Open a studio at home. Studio equipment. Opening a sewing workshop: where to start

If you want to open a mini clothing repair shop, then, of course, you must have sewing skills. It is best if you have received special education. Although these days you can learn the basics of cutting and sewing in courses, and even on your own. The main thing is that you are not the one or the one for whom it is difficult to sew even a button, and such people, says the heroine of our article, an experienced tailor and owner of a mini-atelier Lyubov Domracheva, are often encountered.

Love for this business is also important, because it is known that the skill of a seamstress or tailor requires patience and perseverance. Are you ready to do this for many hours every day? You should also consider the difference between tailors and seamstresses. A tailor is someone who knows how to cut, draw up drawings and make patterns. Consequently, he has a better understanding of how things are sewn and can offer more repair and sewing options. A seamstress, as a rule, does not have such high qualifications.

Lyubov Domracheva

I studied at the lyceum for four years, mastered the basics of cutting, sewing, designing, and learned to understand fabrics. For an atelier, it is good to be able to sew both outerwear and light clothing. Although many people stop only at light clothes, because it is difficult to work with furs and leather, but I take it. The creative component is important in our work. Creativity is needed even in repairs: there are many options for how to fix a hole in a jacket, which one is best? Sometimes other masters send their clients to me with the words: “She will figure out how to do this.”

Also, to create a mini-atelier you need to have artistic taste and a desire to improve and learn new things. fashion trends, see what is best for the client, be able to advise, choose fabric, style.

How to assess the potential market and demand? There is always a demand for clothing repair services, even in the smallest towns and poor areas.

Repair shop services are especially in demand during economically turbulent times. Elderly people and pensioners do not dare afford new clothes, so they take them to be altered in the studio: who can shorten the length according to modern fashion, who needs to redo the collar. But you need to be prepared for the whims of clients.

One grandfather brought a jacket - sackcloth, wooden pork skin, fur from Soviet times. First I wanted to insert a zipper, then shorten it, then sew on pockets. He spent about 2 thousand rubles on all this, he could have added another thousand and bought himself a new jacket, but... the thing is dear to his heart, still his father’s.

How can you get ahead of your competitors and attract people to you? At first, says the heroine of our article, only by dumping, lowering prices - then people will come. And the prices in mini-ateliers today are very different: in outlying areas from 20 rubles to sew on a button or sew up a small hole (they bring that too!), to 5-6 thousand rubles if a fur coat needs to be altered. In areas where renting premises is more expensive, the cost of services will be 2-3 times higher.

Lyubov Domracheva

owner of a mini clothing repair shop

At first, I would advise opening a clothing repair shop. Because sewing clothes takes a lot of time: taking measurements, choosing a model, fabric, accessories, making patterns, then numerous fittings, the whims of the client who wants to remake this one thing or the other... And how will the atelier live on all this time? ? If you want to start earning money from day one, then it’s better to do repairs. In addition, for a tailoring studio you need more people(at least three people), more machines - which means more initial investment.

If you open a mini clothing repair shop, be prepared that a variety of clients will come to you. Sometimes even schoolchildren who were given the task of sewing an apron during labor lessons come to our heroine. Teenagers come in whose jacket zippers keep breaking. Pensioners are the most frequent visitors. Young women come in to shorten and alter dresses, skirts, and trousers. And don’t think that rich people don’t repair their clothes - there are such clients.

Investment size

Personal experience

When I opened two years ago, I only had 20 thousand rubles. I bought one sewing machine for 10 thousand, brought two of my own machines and an iron from home and paid 5 thousand rubles for rent.

There is also the possibility to get financial assistance to open a business through the labor exchange. In Kazan, currently, after approval of a business plan, the state issues 120 thousand rubles (excluding taxes), and the requirements are such that you do not have the right to close for two years, and you also need to submit reports periodically. With the money you receive you can buy more expensive cars, as well as consumables (threads, needles, etc.).

Rent in remote areas of Kazan now costs 500 rubles per 1 sq.m., in areas with developed infrastructure - 1000 rubles per 1 sq.m. The minimum room for a studio is 3 by 3 meters. But keep in mind that the smaller the room, the fewer machines you can put in it, so 10-12 square meters is best: the visitor trying on the item will also feel comfortable here.

First of all, you will need to buy one industrial machine (it costs about 20 thousand rubles), one overlocker (also about 20 thousand rubles) and one household machine for zigzags and loops (up to 10 thousand rubles).

If you want to work with furs and leather, then you can also buy machines for them in the future (used ones will be cheaper). A cover-stitching machine for knitted materials is very useful; the industrial version costs about 70 thousand rubles.

So, minimum investment to open a mini clothing repair shop - 50 thousand rubles. This takes into account the fact that you will bring a table, an iron, and lamps for lighting from home.

