Alexander Vasilievich Maslyakov. Biographical information. Lifelong office romance of Alexander Maslyakov

Place of birth, education. Born in Sverdlovsk (now Yekaterinburg). In 1966 he graduated from the Moscow Institute of Transport Engineers, in 1968 - the Higher Courses for Television Workers.

Career. After graduating from the institute, he worked as an engineer for a year. After completing courses for TV workers, he worked in the Main Editorial Office of Youth Programs as a senior editor (1969-1976), special correspondent (1976-1980), and commentator (1980-1991). Then - a commentator at the television studio "Experiment" (1991-1992), a commentator at the studio of artistic, journalistic and mass programs of TO "Experiment" (1992-1995). In 1990 he created the Television creative association(TTO) "AMiK", until 1998 it was general producer. Since 1998 - President of TTO "AMiK" ("Alexander Maslyakov and Company").

President of the International KVN Union.

A. Maslyakov appeared on television in 1964, while still a student at the institute. During his studies, he was involved in amateur performances and was an active fan of the institute's KVN team. “One day Pasha Kantor, the captain of the team, ran into me in one of the classrooms and said: “Listen, let you be one of five!” And he explained that the workers of the youth editorial office of the Central Television were going to film a funny program. And the presenters should be five students from that institute that won in last game KVN,” recalls Maslyakov. After that, he first appeared on television, from which he has not left for more than 40 years.

After the first shooting, the youth editors invited the student to host KVN. Before the show “Cheerful and Resourceful” was taken off the air in 1972, he was the permanent host of the program. Then there were the programs “Hello, we are looking for talents”, “Come on, girls”, “Addresses of the young”, “Virage”. A. Maslyakov reported from world festivals youth and students in Sofia, Havana, Berlin, Pyongyang, Moscow. Was a permanent presenter for several years international festivals songs in Sochi. He hosted the programs “Song of the Year”, “Alexander Show” and many others.

As president of the International KVN Union, A. Maslyakov was the leader of a massive informal youth movement, which involved tens of thousands of citizens of Russia and other countries in the territory former USSR, as well as from abroad. Within the framework of the Union, under his leadership, a huge infrastructure of various “Kaveen” tournaments has been created, many of which have international status and are broadcast by many television channels, receiving high ratings.

In 2013, he became a member of the jury of the TV show “Sense of Humor” together with Yuli Gusman.

In August 2016, it became known that the creative association "AMiK" filed a Federal service By intellectual property Russian Federation documents for registration of the trademark "Alexander Maslyakov".

On July 1, 2017, the Moscow government dismissed Maslyakov from the post of director of the MMC Planet KVN. This happened after an investigation. Transparency International , in which it turned out that on behalf of the Planet KVN center he transferred the Havana cinema in Maryina Roshcha in Moscow to his own creative association AMiK. Initially, the Moscow prosecutor's office did not identify any violations. However, Transparency International challenged this decision in Prosecutor General's Office . On December 1, 2017, the KVN press service denied the dismissal, saying that Maslyakov left of his own free will.

Regalia. Honored Artist Russian Federation(1994). Winner of the Ovation Prize (1994). Academician of the Academy Russian television. Laureate of the Academy of Russian Television TEFI Award - "For personal contribution in development domestic television" (2002).

In 2006 (the year of the 45th anniversary of KVN and the 65th anniversary of its presenter), A. Maslyakov was awarded a number of awards: the Order of Merit for the Fatherland (Russia), the Order of Merit (Ukraine), the Medal for Merit Chechen people" (Chechen Republic).

Civil position. In January 2012, he became a member of the “People's Headquarters” (in Moscow) of a candidate for the presidency of Russia.

In January 2018, he was registered as a proxy of Vladimir Putin in the presidential elections on March 18, 2018 in Russia.

Family bonds. Father - Vasily Maslyakov (1904-1996), originally from the Novgorod region, his whole life was connected with aviation, was a military pilot, navigator, fought on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War, after its end he served on the General Staff of the Air Force.

Mother - Zinaida Alekseevna (born 1911), devoted her life to her family and raising her son.

