Apostle Andrew the First-Called icons. Prayer to St. Andrew the First-Called - how does prayer to the saint help? About marriage and a worthy groom

Christians honor Andrew the First-Called as one of the first disciples of Jesus, who became his apostle and preacher of the faith. This saint visited many countries and cities on the Black Sea. We can say that faith in Rus' was founded by the First-Called: he reached Kievan Rus and on the site of the future Kyiv he erected a cross with the words that this place would be blessed.

Like other preachers, trials and suffering awaited him for the faith of Christ. So, in Sinop, ancient city Turkey, he was beaten. They bullied him for a long time: they tried to pull out his teeth, broke his fingers and beat him with sticks. However, he miraculously remained unharmed. During his earthly life, the apostle performed many miracles; he had the gift of healing from any severe ailments, and could cast out evil spirits, and after death continues to help people.

If a lot has been said about his Christian path, then not everyone knows how he came to it; this must be highlighted separately.

Life of St. Andrew the First-Called

Andrew the First-Called was born in Galilee. Even as a youth, he was distinguished by his love for God and was diligent in prayer. The apostle decided not to enter into a marriage relationship. Together with his brother named Simon (later called the Apostle Peter), he made his living by fishing on Lake Gennesaret. Andrew the First-Called was a disciple of John the Baptist and believed his words about the incarnation of God.

John the Baptist answered many of his questions related to spirituality. The people of that time believed that John was the Savior and the Messiah, but he said that he was only paving the way for the coming of the real Savior.

When Jesus came to John to be baptized, he saw in Him the incarnation of God, whose coming he foretold. “This Lamb of God will take away the sins of the whole world,” he announced to his followers.

Hearing these words, Andrew decided to follow Jesus and involved his brother Peter in this. That is why the apostle received such a name - because he was the first to follow His teaching. Then he was there for everything life path Gentlemen, I was present at all the sermons and at the moment of Jesus’ crucifixion.

After the ascension of Christ on the Mount of Olives, he received a blessing to preach the Gospel; he received a territory that included all the countries of the Black Sea, part of the Balkan Peninsula and ancient Scythia, the place of future Rus'.

On what occasions do they pray to a saint?

There are many of these cases. For example, during prayer there is a request from a saint to convert people to Orthodox faith. Prayer is especially important for sailors who are away from home.

Another important part is a petition for the protection of the Motherland and Fatherland, strengthening the military spirit and courage. They also pray for teachers teaching foreign languages ​​and translators. Very often the words of prayer can be heard when asking for strengthening of faith. It cannot do without a request for the unification of all peoples under Christian leadership.

Prayer is especially relevant for people who are in search happy marriage. Mostly these are young girls and boys. As you can see, Andrew the First-Called is one of the most “in demand” apostles; people turn to him a large number of believers with completely different requests.

It is worth noting that the saint does not “specialize” in any one problem; you should pray to him in any case. He is especially revered in the navy, where he serves as the patron saint of sailors. Very often, before going to sea, a priest holds a service on the deck of the ship, after which he leaves to carry out his tasks. And of course, at the stern of each ship there is the St. Andrew's flag - the symbol of the patron saint. It has a unique feature - the cross on it is not indicated as usual, but in the form of the letter X. This is a direct reference to what the apostle accepted martyrdom on a cross of this nominal form.

The saint calmly accepted this decision and went to execution with prayer. Even after being crucified, the apostle continued to preach, and people listened to him and did not leave until he departed to God.

How did they pray to the apostle in Rus'?

The faith of the Russian Church came from Byzantium, where the bishops took their succession from St. Andrew the First-Called. Therefore, the memory of this saint was especially revered in Rus'. Since ancient times, a prayer has been offered to St. Andrew the First-Called for the good marriage of his daughters. It’s no secret that it was especially important that a girl grow up chaste and get married successfully. Prayer to St. Andrew the First-Called for marriage even now helps girls find their destiny.