Lyubov Domracheva

owner of a mini clothing repair shop

The first month I worked only for rent, while there was no clientele. If possible, you can hand out business cards and post advertisements. But word of mouth works best. If you prove yourself from the very beginning a good master, if you don’t refuse, do it quickly and on time, then people will come to you.

What are the running costs of this business? If you work alone, then most of the money goes towards rent. Consumables (threads, needles, trouser braid, zippers, dublerin) are purchased once every six months to a year, and a little is spent on them in wholesale warehouses - 2-3 thousand rubles. If you have employees, then add 10-15 thousand rubles of salary per person to the expenses.

Step-by-step instruction

Although a mini-atelier is a small business, it also has relationships with suppliers. Having learned about your existence, traders of various accessories, fabrics, zippers, and so on may come to you. You can negotiate with them and periodically buy the necessary goods. You can also establish cooperation with wholesale centers and stores.

The promotion and development of any business in the service sector, and mini-atelier is no exception, depends on the quality of work and the integrity of its performer.

A mini-atelier is quite suitable for working alone, but if you feel strong and have many clients, you can hire more employees. For example, our heroine has an assistant. You can search for employees through friends, through work sites and advertisement sites. It is difficult to immediately understand how qualified a specialist came for an interview.

Personal experience

One girl told me that she also opened an atelier, but it didn’t work out for her. I thought: this means the person knows how to sew well. But it turned out that the person overestimated herself too much; she could not do basic things.

Be prepared for the fact that very few young people aspire to work in a tailor shop. Today this profession is not attractive to young people. Specialized lyceums produce seamstresses and tailors, but most of them do not work in their specialty.

Lyubov Domracheva

owner of a mini clothing repair shop

One woman worked for me, and it happened that she did something wrong, but did not want to redo it and said: “Clients still don’t know how it should be done correctly!” I don't agree with this approach. The client sees everything. One day, my employee was making a lining for a fur coat, everything turned out well, I checked, but the client immediately realized that it was not me who did it.

How to organize work? You can take orders and work even every day if you have the strength and time. Of course, such a schedule is convenient when two people work.

Where is the best place to open? It is clear that to operate successfully, a mini-atelier needs to be opened in areas with high traffic. There must be a lot nearby retail outlets, market, shopping center, hairdressers and so on. The studio should be located next to residential buildings- to make it convenient for people to come from home. Moreover, it doesn’t matter if you open in a shopping mall, rent a room on the ground floor of a high-rise building, or stay in a trailer, it is important that people can easily find you there.

There are no special requirements for the premises. Based on ergonomics and your own ideas about convenience. Well, of course, remember that the first impression you make on the client plays a big role.


To start working, you need to register an individual entrepreneur. All registration costs will be about 2 thousand rubles; registration will take about a week. It is best to open as an individual entrepreneur and pay tax on imputed income (approximately 28 thousand rubles per year if you work alone).

Opening checklist

Is it profitable to open

How to open a studio: step-by-step instruction- is it worth renting a place in a shopping center and 7 main stages of organizing a clothing business.

Capital for opening a studio: 286,000 rubles.
Business payback period: 6-8 months.

Nowadays, virtually every person tries to follow fashion and implement current trends in their wardrobe.

However, at the same time, people try to stand out, to differ from each other with accessories, hairstyles, and most importantly, clothes.

Everyone wants to have a unique and stylish thing.

But in times of currency instability and global economic crisis, not everyone has the means to purchase famous brands.

You can, of course, try domestic brands.

But if we are talking about quality and interesting design, you will still have to pay a hefty sum.

Based on this, it follows that the relevance of such an area as the clothing business is now at its peak.

And you can safely think about open your own salon-atelier.

One of the advantages of individual tailoring is that many people have a non-standard physique.

This means that even having the financial ability to buy expensive and high-quality clothes, store customers are faced with a certain problem.

It’s not a fact that a new fashionable blouse will fit or fit the way you would like.

Naturally, individual tailoring should be done by someone who has an understanding of.

And not just general knowledge and skills, but many years of experience.

This is due to the fact that in this area there are many nuances known only to a true professional.

What is needed to open a studio: the main stages of organization

The first step is to decide what exactly the studio will do.

After all, in addition to the fact that you can sew wardrobe items, they can also be repaired, restored or altered (hemmed, sewn up, shortened).

It is worth understanding that for an atelier that carries out individual tailoring, it is not so important to choose a narrow list of services provided.

Because the more a salon can offer, the more clients can turn to it, and, accordingly, the profit from this will also increase.

It is also worth taking into account the high probability of such situations: a man came to the studio to sew a jacket, and in the process he learned that here he could restore his old leather jacket, shorten his trousers, and his thinner wife could have her favorite, but too big one sewn on her, dress.

Such an “assortment” is welcome and will allow you to transfer a casual visitor to the category of regular customers.

Moreover, the tips given in this article on how to open a clothing tailoring shop also cover the provision of clothing repair services.