His wife, Svetlana Maslyakova, after graduating from school, came to television as an assistant director of KVN (in 1966). In 1971, Alexander and Svetlana got married. For many years now, the wife of the Club president has been a KVN director.

Son Alexander Maslyakov (born 1980) is a graduate of the Moscow State Institute of International Relations, host of the “Planet KVN” and “Premier League” programs.

It's always interesting to read biographies famous people, especially those of them who happened to be born into simple, poor families, but through work and perseverance paved their way to fame and recognition. Those whose talent simply could not go unnoticed. When you read things like this life stories, the soul rejoices. One such example is the fate of a talented director, and part-time wife of a nationally famous host of a humorous TV show of all times, and simply a pleasant woman. Her name is Svetlana Maslyakova, the wife of Alexander Maslyakov, about whom, in fact, we'll talk in today's material. By the way, the agenda will include not only a biography of a talented woman, but also a story about her life achievements.

Unfortunately, it is worth recognizing the fact that modern generation heard about Alexander Maslyakov’s wife, Svetlana Maslyakova, precisely in the context of information about her famous husband. Meanwhile, she herself is a self-sufficient, gifted and incredibly talented person. Few people know that Maslyakova did a lot for the development of cinema and journalism. But before you tell the reader about a woman’s achievements in these areas, you must first tell about her childhood and personal development.

Childish character

Svetlana Anatolyevna happened to be born in difficult times. This event took place in 1947, when our country was just beginning to recover from a bloody war that claimed lives and almost completely destroyed its infrastructure. To be fair, it should be said that it was during that period that Svetlana Anatolyevna’s character was tempered. She was always attentive to the people around her and knew how to set goals and achieve them. Thanks to such qualities, the future wife of Alexander Maslyakov, Svetlana Maslyakova, earned the respect and trust of many people.

Also, the woman herself and many people around her note that in childhood there were never hysterics or tears due to the lack of gifts. Svetlana never asked her parents for anything, realizing what a difficult time she lived in. It is too important point, which perfectly characterizes a person.

Study and early career

The future wife of Alexander Maslyakov, Svetlana, whose biography we are trying to remember today, graduated from Moscow secondary school No. 519. She developed a craving for humanities, including literature. After school, Svetlana continued her studies at the All-Union Correspondence Law Institute.

But the truly key moment in her life, which marked the beginning of her career, was the placement of a young girl as an assistant director in the youth editorial office of Central Television in a project that was then gaining momentum called “The Club of the Cheerful and Resourceful.” Soon after, Alexander Maslyakov’s wife, Svetlana Maslyakova, took courses that prepared her for more responsible work. So, in 1972 she became a director.

Due to the fact that from that very time the girl could not be seen on the screens, and the main activity of the aspiring director took place behind the scenes, many did not even know that such responsible work rested on fragile female shoulders. In general, television gave the presenter of Channel One and his chosen one a lot: it was here that Alexander Maslyakov met his wife Svetlana.

Favorite work

So it says folk wisdom. And this is absolutely fair. Svetlana Maslyakova throughout for long years combines several roles, successfully coping with them. For example, thanks to the efforts of this amazing woman, in 1986 “KVN” was revived, although there were attempts to close the television project.

Maslyakova’s other role, so to speak, is motherhood. Her famous son Alexander Maslyakov Jr. is very proud that with his classical education he managed to continue the family business and join the world of television and the humorous environment. Svetlana Maslyakova, the wife of Alexander Maslyakov, who did not resist her son’s wishes, supported him and helped him in many ways.

Although initially Alexander Maslyakov Jr.’s plans included a strong desire to become a diplomat. Svetlana Anatolyevna is very delicate not only in communicating with her son, but also in conversations with other people. This fact is noted by many people familiar with the director. But at the same time, Svetlana knows how to defend her position (especially in terms of creativity). Again, doing this delicately so as not to offend people.


With all her determination and fortitude, Svetlana never contradicted her husband. She supported all his ideas in terms of creativity. And this reveals one of the character traits of a talented woman, endowed with worldly wisdom. In her youth, Svetlana Maslyakova (wife of Alexander Maslyakov) was able to help her husband not to become disillusioned with the profession and insisted that he under no circumstances give up the idea of ​​continuing to work on the KVN project. As you can see, she really Strong woman, which was not only able to build own career, but also helped her husband and son make it. This adds respect in people's eyes. At the same time, Svetlana is always modest in interviews, does not praise herself and her projects, believing that she truly talented person this is not required.

