Andrey Chuev with another girl. The ex-lover of Andrei Chuev gave him a scandal in front of his wife. Andrey Chuev photo with his young wife: a stormy life before meeting his young lover

Businessman and ex-participant of “DOM-2” Andrei Chuev is used to women obeying him in everything. In turn, he tries to work hard to achieve his current wife, 20-year-old Victoria Morozova did not need for anything. However, recently something happened between them serious conflict. According to Chuev’s wife, he cheated on her with Karina Pronina. The girl also previously took part in the reality show “DOM-2”.

Victoria Morozova appeared in the studio with a black eye. She accused her husband of being unfaithful to her, and during a domestic quarrel he beat her. In the cafe that Chuev owns, the camera filmed him together with Pronina. He allegedly molested her and touched the girl.

“A couple of weeks ago I got a job as an administrator at Andrey’s cafe. Immediately the cafe waitresses started telling me that he was cheating on me. One day he brought a girl to a cafe. After which I went to the security and asked to watch the video from the CCTV cameras. There he hugged and kissed the girl,” said Chuev’s wife.

That same evening Vika tried to talk to her husband. According to her, he shouted and insulted her, and then hit her in the face. The man himself denies that Vika was injured during that quarrel. There is a visible bruise under the girl's right eye.

“There was a quarrel, then I kicked her out of the house. And I will kick out anyone and everyone who in my house allows themselves to yell at me and raise their hand,” Chuev said.

Victoria walked half the night and cried, but then her husband allowed her to return to one of the houses that belong to them. Andrei emphasized that he is satisfied that his wife performs all the duties of a housekeeper. According to experts, it is normal for an ex-participant in a TV show to raise his hand against a woman: he once beat his ex-wife.

But Andrei Chuev also had complaints against his wife: in his absence, she corresponded with young guys. The 38-year-old businessman is worried about this. “If you want to hang out with young people, I told you before the wedding: “Go hang out!” - Andrey said.

According to the ex-participant of “DOM-2”, Vika and her mother owe him a lot, since he helped her with finances. He recalls that before she met him, the girl worked almost 10 hours on her feet.

Karina Pronina, Chuev’s alleged mistress, told the details of their relationship. According to her, they met three months ago, and the man even visited her at home.

“She came to our cafe. She sold the insulation,” Chuev said.

Karina has her own version: Andrei’s wife tolerates his behavior and beatings because she is not from Moscow and she needed to somehow “get hooked” in the capital.

The program's experts found out that Karina and Andrey really know each other, but they do not have any romantic or intimate relationships. Presumably, Chuevu was plotting his ex-girlfriend Elina. However, it turned out that she was not involved in this.

At the end of the program, Andrei admitted: he slapped his wife when he found out that Vika was communicating with young guys. The bruise probably could have been caused by this blow.

“I didn't hit her. I agree, I have a heavy hand. But Vika realized that she was not interested in me, she needed young people. So I slapped him in the face,” said the ex-participant of the TV show.

Model Elina Kovalskaya announced that she is expecting a child from the “House-2” star Andrei Chuev, who recently legalized his relationship with 19-year-old Victoria Morozova. Young people became the heroes of the “Actually” program. Chuev denies Kovalskaya's accusations. Former member TV set believes that Elina slandered him.

“She's not pregnant. How can you trust her? She came to one person, then switched to another,” Chuev is perplexed.

According to the model, Andrei introduced her to his grandmother. “I even gave her IVs,” recalls Kovalskaya, to which Chueva reacted very emotionally. “It’s the rut!” – the man commented. He described his relationship with Elina as a casual and fleeting connection. However, Kovalskaya doesn’t think so. Andrei’s wedding, which the young woman found out about on social networks, became a real surprise for her. Elina also expressed doubts about the sincerity of the TV star’s feelings towards his young wife.

“The girl is 19 years old. I don’t believe in this feeling and I can’t look at them. I’m sure she bewitched him,” says the model.

Previously, Kovalskaya claimed that the father of her child could be Gleb Zhemchugov. In addition, Elina turned to television people for help in order to return the money that another television star, Ilya Yabbarov, borrowed from her. Chuev’s friend Alexandra Gozias attacked Kovalskaya with accusations.

