Why do you dream of a black umbrella over your head? Interpretation of other dreams about umbrellas. Your personal dream book Umbrella

An umbrella protects us from rain and scorching sun. It symbolizes the solar disk, patronage, dominance of the spirit and good luck. Sometimes you can see an umbrella in your dreams at night, and you want to know why you dream about it. Dream interpreters will help clarify the vision.

Rain umbrella in a dream: interpretation according to different dream books

Did you see a lot of people walking under umbrellas in your dream? You will provide your friend with an invaluable service, for which he will be very grateful to you.

A dream about an umbrella, according to many dream interpreters, indicates a person’s need for protection and a feeling of fear of the outside world, but there are other meanings. Here is the information offered in popular dream books:

  1. Azara. The dream indicates empty hopes.
  2. American. Try to isolate yourself from the problems that have piled up.
  3. Wangi. A loved one is trying to deceive, be on your guard.
  4. Children's. You have to protect yourself from trouble.
  5. For the bitch. To joyful events. Fortune smiles on you.
  6. Winters. You will face difficulties for which you are not prepared.
  7. Italian. The desire to isolate yourself from reality.
  8. Miller. There will be an opportunity to realize what has been planned for a long time.
  9. Newest. Seek help from an older and experienced person.
  10. From A to Z. To a quiet and peaceful life without excesses.
  11. Peter Leyman. You shouldn’t worry about trifles, because bad luck is temporary.
  12. Of the past. You are unable to satisfy your needs, from which you isolate yourself. The dream may indicate a fear of building personal relationships due to bad experiences.
  13. Psychoanalytic. Do you want to distance yourself from the outside world?
  14. Simone Kananita. Expectations are in vain and dreams are unfulfilled.
  15. Wanderer. Night dreams indicate loneliness, isolation from the outside world and self-criticism.
  16. Dream interpretation horoscope. You will be upset.
  17. Universal. The desire to be safe.
  18. Fedorovskaya. A friend will turn out to be a traitor.
  19. Freud. An umbrella in a dream is a phallic symbol.
  20. Esoteric. There is a loan to be made.
  21. XXI century. Fortunately and good luck.

In the kingdom of Morpheus, taking an umbrella out of the house is a bad omen. The relative will get into trouble.

If in a dream you tried to hide from the downpour under a broken umbrella, then you will soon quarrel with a friend, which will make you very worried

Explanation of men's and women's dreams

The interpretation of the dream depends on the gender and status of the person who dreamed about it:

  1. To a girl. You love to flirt too much. Your reputation may suffer due to frivolous behavior.
  2. To a woman. To an interesting acquaintance. But be careful, because a new boyfriend can cause a lot of trouble. According to the psychoanalytic dream book, thoughts of an unwanted pregnancy are frightening.
  3. Pregnant. Fear of the upcoming birth, fear for the health of the unborn child.
  4. Family people. The dream indicates illicit pleasures. There will be a desire to start an intrigue on the side.
  5. To a man. A bright streak is coming, things will go uphill.

Bringing an umbrella home in night vision means misunderstandings with friends.

What is the importance of the appearance and color of the umbrella?

The design of the umbrella and how it looked in the kingdom of Morpheus influences the interpretation of the dream:

  1. From the rain. Found ourselves in difficult situation and trying to get out of it.
  2. From the sun. “The forbidden fruit is sweet” - this saying perfectly describes your condition. Unmarried women And for single guys, the dream promises cheerful flirting with numerous individuals of the opposite sex, and for married couples - the emergence of thoughts about treason. In any case, before you do anything, think about the consequences. Is the game worth the candle? According to the gypsy dream book, there are many faithful and devoted friends around.
  3. Disclosed. The desire to protect yourself from life's troubles. According to Fred, you are insecure about your sexual attractiveness. Did you see an open umbrella in a dream? An influential patron will appear.
  4. Closed. To deceptions and troubles. Enemies are not asleep, so keep your ears open. According to Freud, a closed umbrella in a dream is a symbol of the phallus.
  5. Broken. Failures on love front: quarrels, breakup. By family dream book, you will be slandered.
  6. Torn. Conflicts with a loved one.
  7. Lace. Requests exceed capabilities. Live within your means and be happy with what you have.

If you dreamed that you were holding a broken umbrella, then you will be misrepresented

The interpretation of the dream depends on the number of umbrellas seen:

  1. One. The desire to be alone and take a break from others.
  2. Some. People you know will need help, don’t refuse them.
  3. A lot of. According to Miller, you can realize the most daring ideas. Luck is on your side.

The color of the umbrella also matters:

  1. Red. You dream of passionate love and fiery relationships.
  2. Black. You will be performing a responsible task. Upon completion of which you will be generously rewarded.
  3. White. A useful business trip is coming. For girls, such a dream promises a romantic acquaintance.

If the umbrella was leaking in the dream, then things will not go well for friends. You will sincerely sympathize with them.

Flying in a dream with an umbrella in your hands - to the fulfillment of a cherished desire

Actions in a dream: buy, give, stand under it and others

The actions taking place in night vision are extremely important for deciphering it:

  1. Standing in the rain. You should be careful when talking to women. Words spoken can be twisted and directed against you.
  2. Walking in the rain with an umbrella. To troubles and problems. Have you seen other people walking under an umbrella in the kingdom of Morpheus? Your loved ones will need help.
  3. Receive as a gift. Help from the outside will come at the most opportune moment, which will allow you to get away with it.
  4. Give it yourself. People are gossiping about you.
  5. Buy. Something will scare you and unsettle you. Don’t give up; it’s better to seek help from older and experienced friends. According to Miller’s dream book, if a woman sees such a dream, she will soon meet a worthy man with whom she will enter into a love relationship.
  6. Sell. You will be able to buy an expensive thing that you have long dreamed of.
  7. Drop. Step on level ground. A mistake made will ruin the work you started. It won't be easy to fix.
  8. Break. To deception and chagrin.
  9. Carry in your hands. According to the family dream book, worries and annoying misunderstandings are coming.
  10. Lose. To quarrels with a friend or relative. By modern dream book, trouble will happen to a loved one.
  11. Bury a sun umbrella in the sand. Soon you will be able to have a great rest, relax and change your surroundings.
  12. To hold over someone. You are very protective of your relatives. It seems to you that they cannot do without help, but in fact, excessive care depresses them. Think about it and draw the right conclusions.
  13. Ask another person for an umbrella. It is difficult to find a common language with others.
  14. Open in the rain. Get the gifts you need or good advice.
  15. Open in sunny weather. A joyful and carefree future lies ahead.
  16. Choose for a gift. You will receive a tempting offer from your superiors.
  17. Choose in the store, but never buy. A close friend will help you avoid serious troubles.
  18. Buy an umbrella for a child. To have a difficult conversation with your loved one. After the conversation, your soul will be very restless.
  19. Fold the umbrella. For women, night dreams indicate a desire to enter into an intimate relationship with a new acquaintance, for men - a readiness to move from words to deeds. According to Longo’s dream book, you will be able to get rid of problems that have tormented you for a long time.
  20. Hitting another person with an umbrella. Due to carelessness and stupidity, you will find yourself in a bad situation. If a woman dreamed that she was hitting her husband with an umbrella, then there is a possibility that her husband was deceiving her..

If you dreamed that, due to strong gusts of wind, the umbrella was torn out of your hands and it flew away, then your dreams will not come true, and all efforts are in vain.

Other interpretations of dreams about them

If in the kingdom of Morpheus an umbrella fell into the river, then suddenly the problems will be resolved by themselves. For sick people, a dream promises recovery.

Sometimes you may dream that you were standing in the rain, and a person who has been dead for a long time was holding an umbrella over your head. Such a dream may indicate that this is a difficult period in life, but higher powers are protecting you, everything will get better soon. Receiving an umbrella from a deceased person as a gift means overcoming obstacles and a happy life.

If in night dreams because strong wind the umbrella was twisted, and there was no way to fix it - which means they turned off the right path. To achieve what you want, you need to concentrate and not waste your time on trifles.

Holding a dirty umbrella in your hands in a dream means troubles in life, after which you will begin to look at the world differently.

Video: why do you dream about an umbrella?

Often, an umbrella seen in night dreams is a symbol of protection that the dreamer may need in connection with upcoming difficulties. Sometimes the loved ones of a person who saw this mechanical object in a dream need help. By correctly interpreting the dream, you can avoid problems and achieve success in business.

"A large universal dream book for the whole family by O. Smurov"

An umbrella in a dream is a symbol of security. A dream about him calls you to be careful. The quality of the umbrella determines your position in society. The more expensive it is, the better. A leaky, broken or lost umbrella means that you are defenseless against the storms of life. The larger the umbrella, the more protection your sleep promises. A giant umbrella means that there is a person behind you who will not leave you in trouble. If an umbrella of normal size and one that you use constantly is with you in a dream, then your fears are in vain and you should leave your worries. In your dream, look at who you are standing next to under the same umbrella. If this person is your business partner, then the business you have in mind will be successfully realized. Forgetting an umbrella in a dream is a sign that you will forget about caution. Seeing a beach umbrella in a dream or lying under it means that your frivolous behavior may damage your reputation. Seeing a new umbrella or receiving it as a gift is a sign of change for the better in your life. Finding an umbrella in a dream is a harbinger of an unusual incident that will leave a noticeable mark on your life. Taking away an umbrella in a dream is a sign that you will betray loved one. If you dream that your umbrella was stolen, then your hopes will not come true.

Why do you dream about an umbrella according to the dream book -
"True dreams - the most complete dream book"

An open umbrella in a dream is a symbol of protection; it shows that you are looking for shelter from the “bad weather of life”; you have a patron. Breaking or losing an umbrella is a nuisance, a deception. Buy an umbrella; for women - meeting a man; for men - improvement of affairs. Silk umbrella - you will achieve success and recognition. A torn or broken umbrella means you are in danger of financial ruin. Ladies' umbrella - you have strong patrons. Losing an umbrella means unforeseen circumstances will force you to cheat. Multi-colored umbrella - joyful events await you. If your umbrella is stolen, your hopes are disappointed.

Why do you dream about an umbrella according to the dream book -
"Dream book: truthful interpreter of dreams L. Moroz"

If you dreamed of an umbrella - to minor troubles; using an umbrella in a dream means discovering an enemy and a traitor in a close friend; losing or breaking an umbrella in a dream means a major quarrel with friends; the umbrella was torn out by the wind and carried away down the street - quiet life flew away, anxiety and excitement set in, because an umbrella is protection, support from rain, wind, snow.

ABC of dream interpretation

An open umbrella is a symbol of protection. It shows that the dreamer is looking for shelter from the “bad weather of life.”

A closed umbrella is a Freudian phallic symbol.

Seeing an open umbrella means having a patron.

Breaking or losing an umbrella is a nuisance, a deception.

Buying an umbrella means meeting a man for women. For men - improvement of affairs.

American dream book

Umbrella - protection. You provide shelter from life's storms.

Eastern dream book

Walking with an umbrella means annoying troubles. Seeing other people with umbrellas is a sign that they will turn to you for help.

If you had to borrow an umbrella from someone - it will be difficult for you to find mutual understanding with others.

A dream in which you give away an umbrella means that you will be mercilessly slandered.

Losing an umbrella means trouble with someone close to you.

To uncover new umbrella above yourself in sunny weather - to well-being in everything.

A sun umbrella is a symbol of illicit pleasures.

If the umbrella leaks, you will sincerely sympathize with the affairs of your friends.

Children's dream book

An umbrella is a sign of active protection from troubles. Soon you will have to act according to the principle: “the best defense is an attack”

Italian dream book

An umbrella is a mechanical object that inherently moves up and down. The function of an umbrella is to form a shelter from both the sun and the rain, from the elements, which in fact are the most important fundamental aspects of life, the biological environment.

The function of the umbrella is to remove these essential elements or, in other words, to remove “inse” from reality. Interpretation of the image from the point of view of affective or sexual meanings indicates “empty eroticism”, “psychic penis”, “black vaginismus”, “wormy position”.

Newest dream book

In a dream, why do you dream about an Umbrella?

Umbrella - you will need the help of an older person of the opposite sex.

Psychoanalytic dream book

An umbrella is a symbol of refuge, detachment from reality, protection in case of unwanted pregnancy.

Family dream book

An umbrella for married people means illicit pleasures.

If a young woman has such a dream, she will flirt with many men, one of whom will cause her a lot of trouble.

Seeing others under umbrellas is a sign of generously helping someone.

If your umbrella is torn or broken, a reservation is possible.

If you have opened a new umbrella over yourself, and the weather is clear and sunny, only good luck and joy await you ahead.

Modern dream book

Find out what it means if you dream about an Umbrella?

A dream in which you are carrying an umbrella means that in the near future you should expect troubles that irritate you.

If you see other people with umbrellas, they will turn to you for help and mercy.

Borrowing an umbrella predicts a lack of mutual understanding, perhaps even with your best friend.

Giving away an umbrella portends that you will be slandered and insulted by false friends.

Losing an umbrella is an omen of troubles that will happen to a person who trusts you.

Seeing a torn or broken umbrella means that you will be slandered and misrepresented.

If the umbrella leaks, you will feel pain and regret towards your loved one or friends.

Opening a new umbrella over yourself in sunny weather predicts exceptional prosperity and well-being.

Seeing a sun umbrella in a dream is a prediction of illicit pleasures for married men and married women.

For a young woman, this dream predicts many hobbies. And one of her fans will cause her anxiety and troubles associated with the jealousy of her lover.

Dream Interpretation 2012

An umbrella is a reminder that a person can always be easily protected from any threats; the need to get rid of anxiety.

Dream book of the 21st century

Why did you dream about the Umbrella in a dream?

Seeing an umbrella in a dream means great happiness and good luck; opening a luminous umbrella over oneself means wealth and nobility.

Buying an umbrella in a dream means improving your affairs.

Ladies' or rain - to a calm and secluded life with average income.

Losing an umbrella means an unforeseen situation; an umbrella torn from your hands - to unrealistic hopes.

Seeing yourself with an umbrella during the rain means that you need to be more careful when talking to women.

Hitting someone with an umbrella is unfortunately due to your own stupidity.

Azar's Dream Book

Umbrella - empty hopes.

Longo's Dream Interpretation

Opening an umbrella in a dream means that in reality you are used to looking at everything objectively. You do not accept subjective opinions and assessments and do not consider them correct or adequate to the situation. For you, the main thing is directness, and what it may entail does not bother you. Don’t be so categorical towards others, because someday you may find yourself in their place. And you are unlikely to like how they treat you.

Folding an umbrella in a dream means that in the near future you will finally be able to get rid of a painful problem. This will not happen without the help of your friends and loved ones.

Hiding under an umbrella in a dream - you perceive everything that happens in the world and directly around you, be it good or bad, in the same way - first of all, you hide your head in the sand, like an ostrich, and only then you begin to look around and think that maybe everything is wrong as bad as you first thought. Why do you have such fear of life? Precisely before life, because everything that happens is an active manifestation of life, there is no need to be afraid of them. We must try to understand them.

Buying an umbrella in a dream means that something in your life will scare you. The reason for this will be the complete unknown of what will happen next, as well as the fact that nothing like this has ever happened to you before. Fear may lead you to completely retire from business, but this is hardly the best way out of this situation. Try to seek help from people who are competent in your matter.

Holding an umbrella over someone - a dream means that in real life you voluntarily perform the role of protector and patron of people close to you. It always seems to you that if you are not around, something will certainly happen to them: a brick will fall on their head, they will be hit by a car, a bomb will explode next to them. Don’t you think that excessive guardianship greatly oppresses your loved ones? They don't feel free, and this can greatly affect your harmonious relationship. So think about it.

Dream book for lovers

For married people, a dream about a sun umbrella foretells forbidden pleasures.

A young girl who has such a dream should be careful. Her love of flirting may ruin her reputation. She will have many suitors and admirers, among whom there will be a person who can harm her and even contribute to her lover turning away from her.

A torn umbrella promises trouble with your loved one.

If the umbrella is leaking, this means that you will experience longing from separation from your loved one.

However, a dream in which you opened an umbrella over yourself in sunny weather portends joy in love and happiness.

Dream interpretation horoscope

Umbrella - disappointment awaits you.

Leaky umbrella - someone is trying to protect you from a dangerous step.

Dream book for a bitch

The umbrella is new, beautiful - the future will bring joy and good luck.

Holding it in your hands is annoyance at delays and obstacles.

Taking or giving an umbrella means quarrels with friends.

Seeing people under umbrellas means someone urgently needs your help.

Broken umbrella - incorrect information will cause many problems, which will be resolved after long explanations and reassurances.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

An umbrella in a dream is a signal of possible troubles for which you risk being unprepared.

A sun umbrella is a warning against excessive sensual pleasures.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, November, December

To dream about how you take an umbrella with you when going outside means good and sunny weather.

Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

To dream that it is raining and you have opened a bright umbrella - you will have an unconscious feeling that you have done something wrong.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Umbrella - they will protect you, defend your good name.

Dream book of the medium Miss Hasse

What does it mean if you dream of an Umbrella in a dream?

Silk umbrella - you will achieve value; torn - you will fall into poverty; ladies' - support and help.

