Andrey Makarevich biography. Andrey Makarevich: biography, personal life, albums and photos of the singer. Fickle with women

Musician, composer, singer-songwriter, leader of the Time Machine group Andrei Vadimovich Makarevich was born on December 11, 1953 in Moscow. His father is Vadim Makarevich, a famous Moscow architect, his mother Nina Makarevich is a microbiologist, doctor medical sciences.

Andrey s early childhood played the piano under the guidance of his father, an amateur musician. He entered a music school to study piano, but then dropped out. He graduated from Moscow special school No. 19 with an English bias.

In 1970, Andrei Makarevich entered the Moscow Architectural Institute (MARCHI), but was expelled in 1974. A year later, he was reinstated at the Moscow Architectural Institute and continued his studies in the evening department, while working in parallel at the Giprotheatr design institute (until 1979). In 1977 he graduated from the Moscow Architectural Institute with a diploma as a graphic artist.

Also in school years Makarevich became interested in guitar and created rock band The Kids.

In 1969, he formed the Time Machines ensemble, which performed cover versions The songs Beatles and The Rolling Stones. In 1974, the Time Machines ensemble was renamed "Time Machine".

In March 1976, the group performed at the Songs of Youth-76 festival in Tallinn, where they took first place. In 1979, Andrei Makarevich received the official status of a musician (“Rosconcert” concert organization, artist”). Despite the enormous popularity of "The Time Machine" in the Soviet Union, official circles for a long time they didn't recognize her.

In 1987, “Time Machine” went on tour for the first time outside the USSR to Poland, and then to Japan, the USA, Bulgaria, Spain, and Mozambique.

Among the group's albums: "In Good Hour" (1986), "Slow good music"(1989), "Freelance Commander of the Earth" (1993), "Whom did you want to surprise" (1995), "Breaking away" (1997), "The place where the light is" (2001), "Mechanically" (2004).

In the 1990s, Makarevich from time to time gave solo concerts in the “bardic” manner - unaccompanied, with one acoustic guitar, performed his own songs, not intended for “Time Machine”.

In 2002, Makarevich founded the Creole Tango Orchestra, which included the best jazz musicians countries. He began touring and recording music both with the Time Machine and with the Creole Tango Orchestra.

Andrei Makarevich: “At the pawnshop” (1994), “Pioneer criminal songs” (1996), “Songs with a guitar” (1998), “Etc.” (with the “Creole Tango Orchestra”, 2002), “Yiddish Jazz” (2013), etc.

Since the mid-1970s, Andrei Makarevich and the Time Machine group began collaborating with filmmakers. In 1974, "Time Machine" took part in the filming of the film "Afonya". Later, the musicians played a rock band in Alexander Stefanovich’s film “Soul” (1982), where Sofia Rotaru and Mikhail Boyarsky starred. For the same Stefanovich, Andrei Makarevich performed main role in the film "Start Over" (1986). Starred in the films: "Rock and Fortune" (1989), " Crazy Love"(1992), "Showcase" (2000), "What Men Talk About" (2010), etc.

In addition, Makarevich wrote music for many films: “Speed” (1983), “Breakthrough” (1986), “Without a Uniform” (1988), “The Arithmetic of Murder” (1991), “Moscow Holidays” (1995), etc.

In 1993, Andrei Makarevich founded and subsequently headed the Smak television company, and became the host of the program of the same name. He also participated in the creation of the programs “Oh, Roads”, “Lampshade”, and hosted the program “Underwater World”.

Andrey Makarevich is a professional graphics artist. In 1989, the first exhibition of his graphic works opened at the Moscow Youth Palace. Subsequently, Makarevich’s personal exhibitions were held in different cities and countries.

In 1997, Makarevich became a co-owner of the Dental-Art dental clinic (together with Leonid Yarmolnik and Leonid Yakubovich).

In May 1998, together with Stas Namin and V

Aleri Meladze opened the "Rhythm and Blues Cafe".

Andrey Makarevich is the author of a number of books. In 1992, he published the book “Everything is Very Simple” with stories about the life of the “Time Machine” group from 1968-1983. It was followed by others: “Relish: Meetings in the Kitchen” (1998), “What is Diving, or Scuba for Everyone” (co-authored with Yuri Belsky, 1999), the autobiographical book “The Sheep Himself” (2001), “Andrei Makarevich: songs and poems" (2003), "Evino Apple" (2011), "Living Stories" (2013), etc.