After all, these are two almost identical questions.

There is no difference even in the staff of specialists or the set of equipment.

Everything depends only on knowledge and skills.

What services does this line of business provide to clients:

  • design and tailoring of evening dresses (dresses for prom are often in demand);
  • creating unique wedding dresses for both the groom and the bride (most often, people do not spare money for wedding ceremonies);
  • sewing copies of famous designers (also in demand, since it is still cheaper than the original);
  • repair of old items (replacement of collars, fasteners, etc.).

Once you decide which of the above services will be provided in the future, you need to indicate your choice in the studio.

Its creation is one of the main points in organizing any business.

It plays the role of a core in any endeavor, allows the entrepreneur to feel more confident and helps to identify risks and weaknesses of the business before plans are put into practice.

Step-by-step algorithm for opening a studio:

  1. Determination of the main characteristics of the enterprise (the very line of activity and types of services provided that need to be decided upon first of all).
  2. Business registration (how to properly register an enterprise).
  3. Rent and equipment for repairing and sewing clothes (what kind of premises are needed, and what tools need to be purchased).
  4. Employees (who needs to be hired and what requirements should be presented to employees).
  5. Attracting clients (business promotion events, advertising).
  6. Opening cost (combining all calculations together).
  7. Profitability of the studio (calculation of the main risks and payback of the enterprise).

How to register a company for sewing and repairing clothes?

As in many other areas, private business can be registered and formalized in two ways, such as: individual entrepreneurship (abbreviated IP) and company with limited liability(OOO).

The difference is that if you are the sole owner and founder of this business, it is worth .

This will greatly facilitate further accounting, as well as simplify taxation conditions.

But if you decide to open a studio together and there are several founders, you have no choice but to register an LLC.

You will need to select the appropriate OKVED codes (All-Russian classifier types of economic activity).

IN in this case you need to look for “tailoring”, etc.

The last, but more difficult step for most entrepreneurs is getting all necessary permits in Rospotrebnadzor and similar government agencies.

According to average statistics, registration will cost about 5,000 rubles if you handle the business yourself.

By delegating matters to intermediaries, you increase the “price tag” by 2-3 times.

How to open your own studio in rented premises?

When renting space for a studio, it is very important where it will be located. According to statistics, more than 70% of the traffic depends on where you decide to open a point.

It often happens that a person in need of such services simply passed by.

Attracted by the sign, he comes in to ask if this studio provides the necessary services.

And if their price suits him, he will turn to him in the future.

And if you like the quality, you will become a regular customer.

This is especially true for women.

After all, men, as a rule, go to the atelier when they are faced with an urgent need to repair or repair clothes.

Women put aside things that need the service of the atelier, and when the opportunity arises, they take them to them.

There are two options for premises for an atelier: renting premises in a shopping center or renting premises in a residential area.

Each of the options for where to open a studio has its pros and cons.

Renting premises in a shopping center:

There are always a lot of people in shopping and entertainment centers.You cannot place advertising signs on the storefront without notifying the administration.
It is possible that the item purchased in the same center will not fit in length or width. And buyers will immediately turn to the studio for help after purchase.The studio will be forced to work according to the shopping center's schedule.
Shopping centers always have their own security.The studio will also have to pay for permission to distribute advertising leaflets.
In winter, shopping centers have heating.High rental costs.

The pros and cons of renting premises in a residential area are obvious, since they are the opposite of those shown in the table above.

Regarding the parameters and all necessary requirements for rented premises:

  • a bathroom is required;
  • it is necessary to conduct electricity in the studio;
  • the area must be at least 10 square meters(not taking into account the area for the restroom).

Since the studio only works in daytime, and the operation does not create any strong noise, it can be installed on the ground floor of a residential building.

The average rental cost will be from 45 thousand rubles in a large city.

What equipment is required to set up a clothing business?

Before you open your own studio and purchase the necessary equipment, it is worth understanding what factors influence its price.

This list includes:

  • manufacturer country;
  • functionality of studio equipment;
  • the material from which it is made, its quality indicators;
  • company (there are little-known companies that demonstrate good quality, but are much cheaper).

The minimum list of what is needed to open an atelier looks like this:

ViewQuantity, pcs.)Approximate price (RUB)
Total: RUB 111,100
Sewing machine
2 from 7 000
Steam iron (steamer)
1 5 100
Regular iron and board for it
1/1 1 000 /1 000
1 from 15 000
Dressing room
1 from 15 000
All other equipment: (furniture, lighting, etc.) 60 000

What kind of employees are needed to open a tailoring shop?

If you do it yourself sewing and accounting (which is recommended to save money and speed up payback, but requires the availability necessary knowledge), then you only need two seamstresses.

One of them should combine tailoring and the specialization of the cutter.

