Number 4 in fortune telling. The influence of four on the path of life. The meaning of four in relationships with other people and society

When studying any ancient cultures and traditions, you are sure to come across certain digital combinations. They can represent anything from calendar dates to sacred formulas for happiness.

Sacred numbers

But the most popular teachings are those in which numbers determine a person’s character traits, his mental interests, life priorities, that is, they have a direct impact on human life. It turned out that with the help of numbers you can not only find out the past of a particular person, but also consider the future in detail.

The numbers are a certain encrypted formula, by unraveling the secret of which a person can change his life, spiritual sphere, relationships with people, financial position. For example, the number 4 in numerology denotes the progressive creation and harmony of the square.

Accordingly, a person whose fate is determined by the four, being a harmonious and self-sufficient person, can both develop himself by combining the four with other numbers, and act self-destructively.

Numerology and numerological schools

From the history

Numerology in modern interpretation occupies an intermediate position between esotericism, number magic and astrology. Any ancient civilization had its own number system. These can easily include the Mayan calendar, the Babylonian papyri, the Hindu Vedas and the Upanishads.

Most researchers still associate the development of numerology with the name of Pythagoras, who was the first to declare that everything in the world can be represented by numbers. To this day, some aspects of numerology are based on his statements. This concerns the influence of numbers on a person’s character, his physical and spiritual qualities, and mental abilities.

Numerology schools in large quantities acted in the East and West. Each of them defined and interpreted digital series in its own way. And until now there is no single classical numerological school in the world, the teachings of which could be used as the basis for further interpretations. Therefore, it is almost impossible to answer unequivocally what the number 4 means in numerology.

Vedic numerology: number of soul, name and destiny

In Indian numerology, all single-digit numbers corresponded to certain planets, except for the numbers 4 and 7. They indicated the intersection points of the lunar and solar orbits. The numbers governed by the planets, in a certain combination with each other, could have a direct impact on the behavior and actions of a person, his desires.

In Eastern philosophy, it was believed that a person’s life is determined by the numbers of the soul, name and destiny. The number 4 has always been identified with stability, orderliness, system and reliability.

Accordingly, people with soul number 4 were characterized by such qualities as high self-discipline and responsibility, endurance, constructiveness and practicality.
A person’s destiny number was calculated by adding up the numbers that make up it full date birth.

Those with a destiny number of 4 are characterized by artistry and creative talents, a slight immaturity with manifestations of heroic courage. In life, such people are idealists and perfectionists, which significantly complicates their existence.

The name number is made up of numbers that correspond to the letters that make up full name. The number of the name determines the potential of a person given to him at birth and plays a big role in his social life. People whose name number is 4 have an analytical mind and are prone to philosophical and exact sciences. They equally easily create difficulties for themselves and successfully overcome them.

Chinese numerology

Luck and success

The peculiarity of Chinese numerology is that, in addition to its own meaning, each number represents the energy of YIN or YANG. Four belongs to the number YANG and its homonym in the Chinese folk interpretation of numerology is death, since the pronunciation of both words is absolutely identical.

However, with a more detailed study of official numerology, the number 4 is a symbol of good luck and success in business, relationships and love. Moreover, official Chinese numerology considers this number as a symbol of slow but steady movement forward, a symbol of stable progress.

If in Vedic numerology multi-digit numbers are added up to a final single-digit number, then in Chinese numerology, if the number is multi-digit, then it is necessary to interpret each of the numbers separately, as well as analyze what they give in combination.

Separate symbolism of the number four in various teachings

There are also separate numerological teachings where the number 4 has a special meaning. In wealth numerology, four means stable wealth.