In 1999, Andrei Makarevich was awarded the title people's artist RF.

The musician is the winner of many awards. In 1993 he was awarded the medal "Defender of Free Russia". In 1999, the musicians of the Time Machine group were awarded the Order of Honor.

In 2003, Andrei Makarevich was awarded the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree (2003).

In 2012, at the Moon Cat festival, Makarevich received an honorary cup, a diploma from the mayor's office, a Golden Cat medal, and also took first place in the Graphics category for his painting tea set"Five o" cat", made by the Imperial Porcelain Factory.

Makarevich was married three times. The first wife is Elena Fesunenko, the second is Alla Romanova, the third is Natalya Golub. For several years Makarevich lived in a civil marriage with journalist Anna Rozhdestvenskaya. Children: daughters Dana and Anna, son Ivan.

The material was prepared based on information from open sources

Singer, musician, poet, composer, artist.

Honored Artist of the RSFSR (11/30/1989).
People's Artist of the Russian Federation (11/22/1999).

Mother is a doctor of medical sciences, professor.
Graduated from the Moscow Architectural Institute.

The name of Andrei Makarevich and the name of the group “Time Machine” are inextricably linked with the heyday of rock music in the Soviet Union in the 70s and 80s. If we talk about “Time Machine,” it arose in 1968-69, when its participants were still in school, but declared itself in 1974 at a competition of amateur groups. In March 1976, “Time Machine” performed at a festival in Tallinn and took first place, then there were triumphant tours in Leningrad and a few years later Makarevich’s songs became known throughout the country. In March 1980, with a slightly different composition and already in a professional capacity (not long before this, “Time Machine” was enrolled in the staff of Rosconcert), the group reached new heights - they won the music festival in Tbilisi "Spring Rhythms-80". In the same year, the song “Turn” became an all-Union hit. The first half of the 80s was perhaps the brightest page in the work of “The Time Machine” and Makarevich himself; later group faded somewhat into the shadows, although she continued concert activities- in 1986, two strong programs “Rivers and Bridges” and “In the Circle of Light” were prepared, - released new magnetic albums and records. If we talk about the contribution of Andrei Makarevich and “Time Machine” to cinema, it is worth noting that for the first time a song performed by them (“You or I”) was performed in G. Daneliya’s film “Afonya.” In 1982, the musicians played a rock band in Alexander Stefanovich's film "Soul", where Sofia Rotaru and Mikhail Boyarsky starred. The same Stefanovich played the main role of rock musician Kolya Kovalev in the film "Start Over". , including for “Speed” and “Breakthrough” by Dmitry Svetozarov and “Schizophrenia” by Viktor Sergeev. last years Andrei Makarevich actively works on television - in 1993 he created the program “Smak” and became its host. He also participated in the creation of the programs “Oh, roads” and “Lampshade”.

If before Andrey Makarevich was known as the lead singer of the Time Machine group and former presenter cooking show“Smak”, today this person is more associated with politics than with music. Blame it all civil position singer regarding the conflict in Ukraine.

Andrey Makarevich and his civic position

After the bloody events in Ukraine at the end of 2014, many simply famous people They did not stand aside, but spoke out in support or, on the contrary, condemned the “Maidan”. One of these people was the leader of the Time Machine, Andrei Makarevich. No one understood what happened to him, but it turned out that the singer Russian stage and the people consider the country in which he lives to be an aggressor, and the people for whom he sings to be nomads, a zombie mass.

After a series of statements by the singer, society shook up. It would seem, why did the opinion of some person, even a famous one, polarize people so much? Ordinary Russians and show business stars at a certain point were divided into fans and opponents of the singer. A petition even appeared on the Internet demanding that Andrei Makarevich be deprived of all state awards and titles.

The singer's civic position and opinion have not changed. He continues to support coup d'etat in Ukraine and the new government. The singer condemned Russia's annexation of Crimea. To be fair, it is worth noting that Mr. Makarevich condemned attempts to ban the Russian language in Ukraine and the demolition of monuments from the Soviet era.