Having spent more than 50 years on television, and therefore in full view of the whole country, the Maslyakov family has acquired a sufficient number interesting facts about yourself and your life. Let's list some of them:

  1. As soon as the audience saw Alexander and Svetlana on the screens, they immediately believed that in front of them married couple. It turns out that even before the start of their relationship, the television couple was already married.
  2. It is noteworthy that at one time Svetlana’s husband was in creative tandem with Svetlana Zhiltsova, with whom he co-hosted the “Club of the Cheerful and Resourceful” program. Of course, inquisitive viewers thought not only about the creative union of young people, but even attributed an affair to them. However, the girl quickly disappeared from TV screens, leaving Maslyakov in splendid isolation. By the way, he has been the permanent host of the humorous television show of all times for more than 50 years.

Benefit society

All her life Svetlana Maslyakova, wife of Alexander Maslyakov, star life who is in everyone's sight and ear, tries to develop his projects without stopping at the achieved results. She is not at all embarrassed and has never been upset by the fact that she lives in the shadow of her beloved and recognizable husband. In her own words, it doesn’t matter at all how to benefit society: openly or from a secret shelter. The main thing is that someone really needs it.

This man has not left the TV screens of the USSR for more than half a century and modern Russia. He is the absolute and indisputable authority of the most unique planet called KVN, real factory stars of future television celebrities.

Humor is a serious job that not everyone can handle. How did Alexander Vasilyevich Maslyakov survive this apocalypse?

Biography of Alexander Maslyakov Sr.

According to the prevailing family tradition, all men from the Maslyakov family bore the same name - Vasily. That was the name of the father of the future TV star, like all the Maslyakov fathers many generations before. However, the mother, Zi-na-i-da Alek-se-ev-na Mas-la-ko-va, unexpectedly named the boy Alexander, born on November 24, 1941. Father, Vasily Vasilyevich Maslyakov, being a rather reserved and serious person, did not interfere in this process. Alexander means Alexander. So, along with the birth of little Sashenka, the biography of Alexander Maslyakov Sr. new tradition- call boys Alexanders.

The boy was born in the first months of the war in the city of Yekaterinburg, on the way to evacuation. The time was harsh, which left its mark on Sasha’s character, endowing this boy with a charming sunny smile with the strength and inflexibility that later made him a personality famous throughout the country.

His father served as an aviation pilot and went through the entire Great Patriotic War. Patriotic War, after which he continued to serve at the Air Force General Staff.

Mom was a housewife and devoted all her love, warmth and care to her family and raising her beloved son, who grew up very active, capable and artistic.


The first diploma in the biography of Alexander Maslyakov Sr. was received quite late, in 1966, after graduating from the Moscow Institute of Transport Engineers, when he was already 25 years old.

Our hero did not connect his fate with the profession of an engineer. Alexander was attracted by a completely different life - bright, loud, filled with creativity. And just two years later, Maslyakov Sr. became a graduate of the Higher Courses for Television Workers. Thus began the career of, without a doubt, a great showman.

"Club of the Cheerful and Resourceful"

Alexander made his debut on television while still a student at the Moscow Institute of Transport Engineers, where, along with most of his peers, he actively supported his team of the “Merry and Resourceful Club”.

“The Club of the Cheerful and Resourceful,” or KVN for short, appeared in 1961. The new initiative was rapidly taken up by actively developing youth striving for self-expression. The popularity of KVN grew by leaps and bounds, and these steps spread almost throughout the vast country.

This youth program intervened in the biography of Alexander Maslyakov Sr. in 1964, when, by the will of fate, he became one of its presenters.

As Alexander Vasilyevich himself claims, this event happened by pure chance. One fine day, his classmate invited Maslyakov to become a member of the KVN team from the institute. Alexander agreed, but did not have time to play in KVN, because at the same time the editors of central television were looking for a suitable candidate for the role of host of this program. Maslyakov was active, cheerful and charismatic from birth. And his smile is still his today business card. So the editors' choice settled on Alexander.

