Why do you dream about the big owl bird? Owl with chicks - the meaning of sleep. Maly Velesov dream book

IN real life an owl is a bird of prey, and in a dream it is, accordingly, considered an alarming symbol that warns in advance of possible problems. However, in addition to the above, the owl symbolizes not only wisdom, but also life experience dreamer To more accurately decipher what owls dream about, you need to remember what the bird looked like, what it did, and much more.

We study the dream book: owl. Why do you dream about an owl?

In most cultures, the owl symbolizes wisdom, life experience and great intelligence. Very often, the appearance of a bird in a dream is associated with longevity and knowledge. As a rule, a dreaming bird interprets problems that do not exist in reality, but indicates what awaits the sleeping person both in the near and distant future. But in order to understand why an owl dreams in a dream, you need to be able to listen to your feelings and state of both mental and physical health.

Owl screams in his sleep

You can take that dream when you dream of a dull owl hooting as a warning. Perhaps the sleeper will be in physical danger in the near future, so it is recommended not to walk on the street in the dark. But you shouldn’t dwell on the bad, because it hasn’t happened yet, which means troubles can be avoided.

Meeting with an owl

If in a dream an owl attacks a sleeping person, then this fact indicates that there is a cunning and intelligent enemy around, trying to destroy plans.

If, while walking in a dream, the sleeping person sees a small owlet or an adult owl, then this means that there is a wise person surrounded by him who is able to give truly practical advice. It is recommended to listen to the opinions of loved ones.

To tame or make friends with a bird in a dream indicates that the person sleeping by nature is not only a wise, but also an experienced person who can independently cope with many everyday troubles and find a way out of even the most difficult life situations.

If an owl flies past in a dream, this may signal illness, misfortune or fear. A more accurate interpretation depends on how the sleeper reacts to the bird in a dream. If negative emotions are present, then you can hardly expect anything good.

Watch the owl

Seeing an owl in a dream, but not being associated with it. means not only philosophical reflection, but also discovery and gaining new experience. In rare cases, it indicates that the sleeper’s life is spent alone.

The peculiarity of the owl is that although it symbolizes wisdom and great intelligence, when explaining such dreams, in most cases this can often be interpreted against the person who had the particular dream. For example, if an owl caught a mouse in a dream, then this indicates that some secret will soon be exposed, which, most likely, will not be made public in the most favorable light.

Conversation with an owl

If you dream of a conversation with an owl, then it is important to remember what the bird said. As a rule, what is said indicates the future, distant or near. It also means that wisdom will have to be shown in the near future, and the speech uttered by the owl may indicate a possible course of thought. In any case, even if the dream was negative, it is strongly recommended to remain calm and confident. Fear can only aggravate problems and never help solve them.

The appearance of such a symbol in a dream as an owl, regardless of the plot and specific situation, can have both a positive and negative meaning.

Positive interpretation

To more accurately interpret what an owl or eagle owl dreams about, you need to be smart. Very often, after such a dream, a person must show wisdom in solving any problems. It is also possible that a difficult situation in life has existed for a long time, and in order to resolve it, you need to carefully consider all your steps, and not act spontaneously.

Very often, a dream about an owl indicates the need to learn in real life in any situation to recognize the truth and see what others may not notice. If you look into another dream book (we want to find out why an owl is dreaming), this dream means that a network of intrigue is being woven around a person. And if you dream of an owl with owlets in a nest, then such a dream will mean not only an increase in size wages, but also rapid progress in career ladder. Let's talk about this in more detail.

When an owl in a dream is a messenger of good

An owl flying during daylight hours indicates that the sleeper will be able to overcome everything with ease. possible difficulties, which will arise on life path. After such a dream, you can be completely sure that the dangers that befall you will be avoided.

Seeing an owl with prey in a dream promises quick release from troubles and various minor problems. If in a dream the sleeping person found a small owlet in the forest, then in real life he will soon receive a wise and good advice solving many problems. The answer to the question of why owls and owlets dream is the interpretation that in the near future the dreamer will find his place in life. If at this stage the sleeper is actually faced with a difficult choice, then such a dream recommends paying attention to what close people say on a specific occasion.

Complete mutual understanding with a person is what it means and what it means to dream of an owl sitting on him. There may be such a scenario that you will be taken over strong feelings, which we had never dreamed of before. Also, having seen such a dream, the sleeper will soon be able to establish relationships with the one with whom he was in a quarrel.

The first sign that you need to take care of your health and go through as soon as possible medical examination, will be indicated by a dream where an owl sits on the sleeping body. There is a risk that it will develop serious illness, but by doing a timely examination, it can be overcome - this is what owls dream about in this case. It follows from this that the bird is a possible salvation from the disease.

To understand why you dream of an owl in your hands, it is recommended to consider it in this case as prey. Such a dream is considered favorable and will soon guarantee the destruction of evil, despite certain difficulties.

Negative interpretation of sleep

Very often, an owl in a dream serves as a herald of one or another danger:

  • in the near future you may not think about possible prosperity, you may not count on the successful course of events in any endeavor;
  • whoever sees an owl in a dream faces illness, loneliness, dishonor and misfortune;
  • in the area where the sleeping person lives, a dangerous viral epidemic will soon appear that will infect and kill many people;
  • on the day after the dream you should be afraid of failure and losses;
  • a person who sees an owl in a dream may be attacked by robbers, enemies can not only secretly slander, but also use his position for their own mercantile purposes (one should be wary of events that may pose a threat to life);
  • situations may arise that will entail shock and shock;
  • there is excessive negative guardianship of a woman, which does not provide the opportunity to show wisdom and experience;
  • In reality, you may feel overworked, unwell, insomnia, and thoughts of death may appear.

Let's look at each possible option in more detail.

Anyone who saw a flying owl in their house may be in for trouble in the near future. The dead owl serves as a symbol of unrequited love. Seeing a stuffed bird is a warning that you will soon have to answer for your mistakes, as they say, pay the bills, and there will simply be no other way out of this possible situation.

If in a dream the sleeping person hears the hoot of a bird, then such a vision promises trouble. An owl ate from the body of a sleeping person in a dream - this indicates that in real life there is an insidious and very smart enemy who is preparing some actions that can disrupt all plans for the future.

A symbol of unfulfilled desires and loss of life potential will be a dream of seeing an owl in a dream, locked in a cage. We can conclude that the sleeper will not be able to complete things already started.

A dream where an owl without feathers indicates mental disharmony, that is, in real life something happened that brought a person out of peace of mind.

Owl sitting on a tree

The answer to the question of why an owl in a tree dreams is the following: the dream is considered a harbinger of poverty. If a bird sits in a room, this foreshadows a period of prolonged troubles and difficulties.

A dream in which the sleeper saw a hunting owl symbolizes fears and self-doubt. This dream makes it clear that because of his phobias a person cannot live a normal life.

What does it mean when you dream of an owl, and the person sleeping in the dream kills it? But here everything is simple - the plans will never become reality. To be more precise, a person cannot solve his problems.

You also need to remain vigilant when an owl catches a mouse in a dream. Such a dream warns that someone has managed to reveal the deepest secret of the sleeper and is trying to use it contrary to morality.

What does it mean when you dream about an owl and it also screams? And this dream says that in the future the sleeper will experience a huge loss. If a bird loomed in front of your face, it could portend the illness of a loved one. The dream where an owl flew overhead also has this meaning.

A large number of owls in a dream prophesies evil that the sleeper will face in the near future. It is recommended to turn your attention to those around you, among whom there may be a dark personality who dreams of doing harm in every possible way.

What color is the bird?

If in a dream the sleeper sees a winged predator gray, then this portends good news, reasonable decisions, the discovery of something new that can change life for the better.

To understand why a black owl dreams, you need to carefully rethink many of your values. As a rule, information immediately arises that will help re-evaluate recently experienced events from a completely different point of view.

A variegated owl is considered a sure sign that the sleeper will soon be forced to do not entirely pleasant things.