PS. If, when applying for a vacancy, you immediately warn that your responsibilities include maintaining cleanliness in the workplace, you can save money on a cleaner.

The approximate salary for one experienced seamstress in an atelier is 20,000 rubles.

This includes the rate (16,000 rubles) and a percentage of income (depending on the amount of work performed).

How to open a clothing repair shop so that it makes a profit?

The key to the success of any business is clients.

In order for your studio to pay off and bring a stable profit, you need to spare no expense on its promotion.

In this business, standard promotion methods are suitable, such as:

  • promotion of the studio in in social networks(it is relatively cheap and yet effective);
  • external advertising (including the design of the studio premises - banners, stoppers, bright signboards);
  • printing business cards and leaflets;
  • if the studio is located in a residential area, advertising can be placed in the elevators of neighboring residential buildings.

How much money do you need to invest to open a studio?

The cost of opening a studio depends on many factors.

Let's look at the average costs of starting a company:

Regular investments

“Great opportunities come to everyone, but many don’t even know they’ve encountered them.”
William Channing

It is worth not only taking into account all the costs of opening a studio, but also calculating the expenses for each month of its activity.

Until the company begins to pay for itself, you will have to invest work and promotion from the “financial cushion”.

With the story of how a young girl decided to open her own studio and how she succeeded,

you will see in the video:

How quickly will the idea of ​​opening an atelier pay off?

In a month, subject to the successful operation of the studio, you can earn from 80,000 rubles.

Of this amount, “net income” will be approximately 30%.

Based on these data, payback may take from six months to 8 months.

If, according to estimates, the process lasts longer, then this is already an alarming sign that you have made a mistake somewhere.

Of course, there is a risk that there won't be enough customers at first.

Analyzing the question, how to open a clothing repair shop, we can come to the conclusion that not such large capital investments will be required.

Therefore, anyone can open such a business.

The main thing is to have the necessary knowledge and desire to succeed.

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Today there are no problems with buying ready-made clothes, but most people still prefer custom tailoring. And this is not surprising, because custom-made clothes always fit better than store-bought ones. In addition, having sewed a dress or suit in the studio, you will definitely be sure that they are in one copy. Demand, as we know, gives rise to supply, and many people who know how and love to sew are thinking about their own business. How to open a studio? Let's understand the issue.

Atelier as a business

Let's start with the fact that you shouldn't expect big profits from the studio. initial stage. First, you will need to equip your sewing workshop with everything you need, and this will not be so cheap. Costs depend on what you plan to do and what equipment you decide to purchase or lease. But, in any case, the investment will amount to a fairly impressive amount. Moreover, the project will pay for itself in about a year, since this business is not one of the most profitable areas.

If we are talking only about clothing repair, then you can get by with a small room and a couple of sewing machines. After all, in order to replace a zipper, shorten trousers, or adjust a dress to fit your body, you don’t need a large staff of workers or special equipment. So, it’s better to think about how to open a mini studio, because when organizing such a repair shop, the main thing is to choose the right place and provide services of the appropriate quality. Then you can count on a stable income in the range of 75 – 90 thousand rubles monthly.

Well, if we talk about a full-fledged atelier, then it’s worth first clarifying: it will be a wide-profile atelier or a narrow-profile workshop that will specialize in only one area (for example, sewing uniforms). A wide-profile atelier will require a greater variety of professional equipment, as well as different specialists: seamstresses, cutters, fashion designers. To increase the profitability of an atelier, experts recommend combining several types of services (for example, sewing outerwear, clothing repair, sewing bags and sewing uniforms) and attracting generalist specialists.

We prepare documents

So, once you have decided on the specialization of the studio and thought about all the production issues, you need to draw up documents. This must be done in the following order:

  1. Decide on the organizational and legal form of the enterprise, rent or purchase premises and go through state registration. But before that, you should decide what you will register: or individual entrepreneurship. In this case, it is more expedient, since it is much easier for an individual entrepreneur to maintain accounting and tax reporting.
  2. Choose . The choice depends on what exactly you plan to do: sewing, repair, or several areas. As mentioned above, it is better to choose a mixed direction, which means the codes should be as follows: 93.5 Providing other personal services to the population (main), 8.2 Production of clothing from textile materials and clothing accessories, 18.21 - production of workwear, 18.22 - production of outerwear, 18.24 – production of other clothing and accessories, 52.74 – repair of household products and personal items not included in other groups.
  3. Register with the territorial body of the Pension Fund.
  4. Obtain a work permit from Rospotrebnadzor.
  5. Obtain permission to work in a specific premises of the State Fire Inspectorate.
  6. Purchase or rent equipment.
  7. Find staff (if, of course, you plan to use hired workers).
  8. Organize advertising.