  • In Christian culture, the number four was associated with the cross, which is still its graphic symbol. Moreover, if the number three was considered a divine number, then four defined everything human.
  • IN Ancient Greece 4 denoted justice because it could be divided into equal parts. This was one of the favorite and revered numbers among the Greeks, who tried to solve important matters and even state tasks either on Thursdays, or in April, or on the fourth of every month.
  • In contrast, in China it is still customary to omit the number four when numbering houses, floors, and sequence. The same as the number 13, which adds up to four.
  • Western numerological teachings viewed the four through the prism of the four elements, the fundamental elements of the Universe and the world order on Earth. In an effort to achieve a clearer system, the number four was assigned to correspond to certain images, colors, and organs of the human body
  • In Hinduism, four is the personification of absolute divine perfection. Therefore Brahma has four faces facing different sides Sveta.
  • In the Kabbalistic tradition, the unpronounceable name of God consists of four letters.
  • In Buddhism, the number four meant the Tree of Life with four branches, from the roots of which the four sacred rivers took their sources.

The truth is somewhere near

Role in life

It is safe to say that the numbers present in our lives play a certain role. These include the numbers of the residential address, the telephone number, the number of any significant documents, and the car number. Even the number public transport, which you have to use regularly, also has some significance.

As can be seen, in every culture and philosophical teaching the number four has its own meaning, which often does not coincide. The lack of unity in the interpretation of numbers in numerology allows a person to interpret the number in accordance with the fundamentals of the teaching, which he is more inclined to trust.

With the advent of money in the world, people began to think about ways to get rich without making much effort. Prayers were invented to attract money, all kinds of amulets were made, symbols were drawn. We will resort to the magic of numbers. Numbers surround us everywhere, we revere and deify them. Let's consider, from the point of view of numerology, how to get rich for a person whose number and figure is 4 in numerology.

How to find out your number

According to numerologists, everyone has some code, which will help you achieve what you want easily and simply. In order to find out, you just need to add up all the numbers of your date of birth. The sum of the numbers is your code.

For example: your date of birth is October 18, 1983. Let’s carry out the calculation: 1+8+1+0+1+9+8+3=31, then add 3 and 1 together and the result is the number 4. This is your key to happiness.

The meaning of the number 4 in numerology

The number 4 is the most mystical number. Carrying great power within herself, she rules over time. The number of land, order and justice. Let's take a closer look at what the number 4 means in numerology.

IV accompanies us throughout our lives: we have four cardinal directions, there are four weeks in a month. But the abilities of the four lie not only in creation. She has the power to easily destroy everything that has been painstakingly built over the years. She can handle any task, in any field she will achieve what she wants. Being the basis of everything, it is capable of creating things close to perfection.

Born under the number four

People born under this number have a special character. They do not fall under the influence of others and always have their own point of view on what is happening. Regardless of the fact that fours do not like quarrels and arguments, they always have a lot of enemies and ill-wishers. All this is thanks to their own opinion, different from others.

Fours are quite pessimistic and smart.. By nature, they build an excellent career, but not through excessive hard work, although they good workers. These people are diligent and observant, learning quickly and effortlessly. Fours are quite wasteful, everything they earn is immediately spent.

The main character trait of 4 is persistence. Lucky numbers will be: date of birth and numbers 4, 13, 22, 31, 40, 49.

Four personalities quickly become attached to their significant other, cherish and value fidelity in relationships. They are sexually compatible with many people, a partner is found quickly enough. The choice falls on a reliable person who will not betray, will support in any situation and is ready to do anything for his partner.

  • Positive traits: practical, decisive.
  • Negative traits: stubborn, afraid of change, lack of imagination.
  • Suitable colors: coffee, blue, silver, green and indigo.

Talents and professions

There may be several of them:

Relationship with others

In personal relationships the four can be trusted unconditionally. Such people are very attached to their family and have many friends. They know the value of life, they know how to get joy from every minute they live.

Does not like orders, takes instructions and requests well in a calm manner. Loves affection, but can be aggressive and stubborn. A weak imagination does not prevent such people from achieving the desired well-being.

Compatibility with other numbers

Thanks to their character and open attitude towards people, the four can calmly interact with many numbers:

In the east, in numerology it is common to attribute each number to Yin or Yang. They attributed the number four to Yang. In this position it means death. Numerology around the world does not recognize Chinese meaning numbers and believes that four is the number of success:

From the point of view of numerology, numbers exist not only on their own, but are also capable of influencing the numbers they are part of. Let's consider what meaning the number 43 carries.

43 - reveals the secret of the transformation of the spirit. After death, our body is destroyed and turns to dust.