The Apostle's Memorial Day is celebrated on December 13 according to the new calendar, and on November 30 according to the old calendar. Special beliefs are associated with this day in Rus'. It was customary for old people to go to church to light candles, and there they always heard a prayer to St. Andrew the First-Called. And on the festive evening the girls told fortunes about the grooms. This allowed them to find out the name of their future betrothed. There were a lot of fortune telling, some of which are still popular today. Before this, on the day of memory of St. Andrew the First-Called, the girl was supposed to eat nothing, and her loved ones, on the contrary, were supposed to be well-fed. She had to remain silent until the morning. But if young girls told fortunes on the holiday of remembrance, then the parents read a prayer to St. Andrew the First-Called about their daughter’s marriage on this day.

Prayer to the Apostle in pre-revolutionary Russia

Since Andrew the First-Called himself was a fisherman, from the time of Peter the Great he was especially famous as a protector of sailors and fishermen. The prayer to St. Andrew the First-Called was heard especially often in families where there were people of such professions. At that time, St. Andrew's flags were hoisted on ships in the form of a blue cross depicted on a white background.

In addition, the saint is considered the patron of education and enlightenment. Schoolchildren and students read prayers before exams and for better mastery of the material.

Prayers to St. Andrew the First-Called

Troparion to the Apostle Andrew the First-Called. Short prayer in two lines, read if the person praying asks for the gift of peace on Earth and the softening of human hearts.

As the first-called apostle and true brother, supreme, the Lord of all, Andrew, pray to grant peace to the universe and great mercy to the souls of believers.

Kontakion, tone 2. A short prayer in three lines, read when glorifying the saint. Special prayer. It glorifies the works of the apostle and honors his memory. In it there is an appeal both to the saint himself and to God Jesus Christ. The person praying seems to ask the saint to pray to the Almighty for him.

Let us praise the courage of the same-named eulogist and the Church’s follower of the Supreme, Peter’s relative: before, as in ancient times, even now we have cried: come, thou who have found the Desired.

The prayer to Apostle Andrew the First-Called is brief.

First-called Apostle of our God and Savior Jesus Christ, supreme follower of the Church, all-praised Andrew! We believe that you pray to God, the Lord Jesus Christ, for us; to Him belongs glory, honor, and worship with the Father the Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen.

Akathist to the Holy Apostle Andrew the First-Called. Consists of 12 ikos and 13 kontakia, along with a prayer to the apostle. If the previous three prayers are read as usual, the reading of the akathist has its own nuances. After reading the 13th kontakion once, it is worth repeating it 2 more times. After this, the 1st ikos “Angel of Evangelism” is read, then the 1st kontakion of “The First-Called Apostle”

Canon to Apostle Andrew the First-Called. Consists of two parts - the first and second canon. The principle of reading both canons is the same.

Each of them consists of 9 songs. Each of them, in turn, is divided into subparts. This is the irmos, the chorus, the main part, the Mother of God. At the end of each of the canons there is a small part called luminaries, the reading of which is mandatory.

The power of praying to a saint

During his lifetime, the apostle performed many incredible miracles. A prayer to St. Andrew the First-Called, read from the heart, has enormous power.

Believers who make requests to the saint know this firsthand. The relics of the saint are capable of healing both chronic and severe bodily illnesses. The saint hears women's requests for marriage.

Rule for reading prayer

How to read the prayer to the Apostle Andrew the First-Called correctly?

  • At home, a prayer to the saint should be read after the akathist; first you need to light a candle in front of the saint’s face.
  • When the thirteenth akathist (kontakion) ends, a prayer is read for the necessary request, for example, a prayer for marriage.
  • Read the troparion, magnification.
  • If a mother reads about the groom to her daughter, then she should read Psalm 90 at the end.
  • In general, this type of prayer service is best done at night. The ancestors believed that the night after the prayer the girl would see her betrothed. Usually a woman meets her fate within a year of petitioning.

Miracles performed when praying to a saint

If you pray strongly for the recovery of the sick person, then the Apostle Andrew will turn to God with a request for healing. Many healings from illnesses occurred thanks to turning to the saint. The sick person or loved ones can turn mentally to the apostle at any time.

If you have a prayer book on hand, then after the prayer to the Apostle Andrew the First-Called is said, you must read the akathist, not from the beginning, but from ikos 10. He talks about the apostle’s ability to heal and even resurrect the sick. This rule is suitable for those who suffer from obsession and mental illness.

