​​bringing theaters to the park seemed crazy, but today Muscovites call the Theater March one of the most important city traditions, says festival producer Irina Apeksimova. - This year, guests will see three premieres, two performances created especially for our holiday, and the largest family program in the history of the Theater March, which will include eight performances

    The legendary Moscow Taganka Theatre, which is undergoing a large-scale reboot, will show a concert version of Alexei Frandetti's musical "Sweeney Todd, the maniac barber of Fleet Street". The performance became a landmark for the updated repertoire and received three awards this year. golden mask».

    The program from choreographers from the Netherlands - the world center of contemporary dance - will be presented by Ballet Moscow. Festival guests will see premiere performance"Transcription of color", inspired by avant-garde art and minimalist music, as well as the one-act ballet "Eros Redux", referring to the reflections of ancient Greek philosophers about love.

    Especially for the Theater March, the Ubertheater team from the Meyerhold Center created an interactive performance called Adventure Collection. Real Moscow. Its route will run through the entire Hermitage Garden, where the theater will change reality before the eyes of the participants. The second production of TsIM - “Concert. Come". In it, Irina Vilkova and Yulia Volkova, a poetess and singer, read lyrics, sing Tariverdiev and outline the image of today's Muscovite - a deep and impulsive person.

    Premier Alexander Ogarev "Chairmen the globe” about the fate of Vladimir Mayakovsky and Velimir Khlebnikov will be shown by the “School of Dramatic Art”. The start of the "Theatrical March" will give family program, within which the performances will show "School of the modern play", " New Opera”, Et Cetera, Musical and dramatic theater A-Z and Story Studio. The culmination of the day part will be the performance of the orchestra of the Musical Theater named after K.S. Stanislavsky and Vl.I. Nemirovich-Danchenko - on big stage musicians will perform suites from " swan lake and The Nutcracker by Pyotr Tchaikovsky.

    More than 100,000 spectators have visited the Theater March over the years. The festival is supported by the Department of Culture of the City of Moscow and is included in the official program for celebrating City Day 2018.

    On September 9, 2017, the fifth annual Theater March festival will be held in the Hermitage Garden in Moscow. In the 12-hour marathon, the best Moscow theaters will present their performances: the Musical Theater named after K.S. Stanislavsky and V.I. Nemirovich-Danchenko, Theatre. Pushkin, "Ballet Moscow", "School of Dramatic Art", Taganka Theater, "School of Modern Drama", Teatrium on Serpukhovka under the direction of Teresa Durova, Puppet Theater. S.V. Obraztsova and many others.

    The author of the idea and producer of the festival is the director of the Taganka Theater, theater and film actress Irina Apeksimova. “It is becoming a good tradition to open a new theatrical season with our festival,” says Irina Apeksimova. - This year we have a kind of anniversary - the festival will take place for the fifth time. I really hope that we will be able to create an unforgettable festive atmosphere, where every viewer in the genre diversity of this theatrical marathon will be able to find something that they will definitely like for themselves.”

    This year, the audience of the Theater March will also see new participants. The Pushkin Theater will show the play "The Christmas of O. Henry" (A. Frandetti), awarded the "Golden Mask" award in the "Director's Work" nomination. Participants of the theatrical and educational project "Story Studio" will present several stories to the audience at once in the genre of storytelling that is fashionable today.

    The children's program will take place in the morning. Theater "School of Modern Play" will show one of the best performances for children and adults - "Bad advice" based on the work of the same name by Grigory Oster. "Theatrium on Serpukhovk" will present " flying ship"- a full-scale musical for the whole family.

    Permanent residents of the festival will present their sensational performances to the audience. Musical Theatre. K.S. Stanislavsky and V.I. Nemirovich - Danchenko will offer the audience a concert of soloists "On the Blue Danube". The "School of Dramatic Art" this year is preparing a special project for the festival called "Gilyarovsky". Ballet Moscow will acquaint the audience with the performance All Ways Lead to the North, which was awarded the Golden Mask Award 2017 in the nomination Best Performance contemporary dance". Viewers will also see new job multiple nominees of the "Golden Mask" - Liquid Theater and their production of "Red Sailors" accompanied by a live orchestra. The theatrical marathon will be completed by the rock-n-drama "Viy" based on the story of the same name by N.V. Gogol and the lyrics of the rock bard Venya D "rkina - high-profile premiere of the Taganka Theatre.

