Air vehicles in fairy tales. Literary quiz “Vehicles in fairy tales” (senior preschool age). Compare forms, purpose of vehicles

Fairy tales all over the world are characterized by dreams of wonderful, extraordinary objects. They were probably the first in the world fantastic stories. True, not scientific. But they illustrated a person’s dream of things that help a hero who finds himself in a difficult situation.
Remember the apple on the platter? Why not TV? What about a talking mirror that “shows and tells the whole truth”? It works in on-line mode. Look into it and you will find out what is in this moment happening in neighboring kingdoms. Everyone has this today, doesn’t it?)). It says - everything is ok with you, you are cuter than everyone, more beautiful than everyone in the world. Then suddenly, boom, and it turns out - the mirror was lying - everything is bad, there is more beautiful in the world and not everything is ok))).

But these are gadgets, overseas inventions, and in Russia they are different, taking into account our realities, we have open spaces, therefore, probably, our ancestors dreamed of high-speed transport). And they came up with it - wow, so many options!

Emelya's coolest vehicle is a self-propelled stove. This idea was implemented: the train is moving, you are lying on the floor, they serve you tea).

Illustration by Gennady Spirin

Emelya is such an inventor, the furnace is the pinnacle of his engineering, but there were also self-propelled buckets of water - they probably worked for him on the basis of nano-technology.
And there were self-propelled sleighs - wow, beauty... However, this means of transportation has one important drawback: it is completely useless in the summer (since it has no wheels, only a sled).

Here are self-propelled robotic water buckets. Possessed artificial intelligence.

Emelya actually competes for the laurels of the best inventor with Ivan the Fool and Ivan Tsarevich. But the Ivans mainly mastered living creatures. Ivan Tsarevich adapted the wolf - but there was no point in eating the Tsarevich’s horse....

A Ivanushka is a fool- the little humpbacked horse. The little humpback was a talking, floppy-eared horse - an adviser, assistant and tireless transport.

But this is not all that heroes in Rus' traveled on. There were also boots - walking boots.

Your Nikes are just garbage compared to these boots - they are “seven-league”! The main thing here is not to miss your destination. Yeah, our ancestors knew what to program for the future - we haven’t invented such shoes yet. However, there have already been some attempts:

Soon we will grow into walking boots.

Some models of flying ships

Lemkul Flying Ship

Improved model. Has wings and a parking anchor.

To complement all this, our ancestors came up with a universal navigator - a tangle. It orients itself better than a compass in the cardinal directions and never strays from a given route. You can get it by passing some tests from a sophisticated life experience character (like Baba Yaga).

And Baba was also that driver, this hag had an extraordinary vehicle in her garage - a stupa.

Illustration by Ivan Yakovlevich Bilibin

To drive this car, you need to become a witch, but definitely an old one - the age limit is quite strict. Only Baba Yaga, a very dense witch, has the license to drive the stupa. If you are younger, then a broom is at your service. Or you can ride a hog.

And the mischievous granny also has a hut on chicken legs, also a wow transport - a prototype of the current trailer - and you have a kitchenette inside, and a hot stove, and a cat sits on it - live and move around)). These were such clever storytellers.

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Research work on the topic: Fairy tales in which heroes move different ways


Chapter 1. Fairy tales in which heroes move in different ways... .....4

1.1. What is a “fairy tale”………………………………………………………4

1.2. Movement of heroes through the air…………………………….……………5

1.3. Movement of heroes along the roads……………………………………….....7

1.4. Movement of heroes on water………………………………………………………8

Chapter 2 Practical work according to fairy tales………………………….………..9

    Quiz on fairy tales……………..…………………………………......9

    Travel tips……..……………………………………..10.


List of used literature……………………………………………………...12



I really love to read. And these are the most various works: myths, fairy tales, original stories, novellas. Our attention was drawn to the fact that in many works the heroes move along roads, through the air and through water. I wanted to find out why the authors send their heroes on different aircraft and accidents never happen to them.

The relevance of this topic lies in the fact that we often hear about road accidents in which people get involved and in which, unfortunately, they die. Adults warn us, we learn the rules traffic, there are warning signs on the roads, inspectors are monitoring the traffic, but road accidents are not decreasing. Why? Maybe the answer to this question can be found in fairy tales, where the heroes moved actively and there were no accidents.

Therefore the goal research work I defined it this way: find out why the heroes need different means of transportation.