Other sources, when asked why you dream of an owl in the house, regardless of its color, interpret that an accident will soon happen to unfamiliar people. Therefore, it is important again to pay attention to your emotions received during sleep.

Why do you dream about a white owl?

In almost all cases, the appearance of a white owl in a dream is considered the most favorable symbol. But in order to more accurately interpret the dream, it is necessary to take into account its other nuances. For example, if the dream did not cause fear, then a successful meeting awaits the person ahead, which will bring many only the most positive emotions and surprises. Sometimes such a significant date can turn your whole life upside down. better side and completely change your worldview.

If a bird looked threatening in a dream, then there is no need to expect anything good. The dream foreshadows disagreements and quarrels in the family. To quickly stabilize a possible turn of events, the authors of dream books do not advise being verbose and under no circumstances making rash decisions. You just need to listen carefully to others and draw your own conclusions.

Still White Owl in a dream much better than other colors. In most cases, white color does not portend trouble, since it is considered a symbol of purity, clarity and purity.

You can interpret not only the very fact of the presence of an owl in a dream, but also, of course, its behavior.

An owl that makes contact with a person

This dream can be interpreted in different ways, it all depends on who the predator is connected with: the owner of the dream or a stranger.

When the main character is the dreamer:

  • holding an owl in your hands is a warning of trouble or a possible fire;
  • taming an owl or feeding a bird from your hands means that the dreamer is a wise and experienced person;
  • the bird itself sits on your hand - in reality, only the best news, immortal love, or a solution to old issues awaits the dreamer;
  • an owl caught by the wings foreshadows future troubles with property;
  • if an owl lands on its head, this means that the dreamer will have to deal with negative energy;
  • when an owl sits on a dream certain part body, this fact means that it is necessary to urgently undergo a medical examination in order to avoid the occurrence of a serious illness.

If an owl interacts with another person in a dream:

  • when a bird sits on a friend’s shoulder, this means that he knows a secret that is important for the owner of the dream;
  • if a bird is about to land on someone, this means that complete mutual understanding is possible with this person;
  • It will be a bad omen when a bird is tamed by a loved one in a dream: if the predator listens to him and treats the dreamer aggressively, then the partner will soon cheat or betray him.

The cry of an eagle owl

An owl screaming is a harbinger of misfortune. In the case when an owl makes dull, gloomy sounds that haunt the sleeper in a dream, then you can immediately prepare for bad news after waking up. In real life, someone who has such a dream needs to be as careful as possible.

A dreamer who is frightened by the sharp cry of an owl will soon receive unexpected news, which can be both positive and negative. In the same way, you can interpret a dream in which a bird fluttered out from under your feet.

The answer to the question of why you dream of owls emitting lingering cries will be the interpretation that this is a prophecy of dishonor, poverty or serious illness.

If the cry of an owl is heard near the house, then very soon there will be a new addition to the family.

An owl hooting in a dream, rather than screaming, promises in the near future interesting meeting with a person who can not only give valuable advice, but also teach wisdom.

Bird with prey

A hunting winged predator means that the sleeper is afraid of becoming a victim of an atrocity, making a real cult out of fear.

Seeing an owl with prey in a dream means that in real life someone will be able to reveal the dreamer’s deepest secrets. If you have nothing to hide, this dream can be interpreted as a hint that you shouldn’t talk too much.

The dream showed how an owl attacks a smaller bird, which means that you will be an eyewitness to how a more powerful and influential person exploits a weaker one. The second interpretation option: the dreamer himself will soon become an accomplice in dishonesty and injustice.

A predator that has caught very large prey, as a rule, foreshadows not only the destruction of the surrounding evil, but also complete victory over all kinds of rivals.


The interpretation of a dream where an owl attacks and bites the dreamer will be such that in reality he has an insidious and wise enemy, who in the near future will not only confuse all plans, but will also knock the ground out from under his feet with one blow.

When a sleeper runs away from an owl, fearing that it might attack, this means that in reality someone is using a person for their own personal purposes and the most insidious plans.

If a winged predator attacks someone else, then this acts as a warning that this person can cause harm.

Owl according to Nostradamus' dream book

To understand why a big owl is dreaming, you need to look into the dream book of Nostradamus, in which it is written in black and white that the dreamer will have a fateful meeting in the near future. It is thanks to this fateful meeting that he will be able to radically change his life for the better.

An ambiguous interpretation of what it means when you dream of an owl very often leaves a not entirely pleasant aftertaste and a not entirely good feeling. But it is strongly recommended not to fall into despair and panic. First of all, an owl is a symbol of wisdom, which only calls for the manifestation of this very wisdom on the path of life. Having studied information from all kinds of dream books and similar literature, it is recommended to carefully consider the current general situation in life, and not rely on interpretation specific dream. And, of course, you should never set yourself up for the bad. It is necessary to think only about the best news, and not about what owls dream about, because human

An owl in a dream can mean completely different events in your life.

It all depends on what color the bird was and under what circumstances you saw it. Therefore, it is so important to remember all the details of the dream!

Taking into account the color, location and actions of the bird, you can accurately determine what the owl is dreaming of.

Gray Huntress

Seeing a big gray owl in a tree means getting a new, promising position. And if she flies with her wings spread wide, then you will need to work for a long time to achieve your goal.

A gray huntress in a hollow means peace of mind and confidence in tomorrow. And walking on the ground means joy and good mood.

  • A gray owl in your home means indifference on the part of the person you like.
  • A bird entangled in a net - to a new, fruitful cooperation.
  • Seeing a gray owl at night is a sign of harsh statements.
  • Holding it in your arms means traveling to neighboring countries.
  • An eagle owl grabbed your hair - a meeting that you have long dreamed of.

As the dream book writes, an owl with a yellow beak symbolizes memories and recognition of past mistakes. And a gray eagle owl with a black stripe on its head means that you are happy with life and don’t want to change anything.

Clearly seeing the claws of a bird means discord in the family. If the claws are long, then the quarrel will be based on jealousy. And if it’s short, then minor domestic disputes await you.

White bird

A large white owl in the forest dreams of meeting nice person. And the small one speaks of your dependence on your sexual partner.

If the owl flies, then soon you will be invited to interesting place. And if she sits on a branch, then your pressing problems will be solved by themselves. Prosperity and happy life promises a loudly screaming bird.

  • White owl in the snow - to be received large amount money.
  • Dead - to defend your interests in the workplace.
  • A white eagle owl caught a mouse - a useful find.
  • Blood on an owl - for a visit distant relatives.
  • A white owl flying into a window is a reward for someone else’s work.

If you rely on the dream book, an owl white with a black feather dreams of the implementation of an important plan. And the gray spot on the bird indicates an imminent return to its native place.

A white huntress who sits on your shoulder means sexual dissatisfaction. And a bird flying in front of you promises the protection of influential people.

  • A white eagle owl fell into the clutches of a predator - a pleasant evening in a cheerful company.
  • A bird soars high in the sky - to a quick but correct decision-making.
  • In a cage - to the desire to be away from the hustle and bustle.
  • Eagle owl in the circus - to discuss accumulated problems.
  • A wounded white bird means a conversation with a rival.

Figurine or stuffed bird

If you dreamed of an owl figurine that stands on your desk, get ready for minor troubles on the love front.

As the dream book says, a porcelain owl is a sign that you are unfairly blaming your loved one. And the wooden bird warns you not to be harsh in your conversation with your partner.

A stuffed owl on the closet appears in a dream when you need to free your thoughts from constant worries. And if you take it in your hands, then try to relax alone in the near future.

Giving a stuffed eagle owl to a friend is a sign of small but confident steps towards achieving your goal. And receiving such a gift means firm confidence in one’s rightness.

Other dreams

As the dream book promises, an owl sitting on the roof of a house will bring mutual understanding to your relationship with dear person. And a bird knocking on the window with its beak prophesies prosperity and well-being.

An eagle owl fighting in the sky with another bird is a sign that you will soon receive a lucrative offer. A bird pecking its prey means your desire to meet your friends as soon as possible.