Who would have thought that this place would be fixed in the biography of Alexander Maslyakov Sr. for more than half a century.

At that wonderful time, Alexander hosted KVN in tandem with experienced TV presenter Svetlana Zhiltsova, from whom he learned a lot of knowledge and secrets of stagecraft.

Until 1970, the program was broadcast on live. As usual, times were difficult in the country. The jokes heard in the program increasingly ran counter to party policy, as a result of which KVN began to be shown in recordings after strict censorship, including from the Committee State Security. Ultimately, the program was finally taken off the air in 1972.


After completing his studies at the Higher Courses for Television Workers, Alexander got a job at the main editorial office of programs for youth, and after a short time took up the post of senior editor there. A few years later, Maslyakov Sr. was able to achieve the position of special correspondent, and since 1980 he devoted himself entirely to the profession of a commentator in the Experiment television studio.

Few people know, but the biography of Alexander Maslyakov Sr. is also marked by the fact that the first presenter of the then new program “What? Where? When?” in 1975, none other than Alexander Maslyakov became. However, its format was subsequently changed, and the presenter was replaced by a voice-over.

Despite the fact that KVN was closed, its presenters Alexander Maslyakov and Svetlana Zhiltsova remained extremely popular and in demand. Thus, the fame of this duo includes the famous programs of that time: “Come on, girls!”, “Come on, guys!”, “Hello! We are looking for talent! and others.

Also, for a long time, Maslyakov Sr. was the permanent presenter of various international song festivals for youth and students, and hosted various music and entertainment programs on central television.

And again - KVN!

After 14 years, in 1986, on the initiative of the youth editors of Ostankino, it was decided to revive KVN. As a symbol of the continuity of the traditions of the “Merry and Resourceful Club”, Alexander Maslyakov and Svetlana Zhiltsova were again invited as hosts. However, due to life and business circumstances, Svetlana refused this offer. So Alexander Vasilyevich began to host this program alone.

When KVN returned to the biography of Alexander Maslyakov Sr., he was able to create from this television project a real empire, one might say, the humorous broadcast industry.

From a permanent presenter, manager and director, Maslyakov Sr. turned into the president of the International KVN Union, after which in 1990 he created the television creative association Alexander Maslyakov and Company (TVO AMiK), which, in fact, produced the program KVN in the future.

Many stars of modern television have passed through the school of Maslyakov and the “Club of the Cheerful and Resourceful”, becoming real professionals and the most popular and sought-after television stars.

“Today, more than half of entertainment television is created by guys who played in KVN, by authors who wrote jokes for KVN. But every person has the right to do what he considers necessary, possible: stop at amateur performances or feel like an actor. You need to weigh your strengths and understand , can you. If yes, then go..."

Personal life

In the biography of Alexander Maslyakov Sr., his wife and children occupy special place. It is them and his favorite work that he calls his main happiness and success. For him, his wife and son are not just family, but also his closest friends.

With my future wife, Svetlana Anatolyevna, Alexander Vasilyevich, as expected, met during the filming of KVN. He immediately liked the girl, and he began to show all sorts of signs of attention. It was impossible to resist the charisma of young Maslyakov.

In 1971 they got married. In 1980, a son was born into the Maslyakov family, who was also named Alexander in honor of his father. Maslyakov Jr., having studied at MGIMO, joined his father’s business, becoming his closest assistant and general director"AMiK" company.

Alexander Maslyakov Jr. is married to Angelina Marmeladova, famous writer and a journalist. In 2006, Maslyakov Sr. gave birth to his granddaughter Taisiya, who can be seen in the photo.

The biographies of the wife and children of Alexander Maslyakov Sr. are little known to the public. Photos are also quite rare. However, they are all filled with smiles and some special warmth, light and happiness.

Of course, Alexander Vasilyevich is far from young, but constant communication with young people, Attentive attitude to your own health, proper nutrition and moderation allow him to still remain in good shape, maintain vigor and energy.

“I’m lucky: for more than forty years of my career, all the programs have been connected with young people. Therefore, purely psychologically, I cannot allow myself to shrink, cover myself with a blanket and lie down somewhere in the corner of the stage. I have no right to do this...”