Life and work in 2014

In connection with the events that took place in the neighboring state, the singer’s activities developed into socio-political ones. He attended the Peace March and rallies in support of Ukraine, gave interviews on radio channels, and wrote his own blog. As for music, the singer performed in Slavyansk, but in Russia the concerts somehow didn’t work out. Many fans began to wonder where Andrei Makarevich disappeared, what happened to him after openly criticizing the authorities.

Indeed, many solo concerts singer (and “Time Machine”) were not cancelled. And at one of the events in Moscow, in the House of Music, during the singer’s performance, unknown activists sprayed pepper gas. The concert was disrupted, and members of the Other Russia organization took responsibility for the incident.

The matter did not end there. IN State Duma deputy " United Russia“Evgeny Fedorov wanted to push through a law to deprive people with an anti-Russian position of state awards.

A group was formed on the Internet, collecting signatures for depriving the singer of all titles and awards. The opponents of the main “machinist” of the country were such prominent public and cultural figures, like Joseph Kobzon, Nikita Mikhalkov, Joseph Prigozhin and many others. In response, the singer's fans and people who share him public position, decided to appeal to Russian President Vladimir Putin with a request not to deprive the singer of his awards. Andrei Makarevich was supported by such artists as Alla Pugacheva, Oleg Basilashvili, and others.

But the singer and leader of “Time Machine” decided to stand up for himself and addressed Mr. President directly in an open letter. The reaction could be different. A response from the administration was received immediately. The singer was informed that the head of the country does not influence public opinion, this is not “harassment” of the singer, but simply the attitude of people towards the current situation. Fans were worried about what Andrei Makarevich would do. What happened to him after the open letter? Public censure really stopped and all “popular” indignation faded away.

Events of 2015

This year, the persecution of the country's main rocker continued. This is reflected in the cancellation of concerts in Russia. Although the official Kremlin declares that it has nothing to do with the situation that has developed around creative activity singer

In February-March, concerts in cities of the Russian Federation were planned. Andrey Makarevich performed in Moscow in a club format. This was followed by concerts in Haifa, Tel Aviv and Ashdod. A tour of Ukraine was planned in March, but it was postponed. The singer referred to the need for medical procedures.

This year, Andrei Makarevich, whose personal life has become the property of the whole country, did not stand out with loud statements, although the singer’s position has not changed.

The year 2015 was marked by another bright event for the singer. Makarevich sued publicist Alexander Prokhanov and won. The journalist said that Makarevich spoke in Svyatogorsk to motivate the military to shell Donetsk. The star claimed that he spoke to teenage refugees from Lugansk and Donetsk.

Andrey Makarevich group

Last year, “Time Machine” celebrated its 45th anniversary. The team is still working, writing new compositions.

In February 2015, fans of the group were shocked by the unpleasant news about the breakup of the group amid political disagreements. Although the singer’s official website denied this information, calling the message that appeared in the press gossip. Now “Time Machine” has one general concert planned. The musicians are developing other projects solo.

Andrey Makarevich: albums

During my creative career Andrey Makarevich performed and wrote thousands of songs. As the singer himself admits, after his “official” persecution, the popularity of him and “Time Machine” increased several times. Despite the reduced number of concerts in home country, all events with Makarevich’s participation are always sold out.

Today the singer has 12 solo albums. Now he is actively writing compositions for his new album. So fans don’t have to worry about where Andrei Makarevich is, he’s simply absorbed creative process. The singer has almost completely disappeared from TV screens and rarely gives interviews.

Future plans

This year 2015, the artist plans to perform in several cities in Germany and Ukraine. He is also active participant socio-political life of his native country.

In general, life is not only creative, but also social. So the singer’s fans don’t have to worry about where Andrei Makarevich disappeared, what happened to him after latest events. The musician has already stated that the GP has discredited itself and most likely he will leave the party.

Andrey Makarevich is a legend Russian rock, bard, composer and talented performer, actor and TV presenter, and now notorious public figure, a native Muscovite, was born on December 11, 1953.


The head of the Makarevich family was father Vadim Grigorievich, a man with a difficult fate, a participant in the Great Patriotic War, who at the age of 19 was seriously wounded in battles on the Karelian Front, which resulted in the amputation of his leg.