A prayer to St. Andrew the First-Called for a good turn in life will definitely work if you say it from the heart. It is important to read it every day, if possible at the same time. Then the prayer to St. Andrew the First-Called will be heard.

Saint Andrew the First-Called can rightfully be called one of the most revered throughout the vast territory of Rus'. The icon of St. Andrew the First-Called is revered more than many others, because he became the first preacher in lands far from the territory where Christ preached. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to his life, the holy images dedicated to him, the order that proudly bears his name and the active foundation.

The meaning of the icon of St. Andrew the First-Called

If you look at how Saint Andrew the First-Called is depicted, then almost always the icon includes a diagonal cross on background. This symbol is used many times in heraldry and in various other fields. In general, the diagonal cross refers to elementary symbols, so it is difficult to say when the icon of St. Andrew was the basis, and when it was just a combination of stripes. One way or another, it is definitely possible to point to the St. Andrew's flag and the flag of Scotland.

Since ancient times, the icon of St. Andrew the First-Called has been of significant significance for sailors and fishermen, and indeed for everyone who is related to navigation. This righteous man is considered the protector of all who communicate with the water element.

It should also be noted the high significance of the icon of St. Andrew the First-Called for all Russians Orthodox people. After all, in fact, it was thanks to him that Christianity came to Rus'. Of course, many can talk about the baptism of Rus', but initially it was this apostle who carried the word of Christ on the Scythian lands. Moreover, his work was very great, because he had to preach among the pagans, who did not particularly like such preaching.

History of the Holy Apostle

Andrew the First-Called became the first person to respond to the call of the teacher Jesus Christ to follow him, and therefore was awarded the name First-Called. With their brother, they grew up in a small town, where they became acquainted with the speeches of John the Baptist; by mistake, they considered him the Anointed One, whom the nations were waiting for.

The humble minister rejected their assumptions, leading the men to the real Messiah. They immediately accepted the truth he carried. And Andrei, filled with the truth, told Peter about it, who selflessly followed with them. But before they followed the Lord, they were ordered to return to their homes and complete the necessary tasks related to work and housekeeping. Jesus, catching them doing what was usual for men of that time fishing, encourages them to go with him and become “fishers of men.”

As believers know, in the end, each apostle received the gifts of the Holy Spirit, that is, he had miraculous abilities. Each of them knew how to heal and perform other miracles. They continue this activity to this day. Therefore, the icon of St. Andrew the First-Called helps those praying in many ways: it heals ailments, improves relationships, and strengthens faith.

Service of Saint Andrew

When the Holy Spirit descended on the disciples, the followers of Jesus cast lots and determined where each of them would go to carry good news. Andrew the First-Called must go to the shores located along the sea and the territories belonging to the Scythians. According to the existing legend, he was able to reach the territory where Kyiv would be founded many centuries later. It was he who predicted the founding of one of the majestic settlements, sanctified by God's Grace.

Before his death, which occurred after a public crucifixion, Andrei prayed long and earnestly, constantly turning to the departed Christ. He also performed various miracles, in particular healing the sick in Greece.

It was there that the ruler of one of the cities where the apostle lived sentenced him to crucifixion and ordered him not to be pierced, but only to tie his limbs in order to intensify the torment. The Apostle Andrew not only did not resist, but he himself came to where they wanted to install the crucifix, read a sermon, and then prayed on his diagonal cross. As a result, the ruler ordered it to be removed, since he understood the greatness of this man, but Saint Andrew asked the Lord to grant him the honor of martyrdom, and no one was able to untie the ropes, and the apostle, having given praise, gave up the ghost.

Nowadays it is often possible to see the image of St. Andrew the First-Called in gold, depicted on an icon, because it is considered miraculous and is highly revered.

Until now, the icon of the Holy Apostle Andrew the First-Called brings good to people, or rather, the apostle himself brings good, to whom people pray all over the world.

In Russian cities, even small ones, you can easily find a temple in honor of the saint.

Prayer to the Apostle Andrew

On this day, a special service is often held in churches and a corresponding prayer is offered to the saint.

