Women's patience and work will grind everything down. Does it make sense to live by the proverb? Patience and work will grind everything - true or false

Our people have good proverb "Patience and a little effort", which means if you work patiently and diligently, you can cope with any task.
Hard work, dear guys, is one of the important virtues, and without it our salvation is impossible. The word “labor” itself has the same root word “difficult”. It is clear that it is always easier to rest than to work, because work is work, an activity that requires effort and tension. But what will happen on earth if everyone stops working even for one hour? What if for one day?! Transport and all production will stop. The houses will become dark and cold. Someone will fall asleep hungry, and someone will be left without medical help. How can one live on earth and not work?
In the Bible, God directly tells man: “By the sweat of your face you will eat bread” (Gen., chapter 3). And in the Gospel, the Lord affirms that “he who works is worthy of food” (Matthew, chapter 10) and “He who does not work does not eat.”
Everyone knows the proverb: “You can’t take a fish out of a pond without difficulty”. Moreover, you cannot call a person who does not like to work pious. Then from what means will he give alms? What good deeds will please people and God? How can you help your neighbor? A person who lives at the expense of others is called "parasite"(tune - for nothing, yadets - eater, feeding).
Watch the lazy people. Here they are, relaxed, trudged to school. Here they sit at their desks, like noodles on a spoon.
At home, they will throw the bag with deuces in the corner - and to the TV or computer. And again, they either lie on the couch, lazily chewing something, or sit, twitching, playing shooting games. Poor, sick people! What will they learn, which of them will grow? Idleness is called the mother of all vices. Beware, children, of wasting time. This causes a lot of trouble. After all, rest then brings joy and elation, physical pleasure when it follows work.
A working person relaxes interestingly, tastefully, as they say. But let’s leave the pathological lazy people alone and talk about you and me and our attitude to work.
Labor can be mental and physical. At school, you guys do mental work, at home, in the country, in sports - physical work. Let's be honest with ourselves and admit that we are not always persistent in our work, that we can also shirk homework and school.
We get irritated, angry when something doesn’t work out, well, things just go out of hand! We get angry, give up what we started and become discouraged. Here it is very useful to remember the proverb with which we started the conversation, “Patience and work will grind everything down.” Indeed, in any work, in order to achieve results, repeated repetition and strong-willed endurance are important. Didn't work right away? What's surprising here? And sharpening a pencil requires skill. Where can he be if he has no experience?
“To learn to ride a bicycle,” said academician D.S. Likhachev, “you have to ride a bicycle.” This is the whole secret.
There is no need to be afraid of the amount of work. Mom will give a task, and we will panic: “Oh, so many! Will I be able to handle it? I remember a story.
“Father instructed his son to dig up the ground. The son went to work and when he saw the vast field, he gasped: “Can I really do this?” The young man became despondent and waved his hand: “No! I can’t cope with such a task,” and lay down in the grass without starting to work. The father came at the appointed time to check the assignment. Having sadly listened to his son’s arguments, he said: “If you, my son, would dig up every day as much land as your body occupies on it, today you would have dug up half of it already. As they say, the eyes fear, but the hands do.”
More folk wisdom says: “Pick one berry at a time and you’ll get a whole bunch.” And to keep things moving and not standing still, remember the saying: “Don’t put off until tomorrow what you can do today.” Every task done with soul is highly valued. They say about people who are passionate about their work: “He put his whole soul into it,” i.e. he worked not formally, but with love.
It is not for nothing that expressions have arisen: “Jack of all trades” - about a versatile specialist, “A master is afraid of a job” - about a professional in his field.
At all times, society and the state valued working people.
IN Soviet time, for example, socialist competitions were held. The best teams in a factory or plant were awarded pennants “Winner in Socialist Competition.” Photos of production leaders were hung on stands. There was state award"Drummer of communist labor."
Sounds strange in this context the word “drummer”, but there is an explanation for this. After all, after the Great Patriotic War the country was in ruins. It was necessary to raise cities from ruins and ashes. The entire people stood in line as workers and worked without sparing themselves. The expression “On the labor front” is still preserved. And at the front, as you know, they fight and fight. What did our compatriots “hit” each other with? High performance at work. More bread! More coal, machine tools, tractors, airplanes!