  • An owl flying in front of a car means that a long trip will be disrupted.
  • An owl holding meat in its paws means help from relatives.
  • The owl flew to the playground - to a luxurious vacation in another city.
  • A lot of owls in a forest clearing means a change in beliefs.
  • A white mouse in an eagle owl’s beak signifies a desire to learn something new.

An owl in your attic usually symbolizes confidential communication with unfamiliar people. If a bird screams, then your interlocutors will be sincerely imbued with your problems. And if she is silent, then try not to go into details of your personal life.

New friends and reliable protection promises the owl, which raised chicks in the attic. And the restoration of relationships with old friends is prophesied by the chicks that you hand feed.

If you have seen a vivid dream about these night birds and remember all its details, it will not be difficult for you to find out why the owl is dreaming. It is enough to look into the dream book and find the desired interpretation there.

Knowing the meaning of dreams, you can independently model your life.

Why do you dream about an Owl, dream book What does it mean to see an Owl in a dream?

Pastor Loff's Dream Book

Why do you dream of an Owl in a dream?

According to the dream book, seeing an Owl is a symbol of wisdom in many cultures. Often the owl symbolizes longevity and knowledge. This knowledge in most cases relates to predicting the future, as well as unraveling the mysteries of the night. Perhaps you are in search of such knowledge or are receiving a prediction that hints that you may have such knowledge. Is the owl in your dream mysterious or sociable? Does she talk to you? What does she say? - Advice - We can receive advice in dreams from different characters sleep and very different forms. However, it is clear that all these tips have the same source - our own subconscious. And it is through the form in which the advice is given, and through the person from whom it comes, that we can form an idea for ourselves of how advisable it is to follow such advice. In a dream, you can get advice from your mother, father, a long-dead or even unknown relative during your lifetime; advice can be given by a tree or any other object. To understand how useful it is to you, try to evaluate your relationship to the source. However, it should be noted that advice from long-dead relatives or friends usually has direct meaning and can be used in life unconditionally.

The eagle owl is a witchcraft bird, a symbol of the night, a prophet of death. According to legends, evil sorcerers turn into eagle owls. But in a dream to see an eagle owl - good sign: You will receive a gift or cash reward.

Dream Interpretation of the Gypsy Seraphim

Why do you dream of an Owl in a dream?

Interpretation of the dream book: An owl is often a warning that in matters of the heart it is necessary to show much more prudence, as the dream book predictor reports.

Dream book of the healer Evdokia

Why do you dream of an Owl in a dream?

Seeing an Owl in a dream means - Owl - loneliness, melancholy, stagnation in business. The gloomy and dull cry of an owl means trouble. An owl is a call for caution, prudence; many dream books interpret such a dream this way.

Housewife's Dream Interpretation

Why do you dream about an owl in a dream:

According to the dream book Owl, see what it means - Owl - A symbol of wisdom and secret knowledge; As a sign of the night, the owl portends difficulties. Flying owl - to join occult knowledge. An owl with prey - liberation from petty worries. An owl sitting on a tree or in a room means poverty, difficult circumstances. If an owl flies over you, it means an illness of a loved one. An owl flying during the day means you will safely avoid serious danger. Hearing an owl hoot means the funeral of a loved one. An owl flying around your apartment portends misfortune in the house. Dead owl - to love experiences

Summer dream book

Why do you dream of an Owl:

Owl - To overwork, bad sleep, malaise and bad thoughts about death.

Autumn dream book

If you dream of an Owl, what is it for:

Owl - You will have to go through a shock, a shock, as the dream book says about this dream.

Psychological dream book

Why do you dream of an Owl in a dream?

Dream Interpretation: Owl - A flying owl is a sign of imminent danger; Hearing an owl hoot means trouble

Modern dream book

According to the Owl dream book, what does a dream mean:

Seeing an Owl in a dream - A dead owl means that you will avoid some serious illness. According to Nostradamus, an owl seen in a dream is a sign that in the future you will meet a person who is fluent in black magic. Killed an owl in a dream - you will be able to get rid of influence evil man. If you heard the cry of an owl in a dream, you will receive bad news in the future. D. Loff wrote: “Often an owl symbolizes longevity and knowledge. This knowledge in most cases relates to predicting the future, as well as unraveling the mysteries of the night. Perhaps you are in search of such knowledge or are receiving a prediction that hints that you may have such knowledge.”

Spring dream book

According to the Owl dream book:

Why do you dream of an owl in your hands that wants to fly away?

People often see birds in their dreams, so they are in no hurry to interpret this symbol, but it carries with it useful information. Why do you dream of an owl in your hands that wants to fly away? If in a dream you saw an owl in your hands trying to escape, in reality you should listen to the advice of a wise person, then you will be able to avoid danger.

If you rely on family dream book, then an owl in your hands in a dream indicates that in real life a person lacks a person on whom he could rely. As a result, he has to make decisions on his own and he does it almost blindly. However, there is such a person among his loved ones; the dreamer just needs to remember him, and when the need arises, turn to him for advice. For a girl, such a dream means that she cannot make informed decisions, so she constantly makes mistakes. She needs to learn to analyze incoming information, then she will choose the right path.

When a woman dreamed that she was chasing an owl and managed to catch it, in reality she would be disappointed. She will soon find herself in an unenviable position, asking for help, but no one will lend her a hand. In this situation, the dreamer only needs to blame herself, since she also did not help anyone, but only laughed at those who were in trouble.

If you believe the children's dream book, then an owl trying to escape from the dreamer's hands predicts danger for him. A person should not wander the streets at night, as there is a high probability that an accident will happen to him and he will not be able to do anything.

According to women's dream book If an owl, while in a person’s hands, tried to get out and screamed at the same time, then the dreamer will face serious changes in life of a negative nature. The sleeper may soon become seriously ill, so you need to be more attentive to your health so as not to subsequently experience the shock of the diagnosis. Sometimes such a dream promises misfortune with a close relative. This event will greatly affect the dreamer and he may even fall asleep.

If a girl had a similar dream on the eve of her wedding, she should immediately cancel the celebration. Her family life It won’t work out, so she will soon divorce her husband. The separation will be very painful and will take away a lot of vitality from the dreamer. She may even become seriously ill, and subsequently the girl will be treated for several years. If the owl in your hands died in a dream, in reality one of the old relatives will go to another world.

When thinking about why you dream of an owl that is trying to escape from your hands, you should turn to the Russian folk dream book. It promises a person a meeting with an insidious enemy who wants to destroy the dreamer. To prevent this from happening, the sleeper must be as attentive as possible to his surroundings. It’s better to try to check the information you receive and try to trust new acquaintances less, especially those who are trying to get closer and say a lot of flattering words.

If you believe the dream book of esotericist E. Tsvetkov, then such a dream promises a person loneliness. Before it’s too late, you need to try to change and become more friendly towards people, stop gossiping and slandering behind their backs. After all, if misfortune happens, many friends will turn away from him. The spring dream book promises a person a quick death, so he should try to put all his affairs and documents in order and ask for forgiveness from those whom he offended, since he will not have another chance.

An owl in your hands, seen in a dream, can promise both the advice of a wise person and misfortune. However, in any case, you need to remember that a dream shows the dreamer what can happen, he has the power to change the future, you just need to make an attempt to do this, then a negative event will not happen.

Catch an owl

Dream Interpretation Catch an Owl dreamed of why you dream about catching an owl? To select a dream interpretation, enter keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get online interpretation dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Catch an Owl in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books Houses of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Owl

Dream Interpretation - Owl

This is a universal law.

Dream Interpretation - Owl

See also Birds.

Dream Interpretation - Owl

Dream Interpretation - Owl

The gloomy, dull cry of an owl warns that all sorts of troubles may happen to you. After such a dream, you should take precautions to protect the peace of your family.

Dream Interpretation - Owl

Seeing her means trouble.