This number shows the practicality of the four and the optimism of the three. In ancient times, the Greeks believed that The number four refers to the god Jupiter who was a fair judge. The number four forces its bearer to realistically evaluate things and focus on the main thing. The influence of the three is that people easily find mutual language in any society. They are interested in issues of art and fashion. Many of the people influenced by the troika have psychic abilities.

43 is mirror reflection 34. People under this number often have sufficient material benefits. They are creators and inventors by nature. They have a well-developed imagination, so among them there are many people who have achieved success in creative professions.

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Birth date number = 4
According to Pythagoras, 4 symbolizes a solid foundation, reliable support, and therefore it is one of the most solid and significant numbers. Solidity also characterizes those born with the vibration of four. This number expresses reliability, determination and endurance. Number 4 natives remain completely true to their beliefs, to such an extent that their stubbornness can cost them dearly. Like 1, 4 carries creativity. But in the first case, the beginning has a positive, sublime character, and in the second - negative, mundane, limited in scope. Without causing a firework of original thoughts, the number 4 imparts iron logic to the thoughts of an ordinary intellectual. Due to the fact that carriers of the number 4 are more practical than representatives of other numbers, they can ultimately achieve significant success in life.

At the same time, 4 is also an explosive number. It is known that even the strongest foundation can fail if too much pressure is applied to it. Why be surprised if the stoic calm of typical representatives of the number 4 gives way to an explosion of anger, when, with all their restraint, they cannot otherwise let off steam in a tense situation.
Durability - keyword for carriers of the number 4. Most often they are physically strong people, they have enormous potential of mind and fortitude, which allows them to successfully endure all adversity. They are the true “salt of the earth”, conscientious workers who do everything conscientiously. They do not suffer from frivolity; are guided in their activities common sense, which at times is illuminated by bright flashes of intuition. “Hurry, take your time” is their motto; but no matter how the circumstances develop, they move towards their goal with all determination. The strength of their conviction is such that no internal doubts, no external factors are not able to force them to deviate from their chosen path. Therefore, most likely, they will be successful. Of course, this will take time, but success and the fulfillment of cherished desires will be the reward for long years persistent work.

In other people, carriers of the number 4 are attracted to solid, reliable character traits - ones that distinguish them themselves. They have no time for frivolous, empty people. By giving love and respect to someone, they turn them into their allies. And they use it “to the fullest.” Moreover, being serious people, they try to educate their friends in the same spirit. Ignoring those they don't like; relatives and friends are pestered with endless moralizing about how to live. In their sermons, they certainly come from the best intentions, but they are oh so difficult to perceive. There are times in life when it is better to remain silent about something. And the bearer of the number 4 should understand that he (or she) does not have the exclusive right to the truth, to the right actions.

The tenacity with which number 4s try to prove to people what is good and what is bad stems from the fact that they are very often adherents of strict traditions. They like the solid foundations of the past and do not inspire confidence in anything new that has not yet been tried. Reliability, stability, order, loyalty to customs - these are the life criteria of most representatives of the number 4; For them, traditions serve as the strongest foundation on which to build a stable future. Whatever place these people occupy in society, they are basically “statists” who feel comfortable only if the country respects established standards and laws. Carriers of the number 4 are rarely snobs and do not go over their heads on the career or social ladder. As “traditionalists,” they are likely to stay true to their “roots.” If these people succeed in life, then without any complaints. This disarms many. Of particular importance for representatives of the number 4 is their adherence to the moral standards and rules of behavior that they have established for themselves. As soon as they deviate even slightly from them, they begin to experience remorse, shame, and self-loathing. And they are determined to return to the righteous path as soon as possible.