When performing the work, the following tasks were set:

2. Carefully study some points of the traffic rules.

3. Find common points in fairy tales and traffic rules.

4.Activate cognitive activity when studying traffic rules and reading fairy tales.

5.Execute creative task: make a quiz.

Object of study are fairy tales.

Subject of research are the means of transportation of heroes in fairy tales.

The presented work consists of an introduction, two chapters and a conclusion. At the end of the work a list of used literature is given.

Chapter 1. Fairy tales in which heroes move in different ways.

1.1. What's happened« fairy tale».

Fairy tales are amazing genre. The Russian philosopher Ilyin said that “a fairy tale is a dream that a nation has had.” Indeed, in dreams sometimes people see plots similar to fragments of fairy tales or some ancient rituals. Folklore researchers believe that the plots of fairy tales familiar to us from childhood are indeed related to the most ancient rites and rituals. And the nature of these ancient rituals is connected with the deep mechanisms of the formation of symbolic behavior and imaginative thinking. Fairy tales, like dreams, in a sense address directly the mechanisms of the unconscious. This is their great strength. And at the same time it is expressive, literary texts, which provide aesthetic pleasure when reading. The plots of fairy tales are strange from the point of view of rational consciousness. Their action takes place in a special space - “in a certain kingdom, in a certain state...” and their patterns are impossible in the usual world - animals talk in them, Baba Yaga tries to eat a boy, the hero can be boiled in a cauldron - and after that he remains alive... And it is told how true story, and not as a comparison or metaphor... That is, there is a world that functions according to such rules

A fairy tale for a child is not just fiction, fantasy, it is a special reality, the reality of the world of feelings. A fairy tale expands the boundaries for a child ordinary life. Only in fairy tales do children encounter such complex phenomena and feelings as life and death, love and hate, anger and compassion. The form of depiction of these phenomena is special, fabulous, accessible.

1.2. Movement of heroes through the air.

Movement is life. Rivers flow, clouds float, winds blow, birds, fish, animals migrate, blood and water flow in the human body. The man himself flies, drives, walks. It is impossible to stop movement either in nature or in human life. This means you need to learn to move in a way that is safe. Can fairy tales teach this? They can!

The place of movement is a fabulous space. Participants in the movement: Thumbelina, Kai, Gerda, Masha, Baba Yaga, Ivan Tsarevich, Emelya, Aibolit, frog. Vehicles: horse, flying carpet, bast shoes, boat, boat, water lily petal, stove, bear with a box, wolf, black barrel bull.

Fairy tale characters move through the air. Ivan Tsarevich flies on a magic carpet. Baba Yaga flies in a mortar: “Baba Yaga flies in a mortar, drives with a pestle, and covers her tracks with a broom.” (Fairy tale “Vasilisa the Beautiful”). Thumbelina “sat down on the bird’s back, and the swallow soared into the air like an arrow and carried Thumbelina to a fairyland.” (H.H. Andersen “Thumbelina”). Flies to warmer climes and the traveler frog, clinging with his mouth to a twig held in the duck’s beaks: “We found a good strong twig, two ducks took it in their beaks, the frog clung its mouth to the middle, and the whole herd rose into the air.” (Garshin “Frog Traveler”).

We also encounter people’s dreams of flight in folk tales. This is, of course, a fairy tale." flying ship" The king promised to marry his daughter to the one who would build him a flying ship. And then the plot is well known: the older brothers tried, but they didn’t succeed. But the youngest, a fool, with the help of his wonderful grandfather, was able to build a flying ship with sails. This is how it is written about it in the fairy tale: “The fool took an ax with him and went into the forest. I walked and walked through the forest and spotted a tall pine tree: the top of this pine tree rests on the clouds, only three people can grasp it. ... He cut down a pine tree and began to clear it of its branches. An old man came up to him... and showed him how to trim a pine tree.

Well, now let's start adjusting the sails!

And he took out a piece of canvas from his bosom.

The old man shows, the fool tries, he does everything conscientiously - and the sails are ready, trimmed.

    Now get into your ship,” says the old man, “and fly wherever you want.” ...

Here they said goodbye. The old man went his way, and the fool boarded the flying ship and straightened the sails. The sails inflated, the ship soared into the sky, and flew faster than a falcon.” With the help of this flying ship the hero was able to fulfill his dreams and become happy.