Beloved wife

The biography of Alexander Maslyakov Sr.’s wife, Svetlana, began in 1947 in post-war Moscow.

The very active girl was always the ringleader and the inventor of various pranks, which was later reflected in her high organizational abilities. After graduating from Moscow high school No. 519, Svetlana entered the All-Union Correspondence Institute of Law, where she had to combine her studies with work as an assistant director of KVN in the Youth Editorial Office Central Television. Having received her diploma, the future wife of Maslyakov Sr. successfully completed training in directing at the Higher Courses for Creative Television Workers.

In addition to romantic and family relationships, Alexander Vasilyevich and his wife Svetlana were able to carry through their entire lives serving their common cause - the “Club of the Cheerful and Resourceful.” Maslyakov Sr. hosted this TV show, and his Svetlana was its director.

There was always a lot in common between them. Both he and she are cheerful, resourceful and bright people, enthusiastic, responsible people who bring any task they start to completion.

Until the 1990s, Svetlana held the post of director of the Main Propaganda Editorial Office of Central Television, from where she later left for her husband’s company, the AMiK association.

In the Maslyakovs’ house, filled with an atmosphere of harmless humor and practical jokes, you can always meet famous artists, stars and other bright personalities.

Alexander Vasilyevich’s wife became for him not only a loved one, but also his closest friend, assistant and like-minded person.

Instead of an afterword

Two years ago, the youth television program “The Cheerful and Resourceful Club” celebrated its more than mature 55th anniversary.

Over the years, the activities of Alexander Vasilyevich Maslyakov have been repeatedly awarded with many awards. He is an Honored Artist of the Russian Federation and a member of the Academy of Russian Television, as well as a laureate of such awards as Ovation and Tefi.

In the biography of Alexander Maslyakov Sr., the family is inextricably linked with his creative activity. Only she can help cope with his self-created KVN empire.

You can talk for a long time about the numerous rumors and speculations that accompany the life of this person. But the fact remains that he was able to do something that no one else could do. He gave us KVN, even if he didn’t invent it.

Happiness is living 77 years the way I lived them. I cannot give universal recommendations. But old man Munchausen was partly right when he said: “Smile more often, gentlemen!..”

This amazing person. And we have the only one - our famous, beloved by several generations and the most smiling TV presenter - Alexander Vasilyevich Maslyakov Sr.

The other day, the head of the Satyricon Theater, National artist Russia, Professor Konstantin Raikin told the broad masses about the complete censorship lawlessness in the country and that we are all “slandering, informing. And we want to go into the cage again.”

However, as it soon became clear that this whole revolution rested on the money issue, which was soon successfully resolved in negotiations with the Minister of Culture Vladimir Medinsky, who was also no less a professor than Raikin. It would seem that three people met peacefully - two professors and one Russian budget - they quietly frayed and closed the topic, forgetting about censorship and the cage. However, colleagues from Life, attracted by the performance of Konstantin Raikin, discovered during the course of the play amazing fact- it turns out that since 2015, 86.5 million rubles received by the Satyricon Theater from the Russian budget smoothly flowed into the disposal of the Planet KVN center, owned by the Maslyakov family. Moreover, as it turned out, the director of the indomitable Raikin, Anatoly Polyankin, is connected with a joint business with Angelina Maslyakova, the daughter-in-law of Alexander Vasilyevich Maslyakov, and other structures belonging to the Maslyakov family.

Everything seemed to fall into place - budget money through Satyricon and personal connections of director Polyankin with the Maslyakovs quite legally (for rent and other services) flowed to the Planet KVN center they owned, and there are no complaints against Raikin. But a question arises that for some reason the participants in history prefer not to remember. And how is it possible that “Planet KVN” is a gigantic building with a multimedia concert hall and other premises with a total area of ​​8.7 thousand square meters, located right next to the Third Ring of Moscow, turned out to be owned by the family of the “main cavalry officer of the country” Alexander Vasilyevich Maslyakov? And not only this building.