Miller's Dream Book

Seeing a sun umbrella in a dream means illicit pleasures for married people. If a young woman has such a dream, she will flirt with many men, one of whom will cause her a lot of trouble and anxiety about the fate of her good name and her upcoming engagement to the other.

Carrying an umbrella in your hands is a sign of impending anxiety and annoyance.

Seeing others under umbrellas foretells your generous help to someone.

If you ask someone for an umbrella or give it your own, then misunderstandings with friends and even resentment are possible.

If your umbrella is torn or broken, then in real life you will be slandered. Your actions will be misinterpreted.

Walking under a leaking umbrella is a harbinger of the pain that awaits you after a disagreement with a friend.

If you have opened a new umbrella over yourself, and the weather is clear and sunny, only good luck and joy await you ahead.

Chinese dream book

If you give an umbrella to a person, it foretells parting with this person.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Why see an Umbrella in a dream?

Giving someone your umbrella means that you will have a misunderstanding with your friends, up to and including insults on one side or the other.

An umbrella seen in a dream foreshadows a quiet, secluded life with average income. Buying an umbrella means seeking protection from pursuers or hiding from annoying friends.

Losing an umbrella in a dream means that unforeseen circumstances will force you to cheat.

Finding or buying an umbrella in a dream is a threat of ruin as a result of robbery or fire.

If you see a large men’s umbrella in a dream, you will achieve recognition from your superiors; if it is a women’s folding umbrella, you will find support and support in your superiors.

A black or dark umbrella warns against the temptation to fall into fornication with co-workers. A colored or variegated umbrella means only joyful events await you ahead.

If your umbrella was stolen in a dream, in reality this speaks of disappointed hopes that will cause you a lot of trouble and anxiety.

An open umbrella is a sign of threat, lies and violence; a folded umbrella is a sign of resigned submission.

Walking under an open umbrella in the pouring rain - in reality you will provide all possible assistance to your neighbors or friends.

Swapping umbrellas with someone means a quarrel with friends or a loved one due to a misunderstanding.

An old and holey umbrella means that in reality your actions will be misinterpreted, and your words will be twisted in the most unscrupulous way.

Walking into a rainstorm under a leaky umbrella means finding yourself alone and regretting your own rashness.

Sitting under a large sun umbrella on the beach or at a table in a street cafe is a sign of unfulfilled dreams and unrealistic hopes.

Dream book of the past

An umbrella saves us from rain and sun, but these elements, as you know, are the most important elements of life, and the umbrella seeks to remove them away from us.

Thus, an umbrella in a dream symbolizes unsatisfied needs that we ourselves do not recognize and fence ourselves off from them. Often this is a symbol of unrequited love, into which a person goes because he is subconsciously afraid of personal relationships. That is, the dream speaks of such feelings and emotions that only deplete us, reduce a person’s energetic life potential and give nothing in return.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Umbrella - unrealistic hopes; silk - you will achieve respect; torn - you will fall into poverty; ladies' - support and help.

Dream interpretation of a modern woman

An umbrella in your hands is a sign of impending anxiety and frustration.

Seeing others under umbrellas means you will show generosity to people in need of help.

If you ask someone for an umbrella or give it your own, misunderstandings with friends are possible.

Walking under a leaking umbrella is a harbinger of a painful disagreement with a friend.

Opening a new umbrella over yourself in clear, sunny weather means good luck and joy ahead.

A sun umbrella dreamed by a married man means forbidden pleasures. For a young woman, such a dream foreshadows flirting with many men, one of whom will cause her a lot of anxiety about the fate of her good name and upcoming engagement to another.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Interpretation of the dream: An umbrella according to the dream book?

Umbrella - loneliness, soul-searching, isolation from the world.

A beautiful, light umbrella unfolded above itself - success, protection.

Explanatory dictionary of dreams

Buying an umbrella means seeking protection from pursuers or hiding from annoying friends; losing it is an unforeseen event; to see something torn out of your hands means disappointed hopes.

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

If you dreamed of an umbrella - get ready for the fact that one of those whom you considered your reliable friend will turn out to be a traitor.

In a dream you broke an umbrella - you will soon find out the name of your secret ill-wisher.

Losing an umbrella - in the near future you will lose a good friend.

You dreamed that you bought an umbrella - soon you will be able to unravel the machinations of your enemies.

The dream in which you sold umbrellas predicts the emergence of new enemies.

Freud's Dream Book

An umbrella, like any long object, is a symbol of the penis.

An open umbrella speaks of your lack of confidence in your sexual viability and attractiveness.

If you are hiding under an umbrella with someone, you want to have sexual contact with him.

If you are hiding under an umbrella from the rain, you want to have a child.

If you are hiding under a sun umbrella - you would like to reconsider your relationship with your sexual partner. It is possible that up to a showdown.

If you give away your umbrella, you are indecisive in relationships with the opposite sex and are waiting for the first step from the other side.

If you admire someone's umbrella, you are not sure of your attractiveness to women. If a woman does this, she chooses a sexual partner for herself.

If a woman closes and folds her umbrella, she does not want to enter into a sexual relationship without formalizing the relationship.

If a man folds his umbrella, he is ready to immediately move from words to action.

An umbrella broken by a gust of wind symbolizes failure in personal affairs and a possible breakup with your partner.

Universal dream book

Why do you always have an umbrella handy when it's sunny outside, but you can never find an umbrella when it's raining? What is coming upon you that you need protection from? Do you feel like your protection could be blown away by the wind?
Perhaps you would like to feel part of a larger organization or group, to be under the same roof with these people, i.e. in safety?

Gypsy dream book

Carrying an umbrella in a dream means that you are vulnerable and need protection; if it is open, the meaning may be different; from the sun - you have many close and loyal friends; open - receive a lot of unexpected gifts or advice from your friends.

Esoteric dream book

Umbrella - you will have to borrow money.

Online dream book

Meaning of sleep: Umbrella according to the dream book?

The dream book interprets an umbrella, if it is open, as your desire to find a quiet secluded corner for yourself, your desire to be protected.

You walk under him - troubles and problems await you, others walk under him - you have to provide support to someone.

If you dreamed of a sun umbrella, you will want to taste the forbidden fruit.

The dream in which you acquire it foretells you a meeting with an interesting man.

Lost it - something wrong will happen to one of your loved ones.

It was stolen from you - your expectations will not be met, which is why you will have to worry a lot.

If you dreamed that an umbrella lets water through, show concern and sympathy for the people close to you.

Buying an umbrella means increased wealth, financial success, you won’t have to save or put money aside for a rainy day.

Black umbrella - disappointment in your life, depression, detachment, desire to hide from people around you.

Dreaming of walking under an umbrella means life awaits without any special ups, but also without unexpected downs. Smooth, calm relationships in the family. The income will not allow you to live on a grand scale, but you will not need anything either.


An umbrella, according to the Felomena dream book, is an ambiguous symbol. It points out difficulties in your life and at the same time gives hope for overcoming them. Even if problems upset you, they will be quickly resolved, and the consequences will be insignificant.

An umbrella in a dream may foretell that you will commit an act that you will later regret. Don’t worry too much: you will be happy with the valuable lesson, as it will give you sanity.

What umbrella did you dream about? What did you do with the umbrella in your dream? How many umbrellas did you dream about?

What umbrella did you dream about?

Seeing a broken umbrella in a dream

If you dream of a broken umbrella, this is a warning that you will face the consequences of your illusions. The person you thought was your friend will disappoint your expectations.

Or you will find out that false gossip is being spread about you and many people believe them. You will spend a lot of effort and patience to regain the trust of your loved ones.

I dreamed of a red umbrella

The dream in which you saw a red umbrella is an invitation to escape from the monotony of everyday life. Exciting events filled with the spirit of adventurism will happen in your life. They will leave a lot of bright, rich impressions.

Why do you dream about a white umbrella?

If you dream of a white umbrella, do not be afraid of possible problems and reproaches from other people. You have reliable protection from their influence. Your emotional balance is now very stable, and other people’s feelings and even actions will not disturb it.

What did you do with the umbrella in your dream?

Buy an umbrella

Throwing away an umbrella in a dream

The dream in which you threw away your umbrella advises you to revise some of your ideas about the familiar. Perhaps many of them are outdated and are bothering you. When you look at a difficult situation with fresh eyes, you will find a way out of it very quickly.

How many umbrellas did you dream about?

I dreamed of a lot of umbrellas

If you dreamed of a lot of umbrellas, this is a symbol of sensitive problems. For a girl, such a dream indicates that she is drawn into difficult relationships with several men. One of them may cause her mental suffering.

Black umbrella Walk under an umbrella


Why do you dream about an Umbrella, dream book What does it mean to see an Umbrella in a dream?

Pastor Loff's Dream Book

Why do you dream of an Umbrella in a dream?

According to the dream book, seeing an umbrella is a means of protection from rain, snow, hail or sun, in a word, from what you want to protect yourself from. Perhaps this is why a dream about an umbrella speaks of a desire to isolate yourself from something, as well as impending troubles. This dream tells the dreamer: you will need protection from the vicissitudes of fate, as it is said in the dream book about this dream.

Psychological dream book

Why do you dream of an Umbrella in a dream?

Dream Interpretation: Umbrella - Walking with an umbrella means annoying troubles. Seeing other people with umbrellas is a sign that they will turn to you for help. Had to borrow an umbrella from someone? It will be difficult for you to find mutual understanding with others. A dream in which you give away an umbrella means that you will be mercilessly slandered. Losing an umbrella means trouble with someone close to you. Opening a new umbrella over yourself in sunny weather means prosperity in everything. A sun umbrella is a symbol of illicit pleasures. If the umbrella leaks, you will sincerely sympathize with the affairs of your friends

Modern dream book

According to the dream book Umbrella, what does a dream mean:

Seeing an Umbrella in a dream - An umbrella for married people means illicit pleasures. If a young woman has such a dream, she will flirt with many men, one of whom will cause her a lot of trouble. Carrying an umbrella in your hands is a sign of impending anxiety and annoyance. Seeing others under umbrellas is a sign of generously helping someone. If your umbrella is torn or broken, a reservation is possible. If you have opened a new umbrella over yourself, and the weather is clear and sunny, only good luck and joy await you ahead.


Black umbrella

Dream Interpretation Black Umbrella dreamed of why the Black Umbrella is seen in a dream? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to receive online interpretation dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a Black Umbrella in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books Houses of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Umbrella

Dream Interpretation - Umbrella

Dream Interpretation - Umbrella

Dream Interpretation - Umbrella

Dream Interpretation - Umbrella

Dream Interpretation - Umbrella

For men - improvement of affairs.

Dream Interpretation - Umbrella

Dream Interpretation - Umbrella

Dream Interpretation - Umbrella

Dream Interpretation - Umbrella

Fortunately, good luck.


Red umbrella

Dream Interpretation Red Umbrella dreamed of why the Red Umbrella is seen in a dream? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a Red Umbrella in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Umbrella

An umbrella seen in a dream foreshadows a quiet, secluded life with average income. Buying an umbrella means seeking protection from pursuers or hiding from annoying friends.

Losing an umbrella in a dream means that unforeseen circumstances will force you to cheat.

Finding or buying an umbrella in a dream means a threat of ruin as a result of robbery or fire.

If you see a large men’s umbrella in a dream, you will achieve recognition from your superiors; if it is a women’s folding umbrella, you will find support and support in your superiors.

A black or dark umbrella warns against the temptation to fall into fornication with co-workers. A colored or variegated umbrella means only joyful events await you ahead.

If your umbrella was stolen in a dream, in reality this speaks of disappointed hopes that will cause you a lot of trouble and anxiety. An open umbrella is a sign of threat, lies and violence; a folded umbrella is a sign of resigned submission. Walking under an open umbrella in the pouring rain means that in reality you will provide all possible help to your neighbors or friends.

Exchanging umbrellas with someone means a quarrel with friends or a loved one due to a misunderstanding. An old and holey umbrella means that in reality your actions will be misinterpreted, and your words will be twisted in the most unscrupulous way.

Walking into a rainstorm under a leaky umbrella means finding yourself alone and regretting your own rashness. Sitting under a large sun umbrella on the beach or at a table in a street cafe is a sign of unfulfilled dreams and unrealistic hopes.

Dream Interpretation - Umbrella

An umbrella, like any long object, is a symbol of the penis.

An open umbrella speaks of your lack of confidence in your sexual viability and attractiveness.

If you are hiding under an umbrella with someone, then you want to have sexual contact with him.

If you are hiding under an umbrella from the rain, then you want to have a baby.

If you are hiding under a sun umbrella, then you would like to reconsider your relationship with your sexual partner. It is possible that up to a showdown.

If you give away your umbrella, then you are indecisive in relationships with the opposite sex and are waiting for the first step from the other side.

If you admire someone's umbrella, then you are not sure of your attractiveness to women.

If a woman does this, then she selects a sexual partner for herself.

If a woman closes and folds her umbrella, then she does not want to enter into a sexual relationship without formalizing the relationship.

If a man folds his umbrella, then he is ready to immediately move from words to action.

An umbrella broken by a gust of wind symbolizes failure in personal affairs and a possible breakup with your partner.

Dream Interpretation - Umbrella

Seeing a sun umbrella in a dream means illicit pleasures for married people.

If a young woman has such a dream, she will flirt with many men, one of whom will cause her a lot of trouble and anxiety about the fate of her good name and her upcoming engagement to the other.

Carrying an umbrella in your hands is a sign of impending anxiety and annoyance.

Seeing others under umbrellas foretells your generous help to someone. If you ask someone for an umbrella or give away your own, then misunderstandings with friends and even resentment are possible. If your umbrella is torn or broken, then in real life you will be slandered. Your actions will be misinterpreted. Walking under a leaking umbrella is a harbinger of the pain that awaits you after a disagreement with a friend.

If you have opened a new umbrella over yourself, and the weather is clear and sunny, only good luck and joy await you ahead.

Dream Interpretation - Umbrella

Walking under an umbrella in sunny weather is a sign of good luck and independence.

Walking under an umbrella on a rainy day means a quiet, secluded life (dreams of more will remain unfulfilled).

Seeing yourself under an umbrella with your loved one means happiness, unclouded by anything.

Buying an umbrella is a sign of alarm.

Asking someone for an umbrella or giving your own means misunderstandings with loved ones.

Losing an umbrella means unforeseen events.

Letting it go (it was snatched from you) means unfulfilled hopes.

If you saw people under umbrellas in a dream, in reality you will selflessly help someone.

If the umbrella is torn or broken, misunderstanding of others awaits you, and if it leaks, you will suffer from loneliness and a quarrel with a loved one.

Dream Interpretation - Umbrella

An umbrella in your hands is a sign of impending anxiety and annoyance. Seeing others under umbrellas means you will show generosity towards people in need of help. If you ask someone for an umbrella or give it your own, misunderstandings with friends are possible. Walking under a leaking umbrella is a harbinger of a painful disagreement with a friend. Opening a new umbrella over yourself in clear, sunny weather means good luck and joy ahead.

Dream Interpretation - Umbrella

An open umbrella is a symbol of protection.

It shows that the dreamer is looking for shelter from the “bad weather of life.”

A closed umbrella is a Freudian phallic symbol.

Seeing an open umbrella means having a patron.

Breaking or losing an umbrella is a nuisance, a deception.

Buying an umbrella means meeting a man for women.

For men - improvement of affairs.

Dream Interpretation - Umbrella

An umbrella in a dream is a symbol of security. A dream about him calls you to be careful.

The quality of the umbrella determines your position in society. The more expensive it is, the better. A leaky, broken or lost umbrella means that you are defenseless against the storms of life. The larger the umbrella, the more protection your sleep promises. A giant umbrella means that there is a person behind you who will not leave you in trouble. If an umbrella of normal size and one that you use constantly is with you in a dream, then your fears are in vain and you should leave your worries. In your dream, look at who you are standing next to under the same umbrella. If this person is your business partner, then the business you have in mind will be successfully realized. Forgetting an umbrella in a dream is a sign that you will forget about caution. Seeing a beach umbrella in a dream or lying under it means that your frivolous behavior may damage your reputation. Seeing a new umbrella or receiving it as a gift is a sign of change for the better in your life. Finding an umbrella in a dream is a harbinger of an unusual incident that will leave a noticeable mark on your life. Taking away an umbrella in a dream is a sign that you will betray a loved one. If you dream that your umbrella was stolen, then your hopes will not come true.

Dream Interpretation - Umbrella

For married people, a dream about a sun umbrella foretells forbidden pleasures. A young girl who has such a dream should be careful. Her love of flirting may ruin her reputation. She will have many suitors and admirers, among whom there will be a person who can harm her and even contribute to her lover turning away from her. A torn umbrella promises trouble with your loved one. If the umbrella is leaking, this means that you will experience longing from separation from your loved one. However, a dream in which you opened an umbrella over yourself in sunny weather portends joy in love and happiness.

Dream Interpretation - Umbrella

Seeing an umbrella means you have many good friends.

If you open an umbrella, gifts from friends or good advice await you.

If you carry an umbrella, you feel vulnerable.