No matter how reserved people with number 4 may be, they do not lack emotions. For example, they can become very upset. They want to achieve the greatest in all areas of life, and therefore, when everything goes well, they sweeter than honey. But failures make them despondent. And then - what kind of self-control is there! - an emotional explosion occurs, in the epicenter of which even those who are not guilty of anything fall into the epicenter, and if they are guilty, then only in. that they were nearby. In other words, it also happens that these decent, worthy people are overcome by fits of anger (accompanied by cruel swearing), with which they seem to be unable to do anything. It seems that this does not fit in any way with the character of people number 4 - they are so exemplary in all respects. In fact, everything happens due to the fact that, far from suffering from selfishness, they are, nevertheless, very inattentive to other people. Pursuing their interests with indescribable tenacity, representatives of number 4 do not notice how their actions affect others. If someone points out mistakes to them, they feel insulted and go on the defensive. But then there comes a moment when they calm down, regain a cool mind > the ability to analyze what happened returns to them, and then, for sure, repentance and remorse come to them, and they rush to apologize for their tactlessness. But by then the damage will have already been done and it will be difficult to fix anything.

Almost everyone born with the vibration of this number desires to succeed at work. The bar for their aspirations is quite high, but they are ready to make any sacrifice to achieve their goal. If it requires shedding blood, sweat and tears, they will shed them * and in copious quantities. (True, sometimes what these people achieve does not make them happy, at least outwardly.) But that is not the point. And it’s not even about winning for the sake of winning. And not in the elevation of one’s own “I”. The reason why they relentlessly strive for success lies deep in their minds: success is known to command respect from other people. Therefore, carriers of the number 4 want to become bosses, important people, who, through hard work, rise above mediocrity. Then they will be able to walk with their heads held high, knowing that they have achieved no less, and probably more, than their opponent. It is this kind of success that they value above all else.

Determination and devotion to duty also have a negative side. People charged with success often turn out to be cynical, greedy, and overly materialistic. They can be quite cruel in achieving their goals, so they appear to other people as selfish and carefree. However, external impressions are not always deceiving.
Like representatives of number 1, with whom they have a lot in common, carriers of number 4 are not confident in their success, but make great efforts to advance in their chosen field. They demonstrate not only great hard work, but also the ability to cope with difficult situations.
These people are distinguished by an independent mindset and, like the representatives of the number 1, have difficulty admitting their mistakes. True, in contrast to the “one” students, the “four” students pay more attention to other people’s opinions. Although initially they are always confident that their views are true and reject any proposals that contradict their position, “four-speakers” can often be convinced with the help of clear argumentation -

Many carriers of the number 4 are born to be leaders. But they will lead through consultations; their main principle is to achieve consensus. Such leadership methods provide them with the support of a wide range of people. Moreover, imposing one's will on subordinates is excluded.
Even those representatives of number 4 whose intellectual abilities are below average are endowed with a chance of achieving success. But they have the ability to work persistently and learn from their own mistakes. Persistence and obsession will help them cope with any task, despite the fact that sometimes things will not go well for them. These are real fighters who don’t stop fighting until they win.
Many carriers of this number perform well in those forms of employment that require a practical streak. They prefer to deal with durable objects and solve solid problems. They hate racking their brains over theoretical questions. These people also cope with the clerical routine - it does not drive them crazy, on the contrary - they sometimes find inspiration in this work. Even in a modest position, representatives of number 4 achieve excellent results; Moreover, they never waste time in vain; you will not see them idly hanging out or engaging in gossip in the corners of the corridors. Many of them are successful in their own business - their energy and willingness to make sacrifices are often paid off handsomely, and success in business is what best suits their desire to demonstrate their importance.

Some carriers of the number 4 try to prove themselves in organizations with big name, enjoying an excellent reputation for many years. And they achieve success there. But if they encounter difficulties, it is mainly due to the fact that they are poorly adapted to working in a “team”. Possessing highly developed independence and being able to fully devote themselves to their chosen work, they feel more comfortable when they have the opportunity to act independently. Working in a large organization, they may come to the conclusion that their work is not adequately appreciated by managers. Disillusioned with their work, these people feel unhappy and lose the incentive they need to strive for higher positions.

Such reliable people are considered a good match when choosing a husband or wife. For all their rather cool appearance, they have great sex appeal.
Number 4 carriers are rarely romantics; Flirting and sex as such are usually not of interest to them. The only thing that matters is love, which they almost always take very seriously, considering marriage main goal. They go for it when their feelings are strong.