In some fairy tales, heroes travel on a magic carpet. In flight, forests, fields, mountains, rivers, that is, vast expanses, open up to them. The flying carpet helps the heroes not only quickly move through the air from one place to another, but also deceive the enemies who are pursuing them. I think that man, creating with his imagination all the listed means of transportation through the air, was somewhat envious of the birds. And not only because birds can quickly cover distances, but also because they are free, free creatures.

1.3. Movement of heroes along the roads.

In a fairy-tale space, heroes can move on the ground, walk or ride some animals. Little girl Nyurochka sat down on the bull: “The bull, a black barrel, shook its white hooves with its head, waved its tail and ran.” (Fairy tale “Bull-black barrel, white hooves”).

"For a long time Ivan Tsarevich dense forests made his way through the swamps of the swamp elm and finally came to the Koshcheev oak tree.” ("Princess Frog"). "The ball is rolling along high mountains, through green meadows, rolls through swampy swamps, rolls through dense forests” (“The Frog Princess”). “And the fox rides on a wolf and slowly says: “The beaten one carries the unbeaten” (“Sister Fox and Gray wolf"). “The gray wolf with Ivan Tsarevich rushed faster than a horse to take the firebird” (“Ivan Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf”). The sleigh races by itself, where Emelya sits, raising her baton up. Emelya can even ride a stove. “The stove crackled and suddenly flew free. And faster than any bird it flew towards the king.” (“The Tale of Emelya the Fool”). “Masha climbed into the box, the bear put it on his back and went to the village.” (Fairy tale "Masha and the Bear"). “I wove bast shoes for myself, they are not simple, they are wonderful. If I put them on, my feet will run on their own,” says the old man to Ivan in the fairy tale “Wonderful little shoes.” Gerda rides in a golden carriage to save Kai: “A carriage made of pure gold drove up to the gate. The prince and princess seated Gerda in the carriage and wished her a safe journey." And then the girl rides on a deer: “The Finnish woman put Gerda on the back of the deer, and he started running as fast as he could.” “The snow flakes kept growing and eventually turned into large white chickens. Suddenly they scattered to the sides, the large sleigh stopped, and they got into The Snow Queen and Kai. The sleigh carried them to the ice palace.” (H.H. Andersen “The Snow Queen”).

1.4. Movement of heroes on water.

Fairy-tale characters swim across the seas, rivers, and oceans. Gerda is sailing along the river in a boat in search of Kai. Thumbelina "rolled on a rose petal in a plate of water." Saving Thumbelina from the toad, the fish bit the stem of the water lily and the leaf quickly floated downstream. “Thumbelina swam further and further.”

"The wind blows across the sea,

And the boat speeds up,

He runs in the waves

With sails raised."

(A.S. Pushkin “The Tale of Tsar Soltan...”)

And Doctor Aibolit, hurrying to Africa, now flies, now sails, now drives:

“Shaggy wolves run out:

Sit down, Aibolit, on horseback,

We’ll get you there quickly!”

“But then a whale swims out:

Sit on me, Aibolit!

And, like a big ship,

I’ll take you ahead!”

"And now from a high cliff

Eagles flew to Aibolit:

Sit down, Aibolit, on horseback,

We’ll get you there quickly!”

(K.I. Chukovsky “Aibolit”)

Chapter 2. Practical work on fairy tales.

2.1. Quiz on fairy tales.

Among students primary classes A Fairy Tale Quiz was held.


1. How did Baba Yaga cover her trail while flying in the mortar? (with a broom)

2.What did the heroes of K.I. Chukovsky’s fairy tale “The Cockroach” travel on? (insert the right words)

“The bears were riding (a bicycle),

Bunnies - (on the tram),

Toad – (on a broom),

And mosquitoes - (on balloon).

3.What types of transport did Gerda use to save Kai? (boat, golden carriage, deer)

4.What round object shows the way for the hero in fairy tales? (clew)

5.What words did the hero of the fairy tale “Sivka-Burka” call the horse?

6. How did Doctor Aibolit get to Africa? (on a wolf, on a whale, on an eagle)

7.Name the vehicles that are mentioned in Russian folk tales? (horse, flying carpet, walking boots, etc.)

8.Did the frog traveler reach warm countries? Why?