Where will the studio be: assessing the actual locations

Even at the stage of business planning, it is worth looking for a suitable premises for the studio. If you choose between buying and leasing, then at first it is better to prefer leasing, since you do not know how the business will go. You need to rent a room in a place where there is a constant flow of potential clients. For example, in mall. Or you can do the opposite and open a clothing repair shop or a small workshop in a residential area. A good option is to open a studio near fabric or clothing stores.

As for the area, at first you can get by with a small room (about 15-20 square meters), which can be located on the ground floor of a residential building, next to a shoe repair or key making workshop. The proximity of other workshops can play into your hands, because people who come to repair shoes can also stop at the studio along the way.

So when choosing a location, you need to be guided by two criteria: the rental price (it should not be too high, the best option is 40-50 thousand rubles for 15-20 square meters) and the high traffic volume of potential clients.

Necessary equipment

As for equipment for the studio, today there are a lot of necessary and modern devices on sale. But there is no point in purchasing them all. It’s worth clearly defining the list of equipment that you can’t do without, and purchasing (or better yet, renting) only what you need. In order to get started, you will need:

  • a straight-stitch sewing machine, which will be used for basic sewing and repair work (you should choose professional models that perform twenty or more operations). Such equipment will cost approximately 18-20 thousand rubles;
  • overlock for finishing edges and seams. Buying a high-quality overlocker will cost about 12-14 thousand rubles;
  • hemming machine, which is used for hemming the bottom of trousers and skirts;
  • an ironing board and a good steam iron (over time, if business goes well, you can also purchase an ironing press);
  • fitting room (it is better to choose a screen or simply fence off a corner of the room with a curtain and hang a mirror there);
  • cutting table;
  • accessories: cutting scissors, rippers, needles, patterns, rulers, threads, zippers, thimbles, measuring tapes, etc.

When purchasing equipment, you need to pay attention to its reliability and versatility. If you decide to purchase a used sewing machine, be prepared to pay for repairs and adjustments.

Other equipment

Do not forget that if you decide to open a tailoring studio, then in addition to professional sewing equipment you will also need some furniture and, of course, lighting fixtures. As for furniture, you need to pay attention to comfortable chairs for seamstresses and furniture for rest areas for staff and visitors, as well as hangers, hangers, mannequins (if you are going to sew clothes from scratch).

You will definitely need high-quality lamps that need to be installed at workplaces, bright ceiling lamps and, of course, fire extinguishers (their number depends on the area of ​​the room).

You also need to take care of forms with continuous numbering, which will replace the cash register. After all, when receiving money for services from clients, you will have to issue receipts.

Personnel decides everything

A crafts vendor embroiders a woman’s name on a bonnet being purchased during the Apple Blossom Festival at South Mountain Fairground, Route 234, Arendtsville PA. 2008-05-03.

Asking the question: is it profitable to open an atelier, most individual entrepreneurs They understand that a lot here depends on the level of the craftsmen who will work in it. Therefore, you need to pay maximum attention to personnel selection. Most the best option– experienced people you know well who can not only sew well, but also communicate with clients. If there are none, you can hire employees on the recommendation of your colleagues or good friends. If there are problems with this, then it is worth posting information about the vacancy where those who are interested in you can see it, for example, in a college where seamstresses are trained. There is no need to be afraid to hire newcomers; they often demonstrate a good level of proficiency in the profession. But when recruiting unfamiliar employees, it is still better to set a probationary period for them.

As for the number of seamstresses, it all depends on the direction of the atelier’s activity. If we are talking about repairs, adjustments and individual tailoring, then for starters it is better to hire two people and set them a minimum salary and an additional payment - a percentage of the studio’s revenue. Gradually, if business goes well, it will be possible to expand the staff.

We have opened!

Before opening, you need to hang up a bright sign that will attract attention, and put up advertising posters on nearby streets. It would be a good idea to organize the distribution of flyers offering a discount to first customers. This will be enough for a start, but what you should think about carefully is the operating time.

As a rule, ateliers are open from 9.00 to 20.00 so that people can go to the establishment on their way from work. But it’s better to focus on your potential consumer. Most clothing repair shops accept 10-15 orders per day (the cost of one repair order is from 100 to 300 rubles, depending on the complexity of the work, and individual tailoring will cost 1500-3000 per item). But, of course, it matters where the studio is located. To increase the influx of customers, you can agree with nearby clothing stores so that, if necessary, consultants recommend your atelier to those who need customization of ready-made clothes. This will only benefit everyone: the store will sell goods and receive revenue, and your atelier will customize the purchased clothes and also receive revenue.

Price issue

Having decided on all the components of the business, you can make simple calculations to understand how much it costs to open an atelier, and how profitable such a business is. So, you open a small atelier, occupying one room with an area of ​​​​about 20 square meters, which employs two seamstresses, a cutter and manager/hostess (with the function of chief accountant). Let's start with the costs:

Now let's calculate the planned income:

Based on the calculations, it is clear that all costs will be recouped within the first year of operation. Of course, this calculation is approximate, because the success of a business depends on the demand and quality of services. As for the initial investment, it will be:

So, let’s summarize: creating a small studio will require 170,000 rubles, and the project will pay off in about a year.