Each of you today, while receiving an education, is faced with choosing a profession. Finding yourself using your God-given talent is very important in life. After all, a person, when choosing his profession, must remember that this is not only a means of subsistence (which, of course, is very important), but this is his personal destiny. Job dissatisfaction has a terrible, destructive effect on the soul. How often do they say about someone: “A man is in his place.” Finding your place, understanding your purpose is the work of the soul. Test yourself, notice what fascinates you most, what you have an interest in, try it. Remember: “The one who walks will master the road.”
Here's something else worth saying. Today, in this century scientific and technological progress It is difficult to divide labor into mental and physical. In many professions, both of these types of labor are inextricably combined.
A person in the military profession also works both his head and his muscles. Both knowledge, ingenuity and physical preparation are important here. People of heroic professions - pilots, sailors, rescuers, firefighters, testers, policemen (in the recent past - policemen), military doctors - this special people. For them, work is a feat, sometimes an everyday risk, where a minute decides the fate of both their personal and many people. But courage alone is not enough for a rescuer. He must be an educated and well-prepared person. The conclusion is simple: you need to study, study and study! You can’t go anywhere without knowledge today! To be an ace in your business requires a lot of hard work.
Anti-proverbs and anti-proverbs are very harmful to our correct view of work, i.e. statements discrediting any virtues. There are also some about work, for example: “Work loves fools,” or “Work is not a wolf - it won’t run into the forest.” I don’t think they were compiled by smart people. Living according to such a “science” will leave you a fool, with nothing.
Let’s better believe the ancient Russian proverb: “If you want to eat rolls, don’t sit on the stove.”
The Gospel says: “Come to me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest” (Matthew, chapter 11). “What does it profit a man if he gains the whole world and loses his own soul?” (Matt., ch. 11). So let us listen to the Lord, protect our piety and, without coveting other people’s wealth, work honestly.
In addition, it is necessary not only to be able and love to work, but also to respect the work of others. How often housewives bitterly say that housework is “thankless.” As soon as mom puts things in order in the apartment, her son or daughter turns everything upside down. Mom will throw up her hands and say: “All my work is in vain! When will you learn order? What about at school? How often do cleaners, having washed the floors until they shine, look sadly at the dirty footprints from shoes and the trash under their desks. But it is known that “clean is not where they sweep, but where they do not litter.”
In addition to work for food, to provide for one’s needs, there is work for the glory of God, i.e. without payment, without any remuneration. This is an ascetic form of labor. For glory God's people build temples, revive lost shrines, help the weak and poor. Now there are volunteers who work in dioceses for free, they are called volunteers.
You guys should also always respond to requests to work in Temples under construction, help your school, improve your yards, visit hospitals, shelters, and almshouses.
Those who have experienced work for the glory of God have felt a quiet joy in their soul, bordering on bliss.
I'll tell you a story that happened to one singer. The temple where she sang was poor, so almost everyone there worked for free, just like her. But over time, this began to irritate her, and she began to skip services. And then she had a dream that she was standing in a church and saw the Mother of God giving each singer in the choir a silver coin. “What about me? What about me? – our heroine exclaims, but the Mother of God passes by. The next Sunday, the woman resolutely goes up to the choir and continues to sing there without complaining. After some time, the Mother of God in a dream vision endows her with a silver coin. This is how dear our selfless service and work for the glory of God is to God!
And in conclusion of today’s conversation about work and patience – a story by V.I. Dahl, a collector of proverbs and sayings, which is called: “Patience and work will grind everything down” (in abbreviation).
“In one village there lived a man Ivan, nicknamed Terpigorev. No wonder he got this nickname. He suffered a lot of grief. He was both smart and hard-working, but he was very unlucky: either his area would be hit by hail, or the whole village would be washed away by a downpour. The man fought and fought, worked for three, and just got out of trouble, suddenly a new attack! Terpigorev's hut burned to the ground; All that was left of it was the stove and chimney. Poor Ivan and his family had to move into an empty barn. “No, apparently I have no luck in anything. If so, then it’s not worth working. I’ll have to walk around the world with my little children,” he thought. Ivan lay in such thoughts until dawn. The morning has just broken, he sees above his head big spider. Yesterday's thunderstorm tore off all his webs. The spider is busy, working as hard as it can. But a breeze blows through the crack - and again everything is torn off and confused! And again the patient spider went to scurry, twist and spin its threads... And again the same trouble! Same failure!