In the role of fans, men of number 4 are very naive and simple-minded. And this is strange, because in business and other serious matters they do not soar in the clouds, but stand firmly on the ground. In the same case, the “gentleman” is looking for an ideal “lady” as a partner. Moreover, he is not interested in a lustful beauty - a Hollywood screen goddess who captivates with curvaceous bodies - but in some semblance of Lolita: an equally attractive, from a sexual point of view, pure, innocent, with a medieval, monastic upbringing, and also a deeply suffering girl. Why be surprised: they rarely manage to find anything similar to the fruit of their imagination. On the contrary, they meet earthly women, with flesh and blood, and marry them, forgetting about their ideals. Just at the moment of breaking down lifeless ideas, a woman with enormous sexual attractiveness and internal energy may appear on their path. Not noticing the lurking danger, a man marries such a woman and only then learns how difficult it is to be the head of a family, although he wants to exercise “command functions.” He will try to control every aspect of her life, her every step, dictate what she can and cannot do, allow or forbid her to meet with friends - in general, censor her entire life. lifestyle. If a woman turns out to be obstinate, an explosion cannot be avoided. Submissive, humble, but possessing colossal sexual potential, the young, innocent fairy will remain a wonderful dream.

It should be noted that there are many men with 4 as their date of birth who “marry money”, wanting to bring the achievement of their goals closer. Marriage in this case can be both unhappy and happy. It all depends on whether in the relationship between a man and a woman, in addition to the main motives of marriage, there will be sexual compatibility and mutual respect when they make such an important decision - to live side by side every day.

As for women with 4 as their date of birth, they are quite tough emotionally and tend to manipulate other people both in sex and in other areas of life. They need to find men who, like themselves, have great energy potential and set high goals for themselves. Otherwise, these women will face disappointment and indignation, and their partners will face complete moral collapse. But if the husband comes across what he needs, the woman of this number will do everything in his interests. In general, “fours” become even more beautiful and physically stronger over the years; these are impressive Women who oversee the public side of their husband’s career, thereby providing him with great help.

The ideal partner for both sexes with this number is someone who has a similar character. The tension arising from sexual and psychological contradictions between carriers of the same number may not disappear completely, but the commonality of earthly, practical interests of these people makes them twice as strong. Such a match, although not made in romantic heaven, gives them a huge advantage in achieving what they consider most important - success in all aspects of life.
If the relationship between a man and a woman of this number is not catalyzed by means of “sexual alchemy,” then it is difficult to guarantee their harmony by other factors. People with 4 as their birth date tend to bring home the problems they face from outside. As a result, quarrels and scandals arise; True, this is often “much ado about nothing,” but if this is repeated often, then serious damage is caused to the family. In general, representatives of number 4 are reliable partners who have an instinctive desire to make life happy. They truly love and care for children, although at times other concerns come to the fore.

Almost all representatives of the number 4 are famous good health. However, even if someone does not have that physical strength, which is typical for most carriers of this vibration, the main danger for them comes from overexertion at work. They would like to indulge in laughter from time to time to relax, but they are unfortunately too serious. Their leisure time is extremely limited. Of all types of relaxation, these people choose reading, but they mostly read serious reading. scientific works or “meaningful” romances that grab their attention rather than something light with a happy ending.

Some people may not like carriers of the number 4 as people, no matter how much respect and honor they deserve for what they have done in life. However, of all human types defined by numbers, representatives of the number 4 are such that the world could hardly survive without them. If these people were not on Earth, progress would slow down. Someone loves them, someone hates them, and someone needs them, because they give a lot to our civilization. Life does not always give them joy and happiness, but they are sure that they do not live in vain: in their opinion, they have made a significant contribution to the development of society. For many of them it is - heavy cross; but this is both their reward and salvation.