There is probably not a person who has not at least once gone to a sewing workshop to have his trousers hemmed or his zipper changed. IN Lately The demand for custom tailoring is also increasing. Read more about what you need to open a tailoring shop and how to draw up a business plan in the source.


Description of sewing small business

About the opening sewing studio Most often people who have professional seamstress skills think about it. This, of course, will help in running a business, but it is not enough to obtain a stable profit.

When we open a tailoring shop with the aim of generating a permanent income, we must think about the direction of its work, the working premises, the need for employees and ways to attract customers. In addition, identify possible risks, draw up a business plan, calculate the expected income and payback period of the enterprise.


Before opening a sewing workshop, you need to decide on the range of services provided. This can only be repairing clothes or sewing individual outfits. You can create designer clothes and immediately sell them, or focus on some narrow area: workwear, wedding dresses, outerwear, etc.

All this affects the calculations when drawing up a business plan. For example, a repair shop can be located in a small room, and 1-2 seamstresses can handle the work. Whereas a wide-profile sewing enterprise will require rent large areas, purchasing expensive equipment and searching for professional workers.

Relevance of the project

You also need to think about whether it is profitable to open a studio in advance. In general terms, the idea of ​​a sewing studio is current business. After all, there are always people with a non-standard figure for whom it is difficult to choose clothes. Many people have special tastes and do not want to dress in store-bought models. And for some, it’s easier to sew an outfit that will suit all their whims. Therefore, they have only one option - contact the studio. But despite this, some businessmen go bankrupt.

The customer base and location are of great importance for business development. Study the needs of the population in the area and the possibility of new customers.

Table: approximate dates for organizing a tailoring studio

Risks and payback

The risks that the company will not be profitable or there will be few customers always exist. To prevent this, you don’t need to save on marketing operations and advertise your establishment a month before opening.

The most important thing is to provide quality services and take care of appropriate maintenance.

Approximate data:

  • Monthly income – 405,000 rubles.
  • Net profit – 157,000 rubles.
  • Initial costs – 310,300 rubles.
  • Payback – from 2 months.

Note: This business plan, like all others in the section, contains calculations of average prices, which may differ in your case. Therefore, we recommend that you make calculations for your business individually.

In this article we will compile detailed business plan atelier for tailoring and clothing repair with calculations of expenses and income.

Description of service

This article will discuss the business plan of a small atelier engaged in sewing and repairing ready-made clothing according to the orders of its clients. The possibility of restoration of textile products is also assumed. Implementation finished products will be produced through the studio itself, where professional employees will work.

We will consider the legal aspects of this business, existing risks and difficulties, calculate planned income and expenses, and draw conclusions about the level of profit and payback.

Market analysis

Before moving on to development own project, any competent businessman must analyze the market of the industry in which he plans to open his own business.

At the present time, the domestic light industry is in a serious and already quite protracted crisis.

If you look at the graph, you can immediately see that the dynamics are disappointing. Compared to 2005, they began to produce significantly less goods. And all this despite the fact that the demand for textile products is constantly increasing. In addition, clothes may not be a product that is bought every day, but everyone needs them.

Fashion has a huge influence on consumers. Today, many people hesitate between expensive goods from Italy and cheap ones from China. The first ones have high quality and exclusivity, which cannot be said about the second category. People with low incomes prefer comfortable and inexpensive clothes. They are ready to buy Belarusian knitwear and Turkish goods.

Products can be divided into a separate category self made. These products are in particular demand among those Russian consumers who cannot afford Italian items, but want to dress stylishly, fashionably and are willing to pay for quality.

But not everything is so rosy. There are a number of reasons why pressure on small workshops is increasing. These include:

  1. A large number of shopping centers with huge selection clothes (including high-quality European ones).
  2. The departure of some Russians abroad to make clothing purchases. Today, many people dress in foreign stores and boutiques when traveling.
  3. There is a significant number of Russian designers whose boutiques are located in big cities. And the number of fashion designers is constantly growing, increasing competition in the clothing segment.

To understand in which direction to act, a businessman must decide on the specifics of his studio, correlating it with potential buyers. The situation is as follows:

  • Representatives with a high level of income prefer fur and leather products. They often buy handmade knitted goods from the studio.
  • The middle class turns to private ateliers for dresses and suits for various celebrations (weddings, anniversaries). They buy fur coats and sheepskin coats here.
  • Low-income citizens, as a rule, turn to the atelier to repair their existing clothes.
  • Organizations come to such salons to order workwear, school uniforms, corporate clothing, and dance costumes.