9.Which car is rolling, rolling? (blue)

10. How did Prince Guidon get to Buyan Island? (in a barrel)

After the quiz, the work was analyzed. We see how much we moved around fairy-tale heroes and they never had any accidents on land, water or air. Why? Firstly, because they all moved to do good deeds: Aibolit to heal, the Gray Wolf to help Ivan Tsarevich, the bull and the bear save the girls, Gerda was looking for Kai, etc. Secondly, all the heroes treated other participants in the movement with respect, patience, understanding, and understood that it was impossible to violate anyone’s rights. Therefore, there were no accidents in fairy tales, and you can learn this from the heroes of fairy tales.

2.1. Wise proverbs for travelers.

Wise advice Proverbs given to travelers:

(Don't speed)

2. A zealous horse does not live long.

(Do not overload the motor)

3. There will be a quiet ride on the mountain.

(Drive carefully)

4. Without asking the ford, do not poke your nose into the water.

(Learn the way)

5. If you go for a day, take bread for a week.

(Bring supplies for the trip)

(Relax on the road)

7. It’s hard to swim against the water.

(Choose a convenient road)

8.You can’t go far on a lame horse.

(Keep the vehicle in order)


In my work, I examined several works: myths, fairy tales, fiction, and I can conclude that the goals of their famous and unknown authors are very different. Various means of transportation described in the books help the heroes either escape from many years of captivity or quickly move from one point globe to another, then it’s interesting to spend time traveling. Also, after reading fairy tales and proverbs, we were convinced that they can be used to teach rules of behavior on the roads. And in order to avoid getting into accidents and not being injured in them, you need to strive to do only good deeds, be polite, respect all road users, and listen to your elders.

List of used literature.

1.Andersen G.H. "Thumbelina." Izhevsk, “The Wanderer” 1994

2. Andersen G.H. "The Snow Queen". M., “Children’s Literature”, 1985.

3.Garshin “Frog Traveler”. Native speech. M., “Enlightenment”, 1995.

4. Repin Y.S. "Road ABC" M., Order of the Badge of Honor, publishing house DOSAAF USSR, 1980.

5.Russian folk tales. Novosibirsk book publishing house, 1989.

6.Russians folk riddles, proverbs, sayings. M., “Enlightenment”, 1990.

7.Fairy tales, proverbs, riddles. M., “Children’s Literature” 1989.

8. Reader on children's literature. M., “Children’s Literature”, 1965.

9. Reader for preschoolers (1,2,3t). M., AST 1997

10. Chukovsky K.I. "Aibolit". M., “Children’s Literature”, 1997.

Keywords: Russian folk tales, literary tales, magic items, helper items, modern inventions.

The fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it,

good fellows lesson

Modern devices allow us to move quickly, get to know the world, expand our horizons, instantly learn news, make housework easier, etc. Machines and mechanisms have become so firmly established in our lives that we don’t even notice them. But people have dreamed of such devices for a very long time. Ideas can be found in fairy tales: a flying carpet, walking boots, a self-propelled stove, a harp - samogud... We wanted to do something a little different than just literary work, look at some of the fairy tales, trace the path of several inventions, from dreams to reality.

I love reading fairy tales and imagining the life of this or that people. While reading fairy tales, I noticed the presence of various magic items, reminiscent of some modern inventions. How, in seemingly old fairy tales, people managed to predict the appearance of modern televisions and players remains a mystery. We decided to find out what specific modern objects are represented in fairy tales by writing a paper on the topic: “ Comparative analysis magical objects from fairy tales modern inventions».

The relevance of the study is due to the insufficient knowledge of fairy tales. Nowadays, a lot of research is being carried out, the purpose of which is to compile unified classification fairy tales, characters and plots. Therefore, it seems logical to study the realities presented in fairy tales. Such a study will help to get a more complete picture of such a genre as a fairy tale. This is due to the scientific novelty and theoretical significance work.

The object of the study was magical objects that were given to help the main characters of various fairy tales.

The purpose of the study is to conduct a comparative analysis between fairy-tale magical objects and modern inventions.

In accordance with the purpose of the study, the following tasks were set:

Identify magical objects found in fairy tales;

Consider their functioning in fairy tales;

Conduct a comparative analysis between fairy-tale magical objects and modern inventions.

The method of comparative analysis was used in this work. A comparison was made between fairy-tale objects and everyday objects modern man.

The research material was Russian folk and literary fairy tales.

The subject of the research was magical objects and objects - assistants in Russian folk and literary fairy tales.