First-Called Apostle of God and our Savior Jesus Christ, Church follower, all-praised Andrew! We glorify and magnify your apostolic works, we sweetly remember your blessed coming to us, we bless your honorable suffering, which you endured for Christ, we kiss your sacred relics, we honor your holy memory and believe that the Lord lives, and your soul lives and is with Him. forever remain in heaven, where you love us with the same love with which you loved us, when by the Holy Spirit you saw our conversion to Christ, and not only loved, but also prayed to God for us, in vain in His light all our needs. This is how we believe and this is how we confess our faith in the temple, also in your name, Saint Andrew, gloriously created, where your holy relics rest: believing, we ask and pray to the Lord and God and our Savior Jesus Christ, that through your prayers, who ever listens and accepts, will give us everything we need for the salvation of us sinners: yes, just like you Abiy, according to the voice of the Lord, leave your wilderness, you unswervingly followed Him, and let each one of us seek not his own, but let him think about the creation of his neighbor and about the heavenly calling. Having you as an intercessor and prayer book for us, we hope that your prayer can accomplish much before our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, to Him belongs all glory, honor and worship with the Father and the Holy Spirit and forever and ever. Amen.

Believers revere a huge number of saints who led a righteous life and died in agony. Andrew the First-Called was the first of the 12 novices of Jesus Christ. He could heal the bodies and souls of people. Believers turn to the saint with different problems and sincere forgiveness never goes unanswered.

How does prayer help St. Andrew the First-Called?

Being a holy youth, he decided that his life would be devoted to serving God. Together with his brother, he was engaged in fishing. At first he studied with John the Baptist, but after meeting Jesus he decided to follow him, preaching and glorifying the Orthodox faith. After the death of the teacher, the faithful student did not become a hermit, but continued to tell others about the word of the Lord. He traveled to different countries, spreading the Christian faith. The pagans persecuted the disciple of Christ, beat him, threw stones and inflicted serious injuries.

On the 50th day after the ascension of Christ, the gift of God came upon him, and he could heal injuries not only of the soul, but also of the body. The saint suffered for his faith and was crucified on the cross, like the teacher, but only the cross was not straight, and the limbs were not nailed down, because they were tied. By the way, the cross on which Christ’s disciple was crucified became a flag Russian fleet, so it depicted a symbol in the form of the letter “X”.

In ancient times, he was considered the main protector of sailors and fishermen, so all the people who went on a voyage asked him for help. This is not accidental, since one miracle is associated with the sea; according to legend, a disciple of Christ calmed a strong storm simply by reading prayer texts. When people received the blessing to travel to other countries and they began to speak other languages, the saint was also called the patron saint of translators. Prayer texts help to cope with diseases.

A prayer to the saint helps lonely people find their soulmate, and even parents can read it about their children. Believers ask for prosperity and harmony in marriage. You can address the Higher powers not only using sacred texts, but also in your own words, because for him the main thing is sincerity in thought and humility. It is important to fill your prayer with gratitude and hope, and then it will certainly be heard.

Prayer to St. Andrew the First-Called for love

Many boys and girls, desperate to improve their personal lives, ask for help from a Higher Power. Andrew the First-Called, whose prayer for help has already helped a huge number of people, will definitely hear long and sincere prayer requests, and will help improve relationships in a couple, find a worthy life partner and solve other personal troubles. There is no text that is specifically intended for the search for love, that is, a universal prayer to St. Andrew the First-Called, which helps to cope with problems in your personal life too.

Prayer to Andrew the First-Called for his daughter’s marriage

Parents want to see their children happy, so they worry about which chosen one is destined for them. It is not easy to please parents and their fiancé, but they themselves can take care of choosing a worthy life partner for their child by turning to the Higher Powers. A prayer to St. Andrew the First-Called for marriage will help protect your daughter from a sinful marriage and a bad choice of a life partner.

You need to go to church and put three candles there near the image of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, Jesus and his main disciple. When leaving home, buy candles and take blessed water. If you don't have the looks above, buy those too. At home alone, light a candle in front of the image and place a container with blessed water. First, read the “Our Father” and Psalm 90, and then cross yourself. Repeat the petitions below three times in a row, making sure to sign the sign of the cross.