Carrying an umbrella means that you are vulnerable and need protection; if it is open, the meaning may be different from the sun - you have many close and loyal friends; open - receive many unexpected gifts or advice from your friends.

Dream Interpretation - Umbrella

Fortunately, good luck.

Opening a luminous umbrella over oneself means wealth and nobility.

Buying an umbrella means improving the state of your affairs.

Ladies' or rain - to a calm and secluded life with average income.

Losing an umbrella means an unforeseen situation.

An umbrella torn from your hands means unrealistic hopes.

You have an umbrella when it rains - you need to be careful when talking with women.

Hitting someone with an umbrella is unfortunately due to your own stupidity.


Forget your umbrella

Dream Interpretation Forgetting an umbrella dreamed of why you dream about Forgetting an umbrella? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Forgetting an umbrella in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Umbrella

An umbrella seen in a dream foreshadows a quiet, secluded life with average income. Buying an umbrella means seeking protection from pursuers or hiding from annoying friends.

Losing an umbrella in a dream means that unforeseen circumstances will force you to cheat.

Finding or buying an umbrella in a dream means a threat of ruin as a result of robbery or fire.

If you see a large men’s umbrella in a dream, you will achieve recognition from your superiors; if it is a women’s folding umbrella, you will find support and support in your superiors.

A black or dark umbrella warns against the temptation to fall into fornication with co-workers. A colored or variegated umbrella means only joyful events await you ahead.

If your umbrella was stolen in a dream, in reality this speaks of disappointed hopes that will cause you a lot of trouble and anxiety. An open umbrella is a sign of threat, lies and violence; a folded umbrella is a sign of resigned submission. Walking under an open umbrella in the pouring rain means that in reality you will provide all possible help to your neighbors or friends.

Exchanging umbrellas with someone means a quarrel with friends or a loved one due to a misunderstanding. An old and holey umbrella means that in reality your actions will be misinterpreted, and your words will be twisted in the most unscrupulous way.

Walking into a rainstorm under a leaky umbrella means finding yourself alone and regretting your own rashness. Sitting under a large sun umbrella on the beach or at a table in a street cafe is a sign of unfulfilled dreams and unrealistic hopes.

Dream Interpretation - Umbrella

An umbrella, like any long object, is a symbol of the penis.

An open umbrella speaks of your lack of confidence in your sexual viability and attractiveness.

If you are hiding under an umbrella with someone, then you want to have sexual contact with him.

If you are hiding under an umbrella from the rain, then you want to have a baby.

If you are hiding under a sun umbrella, then you would like to reconsider your relationship with your sexual partner. It is possible that up to a showdown.

If you give away your umbrella, then you are indecisive in relationships with the opposite sex and are waiting for the first step from the other side.

If you admire someone's umbrella, then you are not sure of your attractiveness to women.

If a woman does this, then she selects a sexual partner for herself.

If a woman closes and folds her umbrella, then she does not want to enter into a sexual relationship without formalizing the relationship.

If a man folds his umbrella, then he is ready to immediately move from words to action.

An umbrella broken by a gust of wind symbolizes failure in personal affairs and a possible breakup with your partner.

Dream Interpretation - Umbrella

Seeing a sun umbrella in a dream means illicit pleasures for married people.

If a young woman has such a dream, she will flirt with many men, one of whom will cause her a lot of trouble and anxiety about the fate of her good name and her upcoming engagement to the other.

Carrying an umbrella in your hands is a sign of impending anxiety and annoyance.

Seeing others under umbrellas foretells your generous help to someone. If you ask someone for an umbrella or give away your own, then misunderstandings with friends and even resentment are possible. If your umbrella is torn or broken, then in real life you will be slandered. Your actions will be misinterpreted. Walking under a leaking umbrella is a harbinger of the pain that awaits you after a disagreement with a friend.

If you have opened a new umbrella over yourself, and the weather is clear and sunny, only good luck and joy await you ahead.

Dream Interpretation - Umbrella

Walking under an umbrella in sunny weather is a sign of good luck and independence.

Walking under an umbrella on a rainy day means a quiet, secluded life (dreams of more will remain unfulfilled).

Seeing yourself under an umbrella with your loved one means happiness, unclouded by anything.

Buying an umbrella is a sign of alarm.

Asking someone for an umbrella or giving your own means misunderstandings with loved ones.

Losing an umbrella means unforeseen events.

Letting it go (it was snatched from you) means unfulfilled hopes.

If you saw people under umbrellas in a dream, in reality you will selflessly help someone.

If the umbrella is torn or broken, misunderstanding of others awaits you, and if it leaks, you will suffer from loneliness and a quarrel with a loved one.

Dream Interpretation - Umbrella

An umbrella in your hands is a sign of impending anxiety and annoyance. Seeing others under umbrellas means you will show generosity towards people in need of help. If you ask someone for an umbrella or give it your own, misunderstandings with friends are possible. Walking under a leaking umbrella is a harbinger of a painful disagreement with a friend. Opening a new umbrella over yourself in clear, sunny weather means good luck and joy ahead.

Dream Interpretation - Umbrella

An open umbrella is a symbol of protection.

It shows that the dreamer is looking for shelter from the “bad weather of life.”

A closed umbrella is a Freudian phallic symbol.

Seeing an open umbrella means having a patron.

Breaking or losing an umbrella is a nuisance, a deception.

Buying an umbrella means meeting a man for women.

For men - improvement of affairs.

Dream Interpretation - Umbrella

An umbrella in a dream is a symbol of security. A dream about him calls you to be careful.

The quality of the umbrella determines your position in society. The more expensive it is, the better. A leaky, broken or lost umbrella means that you are defenseless against the storms of life. The larger the umbrella, the more protection your sleep promises. A giant umbrella means that there is a person behind you who will not leave you in trouble. If an umbrella of normal size and one that you use constantly is with you in a dream, then your fears are in vain and you should leave your worries. In your dream, look at who you are standing next to under the same umbrella. If this person is your business partner, then the business you have in mind will be successfully realized. Forgetting an umbrella in a dream is a sign that you will forget about caution. Seeing a beach umbrella in a dream or lying under it means that your frivolous behavior may damage your reputation. Seeing a new umbrella or receiving it as a gift is a sign of change for the better in your life. Finding an umbrella in a dream is a harbinger of an unusual incident that will leave a noticeable mark on your life. Taking away an umbrella in a dream is a sign that you will betray a loved one. If you dream that your umbrella was stolen, then your hopes will not come true.

Dream Interpretation - Umbrella

For married people, a dream about a sun umbrella foretells forbidden pleasures. A young girl who has such a dream should be careful. Her love of flirting may ruin her reputation. She will have many suitors and admirers, among whom there will be a person who can harm her and even contribute to her lover turning away from her. A torn umbrella promises trouble with your loved one. If the umbrella is leaking, this means that you will experience longing from separation from your loved one. However, a dream in which you opened an umbrella over yourself in sunny weather portends joy in love and happiness.

Dream Interpretation - Umbrella

Seeing an umbrella means you have many good friends.

If you open an umbrella, gifts from friends or good advice await you.

If you carry an umbrella, you feel vulnerable.

Carrying an umbrella means that you are vulnerable and need protection; if it is open, the meaning may be different from the sun - you have many close and loyal friends; open - receive many unexpected gifts or advice from your friends.

Dream Interpretation - Umbrella

Fortunately, good luck.

Opening a luminous umbrella over oneself means wealth and nobility.

Buying an umbrella means improving the state of your affairs.

Ladies' or rain - to a calm and secluded life with average income.

Losing an umbrella means an unforeseen situation.

An umbrella torn from your hands means unrealistic hopes.

You have an umbrella when it rains - you need to be careful when talking with women.

Hitting someone with an umbrella is unfortunately due to your own stupidity.




My father hands me a large man’s umbrella, black and lime green, but I don’t take it and go outside into the rain.


My husband and I were walking down the street, suddenly it started to rain, my husband had a pink and purple umbrella in his hands, he opened it and we ran towards some building, everything in a circle was in water, but we didn’t even wet our feet and walked inside this building between the puddles


I got into the woman’s car and put an umbrella on the seat, saying: “This is for you,” she:
“First of all, hello.” I left the car without answering anything.


I went out into the street with an open umbrella, but as I came out I realized that it was not raining and that all the people were walking without umbrellas, so I closed it and went. what is this for?


My husband and I are leaving the entrance of our house on the street, morning, good sunny weather, then darkness and I come out of the next entrance with a woman who works for my husband and she tells me you only doesn’t tell my wife (husband) what I’ll tell you, yesterday we rented at Edik’s for a walk . We went out and my husband was standing on the street in the morning, the weather was nice and sunny, and I had a closed lilac umbrella in my hands and I hit my husband in the face with it; there was a red spot on his face; he started yelling at me and telling me to go home. An unknown woman is watching all this from the side. I lose consciousness and fall face down on the dusty road, as if everything is happening in reality; he doesn’t care, he sits on a bench at the entrance and pretends not to notice anything. The stranger from behind lifts me up and I gradually come to my senses and go home. At home, his mother is sitting at the table in the kitchen, I say that he is cheating on me and lying, and she says, well, get a divorce, I don’t want you to live like I did with your husband. I decided to get a divorce.


Hello! I dreamed that I was buying an umbrella, gave the money, then the seller showed me the umbrella I bought, and it turned out to be large, made with a cane, the umbrella was very beautiful, with a black and white pattern and lace around the edges, but it didn’t suit me, so as it was big, and I was looking for a small folding one so that it would fit in my bag. And I started choosing for a long time, I came across pink ones with mother-of-pearl, but when I opened them they were all either inside out, or skewed, or I didn’t like the color. In the end, I asked for my money back. I remember 260 rudders. They returned my money and I left.


I dreamed that I was walking down the street in rainy weather in the evening. I'm terribly cold and I'm only wearing a dark-colored dress. I have someone else’s broken umbrella in my hands, and I’m looking for my umbrella. And I'm also looking for one person, or rather a guy. But I don’t remember who exactly.


I discussed umbrellas with men, how often we use an umbrella and that we can give an umbrella to a 10-year-old boy. in a dream I felt some bewilderment from the discussion


Yesterday, when I was leaving the house, it started to rain, but I didn’t have an umbrella with me, because I forgot it at work, but I was leaving the house with my father, and he gave me his umbrella, which he had in his car. In the evening, when I returned home, my parents spent half the evening telling me, how can this be, why did you forget to pick up your umbrella from work. Then I went to bed. I dreamed that I was looking for an umbrella, for some reason I came to the school from which I had already graduated a year ago, went into the locker room and saw 5-6 umbrellas in the drawers. All the umbrellas were dark, some of them were white or beige. All umbrellas were closed. Why could such a dream have occurred? Or is it just a residual phenomenon?


There is a meeting going on, I don’t know why our president V.V. is sitting at the table. Putin. Chubais is nearby (but why not redheads? dark hair). Chubais writes something on a piece of paper, gets up and puts the piece of paper in Putin’s pocket. V.V. reads, gets very irritated and, despite the speaker, begins to argue with Chubais. I realized that something was wrong with them and Chubais was washing his hands of V.V. He tells him “no, you’ll work for another year.” Then the street, it started to rain a little V.V. and I’m next to him, we open the umbrellas, both of them have holes in them, we connect them in places where they are more or less intact, and so we go, I’m on his terms. That he shouldn’t have flared up like that, then he would have expressed everything, and why should he leave you anyway, he works for the CIA.
Like this interesting dream dreamed, sincerely Nikolay e-mail [email protected]


Hello! I dreamed that I opened a large white umbrella and was holding it above me, planning to buy it. In my dream I tell my mother that the umbrella looks like a wedding umbrella, even though it is very large, I praise how beautiful it is. Unfortunately, I don’t remember exactly whether I bought it or not, I think I bought it...


Grandmother stood near our house. (Such a mood to go somewhere and decide what to do.) In a hole. Although I didn’t see any snow. I approached her. she called my name. (I missed her voice. And even in a dream. I don’t know. I was glad to hear her) she said: - Askar, buy yourself a watch. I didn't answer. then she asked to call a taxi. A white car drove up; my acquaintances (friends, friends) were sitting in it; its doors were open. She quickly approached it and (half-bent over, shaking her head back and forth) began to look at those who were in this car. (I felt a little ashamed) I said: “Well, this is not a taxi.” and everything evaporated. Then we cross the street (the reason for her death was inattention. The car and the driver.) I hold her tightly by the hand (I’m afraid that something will happen again) everything is fine, we pass. further. We are walking towards the house (only the area is unfamiliar to me.) It is raining. she is no longer in the hole. her hair is ruined. I saw that she had an umbrella. and I say even give me an umbrella. she gives it to me. I open it (it’s not round, but half-crooked-square) and I see that it’s leaking on one side (there’s a small hole), she tells me that it’s bad and the umbrella disappears. Further (horror)
There is a crowd of men standing near the benches, some are sitting. there were shovels and brooms in their hands. all this on ice. grandma (I feel like she’s drunk) comes up to them. They chase her away, I quickly approach and begin to defend her (drag her away) and quarrel with someone. he says bad things about his grandmother in Kazakh. I say almost the same thing to them. everything is in full swing. someone hits me with the handle of a shovel on my legs (there is ice under my feet) and I almost fall, but manage to move away. and we leave. in front of us is a hill without stairs but with railings. I'm up first. having forgotten about my grandmother. I turn around. I see that she is falling. I'm going down to get her. We slowly climb up holding the railing. everything disappears. I am getting up.


I dreamed that I was walking down the street and opening a large, beautiful, new umbrella over me. My son and nephews come with me and I cover everyone with my umbrella


I saw how with difficulty I took out two completely new umbrellas from the closet, brightly orange color? these weren't my umbrellas, but I could take them


I was in a store where they sell umbrellas with some man, and we stood near the counter where all the umbrellas were made with parasol, and I was choosing between blue and transparent


I dreamed of a lot of umbrellas, they were of different colors, from black to white, they allowed me to choose one of them as a gift.


Hello! I dreamed that my man from a dream was picking up an umbrella for me, when he bought it for me, it was large in size, then it turned out that it was full of holes, we are returning it…….., and I show him another umbrella, how I actually have, but he waved his hand and left...., I follow him, but another man stops me and wants to buy me an umbrella......


zdravstvujte,mne snilos,cto ja zabila ciornij zont v avtobuse,v kotorim exali moja nedobrozelatelnica s materju.pri vstrece s nedobrozelatelnicoj ja sprosila u nejo,gde moj zont,na cto ona otvetila,cto zont zabrala ejo mat,ja pitalas naiti zont, no mne ne udalos.


I found a huge automatic umbrella in my house with different functions. It was so interesting to open and close it! The umbrella is beautiful, bright and very large, simply huge. I ask, whose is this? Vitalkin, they say. And my mother, the deceased, enters the room, I tell her, “Look at the umbrella!” And she is good.


I dreamed about my director, she was getting ready to go on a trip, she was sad, there were dark clouds on the horizon. I asked her if she took an umbrella with her, to which the answer was no. I offered her mine (it was broken). she took him

Malova Natalya:

I want to buy children’s umbrellas at the market, I check them and they are all broken, then I bought one and gave it to a gypsy, and I dreamed about paper money, a lot


Hello). I was on stage at a rehearsal (a real place. Rehearsals actually took place there. when I lived in this city).
There were several umbrellas lying on the stage, standing open.
Several of them were very bright and colorful. I took the big one and started spinning it around in different ways. when I raised it above me, it turned out to be very large, I think more than a meter in radius only. But the feelings were good, wonderful. I was happy)


I dreamed of a man I know. he's gone. I see him in a white T-shirt. then I take his large black umbrella and put it in the closet on the top shelf.


I dreamed of an ex-boyfriend with whom I reluctantly said hello, then I dreamed of an umbrella that was broken by the person who gave me this umbrella.


I swam in the lake with an open umbrella. I was afraid that the umbrella would sink in. The umbrella rustled me. There were pieces of ice floating in the water, but I wasn’t cold


Hello! I dreamed that I was buying a cane umbrella because the old one was broken. I choose between black and blue. The black umbrella is ordinary, round, with a slightly larger cane. a blue one is huge with four spokes and domed. in the dream I never chose an umbrella. The dream was gloomy, but not scary.


I stood looking at the sky, it was raining a little, the sun was shining from behind the clouds and it was as if a red umbrella with broken spokes was flying above me...


I was on a business trip with a former employee and friend. We were in some kind of store where there were a lot of closed umbrellas with price tags and cosmetics. There was no one there except my friend and I. I stole a pink umbrella, for some reason I decided that it was the pink one that I really needed. I didn't open it, I just put it in my bag. I was happy with this umbrella


I had to fly with the help of something to some area where they were waiting for me. At first I rode the lift, but I didn’t feel comfortable and was somehow cool and scared. I found an umbrella from nowhere and opened it. And without fear of anything she flew with him. The weather immediately cleared up, it was sunny, the sky was blue and there were pleasant white clouds. I rose higher, then a little lower, and the umbrella helped me fly easily and naturally. I felt some kind of joy and warmth. And I began to smoothly descend with the umbrella, it was very smooth, as if it was intended to be so. Having gone downstairs, I immediately found myself in some cafe, where I saw my boyfriend, who told me that I had an excellent blouse. He was in a dream with a smile and I woke up to this)


I had a dream that my old boss asked me for an umbrella and I don’t know which one to give him and I say that I don’t have an umbrella and I have three of them and in the end I found him some other umbrella and gave it to him


I was walking down the street and met my mother with people at the bus stop. Then it started to rain. I didn't have an umbrella and I found it on the bench. She took it and went further with the people. Then I broke the umbrella handle, which was loose and could barely hold on, and a heavy downpour began, under which I was soaked to the skin.