Dream Interpretation - Owl

Dream Interpretation - Owl

Dream Interpretation - Owl

Dream Interpretation - Owl

Owl hits the window

Dream Interpretation Owl hits the window dreamed of why in a dream an Owl hits the window? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see an Owl hitting the window in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Owl

The owl symbolizes wisdom. Athena, the goddess of wisdom, peace and the arts, was depicted with an owl on her shoulder. The owl is considered a mysterious bird and has some evil power, since, unlike others, it is a night bird. The appearance of an owl in a dream can be interpreted in two ways.

Hearing an owl's cry, in the old days people crossed themselves, believing that with its cry the owl was calling evil spirits. About loud talking man They say: “Screech like an owl.”

If in a dream you tame an owl and feed it from your hands, this is a sign of your wisdom and worldly experience.

A dream in which an owl attacks you means that you have a smart and cunning enemy who will try to confuse all your plans.

Seeing an owl in a cage in a dream is a sign of your unrealized potential.

If in a dream you heard the hoot of an owl, then major troubles and problems await you.

To see in a dream how an owl is trying to attack a small bird means in reality to witness how a stronger and more powerful person uses the weaker. People say: “An owl is a godfather, a sparrow is a son-in-law.”

A dream in which you found an owlet in the forest promises you unexpected and wise advice.

Seeing an owl without feathers in a dream means that something will happen to you that will throw you out of balance and cause you to act rashly.

If in a dream an owl landed on your head, this is a sign that in real life you will encounter an evil and mysterious force.

A dream in which you heard the cry of an owl near your house means that an addition is expected in your family.

Dream Interpretation - Owl

This is a very important sign, since the owl is a symbol of transformation.

If this sign appears to you, know that a transformation may be awaiting you.

In most cultures with developed esoteric traditions, the owl is revered as a very significant (sometimes terrifying) sign.

The owl was feared because it signifies darkness and the unknown.

People have always feared the onset of night, and the owl was associated with this time and with the arrival of unknown dark spaces.

The Australian Aborigines explained to me that men were afraid of the owl because it was a female totem that symbolized darkness and the unknown.

Owls were also believed to symbolize death and rebirth.

Some Indian tribes believed that the souls of the dead reside in owls.

IN Egyptian hieroglyphs owls served as an expression of cold, death, night and passivity.

When one aspect dies out in you, the opportunity arises for the development of new qualities.

This is a universal law.

The owl symbolizes both death and rebirth in your life.

The owl is also a symbol of ancient wisdom born in the inner worlds.

Because in the darkness lie dreams and mystical insights.

The ancient Greek goddess of wisdom, Athena, was usually depicted with an owl on her shoulder, indicating the rightness and wisdom of the goddess.

Merlin, an ancient Celtic magician who helped King Arthur, gained access to invisible spaces thanks to an owl.

The owl sees in the dark, which is inaccessible to others, if this sign appeared to you: this means that you must gain the ability to discern the truth under any circumstances.

You will be able to see what will be lost in the dark for others.

Your insights will be amazing and the transformation happening around you will be profound.

Dream Interpretation - Owl

See also Birds.

Seeing an owl on a branch means you will meet a very educated and wise person. If an owl flew over you, get valuable advice that will help you successfully resolve your affairs and win the love and respect of people. Hearing the cry of an owl - a dream means that in making an important decision you need to be guided by your inner instinct. Listen to yourself: your intuition will tell you in which direction you should act. Feed a tame owl - make friends with a very smart person. Seeing an owl hunting - the patronage of a high-ranking official will help you win litigation. Hunt yourself with the help of an owl (based on the principle of falconry) - you will win the case as a plaintiff and win decent compensation for yourself. Holding an owl in your hands means you will be able to fulfill not only all your obligations, but also much more, and all thanks to the help of a new friend. If an owl, while taking off, drops a feather on you, it means unexpected luck and the joys of life.

Imagine that you are treating an owl with pieces of meat.

Dream Interpretation - Owl

An owl you saw in a dream warns you to avoid bad company. If in a dream it flies in front of your face, this foreshadows the illness of a loved one. Seeing an owl flying in broad daylight is a reality in a happy way avoid serious danger.

Hearing the hooting of an owl in the night forest means you will soon take part in a funeral. An owl flying around your apartment portends misfortune in the house. A dead shot owl - to love experiences. Seeing a stuffed owl in a dream means you will be forced to admit your mistake.

Dream Interpretation - Owl

The gloomy, dull cry of an owl warns that all sorts of troubles may happen to you. After such a dream, you should take precautions to protect the peace of your family.

A dead owl means that you will avoid some serious illness.

According to Nostradamus, an owl seen in a dream is a sign that in the future you will meet a person who is fluent in black magic.

If you killed an owl in a dream, you will be able to get rid of the influence of an evil person.

If you heard the cry of an owl in a dream, you will receive bad news in the future.

D. Loff wrote: “Often an owl symbolizes longevity and knowledge. This knowledge in most cases relates to predicting the future, as well as unraveling the mysteries of the night. Perhaps you are in search of such knowledge or are receiving a prediction that hints that you may have such knowledge.”

Dream Interpretation - Owl

Seeing her means trouble.

A guy sees an owl - to a scandalous bride, a woman - to her husband’s illness, a girl - to a wedding with a poor man from a dysfunctional family.

In a dream, an owl sat on your head - to death.

Shooting an owl is a symbol of victory over any difficulties.

Hearing the sharp cry of an owl means a serious illness in the family.

The criminal sees an owl flying towards him - to life imprisonment.

Catching an owl means winning in court.

Dream Interpretation - Owl

An owl in a dream is a symbol of loneliness, confusion, uncertainty and sadness, a messenger of death or illness.

Seeing her in a dream is a sign of a secret meeting with a certain person or a sign of illness of a loved one. Often, a dream about an owl warns you that you should be wary of people hiding the truth from you. But sometimes a dream about an owl can indicate your loneliness, from which you suffer greatly. The hooting of an owl in a dream also warns of danger or foretells receiving news of death. After such a dream, you should take a close look at your surroundings: someone wants to rob you or set you up. The dream encourages you to be prepared for all sorts of surprises. If you dream that an owl has flown into your house or is sitting next to your house, then expect trouble. See interpretation: birds, bat.

Dream Interpretation - Owl

I dreamed of an owl - yours further actions will require wisdom.

If the owl flies away from you, the problem is not serious.

An owl hooting is a sign of change.

You should think carefully about solving a problem that will soon arise, and not make a spontaneous decision.

If the owl flies away, the problem is not as serious as it seems.

The hooting of an owl is a warning of approaching difficulties.

Dream Interpretation - Owl

Seeing an owl in a dream is a sign that in the future you will meet a person who is fluent in black magic. If you dreamed of many owls, then such a dream indicates that times will come when dark forces will rule the Earth.

Killing an owl in a dream means that you will be able to get rid of the influence of an evil person.

Hearing the cry of an owl in a dream is a bad omen. Such a dream suggests that in the future you will receive terrible news that will cause you a lot of grief.

Dream Interpretation - Owl

Owl - symbolizes wisdom and is considered a mysterious bird with some evil power. A dream in which an owl attacks you means that you have a smart and cunning enemy who is trying to confuse all your plans. Seeing an owl in a cage in a dream is a sign of your unrealized potential. Seeing an owl without feathers in a dream means something happened that threw you out of balance. A dream in which you found an owlet in the forest promises you practical and wise advice.

Owl at home

Dream Interpretation Owl at home dreamed of why the Owl is at home in a dream? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see an Owl at home in a dream by reading below free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Owl

The owl symbolizes wisdom. Athena, the goddess of wisdom, peace and the arts, was depicted with an owl on her shoulder. The owl is considered a mysterious bird and has some evil power, since, unlike others, it is a night bird. The appearance of an owl in a dream can be interpreted in two ways.

Hearing an owl's cry, in the old days people were baptized, believing that an owl called upon evil spirits with its cry. They say about a person who speaks loudly: “Scouts like an owl.”

If in a dream you tame an owl and feed it from your hands, this is a sign of your wisdom and worldly experience.

A dream in which an owl attacks you means that you have a smart and cunning enemy who will try to confuse all your plans.

Seeing an owl in a cage in a dream is a sign of your unrealized potential.