Gleb Zhemchugov was dragged into a scandal with an illegitimate child

"You lung girl behavior. This is the attitude towards you that you allowed. When you say that Vika is in it for the money, I think about the reasons for your behavior. (...) You decided to settle down with Andrey, because he is promising, and live like a queen,” she said.

Polygraph examiner Sabina Pantus noted that both heroes - Andrei and Elina - have their own shortcomings. The expert emphasized that Chuev admits his shortcomings, while his ex-lover, on the contrary, tries to seem better than he really is.

Andrei Chuev's wife Victoria Morozova also appeared in the broadcast studio. According to the girl, Elina threatens her. “He writes nasty things, says he wants to destroy our family. I've already changed my phone number. To be honest, it’s scary to walk down the street alone. I would like to understand what she wants and bring it to clean water. “I deleted her messages,” shared the chosen one of the TV star. Elina, in turn, accused Victoria of lying.

“This is a lie. She wrote that she would pour acid on Vika. I also tried to contact her,” Chuev confirmed his wife’s words.

At some point, Kovalskaya could not withstand the pressure of the experts and the intensity of passions that reigned in the studio, and went backstage. The model again joined the discussion only in the company of her mother Marina Ryltsova. She stated that she thinks Andrey unworthy person. “My daughter is pregnant. I feel sorry for Victoria. The same thing awaits her. Chuev is a scoundrel and a scoundrel. I was sure that they serious relationship with Elina,” Ryltsova said.

At the end of the program, Kovalskaya burst into tears. She stated that she had deceived the public. "I'm not pregnant. I really love this man. I'm just a fool. Once again I was wrong,” said Elina, promising that she would leave Andrey alone. In turn, Chuev asked Kovalskaya for forgiveness. The angry model left the filming of the program, having previously doused her ex-lover with water.

The television project "Dom-2" won the love of many television viewers and riveted them to the screens on for a long time. The project was going to be closed several times. However, as we see, it continues to exist until today. Many fans who closely follow current events become participants in Dom-2. The most bright personalities from regular participants turn into mega stars. They are already talked about not just as ex-participants, but as TV presenters, showmen, artists, singers, socialites and so on. Many people also remember the purposeful Andrei Chuev. About him we'll talk in this article.

Andrey Chuev as a participant in the television project "Dom-2"

In February 2008, the extraordinary Andrei appeared on the project and became a participant in the show “Dom-2”. Everyone knows that the main objective project sounds like this: “Build your love.” However, many come not for her, but for popularity, money and fame. Andrey Chuev was no exception. He said that he came to the participant Marina Kriskunas, but did not see this relationship as promising. At that time, he wanted to become a famous showman. He is one of those people who “will not go into his pocket for a word.” He was always distinguished by his directness, sharp mind and tricky questions. Chui (as the participants and he himself often called him) boldly expressed his personal opinion, for which he became famous as a difficult interlocutor. But besides complex nature he had a lot positive qualities, for which he enjoyed great success among women.

Andrei Chuev's girls at Dom-2 and after the project

He built a serious relationship on the project with Valeria Shevtsova. It almost came to the wedding. However, the disappointed girl could not come to terms with Andrei’s ambitions, as she found out that he did not plan to leave “House-2” even after wedding ceremony. Andrei's attempts to return Valeria were unsuccessful, and he was forced to look for another girl.

Chuev’s new passion on the project was the sizzling brunette Yana Zemit. Their relationship developed quite rapidly. After a cruise together in Europe, they were going to meet their parents. However, as they say, it’s not fate. The fight that occurred did not allow him to be on the Dom-2 project any longer. Andrey Chuev was forced to leave. Yana followed him, but they subsequently separated.

After a series of these events, Chuev began dating Tatyana Kioseya. His return to the project took place as a cafe manager at the invitation of the show organizers. Viewers could watch the history of the development of relations with them on their screens.

After the project, Andrey Chuev cemented his relationship with Tatyana through marriage, after which they had a wonderful daughter, Lisa.