I dreamed that I was walking under a broken umbrella. Then my friend came up and covered me with his. I seemed to like her before (but these are just my guesses)


Hello Tatiana! I saw myself in a dream standing in a veil under an umbrella, and I was spinning, as if I saw myself from the outside and I was wearing beautiful makeup and smiled at passers-by and the warm rain was drizzling, but not for long.

Your name is Tatyana:

A young woman divorced from her husband had a dream that she opened an umbrella in the toilet and shook off raindrops from the umbrella into the toilet, why did she dream?


Dream: from a box of umbrellas I chose one that I liked (light, with uneven edges like a star). I liked it, started looking closely, had problems with the knitting needle, twisted it and inserted it.


I remember that she offered to give the girl her dark burgundy umbrella, which she allegedly found, then she rummaged through some old things


I'm walking down the street in a very good mood, I have many, many, about 20 umbrellas in my hands and that's it different color, very beautiful


I dreamed that one young man invited me for a walk. I said it was possible. Then we somehow ended up at my school, where I now study. We walked up the stairs and then I gave him the pink umbrella that I was holding in my hands. And then I noticed that he also had a pink umbrella in his hands. We were standing on the stairs and I saw my classmate and my classmate going down and holding a pink umbrella in their hands. Although the weather in my dream was beautiful. Then we went up to the classroom and there the picture was vague, I did something and the picture of the dream changed. We stood at the trunk of the car and I took out a bag of flour and told this young man to carry it. He took it and said that I was using it. The picture changed again. I walked down the street and saw a five-story building and on each floor of this house I saw my former comrades. Only on one floor where an acquaintance of mine, whom I liked at that moment, was supposed to be. It was not him, but his mother, who was quickly getting ready to go somewhere. And then I realized that I was completely indifferent to the young man who invited me on a date at the beginning of the dream. Then I also walked along the street and there I noticed that a movie was being filmed, where the above-mentioned mother was filming, she was constantly running around, and I realized that I was really using that young man and that I didn’t need him. outfits. At the end with


I was walking under an umbrella, it was raining. As soon as I began to approach the mountain, which is twice as large as me, the umbrella flies out of my hands and flies upward in an unknown direction. Then, I asked my friends to buy me an umbrella (in the corridor I found 3 umbrellas, different, one of them was purchased. Returning to the same place with a new umbrella, I climbed the mountain and slid down it. And then I see that my old umbrella returns and flies from above to the ground, while scooping up dirt from the puddle. The dream ends, I don’t have time to pick it up, but I was glad that he returned.


He brought a ruble bag with pieces of fresh meat from the store and put it on the floor. My wife’s old aunt, bent with a cane, began to rummage through the bag of meat with this cane. Seeing this, he began to swear at her (not obscenely) and drive her away. She doesn't pay attention. I take an umbrella and push her and hit her with the umbrella. She recoiled against the wall, turned around, I saw the face of another woman - large, dark, shaggy hair and hissed like a vampire. the wife runs in asking what’s going on here. I tell her, look what she does.


Hello! My name is Ruslan. Last night in a dream I was repairing a black umbrella. I would like to interpret my dream with your help. Thank you in advance for your help.


Hello. I dreamed that I could fly, and I was flying, grasping with my hands something like a dome with a handle, like an umbrella. I run and take off. The feeling of flying is so good, I feel such lightness within myself.


the man handed over several umbrellas. they were very closed. but it is clear that they are very expensive and of good quality


I dreamed as if I was with a friend and my ex-boyfriend We are walking somewhere on the street. Suddenly, I want to take away the umbrella from a woman passing by, but she doesn’t give it back, and we start pulling the umbrella, each towards us. And it breaks. I still have the umbrella stick itself and a piece of the fabric from which it was made. After that, my friends and I went to look for the missing parts for this umbrella, I wanted to repair it (and my ex-boyfriend was wearing the umbrella).


Good morning! I dreamed that I was walking with my black cane umbrella in gloomy weather. I passed the underground passage and moved on, but discovered that I was already walking without an umbrella. He came to his senses, went the opposite way to look for him and found him in that same underground passage, which for some reason suddenly became more cramped, dark and mysterious. The umbrella was not lying on the ground/floor, but in some secluded place, and next to it were 3 more cane umbrellas, but smaller and weaker than mine: also black, light gray and beige-brown. I took 2 umbrellas in each hand and calmly and proudly went out into the street with them. For some reason, I decided that these umbrellas were not strangers: either my old ones (although in my life, except for the black small and large ones, there were no others), or my close friends to whom I would pass them on. In general, there was confusion with the owners of the umbrellas, but I didn’t really care. By the way, after the umbrellas (when I was already at home in the dream), I dreamed of a dragonfly. It was as if she had flown into the apartment into the kitchen and was buzzing loudly. I tried to kick her out using liberal means and nothing worked. It was a shame to kill. Moreover, it was crowded in the kitchen with my relatives, and I was afraid of damaging the chandelier, which made the operation of sending the dragonfly out of the window into the street much more difficult. So she remained buzzing near the chandelier on the ceiling. A couple of years ago, in the summer, I also dreamed of a huge wasp in the same spirit: it flew into the kitchen, flew aggressively and did not get rid of it. But she didn't bite me.


I'm riding on the bus and I have my colorful sun umbrella in my hands, which I actually have, and getting off the bus, the door closes in front of me and I remember that I left the umbrella on the bus, I turn around and want to stop the bus as it moves, but it drives away with my umbrella


In the store I decided to look at a very expensive umbrella, I had no intention of buying it. I started to open it, it turned out to be faulty, it didn’t work well, it was somehow crooked. In general, sometimes it worked fine, sometimes it worked poorly.


Hello, my name is Evgenia, I dreamed on the night from Saturday to Sunday that I found in my closet an indescribably beautiful red umbrella with flowers, folded, I did not open it.


I dreamed about mine deceased mother, as if she brought a new umbrella as a gift to my son, and I don’t understand a helmet.


I was at my grandmother's house. I just sat and looked out the window in front of me when my mother came to us. Just a few minutes later it started to rain. I wanted to go home, but I didn’t have an umbrella. I opened the closet, on the top shelves of which were various umbrellas. They were all dark, cool colors, but the brightest of them, blue with blue patterns, caught my attention. My mother came up to me and told me that I couldn’t take him because... it belongs to her and I should get another one. My grandmother offered me her dark, shabby umbrella, but I refused and decided to go home without an umbrella. At this point the dream ended.


I am crossing a wide road with two open umbrellas over my head (one black, the other light). The water is dirty even with snow (like during a thaw). There are two meters left to the sidewalk and the depth increases and a large bus starts moving, but it let me through. I walked out onto the sidewalk clean and dry


Hello! I stole an umbrella in a dream because mine was broken and I was afraid that my mother would scold me. I stole the umbrella and went home from school. and on the way home I opened it, it was light pink))


I held the umbrella over my head and walked down the street, then I met an old woman / now deceased / and I gave it to her and wanted to take it away, but I already woke up


Hello!..my daughter had a dream..as if I was coming out of the entrance..and giving her my umbrella..it’s not raining outside..morning..sunny..please tell me what this could mean?...previously, me too I saw a dream.. dad opened an umbrella over me.. and we went for a walk barefoot.. it was sunny, after the rain... after this dream, I decided to convert to Christianity, dad is a Christian... could my daughter’s dream somehow relate to me and my decision ?..and what does it mean to her? (she is 11 years old)…I hope for an answer..Thank you!


First I was in the house. I my cousin and grandmother. We were going somewhere. It was winter, there were large snowdrifts. The brother walked in a shirt and trousers. I was dressed warmer. The three of us walked. Together. The brother was walking under an umbrella. Then the grandmother began to move forward. Leave quickly and as if into the darkness. My brother gave me an umbrella. I decided to close it, but the umbrella did not close. He's broken. The brother admitted that he was the one who broke the umbrella. We decided that when we got there, we would fix it. Then I noticed that I was no longer walking in a jacket, but, like my brother, in a white shirt and black trousers. It sounds absurd, but then we met enemies from a computer game that I often play. We started shooting back. I saw it from a gamer's perspective. I had a computer mouse in my hands and I was very passionate about it. Then it was time for the “bosses.” I was transported into the game itself, so to speak, but I could no longer shoot, but only run away. There were three bosses. The first one was tall of blue color, with torn out eyes and disheveled hair. All I remember about the second one is that he had no nose. And the third looked like a cute Turk in a red down jacket. At first he was wearing a Panama hat, and then just with a slicked-down mohawk. I was standing on the balcony. The one without the nose was the first to chase me. By the way, he also had no eyes. He climbed onto the balcony and grabbed my nose. I managed to escape. I don’t remember my brother nearby. I managed to jump onto some kind of canopy. But the “boss” chased after me. Then I jumped to the ground and ran some distance. I tried to heal myself, but there were no bandages. Then I ran to the snowdrift, hoping to hide behind it. A Turk in a red down jacket blocked my path. He said something like: “Well, come here!” Then I suddenly needed to change the SIM card in my phone, and I asked for a break. The Turk’s phone also rang. He stopped. I woke up


It was lightly raining outside, I went out with an umbrella and met my most best friend with an umbrella, we went out into the yard and she left me somewhere, but I stayed


ja kogda to odolzhila zontik podruge i vo sne mne prisnilos, vse bylo tak tumanno i mama mojej podrugi vsunula mne zontik, on cernyj, i skazala, vot derzhi.
podruga ochen xoroshaja, seichas u menja zhizni ne vse gladko, k chemu etot son? thank you


I dreamed that I was walking in the crowd to some kind of concert or performance. In my hands I have a closed umbrella, which she gave me to carry adult daughter my friend. I’m also wearing the dress she gave me, it’s kind of uncomfortable and not my size...


me and my mother, we walked along a dark street and talked about how I never bought myself an umbrella and I saw in a rich house in the window a large open closet and there were a lot of different umbrellas, but they were all beautiful new ones, we climbed through window on the sill mom was on guard and I took the umbrella, opened it and praised how beautiful and comfortable they were, they were different, but I remembered only one translucent light blue color on a long leg and there was lace around it, then the hostess saw us, we ran away and laughed


I dreamed of several umbrellas - one was green - open, one black closed and one umbrella-cane.


I was sitting, my mother came up behind me and handed me a closed colored umbrella with a sharp end.


Closed umbrellas three different colors 1 pink 2 green I don’t remember the third one And a friend was standing next to her and she had an open umbrella


I dreamed that I had my own umbrella, but then it was either broken or stolen and I began to lament about it. Then I’m in a room with some woman and her husband appears and we all walk, he seems to imperceptibly hug me around the waist. I feel awkward. Then the wife walks somewhere forward, and we see a shop selling colorful, expensive umbrellas. He suddenly offers to buy it for me. I'm surprised and refuse. And then we go and meet the body of a man, half sticking out of the asphalt, suddenly it comes to life and seems to kill this man and then pursues me. I understand that this is a terrible maniac and I am very afraid of him. Then I’m already at work, it seems, and I’m complaining about him to my good (actually) boss.


I saw large bright umbrellas, very beautiful, I opened them and admired them


my late mother asked me to take an umbrella... but for some unknown reason I didn’t take it


I dreamed that I was in very beautiful rubber boots under an umbrella of exactly the same color. Both on the boots and on the umbrella there is a print of some kind Italian city. But there is no rain and the weather is sunny.


Hello! From Sunday to Monday I dreamed of colorful umbrellas falling from the sky and sparkling chandeliers. What could this mean?


I saw the sea with a strong wind without rain and someone gave and opened a huge beautiful beige umbrella, it seems like a wishing woman


I dreamed that I opened an umbrella during the rain, and it was broken. I had a friend with me, he had another umbrella, but he didn’t share


My husband and son and I were sitting at a table in the garden. It’s warm, the sky is bright, there’s no rain, and suddenly a woman in a black dress slowly walks past us, she begins to open her umbrella, although there’s no rain. He opens the umbrella, it is black, very large when opened, even huge, and leaves completely.


I went to my bag, opened it and saw my umbrella (which I now carry - black) and an old umbrella (green)


I dreamed that I came home, and my late husband was alive!, as if he had come from a business trip, cheerful, cooking pasta, and as always brought gifts from a business trip, I look in the bag and see his ordinary black umbrella and a large unusual umbrella, with two legs like a big beach umbrella, the color of the umbrella is pearly turquoise, I hold it in my hands and don’t know how to open it?


I dreamed that I was aware that I was well aware that I had lost my umbrella a long time ago, and then standing on the street talking to a man, I said that I don’t have an umbrella, I lost it a long time ago, and then I take out a blue umbrella from my bag and I say, “oh wonderful, I found some kind of umbrella, it will be mine now,” I tear it up, and some of the fabric stripes fell off the knitting needles, we quickly fixed it and the umbrella became like new.
I would like to know what this dream means, since it’s been spinning in my head all day


During the day I dreamed of an open umbrella.
, as if I were taking it off the display and buying it. Bright, rich colors (there were red, yellow, black or dark blue and some other colors, white too)


Hello, my name is Denis, I’m 25 years old, I was flying with the help of an umbrella around my yard where I live, doing this several times calmly falling to the ground and rising again, at one point the umbrella folded and I fell from a small height, but then I flew again, I flew about level of the 5th floors, the umbrella was multi-colored, and I liked this activity.


I opened a large umbrella in front of my beloved tall man. Why is this?


I was walking in the rain, someone was holding an umbrella, I felt that they were envying me, I was pleased tamara.lunevskaya @mail.ru

Miller's Dream Book

Seeing a sun umbrella in a dream- means illicit pleasures for married people. If a young woman has such a dream, she will flirt with many men, one of whom will cause her a lot of trouble and anxiety about the fate of her good name and her upcoming engagement to the other.

Carrying an umbrella

Seeing others under umbrellas- portends your generous help to someone.

Misunderstandings with friends and even resentment are possible.

Then in real life they will slander you. Your actions will be misinterpreted.

Walking under a leaky umbrella- a harbinger of the pain that awaits you after a disagreement with a friend.

If you have opened a new umbrella over yourself, and the weather is clear and sunny- only good luck and joy await you ahead.

Dream Interpretation of Medea

Opened umbrella- is a symbol of protection. It shows that the dreamer is looking for shelter from the “bad weather of life.”

Closed umbrella- Freudian phallic symbol.

Seeing an open umbrella- have a patron.

Break or lose an umbrella- trouble, deception.

Buy an umbrella- for women, meeting a man. For men- improvement of affairs.

Freud's Dream Book

An umbrella, like any long object- is a symbol of the penis.

Opened umbrella- speaks of your lack of confidence in your sexual viability and attractiveness.

If you are hiding under an umbrella with someone- you want to have sexual contact with him.

If you are hiding under an umbrella from the rain- you want to have a child.

If you are hiding under a sun umbrella- you would like to reconsider your relationship with your sexual partner. It is possible that up to a showdown.

If you give away your umbrella- you are indecisive in relationships with the opposite sex and are waiting for the first step from the other side.

If you admire someone's umbrella- you are not sure of your attractiveness to women. If a woman does it- she chooses a sexual partner for herself.

If a woman closes, folds her umbrella- she does not want to engage in sexual relations without formalizing the relationship.

If a man folds his umbrella- he is ready to immediately move from words to action.

Umbrella broken by a gust of wind- symbolizes failure in personal affairs and a possible breakup with your partner.

Dream book of lovers

Married people dream about a sun umbrella- foreshadows forbidden pleasures.

To a young girl who had such a dream- you should be careful. Her love of flirting may ruin her reputation. She will have many suitors and admirers, among whom there will be a person who can harm her and even contribute to her lover turning away from her.

Torn umbrella- promises troubles with your loved one.

If the umbrella leaks- this suggests that you will experience melancholy from separation from your loved one.

However, a dream in which you opened an umbrella over yourself in sunny weather- portends joy in love and happiness.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Umbrella in a dream- this is a signal of possible troubles for which you risk being unprepared.

Parasol- a warning against excessive sensual pleasures.

Jewish dream book

Umbrella- empty hopes.

Dream book for a bitch

The umbrella is new and beautiful- the future will bring joy and good luck.

Keep in hand- frustration with delays and obstacles.

Take or give away an umbrella- quarrels with friends.

See people under umbrellas- someone urgently needs your help.

Broken umbrella- incorrect information will cause many problems that will be resolved after much explanation and reassurance.

New family dream book

Umbrella for married people- means illicit pleasures.

If a young woman has such a dream- she will flirt with many men, one of whom will cause her a lot of trouble.

Carrying an umbrella- a sign of impending anxiety and annoyance.

Seeing others under umbrellas- to generously help someone.

If your umbrella is torn or broken- a reservation is possible.

If you have opened a new umbrella over yourself and the weather is clear and sunny- only good luck and joy await you ahead.