After demobilization from the army, he worked as an architect and became a co-author of several famous sculptural compositions. He drew beautifully and loved music very much, which was passed on to his offspring.

Andrey in childhood

Mom, Nina Markovna, also graduated from music school, but devoted her life to science, namely microbiology, working on the study of bacteria that provoke tuberculosis and methods of combating this serious disease.

Andrei's childhood years were spent in communal apartment on Volkhonka. WITH early years the boy grew up very smart and talented. First of his group kindergarten I learned to read and drew beautifully. The father could not get enough of his son’s success and indulged him in every possible way.

Going on frequent business trips abroad, he invariably brought all sorts of gifts for Andrei, fulfilling all requests and whims. For example, after reading the stories of O. Henry and watching the western " The Magnificent Seven“The order was a toy Smith & Wesson revolver, which was skillfully used by American cowboys.

In general, Andryusha was not deprived of childhood fantasies. Either after visiting Evpatoria at the age of six, he dreams of becoming a diver, then later he begins to like paleontology. A little later, the boy becomes interested in a collection of butterflies, and also keeps snakes in the house. From the age of ten, swimming became a hobby, then alpine skiing.

Early passion for music

But his main hobby throughout the years was music. The parents constantly listened to it on their old tape recorder, which introduced their son to this form of art. In addition, his father himself played the piano quite well and became Andrei’s first teacher.

A boy enters a music school in his class keyboard instruments, however, this study does not impress him, and against the wishes of his father, he stops this activity. The guitar becomes closer to him, Andrey’s idols are Yuri Vizbor and, of course, Vladimir Vysotsky.

Friends in the yard show him the “three chords” with which young musician tries to perform bard and courtyard songs. From that time on, his passion for rock music began.

And at the age of thirteen, Andrey begins new period time. From one business trip abroad, his dad brings him a record of Beatles music, the first listen of which Makarevich himself later compares to a finger in hot milk, a broken leg, or a visit to a dentist who does not use anesthesia.

The music of the Fab Four influenced Andrei’s worldview so much that it was as if he “took the cotton wool out of his ears that had been there until that time.” He listened to the Beatles from morning to night, and when his exhausted parents kicked him out onto the balcony, he turned the volume of the tape recorder up to full volume so that everyone around him would be imbued with this music.

Together with three classmates in 1968, Andrei organized the ensemble “The Kids”, which in his special school with in-depth study of the English language sings cover versions of songs foreign performers. However, the life of this group turned out to be short-lived, and a year later “Time Machines” appeared.

Yes, that’s exactly what Andrey Makarevich, Alexander Ivanov, Pavel Rubin, Igor Mazaev and Yuri Borzov called their team. Our hero will connect his entire life with this group. He begins to write lyrics for her, and sometimes music.

The first album of "Mashins" consisted of 11 songs performed on English language. It is 1969 that is considered the year of birth of the famous Russian rock band.

Creativity and social activities

Although after graduating from school Makarevich went to study at the Moscow Architectural Institute, all his thoughts were connected with rock and roll. Young musicians do not stop their rehearsals and give underground concerts, which invariably attract full houses.

And this, of course, could not suit one of the authorities, and in the third year, Komsomol member Makarevich was expelled, allegedly because he left work at a vegetable base, which was patronized by students, before the designated time.

He gets a job as an architect, but his main occupation continues to be music. Recordings of “Time Machines” are distributed among young people on cassette tapes. The host of the “Music Kiosk” program on Channel One, Eleonora Belyaeva, on the advice of her daughter, is going to invite this group to her broadcast.

However, censorship is not asleep, and this idea had to be abandoned, although the musicians were not upset - firstly, they did not particularly count on being shown on TV, and, secondly, they recorded six songs in a professional studio.

A little later, Time Machines invited Georgy Danelia to shoot in an episode of the film Afonya. During editing, this scene was cut from final version, but the song “You and I” remained to be played, for which the leader of the group received an unimaginable sum of five hundred rubles at that time. Then there were the films “Soul” (with) and “Start Over,” where Andrei Makarevich starred.

In 1979, the group broke up due to a scandal, but literally a year later the main “machinist” put together a new one, which was now officially recognized by Rosconcert. From this time on, the triumphant march of “Time Machine” to the heights of the national stage began, and Andrei Makarevich often performed solo concerts.