And Ivan saw how the spider strengthened its web to the ceiling and walls twelve times until it could not stand, then he hid in his nest to rest. "Oh my God! - thought Ivan. After all, what a small creature this is, and what intelligence God has infused into it! Should a spider really teach me reason? Is it for nothing that people say: “Patience and work will grind everything down”? And he went out the next day with all the people to work and worked as hard as he could all summer. The Lord God gave him a harvest for bread. In the fall, people helped him put together a hut. Ivan did not lose heart, he worked, did not get tired: he did not fall asleep on the stove for the winter, but went far away to earn money. By spring, Ivan returned and began to fare no worse than others.”
Good story? Remember, godly children:

We are all commanded to work,
Always try, don't be lazy.
For your work and patience
The Lord gives salvation!

Drawing by Tatiana

Patience and work will grind everything down. See PATIENCE HOPE...

Wed. Strength of spirit will overcome everything, hard work will conquer everything. FROM. Surikov. Prayer. Wed. How persistent a person is in his work! What he can’t do, if only he had patience, and reason, and will, and God’s will! I.S. Aksakov. Two roads. Wed. What can't you do with patience...

Husband. work, occupation, exercise, business; everything that requires effort, diligence and care; any strain of bodily or mental strength; everything that tires you. Man is born to work. Without labor there is no good. Labor feeds and clothes. I've lost my laziness. What the… … Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

Wed. Neighbor, what is this reason? I can break trees too, but I haven’t bent a single one into an arc. Tell me, what is the main skill here? That, the neighbor answered, is what you, godfather, don’t have at all: patience. Krylov. Hardworking Bear. Wed. Nicht Kunst und… … Michelson's Large Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary

Patience gives skill. Wed. Neighbor, what is this reason? I can still break trees, but I haven’t bent a single one into an arc. Tell me, what is the main skill here? That, the neighbor answered, is what you, godfather, don’t have at all: patience. Krylov... ...

We will all die as secret advisers, if only God would extend the age (i.e., “if only the age could achieve everything”). Word by Pyotr Alekseevich Bulgakov († 1883). Wed. Eh, father, believe me, sooner or later, we will all meet in the Senate. Patience and diligence,... ... Michelson's Large Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary (original spelling)

God lives, my soul lives (or: truth lives, my hope lives). God endured and commanded us too. The power of God. The will of God. The power of the creator. As God pleases. Apparently, this is how God wants it. Everything is under the power (or: will) of the creator. God gave, God took away. No matter what God... IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

GRIND, grind, novg., psk. grind something, wipe (dust) or rub (paint) again, again. Rinse the dishes again. | pl. wipe away everything in question. Everything is washed and frayed. After grinding the paint, clean the stone. | Rub too much... Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

Little by little, with patience, without rushing, you will achieve a lot Wed. Petit à petit on va bien loing. Anc. prov. Manuscr. XIII s. Wed. Le Roux de Liney. Pr. fr. See drop by drop and the stone is chiseled. See the sea drop by drop. See patience and work will grind everything down. Cm … Michelson's Large Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary

Little by little (the drop is chiseling the stone)! little by little with patience, without rushing you will achieve a lot. Wed. Petit à petit on va bien loing. Anc. prov. Manuscr. XIII s. Wed. Le Roux de Liney. Pr. fr. See Drop by drop and the stone is chiseled. See drop by drop... ... Michelson's Large Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary (original spelling)

We must go forward and never give up - a correct and, to some extent, necessary proverb in life, the wisdom of the people. Only true persistence hard labour can lead a person to self-realization, to real happiness - this is what our great-grandmothers and great-grandfathers believed. But in reality, for some reason, it turns out differently: those who work little and steal more and more win the jackpot, and perseverance and work only lead to a broken trough. Where is the justice and why does this happen? Let's try to understand system-vector psychology together.

Is it right to move forward and never give up?
Why is it not always possible to reach your goal, even if you strive to get there with all the persistence and willpower of which you are capable?
What needs to be done to achieve what you want without breaking yourself, your nature, your perseverance and patience?

The modern generation of 30-40 year old people studied at school during the USSR. It was in those distant times that we were taught from childhood that only the most persistent, the most hardworking, the most selfless will be able to achieve something in life, to become worthy person. Each of us has read the book “How the Steel Was Tempered,” and everyone, somewhere in the depths of their souls, knows that one cannot give up, that happiness must be fought for, it is obtained, and not given by itself. And most importantly, each of us is able to endure in the worst conditions, with a small salary and with the bullying of hysterical bosses, to endure for years for the sake of a bright future that will definitely come. Going forward and not giving up is our guideline, which burns in our souls no matter what.

But time has passed, the union has fallen apart, all of us have changed our values: instead of wanting to collectively create something important and valuable for the whole country, we are all chasing personal success, money, coolness, prosperity - that’s what interests us today. And, of course, I want all this: to go to Turkey and Egypt on vacation, and good smartphone for the child, and a fur coat for the wife, and a family car, and a cozy home, and happiness. Why not? This is right and this is normal. But it all doesn't work out. We sit on the outskirts, receive miserable wages, unrecognized and misunderstood - we expect from the state a structure in life, good work and proper organization. We sit and wait stubbornly - we endure, we work (often in the most boring jobs), we dream, we convince ourselves that everything will be fine, that life is about to change. Only years pass, and everything is in its place. Why is the world so unfair? Maybe our dreams are bad? Or is the persistence somehow wrong?

Surprisingly, the problem is not dreams and desires. Moreover, the problem is not the perseverance and patience with which we know how to approach things. The problem is the substitution of values, confused priorities, initially wrong goals - and only by understanding all this, with the help of patience and work can you reach a good life. Otherwise, no way.

Patience and work will grind everything down - true or false?

Through systems thinking, it is easier to understand what people mean by “never give up.” And the main thing is to figure out what to do if something doesn’t work out.

Perseverance in work, enormous willpower, the attitude of “fight - you can’t give up” - concepts that are inherent in a person with an anal vector, moreover, these are his innate desires, an approach to life given by nature. Anal people also have other characteristics: a rigid psyche, poor perception of everything new and a focus on the past, on the traditions and experience of previous generations.

People with different vectors have a completely different approach to life, and this is also due to their innate characteristics. For example, people with the skin vector are flexible and resilient, they easily change their minds and goals, and adapt to innovations depending on the wind of change. Fast and nimble, they almost feel with their skin where it is profitable, “what is what”, and what is the best thing to do at this moment in time.

People with an anal vector are naturally designed to solve certain problems. And only they can cope with these tasks like no one else. It's about, of course, about work related to perseverance and patience, namely where it is absolutely necessary high quality work and not a single, even the tiniest mistake or oversight is allowed. Also, it is anal people who have ideal memory, allowing them to capture and carry through their entire life the smallest details, as if preserving them down to the smallest detail. Only a person with an anal vector is capable of being a real teacher - repeating the same thing to his students hundreds and thousands of times, without getting tired of working hard, working, working. Any work that requires quality can only be done by an anal person. And indeed, the saying “patience and work will grind everything down” works for an anal person, because only by applying all his best qualities, clenching his willpower into a fist, working for decades, never giving up on anything, he achieves his goal - be a professional in your field.