The life of Andrey Chuev before and after the Dom-2 project

Before participating in the most popular television project, Andrei Chuev was an entrepreneur in his hometown of Stary Oskol. Specifically, entrepreneurship was associated with the shoe trade. Perhaps it was precisely his entrepreneurial spirit that made his tongue more flexible, which allowed him to firmly gain a foothold on the project.

After leaving Dom-2, absolutely no news was heard about him, which raised relevant questions among many fans about where Andrei Chuev is and how his life is going? Andrey left the project with grandiose plans for the future and an inspired desire to create beautiful life. However, he suffered a setback that lasted a long time.

Sudden illness after leaving a TV project

After leaving the Dom-2 project, it turned out that Andrei Chuev was ill. ruined everything beautiful dreams and grandiose plans for the future. Instead, a lot of pain was experienced and a lot of tears were shed. A sudden illness confined the guy to bed for a long time.

Doctors have made a diagnosis - this disease is different severe pain and dangerous consequences. Andrei’s appearance on the talk show “Let Them Talk” shocked many TV viewers and fans of “Dom-2”. The guy was brought in on a gurney. Then Andryusha kept his fans informed of all the events happening to him, shared the unpleasant sensations that he experienced, and also did not hesitate to talk about his experiences and fears.

Operations of Andrey Chuev

Chuev underwent five operations. After suffering four, he could neither stand nor sit. His first operation was unsuccessful, after which he had to undergo a second one on his spine, which resulted in an infection. The worst thing is that two operations were performed on the wrong vertebra. The hernia, as it turned out later, was on the other side. A third intervention was necessary because he had developed an abscess that posed a serious threat to his life.

The fifth operation radically changed the situation, and in literally words brought Andrei to his feet. It took place in an Israeli clinic, with Dr. Ilya Pekarsky. The doctor's name is very famous in Russia. The same doctor performed surgery on the famous figure skater Evgeni Plushenko.

The operation in Israel turned out to be very expensive, but effective. According to Andrey himself, it cost him 40 thousand dollars. Participants and organizers of the Dom-2 project helped raise money for it.

A bright light at the end of the tunnel and a white streak in Andrey’s life

Now, one might say, Andrey is having bright days after a protracted period. A certain rehabilitation period has begun. During the fifth operation in Israel with Dr. Ilya Pekarsky, two titanium plates were inserted into his back. Now he is strengthening his back muscles and doing special exercises.

Chuev is currently full vital energy and strength. He talks about his experiences with a smile on his face. heavy operations and about his weight loss of 31 kilograms.

This man cannot help but be amazed. Anyone else in his place would have broken down long ago and given up. But Andrey is not one of those weak people. Although with strong inner feelings, he comments on the events that happened to him with a radiant smile on his face.

His plans also include filing a lawsuit against where he had his first operations “in the wrong place,” after which he miraculously remained alive and barely got back on his feet.

In conclusion, I would like to say that the story of Andrei Chuev can serve as a clear example for many people. You should never give up, even in the most difficult situations. The main thing is to believe that everything will be fine.

Who Andrey Chuev is became known to the general public thanks to the television project “Dom-2”. Over the years of participation in the popular show, the young man not only won the hearts of millions of women, but also repeatedly caused a storm of indignation among viewers of the TV show. A man prefers to attract attention to his own person with overly emotional statements and scandalous behavior.


Andrey Chuev was born on June 2, 1980 in the city of Stary Oskol. On this moment The age of the ex-participant in the television project “Dom-2” is 38 years. According to his horoscope, his zodiac sign is Gemini. Height is 195 centimeters. Marital status: Married.

Life before participating in the show

Andrey studied well at school and was mainly interested in humanities. Diploma of higher education received at the age of 22, graduating from the Modern Humanitarian Academy.

Chuev was not in the army, the reason for this was his disagreements with the law, the young man had a criminal record and was registered. Even in his youth, Andrei wanted to open his own business. The first step towards fulfilling my dream was selling shoes at the local market.

Personal life on the Dom-2 project

In February 2008, Chuev successfully passed the casting to participate in the most popular television project “Dom-2”. The young man immediately loudly declared himself with harsh statements addressed to the project participants. Day by day, Andrei created a career as a showman. Not everyone dared to parry in an argument with a young man.