In addition, he produces a lot musical projects, acts as the host of a TV show about the kitchen “Smak”, conducts conversations with stars in “Lampshade”, talks about the underwater world in the program of the same name.

IN public life his voice is also quite significant. Makarevich never stood aside from the events taking place in his homeland. At one time he was called the “Beatle of Perestroika.” In his latest songs he expresses his vision in every possible way political situation, protesting against the official policy of the Kremlin.

Personal life

All his life, Andrei Makarevich was distinguished by his love of love. Since school days, the teenager did not experience a lack of interest from the opposite sex. Of course, beautiful singing and playing the guitar have always attracted girls. In his memoirs, the musician often writes that beautiful women he had many, but he never met that one person for the rest of his life.

The first wife is Elena Igorevna Fesunenko, the daughter of a famous political commentator at that time, who was remembered for her memoirs about Brazilian football. On the wedding day, the wife's parents presented the newlyweds with a royal gift - spacious apartments in the center of Moscow, which did not affect the short duration of the marriage - three years later the couple broke up.

For seven years, Andrei enjoyed the delights of a bachelor’s life, after which he decided to tie the knot of Hymen with cosmetologist Alla Golubkina, the ex-wife of his friend Alexei Romanov, one of the founders of the Resurrection group.

With Alla Golubkina

The fruit of love was the son Ivan, for whom his father is a real support, although, in his own words, he doesn’t care about his father’s fame, and he tries to reach the top in cinema on his own. Ivan has already starred in several films, including “Shadowboxing” and “Brigade-2”.

The second marriage also lasted only three years. Romantic relationship The yellow press attributed Makarevich with the singer, radio host Ksenia Strizh and other beauties.

From 1998 to 2000 common-law wife The leader of the Time Machine was Anna Rozhdestvenskaya, who gave birth to his daughter Anya. However, it was precisely the deliberate pregnancy that destroyed their family idyll, and Andrei left his beloved, although he continues to communicate with his daughter even now.

By the way, he also has an older one illegitimate daughter Dana, born in 1975 and living in Philadelphia, whose existence Makarevich learned only in the late nineties.

The stunning songs of the group “Time Machine” were first performed in the 70s, but still continue to be relevant and have a unique style. And all this thanks to Andrei Makarevich, who is deservedly considered a legend of Russian rock.


Andrei Vadimovich was born on December 11, 1953 in Moscow, on Volkhonka. There is both Polish and Belarusian blood in Andrei’s family. Dad was famous architect, worked at the Moscow Architectural Institute, had professorial status. The singer’s mother was a candidate of medical sciences and worked as a doctor at a tuberculosis dispensary. Since childhood, Andrei was distinguished by his abilities; he began to read and write early. He inherited his father's talent for drawing; the boy perfectly depicted any architectural objects and landscapes on canvas. He was also drawn to music, but piano lessons were not given young talent. But as for rock music, Andryusha was at his best. He easily repeated on the guitar the melodies of famous musical groups that he heard from records brought by his father from business trips in Europe. At the age of 14, Andrei Makarevich already began to write his first songs and ridicule the ideology of the Soviet Union. Later the boy learned to play the melodies of Vizbor and Vysotsky on the guitar. Taste preferences were determined when dad brought a disc from another trip legendary group"The Beatles". The amazing music of the Fab Four made a special impression on the young man. I listened to the record every day, at any time. free time, from morning to evening. Together with Makarevich, his friends also became interested in the Beatles. Exhausted by the songs of the foursome, the parents were forced to periodically send their son to the balcony. A group of rock fans decided to create their own quartet in 1968, and the initial lineup of the future legend was represented by two guys and two girls. A year later the girls were "fired" and a new group consisted of four young men. The first name was The Kids, a little later it was replaced by “Time Machine”. The compositions were mainly in English, but later great hits began to appear in Russian. So, the group “Time Machine” officially declared itself in 1969 and became a pioneer of the rock movement in the Soviet Union.