If in a dream you heard the hoot of an owl, then major troubles and problems await you.

To see in a dream how an owl is trying to attack a small bird means in reality to witness how a stronger and more powerful person uses the weaker. People say: “An owl is a godfather, a sparrow is a son-in-law.”

A dream in which you found an owlet in the forest promises you unexpected and wise advice.

Seeing an owl without feathers in a dream means that something will happen to you that will throw you out of balance and cause you to act rashly.

If in a dream an owl landed on your head, this is a sign that in real life you will encounter an evil and mysterious force.

A dream in which you heard the cry of an owl near your house means that an addition is expected in your family.

Dream Interpretation - Owl

This is a very important sign, since the owl is a symbol of transformation.

If this sign appears to you, know that a transformation may be awaiting you.

In most cultures with developed esoteric traditions, the owl is revered as a very significant (sometimes terrifying) sign.

The owl was feared because it signifies darkness and the unknown.

People have always feared the onset of night, and the owl was associated with this time and with the arrival of unknown dark spaces.

The Australian Aborigines explained to me that men were afraid of the owl because it was a female totem that symbolized darkness and the unknown.

Owls were also believed to symbolize death and rebirth.

Some Indian tribes believed that the souls of the dead reside in owls.

In Egyptian hieroglyphs, owls symbolized cold, death, night, and passivity.

When one aspect dies out in you, the opportunity arises for the development of new qualities.

This is a universal law.

The owl symbolizes both death and rebirth in your life.

The owl is also a symbol of ancient wisdom born in the inner worlds.

Because in the darkness lie dreams and mystical insights.

The ancient Greek goddess of wisdom, Athena, was usually depicted with an owl on her shoulder, indicating the rightness and wisdom of the goddess.

Merlin, an ancient Celtic magician who helped King Arthur, gained access to invisible spaces thanks to an owl.

The owl sees in the dark, which is inaccessible to others, if this sign appeared to you: this means that you must gain the ability to discern the truth under any circumstances.

You will be able to see what will be lost in the dark for others.

Your insights will be amazing and the transformation happening around you will be profound.

Dream Interpretation - Owl

See also Birds.

Seeing an owl on a branch means you will meet a very educated and wise person. If an owl flew over you, get valuable advice that will help you successfully resolve your affairs and win the love and respect of people. Hearing the cry of an owl - a dream means that in making an important decision you need to be guided by your inner instinct. Listen to yourself: your intuition will tell you in which direction you should act. Feed a tame owl - make friends with a very smart person. Seeing an owl hunting means the patronage of a high-ranking official will help you win a lawsuit. Hunt yourself with the help of an owl (based on the principle of falconry) - you will win the case as a plaintiff and win decent compensation for yourself. Holding an owl in your hands means you will be able to fulfill not only all your obligations, but also much more, and all thanks to the help of a new friend. If an owl, while taking off, drops a feather on you, it means unexpected luck and the joys of life.

Imagine that you are treating an owl with pieces of meat.

Dream Interpretation - Owl

An owl you saw in a dream warns you to avoid bad company. If in a dream it flies in front of your face, this foreshadows the illness of a loved one. Seeing an owl flying in broad daylight means that in reality you will happily avoid serious danger.

Hearing the hooting of an owl in the night forest means you will soon take part in a funeral. An owl flying around your apartment portends misfortune in the house. A dead shot owl - to love experiences. Seeing a stuffed owl in a dream means you will be forced to admit your mistake.

Dream Interpretation - Owl

The gloomy, dull cry of an owl warns that all sorts of troubles may happen to you. After such a dream, you should take precautions to protect the peace of your family.

A dead owl means that you will avoid some serious illness.

According to Nostradamus, an owl seen in a dream is a sign that in the future you will meet a person who is fluent in black magic.

If you killed an owl in a dream, you will be able to get rid of the influence of an evil person.

If you heard the cry of an owl in a dream, you will receive bad news in the future.

D. Loff wrote: “Often an owl symbolizes longevity and knowledge. This knowledge in most cases relates to predicting the future, as well as unraveling the mysteries of the night. Perhaps you are in search of such knowledge or are receiving a prediction that hints that you may have such knowledge.”

Dream Interpretation - Owl

Seeing her means trouble.

A guy sees an owl - to a scandalous bride, a woman - to her husband’s illness, a girl - to a wedding with a poor man from a dysfunctional family.

In a dream, an owl sat on your head - to death.

Shooting an owl is a symbol of victory over any difficulties.

Hearing the sharp cry of an owl means a serious illness in the family.

The criminal sees an owl flying towards him - to life imprisonment.

Catching an owl means winning in court.

Dream Interpretation - Owl

An owl in a dream is a symbol of loneliness, confusion, uncertainty and sadness, a messenger of death or illness.

Seeing her in a dream is a sign of a secret meeting with a certain person or a sign of illness of a loved one. Often, a dream about an owl warns you that you should be wary of people hiding the truth from you. But sometimes a dream about an owl can indicate your loneliness, from which you suffer greatly. The hooting of an owl in a dream also warns of danger or foretells receiving news of death. After such a dream, you should take a close look at your surroundings: someone wants to rob you or set you up. The dream encourages you to be prepared for all sorts of surprises. If you dream that an owl has flown into your house or is sitting next to your house, then expect trouble. See interpretation: birds, bat.

Dream Interpretation - Owl

I dreamed of an owl - your further actions will require wisdom.

If the owl flies away from you, the problem is not serious.

An owl hooting is a sign of change.

You should think carefully about solving a problem that will soon arise, and not make a spontaneous decision.

If the owl flies away, the problem is not as serious as it seems.

The hooting of an owl is a warning of approaching difficulties.

Dream Interpretation - Owl

Seeing an owl in a dream is a sign that in the future you will meet a person who is fluent in black magic. If you dreamed of many owls, then such a dream indicates that times will come when dark forces will rule the Earth.

Killing an owl in a dream means that you will be able to get rid of the influence of an evil person.

Hearing the cry of an owl in a dream is a bad omen. Such a dream suggests that in the future you will receive terrible news that will cause you a lot of grief.

Dream Interpretation - Owl

Owl - symbolizes wisdom and is considered a mysterious bird with some evil power. A dream in which an owl attacks you means that you have a smart and cunning enemy who is trying to confuse all your plans. Seeing an owl in a cage in a dream is a sign of your unrealized potential. Seeing an owl without feathers in a dream means something happened that threw you out of balance. A dream in which you found an owlet in the forest promises you practical and wise advice.

Owls on a tree with

Dream Interpretation of Owls on a tree with dreamed of why in a dream there are Owls in a tree with? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Owls on a tree in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Owl

The owl symbolizes wisdom. Athena, the goddess of wisdom, peace and the arts, was depicted with an owl on her shoulder. The owl is considered a mysterious bird and has some evil power, since, unlike others, it is a night bird. The appearance of an owl in a dream can be interpreted in two ways.

Hearing an owl's cry, in the old days people were baptized, believing that an owl called upon evil spirits with its cry. They say about a person who speaks loudly: “Scouts like an owl.”

If in a dream you tame an owl and feed it from your hands, this is a sign of your wisdom and worldly experience.

A dream in which an owl attacks you means that you have a smart and cunning enemy who will try to confuse all your plans.

Seeing an owl in a cage in a dream is a sign of your unrealized potential.

If in a dream you heard the hoot of an owl, then major troubles and problems await you.

To see in a dream how an owl is trying to attack a small bird means in reality to witness how a stronger and more powerful person uses the weaker. People say: “An owl is a godfather, a sparrow is a son-in-law.”

A dream in which you found an owlet in the forest promises you unexpected and wise advice.

Seeing an owl without feathers in a dream means that something will happen to you that will throw you out of balance and cause you to act rashly.

If in a dream an owl landed on your head, this is a sign that in real life you will encounter an evil and mysterious force.

A dream in which you heard the cry of an owl near your house means that an addition is expected in your family.

Dream Interpretation - Owl

This is a very important sign, since the owl is a symbol of transformation.

If this sign appears to you, know that a transformation may be awaiting you.