Modern combined dream book

A dream in which you are carrying an umbrella- means that in the near future you should expect troubles that irritate you.

If you see other people with umbrellas- they will turn to you for help and mercy.

Borrow an umbrella- predicts a lack of mutual understanding, perhaps even with your best friend.

Give away the umbrella- portends that you will be slandered and insulted by false friends.

Lose your umbrella- an omen of troubles that will happen to a person who trusts you.

Seeing a torn or broken umbrella- means that you will be slandered and misrepresented.

If the umbrella leaks- You will feel pain and regret towards your loved one or friends.

Predicts exceptional prosperity and well-being.

Seeing a sun umbrella in a dream- prediction of illicit pleasures for married men and married women.

A young woman has this dream- predicts many hobbies. And one of her fans will cause her anxiety and troubles associated with the jealousy of her lover.

Eastern women's dream book

Walk with an umbrella- to annoying troubles. Seeing other people with umbrellas is a sign that they will turn to you for help.

I had to borrow an umbrella from someone- It will be difficult for you to find mutual understanding with others.

A dream in which you give away an umbrella- means that you will be mercilessly slandered.

Lose an umbrella- to troubles with a person close to you.

Open a new umbrella over yourself in sunny weather- to prosperity in everything.

Parasol- a symbol of illicit pleasures.

If the umbrella leaks- you will sincerely sympathize with the affairs of your friends.

The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

Umbrella- you will need the help of an older person of the opposite sex.

Children's dream book

Umbrella- a sign of active protection from troubles. Soon you will have to act according to the principle: “the best defense is an attack”

Complete dream book of the New Era

Umbrella- a reminder that a person can always be easily protected from any threats; the need to get rid of anxiety.

Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

To dream that it is raining and you have opened a bright umbrella- there will be an unconscious feeling that you did something wrong.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, December

To dream about how you take an umbrella with you when going outside- to good and sunny weather.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Umbrella- they will protect you, defend your good name.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

Silk umbrella- you will achieve meaning; torn- you will fall into poverty; ladies'- support and help.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Giving someone your umbrella- a misunderstanding with friends awaits you, up to insults on one side and the other.

An umbrella seen in a dream- portends a quiet, secluded life with average income. Buy an umbrella- seek protection from pursuers or hide from annoying friends.

Losing an umbrella in a dream- to the fact that unforeseen circumstances will force you to deceive.

Find or buy an umbrella in a dream- threat of ruin as a result of robbery or fire.

If you see a large men's umbrella in a dream- achieve recognition from your superiors, if female folding- you will find support and support in the person of your superiors.

Black or dark umbrella- warns against the temptation to fall into fornication with co-workers. Colored or variegated umbrella- only joyful events await you ahead.

If your umbrella was stolen in a dream- in reality this speaks of disappointed hopes that will cause you a lot of trouble and anxiety.

Opened umbrella- a sign of threat, lies and violence, folded- resigned submission.

Walking under an open umbrella in the pouring rain- in reality you will provide all possible assistance to neighbors or acquaintances.

Swap umbrellas with someone- means a quarrel with friends or a loved one due to a misunderstanding.

Old and holey umbrella- says that in reality your actions will be misinterpreted, and your words will be twisted in the most unscrupulous way.

Walking in a rainstorm under a leaky umbrella- find yourself alone and regret your own rashness.

Sitting under a large sun umbrella on the beach or at a table in a street cafe- a sign of unfulfilled dreams and unfulfilled hopes.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Umbrella- unrealistic hopes; silk- gain respect; torn- you will fall into poverty; ladies'- support and help.

Women's dream book

Umbrella in hands- a sign of impending anxiety and annoyance.

Seeing others under umbrellas- you will show generosity to people in need of help.

If you ask someone for an umbrella or give your own- misunderstandings with friends are possible.

Walking under a leaky umbrella- a harbinger of a painful disagreement with a friend.

Open a new umbrella over yourself in clear, sunny weather- to good luck and joy ahead.

A sun umbrella dreamed of by a married man- means forbidden pleasures. For a young woman, such a dream foreshadows flirting with many men, one of whom will cause her a lot of anxiety about the fate of her good name and upcoming engagement to another.

General dream book

I dreamed about an umbrella- get ready for the fact that one of those whom you considered your reliable friend turns out to be a traitor.

In a dream you broke an umbrella- you will soon find out the name of your secret ill-wisher.

Lost umbrella- in the near future you will lose a good friend.

You dreamed that you bought an umbrella- soon you will be able to unravel the machinations of your enemies.

A dream in which you sold umbrellas- predicts the emergence of new enemies.

Dream book of the 21st century

Seeing an umbrella in a dream- to great happiness, good luck; open a glowing umbrella above you- to wealth, nobility.

Buying an umbrella in a dream- to improve the state of your affairs.

Ladies or rain- to a calm and secluded life with average income.

Lost umbrella- to an unforeseen situation; umbrella torn from hands- to unrealistic hopes.

Seeing yourself with an umbrella during the rain- means that you need to be more careful when talking to women.

Hit someone with an umbrella- unfortunately because of my own stupidity.

Dream Interpretation of the White Magician

Opening an umbrella in a dream- in reality you are used to looking at everything objectively. You do not accept subjective opinions and assessments and do not consider them correct or adequate to the situation. The main thing for you- directness, and what it may entail does not bother you. Don’t be so categorical towards others, because someday you may find yourself in their place. And you are unlikely to like how they treat you.

Folding an umbrella in a dream- in the near future you will finally be able to get rid of this painful problem. This will not happen without the help of your friends and loved ones.

Hiding under an umbrella in a dream- you perceive everything that happens in the world and directly around you, whether good or bad, in the same way - first of all, you hide your head in the sand, like an ostrich, and only then you begin to look around and think that maybe everything is not so bad, as you thought at first. Why do you have such fear of life? Precisely in front of life, because everything that happens- active manifestations of life, there is no need to be afraid of them. We must try to understand them.

Buying an umbrella in a dream- a dream means that something in your life will scare you. The reason for this will be the complete unknown of what will happen next, as well as the fact that nothing like this has ever happened to you before. Fear may lead you to completely retire from business, but this is hardly the best way out of this situation. Try to seek help from people who are competent in your matter.

Holding an umbrella over someone- a dream means that in real life you voluntarily fulfill the role of protector and patron of people close to you. It always seems to you that if you are not around, something will certainly happen to them: a brick will fall on their head, they will be hit by a car, a bomb will explode next to them. Don’t you think that excessive guardianship greatly oppresses your loved ones? They don't feel free, and this can greatly affect your harmonious relationship. So think about it.

Italian dream book

Umbrella- This is a mechanical object that has an inherent movement up and down. The function of an umbrella is to form a shelter from both the sun and the rain, from the elements, which in fact are the most important fundamental aspects of life, the biological environment.

Umbrella function- is to remove these most important elements or, in other words, to remove “in se” from reality. Interpretation of the image from the point of view of affective or sexual meanings indicates “empty eroticism”, “psychic penis”, “black vaginismus”, “wormy position”.

Chinese dream book

You give a person an umbrella- foreshadows separation from this person.

Psychoanalytic dream book

Umbrella- symbolism of refuge, detachment from reality, protection in case of unwanted pregnancy.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Umbrella- loneliness, soul-searching, isolation from the world.

A beautiful, light umbrella unfolded above itself- success, protection.

Modern universal dream book

Why do you always have an umbrella handy when it's sunny outside, but you can never find an umbrella when it's raining? What is coming upon you that you need protection from? Do you feel like your protection could be blown away by the wind?
Perhaps you would like to feel part of a larger organization or group, to be under the same roof with these people, i.e. in safety?

Dream book of a gypsy

Carry an umbrella in a dream- means that you are vulnerable and need protection; if it is open, the meaning may be different; from the sun- you have many close and loyal friends; open- receive a lot of unexpected gifts or advice from your friends.

Maly Velesov Dream Interpretation

Buy an umbrella- seek protection from pursuers or hide from annoying friends; lose it- unforeseen event; torn from one's hands to see- disappointed hopes.

Esoteric dream book

Umbrella- you'll have to borrow money.

Collection of dream books

Umbrella- protection. You provide shelter from life's storms.

Umbrella- disappointment awaits you.

Leaky umbrella- someone is trying to protect you from a dangerous step.

An umbrella saves us from rain and sun, but these elements, as you know, are the most important elements of life, and the umbrella seeks to remove them away from us.

Thus, an umbrella in a dream- symbolizes unsatisfied needs that we ourselves do not recognize and fence ourselves off from them. Often this is a symbol of unrequited love, into which a person goes because he is subconsciously afraid of personal relationships. That is, the dream speaks of such feelings and emotions that only deplete us, reduce a person’s energetic life potential and give nothing in return.

An umbrella, according to the Felomena dream book, is an ambiguous symbol. It points out difficulties in your life and at the same time gives hope for overcoming them. Even if problems upset you, they will be quickly resolved, and the consequences will be insignificant.

An umbrella in a dream may foretell that you will commit an act that you will later regret. Don’t worry too much: you will be happy with the valuable lesson, as it will give you sanity.

What umbrella did you dream about? What did you do with the umbrella in your dream? How many umbrellas did you dream about?

What umbrella did you dream about?

Seeing a broken umbrella in a dream

If you dream of a broken umbrella, this is a warning that you will face the consequences of your illusions. The person you thought was your friend will disappoint your expectations.

Or you will find out that false gossip is being spread about you and many people believe them. You will spend a lot of effort and patience to regain the trust of your loved ones.

I dreamed of a red umbrella

The dream in which you saw a red umbrella is an invitation to escape from the monotony of everyday life. Exciting events filled with the spirit of adventurism will happen in your life. They will leave a lot of bright, rich impressions.

Why do you dream about a white umbrella?

If you dream of a white umbrella, do not be afraid of possible problems and reproaches from other people. You have reliable protection from their influence. Your emotional balance is now very stable, and other people’s feelings and even actions will not disturb it.

What did you do with the umbrella in your dream?

Buy an umbrella

Throwing away an umbrella in a dream

The dream in which you threw away your umbrella advises you to revise some of your ideas about the familiar. Perhaps many of them are outdated and are bothering you. When you look at a difficult situation with fresh eyes, you will find a way out of it very quickly.

How many umbrellas did you dream about?

I dreamed of a lot of umbrellas

If you dreamed of a lot of umbrellas, this is a symbol of sensitive problems. For a girl, such a dream indicates that she is involved in complex relationships with several men. One of them may cause her mental suffering.

Black umbrella Walk under an umbrella

Dream Interpretation Many umbrellas dreamed of why you dream about a lot of umbrellas? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see many umbrellas in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Umbrella

Dream Interpretation - Umbrella

Dream Interpretation - Umbrella

Dream Interpretation - Umbrella

Dream Interpretation - Umbrella

Dream Interpretation - Umbrella

For men - improvement of affairs.

Dream Interpretation - Umbrella

Dream Interpretation - Umbrella

Dream Interpretation - Umbrella

Dream Interpretation - Umbrella

Fortunately, good luck.

Broken umbrella

Dream Interpretation Broken Umbrella dreamed of why you dream about a broken umbrella? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a Broken Umbrella in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Umbrella

An umbrella seen in a dream foreshadows a quiet, secluded life with average income. Buying an umbrella means seeking protection from pursuers or hiding from annoying friends.

Losing an umbrella in a dream means that unforeseen circumstances will force you to cheat.

Finding or buying an umbrella in a dream means a threat of ruin as a result of robbery or fire.

If you see a large men’s umbrella in a dream, you will achieve recognition from your superiors; if it is a women’s folding umbrella, you will find support and support in your superiors.

A black or dark umbrella warns against the temptation to fall into fornication with co-workers. A colored or variegated umbrella means only joyful events await you ahead.

If your umbrella was stolen in a dream, in reality this speaks of disappointed hopes that will cause you a lot of trouble and anxiety. An open umbrella is a sign of threat, lies and violence; a folded umbrella is a sign of resigned submission. Walking under an open umbrella in the pouring rain means that in reality you will provide all possible help to your neighbors or friends.

Exchanging umbrellas with someone means a quarrel with friends or a loved one due to a misunderstanding. An old and holey umbrella means that in reality your actions will be misinterpreted, and your words will be twisted in the most unscrupulous way.

Walking into a rainstorm under a leaky umbrella means finding yourself alone and regretting your own rashness. Sitting under a large sun umbrella on the beach or at a table in a street cafe is a sign of unfulfilled dreams and unrealistic hopes.

Dream Interpretation - Umbrella

An umbrella, like any long object, is a symbol of the penis.

An open umbrella speaks of your lack of confidence in your sexual viability and attractiveness.

If you are hiding under an umbrella with someone, then you want to have sexual contact with him.

If you are hiding under an umbrella from the rain, then you want to have a baby.

If you are hiding under a sun umbrella, then you would like to reconsider your relationship with your sexual partner. It is possible that up to a showdown.

If you give away your umbrella, then you are indecisive in relationships with the opposite sex and are waiting for the first step from the other side.

If you admire someone's umbrella, then you are not sure of your attractiveness to women.

If a woman does this, then she selects a sexual partner for herself.

If a woman closes and folds her umbrella, then she does not want to enter into a sexual relationship without formalizing the relationship.

If a man folds his umbrella, then he is ready to immediately move from words to action.

An umbrella broken by a gust of wind symbolizes failure in personal affairs and a possible breakup with your partner.

Dream Interpretation - Umbrella

Seeing a sun umbrella in a dream means illicit pleasures for married people.

If a young woman has such a dream, she will flirt with many men, one of whom will cause her a lot of trouble and anxiety about the fate of her good name and her upcoming engagement to the other.

Carrying an umbrella in your hands is a sign of impending anxiety and annoyance.

Seeing others under umbrellas foretells your generous help to someone. If you ask someone for an umbrella or give away your own, then misunderstandings with friends and even resentment are possible. If your umbrella is torn or broken, then in real life you will be slandered. Your actions will be misinterpreted. Walking under a leaking umbrella is a harbinger of the pain that awaits you after a disagreement with a friend.

If you have opened a new umbrella over yourself, and the weather is clear and sunny, only good luck and joy await you ahead.

Dream Interpretation - Umbrella

Walking under an umbrella in sunny weather is a sign of good luck and independence.

Walking under an umbrella on a rainy day means a quiet, secluded life (dreams of more will remain unfulfilled).

Seeing yourself under an umbrella with your loved one means happiness, unclouded by anything.

Buying an umbrella is a sign of alarm.

Asking someone for an umbrella or giving your own means misunderstandings with loved ones.

Losing an umbrella means unforeseen events.

Letting it go (it was snatched from you) means unfulfilled hopes.

If you saw people under umbrellas in a dream, in reality you will selflessly help someone.

If the umbrella is torn or broken, misunderstanding of others awaits you, and if it leaks, you will suffer from loneliness and a quarrel with a loved one.

Dream Interpretation - Umbrella

An umbrella in your hands is a sign of impending anxiety and annoyance. Seeing others under umbrellas means you will show generosity towards people in need of help. If you ask someone for an umbrella or give it your own, misunderstandings with friends are possible. Walking under a leaking umbrella is a harbinger of a painful disagreement with a friend. Opening a new umbrella over yourself in clear, sunny weather means good luck and joy ahead.

Dream Interpretation - Umbrella

An open umbrella is a symbol of protection.

It shows that the dreamer is looking for shelter from the “bad weather of life.”

A closed umbrella is a Freudian phallic symbol.

Seeing an open umbrella means having a patron.

Breaking or losing an umbrella is a nuisance, a deception.

Buying an umbrella means meeting a man for women.

For men - improvement of affairs.

Dream Interpretation - Umbrella

An umbrella in a dream is a symbol of security. A dream about him calls you to be careful.

The quality of the umbrella determines your position in society. The more expensive it is, the better. A leaky, broken or lost umbrella means that you are defenseless against the storms of life. The larger the umbrella, the more protection your sleep promises. A giant umbrella means that there is a person behind you who will not leave you in trouble. If an umbrella of normal size and one that you use constantly is with you in a dream, then your fears are in vain and you should leave your worries. In your dream, look at who you are standing next to under the same umbrella. If this person is your business partner, then the business you have in mind will be successfully realized. Forgetting an umbrella in a dream is a sign that you will forget about caution. Seeing a beach umbrella in a dream or lying under it means that your frivolous behavior may damage your reputation. Seeing a new umbrella or receiving it as a gift is a sign of change for the better in your life. Finding an umbrella in a dream is a harbinger of an unusual incident that will leave a noticeable mark on your life. Taking away an umbrella in a dream is a sign that you will betray a loved one. If you dream that your umbrella was stolen, then your hopes will not come true.

Dream Interpretation - Umbrella

For married people, a dream about a sun umbrella foretells forbidden pleasures. A young girl who has such a dream should be careful. Her love of flirting may ruin her reputation. She will have many suitors and admirers, among whom there will be a person who can harm her and even contribute to her lover turning away from her. A torn umbrella promises trouble with your loved one. If the umbrella is leaking, this means that you will experience longing from separation from your loved one. However, a dream in which you opened an umbrella over yourself in sunny weather portends joy in love and happiness.