    Today "Theatrical March" is the largest festival in Russia theatrical art open air. Over the years it has been visited by more than 60,000 spectators. The festival is supported by the Department of Culture of the City of Moscow and is included in the official program for celebrating City Day 2017.

    Participants of the festival 2017

    Theater "School of modern play"

    The "School of the Modern Play" under the direction of Joseph Reichelgauz will again take part in the "Theatrical March". The theater will show the play "Bad Advice". Raise children to good examples anyone can, so the theater "School of the modern play" decided to educate children on bad examples. And for this he used the most harmful thing that exists - “Bad Advice” by Grigory Oster. He added music by Andrey Andersen, dances by Grigory Druzhinin, set design by Maria Tregubova. This performance is always a hit with children and adults, regardless of age.

    "Bad Advice"11:00

    Scene "Shell"6+

    Theatrical and educational project "Stories Studio"

    For the first time, the Theater and Educational Project "Stories Studio" will take part in the Theater March - chamber theater, in which professional artists not only invent and tell stories, but also teach this art to children and parents.

    The studio will present a kind of storytelling marathon - six performances for children of different ages. It is worth noting that it is not in vain that the project positions itself as a theatrical and educational project. All stories are educational in nature, and therefore children, and certainly adults, will learn a lot of new and interesting things.

    All performances of the project are suitable for family viewing.

    "The tablecloth that dreamed of flying"– a gastronomic journey for the little ones. Let's try famous dishes different countries world and find out where the cutlery came from.

    11.30 Gazebo 12+

    "Niels" Almighty "famous fairy tale about the adventure of a boy who went on a journey with wild geese. The plot is probably familiar to many, but who thought about what this story is really about?

    12.45 Gazebo 26+

    "The Secret of the Battle of Kulikovo"- reconstruction of one of the greatest battles in Russian history.

    14.00 Gazebo 18+

    "Olga"- a story about how a difficult woman lived in Rus' with a simple Varangian name Helga. You will learn about the family, career and difficult choices of one of the most controversial women in the history of the Russian State.

    15.15 Gazebo 28+

    "Peter the First". It seems that so much has been said about him... But do we know the very beginning of his story? How did Peter become First? What was his childhood like? What did he play? What did you read? From whom and how did you study? What did you dream about?

    16:15 Gazebo 18+

    "I am the Thing"- stories about the important, told from the perspective of things. A pen, a cup, a frame, a chair and a box tell about choice, dreams, a broken heart, illusions, loneliness, death, and also about trust, friendship and love.

    17.20 Gazebo 212+

    "Teatrium on Serpukhovka" under the direction of Teresa Durova

    At the festival, Teatrium will show a full-scale musical for the whole family "The Flying Ship" based on the cult cartoon of the same name with songs by Yuri Entin and Maxim Dunayevsky. Critics have repeatedly pointed out that this Russian production made in best traditions Broadway shows. "Flying ship" - wonderful fairy tale about love and about the difficulties overcome on the way to cloudless happiness. This production has everything that is so dear to the audience: heroes dear to the heart, colorful scenery, luxurious costumes, incredible beautiful story, fascinating plot twists, live music And the highest vocal performance of your favorite hits.

    "Flying Ship" - incarnation on theater stage beautiful dream our childhood.