Our atelier will be aimed mainly at the middle and low-income class. The main competitors will be:

  1. large, medium and small clothing stores of famous brands (but not boutiques);
  2. other studios;
  3. wedding salons;
  4. home-based dressmakers;
  5. online clothing stores.

Main competitive advantages will be: exclusivity, high quality, tailoring to fit. Price will not be the main instrument of struggle, but it will be aimed at middle class consumer.

It is also very important to choose the right location for your studio. As a rule, such salons are opened on the first floors of buildings or in shopping centers. It is important to have high traffic, especially if you focus on clothing repair. You need to start selecting a room by studying the following questions:

  1. Citizens with what income level live in this area of ​​the city?
  2. What suitable premises are available in the area?
  3. What is the level of competition in the place where you plan to open a studio?

Separately, I would like to dwell on online studios, which are becoming increasingly popular today. This industry is also very promising at the present time. The idea is to produce clothes with individual prints and attributes. But this is almost always not hand sewing.

Here are data from just a few companies. You can see that women's clothing brings the greatest return. Shoes came in second place, and sweatshirts came in third. These niches are actively developing today, attracting an increasing number of clients.

SWOT analysis

To assess your own capabilities, it is necessary to conduct a thorough SWOT analysis, which will help identify a number of factors that influence or may influence the work of the future studio. They are usually divided into external and internal circumstances. TO external factors can be attributed:

  1. Possibilities:
  • Attracting customers by offering very high quality and attractive clothing.
  • Low level of competition among studios.
  • Attracting new labor resources.
  • Using a huge range of models to make the client's dreams come true.
  • A large number of technological innovations, their constant use in work (we are talking not only about devices, but also about technologies).
  1. Threats:
  • Serious tax burden.
  • The current economic situation in the country is unsatisfactory.
  • Inflation, which understates the real amount of profit.
  • Increase in prices for consumables, accessories, rent.
  • Seasonality of the enterprise.

Internal factors include:

  1. Strengths:
  • Experienced and qualified staff.
  • Opportunity to expand and increase production volume.
  • Excellent quality of manufactured clothing, as a result, competitiveness.
  • Flexible range.
  • Use and continuous improvement of technologies used in work.
  • Carrying out a full production cycle (sewing the finished product from scratch).
  1. Weak sides:
  • Lack of work experience as an entrepreneur.
  • The need to purchase materials that may become in demand and purchased after a long period of time.
  • Unknown in the city and on the goods market.

Opening a studio is not as easy as it seems at first glance, because you will need good employees, comprehensive advertising, suitable premises, equipment and, of course, business acumen.

Opportunity Assessment

The first step is to decide on the premises. There are two possible options:

  1. Opening in a shopping center. In this case, the main emphasis will be on the fit of things, because customers will buy clothes in local stores. In this case, you will have to work not only efficiently, but also quickly. A significant disadvantage will be the high cost of rent.
  2. Place your studio on the ground floor of a multi-story building or a small pavilion with a high level of traffic. Here the rent will be much lower. The main areas of work will be repair and tailoring.

You can combine these two options by placing a receiving point in a shopping center, and production directly in a residential area. But this is suitable for larger entrepreneurs.

In addition, the room must be at least 7–10 m2 for comfortable work of employees. Subsequently, additional space can be removed.

We will consider the option when the studio is located in premises rented for a small price. This option is the most suitable for beginner businessmen.

After choosing a premises, it is important to hire qualified personnel. It is better if they are not only qualified, but also experienced specialists. The following workers will be required for the job:

  • seamstresses (3 people);
  • cleaning lady (1 person);
  • administrator (1 person).

At first, the role of administrator can be performed by the entrepreneur himself.

The studio's operating hours will be as follows:

Total: 66 hours per week, 282 hours per month.

It is very important to take into account seasonal variations. As a rule, demand decreases noticeably in the winter season, unless, of course, the studio is engaged in sewing sheepskin coats, fur coats and other fur products. Ateliers that sew school uniforms and wedding dresses are especially susceptible to seasonality. It is advisable to provide a wide range of services so that the client comes to the salon at any time of the year.

If the studio becomes quite popular, you can create your own collections and put them up for sale without first receiving an order. You can also set up work on the production of various accessories and accessories for clothing or collaborate with specialists in this field. It's about O various colors, bows.