The fairy tale is a whole movement in literature. Behind long years In its formation and development, this genre has become a universal genre, covering all phenomena of surrounding life and nature, achievements of science and technology.

In ancient times, when there were no books or schools yet, grandfathers and grandmothers invented fairy tales to tell their children and grandchildren about the world around them. In them they talked about the struggle between good and evil, about the infinity of the world and the dangers lurking in it. The younger generation told these tales to their children and grandchildren, and then to their own, and so on from century to century.

Events in fairy tales were gradually corrected, acquired new details, and unnecessary ones were gradually forgotten. So it accumulated age-old wisdom- which has come down to us. Fairy tales present the actions of the heroes and their consequences, thus, by their example, fairy tales help to avoid unpleasant mistakes.

The fairy tale constantly changed, absorbing features new reality, but remained continuously connected with social and historical events.

A fairy tale, as a figurative reflection of the world, requires special qualities of perception from the reader creative imagination, developed powers of observation, the ability to understand allegories.

Reading fairy tales, we encounter big amount various magical objects and wonders. In fairy tales they have a variety of functions, one of which is to help the hero and make his existence easier. Already at this stage we can draw an analogy with modernity - the technology used by modern man.

Here are some magical objects, their functions in the fairy tale and compare them with modern inventions.

Fairytale items andtheir modern analogues

Let's turn to the fairy tale "Old Man Hottabych": Hottabych, together with Volka and his friend, set off on a flying carpet - a magic carpet that flies through the air and moves the heroes from one place to another.

"Ivan sat down on Magic carpet, flew out of underground kingdom and before he had time to blink, he found himself in a beautiful garden, sat down under a broom bush and began to watch and admire how gold and silver fish walked in the bright water.”

However, civilization does not stand still and, after some time, an airplane appeared, and then scientists invented modern airplanes. Thus, an analogue of a flying carpet is modern airplane. It, like its counterpart, helps people move from one place to another in a fairly quick time.

The first flight was made on an airplane designed by A.F. Mozhaisky, but the flight was unsuccessful. Six years later, an airplane built by brothers Orville and Wilbur Wright took to the skies and flew 50 meters in 12 seconds. And in 1909 they built an airplane that reached a speed of 60 km per hour. Since that time, the development of aircraft manufacturing in Europe began.

Currently, supersonic aircraft invented in Russia are flying successfully: the SU-27 interceptor fighter, the TU-22 M3 supersonic long-range bomber.

“Baba Yaga bone leg quickly sat down V stupa, rose into the air and rushed after the girl like a pusher, chasing her, sweeping her trail with a broom.”

In the fairy tale "Down the Magic River" the reader meets Baba Yaga's stupa, which, of course, can be compared with modern helicopters.

Despite the fact that the plane had dominated the air for many years, it had one drawback - in order to remain in the air, it must constantly and at a sufficiently high speed move in a horizontal plane, because the lifting force of its wings directly depends on the speed of movement . Hence the need for a takeoff run during takeoff and a landing run, which chains the aircraft to the airfield.

This niche, after a long design search, was occupied by a rotary-wing machine - a helicopter.

Helicopter is an aircraft with vertical take-off and landing. There are single-rotor helicopters with a tail rotor; two- or multi-screw.

Boris Yuryev made a significant contribution to the invention of the helicopter. He improved the propeller blades and created an automatic skewer that ensures the necessary installation of the blades.

In addition, to move in space, heroes of Russian fairy tales often used walking boots. In various fairy-tale states, messengers always had a pair of magic boots for quickly transporting royal decrees. So, for example, in the fairy tale “Down the Magic River,” Tsar Makar sent a messenger in magic boots to Vasilisa the Wise for advice. IN modern world we can find analogues of running boots even on children - figure skates in winter androller skates - in summer. Of course, their purpose of use is somewhat different, but they still remain a means of moving in space. The first roller skates appeared at the beginning of the 17th century! The Dane Hans Brikur attached wooden spools to his shoes.

Among our compatriots, perhaps, there is not a single one who has not watched the cartoon “Well, wait a minute!” in particular the episode in which the Wolf finds himself in a fairy tale. Entering Baba Yaga's house, he discovers there samogudy harp. This magical object plays music itself, without human intervention.

In modern life it performs the same function whole line devices - music player, tape recorder, player.