But today, a person with an anal vector is replaced by concepts and offered with the same qualities strives not for quality in work, but for success and millions. Which in itself is impossible, is absurdity and deception in its purest form. A person who is naturally tasked with creating perfect, high-quality things is asked to go for the exact opposite things: to think quickly, be flexible and easily change his priorities. To put it simply, a person with an anal vector is offered to transform into a person with a skin vector, and at the same time the idea is imposed that only in this case will he be able to become happy and achieve his dreams.

Thus, people with an anal vector, with their innate character traits, who are naturally honest and straightforward, fall for the bait of “successful” leaders in all sorts of investment funds, MLM companies, and so on. And then they try with all their might, engage sixth gear, give the gas, and stubbornly, patiently try to reach the goals that their false leaders set. They try their best, study, do everything as required, but nothing works out. At their expense, everyone and anyone is enriched, but they remain in the very last ranks, among the losers and laggards. Moreover, I am not able to give up all this at one moment - of course, after all, the work started cannot be abandoned halfway, you have to endure, not give up and go to the very end. At the same time, a person with an anal vector does not even understand that in the end it is not the desired success that awaits him, but a feeling of devastation and doom, a feeling own guilt and insignificance, inferiority complex and stress.

Through perseverance and patience to the stars

To each, absolutely every person, by nature it is given to be happy. Everyone, without exception. Indeed, in order to achieve your happiness, you need to make efforts. So, if a person was born with the anal vector, this does not mean at all that he cannot become rich, earn good money and provide himself and his beloved family with warmth and comfort. Maybe, and how! But only by realizing himself as a specialist in his field, providing a high-quality product without a single spot. This is his trump card, which is actually very popular in modern world people always in a hurry.

Each of us is ready to pay a lot of money just to get an appointment with a good specialist doctor, responsible and conscientious, who does not think about how to rip off more money. Every parent is ready to hire a tutor for their child who will not just teach, but will kindle the heart with a love of science. What can we say about the demand in the market for high-quality clothing, furniture, food, and a responsible approach in the service sector. By devoting himself to this kind of work, a person with an anal vector can achieve much more than the success leaders promise him in business training.

New World Values

The modern world is filled with all sorts of tricks, deceptions, and worthless ideas. And most of all, it is the person with the anal vector who comes across them. But he's not the only one. Skillfully using sayings and values ​​that are close to us in spirit, “smart guys” deceive us out of the blue, taking advantage of our weakness. It often happens that we ourselves, without understanding ourselves, even without a trick from someone else, fall into a strange trap - we go and go and never get anywhere. Why? Do you want to blame the government and the country? No, the point here is different - our behavior is directly related to our subconscious desires, which are hidden from ourselves.

For example, patience and hard work are the innate desires of the muscle vector, the owners of which in mixtures are 95% of people. Against the background of our urethral-muscular mentality, our compatriots by nature are very flexible, calm, almost everyone knows how to endure any hardships. We are able to go without a salary for several months, endure a shutdown hot water, ride in crowded city transport - and all this without even a murmur. We wait for everything to change, but life passes by.

The sound vector lives from idea to idea. A sound person is something of a fanatic. It’s wonderful when he elevates into an idea a useful cause that brings benefit to society and fulfills himself. For example, he becomes a brilliant physicist, surgeon or director.

Every person, no matter what vectors he has, must not only persistently and confidently, without giving up, go towards cherished dream. This will do nothing in most cases. I need to learn to accurately navigate what a dream or happiness is in my particular case? Which path is the best for me? Where can you retreat, where is it better to stop and turn in the other direction? Only then will perseverance and work, willpower and patience lead not to a dead end, not to disappointment.

