Raise my son to be a pig. What is good and what is bad. Analysis of Mayakovsky’s poem “What is good and what is bad”

232 -

Baby son

came to my father

and the little one asked:

What's happened

and what is

Badly? -

there are no secrets -

10 listen, kids, -

this dad's

in the book.

If the wind

roofs are torn,

the hail roared, -

Everyone knows -

20 this is

for walks

233 -

The rain fell

and passed.

in the whole world.

Very good

and big

30 and children.

blacker than night

the dirt lies

on the face -

very bad

for baby skin.

40 If

loves soap

and tooth powder,

This Boy

very cute,

doing well.

If it hits

trashy brawler

weak boy

50 I'm like that

insert into the book.

This one screams:

Don't touch

234 -

Who shorter! -

This Boy

so good

60 is a sight for sore eyes!

broke a row

octobers say:

bad boy.

If it's a boy

loves work

70 per book

about this one

write here:

good boy.

From the crow

ran away, groaning.

This boy

80 is just a coward.

very bad.

even though he’s only an inch taller,

with a formidable bird.

Brave boy

235 -

90 will come in handy.

got into the mud

that the shirt is dirty.

About this one

he is bad,

and the little one asked:
- What is good and what is bad?-
I have no secrets, -
listen, kids, -

Dad's answer to this
I put it in the book.
- If the wind tears the roofs,
if the hail thundered, -
everyone knows - this is it
not good for walking.

The rain came and went.
The sun in the whole world.
This is very good
both adults and children.

Usli son is blacker than night,
dirt lies on the face, -
Clearly, this is very bad
for baby skin.

If a boy loves soap
and tooth powder,
this boy is very cute
doing well.

If a crappy fighter hits
weak boy
I don't want that
even insert it into the book.

This one is shouting: “Don’t touch me.”
those who are smaller!-
This boy is so good
simply a sight for sore eyes!

If you broke a row
a book and a ball,
all the guys say:
bad boy.

If a boy loves work,
points a finger at a book,
they write about this here:
he is a good boy.

From the crow the little one
ran away, groaning.
This boy is just a coward.
This is very bad.

This one, even though he’s only an inch tall,
argues with a formidable bird.
Brave boy, okay
will be useful in life.

This one climbed into the mud and is glad,
that the shirt is dirty.
They talk about this
he is bad - a slob.

This one cleans his felt boots,
washes his galoshes himself.
Although he is small,
but quite good.

Remember this every son.
Any child know:
my son will grow up to be a pig,
if the son is a pig.

The boy went joyfully, and the baby decided:
“I will do good
and I won’t be bad.”

"What is good and what is bad?"

Baby son
came to my father
and the little one asked:
- What's happened
and what is
I have
there are no secrets, -
listen, kids, -
this dad's
I place
in the book.

If the wind
roofs are torn,
the hail roared, -
Everyone knows -
this is it
for walks
The rain fell
and passed.
in the whole world.
This -
Very good
and big
and children.

blacker than night
the dirt lies
on the face -
It's clear,
very bad
for baby skin.

loves soap
and tooth powder,
This Boy
very cute,
doing well.

If it hits
trashy brawler
weak boy
I'm like that
Don't want
insert into the book.

This one screams:
- Don't touch
who is shorter! -
This Boy
so good
simply a sight for sore eyes!
If you are
broke a row
little book
and a ball
octobers say:
bad boy.

If it's a boy
loves work
in a book
about this one
write here:
good boy.

From the crow
ran away, groaning.
This boy
just a coward.
very bad.

even though he’s only an inch taller,
with a formidable bird.
Brave boy
in life
will come in handy.
got into the mud
and glad.
that the shirt is dirty.
About this one
They say:
he is bad,
cleans his felt boots,
although small,
but quite good.

every son.
any child:
will increase
from son
if the son -
went joyfully
and the little one decided:
to do well,
and I will not -

Poem by V.V. Mayakovsky - What is good and what is bad?

Baby son
came to my father
and the little one asked:
- What's happened
and what is
I have
there are no secrets, -
listen, kids, -
this dad's
I place
in the book.

- If there is wind
roofs are torn,
the hail roared, -
Everyone knows -
this is it
for walks
The rain fell
and passed.
in the whole world.
This -
Very good
and big
and children.

blacker than night
the dirt lies
on the face -
It's clear,
very bad
for baby skin.

loves soap
and tooth powder,
This Boy
very cute,
doing well.

If it hits
trashy brawler
weak boy
I'm like that
Don't want
insert into the book.

This one screams:
- Don't touch
who is shorter! -
This Boy
so good
simply a sight for sore eyes!
If you are
broke a row
little book
and a ball
octobers say:
bad boy.

If it's a boy
loves work
in a book
about this one
write here:
good boy.

From the crow
ran away, groaning.
This boy
just a coward.
very bad.

even though he’s only an inch taller,
with a formidable bird.
Brave boy
in life
will come in handy.
got into the mud
and glad.
that the shirt is dirty.
About this one
They say:
he is bad,
cleans his felt boots,
although small,
but quite good.

every son.
any child:
will increase
from son
if the son -
went joyfully
and the little one decided:
do Fine,
and I will not -

Analysis of the poem “What is good and what is bad?” Mayakovsky

Mayakovsky's creative heritage includes not only provocative complex works in futurism style. The poet also addressed the youngest readers in his work. A striking example, which has not lost its relevance in our time, is the poem “What is good and what is bad,” written by Mayakovsky in 1925.

Children's literature only at first glance looks like a simple and easy matter, not worthy of the attention of serious authors. In fact, speaking to a child in a language he understands requires considerable effort. Especially if the author claims that his work will really teach the younger generation something good and important in life. Mayakovsky considered himself one of those who turned the “wheel of history.” He saw his direct responsibility in raising a new generation destined for a better future.

The poem begins with simple question child given to the father. In a child's mind, the world is clearly divided into two parts: good and bad. For a child, abstract and intermediate concepts do not yet exist. A clear answer to such a question will become the basis for emerging concepts about good and evil, truth and lies, justice and arbitrariness.

The father's answer begins with a simple example regarding the weather. Everyone knows that rain and wind are bad, but shining sun is good. From this the author moves on to a direct analogy: dirt is bad, cleanliness is good. Therefore, a neat child who maintains hygiene is a good person.

Next, the father continues to list situations understandable to the child that characterize positive traits. Protection of the weak, hard work, courage, and neatness are clearly contrasted with cruelty, laziness, cowardice and sloppiness. The boy understands that all his actions can be viewed through the categories of good and bad. The final assessment of the child by others will depend on this. The final caveat is the statement that only a “pig” can grow from a “pig”. A playful threat carries great emotional impact. The child takes away from the conversation a firm conviction that it is necessary to always act only well.

The poem takes on special meaning in our time. Excessive enthusiasm for “children’s rights” cripples the emerging personality and makes it difficult for her to enter society. Recognizing the value of children's desires is, of course, necessary. But, in turn, this gives rise to excessive conceit and permissiveness. Spoiled children who were not taught basic rules of behavior in childhood cannot find their place in society. Their life becomes difficult and painful.