Talking about modern technology, can't help but mention TV. Modern TV is modernized saucer withapple. The saucer was used to observe events, such as those occurring in various places fairyland, for example, Baba Yaga in the fairy tale “Down the Magic River” used a saucer to learn about the main events in the capital of the fairy-tale kingdom, and subsequently watched the battle between the Tsar’s heroes and the army of Koshchei the Immortal.

In fairy tales, characters often found themselves in situations where they needed to get to someone's palace or castle, the location of which was unknown to them. In such situations, the heroes always came to the rescue magic ball thread or yarn showing the way.

Modern man often finds himself in similar situations, and in our world he comes to the aid of navigator, which is an analogue of a fairy tale ball.

The navigator was invented back in 1932, with a scrolling map, the scrolling speed depended on the speed of the car.

"The stove, by pike command, according to my wish, go straight to the king’s palace to bake. And the stove crackled, and suddenly flew out into the wild. And faster than any bird she rushed to the king."

In the Russian folk tale "Po pike command» the reader meets the magical oven, which Emelya rode.

All he had to do was put the wood in the stove, and it was immediately ready to hit the road. An analogue of a magic oven is modern car. The word car means “self-propelled carriage,” although in the modern world it is customary to call cars only vehicles equipped with autonomous engines.

The beginning of the modern automobile era is usually counted from 1895, when, independently of each other, G. Daimler and K. Benz built self-propelled carriages with internal combustion engines, with a large number rpm and high degree compression. Since then, the Russian automotive industry has come a glorious way. Russian inventors of the pre-revolutionary period made a significant contribution to the development of automotive technology, ranging from the muscular self-propelled vehicles of Shamshurenkov and Kulibin to Puzyrev’s cars and the products of the Russian-Baltic Carriage Plant.

"Cockerel from a high knitting needle

Began to guard its borders,

A little danger where visible

A faithful watchman, as if from a dream,

Will move, perk up,

Will turn to that side

And shouts: “Kiri-ku-ku!”

This tale may make you think about modern radar. Christian Hülsmeier first invented radar in 1904. The radar sends out a directed beam of radio waves. A car, plane or other large metal object that encounters a radio beam reflects it like a mirror. The radar receiver picks up the reflection and measures the time it takes for the pulse to travel to the reflecting object and back.

“The fire burns brighter,

The little hunchback runs faster

Here he is in front of the fire.

The field shines as if it were day;

Wonderful light flows all around,

But it doesn’t heat, it doesn’t smoke

Ivan was amazed here.

“What,” he said, “what kind of devil is this!

There are five hats in the world;

But there is no heat and no smoke.

This is a miracle - a light!

The horse tells him:

There is something to marvel at!

There's a feather here firebirds…»

Are we talking about fluorescent lamps?

Daylight lamp- This is a fluorescent lamp with a bluish glow. Used for general lighting purposes. All types of fluorescent lamps are often called fluorescent lamps. It was invented in 1872 by Russian electrical engineer A. N. Lodygin.

“... Grandma took it millstones and started grinding like you couldn’t turn it - damn it, it’s cake!” .

This magical fairy tale item can be compared With microwave oven. This device converts electricity into electromagnetic microwaves. The microwave oven was first patented by the American inventor Percy Spencer in 1945.

Summing up the work done, it should be noted that in Russian fairy tales there are many parallels with the life of modern man. We came to the conclusion that people’s dreams are encrypted allegorically in these works.

These works indicate that a person’s dreams can sooner or later be realized. To realize any dream, mental and physical effort, economic opportunities, and an irresistible desire are required.

But there is a magic object in fairy tales that can help heroes in various situations - a magic wand, and, unfortunately, an analogue magic wand have not yet been invented.


  4. Russian folk tales. Compiled and notes by V. P. Anikin, Moscow: Children's Literature, 1986.
  5. Works in 3 volumes. Moscow: Fiction 1986
  6. Encyclopedia for children. Volume 11. Technology. Chief Editor: Aksenova, Moscow: Avanta, 2004.
  7. The Little Humpbacked Horse: A Russian fairy tale in three parts. Moscow: Children's literature, 2002.
  8. Kamov F., Kurlyandsky A. Well, wait a minute! - L., 1997.
  9. Lagin L. Starik-Hottabych. M.: Children's literature, 1973.
  10. Propp V. Ya. Historical roots fairy tale. L., 1986.
  11. Russian folk tale"At the behest of the pike."
  12. Russian folk tale "The Firebird".
  13. Pushkin A.S. Golden Cockerel.
  14. Uspensky E. “Down the Magic River”
  15. Russian folk tale "The Rooster and the Millstones". Edited by A. N. Afanasyev.