Prayer to Andrew the First-Called for a good groom

It is difficult to meet a young girl who would not dream of marrying a modern prince. At the same time, meeting a worthy contender for your heart is not so easy, but you can increase your chances, which is what the prayer to St. Andrew the First-Called is intended for. She has enormous energy, since the messenger of God is considered the patron saint of young girls who dream of marriage. This prayer service will have the greatest power if it is said on December 13, the day of remembrance of the saint. The prayer to the Apostle Andrew the First-Called can be said both in church and at home.

Andrew the First-Called - prayer for work

A huge number of people face various troubles at work that make work unbearable. Prayer of St. Apostle Andrew the First-Called helps to establish relationships in the team and with the boss, and to receive an increase in salary wages and promotions career ladder. Unemployed people can read it to find a decent job. The main thing is to ask from a pure heart and without bad thoughts. Repeat the universal message mentioned earlier daily.

Prayer to St. Andrew the First-Called for health

Health is the most valuable thing for a person and often illnesses lead to a person turning to a higher power. A prayer to St. Andrew the First-Called for health will help you cope with the disease faster, but you can also say it as a preventive measure. Church ministers assure that by praying you can heal the soul and, as a result, gain and strengthen health.

It is recommended to find time to go to the temple and place three candles near the image of Jesus and his main disciple, the Great Martyr and Panteleimon. When leaving, take consecrated water and buy nine. The previously listed icons should also be present at home. After sunset, retire, light candles, place images and a container of water near them.

Prayer to St. Andrew the First-Called for healing

You are allowed to pray not only in case of your own illness, since you can also pray for loved one who has health problems. The prayer to the Holy Apostle Andrew the First-Called can be said in church in front of the appropriate ceremony or at home. Place the image near the sick person and periodically wash it with holy water. In the temple it is recommended to light a candle for the health of a loved one.

The Holy Apostle Andrew was given the name First-Called because he was the first called by Jesus Christ to the bright feat of apostolic service. According to legend, it was Andrew the First-Called who walked the path “from the Varangians to the Greeks,” confessing the Word of God and telling the pagans about the saving Christian faith. None other than the Apostle Andrew erected the first cross on the hills of modern Kyiv and proclaimed local residents that in the future a prosperous city will appear in this place, illuminated by faith in the One True God.

Andrew the First-Called is considered the patron saint of people whose profession is related to the sea, travel and foreign languages. And young girls pray to the Saint to ask for a pious husband and a successful marriage. The icons with the face of the Apostle Andrew depict a splendid old man with a long beard and a cross. This cross is both the Saint’s traveling staff and a symbol spiritual path Andrey.

For the execution of St. Andrew, not a simple cross was chosen - but an oblique one, in the shape of the letter “X”. That is why today such an outline of the cross is called St. Andrew’s. So that the torment of the sufferer would be long and unbearable, Egeat ordered not to nail Andrei’s hands and feet, but simply tie them to the cross. When the Holy Apostle went to the cross, without a shadow of bitterness or fear, he said: “O cross, consecrated by my Lord and Master, I greet you, image of horror, you, after He died on you, have become a sign of joy and love!” For two days Andrei's suffering continued until the Lord took him to the Kingdom of Heaven. And throughout the entire time, the apostle conducted conversations with people who came to him, telling them about God and the true faith.

Crowds of people, watching the torment of an innocent man, went to Aegeata in a riot and demanded that Andrew be removed from the cross. The ruler, fearing a rebellion, ordered the release of the apostle. But the Saint, with fervent and sincere prayer, cried out to the Lord, asking Him for the happiness of dying in the same way as He Himself accepted His death. And when the warriors of Aegeat came to Andrei to take him down from the cross, they failed. The hands became soft, did not obey and did not even allow us to touch the Saint’s body. And then Andrei again turned to the Lord and asked Him to accept him, the first-called disciple and apostle, into His Kingdom. Last words Andrei were praise and gratitude to the Almighty... And only the apostle finished his prayer when the cross shone with a radiant light, and Andrei, enveloped in this Divine radiance, went to Eternal Life. Maximilla, the good wife of Egeat, witnessed these events. With great care, she removed the body of the martyr from the cross and buried him with honor. This happened approximately in the year 70 of the first century after the Nativity of Christ.