All photos 11

Dreaming of a career as a rock musician in those years was a risky endeavor. And his parents insisted that Andrei follow in his father’s footsteps. He entered the Moscow Architectural Institute, Faculty of Architecture. As a student, he gave underground concerts with friends, which became the reason for his expulsion from the institute. The talented young man had to go to work at the Giprotheater, and he ended up in an excellent team. Here the young man could at least sometimes pay attention to his favorite pastime, music, and continue to delight rock and roll fans with underground performances. In the mid-70s, the songs “Time Machines” began to gain popularity. Sales of records began, the group was already singing songs in Russian, which won an even larger audience. Young listeners listened to every line of the “rebellious” texts and perceived the ensemble as a stream fresh air. Musicians often fell into the hands of the police after performances and spent nights in the bullpen. In those years, the guys could become heroes of the famous program “Music Kiosk,” hosted by the legendary Eleonora Belyaeva. She learned about the talented group from her daughter. But at the very last moment The ensemble's compositions did not pass strict Soviet censorship. And in 1975, “Time Machine” appeared on the screen in the famous film “Afonya” by Georgy Danelia. Their faces were cut out, but the song “Me and You” was still broadcast and became a favorite for millions. Moreover, for new hit Makarevich received a colossal reward - 500 rubles. For this amount, the guys bought an excellent tape recorder “Grundik” for that time, on which they recorded new compositions for a long time. Musical group in the first half of the 70s she became more than popular and traveled around the country on tour. Andrei Makarevich managed to recover at the institute and continued to work part-time at his Giprotheatre. But in 1979, something happened in the ensemble internal conflict, and Andrey had to dial new line-up musicians. In addition, the leader of the group decided to come out of hiding and began cooperation with Rosconcert. The company surprisingly agreed, although the style of music was not recognized by either television or radio. Since then, under the leadership of Makarevich, stunning hits have been created that held the highest position in the ranking. Since the early 80s, Time Machine has been a participant in all holiday concerts, their songs were performed by luminaries Soviet stage. In 1982, the group participated in the filming musical film“Soul”, partners on the site were Rolan Bykov, Sofia Rotaru, etc. For the participants of “Time Machine”, the time of change was the best moment. Their freedom-loving songs were listened to with delight, and Makarevich constantly delighted the audience with new creations. The number of fans has increased geometric progression, and this continued until the early 90s. In 1993, Konstantin Ernst invited the singer to host a culinary program. The light and entertaining program with the invitation of celebrity guests exceeded all ratings. Every Sunday, viewers gathered around the screens and watched their idols and their fuss at the stove.

Luck became the reason for creating the whole company with the same name, which released 15 programs. Andrey Makarevich went into business, opened a restaurant, dental clinic, the shops. He also has his own brand, Smak, which produces vodka products. Many people know about Makarevich’s passion for diving. The musician has made many excellent videos underwater world, wrote several books. Together with his group friends, he occasionally goes on tour, performing hits beloved by millions.

Personal life

The public's favorite has always enjoyed success with the fair half of humanity. He searched for his one and only one for a long time and went through several marriages. Andrei formalized his first official marriage in 1976 with Elena Fesunenko, the daughter of a famous political commentator. The newlyweds were given a separate spacious apartment, but despite the conditions that were amazing at that time, the couple lasted only three years. After the divorce, the freedom-loving musician decided to fully enjoy his bachelorhood. He was so carried away by romance that he stole his wife from his best friend, Alexei Romanov. Ex-wife leader of the “Resurrection” group, Alla soon gave birth to Makarevich’s son, Ivan, but even this fact did not strengthen family bonds. The marriage lasted only three years. What followed was a series of light and serious hobbies with representatives of show business. The press wrote about connections with Ksenia Strizh, Alena Sviridova, Anna Rozhdestvenskaya, the latter even received the status of a common-law spouse. But in 2000, the couple broke up due to an unplanned pregnancy. Soon a daughter, Anna, was born, with whom the musician is trying to establish a good relationship. The father has an excellent relationship with his eldest son, Ivan, and he tries to help his son, who is talented, in everything. Ivan became a successful actor, starred in the famous films “Brigade-2”, “Shadowboxing”, etc. It also turned out that Makarevich has an illegitimate daughter, Dana, but there is no need to talk about any relationship here. In 2006, Andrey met stylist Natalya Golub, and since then the couple has been inseparable. According to the chief "machinist" national stage, he has finally found his soul mate, who understands him perfectly. Despite big difference aged, complete harmony and love reign in their family.