Dream Interpretation - Umbrella

Seeing an umbrella means you have many good friends.

If you open an umbrella, gifts from friends or good advice await you.

If you carry an umbrella, you feel vulnerable.

Carrying an umbrella means that you are vulnerable and need protection; if it is open, the meaning may be different from the sun - you have many close and loyal friends; open - receive many unexpected gifts or advice from your friends.

Dream Interpretation - Umbrella

Fortunately, good luck.

Opening a luminous umbrella over oneself means wealth and nobility.

Buying an umbrella means improving the state of your affairs.

Ladies' or rain - to a calm and secluded life with average income.

Losing an umbrella means an unforeseen situation.

An umbrella torn from your hands means unrealistic hopes.

You have an umbrella when it rains - you need to be careful when talking with women.

Hitting someone with an umbrella is unfortunately due to your own stupidity.

Red umbrella

Dream Interpretation Red Umbrella dreamed of why the Red Umbrella is seen in a dream? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a Red Umbrella in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Umbrella

An umbrella seen in a dream foreshadows a quiet, secluded life with average income. Buying an umbrella means seeking protection from pursuers or hiding from annoying friends.

Losing an umbrella in a dream means that unforeseen circumstances will force you to cheat.

Finding or buying an umbrella in a dream means a threat of ruin as a result of robbery or fire.

If you see a large men’s umbrella in a dream, you will achieve recognition from your superiors; if it is a women’s folding umbrella, you will find support and support in your superiors.

A black or dark umbrella warns against the temptation to fall into fornication with co-workers. A colored or variegated umbrella means only joyful events await you ahead.

If your umbrella was stolen in a dream, in reality this speaks of disappointed hopes that will cause you a lot of trouble and anxiety. An open umbrella is a sign of threat, lies and violence; a folded umbrella is a sign of resigned submission. Walking under an open umbrella in the pouring rain means that in reality you will provide all possible help to your neighbors or friends.

Exchanging umbrellas with someone means a quarrel with friends or a loved one due to a misunderstanding. An old and holey umbrella means that in reality your actions will be misinterpreted, and your words will be twisted in the most unscrupulous way.

Walking into a rainstorm under a leaky umbrella means finding yourself alone and regretting your own rashness. Sitting under a large sun umbrella on the beach or at a table in a street cafe is a sign of unfulfilled dreams and unrealistic hopes.

Dream Interpretation - Umbrella

An umbrella, like any long object, is a symbol of the penis.

An open umbrella speaks of your lack of confidence in your sexual viability and attractiveness.

If you are hiding under an umbrella with someone, then you want to have sexual contact with him.

If you are hiding under an umbrella from the rain, then you want to have a baby.

If you are hiding under a sun umbrella, then you would like to reconsider your relationship with your sexual partner. It is possible that up to a showdown.

If you give away your umbrella, then you are indecisive in relationships with the opposite sex and are waiting for the first step from the other side.

If you admire someone's umbrella, then you are not sure of your attractiveness to women.

If a woman does this, then she selects a sexual partner for herself.

If a woman closes and folds her umbrella, then she does not want to enter into a sexual relationship without formalizing the relationship.

If a man folds his umbrella, then he is ready to immediately move from words to action.

An umbrella broken by a gust of wind symbolizes failure in personal affairs and a possible breakup with your partner.

Dream Interpretation - Umbrella

Seeing a sun umbrella in a dream means illicit pleasures for married people.

If a young woman has such a dream, she will flirt with many men, one of whom will cause her a lot of trouble and anxiety about the fate of her good name and her upcoming engagement to the other.

Carrying an umbrella in your hands is a sign of impending anxiety and annoyance.

Seeing others under umbrellas foretells your generous help to someone. If you ask someone for an umbrella or give away your own, then misunderstandings with friends and even resentment are possible. If your umbrella is torn or broken, then in real life you will be slandered. Your actions will be misinterpreted. Walking under a leaking umbrella is a harbinger of the pain that awaits you after a disagreement with a friend.

If you have opened a new umbrella over yourself, and the weather is clear and sunny, only good luck and joy await you ahead.

Dream Interpretation - Umbrella

Walking under an umbrella in sunny weather is a sign of good luck and independence.

Walking under an umbrella on a rainy day means a quiet, secluded life (dreams of more will remain unfulfilled).

Seeing yourself under an umbrella with your loved one means happiness, unclouded by anything.

Buying an umbrella is a sign of alarm.

Asking someone for an umbrella or giving your own means misunderstandings with loved ones.

Losing an umbrella means unforeseen events.

Letting it go (it was snatched from you) means unfulfilled hopes.

If you saw people under umbrellas in a dream, in reality you will selflessly help someone.

If the umbrella is torn or broken, misunderstanding of others awaits you, and if it leaks, you will suffer from loneliness and a quarrel with a loved one.

Dream Interpretation - Umbrella

An umbrella in your hands is a sign of impending anxiety and annoyance. Seeing others under umbrellas means you will show generosity towards people in need of help. If you ask someone for an umbrella or give it your own, misunderstandings with friends are possible. Walking under a leaking umbrella is a harbinger of a painful disagreement with a friend. Opening a new umbrella over yourself in clear, sunny weather means good luck and joy ahead.

Dream Interpretation - Umbrella

An open umbrella is a symbol of protection.

It shows that the dreamer is looking for shelter from the “bad weather of life.”

A closed umbrella is a Freudian phallic symbol.

Seeing an open umbrella means having a patron.

Breaking or losing an umbrella is a nuisance, a deception.

Buying an umbrella means meeting a man for women.

For men - improvement of affairs.

Dream Interpretation - Umbrella

An umbrella in a dream is a symbol of security. A dream about him calls you to be careful.

The quality of the umbrella determines your position in society. The more expensive it is, the better. A leaky, broken or lost umbrella means that you are defenseless against the storms of life. The larger the umbrella, the more protection your sleep promises. A giant umbrella means that there is a person behind you who will not leave you in trouble. If an umbrella of normal size and one that you use constantly is with you in a dream, then your fears are in vain and you should leave your worries. In your dream, look at who you are standing next to under the same umbrella. If this person is your business partner, then the business you have in mind will be successfully realized. Forgetting an umbrella in a dream is a sign that you will forget about caution. Seeing a beach umbrella in a dream or lying under it means that your frivolous behavior may damage your reputation. Seeing a new umbrella or receiving it as a gift is a sign of change for the better in your life. Finding an umbrella in a dream is a harbinger of an unusual incident that will leave a noticeable mark on your life. Taking away an umbrella in a dream is a sign that you will betray a loved one. If you dream that your umbrella was stolen, then your hopes will not come true.

Dream Interpretation - Umbrella

For married people, a dream about a sun umbrella foretells forbidden pleasures. A young girl who has such a dream should be careful. Her love of flirting may ruin her reputation. She will have many suitors and admirers, among whom there will be a person who can harm her and even contribute to her lover turning away from her. A torn umbrella promises trouble with your loved one. If the umbrella is leaking, this means that you will experience longing from separation from your loved one. However, a dream in which you opened an umbrella over yourself in sunny weather portends joy in love and happiness.

Dream Interpretation - Umbrella

Seeing an umbrella means you have many good friends.

If you open an umbrella, gifts from friends or good advice await you.

If you carry an umbrella, you feel vulnerable.

Carrying an umbrella means that you are vulnerable and need protection; if it is open, the meaning may be different from the sun - you have many close and loyal friends; open - receive many unexpected gifts or advice from your friends.

Dream Interpretation - Umbrella

Fortunately, good luck.

Opening a luminous umbrella over oneself means wealth and nobility.

Buying an umbrella means improving the state of your affairs.

Ladies' or rain - to a calm and secluded life with average income.

Losing an umbrella means an unforeseen situation.

An umbrella torn from your hands means unrealistic hopes.

You have an umbrella when it rains - you need to be careful when talking with women.

Hitting someone with an umbrella is unfortunately due to your own stupidity.

Lots of umbrellas

Dream Interpretation - Umbrella

Seeing an umbrella is a great happiness and benefit.

Covering yourself with a luminous umbrella means wealth, nobility.

Giving a person an umbrella means breaking up with that person.

If you cover yourself with a luminous umbrella, it portends wealth and nobility.

Dream Interpretation - Umbrella

Umbrella umbrella: this is a signal of possible troubles for which you risk being unprepared.

Sun umbrella: a warning against excessive sensual pleasures.

Dream Interpretation - Umbrella

Seeing an umbrella means troubles of all kinds without serious consequences / later prudence, repentance.

Buying an umbrella means improving things.

Losing is an unforeseen event.

Wearing it in the rain means being careful when talking to women.

Hitting someone with it means misfortune due to one’s own stupidity.

Dream Interpretation - Umbrella

Umbrella - You'll have to borrow money.

Dream Interpretation - Umbrella

Umbrella - empty hopes.

Dream Interpretation - Umbrella

An umbrella is a sign of active protection from troubles. Soon you will have to act according to the principle: “ Best protection“This is an attack.”

Dream Interpretation - Umbrella

Get protection in unexpected troubles.

Imagine that the umbrella is very big, simply huge. It not only covers you, but also your home.

Dream Interpretation - Umbrella

Being intended for protection from the sun and rain, in reality it means depriving the main element of life (sun and water), since this mechanically opening and closing object is not vital for a person. Indicates a departure from Inse, from the a priori “I” and the inability to take real action, and from an emotional, sensual or sexual point of view - to empty eroticism, the desire for the mental “absorption” of another, a “worm-like position.”

Dream Interpretation - Umbrella

Loneliness, soul-searching, isolation from the world. Beautiful, bright, success unfolded above oneself, protection.

Dream Interpretation - Umbrella, parasol

You will need the help of an older person of the opposite sex.

Lots of umbrellas

Dream Interpretation Many umbrellas dreamed of why you dream about many umbrellas? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see many umbrellas in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Umbrella

If you dreamed about opening an umbrella in a dream, this speaks of your objective view of the world.

You do not accept opinions and assessments of a subjective nature, without considering them true and corresponding to reality.

Directness is the main thing for you, and its consequences do not bother you.

However, you should not be so straightforward and categorical in your relationships with people: it may happen that someday you will find yourself in their place, and you are unlikely to like their position.

If in a dream you folded an umbrella, this foreshadows the imminent resolution of some problem that has caused you a lot of anxiety and torment, and your loved ones and friends will help you with this.

Hiding under an umbrella - such a dream states that literally everything that happens around you has one first reaction - like an ostrich, hide your head in the sand.

Only later, after looking around, do you come to the conclusion that everything is not as bad as it immediately seemed to you.

I wonder where you have such fear of life, because everything that happens is life in its most diverse manifestations, which require comprehension and acceptance.

Buying an umbrella - such a dream predicts that something unknown will scare you, something that you have never encountered before, and something that will have very vague prospects.

Your fear may lead to a complete withdrawal from business, but this can hardly be called the optimal way out of the current situation.

It is better to seek help from people who could help you with your issue.

If in a dream you held an umbrella over some person, it means that you are protecting your loved ones, patronizing them, and you assumed these obligations of your own free will.

It always seems to you that if you weren’t around, something would certainly happen to your charges - an accident, a bomb explosion and other 33 misfortunes.

But has it ever occurred to you that excessive guardianship greatly suppresses your loved ones? They do not feel like free people, and this can upset your harmonious relationship, so there is reason to think about it.

Dream Interpretation - Umbrella

Umbrella - unrealistic hopes - silk - you will achieve respect - torn - you will fall into poverty - ladies' - support and help.

Dream Interpretation - Umbrella

To dream about how you take an umbrella with you when going outside means good and sunny weather.

Dream Interpretation - Umbrella

If you dream that it is raining and you have opened a bright umbrella, you will have an unconscious feeling that you have done something wrong.

Dream Interpretation - Umbrella

Giving a person an umbrella means breaking up with that person.

Dream Interpretation - Umbrella

Buying it means seeking protection from pursuers or hiding from annoying friends.

Losing it is an unforeseen event.

Seeing it torn out of your hands means dashed hopes.

Dream Interpretation - Umbrella

Silk - you will achieve value; torn - you will fall into poverty; ladies' - support and help

Dream Interpretation - Umbrella

pipe dreams, impossible hopes

Dream Interpretation - Umbrella

They will protect you and defend your good name.

Dream Interpretation - Umbrella

Protection from the enemy.

An umbrella was stolen

Dream Interpretation: An umbrella was stolen dreamed of why in a dream an umbrella was stolen? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see an umbrella stolen in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Umbrella

An umbrella seen in a dream foreshadows a quiet, secluded life with average income. Buying an umbrella means seeking protection from pursuers or hiding from annoying friends.

Losing an umbrella in a dream means that unforeseen circumstances will force you to cheat.

Finding or buying an umbrella in a dream means a threat of ruin as a result of robbery or fire.

If you see a large men’s umbrella in a dream, you will achieve recognition from your superiors; if it is a women’s folding umbrella, you will find support and support in your superiors.

A black or dark umbrella warns against the temptation to fall into fornication with co-workers. A colored or variegated umbrella means only joyful events await you ahead.

If your umbrella was stolen in a dream, in reality this speaks of disappointed hopes that will cause you a lot of trouble and anxiety. An open umbrella is a sign of threat, lies and violence; a folded umbrella is a sign of resigned submission. Walking under an open umbrella in the pouring rain means that in reality you will provide all possible help to your neighbors or friends.

Exchanging umbrellas with someone means a quarrel with friends or a loved one due to a misunderstanding. An old and holey umbrella means that in reality your actions will be misinterpreted, and your words will be twisted in the most unscrupulous way.

Walking into a rainstorm under a leaky umbrella means finding yourself alone and regretting your own rashness. Sitting under a large sun umbrella on the beach or at a table in a street cafe is a sign of unfulfilled dreams and unrealistic hopes.

Dream Interpretation - Umbrella

An umbrella, like any long object, is a symbol of the penis.

An open umbrella speaks of your lack of confidence in your sexual viability and attractiveness.

If you are hiding under an umbrella with someone, then you want to have sexual contact with him.

If you are hiding under an umbrella from the rain, then you want to have a baby.

If you are hiding under a sun umbrella, then you would like to reconsider your relationship with your sexual partner. It is possible that up to a showdown.

If you give away your umbrella, then you are indecisive in relationships with the opposite sex and are waiting for the first step from the other side.

If you admire someone's umbrella, then you are not sure of your attractiveness to women.

If a woman does this, then she selects a sexual partner for herself.

If a woman closes and folds her umbrella, then she does not want to enter into a sexual relationship without formalizing the relationship.

If a man folds his umbrella, then he is ready to immediately move from words to action.

An umbrella broken by a gust of wind symbolizes failure in personal affairs and a possible breakup with your partner.

Dream Interpretation - Umbrella

Seeing a sun umbrella in a dream means illicit pleasures for married people.

If a young woman has such a dream, she will flirt with many men, one of whom will cause her a lot of trouble and anxiety about the fate of her good name and her upcoming engagement to the other.

Carrying an umbrella in your hands is a sign of impending anxiety and annoyance.

Seeing others under umbrellas foretells your generous help to someone. If you ask someone for an umbrella or give away your own, then misunderstandings with friends and even resentment are possible. If your umbrella is torn or broken, then in real life you will be slandered. Your actions will be misinterpreted. Walking under a leaking umbrella is a harbinger of the pain that awaits you after a disagreement with a friend.

If you have opened a new umbrella over yourself, and the weather is clear and sunny, only good luck and joy await you ahead.

Dream Interpretation - Umbrella

Walking under an umbrella in sunny weather is a sign of good luck and independence.

Walking under an umbrella on a rainy day means a quiet, secluded life (dreams of more will remain unfulfilled).

Seeing yourself under an umbrella with your loved one means happiness, unclouded by anything.

Buying an umbrella is a sign of alarm.

Asking someone for an umbrella or giving your own means misunderstandings with loved ones.

Losing an umbrella means unforeseen events.

Letting it go (it was snatched from you) means unfulfilled hopes.

If you saw people under umbrellas in a dream, in reality you will selflessly help someone.

If the umbrella is torn or broken, misunderstanding of others awaits you, and if it leaks, you will suffer from loneliness and a quarrel with a loved one.

Dream Interpretation - Umbrella

An umbrella in your hands is a sign of impending anxiety and annoyance. Seeing others under umbrellas means you will show generosity towards people in need of help. If you ask someone for an umbrella or give it your own, misunderstandings with friends are possible. Walking under a leaking umbrella is a harbinger of a painful disagreement with a friend. Opening a new umbrella over yourself in clear, sunny weather means good luck and joy ahead.

Dream Interpretation - Umbrella

An open umbrella is a symbol of protection.

It shows that the dreamer is looking for shelter from the “bad weather of life.”

A closed umbrella is a Freudian phallic symbol.

Seeing an open umbrella means having a patron.

Breaking or losing an umbrella is a nuisance, a deception.

Buying an umbrella means meeting a man for women.

For men - improvement of affairs.

Dream Interpretation - Umbrella

An umbrella in a dream is a symbol of security. A dream about him calls you to be careful.