And the answer turned out to be simple and uncomplicated - all this golden real estate, which was previously the property of the city of Moscow, passed to the Maslyakov family, in my opinion, not without a pre-planned scheme of seizure, better known in the criminal code as fraudulent acquisition of someone else’s property by deception and abuse of trust , and, as the documents further show, as part of a group of people. But let's start from the beginning. With all the details and completely unexpected facts.

Episode one: “I invented KVN” or where 25 years disappeared.

Here is an amazing and unique document dated 1996. This is the certificate of the Russian Copyright Society number 1519 “On registration of a work - an object of intellectual property.” Let's quote:

“This is to certify that an object of intellectual property is registered with RAO - the script for a humorous game called “KVN (Club of the Cheerful and Resourceful), the author of which, according to his own statement, is Alexander Vasilyevich Maslyakov.

Maslyakov A.V. testifies that when creating the above-mentioned object, he did not violate the intellectual property rights of other persons.”

So that's it! That is, KVN is only 30 years old? And to what 55th anniversary is Maslyakov inviting us all?

Episode two. How to steal $35 million from the budget. Step-by-step instruction.

At the beginning of this investigation it was already mentioned the existence cultural center“Planet KVN” is a gigantic building with a multimedia concert hall and other premises with a total area of ​​8.7 thousand square meters, located at the address: Moscow, Sheremetyevskaya Street, 2. So, until the fall of 2014, this golden real estate, worth billions of rubles, belonged to the State Unitary Enterprise “MMC “Planet KVN”, sole founder which was the Moscow City Property Department. That is, the “Planet KVN” center, with its almost nine thousand square meters, was the municipal property of the capital.

Yes, by the way, pay attention to the fact that the General Director of the state unitary enterprise “MMC “Planet KVN” somehow mysteriously turned out to be none other than Alexander Vasilyevich Maslyakov himself:

Further. At the same time there was a society with limited liability“Television creative association “AMIK” (abbreviated as TTO AMIK LLC). And this office was completely private, that is, it had nothing to do with government agencies. And the founders of TTO AMIK LLC were (attention!) Alexander Vasilyevich Maslyakov, his wife Svetlana Anatolyevna Maslyakova, and their son Alexander Alexandrovich Maslyakov is the general director. And it was to TTO AMIC LLC that the so-called intellectual property objects were transferred, which began their journey with that very first trademark, registered in 1996 by a company owned by the “author of the KVN game.”

And in the fall of 2014, real witchcraft was learned. On October 28, 2014, according to the protocol of a certain newly-minted LLC “House of KVN”, two Maslyakovs, two general directors – a son and a father – met. Namely, the General Director of TTO AMIK LLC Maslyakov Alexander Aleksandrovich (son) and the General Director of the State Unitary Enterprise "MMC Planeta KVN" Maslyakov Alexander Vasilievich (father) made the fateful decision enshrined in this protocol. They, that is, the father, who is a director in the State Unitary Enterprise, and the son, a director in a private LLC, where the same father and mother are among the founders, “decided to establish a limited liability company “House of KVN” at the address Moscow, Sheremetyevskaya, 2.”

Now attention! Quotes from Protocol No. 1 “On the creation of Dom KVN LLC”:

“SUE “MMC “Planet KVN” contributes real estate to the authorized capital of the Company in the form of a separate building with a total area of ​​8,707.1 sq.m. located at Moscow, st. Sheremetyevskaya, building 2, estimated at 1,113,561,000 rubles (one billion 113 million 561 thousand rubles). As well as equipment inside the building, estimated by an independent appraiser at 277,509,476 rubles (277 million 509 thousand 476 rubles).” And the State Unitary Enterprise “MMC “Planet KVN” receives as much as... 49 percent for this authorized capital LLC "House of KVN"

And what does the private TTO AMIC LLC, owned by the Maslyakov family, contribute to the authorized capital? I quote the protocol: “TTO AMIK LLC transfers in full, as a contribution to the authorized capital of the Company, the exclusive right to the Trademark “International KVN Union” (certificate No. 345643), assessed by an independent appraiser... (attention! Author) at 1,447,848 863 rubles (one billion 447 million 863 rubles). TTO AMIC LLC receives 51 percent (fifty-one!!! Author) of the authorized capital of Dom KVN LLC.