In most cultures with developed esoteric traditions, the owl is revered as a very significant (sometimes terrifying) sign.

The owl was feared because it signifies darkness and the unknown.

People have always feared the onset of night, and the owl was associated with this time and with the arrival of unknown dark spaces.

The Australian Aborigines explained to me that men were afraid of the owl because it was a female totem that symbolized darkness and the unknown.

Owls were also believed to symbolize death and rebirth.

Some Indian tribes believed that the souls of the dead reside in owls.

In Egyptian hieroglyphs, owls symbolized cold, death, night, and passivity.

When one aspect dies out in you, the opportunity arises for the development of new qualities.

This is a universal law.

The owl symbolizes both death and rebirth in your life.

The owl is also a symbol of ancient wisdom born in the inner worlds.

Because in the darkness lie dreams and mystical insights.

The ancient Greek goddess of wisdom, Athena, was usually depicted with an owl on her shoulder, indicating the rightness and wisdom of the goddess.

Merlin, an ancient Celtic magician who helped King Arthur, gained access to invisible spaces thanks to an owl.

The owl sees in the dark, which is inaccessible to others, if this sign appeared to you: this means that you must gain the ability to discern the truth under any circumstances.

You will be able to see what will be lost in the dark for others.

Your insights will be amazing and the transformation happening around you will be profound.

Dream Interpretation - Owl

See also Birds.

Seeing an owl on a branch means you will meet a very educated and wise person. If an owl flew over you, get valuable advice that will help you successfully resolve your affairs and win the love and respect of people. Hearing the cry of an owl - a dream means that in making an important decision you need to be guided by your inner instinct. Listen to yourself: your intuition will tell you in which direction you should act. Feed a tame owl - make friends with a very smart person. Seeing an owl hunting means the patronage of a high-ranking official will help you win a lawsuit. Hunt yourself with the help of an owl (based on the principle of falconry) - you will win the case as a plaintiff and win decent compensation for yourself. Holding an owl in your hands means you will be able to fulfill not only all your obligations, but also much more, and all thanks to the help of a new friend. If an owl, while taking off, drops a feather on you, it means unexpected luck and the joys of life.

Imagine that you are treating an owl with pieces of meat.

Dream Interpretation - Owl

An owl you saw in a dream warns you to avoid bad company. If in a dream it flies in front of your face, this foreshadows the illness of a loved one. Seeing an owl flying in broad daylight means that in reality you will happily avoid serious danger.

Hearing the hooting of an owl in the night forest means you will soon take part in a funeral. An owl flying around your apartment portends misfortune in the house. A dead shot owl - to love experiences. Seeing a stuffed owl in a dream means you will be forced to admit your mistake.

Dream Interpretation - Owl

The gloomy, dull cry of an owl warns that all sorts of troubles may happen to you. After such a dream, you should take precautions to protect the peace of your family.

A dead owl means that you will avoid some serious illness.

According to Nostradamus, an owl seen in a dream is a sign that in the future you will meet a person who is fluent in black magic.

If you killed an owl in a dream, you will be able to get rid of the influence of an evil person.

If you heard the cry of an owl in a dream, you will receive bad news in the future.

D. Loff wrote: “Often an owl symbolizes longevity and knowledge. This knowledge in most cases relates to predicting the future, as well as unraveling the mysteries of the night. Perhaps you are in search of such knowledge or are receiving a prediction that hints that you may have such knowledge.”

Dream Interpretation - Owl

Seeing her means trouble.

A guy sees an owl - to a scandalous bride, a woman - to her husband’s illness, a girl - to a wedding with a poor man from a dysfunctional family.

In a dream, an owl sat on your head - to death.

Shooting an owl is a symbol of victory over any difficulties.

Hearing the sharp cry of an owl means a serious illness in the family.

The criminal sees an owl flying towards him - to life imprisonment.

Catching an owl means winning in court.

Dream Interpretation - Owl

An owl in a dream is a symbol of loneliness, confusion, uncertainty and sadness, a messenger of death or illness.

Seeing her in a dream is a sign of a secret meeting with a certain person or a sign of illness of a loved one. Often, a dream about an owl warns you that you should be wary of people hiding the truth from you. But sometimes a dream about an owl can indicate your loneliness, from which you suffer greatly. The hooting of an owl in a dream also warns of danger or foretells receiving news of death. After such a dream, you should take a close look at your surroundings: someone wants to rob you or set you up. The dream encourages you to be prepared for all sorts of surprises. If you dream that an owl has flown into your house or is sitting next to your house, then expect trouble. See interpretation: birds, bat.

Dream Interpretation - Owl

I dreamed of an owl - your further actions will require wisdom.

If the owl flies away from you, the problem is not serious.

An owl hooting is a sign of change.

You should think carefully about solving a problem that will soon arise, and not make a spontaneous decision.

If the owl flies away, the problem is not as serious as it seems.

The hooting of an owl is a warning of approaching difficulties.

Dream Interpretation - Owl

Seeing an owl in a dream is a sign that in the future you will meet a person who is fluent in black magic. If you dreamed of many owls, then such a dream indicates that times will come when dark forces will rule the Earth.

Killing an owl in a dream means that you will be able to get rid of the influence of an evil person.

Hearing the cry of an owl in a dream is a bad omen. Such a dream suggests that in the future you will receive terrible news that will cause you a lot of grief.

Why do you dream of a ring on your left hand? Why do you dream of holding a child in your arms?

The owl and the eagle owl are interpreted almost identically in various dream books. An owl flying overhead in a dream often warns of an approaching dark streak in life, its cry promises misfortune, and aggressive behavior birds indicate the presence of an enemy in the dreamer’s close circle. At the same time, a dream of an eagle owl with large prey portends victory over ill-wishers and success in business. If you dream of an owl with owlets, then the man will expect profit and promotion, and the woman will expect a desired pregnancy.

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      General interpretations

      Often an owl flying in a dream is a sign that a person will have to show wisdom and patience in relation to others in life. Some people close to him see him as one of their own. spiritual mentor and an example to follow. Or the sleeper wants to gain wisdom in order to solve some everyday problems. In such a dream, a person’s hidden need for wise advice or having an experienced mentor.

      • A night bird flying to a window in a dream symbolizes the dreamer’s strong desire for truth and openness. In real life, they treat him with distrust or he himself does not trust his social circle. Here we can see the desire for mutual understanding with the people around us.

        For a man, a dream about a nest with owlets is a sure sign of quick success at work or in business. You can expect big profits or a long-awaited promotion. For a woman, this is an undoubted sign that it is time to have children or that the desired child is already on the way. Here important point is the presence of a mother owl in the nest. If the owls are with their mother, then the woman is morally and psychologically ready for the birth of a child; if they are alone, then the pregnancy was a surprise for her and she is worried about the future.

        An eagle owl flying low overhead is a warning of danger. A “black streak” is possible in life. Having seen such a dream, you can not expect success at work or the prosperity of your own business; success in love affairs is also very doubtful. Don't wait for new pleasant acquaintances to appear. If you are planning a wedding, then you should postpone it. The dreamer no longer trusts his partner or there are reasons to suspect infidelity.

        Seeing a bird in a cemetery means fear of loneliness and death. It is also possible that someone close to you has a serious illness or is exposed to another danger, it is likely imminent death. This explanation of the appearance of an owl indicates to the dreamer the need to properly say goodbye to this person. Such a dream does not bode well for a woman. It can be dreamed of by a lonely woman, without a family, or separated from her loved one. On the day before which you had such a dream, you should expect losses and minor failures.

        A bird sitting on a tree under which a person is sitting means fear of being disgraced. Someone spreads evil rumors about a person in order to slander him. The sleeper is afraid that he will be used for selfish purposes, that his trust will be betrayed, or that he will be set up with a threat not only to his reputation, but also to his life. Such a dream for a woman indicates the presence of a personal enemy who will seriously offend her. It's worth being alert.