    "Flying ship"12:20

    big stage4+

    Puppet Theatre. S.V. Obraztsova

    The world's largest center for the art of playing puppets will present at the "Theatrical March" a production by theater director Ekaterina Obraztsova " big Adventure: Dragons, Demons, Heroes. The play is based on the famous oriental tale from the Thousand and One Nights cycle. The scenery for the performance was created by the Honored Artist of Russia Viktor Platonov. The most famous puppets from all over the world - glove and reed puppets, shadow theatre, masks and tantamaresques, puppets - entice you into a special poetic and carnival world, where the art of puppet theater plays with all iridescent sparkling facets. All kinds of transformations and metamorphoses, colorful tricks will take young and adult spectators to China, Greece, medieval Europe, India, latin america, Russia. In this performance, it is also unusual that in the role director-choreographer for the first time Ilya Averbukh, world figure skating champion, silver medalist, “performed” in the puppet theater Olympic Games in ice dancing, choreographer, well-known director and director of a number of projects awarded with the "Tefi" award.

    "The Great Journey: Dragons, Demons, Heroes13:45

    Scene "Shell"6+

    Moscow Academic Musical Theater

    named after K.S. Stanislavsky and Vl. I. Nemirovich-Danchenko

    The theater traces its history back to 1919, when two groups emerged: opera studio under the direction of Stanislavsky and the Musical Studio of the Moscow Art Theater under the direction of Nemirovich-Danchenko. This year, at the festival, the theater will present to the public a concert of soloists “On the Blue Danube”. The famous waltz "On the beautiful Blue Danube" gave its name to the program, which will feature leading soloists and the orchestra of the Moscow Academic Musical Theater. Stanislavsky and Nemirovich-Danchenko. They will perform popular arias, ensembles and orchestral fragments from classical operettas by Johann Strauss, Franz Lehar, Imre Kalman, Jacques Offenbach.

    "On the Blue Danube"15:00

    big stage12+

    Theater "School of Dramatic Art"

    Theater "School of Dramatic Art" is an unparalleled creative organism with unique practical and theoretical experience. In contrast to the repertory theater, this is a focus on search and research, with the possibility of constant experimentation. Today there are four Creative Laboratories in the theatre. New project The theatrical concert "Gilyarovsky", specially dedicated to the festival, was created by a group of artists from different laboratories. The author of the idea and director is artist Mikhail Umanets. This theatrical concert, based on the chapters of the book "Moscow and Muscovites" and "People of the Theater" by V. A. Gilyarovsky and songs of the late 19th-early 20th century, will acquaint the audience with the life of centuries-old districts of Moscow, in which the theater "School of Dramatic Art" is now located and the Hermitage Garden. Participants: Mikhail Umanets, Fyodor Leonov, Alina Chernobrovkina, Roman Kolbin, Ivan Orlov, Oleg Okhotnichenko, Yulia Lukyanova, Svetlana Anistratova and artists of the ShDI theater choir.


    Scene "Shell"12+

    Theater "Ballet Moscow"

    Ballet Moscow is an experimental theater in which two troupes work simultaneously: classical ballet and modern dance. At the festival "Ballet Moscow" will show the production "All paths lead to the north." This is a joint work of theater dancers and choreographer Karin Ponties. Seven men are involved in this complex and exciting experiment - seven young, handsome, charming and incredibly flexible artists: Roman Andreikin, Arsen Imenov, Alexei Narutto, Alexander Shuisky, Konstantin Chelkaev, Igor Bekagaev, Ilya Romanov. The performance “All Roads Lead to the North” is a poetic story about growing up and character development. This is a tender story that in every big and strong man lives a little boy. In 2017, the performance won the Golden Mask award in the Best Modern Dance Performance nomination.

    "All Paths Lead North"17:15

    big stage16+

    Theatre. A. S. Pushkin

    The audience will be shown the play "The Christmas of O. Henry". This is a chamber musical by Peter Ekstrom with a live orchestra and scenery that changes before our eyes. The production received a standing ovation in America for seventeen years, and now it has firmly entered the repertoire of the Pushkin Theater. The musical was staged by Alexei Frandetti. The scenography of the musical was done by T. Ryabushinsky, and the costumes of the characters were designed by V. Sevryukova.

    "The Christmas of O. Henry" - a play about sincere friendship, devotion and the triumph of love will give festive mood not only to adult connoisseurs of the theater, but also to young spectators.