Class hour in primary school « Patience and a little effort"

    based on the examples of heroes literary works, and real heroes show that everything in life is achieved through work; form the concepts of “diligent”, “diligent” as synonyms, give a positive assessment of these qualities; cultivate hard work, patience, and determination.
Equipment: proverbs about work, portraits of heroes, texts with works.
Progress of the class hour.
Introduction to proverbs about work - A person’s whole life is filled with work. Everything in the world is obtained through labor. Even a small fish cannot be pulled out of a pond without difficulty. Russians folk proverbs Labor has always been at the forefront - Patience and a little effort - This is the topic of our class. hours (on the board)
- What proverbs about work do you know?(children call)- “Collect a proverb” ( 2 teams)

Patience and work will grind everything down.

-By work and reward. -The master's work is afraid.

As you approach work, so work approaches you.

They know the employee from the job.

He who loves to work cannot sit idle.

-With great patience comes skill. (Along the way the meaning of some proverbs is explained.)
Reading and analysis of texts from literary works.
L.N. Tolstoy “Two Frogs” Two frogs fell into a jug of milk. I don't want to drown. In order not to die, they began to row with their paws. They row and row, but to no avail. The frogs were tired, and one decided that rowing was useless - we couldn’t get out anyway! She despaired, and then her strength left her. The poor frog drowned. And the second decided to row further. She fought and fought and suddenly felt like she was standing on something solid! It turned out that she had churned the milk into butter. So I got out.- How did the frog manage to get out? (patience and work)
Conversation on the topic. - Unfortunately, today we hear from the screens every now and then: “Win ​​a million!”, “How to become a millionaire?”, That is, they make us understand in every possible way that in life all the wealth lies on a silver platter, you just have to extend your hand or declare about your desire. Alas, this has nothing to do with real life.-Only through hard work and patience can a person achieve the desired result. You yourself have probably been convinced of this more than once. Tell me. (Children's story about how they had to verify this.)
B. Polevoy “The Tale of a Real Man” The teacher's story about Alexei Maresyev, excerpts from the work. (Advice: read this story)
- There are many similar examples:Yu.A.Gagarin - Earth's first cosmonaut,V.N. Tereshkova - the first female astronaut to fly into space, (exhaustive training and education for astronauts).
- Hard work is a human dignity - All great people were unusually diligent and hardworking.A.V.Suvorov from birth he was a frail, sickly boy. And only persistent daily work on himself helped him become invincible and a great commander. “It’s hard to learn, but it’s easy to fight!”"-his famous words, which have become a proverb.
-300th birthday Mikhail Vasilievich Lomonosov turned out in November 20011. This is a great Russian scientist. The range of his knowledge is unusually diverse. Do you know that Lomonosov came to Moscow from Arkhangelsk to study on foot, covering several thousand kilometers, following a convoy that was preparing for Moscow with frozen fish (salmon). WALKING ALL THE WAY TO MOSCOW - STUDYING? It’s hard to even imagine what kind of thirst for knowledge there must be. Mikhailo Lomonosov had it exactly like that. Lomonosov entered the Slavic-Greek-Latin Academy. The cold and hungry years of apprenticeship dragged on. Added to this were other torments:
Recording from personal diary Lomonosov:“Schoolchildren, little guys, shout and point with their fingers: look, what a fool at age twenty I’ve come to learn Latin!” Training at this Academy was designed for 13 years. Lomonosov mastered the entire program in 5 years, completing three classes in the first year .
- Do you need to study? Why? (Children's answers)
- Teaching is a lot of work. A person is required to be patient, diligent, and diligent. After all, not everything is always easy. If mathematics comes easily to you, then calligraphy requires some effort from you. Or, for example, a poem is not remembered at all. What will you do?
Over time, work must become habit, which you quickly get used to. (My example as a teacher is checking notebooks, preparing for lessons, etc. Daughter is a student: the habit of studying, completing everything assigned to the end and efficiently).
Work with Explanatory dictionary S. I. Ozhegova. (2 people)
- Diligent - doing something well and conscientiously;- diligent – distinguished by diligence in work and study.
- How do you imagine a diligent, diligent person? Describe it. (Children's answers). - Teachers often ask students to: try. - What does it mean? (This means completing the task in such a way that the result is highly appreciated and brings joy).
V. Oseeva “Sons”(teacher reading the story) - Why did the old man answer the women like that? (Children's answers) - Diligent Human saves his own time and that of others. Everything in his life is clearly distributed. Such people plan their affairs for the day, for the week. When a person adheres to a certain regime in life, he always has enough time to rest.
Physizm “Tick-tock”(tilts to the right and left) The clock on the old tower strikes: tick-tock, tick-tock, And the wall ones quickly: tiki-taki, tiki-taki, And the pocket ones are in a hurry: tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock.
Poem by S. Baruzdin “About a man and his watch.” (recited by 3 people)
The clock is counting the seconds, They keep track of the minutes. The watch won't let you down Who saves time? Who knows how to live by the clock? And appreciates every hour, This is not necessary in the morning Wake up 10 times. And he won't talk Why is he too lazy to get up? Do exercises, wash hands And make the bed. He will have time to get dressed on time, Wash and eat Will have time to stand up at the machine, Sit at a desk at school. Friendship with watches is good! Work, rest, Do your homework slowly And don't forget the books! So that in the evening, when you go to bed, When the time comes, You could confidently say: “It was a good day!”
-You often hear from people: “I don’t have time to do anything!” As a rule, luck does not visit such people. -Why do you think this happens? (Children's answers)
-Proverb: “He who gets up early, God gives to him.” I can recommend it to those who don’t have time to do anything.
Parable of the builders. During the construction of Chartres Cathedral in France, three different workers were asked the same question: “What are you doing here?” One muttered: “I’m carrying stones, damn them!” The second replied: “I earn money for my family.” And the third said: “I’m building Chartres Cathedral!”
-Which of them found their work joyful and why?(3)(Children's answers)
GENERAL -So that any business you start brings joy, let’s formulate together Rules that we will follow. (make up on the board)
    Stick to a daily routine. Finish what you start. Measure seven times, cut once. Relax with pleasure.
Summarizing. - Finish the sentence: “I will be patient and hardworking because……….” (Different answers from children)