Organizational and legal aspects

  1. First you will have to go through the procedure of registering your own enterprise. In this case, you can choose or, but the latter will be easier to prepare documents and more profitable from a tax point of view. When registering, the entrepreneur must also indicate OKVED codes. In this case, the following may be useful:
  • 93.5 – Providing other personal services to the public (this will act as the main code);
  • 18.2 – Sewing clothes from textile materials and clothing accessories;
  • 18.21 – Sewing workwear;
  • 18.22 – Sewing outerwear;
  • 18.24 – Sewing other clothes and accessories;
  • 52.74 – repair of household products, as well as items for personal use, not included in other groups.
  1. The following tax system can be chosen: UTII, or.
  2. Conclusions from Rospotrebnadzor and SES will be required.
  3. If it is an atelier (not necessary for UTII payers), then it must be registered before starting activities with the tax service.
  4. All documents must be formalized, including:
  • lease contract;
  • agreement for the removal of solid household waste and fluorescent lamps;
  • agreement on carrying out activities of a sanitary and epidemiological nature.
  1. The studio should also have internal documentation, including logs of disinfectants and emerging waste and garbage.
  2. Having a production control program (PCP) will reduce the number of inspections carried out by supervisory authorities.
  3. Employees must have health certificates. They must undergo a medical examination on time.

Marketing plan

Quite unique approaches to advertising when opening a studio. Many of the usual tools will be ineffective and unlikely to be worth the cost. The following methods can be considered the most suitable:

  1. Advertising in glossy magazines. Here it is important to look for more popular local publications with an emphasis on beauty, clothing, and fashion.
  2. Advertising in newspapers. But there is no need to be zealous here, since the ad will not bring a huge number of responses.
  3. Conducting your own PR events and participating in others. These could be, for example, fashion shows, buffets for a certain circle of people.
  4. If one of the atelier’s specializations is tailoring wedding dresses, then information about your services should be placed in the appropriate catalogs.
  5. Various forms of direct marketing.
  6. Placing advertisements in various institutions (offers for sewing school uniforms at a discount for large quantity person, for example).
  7. Internet advertising. This could be communication on local thematic forums, sending messages to local residents.
  8. Souvenir products can also attract potential customers. It should be something unusual and interesting.

You need to immediately understand that greatest number clients will come based on recommendations from people who have already received quality service. Someone will come to the studio as an acquaintance. And the smallest part will go after seeing an advertisement somewhere. Therefore, it is not worth spending a huge amount of money on this.

We must not forget about word of mouth. This will be a powerful engine of development. Recommendations from satisfied clients are the strongest and most effective advertising. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to the quality of services provided and maintenance. This will increase the number of visitors who come to the studio based on the recommendations of their friends.

Calculation of projected income

Averages are presented here. Much will depend on prices in the city. When calculating, you can separate two areas of the atelier - tailoring and clothing repair. Then the first one will have smaller volumes, but a high check, and the second one will have the opposite.

Production plan

Here we will dwell in detail on necessary equipment. Naturally, after searching for premises, you will have to make some minor repairs.

To work as seamstresses you will need the following equipment:

  • sewing machines (3 pieces);
  • overlock (2 pieces);
  • iron (1 piece);
  • ironing board (1 piece).

In addition, you will need consumables in the form of scissors, patterns, needles and other things.

Furniture you will need:

  • chairs (5 pieces);
  • chairs (2 pieces);
  • tables (4 pieces);
  • fitting room (1 piece);
  • lamps (4 pieces);
  • mannequin (1–2 pieces);
  • mirrors

To operate as an administrator, you will need office equipment, namely:

  • telephone;
  • computer;

Some equipment can be purchased used to save money at first.

Organizational plan

Financial plan

  • Profitability: 157,000/405,000 = 38.77%. This is a very high figure.
  • Payback: 310,300/157,000 = 1.97. Consequently, a businessman will be able to return his investment after 2 months of fruitful work.


Any studio owner sooner or later faces the following obstacles:

  1. Working with non-standard figures. For people, there is basically no need to go to the studio with the usual parameters; they can pick up things for themselves in the store. Here you need to understand that clients will approach the studio with tall, large volumes and other features.
  2. Lack of a large number of professionals who can sew quickly and efficiently. You need to immediately understand that you will have to look among people who are already adults, with Soviet training. The new fashion school in Russia is seriously inferior to its predecessors. Experienced craftsmen are even more difficult to find.
  3. Understatement. Sometimes clients suddenly stop coming to the studio. It is very difficult to determine what the reasons were. It is necessary to monitor the dynamics of the number of regular customers. Even the most a good thing, whose button came off at the most inopportune moment, may cause refusal of the atelier’s services.
  4. Lack of demand for a number of formats. Today this applies more to elite studios. Salons that cater to middle-income people are more variable. They can quickly adapt and change their approach to work.
  5. Seasonality of business. Low seasons V clothing business Summer and January are considered. There may be exceptions depending on the focus of the studio. At this time, it is very important to find an alternative - perhaps sewing leather and fur products, bed linen, curtains.

Important: Remember that you can independently create a business plan specifically for your business. To do this, read the articles:

One last request: We are all human and can make mistakes, leave something out, etc. Do not judge strictly if this business plan or others in the section seem incomplete to you. If you have experience in this or that activity or you see a flaw and can add to the article, please let me know in the comments! This is the only way we can jointly make business plans more complete, detailed and up-to-date. Thank you for your attention!