Keywords: Russian folk tales, literary tales, magical objects, helper objects, modern inventions.

Annotation: The article is devoted to a comparative analysis between fairy-tale magical objects and modern inventions; an analogy is drawn between magical wonders that help the hero and make his existence easier with the technology used by modern man.

Name the fairy-tale vehicles you know?

  1. Mortar (to drive with a pestle, to cover the trail with a broom) or just on a broom
    Riding fairy-tale animals (pegasus, dragons)
    Pechka (Emelya with pike)
    Sports horse (Soviet cartoon about a boy who didn’t want to do exercises)
    Barrel (the tale of Tsar Saltan)
    sandals with wings (Mercury)
    cloud ("On the road with the clouds")
    flying ship
  2. If according to modern
    Vacuum cleaner-broom This is for grandmas
    Airplane carpet For all kinds of tourists and Aladdins.
    Hang glider - eagle. For extreme sports enthusiasts and hobbits.
    Fighter-Dragon For pilots and Aragons.
    The Wolf car is for everyone and Ivan the Fool.
    Tank - A stove for tankers and all sorts of tankers.
    You can associate for a long time. The main thing is that we have transport that is no worse than in fairy tales.
    About the time machine...This is rather an area science fiction than fairy tales.
  3. A carpet-samolt, a pepelats, a stupa with a broom at Baba Yaga’s, at the behest of the pike...
  4. disappear instantly and appear where needed, in an old fairy tale there was a flying steamship
    broom, stove, sivka-burka, and fairy wizards help, etc.
  5. Core (Mühnhausen). , wild geese(Nils, the frog - traveler)
    And the word “boots” does not decline (except for walking boots)
  6. Baba Yaga's stupa, with the help of the ring, ended up in another place, Sivka Burka, Gray Wolf, with the help of Old Man Khattabych and other genies.
  7. Little Mook's shoes
  8. wolf, eagle, dragon, barrel
  9. teleport
  10. Simitsvetik flower (I wished for where I needed it and moved)
  11. Baba Yaga's stupa, flying carpet, flying ship, Sivka burka, running boots, swan geese, gray wolf, hut on chicken legs, help from wizards, pumpkin carriage, stove, hunchbacked horse, fairy-tale characters sometimes turn into an animal and runs away, damn it, riding animals and birds, wearing an invisible hat, a broom, magic shoes (flying)
  12. Baba Zhka's Stupa
  13. house, silver slippers and flying monkeys - " Emerald City"
    train - "Alice through the looking glass"
    cockchafer, water strider and other insects - a fairy tale about an ant who was late for the anthill
    umbrella - Mary Poppins
    Gogol's coffin
  14. Geese swans - geese
    Masha and the Bear - box with pies and Masha
    Princess frog - box
    the fox used the wolf as a means of transportation
    A hut on chicken legs
    STORM-HORSE horse of Perun:
    Perun's horse has a pearl tail, his mane is gilded, all studded with large pearls, and in his eyes he has the Margarit stone, where he looks everything burns with fire.
    LIGHT-WINGED BOAT, drawn by white or golden swans, means of transportation Slavic gods or fairy-tale heroes.

    WELCOME Western Slavs the patron of good news, the messenger of the gods - something like the ancient Hermes (Mercury).
    Descending from heaven, he put on winged boots, reminiscent of the running boots of Russian fairy tales.

  15. A broom, a broom, a stove from “At the Pike’s Command”, there is also a sleigh on which Emelya rode from the forest, sleigh-scooters are mentioned in the fairy tale “The Rooster and the Cat”, as edited by Ushinsky, a hut on chicken legs, geese-swans, gin from 1000 and one night, which takes the hero to different places, somewhere there is a magic ring with the same functions. There is a Russian folk tale "The Flying Ship", in various tales the hero escapes on an eagle, feeding it meat cut from his thigh. If you remember mythology, there is Pegasus, the sandals on which Perseus fought the dragon, centaurs, clouds.
  16. Bake. Chrt (evenings on a farm near Dikanka)
  17. Gray wolf, pepelats, stove, mortar, magic ring, Sivka-burka
  18. Running boots!
  19. kogbunok, time machine