How many times since childhood have we heard the words “Patience and work will grind everything down” and were irritated by those who presented us with truisms, did not believe them, and only as adults did we understand their justice.

What is the meaning of the proverb “Patience and labor will grind everything down”

The phrase “Patience and labor will grind everything down” in printed form first appeared in the book by V.I. Dahl “Russian Proverbs” in two sections at once “Work-Idleness” and “Patience-Hope”. In a few words of this proverb lies deep meaning: Labor without patience is wasted effort, but patience without labor is just wasted time.

This simple expression contains comfort and encouragement, a call not to give up and faith that everything will work out in the end. It’s worth remembering this more often when you give up and apathy sets in because your plans don’t work out, your plans get disrupted, or you want to quit what you started because at some point it begins to seem meaningless or too difficult to accomplish.

Became stable expression used as in Everyday life, most often as an edification for elders to younger ones, and in cinema and literature. Among creative intelligentsia You can often hear the expression about the three “Ts” - talent, patience, work. At the very beginning of the path, only the beginnings of a child’s talent are visible, and work and patience help to reveal it to the fullest. Undoubtedly, there are geniuses, but there are too few of them for everyone else, even very talented people, they forgot the words of the famous V. Kataev that a writer (and not only) needs a “cast-iron ass,” that is, the same work and patience. According to the great V. Spivakov, even “inspiration comes only when there is titanic work behind it.” This is called professionalism.