King of Great Britain George VI, Emperor of Ethiopia Haile Selassie I, English king Henry VIII

Members of the modern English royal family
Duchess of Kent, Lord Linley, Queen Mother Elizabeth, Duchess of York

Kenneth Baker, Alec Douglas-Home, Michael Heseltine, John Major, Robert Peel, Michael Portillo, Nicholas Ridley, Arthur Scargill, Joseph Stalin, Margaret Thatcher, Harold Wilson

Religious figure
Desmond Tutu

Marie Skłodowska-Curie, Robert Oppenheimer

Samuel Morse

Adventurers, men of action
Red Adair, Chris Bonington, Thor Heyerdahl, T.E. Lawrence

Richard Branson

W. G. Auden, Philip Larkin, John Mortimer

Henri Matisse, Anthony van Dyck

Lionel Bart, Antonin Dvorak, Yehudi Menuhin, Andre Previn. Richard Wagner

Maria Callas, Elton John, Paul McCartney, Dolly Parton, Luciano Pavarotti, Sandy Shaw

Actors and actresses
Jenny Agutter, Woody Allen, Claire Bloom, Catherine Deneuve, Clint Eastwood, Jodie Foster, Nigel Havers, Boris Karlov, Stan Laurel, Leo McKern, Robert Morley, Frank Sinatra

Media representatives
Arthur Askey, David Attenborough, Cilla Black, Alistair Cook, Paul Daniels, Robert Day, Roy Hudd, Angela Rippon

George Best, Steve Cauthen, Linford Christie, Joe Fraser, Sally Gunnell, Jack Johnson, Denis Law, Sunny Liston, Arnold Palmer, Fred Truman

Four is the most important mystical number, signifying absolute omnipotence. It is the number four that symbolizes power over time and space. It is the number of earth, order, justice and stability.

The meaning of the number 4 can be found anywhere, in anything: these are the four cardinal directions, four ages, four weeks of the month. The four are characterized by stability and controllability; they can act not only as a creator, but also as a destroyer. Four denotes the number of the birth and end of the development of matter, and the multiplied figure is the number of real chaos.

People under the auspices of the number four have a unique character. In every argument or discussion, the fours take the opposite side from the majority. Despite their reluctance to participate in disputes, they always stand in opposition, creating many enemies for themselves.

Fours do not accept any rules or customs at the level of instinct.

There were frequent cases of quartets revolting against constitutional authority. They went ahead, creating new rules.

The character of such people is based on pessimism and an unlimited mind. These people are prescribed from birth brilliant career. Fours are very observant, they are distinguished by excellent receptivity to learning. Also fours are efficient workers, but they don’t put too much effort into their work. Thanks to their innate intelligence, their work is systematic and methodical. Fours are not prone to quarrels, but they are very wasteful, which is why the money they earn quickly disappears.

People born under number 4 are not easily attracted. But if this happens, the four will remain faithful to their chosen one for the rest of their lives. A person’s loyalty is due to the fact that it is very difficult for him to give his feelings to someone. Sexually, fours never have difficulty finding a partner.

The number 4 in numerology gives a person pessimism and constant dissatisfaction with life. Pessimism is closely related to uncertainty. These negative character traits lead to jealousy.

But if there is always a person next to the four who can support him at any moment, he will feel good.

What sets fours apart from those around them?

Number 4 gives a person sociability, the ability to always find a common language with people. Fours are very smart, they are drawn to everything new and unusual. Such people will brighten up your leisure time with good conversation; they are attentive to other people's problems. Fours, as the meaning of the number 4 shows, are psychologists in life, and friends very often turn to them for help.

Due to the fact that people with the number 4 are able to clearly express their thoughts, this means that they achieve career heights. It is easy for such people to find a common language with colleagues and superiors, which, combined with high intellectual capabilities, makes them irreplaceable.

Fours are good organizers; they are distinguished by strategic thinking, a talent for planning and forecasting. You can often meet such people among artists.

Number 4 gives its owner reliability and organization. Such a person will never forget to congratulate you on your birthday or make an important call on time. Fours, even in the midst of a very busy schedule, will always find time for their loved ones and friends. And if they go against what they promised, there will be good reasons for this. One more distinctive feature Fours denote perseverance and hard work. They persistently move towards their goals and are distinguished by great patience and stubbornness.

In love, people with number 4 are faithful and reliable. Betrayal by a loved one can seriously unsettle them.

What negativity does the number 4 bring to you? If the four does not learn to control their abilities, they will greatly harm them. For example, being organized can turn such people into petty pedants, which is why those around them will lose all interest in them.