And this happiness is signed on the part of the state (State Unitary Enterprise "MMTS Planeta KVN") by General Director Alexander Maslyakov the father, and on the part of the private LLC "TTO AMIC" by General Director Alexander Maslyakov the son. Don't believe me? See for yourself:

Now let's watch our hands. So, the state contributes golden Moscow real estate and internal equipment to the authorized capital of Dom KVN LLC, total cost 1,391,070,476 rubles, which at the exchange rate as of October 2014 was about 35 million US dollars. And for this, the budgetary State Enterprise is entitled to only 49 percent of the authorized capital. And the private structure of the Maslyakovs (father-mother-son) introduces the useless Trademark “International KVN Union”, valuing it at 1,447,848,863 rubles (at the exchange rate for October 2014 - more than 36 million dollars) and receives a controlling stake in at the rate of 51 percent. Here is an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities:

This is what the property transferred to the Maslyakov family enterprise looks like:

And here’s what this unknown sign No. 345643 looks like on the Rospatent website, valued, judging by the minutes of the meeting between father and son, by mysterious “independent appraisers” in October 2014 at $35 million, and which brought the Maslyakov family state property almost in the center of Moscow, which later It was also reconstructed using the same budget funds:

Well, has anyone seen this supposedly anywhere? famous miracle design? My attempts to understand where this miracle sign, worth 35 million greens, is used were in vain. Fortunately, Yandex is now searching by images, but the search engine did not find anything except the image already shown above from the Rospatent website and some modified versions of the mark.

Let me remind you once again: the protocol states that the hitherto unknown picture owes 1.5 billion rubles, with reference to certain independent appraisers. It’s just a shame: this product of intelligence was introduced into the family enterprise much later than the registration of “Planet KVN”, which in itself is not a violation, but its assessment in the very amount recorded according to Maslyakov the son in the protocol was carried out only after registration of the society itself! That is, an outright scam - first they named the exact price down to the kopecks, and then only estimated it.

Let's choose the options: either Maslyakov the son is a real visionary and a genius in the field of valuation, having named in advance the exact cost of the picture or their price of “51% per picture” was completely trivially adjusted to the valuation of real state property so as to be higher by exactly 2 control percents. Well, the appraisers simply confirmed “whatever” number you want.

And notice that all this amazing story took place in the form of a get-together between father and son. And another important factor - the general director of the newly-minted LLC "House of KVN", the very one whose property was the building of "Planet KVN", became the wife of Maslyakov Jr. and, accordingly, the daughter-in-law of Maslyakov Sr. - Angelina Viktorovna Maslyakova.

And here is the agreement on the transfer of that same “KVN trademark”, valued at as much as 36 million dollars, from TTO AMIK LLC to the newly-minted KVN House LLC, signed in a family style by husband and wife - General Director Alexander Maslyakov and General Director Angelina Maslyakova :
And now let’s return to the story of the Satyricon Theater. As it became known, the theater is financed from the federal budget and for several years has been renting halls and other premises from the same LLC “House of KVN”. And as colleagues found out, from 2015 to the present, 86.5 million rubles received by the Satyricon Theater from the Russian budget smoothly flowed into Dom KVN LLC. And there would be nothing scary about this if it weren’t for the above facts that family business Maslyakov received state property leased to Satyricon, to put it mildly, with obvious signs of deception.

That is, having become the rightful owner of the former state property that belonged to the subject of the Federation - Moscow, the Maslyakov family successfully rents out these premises, receiving tens of millions of rubles now from the federal budget allocated to the Satyricon theater. Truly a sweet child...

And maybe it makes sense for Konstantin Raikin, who is forced to talk about slander, denunciations and the cage, trying to extract additional government funding for the theater, to simply show greater care when choosing partners?

Alexander Maslyakov (senior) – famous domestic TV presenter, permanent host of the humorous TV show KVN (since 1964).

The beginning of life and meeting with KVN

Maslyakov Alexander Vasilyevich was born on November 24, 1941 in Sverdlovsk (Ekaterinburg) in the family of a military pilot. His father Vasily Vasilyevich went through the entire war, and his mother Zinaida Alekseevna was a housewife and raised her son. Having spent a fair amount of time in garrisons, the parents settled in Moscow, where in 1960 the guy entered MITI, planning to become a railway engineer.