Miracles performed by the Holy Apostle Andrew the First-Called during the years of his earthly life

When the 12 apostles began their educational mission in different countries, then they converted people to Christianity not only with speeches, but also with glorious miracles performed through prayers to the Lord God. One day the road took them to the Black Sea city of Sinop, which was inhabited by Jews and pagans. The latter were distinguished by a ferocious disposition and were cannibals.

The apostles settled on a small island, which was located near Sinop. The townspeople came to them there, and God's Pleasers with joyful zeal they told them about the Christian faith. Today, on this site there are two churches (both of them carved into the rock), consecrated in honor of St. Andrew the First-Called. In one of these temples resides miraculous icon Apostle Andrew. It is engraved on a marble slab and amazes with the extraordinary clarity of the Saint’s features. There is a legend according to which this image was created during the earthly years of the apostle. Subsequently, through prayers, miracles happened to him more than once. And one day it happened that the persecutors of Christians (during the reign of Constantine Copronymus) came to the monastery to destroy the luminous icon of Andrew. However, no matter what they tried, the image remained indestructible.

The island on which the apostles stayed was considered a den of demons. But only the faithful disciples of Christ set foot on these damned lands, people overwhelmed dark forces, began to complain that they were as if they were being burned with fire: “The disciples of the Nazarene have come here and are persecuting us.” The news of this quickly spread throughout the environs of Sinop. A line of sufferers reached out to the apostles - some suffered from illnesses of the body, but among them there were also those possessed by demons. By the laying on of hands, the Saints cast out demons and healed people, and then told them about Christianity. And then people, having seen with their own eyes the miracles performed through prayers to the One God, renounced idolatry and joyfully accepted Baptism.

One day it turned out that the Apostle Matthew had to leave the island and go to Sinop. There he was captured by the pagans and sentenced to death. Saint Andrew the First-Called was given a vision about this, and he hastened to the aid of his comrade-in-arms. When the apostle set foot in the city, both the gates of Sinope and the doors of the prison spontaneously swung open before him. And as soon as the Saint entered the prison, the heavy shackles fell from Matthew’s feet and hands. Freed by the same miraculously and other prisoners. They all believed in the One and True God.

In the city of Misonov, where Andrei also spread the Word of God, many people suffering from various diseases came to him. Having crossed them with the sign of the cross, the apostle granted them complete healing. Struck by this extraordinary miracle, they began to bring donations to the Saint and wished that he would perform the sacred rite of Baptism on them.

Andrei carried out his apostolic mission with special zeal. Often for a long time he stood on a hill preaching Christianity. Crowds of people gathered around him, and they became more and more numerous. They came to him with their fears and illnesses. The apostle healed the possessed with just one word, the sick with the laying on of hands, and the paralyzed with holy water. Soon the number of people who believed in Christ became so impressive that prayers of gratitude and praise to the Lord did not leave the lips of the Saint.

Andrew the First-Called arrived in Nicaea, which at that time was inhabited by pagans. When the apostle began to teach them the Christian faith, they only laughed in his face, not wanting to see the truth. But it turned out that the city at that time lived in fear of a huge serpent that settled on a mountain not far from Nicaea. And then Andrei, taking in his hands only one rod with the image of a cross, went to the lair of a merciless monster that devoured people. Brave and indestructible, the apostle easily killed the serpent. Having learned about this, the inhabitants of Nicaea fell at his feet and began to praise the One God.

But the pagan faith in the city was still very strong. Every year a festival was celebrated in Nicaea at which sacrifices were made to the gods. During this bacchanalia, demons captured the people, and people began to devour each other. The newly converted Christians began to beg Andrew to drive out the demons and stop the bloody sacrifice. Heeding the prayers of the unfortunate, the Saint drove out the demons with the sign of the cross. Then he revealed the truth to people, and it was that for serving idols they pay only with evil and pain. And then the inhabitants of Nicaea understood the power of Christian preaching and accepted Baptism. Andrei laid his hands on every person in the city and delivered everyone from illnesses of soul and body.