Valeria Shevtsova

The first chosen one of the aspiring showman was Andrei’s fellow countryman, Valeria Shevtsova, who at that time was a participant in the project. The relationship between the young people reached the wedding, but the bride left her lover right at the registry office.

In her interview, the “runaway bride” said that Chuev did not want to leave the project after the wedding, and she made her choice. Andrei was depressed by his lover’s decision and even left the television set for a while to improve his relationship with Valeria. But in the end he returned with nothing.

Yana Zemit

Valeria Shvetsova was replaced by the next “failed bride” - Yana Zemit. The relationship between Andrei and Yana almost reached the wedding. A couple of lovers returned from a cruise in Europe, the young man was preparing to meet the girl’s parents.

But the plans were not destined to come true. Because of Chuev's fight with Roman Tretyakov, Andrei was kicked out of the television set. Outside the perimeter, the relationship between Yana and Andrey showed its inconsistency, and the couple broke up.

Tanya Kiosya - first wife

In February 2009, the young man received an offer from the producers of the show to become the manager of a cafe at Dom-2. Having agreed, Chuev automatically moved to cast project. This time the guy returned with a girl named Tatyana.

Soon they left the project and got married. The marriage produced a daughter, Lisa, and the couple lived in America for a short time.

Anastasia Lisova

In 2015, Chuev returned to the project with a loud statement about divorce. To confirm the authenticity of the fact of divorce, he posted a photo of the divorce certificate on his Instagram.
The new chosen one of the “woe of the groom” was a participant in the TV show Anastasia Lisova. The relationship between Nastya and Andrey did not last long; the couple parted as enemies.

Marina Afrikantova

Andrei was able to improve his personal life and business with the appearance of Marina Afrikantova on the project. The young people became favorites of TV viewers, thanks to which the guy won the “Person of the Year” competition in February 2015.

The prize for first place was an apartment in Moscow. The aspiring businessman sold his housing in the capital, and with the proceeds he built cottages in Naro-Fominsk. In 2016, a couple of lovers vacationed in the United Arab Emirates.

The relationship between Andrei and Marina left much to be desired, so the girl’s mother came to the aid of the young couple. The TV ratings soared with the appearance of an extravagant woman without complexes. Spectators watched with interest the development of events, wondering whether there would be a wedding or not.

In March 2017, Chuev left the project. Marina did not follow him.

Daughter Lisa

Lisa is the daughter of Chuev and Tatyana Kiosi. She was born into a legal marriage when the young people left the show. The girl's parents divorced when she was barely 7 years old.

Despite the fact that the marriage broke up, Andrei takes care of his daughter, devoting everything to her free time. Lisa is growing up as a smart and active girl, delighting her mom and dad with new victories in sports competitions.

Illness and operations

After Andrei left Dom-2, information appeared in the media about his serious illness. The diagnosis is intervertebral hernia. Appearance young man in the show “Let Them Talk” shocked fans. Chuev was brought on a gurney, he talked about how he was experiencing severe pain and was worried about his future life.

Andrey bravely underwent 5 operations. After four of them he could neither stand nor sit. The worst thing is that the surgery was performed on the wrong vertebra, and on top of that, the doctors’ negligence led to infection.

The fifth operation took place in Israel. The man who put Chuev on his feet was Dr. Ilya Pekarsky. The same doctor operated on the famous figure skater Evgeni Plushenko. The operation cost 40 thousand dollars.

Outside the project

Once again leaving the television set, Andrei began his own promotion and thinking about business ideas. In his post on Instagram, Chuev wrote that he wants to launch a project called “Wild Blogger,” where he will talk about the life of ex-members of “House-2.”

Soon the young man again made a loud statement - he became one of the founders construction company"Kantemir Group". In this company he holds the position of commercial director.

Victoria Morozova - new wife

The second time Andrei acquired the status of a husband was when he married a Ukrainian woman, Victoria Morozova. Date of Birth new family- December 6, 2017.

Chuev works a lot, trying to provide for his young wife, the girl is barely 20 years old. However, the explosive, uncontrollable temperament of the 38-year-old womanizer almost led to divorce.