The quality of the umbrella determines your position in society. The more expensive it is, the better. A leaky, broken or lost umbrella means that you are defenseless against the storms of life. The larger the umbrella, the more protection your sleep promises. A giant umbrella means that there is a person behind you who will not leave you in trouble. If an umbrella of normal size and one that you use constantly is with you in a dream, then your fears are in vain and you should leave your worries. In your dream, look at who you are standing next to under the same umbrella. If this person is your business partner, then the business you have in mind will be successfully realized. Forgetting an umbrella in a dream is a sign that you will forget about caution. Seeing a beach umbrella in a dream or lying under it means that your frivolous behavior may damage your reputation. Seeing a new umbrella or receiving it as a gift is a sign of change for the better in your life. Finding an umbrella in a dream is a harbinger of an unusual incident that will leave a noticeable mark on your life. Taking away an umbrella in a dream is a sign that you will betray a loved one. If you dream that your umbrella was stolen, then your hopes will not come true.

Dream Interpretation - Umbrella

For married people, a dream about a sun umbrella foretells forbidden pleasures. A young girl who has such a dream should be careful. Her love of flirting may ruin her reputation. She will have many suitors and admirers, among whom there will be a person who can harm her and even contribute to her lover turning away from her. A torn umbrella promises trouble with your loved one. If the umbrella is leaking, this means that you will experience longing from separation from your loved one. However, a dream in which you opened an umbrella over yourself in sunny weather portends joy in love and happiness.

Dream Interpretation - Umbrella

Seeing an umbrella means you have many good friends.

If you open an umbrella, gifts from friends or good advice await you.

If you carry an umbrella, you feel vulnerable.

Carrying an umbrella means that you are vulnerable and need protection; if it is open, the meaning may be different from the sun - you have many close and loyal friends; open - receive many unexpected gifts or advice from your friends.

Dream Interpretation - Umbrella

Fortunately, good luck.

Opening a luminous umbrella over oneself means wealth and nobility.

Buying an umbrella means improving the state of your affairs.

Ladies' or rain - to a calm and secluded life with average income.

Losing an umbrella means an unforeseen situation.

An umbrella torn from your hands means unrealistic hopes.

You have an umbrella when it rains - you need to be careful when talking with women.

Hitting someone with an umbrella is unfortunately due to your own stupidity.



My father hands me a large man’s umbrella, black and lime green, but I don’t take it and go outside into the rain.


My husband and I were walking down the street, suddenly it started to rain, my husband had a pink and purple umbrella in his hands, he opened it and we ran towards some building, everything in a circle was in water, but we didn’t even wet our feet and walked inside this building between the puddles


I got into the woman’s car and put an umbrella on the seat, saying: “This is for you,” she:
“First of all, hello.” I left the car without answering anything.


I went out into the street with an open umbrella, but as I came out I realized that it was not raining and that all the people were walking without umbrellas, so I closed it and went. what is this for?


My husband and I are leaving the entrance of our house on the street, morning, good sunny weather, then darkness and I come out of the next entrance with a woman who works for my husband and she tells me you only doesn’t tell my wife (husband) what I’ll tell you, yesterday we rented at Edik’s for a walk . We went out and my husband was standing on the street in the morning, the weather was nice and sunny, and I had a closed lilac umbrella in my hands and I hit my husband in the face with it; there was a red spot on his face; he started yelling at me and telling me to go home. An unknown woman is watching all this from the side. I lose consciousness and fall face down on the dusty road, as if everything is happening in reality; he doesn’t care, he sits on a bench at the entrance and pretends not to notice anything. The stranger from behind lifts me up and I gradually come to my senses and go home. At home, his mother is sitting at the table in the kitchen, I say that he is cheating on me and lying, and she says, well, get a divorce, I don’t want you to live like I did with your husband. I decided to get a divorce.


Hello! I dreamed that I was buying an umbrella, gave the money, then the seller showed me the umbrella I bought, and it turned out to be large, made with a cane, the umbrella was very beautiful, with a black and white pattern and lace around the edges, but it didn’t suit me, so as it was big, and I was looking for a small folding one so that it would fit in my bag. And I started choosing for a long time, I came across pink ones with mother-of-pearl, but when I opened them they were all either inside out, or skewed, or I didn’t like the color. In the end, I asked for my money back. I remember 260 rudders. They returned my money and I left.


I dreamed that I was walking down the street in rainy weather in the evening. I'm terribly cold and I'm only wearing a dark-colored dress. I have someone else’s broken umbrella in my hands, and I’m looking for my umbrella. And I'm also looking for one person, or rather a guy. But I don’t remember who exactly.


I discussed umbrellas with men, how often we use an umbrella and that we can give an umbrella to a 10-year-old boy. in a dream I felt some bewilderment from the discussion


Yesterday, when I was leaving the house, it started to rain, but I didn’t have an umbrella with me, because I forgot it at work, but I was leaving the house with my father, and he gave me his umbrella, which he had in his car. In the evening, when I returned home, my parents spent half the evening telling me, how can this be, why did you forget to pick up your umbrella from work. Then I went to bed. I dreamed that I was looking for an umbrella, for some reason I came to the school from which I had already graduated a year ago, went into the locker room and saw 5-6 umbrellas in the drawers. All the umbrellas were dark, some of them were white or beige. All umbrellas were closed. Why could such a dream have occurred? Or is it just a residual phenomenon?


There is a meeting going on, I don’t know why our president V.V. is sitting at the table. Putin. Next to him is Chubais (but why not red hair, but dark hair). Chubais writes something on a piece of paper, gets up and puts the piece of paper in Putin’s pocket. V.V. reads, gets very irritated and, despite the speaker, begins to argue with Chubais. I realized that something was wrong with them and Chubais was washing his hands of V.V. He tells him “no, you’ll work for another year.” Then the street, it started to rain a little V.V. and I’m next to him, we open the umbrellas, both of them have holes in them, we connect them in places where they are more or less intact, and so we go, I’m on his terms. That he shouldn’t have flared up like that, then he would have expressed everything, and why should he leave you anyway, he works for the CIA.
I had such an interesting dream, with respect Nikolay e-mail [email protected]


Hello! I dreamed that I opened a large white umbrella and was holding it above me, planning to buy it. In my dream I tell my mother that the umbrella looks like a wedding umbrella, even though it is very large, I praise how beautiful it is. Unfortunately, I don’t remember exactly whether I bought it or not, I think I bought it...


Grandmother stood near our house. (Such a mood to go somewhere and decide what to do.) In a hole. Although I didn’t see any snow. I approached her. she called my name. (I missed her voice. And even in a dream. I don’t know. I was glad to hear her) she said: - Askar, buy yourself a watch. I didn't answer. then she asked to call a taxi. A white car drove up; my acquaintances (friends, friends) were sitting in it; its doors were open. She quickly approached it and (half-bent over, shaking her head back and forth) began to look at those who were in this car. (I felt a little ashamed) I said: “Well, this is not a taxi.” and everything evaporated. Then we cross the street (the reason for her death was inattention. The car and the driver.) I hold her tightly by the hand (I’m afraid that something will happen again) everything is fine, we pass. further. We are walking towards the house (only the area is unfamiliar to me.) It is raining. she is no longer in the hole. her hair is ruined. I saw that she had an umbrella. and I say even give me an umbrella. she gives it to me. I open it (it’s not round, but half-crooked-square) and I see that it’s leaking on one side (there’s a small hole), she tells me that it’s bad and the umbrella disappears. Further (horror)
There is a crowd of men standing near the benches, some are sitting. there were shovels and brooms in their hands. all this on ice. grandma (I feel like she’s drunk) comes up to them. They chase her away, I quickly approach and begin to defend her (drag her away) and quarrel with someone. he says bad things about his grandmother in Kazakh. I say almost the same thing to them. everything is in full swing. someone hits me with the handle of a shovel on my legs (there is ice under my feet) and I almost fall, but manage to move away. and we leave. in front of us is a hill without stairs but with railings. I'm up first. having forgotten about my grandmother. I turn around. I see that she is falling. I'm going down to get her. We slowly climb up holding the railing. everything disappears. I am getting up.


I dreamed that I was walking down the street and opening a large, beautiful, new umbrella over me. My son and nephews come with me and I cover everyone with my umbrella


I saw how with difficulty I took two brand new umbrellas, bright orange, from the closet? these weren't my umbrellas, but I could take them


I was in a store where they sell umbrellas with some man, and we stood near the counter where all the umbrellas were made with parasol, and I was choosing between blue and transparent


I dreamed of a lot of umbrellas, they were of different colors, from black to white, they allowed me to choose one of them as a gift.


Hello! I dreamed that my man from a dream was picking up an umbrella for me, when he bought it for me, it was large in size, then it turned out that it was full of holes, we are returning it…….., and I show him another umbrella, how I actually have, but he waved his hand and left...., I follow him, but another man stops me and wants to buy me an umbrella......


zdravstvujte,mne snilos,cto ja zabila ciornij zont v avtobuse,v kotorim exali moja nedobrozelatelnica s materju.pri vstrece s nedobrozelatelnicoj ja sprosila u nejo,gde moj zont,na cto ona otvetila,cto zont zabrala ejo mat,ja pitalas naiti zont, no mne ne udalos.


I found a huge automatic umbrella in my house with different functions. It was so interesting to open and close it! The umbrella is beautiful, bright and very large, simply huge. I ask, whose is this? Vitalkin, they say. And my mother, the deceased, enters the room, I tell her, “Look at the umbrella!” And she is good.


I dreamed about my director, she was getting ready to go on a trip, she was sad, there were dark clouds on the horizon. I asked her if she took an umbrella with her, to which the answer was no. I offered her mine (it was broken). she took him

Malova Natalya:

I want to buy children’s umbrellas at the market, I check them and they are all broken, then I bought one and gave it to a gypsy, and I dreamed about paper money, a lot


Hello). I was on stage at a rehearsal (a real place. Rehearsals actually took place there. when I lived in this city).
There were several umbrellas lying on the stage, standing open.
Several of them were very bright and colorful. I took a large one and began to circle it in different ways. when I raised it above me, it turned out to be very large, I think more than a meter in radius only. But the feelings were good, wonderful. I was happy)


I dreamed of a man I know. he's gone. I see him in a white T-shirt. then I take his large black umbrella and put it in the closet on the top shelf.


I dreamed of an ex-boyfriend with whom I reluctantly said hello, then I dreamed of an umbrella that was broken by the person who gave me this umbrella.


I swam in the lake with an open umbrella. I was afraid that the umbrella would sink in. The umbrella rustled me. There were pieces of ice floating in the water, but I wasn’t cold


Hello! I dreamed that I was buying a cane umbrella because the old one was broken. I choose between black and blue. The black umbrella is ordinary, round, with a slightly larger cane. a blue one is huge with four spokes and domed. in the dream I never chose an umbrella. The dream was gloomy, but not scary.


I stood looking at the sky, it was raining a little, the sun was shining from behind the clouds and it was as if a red umbrella with broken spokes was flying above me...


I was on a business trip with a former employee and friend. We were in some kind of store where there were a lot of closed umbrellas with price tags and cosmetics. There was no one there except my friend and I. I stole a pink umbrella, for some reason I decided that it was the pink one that I really needed. I didn't open it, I just put it in my bag. I was happy with this umbrella


I had to fly with the help of something to some area where they were waiting for me. At first I rode the lift, but I didn’t feel comfortable and was somehow cool and scared. I found an umbrella from nowhere and opened it. And without fear of anything she flew with him. The weather immediately cleared up, it was sunny, the sky was blue and there were pleasant white clouds. I rose higher, then a little lower, and the umbrella helped me fly easily and naturally. I felt some kind of joy and warmth. And I began to smoothly descend with the umbrella, it was very smooth, as if it was intended to be so. Having gone downstairs, I immediately found myself in some cafe, where I saw my boyfriend, who told me that I had an excellent blouse. He was in a dream with a smile and I woke up to this)


I had a dream that my old boss asked me for an umbrella and I don’t know which one to give him and I say that I don’t have an umbrella and I have three of them and in the end I found him some other umbrella and gave it to him


I was walking down the street and met my mother with people at the bus stop. Then it started to rain. I didn't have an umbrella and I found it on the bench. She took it and went further with the people. Then I broke the umbrella handle, which was loose and could barely hold on, and a heavy downpour began, under which I was soaked to the skin.


I dreamed that I was walking under a broken umbrella. Then my friend came up and covered me with his. I seemed to like her before (but these are just my guesses)


Hello Tatiana! I saw myself in a dream standing in a veil under an umbrella, and I was spinning, as if I saw myself from the outside and I was wearing beautiful makeup and smiled at passers-by and the warm rain was drizzling, but not for long.

Your name is Tatyana:

A young woman divorced from her husband had a dream that she opened an umbrella in the toilet and shook off raindrops from the umbrella into the toilet, why did she dream?


Dream: from a box of umbrellas I chose one that I liked (light, with uneven edges like a star). I liked it, started looking closely, had problems with the knitting needle, twisted it and inserted it.


I remember that she offered to give the girl her dark burgundy umbrella, which she allegedly found, then she rummaged through some old things


I'm walking down the street in a very good mood, in my hands I have many, many, 20 umbrellas and all of different colors, very beautiful


I dreamed that one young man invited me for a walk. I said it was possible. Then we somehow ended up at my school, where I now study. We walked up the stairs and then I gave him the pink umbrella that I was holding in my hands. And then I noticed that he also had a pink umbrella in his hands. We were standing on the stairs and I saw my classmate and my classmate going down and holding a pink umbrella in their hands. Although the weather in my dream was beautiful. Then we went up to the classroom and there the picture was vague, I did something and the picture of the dream changed. We stood at the trunk of the car and I took out a bag of flour and told this young man to carry it. He took it and said that I was using it. The picture changed again. I walked along the street and saw a five-story building, and on each floor of this house I saw my former comrades. Only on one floor where an acquaintance of mine, whom I liked at that moment, was supposed to be. It was not him, but his mother, who was quickly getting ready to go somewhere. And then I realized that I was completely indifferent to the young man who invited me on a date at the beginning of the dream. Then I also walked along the street and there I noticed that a movie was being filmed, where the above-mentioned mother was filming, she was constantly running around, and I realized that I was really using that young man and that I didn’t need him. outfits. At the end with


I was walking under an umbrella, it was raining. As soon as I began to approach the mountain, which is twice as large as me, the umbrella flies out of my hands and flies upward in an unknown direction. Then, I asked my friends to buy me an umbrella (in the corridor I found 3 umbrellas, different, one of them was purchased. Returning to the same place with a new umbrella, I climbed the mountain and slid down it. And then I see that my old umbrella returns and flies from above to the ground, while scooping up dirt from the puddle. The dream ends, I don’t have time to pick it up, but I was glad that he returned.


He brought a ruble bag with pieces of fresh meat from the store and put it on the floor. My wife’s old aunt, bent with a cane, began to rummage through the bag of meat with this cane. Seeing this, he began to swear at her (not obscenely) and drive her away. She doesn't pay attention. I take an umbrella and push her and hit her with the umbrella. She recoiled against the wall, turned around, I saw the face of another woman - large, dark, shaggy hair and hissed like a vampire. the wife runs in asking what’s going on here. I tell her, look what she does.


Hello! My name is Ruslan. Last night in a dream I was repairing a black umbrella. I would like to interpret my dream with your help. Thank you in advance for your help.


Hello. I dreamed that I could fly, and I was flying, grasping with my hands something like a dome with a handle, like an umbrella. I run and take off. The feeling of flying is so good, I feel such lightness within myself.


the man handed over several umbrellas. they were very closed. but it is clear that they are very expensive and of good quality


I dreamed that I was walking with my friend and my ex-boyfriend somewhere on the street. Suddenly, I want to take away the umbrella from a woman passing by, but she doesn’t give it back, and we start pulling the umbrella, each towards us. And it breaks. I still have the umbrella stick itself and a piece of the fabric from which it was made. After that, my friends and I went to look for the missing parts for this umbrella, I wanted to repair it (and my ex-boyfriend was wearing the umbrella).


Good morning! I dreamed that I was walking with my black cane umbrella in gloomy weather. I passed the underground passage and moved on, but discovered that I was already walking without an umbrella. He came to his senses, went the opposite way to look for him and found him in that same underground passage, which for some reason suddenly became more cramped, dark and mysterious. The umbrella was not lying on the ground/floor, but in some secluded place, and next to it were 3 more cane umbrellas, but smaller and weaker than mine: also black, light gray and beige-brown. I took 2 umbrellas in each hand and calmly and proudly went out into the street with them. For some reason, I decided that these umbrellas were not strangers: either my old ones (although in my life, except for the black small and large ones, there were no others), or my close friends to whom I would pass them on. In general, there was confusion with the owners of the umbrellas, but I didn’t really care. By the way, after the umbrellas (when I was already at home in the dream), I dreamed of a dragonfly. It was as if she had flown into the apartment into the kitchen and was buzzing loudly. I tried to kick her out using liberal means and nothing worked. It was a shame to kill. Moreover, it was crowded in the kitchen with my relatives, and I was afraid of damaging the chandelier, which made the operation of sending the dragonfly out of the window into the street much more difficult. So she remained buzzing near the chandelier on the ceiling. A couple of years ago, in the summer, I also dreamed of a huge wasp in the same spirit: it flew into the kitchen, flew aggressively and did not get rid of it. But she didn't bite me.