    The performance was awarded the "Golden Mask" award in the "Director's Work" nomination.

    Christmas O'Henry"16:00

    Scene "Shell"12+

    Theater on Taganka

    The Taganka Theater is the most important point on the cultural map of Moscow. It was and remains one of the most sought-after and original theaters, and its history is truly legendary. Today's premieres of Taganka are always performances-events, performances-revelations, performances - openings on "rupture of the aorta" and "exposing the nerve", this is a spectacle that can change the vision of the world and the viewer's idea of ​​himself. Today the theater is experiencing a new heyday, today, like half a century ago, Taganka is fashionable!

    In the festival program of this year, the Taganka Theater will show two productions at once: The Golden Dragon (R. Schimmelpfennig) by Lera Surkova and Viy (N.V. Gogol, Venya D "rkin) Alexandra Barkara, who came out of the director's laboratory "Rehearsals", the idea of ​​​​creating which belongs to Irina Apeksimova. The project received a theatrical award from the Moskovsky Komsomolets newspaper in the Project of the Year nomination.

    In the new season, two high-profile premieres: "The Elder Son" (A. Vampilov) directed by Denis Bokuradze, who grew up from creative laboratory"Rehearsals", and the plastic performance "Fables" (Lafontaine, I.A. Krylov) by Andrei Kaidanovsky.

    "Golden Dragon"20:30

    Scene "Shell"18+

    Viy 21:30

    big stage18+

    Liquid Theater

    The theater group Liquid Theater, which brings together artists from Moscow, St. Petersburg and Chelyabinsk, works in the site-specific genre (when a production is created for a specific venue), using street, physical and visual theater experiences, dance, acrobatics, and dramatic art. Their performances grow out of the territory where the actors are here and now, whether it be a factory, a park, a courtyard of an apartment building, a railway station or a theater staircase. New production group "Red Sailors" - performance-dedication to the October Revolution. It was created based on a series of portraits by Alexander Zhernoklyuyev with the same name, and the sequence of events refers the viewer to Blok's poem "The Twelve". The directors themselves define its genre as “visual theater with elements of fantastic realism»: the performance includes modern dance, clowning and circus.

    "Red Sailors"

    19.20 big stage16+

    This year, the Theater March is included in the official program for celebrating the City Day. Free admission.

    Time: from 11:00 to 23:00

    Location: Hermitage Garden, st. carriage row, 3

    In the 12-hour marathon, the best Moscow theaters will present their performances: the Stanislavsky and Nemirovich-Danchenko Musical Theater, the Pushkin Theater, Ballet Moscow, the School of Dramatic Art, the Taganka Theater, the School of Modern Play, the Theater on Serpukhovka under by Teresa Durova, the Obraztsov Puppet Theater and many others.

    It is becoming a good tradition to open a new theatrical season with our festival, - says Irina Apeksimova. - This year we have a kind of anniversary - the festival will be held for the fifth time. I really hope that we will be able to create an unforgettable festive atmosphere, where each viewer in the genre diversity of this theatrical marathon will be able to find something that he will definitely like.

    This year, the audience of the Theater March will also see new participants. The Pushkin Theater will show the play "The Christmas of O. Henry" (A. Frandetti), awarded the "Golden Mask" award in the "Director's Work" nomination. Participants of the theatrical and educational project "Story Studio" will present several stories to the audience at once in the genre of storytelling that is fashionable today.

    The children's program will take place in the morning. Theater "School of the modern play" will show one of the best performances for children and adults - "Bad advice" based on the work of the same name by Grigory Oster. "Teatrium on Serpukhovk" will present "Flying Ship" - a full-scale musical for the whole family.