He was lucky to be a student during the Khrushchev Thaw. At that time, KVN, the only youth entertainment program, was incredibly popular. By the way, the well-known abbreviation KVN was born in communal apartment one of the founders of the idea, Mikhail Muratov. His neighbor was Vladimir Vysotsky, who was interested in the “kitchen battles” of creative guys. It was he who suggested calling the program the Club of the Cheerful and Resourceful.

Maslyakov was a fanatical fan of his native MITI team. In 1964, KVN host Albert Axelrod was forced to leave, but recommended that the director appoint the smiling and charming Sasha Maslyakov in his place. Together with Svetlana Zhiltsova, they hosted the program until its closure in 1971. Interesting name Alexander’s position then was: he was called “commentator on the youth program.” Maslyakov received his specialized education at the Higher Courses for Television Workers a little later, in 1968.

After the closure of KVN, Maslyakov disappeared from the screens. This gave rise to constant rumors that he was given a sentence either for a criminal or for a political crime. In fact, Alexander Vasilyevich was then looking for something to do after 10 years of active creativity.

In KVN, he was no longer only the presenter, but also the editor of the issues and the “punching force”, because the obstacles of the artistic councils had to be overcome sometimes with superhuman efforts.

“I was constantly a “tester””

It must be said that organization and management entertainment programs in the USSR it was an unknown matter. None of those true pioneers of the genre had any experience or mentors. And Maslyakov was very often a pioneer or, as he himself liked to say, a “tester” of television projects - now he would simply be called a “showman.”

Alexander Maslyakov in the program “Come on, girls!”

Appeared on television in the early 70s new program youth edition of Ostankino entitled “Come on, girls!” In parallel with it, the “Virage” project was organized in the format of a competition or relay race between men’s teams. The program “Hello, we are looking for talents” was the prototype of the modern “Star Factory”. Entertainment programs that Soviet television did not indulge the audience with were overwhelmingly popular due to their originality. The whole country knew Maslyakov by sight, so every new program with his participation was simply “doomed” to success. For example, the organizer of “What? Where? When?" Vladimir Voroshilov invited Maslyakova to conduct the first broadcast. He was also the host of the first issue of the scandalous “Vzglyad”. It was only later that new generations came - from Vlad Listyev to Sergei Bodrov. Later, in 1989, together with Leonid Yakubovich, Alexander Maslyakov even hosted the first Miss USSR beauty contest.

Revival of KVN

In 1985, perestroika began in the USSR, which significantly weakened censorship and removed many ideological prohibitions. Already a seasoned television worker, Maslyakov initiated the revival of his favorite humorous program in the same format - a competition between student teams. Since 1986, a new report began in the life of the longest-running television project, as well as in the biography of its presenter and permanent artistic director. Alexander Vasilyevich prefers this particular formulation, avoiding the word “producer,” although, in fact, he is also involved in producing.

Broadcasting is the visible part of the process, while the rest of Maslyakov’s work remains behind the scenes. In the late 80s, Alexander created the creative association “Amik”, which began to engage not only in holding KVN games, but also festival movement. It must be said that there is not a single television project in the post-Soviet space that would give a “start in life” to so many famous personalities and popular shows.

Garik Martirosyan, Pavel Volya, Timur Batrutdinov, Garik Kharlamov “spun off” into Comedy Club. The most bright girls– Natalya Yeprikyan, Elena Borscheva, Ekaterina Varnava – organized a very feminine, but very funny Comedy show Woman. How many talented comedians came out of Maslyakov’s alma mater: Mikhail Galustyan, Sergei Svetlakov, and Alexander Revva. In the series “Interns”, two main roles were played by former members of the club - Svetlana Permyakova and Azamat Musagaliev. Team " Ural dumplings", who later organized her show, full staff left KVN.

Alexander Maslyakov visiting Ivan Urgant

Members of the KVN jury in different time there were Leonid Parfenov, Konstantin Ernst, Mikhail Efremov, Igor Vernik, Sergey Garmash, Gennady Khazanov and about a hundred other famous names. In 2016, the President of Russia