Another disadvantage of fours is that they constantly take on a lot of responsibilities. As a result, these responsibilities turn into an unbearable burden, and the person loses all self-confidence.

The main drawback of people born under the number 4 is perfectionism.

If they learn to avoid every annoying little thing, then life will become much easier for them.

Number of material achievements

The number 4 in numerology has many associations. Many cultures depicted this figure as a cross. In geometry, the number 4 is symbolized by a cross and a square. The ancient Chinese believed the number 4 feminine number, which made a person holistic, decent, fair, sustainable. In Hinduism, the number 4 is a symbol of completeness and perfection.

Number 4 is synonymous with stability and steadfastness. This number is solid and fair. One of the most primitive numbers in nature.

Number 4 and the material world

On the planet, a lot is connected with the number 4. It denotes stability and strength of being. There are many things in our lives with the number 4:

Four Seasons;

Four cardinal directions;

Four forces;

Four suits in cards;

Four times of day (morning, afternoon, evening, night);

The Olympics are held once every four years;

Four types of temperament (choleric, melancholic, phlegmatic and sanguine);

Four periods of life (childhood, adolescence, adulthood and old age);

Each month has four weeks.

Number 4 in religions

In Christianity, the number four is seen in prayer. "Amen" the last word- acts as the fourth element that ends the holy speech. This gives prayer materiality and significance. Four is a number that supports the development of things, provides truth, a basis for them.

There were 4 great and important eras in Hinduism during which humanity developed.

In mythology Ancient Egypt The main god, Horus, has 4 sons. They are geniuses and protect the peace of the dead. The sons of Horus are protected by 4 goddesses.

In China, according to belief, enlightened and smart person You need 4 items: paper, ink, ink pot and brush.

Birth under the number 4

The main goal of the four person is creation outside world. These are hardworking, careful and reliable people. They avoid risks, are honest at work and love front. The number four symbolizes perseverance, stable character and success in the scientific or technical field. The four always have many friends, they are conscientious business partners who always keep their word. Such a person does not know the word frivolity or betrayal. Four is the support, the hope of the family. Number 4 is the number of extroverts. Best qualities fours reveal themselves in difficult and extreme life situations. Such people are not used to being alone; for them communication is an important element of life.

Advantages of the four:

  • communication skills;
  • intelligence, the ability to think logically in any situation;
  • a born psychologist;
  • eloquence, excellent organizing skills;
  • reliability, perseverance and hard work.


  • pedantry, pettiness;
  • tendency to take on too many problems and responsibilities;
  • talkativeness;
  • perfectionism.

Four in astrology

Lucky satellite numbers are , , 26. Hostile numbers are , 12.30. Saturday and Monday are the most lucky days weeks. Aquamarine is a lucky stone. A talisman made from this stone should be worn near the heart. The four is accompanied by the planet Uranus. Frequent illnesses: back pain, kidney problems, headaches. For fours, dark burgundy, blue and coffee colors are suitable.

Number 4 in spiritual life

A person born under the number 4 clearly and consistently strives to realize his plans. He feels confident in any endeavor: creative, social and family. This is a born leader. He knows how to express his thoughts concisely and logically, has high moral principles. Thanks to the four, everything uncertain takes on an ideal and complete form. Such a person does not fantasize; for him, all values ​​and goals must be in reality. Always keeps emotions under control, never falls into hysterics or depression.

Quartet talents:

  • born mechanic. Loves complex mechanisms and knows how to work with them;
  • has a scientific mind. Interested in the laws of physics and science;
  • loves nature. It can reach great heights in gardening.
  • Can succeed in banking, knows how to assess the risks and benefits of investments.
  • Four is a very disciplined person. He will be able to become one of the best commanders in the army and excel in martial arts.

Relationships and the number 4

This is a loving, sensible person. He wants to gain respect and recognition in society, actively participates in religious or political sphere. The Four knows how to enjoy life and helps family and friends. Enjoys simple things: a cozy home, delicious lunch or playing with your pet in nature. For the four, reliability and fidelity in marriage always come first. However, such a person always achieves everything on his own, which can require a lot of energy and strength.