    Permanent residents of the festival will present their sensational performances to the audience. Musical Theatre. K. S. Stanislavsky and V. I. Nemirovich - Danchenko will offer the public a concert of soloists “On the Blue Danube”. The "School of Dramatic Art" this year is preparing a special project for the festival called "Gilyarovsky". Ballet Moscow will acquaint the audience with the play All Ways Lead to the North, which was awarded the Golden Mask Award 2017 in the Best Modern Dance Performance nomination. The audience will also see the new work of multiple Golden Mask nominees - Liquid Theater and their production of "Red Sailors" accompanied by a live orchestra. The theatrical marathon of rock-n-drama "Viy" based on the story of the same name by N.V. Gogol and the lyrics of the rock bard Venya D "rkin will end with a loud premiere of the Taganka Theater.

    Today, the Theater March is the largest open-air theatrical art festival in Russia. Over the years it has been visited by more than 60,000 spectators. The festival is supported by the Department of Culture of the City of Moscow and is included in the official program for celebrating City Day 2017.

    Participants of the festival 2017

    Theater "School of modern play"

    The "School of the Modern Play" under the direction of Joseph Reichelgauz will again take part in the "Theatrical March". The theater will show the play "Bad Advice". Anyone can raise children with good examples, so the theater "School of the Modern Play" decided to raise children with bad examples. And for this he took advantage of the most harmful thing that exists - "Bad Advice" by Grigory Oster. He added to them the music of Andrei Andersen, the dances of Grigory Druzhinin, the set design of Maria Tregubova. This performance is always a hit with children and adults, regardless of age.

    "Bad Advice"

    11:00 Stage "Shell"

    Theatrical and educational project "Stories Studio"

    For the first time, the Theatrical March will feature the Stories Studio theatrical and educational project, a chamber theater in which professional artists not only invent and tell stories, but also teach this art to children and parents.

    The studio will present a kind of storytelling marathon - six performances for children of different ages. It is worth noting that it is not in vain that the project positions itself as a theatrical and educational project. All stories are educational in nature, and therefore children, and certainly adults, will learn a lot of new and interesting things.

    All performances of the project are suitable for family viewing.

    "The tablecloth that dreamed of flying" is a gastronomic journey for the little ones. Let's try the famous dishes from around the world and find out where the cutlery came from.

    11.30 Pavilion 1 “Niels the Almighty” is a famous tale about the adventure of a boy who went on a journey with wild geese. The plot is probably familiar to many, but who thought about what this story is really about?

    12.45 Pavilion 2 "The Secret of the Battle of Kulikovo" - a reconstruction of one of the greatest battles in Russian history.

    14.00 Pavilion 1 "Olga" - a story about how a difficult woman lived in Rus' with a simple Varangian name Helga. You will learn about the family, career and difficult choices of one of the most controversial women in the history of the Russian State.

    15.15 Pavilion 2 "Peter the Great". It seems that so much has been said about him ... But do we know the very beginning of his history? How did Peter become First? What was his childhood like? What did he play? What did you read? From whom and how did you study? What did you dream about?

    16:15 Pavilion 1 "I am a thing" - stories about the important, told from the point of view of things. A pen, a cup, a frame, a chair and a box tell about choice, dreams, a broken heart, illusions, loneliness, death, and also about trust, friendship and love.

    17.20 Pavilion 2 "Teatrium on Serpukhovka" under the direction of Teresa Durova

    At the festival "Theatrium" will show a full-scale musical for the whole family "The Flying Ship" based on the cult cartoon of the same name with songs by Yuri Entin and Maxim Dunayevsky. Critics have repeatedly noted that this Russian production was made in the best traditions of Broadway shows. "The Flying Ship" is a wonderful tale about love and the difficulties overcome on the way to cloudless happiness. This production has everything that is so dear to the audience: heroes dear to the heart, colorful scenery, luxurious costumes, an incredibly beautiful story, fascinating plot twists, live music and the highest vocal performance of your favorite hits.

    "Flying Ship" is the embodiment of a beautiful dream of our childhood on the theatrical stage.