        If an eagle owl sits on your hand in a dream, it means that a person is under strong guardianship. For both men and women, such a symbol indicates an inextricable connection with the mother. A similar dream can be seen by young people who are just entering adult life and are afraid of losing their mother’s care and being left without help. If the bird has left wounds on its arm, you should reconsider your relationship with the parent. Her overprotectiveness makes a person uncomfortable. A bird flying into a house threatens discord in family relationships.

        Dreaming of an owl with a broken wing is a sign of difficult changes in life. An emergency is expected at work or in other matters that require enormous physical and moral costs. The broken wing here symbolizes the inability of the sleeper to rise above the problems that have arisen and move away from them. Overwork, insomnia and malaise are possible. You need to watch out for depression and suicidal thoughts. For a woman to see an owl with a broken wing is a warning about possible gynecological health problems. There is a need to undergo examination and tests.

        Coloring and actions of a bird in a dream

        The interpretation of night vision with an owl largely depends on the color of the bird’s plumage and its actions in a dream.


        To correctly interpret a dream, it is necessary to take into account the color of the bird:

        • the gray owl symbolizes new knowledge and important decisions;
        • black speaks of the need for changes in life;
        • the white eagle owl is a sign of the dreamer’s curiosity and lively mind.

        Why does a girl dream - interpretations of dream books


        The cry of a night bird in a dream often prophesies misfortune. If in a dream a person hears a dull hoot, one should expect troubles and bad news. He is probably already waiting for news about some event or person; the bird only betrays his inner excitement.

        A dreamer who is frightened by the cry of a bird will receive unexpected news, and not always of a negative nature. Hearing the dull, drawn-out cry of an owl is a sign of imminent illness. If in a dream an owl screams, and when the dreamer approaches, it takes off sharply, you should expect the death of a loved one. If a woman hears the cry of an owl near her house in a dream, an addition to the family is expected. A hooting night predator foreshadows a pleasant meeting with an old acquaintance. This is an experienced and intelligent person who is a role model, and the dreamer sincerely respects him.

        Carrying loot

        Seeing an eagle owl hunting means fear of becoming a victim of a crime. There is not just fear here, but a real phobia. Such a dream can be dreamed by a suspicious person who constantly experiences stress even in everyday situations. The fear of becoming a victim of a criminal, personified in such a vision by the night huntress, develops into mania, which the dreamer finds difficult to get rid of. For a woman, this is the fear of being raped.

        Seeing a bird carrying prey means fear of being exposed. In life, a person has secrets that he does not share with anyone, which depresses him, and the fear of revealing these secrets weighs heavily on him. If there is nothing to hide, such a dream warns that you should not be too frank in conversations about matters of the heart, especially if they concern other people.

        Watching from the side how an eagle owl hunts, attacking small prey, means that in reality you need to be prepared for injustice. This applies to both the owner of the dream and strangers to him. There is an internal feeling of resentment, someone treated him unfairly, humiliated him, demonstrating his power. All this depresses a person and results in nightmares. A dream with a bird flying overhead carrying large prey in its beak has the opposite meaning. Such a vision promises a major victory in business or business, especially if the process is at the negotiation stage. In more in a general sense, a person will receive what he has been striving for for so long: he will defeat an opponent or overcome an ill-wisher who has been annoying him for a long time.


        A bird showing aggression towards the dreamer is a harbinger of conflict in life. A person has a strong and insidious enemy whom he should be wary of. Someone is trying to knock the ground under your feet, make you make mistakes and lose the respect of others.

        An owl pecking at the head means disturbing thoughts that haunt a person, torment him and return in the form of a similar dream. A person who tries to escape from an attacking bird most likely fears that his rights will be violated. He may be the victim of an unfair accusation or persecution for false reasons. Here lies the fear of being caught or the fear that someone will use the dreamer's words or thoughts against him.

        If in a dream a person watches from the side as an eagle owl attacks his acquaintance or friend, it means that the person in the dream should not be trusted. It is worth taking a closer look at it so as not to become a victim yourself. A dream may be a subconscious projection of hatred towards this acquaintance, a desire to “peck” him, to cause pain. There is a possibility that in reality there is a confrontation with a dreamed acquaintance, and it is worth resolving it peacefully.

        An owl beating on an apartment window speaks of troubles in the family. Problems in relationships may already be present, or a tense atmosphere promises future misunderstandings and resentments. After such a dream, it is better to sit down and talk with your other half, find out the reason for the disagreement and try to find a compromise.

        sits on your hand

        A night bird sitting on your hand is a warning of trouble. Often a harbinger of fires and accidents. For woman similar dream means problems in relationships with relatives.

        If you managed to tame an eagle owl in a dream, you should expect great achievements, new knowledge and impressions. The eagle owl, as a symbol of wisdom, will bring patience and prudence into the dreamer’s life, saving him from making hasty decisions. Sometimes such a dream is interpreted as a solution to old problems that have tormented a person for a long time.

        A bird landing on a girl’s hand promises an engagement to her lover or speaks of an imminent love that must be met along the path of life. Catch an owl by the wings - to big trouble with money and property. If in a dream a person is also injured, in life one should expect that one of his ill-wishers will want to “bleed” him.

        A bird perched on its head carries a mysterious, mystical meaning. A person has to face unexplained phenomena and forces that can be both positive and negative.

        Interpretations of popular dream books

        Compiled by famous dream books offer their interpretations of dreams with owls.

        Miller's Dream Book

        Seeing an eagle owl in a dream threatens to bring false accusations against a person , slander and disgrace. If an owl screams in a dream and this causes fear in the sleeping person, danger is creeping up on him in real life. You should be careful and protect not only yourself, but also your loved ones. You need to expect bad news and be prepared for it.

        A dead bird, paradoxically, is a sign that a person will be able to avoid severe and even fatal disease. A bird with prey in its beak promises big financial success and all sorts of material goods. An owl sitting by the window foreshadows a new addition to the family or the arrival of distant relatives or friends.

        Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

        An owl in a dream is a sign of an imminent meeting with a stranger who wields dark magic. This meeting can end badly for a person, so such a dream should be taken as a warning.

        Many birds flying in the same direction herald the onset of dark times. Perhaps a civil conflict, political destabilization, etc. is brewing in the country. Owls are not migratory birds, so such a dream speaks of the need to leave for another city or country.

        Killing an eagle owl in a dream is a bad sign. It is worth waiting for bad news that will bring a person many troubles and misfortunes. This interpretation is similar to the one Vanga gave to this dream.

        To see in a dream how a nocturnal predator hunts means to be afraid of aggression from strangers. Perhaps the person is afraid of meeting new people.

        Freud's Dream Book

        In this dream book, an owl and an eagle owl are interpreted as symbols of death and illness, so their appearance in a dream does not bring anything good.

        The appearance of an eagle owl in a man’s dream indicates the man’s aggressiveness. Perhaps he shows excessive assertiveness towards close people, takes out his anger on subordinates or passers-by. Such a dream may also have sexual overtones. According to Freud, if the bird was with prey, the man should settle down and choose one sexual partner, otherwise he faces illness or death. This can also be interpreted as sexual aggression. A man strives to dominate, show and prove his strength through sex.

        If a woman dreams of a night bird , she should beware of her new acquaintance. It is necessary to be careful when choosing a sexual partner. Perhaps closer communication will reveal his most unpleasant sides, which the woman is already beginning to guess about. There is a possibility of an unplanned pregnancy if a bird brings a dead mouse in a dream.

        Esoteric dream book

        A dreaming gray owl is a symbol of melancholy and sadness. Most likely, the owner of the dream looks at life too gloomily, has a melancholic character, and is prone to soul-searching and depression. You should stop looking only at the negative aspects of life and start looking for the positive aspects in everything.

        A screaming bird warns a person about the negative influence of a bad society. The people around him pull him down, belittle his dignity and ruin his talent. After such a dream, you should reconsider your social circle and think about whether you have the right people nearby.

The dull hooting of an owl can be taken as a warning. You may be in physical danger: try not to return home when it is already dark outside, drive as closely as possible healthy image life. Whatever troubles the owl's hooting portends, this has not happened yet, which means that bad events can still be avoided.