Andrew the First-Called possessed not only the gift of healing, but also the gift of resurrection. According to legend, he brought many people back to life. In the city of Amaseev, the Saint resurrected Egypt, a boy who had died of fever. And during the funeral procession in Nicodemus, the apostle gave life to another child, who was torn to death by dogs. A miracle also happened in Thessalonica - a little boy died of suffocation, and Andrei resurrected him. Another resurrection occurred in the city of Atskuri on the territory of modern Georgia, and this miracle prompted local people accept Christianity.

Great is the power of the apostle of God, and a clear example of this happened in the city of Patara. At that moment, when Andrew the First-Called was reading a sermon, a drowned man was suddenly washed ashore by a wave. Turning to the Lord in prayer, the Saint brought the deceased back to life. It turned out that it was Philopatra from Macedonia, who specially sailed to Patara to learn more about the new Christian doctrine. But the ship crashed, and 39 more people died with it - Philopatra’s servants and friends. Hearing about this, Andrei again cried out to the Lord, begging Him to bring the sailors back to life. And suddenly it rolled onto the shore again a big wave, and the people saw 38 drowned people in it. Having prayed over them, the apostle resurrected them too.


The 13th day of December is the day of remembrance of St. Andrew the First-Called, the apostle of Jesus Christ, the patron saint of sailors. Tsar Peter I founded the Order of St. Andrew the First-Called - the main and highest award of Russia back in 1698, and exactly 300 years later this award was revived and became the basis of the symbolism of the Russian Navy.

On the night of December 13, unmarried and unmarried girls have been telling fortunes about grooms since ancient times: putting a loaf of bread under their pillow, they uttered the words: “Betrothed, come to me for dinner.” After that, they went to bed and judged the future based on what they dreamed that night. If the same man was dreamed of on Christmastide and on the night of St. Andrew’s, then the fortune-telling would come true exactly. It was forbidden to talk to anyone before and after fortune telling, and close relatives were not allowed to go hungry.

The Apostle of Jesus Christ, Andrew the First-Called, was one of his twelve disciples. Before following his teacher, he was engaged in fishing in the city of Bethsaida in Galilee. Andrew the First-Called received his name from the fact that he became the first apostle of the Lord, and besides, he was the first to bring to him his older brother Simon, who later became the apostle Peter.

Prayers became the main aspiration of young Andrei; he did not look for a wife and did not marry, but was a disciple of John the Baptist, the holy prophet who announced the Incarnation. After John the Baptist pointed to the Lamb of God, as he called Jesus Christ, Andrew and John the Theologian immediately followed the Lord and became his disciples. After the Resurrection of the Lord and the Ascension, which Andrew the First-Called witnessed, he comes to Jerusalem,

There Andrei, as predicted, is filled with the Holy Spirit. After these events, the Apostle Andrew goes on a journey, where he preaches the Word of God. Three times he returned to Jerusalem, preached the Faith of Christ in Iberia, Bithynia, Pontus, communicated with people on different languages, healed people from incurable diseases. In Constantinople (in those days - Byzantium), the Apostle Andrew created the Christian Church, preached on the shores of the Black Sea and reached Kyiv.

After traveling, where he was beaten and expelled from cities by the pagans, the Apostle Andrew was executed. According to legend, he suffered martyrdom in the city of Patras, where the ruler of the city, not wanting to accept the Christian faith, ordered the apostle’s hands to be tied to an X-shaped cross. The oblique St. Andrew's cross, which is awarded to dignitaries of the Russian state, today has exactly this shape, and the Russian fleet under the St. Andrew's banner has become the winner in many naval battles since the times of Peter the Great.

Alexander I, who honored with his presence the beginning of the construction of St. Andrew's Cathedral in Kronstadt in 1805, gave the go-ahead for its construction. And after 12 years, at the end of summer, a ceremony was held to illuminate the temple with 10 unique bells. Later, famous naval commanders and admirals were interred at the Cathedral great Russia, including the discoverer of Antarctica F.F. Bellingshausen.