    "Flying ship"

    12:20 Big stage

    Puppet Theatre. S. V. Obraztsova

    The world's largest center for the art of playing puppets will present at the "Theatrical March" the production of the theater director Ekaterina Obraztsova "The Great Journey: Dragons, Demons, Heroes". The performance is based on the famous oriental tale from the cycle "A Thousand and One Nights". The scenery for the performance was created by the Honored Artist of Russia Viktor Platonov. The most famous puppets from all over the world - glove and reed puppets, shadow theater, masks and tantamaresques, puppets - carry you into a special poetic and carnival world, where the art of puppet theater plays with all iridescent sparkling facets. All kinds of transformations and metamorphoses, colorful tricks will take young and adult viewers to China, Greece, medieval Europe, India, Latin America, Russia. In this performance, it is also unusual that Ilya Averbukh, world figure skating champion, Olympic silver medalist in ice dancing, choreographer, famous director and director of a number of award-winning projects, “performed” for the first time in the puppet theater "Tefi".

    "The Great Journey: Dragons, Demons, Heroes

    13:45 Scene "Shell"

    Moscow Academic Musical Theater

    named after K.S. Stanislavsky and Vl. I. Nemirovich-Danchenko

    The theater traces its history back to 1919, when two groups emerged: the Opera Studio under the direction of Stanislavsky and the Musical Studio of the Moscow Art Theater under the direction of Nemirovich-Danchenko. This year, at the festival, the theater will present to the public a concert of soloists “On the Blue Danube”. The famous waltz "On the beautiful Blue Danube" gave its name to the program, which will feature leading soloists and the orchestra of the Moscow Academic Musical Theater. Stanislavsky and Nemirovich-Danchenko. They will perform popular arias, ensembles and orchestral fragments from classical operettas by Johann Strauss, Franz Lehar, Imre Kalman, Jacques Offenbach.

    "On the Blue Danube"

    15:00 Big stage

    Theater "School of Dramatic Art"

    Theater "School of Dramatic Art" is an unparalleled creative organism with unique practical and theoretical experience. In contrast to the repertory theater, this is a focus on search and research, with the possibility of constant experimentation. Today there are four Creative Laboratories in the theatre. New project Theatrical concert "Gilyarovsky", specially dedicated to the festival, was created by a group of artists from different laboratories. The author of the idea and director is the artist Mikhail Umanets. This theatrical concert, based on the chapters of the book "Moscow and Muscovites" and "People of the Theater" by V. A. Gilyarovsky and songs of the late 19th-early 20th century, will acquaint the audience with the life of centuries-old districts of Moscow, in which the theater "School of Dramatic Art" is now located and the Hermitage Garden. Participants: Mikhail Umanets, Fedor Leonov, Alina Chernobrovkina, Roman Kolbin, Ivan Orlov, Oleg Okhotnichenko, Yulia Lukyanova, Svetlana Anistratova and artists of the ShDI theater choir.


    18:20 Scene "Shell"

    Theater "Ballet Moscow"

    Ballet Moscow is an experimental theater in which two troupes work simultaneously: classical ballet and modern dance. At the festival "Ballet Moscow" will show the production "All paths lead to the north." This is a joint work of theater dancers and choreographer Karin Ponties. Seven men are involved in this complex and fascinating experiment - seven young, beautiful, charming and incredibly plastic artists: Roman Andreikin, Arsen Imenov, Alexei Narutto, Alexander Shuisky, Konstantin Chelkaev, Igor Bekagaev, Ilya Romanov. The performance “All Roads Lead to the North” is a poetic story about growing up and character development. This is a tender story that in every big and strong man lives a little boy. In 2017, the performance won the Golden Mask award in the Best Modern Dance Performance nomination.

    16:00 Stage "Shell"

    Theater on Taganka

    The Taganka Theater is the most important point on the cultural map of Moscow. It was and remains one of the most sought-after and original theaters, and its history is truly legendary. Today's premieres of Taganka are always performances-events, performances-revelations, performances - openings on "rupture of the aorta" and "exposing the nerve", this is a spectacle that can change the vision of the world and the viewer's idea of ​​himself. Today the theater is experiencing a new heyday, today, like half a century ago, Taganka is fashionable!