Meeting with an owl

An owl attacking you in a dream indicates that a smart and cunning enemy is hiding not far from you. It may be that you know his name very well. It is clear that there is someone who is trying to ruin your plans.

If you were walking in a dream and came across an owl or an owl, then this means that there is someone nearby who can give you good advice. Listen to the voice of close, experienced people.

Taming an owl or making friends with it in a dream means that you are an experienced and wise person, you are able to cope with many troubles and find a way out. difficult situations.

But if the owl is white, then this means a meeting with someone you have been waiting for a long time. How successful the date will be depends on your wisdom and ability to tactfully conduct a conversation.

If an owl flies past you, this may portend fear, illness, or misfortune. It all depends on how you react to the bird in your dream. Negative emotions mean that something joyful is unlikely to await you.

Watch an owl

Seeing an owl, but not being connected with it in any way, can indicate philosophical reflection, discovery and new experience. Sometimes it also means that your life is lonely.

The peculiarity of the owl is that, although it signifies wisdom and great intelligence, when explaining dreams this can often be interpreted against the person who had the dream. For example, if an owl caught a mouse in a dream, then this indicates that some secret will be revealed, but most likely it will be your secret, and it will not be made public in the most favorable light.

Conversation with an owl

If you dream that you are talking to an owl, then it is very important what exactly it is telling you. It will probably be something that points to the future, distant or near. It also means that you will have to show wisdom in the near future, and the owl's words may indicate a possible course of thought.

In any case, even if the dream was negative, try to remain calm. Fear only makes problems worse, never helping to solve them.

Why do you dream about an owl? In a dream, this is a rather rare, but very significant symbol. It reflects wisdom and secret knowledge, but at the same time warns of life's difficulties. Examples of interpretation and popular dream books will help you find the correct interpretation.

Miller's dream book opinion

If in your dreams you happen to hear the dull and gloomy cry of an owl, then troubles and sorrows are already close. The dream book advises you to gather your strength and exercise extreme caution in everything, because you will have to go through one of the most difficult stages of life.

Did you dream about a dead owl? The dream book is confident that you will avoid serious illness or danger. A living owl in a dream symbolizes slander and slander of enemies.

Interpretation of sleep according to Aesop's dream book

Why do you dream about an owl? She is a universally recognized symbol of wisdom. This bird reflects some mysterious force influencing the dreamer’s life from the outside or dormant inside him.

Have you ever seen an owl attack another bird or animal? In reality, you will become a participant in events during which the powerful and strong man will subjugate the weaker.

Did you dream that you found an owlet? The dream book is sure that someone will give you wise and practical advice. Why do you dream of an owl without feathers? Certain circumstances will literally drive you crazy and force you to do a stupid thing.

Did an owl sit on your head in a dream? The dream book believes that you will face real Evil. The cry of an owl near the house marks an addition to the family or, on the contrary, a tragedy.

Interpretation of the dream book of D. and N. Winter

Why do you dream of an ordinary gray owl? She conveys a gloomy and dreary attitude towards life. Perhaps you really have reasons to be sad.

However, the dream book believes that negativity will not help cope with the blues and real problems. The image of an owl in a dream suggests acting decisively, but at the same time relying not so much on sober calculation as on your own intuition.

Prediction from D. Loff's dream book

An owl is a symbol of longevity and secret knowledge in a dream, which directly relates to predicting the future. You may not even realize that you have the talent of a true visionary.

In addition, the image reflects spiritual quests and attempts to understand something incomprehensible. By exactly how the owl behaved in a dream, you can understand whether you are on the right path and whether you have the opportunity to learn something unknowable from the point of view of ordinary people.

Interpretation of the dream book from A to Z

Why do you dream about an owl, according to this dream book? He believes that you are at risk of getting caught bad society. If you dreamed that an owl flew right in front of your face, you will get sick close person. If in a dream an owl flies during the day, then in reality you will be able to avoid mortal danger.

It’s bad to hear an owl’s cry in a dream - this is a harbinger that you will have to attend someone else’s funeral. Did you dream that an owl flew into the house? An accident will happen. A dead bird promises romantic experiences, and a stuffed owl predicts: you admit a mistake you made earlier.

Deciphering the image according to the White Magician's dream book

Why do you dream about an owl? Be careful, ill-wishers dream of taking advantage of your weakness. The day following the dream will bring a lot of troubles.

Have you ever seen an owl hunting in a dream? Your soul is filled with unreasonable fears. Subconsciously, you are terribly afraid of finding yourself in the role of a victim.

Did you dream that you killed an owl? What you have in mind is not good. The action you are willing to take will make the situation even worse. To solve the problem, the dream book recommends contacting competent people.

Why do you dream of an owl outside the window, in the forest?

Did you dream of an owl in the forest? You want to become a wise person or solve some difficult problem. Sometimes the interpretation of a dream indicates a certain female person who harms you unconsciously out of “good” intentions or intentionally.

Why else would an owl appear outside the window? This is a reflection of personal spiritual quests. The vision hints that the answers are nearby, you just need to be able to consider them.

In addition, an owl outside the window in a dream reflects the secret side of the personality. Perhaps you will soon discover something in yourself that you didn’t even suspect before. Look around, the place where you saw the owl will tell you which area of ​​life the upcoming changes concern.

I dreamed of an owl in the house, in my hands

If in a dream an owl was in your hands, then you will be able to see what was previously hidden. There will be complete clarity and absolute understanding of the situation. In fact, you are destined for a series of insights that will completely change your views on the world around you.

Did you dream of an owl in the house that lunges at a certain person? Remember this character - it is he who poses a threat to you in real world. Seeing an owl calmly and voluntarily perch on someone’s shoulder is better. In reality, an almost telepathic understanding will be established between you and him.

An owl in the house is a symbol of voluntary loneliness and even hermitism. But you deliberately hid from society, which opened up opportunities for understanding the deep secrets of existence and the universe. If the bird lands on some part of the body, then it is there that the still dormant illness is hidden.

What does a white, polar, ordinary owl mean in a dream?

Why do you dream of an ordinary gray owl? She warns of danger or fear. At the same time, the bird personifies a wise woman, receiving advice, and one’s own intuition. Did you dream about a gray owl? Receive news or face the downside of familiar things.

A white owl in a dream marks the discovery of some secret and hints at an imminent romantic date. Did you dream of an unusual owl with glowing eyes? These are the dreamer’s obsessive thoughts, which over time can develop into real mania.

I dreamed that an owl was hitting the window, flying, flying away

Why do you dream that an owl is hitting the window? Alas, you are destined for great misfortune. This same image reflects the intrigues weaving around your person. An owl that knocks on a window symbolizes fear.

Seeing an owl flying means that someone will take advantage of your ideas and plans. If in a dream an owl flies and flaps its wings loudly, then danger threatens a whole group of people, including you. If it flies away, then the threat has passed.

Owl in a dream - even more specifics

If you dreamed of an owl, then you will have to show wisdom in some delicate matter. This bird is rarely dreamed of, so the dream can be considered prophetic in any case. Moreover, you should remember exactly the words that she may say in a dream.

  • follow the flight of an owl - immersion in dark secrets
  • flying owl - occult knowledge
  • overhead - danger
  • flies towards you - trouble is close
  • flies away from you - everything will be fine
  • with small prey - getting rid of small worries
  • with a large one - victory over evil
  • sitting on a stone - poverty
  • on a tree - advice from a loved one
  • in the room - difficult situation
  • in a cage - unrealized possibilities
  • white – date
  • gray – woman
  • black – threat
  • attacks you - an insidious enemy
  • caught a mouse - your secret will be revealed
  • small birds - problems for children
  • tame an owl - wisdom, worldly experience
  • hold in hands - fear
  • hear a hoot - trouble, trouble, bad news

Why else do you dream about an owl? The interpretation of the dream depends entirely on the characteristics cultural traditions which the dreamer adheres to. Therefore, the same vision can warn of illness, failure and even death, or of healing (physical or spiritual), absolute success and wisdom.