I'm riding on the bus and I have my colorful sun umbrella in my hands, which I actually have, and getting off the bus, the door closes in front of me and I remember that I left the umbrella on the bus, I turn around and want to stop the bus as it moves, but it drives away with my umbrella


In the store I decided to look at a very expensive umbrella, I had no intention of buying it. I started to open it, it turned out to be faulty, it didn’t work well, it was somehow crooked. In general, sometimes it worked fine, sometimes it worked poorly.


Hello, my name is Evgenia, I dreamed on the night from Saturday to Sunday that I found in my closet an indescribably beautiful red umbrella with flowers, folded, I did not open it.


I dreamed of my dead mother, as if she had brought a new umbrella to my son as a gift, and I didn’t understand a helmet.


I was at my grandmother's house. I just sat and looked out the window in front of me when my mother came to us. Just a few minutes later it started to rain. I wanted to go home, but I didn’t have an umbrella. I opened the closet, on the top shelves of which were various umbrellas. They were all dark, cool colors, but the brightest of them, blue with blue patterns, caught my attention. My mother came up to me and told me that I couldn’t take him because... it belongs to her and I should get another one. My grandmother offered me her dark, shabby umbrella, but I refused and decided to go home without an umbrella. At this point the dream ended.


I am crossing a wide road with two open umbrellas over my head (one black, the other light). The water is dirty even with snow (like during a thaw). There are two meters left to the sidewalk and the depth increases and a large bus starts moving, but it let me through. I walked out onto the sidewalk clean and dry


Hello! I stole an umbrella in a dream because mine was broken and I was afraid that my mother would scold me. I stole the umbrella and went home from school. and on the way home I opened it, it was light pink))


I held the umbrella over my head and walked down the street, then I met an old woman / now deceased / and I gave it to her and wanted to take it away, but I already woke up


Hello!..my daughter had a dream..as if I was coming out of the entrance..and giving her my umbrella..it’s not raining outside..morning..sunny..please tell me what this could mean?...previously, me too I saw a dream.. dad opened an umbrella over me.. and we went for a walk barefoot.. it was sunny, after the rain... after this dream, I decided to convert to Christianity, dad is a Christian... could my daughter’s dream somehow relate to me and my decision ?..and what does it mean to her? (she is 11 years old)…I hope for an answer..Thank you!


First I was in the house. Me, my cousin and grandmother. We were going somewhere. It was winter, there were large snowdrifts. The brother walked in a shirt and trousers. I was dressed warmer. The three of us walked. Together. The brother was walking under an umbrella. Then the grandmother began to move forward. Leave quickly and as if into the darkness. My brother gave me an umbrella. I decided to close it, but the umbrella did not close. He's broken. The brother admitted that he was the one who broke the umbrella. We decided that when we got there, we would fix it. Then I noticed that I was no longer walking in a jacket, but, like my brother, in a white shirt and black trousers. It sounds absurd, but then we met enemies from a computer game that I often play. We started shooting back. I saw it from a gamer's perspective. I had a computer mouse in my hands and I was very passionate about it. Then it was time for the “bosses.” I was transported into the game itself, so to speak, but I could no longer shoot, but only run away. There were three bosses. The first was tall, blue, with torn out eyes and disheveled hair. All I remember about the second one is that he had no nose. And the third looked like a cute Turk in a red down jacket. At first he was wearing a Panama hat, and then just with a slicked-down mohawk. I was standing on the balcony. The one without the nose was the first to chase me. By the way, he also had no eyes. He climbed onto the balcony and grabbed my nose. I managed to escape. I don’t remember my brother nearby. I managed to jump onto some kind of canopy. But the “boss” chased after me. Then I jumped to the ground and ran some distance. I tried to heal myself, but there were no bandages. Then I ran to the snowdrift, hoping to hide behind it. A Turk in a red down jacket blocked my path. He said something like: “Well, come here!” Then I suddenly needed to change the SIM card in my phone, and I asked for a break. The Turk’s phone also rang. He stopped. I woke up


There was a little rain outside, I went out with an umbrella, met my best friend with an umbrella, we went out into the yard and she left me somewhere, but I stayed


ja kogda to odolzhila zontik podruge i vo sne mne prisnilos, vse bylo tak tumanno i mama mojej podrugi vsunula mne zontik, on cernyj, i skazala, vot derzhi.
podruga ochen xoroshaja, seichas u menja zhizni ne vse gladko, k chemu etot son? thank you


I dreamed that I was walking in the crowd to some kind of concert or performance. In my hands I have a closed umbrella, which my friend’s adult daughter gave me to carry. I’m also wearing the dress she gave me, it’s kind of uncomfortable and not my size...


me and my mother, we walked along a dark street and talked about how I never bought myself an umbrella and I saw in a rich house in the window a large open closet and there were a lot of different umbrellas, but they were all beautiful new ones, we climbed through window on the sill mom was on guard and I took the umbrella, opened it and praised how beautiful and comfortable they were, they were different, but I remembered only one translucent light blue color on a long leg and there was lace around it, then the hostess saw us, we ran away and laughed


I dreamed of several umbrellas - one was green - open, one black closed and one umbrella-cane.


I was sitting, my mother came up behind me and handed me a closed colored umbrella with a sharp end.


Closed umbrellas of three different colors 1 pink 2 green I don’t remember the third one. And a friend stood next to her and she had an open umbrella


I dreamed that I had my own umbrella, but then it was either broken or stolen and I began to lament about it. Then I’m in a room with some woman and her husband appears and we all walk, he seems to imperceptibly hug me around the waist. I feel awkward. Then the wife walks somewhere forward, and we see a shop selling colorful, expensive umbrellas. He suddenly offers to buy it for me. I'm surprised and refuse. And then we go and meet the body of a man, half sticking out of the asphalt, suddenly it comes to life and seems to kill this man and then pursues me. I understand that this is a terrible maniac and I am very afraid of him. Then I’m already at work, it seems, and I’m complaining about him to my good (actually) boss.


I saw large bright umbrellas, very beautiful, I opened them and admired them


my late mother asked me to take an umbrella... but for some unknown reason I didn’t take it


I dreamed that I was wearing very beautiful rubber boots under an umbrella of exactly the same color. Both the boots and the umbrella have a print of some Italian city. But there is no rain and the weather is sunny.


Hello! From Sunday to Monday I dreamed of colorful umbrellas falling from the sky and sparkling chandeliers. What could this mean?


I saw the sea with a strong wind without rain and someone gave and opened a huge beautiful beige umbrella, it seems like a wishing woman


I dreamed that I opened an umbrella during the rain, and it was broken. I had a friend with me, he had another umbrella, but he didn’t share


My husband and son and I were sitting at a table in the garden. It’s warm, the sky is bright, there’s no rain, and suddenly a woman in a black dress slowly walks past us, she begins to open her umbrella, although there’s no rain. He opens the umbrella, it is black, very large when opened, even huge, and leaves completely.


I went to my bag, opened it and saw my umbrella (which I now carry - black) and an old umbrella (green)


I dreamed that I came home, and my late husband was alive!, as if he had come from a business trip, cheerful, cooking pasta, and as always brought gifts from a business trip, I look in the bag and see his ordinary black umbrella and a large unusual umbrella, with two legs like a big beach umbrella, the color of the umbrella is pearly turquoise, I hold it in my hands and don’t know how to open it?


I dreamed that I was aware that I was well aware that I had lost my umbrella a long time ago, and then standing on the street talking to a man, I said that I don’t have an umbrella, I lost it a long time ago, and then I take out a blue umbrella from my bag and I say, “oh wonderful, I found some kind of umbrella, it will be mine now,” I tear it up, and some of the fabric stripes fell off the knitting needles, we quickly fixed it and the umbrella became like new.
I would like to know what this dream means, since it’s been spinning in my head all day


During the day I dreamed of an open umbrella.
, as if I were taking it off the display and buying it. Bright, rich colors (there were red, yellow, black or dark blue and some other colors, white too)


Hello, my name is Denis, I’m 25 years old, I was flying with the help of an umbrella around my yard where I live, doing this several times calmly falling to the ground and rising again, at one point the umbrella folded and I fell from a small height, but then I flew again, I flew about level of the 5th floors, the umbrella was multi-colored, and I liked this activity.


I opened a large umbrella in front of my beloved tall man. Why is this?


I was walking in the rain, someone was holding an umbrella, I felt that they were envying me, I was pleased tamara.lunevskaya @mail.ru


The umbrella is a powerful symbol. It means shelter, protection. But at the same time, this object can symbolize the dreamer’s desire to escape, to hide from everyday problems. Why might you dream of an umbrella? Help you find the answer to this question various dream books.

Psychologist A. Megenetti explains the image of an umbrella as a symbol of refuge. You can hide under it from the sun and rain. These are the elements that the author considers to be fundamental elements of everyday life. As a result, such an object in a dream is interpreted as a desire to hide from reality. Shuvalova supports this opinion, but adds important detail- such a desire to isolate oneself from life may be associated with unrequited love that depletes the dreamer.

Interpretations from other dream books:

  • for children - soon you will be actively defending yourself from troubles or ill-wishers;
  • psychotherapeutic - the desire to find refuge, to distance oneself from real life;
  • XXI century - great happiness, great success in different areas;
  • Wanderer - loneliness, the desire to isolate yourself from the world and understand yourself;
  • Azara and the modern one are a symbol of empty hopes and unfulfilled dreams;
  • esoteric - you will feel a need or find yourself in an unexpected situation that requires large expenses, and you will have to ask other people to lend you money;
  • spring - other people will defend your good name;
  • gypsy - now you are very vulnerable and need support.
  • The round shape of the umbrella symbolizes the disk of the sun, the spokes are images of the rays of the heavenly body. This is peculiar connecting link between heaven and earth. The handle represents the axis mundi symbol.

    Most often, an umbrella in a dream is interpreted as a desire to be protected

    Who saw an umbrella in a dream

    For a young woman, an umbrella portends flirting with several gentlemen. One of the men is capable of greatly ruining her reputation and breaking up the dreamer’s upcoming engagement to her lover. Also, for a representative of the fair sex, this image can symbolize the fear of an unwanted pregnancy.

    The interpretation of sleep for women depends on the status of the dreamer:

  • for a lonely young lady to buy an umbrella in a dream - to a pleasant acquaintance with an interesting man;
  • the same plot for a married lady - to a new round of relations with her husband;
  • For a pregnant woman, the object is a symbol of her fears about the upcoming birth; share your experiences with your spouse, he will make sure that you are calm about the future.
  • For a woman, a dream with an umbrella portends a romantic acquaintance

    For married man an umbrella in a dream is a symbol of forbidden pleasures. If it was elegant and intended for the fair sex, the subconscious signals complete dependence on the spouse. You feel like you are simply fulfilling your wife's wishes, but not fulfilling yourself or supporting your own interests.

    In Buddhism, an umbrella symbolizes greatness, nobility and supreme power. In Asia, high-ranking officials were sheltered with umbrellas from the scorching rays of the sun and rain.

    An umbrella in a dream for an unmarried person is a warning. Be careful when dealing with women. Rash words or actions can get you into big trouble. Did the guy dream of an elegant lady's umbrella? He is afraid of the company of beautiful ladies. It’s worth pulling yourself together and working on your self-confidence.

    The interpretation of the dream may also depend on the man’s occupation:

  • entrepreneurs - your company is waiting rapid development and prosperity;
  • for hired workers - an increase in salary or promotion.
  • What do you dream about depending on the number and appearance of the umbrella?

    Many dream books interpret a rain umbrella as a need for shelter and support. If it is intended for protection from the sun, this is a symbol that you have many good, loyal friends. You can rely on them in any situation.

    How many of these objects have you seen in your dreams? The meaning of the dream depending on the number of mechanical devices:

  • one is the desire for privacy and protection;
  • two or three - acquaintances or friends may soon turn to you for help, do not refuse them;
  • a lot - to stunning luck, a period of bold achievements begins.
  • The meaning of the dream largely depends on whose hands you saw the umbrella in. If you carried this item yourself, you will soon feel anxiety and annoyance. If you dreamed of it in the hands of other people, someone will need your help or support, and you will generously fulfill the request.

    One umbrella in a dream symbolizes the desire for solitude

    It is also important what kind of umbrella was in the dream:

  • luminous - to wealth, promotion social status;
  • ladies' - a quiet life in solitude with average profits awaits you;
  • beautiful, bright - to success and a feeling of safety and security;
  • silk - according to the medium Hasse, you will achieve recognition;
  • lace - time to reduce demands and live within your means.
  • An open umbrella, according to Medea’s dream book, is a sign of protection, a strong patron. You are looking for shelter from life's troubles. Most likely, you need the support of other people. Contact your family or friends - under their care you can wait out the bad weather in your life and gain strength in calm circle people who love you. Closed is a phallic symbol and is interpreted depending on other details of the dream.

    A damaged umbrella in a dream is considered not a very good sign:

  • leaking - to a painful quarrel with a loved one;
  • torn or broken - they will slander you and spread unkind rumors about you;
  • if it was a rain umbrella, someone or something will ruin your holiday.
  • A broken umbrella in a dream means slander

    Interpretations depending on the color of the umbrella:

  • white - soon you will go on a business trip, make a trip related to business, and it will be successful;
  • red - you dream of a passionate relationship and mutual love;
  • black - you will be entrusted with a responsible task, which you will cope with, and you will receive a decent reward for good work;
  • multi-colored - for joyful events.
  • If in a dream you walked in the rain with a bright umbrella, you will be disturbed by the feeling that you did the wrong thing.

    The meaning of the dreamer's actions

    The most popular and natural plot of a dream in which an umbrella is present is to hide under it from the rain. This image means that it is important to be more careful in communication. Especially if your interlocutors are female.

    If in a dream someone offered you an umbrella in case of rain, but it never came, in reality someone pretends to patronize you, but this is a lie. It could be just bragging or more serious problem: betrayal or involvement in dirty play.

    Chakras are human energy centers located along the spine; followers of tantric teaching compare them not to balls, but to umbrellas.

    It was raining in a dream, and you asked for someone’s umbrella? The series of troubles will end. Everything will end favorably for you. If a representative of the opposite sex sheltered you from bad weather, you will soon meet a person who will become a reliable and faithful life partner.

    You didn’t ask for an umbrella, but rudely took this item away from someone? In the near future, you will be forced to limit your communication with others and will spend a lot of time surrounded by only four walls.

    Dreaming of hiding from the rain under an umbrella with a member of the opposite sex marks a fateful meeting

    Interpretations of other actions with this item:

  • asking someone - to misunderstandings with friends;
  • to give or give to another - according to the dream book of Prince Zhou Gong, you are about to part; if the gift was a sun umbrella, a whirlwind holiday romance awaits you;
  • open above yourself when the sun is shining - to good luck and pleasant events; according to the gypsy dream book, friends will delight you with unexpected gifts;
  • break or lose - to troubles or deception, an unforeseen situation;
  • hitting someone with it means misunderstandings that you will incur on yourself through your own rash actions;
  • drop it and get it dirty - you will find yourself looking unsightly in front of people who are your authority.
  • Purchasing this item has several meanings. For women this plot foretells interesting acquaintance. If the dreamer is male, things will soon improve significantly for him.

    Flying on an umbrella, like Mary Poppins or the fabulous Ole Lukoje - such a dream portends change. You will move, change your job, or change something else in your life. Don't worry and cling to the old, the changes will be beneficial for you.

    In Laos, an umbrella is an integral symbol of burial rites. This item is placed on a hill and it is believed that with its help the soul can ascend to heaven.

    In a dream, were you on the beach and set up a sun umbrella there? You will soon have a good rest. Perhaps you were planning a vacation or trip, but were not sure that the plans would come true. Don't worry, you will enjoy your vacation.

    Interpretation of other dreams about umbrellas

    If this item is snatched from your hands, you are flattering yourself with unrealistic hopes. This object was carried away not by a person, but by a gust of wind? The dream is a hint for you: be more decisive! Perhaps you have been planning an important event for a long time, but you didn’t have the courage to take decisive steps. Now is the time to fulfill your plans.

    Have you dreamed of an incredible event: many umbrellas descending from the sky? Great joy awaits you. This may be the fulfillment of an old dream, or something will happen that you never dared to dream about. Either way, you'll be delighted.

    Umbrellas that descend from heaven dream of fulfillment cherished dream

    An umbrella falling into the river means the resolution of your problems even without your participation. Everything will be corrected and resolved as if by itself. Therefore, be calm and rely on fate - life will arrange everything the best way.

    In Buddhism, the umbrella is one of the eight symbols of the Good Faith.

    Did the umbrella get knocked over due to strong winds? The subconscious signals that you are distracted from your plans and are losing sight of the main thing. Now it is important to decide what actions will lead you to your goal, give up trifles and focus on what will lead to the desired result.

    As a rule, an umbrella in a dream is interpreted as a desire to find support and protection. Perhaps you now need friendly advice or just warm communication with people who love you. There may be various adversities in life: a terrible downpour of failures, the scorching heat of stagnation in business... This is normal, strive to find the good in any situation, no matter what happens.