    In the festival program of this year, the Taganka Theater will show two productions at once: Lera Surkova's The Golden Dragon (R. ", the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bcreating which belongs to Irina Apeksimova. The project received a theater award from the Moskovsky Komsomolets newspaper in the nomination "Project of the Year".

    In the new season, two high-profile premieres are expected on the Taganka stage: “The Elder Son” (A. Vampilov) directed by Denim Bokuradze, who grew up from the creative laboratory “Rehearsals”, and the plastic performance “Fables” (Lafontaine, I. A. Krylov) by Andrei Kaidanovsky .

    "Golden Dragon"

    20:30 Scene "Shell"

    "Viy" 21:30 Big stage

    The theater group Liquid Theater, which brings together artists from Moscow, St. Petersburg and Chelyabinsk, works in the site-specific genre (when a production is created for a specific venue), using street, physical and visual theater experiences, dance, acrobatics, and dramatic art. Their performances grow out of the territory where the actors are here and now, whether it be a factory, a park, a courtyard of an apartment building, a railway station or a theater staircase. The new production of the group "Red Sailors" is a performance dedicated to the October Revolution. It was created based on a series of portraits by Alexander Zhernoklyuyev with the same name, and the sequence of events refers the viewer to Blok's poem "The Twelve". The directors themselves define its genre as "visual theater with elements of fantastic realism": the performance includes modern dance, clowning and circus.

    "Red Sailors"

    19.20 Big stage

    This year, the Theater March is included in the official program for celebrating the City Day. Free admission.

    Time: from 11:00 to 23:00 Venue: Hermitage Garden, st. Karetny Ryad, 3

    On September 9, the Hermitage Garden in Moscow will host the fifth annual Theater March festival. In the 12-hour marathon, the best Moscow theaters will present their performances: the Musical Theater. K.S. Stanislavsky and V.I. Nemirovich-Danchenko, the Pushkin Theatre, the Moscow Ballet Theatre, the School of Dramatic Art, the Taganka Theatre, the School of Modern Drama, the Theater on Serpukhovka under the direction of Teresa Durova, the Puppet Theater. S.V. Obraztsova and many others.

    It is becoming a good tradition to open a new theatrical season with our festival,” said Irina Apeksimova. - This year we have a kind of anniversary - the festival will be held for the fifth time. I really hope that we will be able to create an unforgettable festive atmosphere, where each viewer in the genre diversity of this theatrical marathon will be able to find something that he will definitely like.

    This year, the audience of the Theater March will also see new participants. The Pushkin Theater will show the play "The Christmas of O. Henry" (directed by A. Frandetti), awarded the "Golden Mask" award in the "Director's Work" nomination. Participants of the theatrical and educational project "Story Studio" will present several stories to the audience at once in the genre of storytelling.

    The children's program will take place in the morning. Theater "School of the modern play" will show a play for children and adults "Bad advice" based on the work of the same name by Grigory Oster. The Teatrium on Serpukhovka will present The Flying Ship, a full-scale musical for the whole family.

    Permanent residents of the festival will show the audience their sensational performances. Musical Theatre. K.S. Stanislavsky and V.I. Nemirovich-Danchenko will offer the audience a concert of soloists "On the Blue Danube". The "School of Dramatic Art" this year is preparing a special project for the festival called "Gilyarovsky". The Ballet Moscow Theater will acquaint the audience with the performance All Ways Lead to the North, which was awarded the Golden Mask Award in 2017 in the Best Modern Dance Performance nomination.

    The audience will also see a new work by the repeated Golden Mask nominees - Liquid Theatre: a production of "Red Sailors" accompanied by an orchestra. The theatrical marathon will be completed by the rock and drama of the Taganka Theater "Viy" based on the story of the same name by N.V. Gogol and lyrics by rock bard Venya D "rkin .

    Over the years the Theater March has been attended by over 60,000 spectators. The festival is held with the support of the Moscow Department of Culture and is included in the official program for celebrating City Day 2017.