Business ethics: rules and regulations. Concept and features of business ethics

Every entrepreneur must understand that in the modern civilized world great importance has not only professionalism, but also the ability to comply with the principles of business ethics. The way a person adheres to these rules reflects the degree of seriousness in his approach to the matter. Therefore, most experienced businessmen pay special attention to this aspect of behavior.

Ethics of business communication

One of the important components of success is clear regulation of professional communication. In the process of building relationships with potential business partners, it is necessary to adhere to generally accepted ethical standards, which constitute a system certain rules, taking into account cultural and national traditions. The outcome of negotiations, and, consequently, the commercial success of the enterprise largely depends on how competently the code of business ethics is observed.

Universal norms allow not only to correctly place important emphasis, but also to analyze and even model the behavior of other participants in the process. Ethics business communication makes it possible to build your own line of behavior that helps normalize complex relationships with partners. Indeed, in the professional sphere it is very important not to allow yourself to be drawn into any conflict situations.

Basic rules of business ethics

When communicating with business partners, it is not enough to show politeness and goodwill. For successful implementation negotiations must follow generally accepted rules. The most important categories on which business ethics are built include many moral and ethical standards. Depending on their interpretation, they can significantly facilitate or, on the contrary, complicate professional communication. A civilized society based on market relations has already had the opportunity to verify the effectiveness of doing business built on moral basis. Business and professional ethics contribute to the development of fruitful cooperation, strengthening partnerships and coordination of interests.

Punctuality is the key to success

The first and most basic rule on which business ethics is built is to never be late for anything. The day of any business person is scheduled literally to the minute, so being late for a business meeting can be regarded as a sign of disrespect for partners. Unpunctuality is considered one of the most important indicators of a person’s unreliability. A true professional knows how to value not only his own time, but also the time of his business partners.

Consistency and ability to take into account the interests of partners

The commercial success of any enterprise is based on the extent to which employees are able to keep trade secrets. Business ethics obliges staff to show restraint in everything that is in one way or another related to technological and personnel issues. In addition, talking about the personal lives of employees is unacceptable. Such stories may be perceived as a sign of bad taste. An important role in success is played by the ability to listen and understand your opponents. Entrepreneurs who build their businesses ethically achieve success much faster.

What should a business person look like?

The rules of business ethics require demonstration high degree professionalism. This is usually expressed in the presentation of specific requirements for the behavior and clothing style of employees. In official institutions, a strict and restrained appearance is encouraged. Such reputable organizations employ people who have self-esteem. It is important for any reputable enterprise that its staff adhere to generally accepted standards of business ethics, so it is impossible to meet people here who are too noisy and uninhibited. Full-time employees are required to demonstrate composure and the ability to control their emotions. The behavior and clothing style of employees can tell a lot about the company itself. These characteristics make it possible to form an almost unmistakable opinion about intellectual and professional qualities.

Principles of ethical business behavior of superiors towards subordinates

Any manager should strive to turn the company entrusted to him into a cohesive team that adheres to high moral standards of communication. It is important for a good boss that his subordinates not only comply with ethical standards, but also do not feel the slightest discomfort in communication.

If difficulties arise due to dishonesty, the manager must find out the reasons. It is important to be able to find strengths any employee, and not endlessly reproach him for his mistake. According to the standards of professional ethics, any criticism must be constructive. In business communication, getting personal is unacceptable. Comments made to employees must be ethical. It is imperative to collect complete information on each specific case and choose the optimal form of communication, and only after this can you ask the employee to explain the reasons for not completing the task. Staff should not be given any reason to doubt that management is in complete control of the situation. The team needs to be encouraged even when the goal was achieved with the active intervention of management. According to business ethics, it is extremely important to be able to admit your own mistakes in your work.

The most common mistakes made by domestic businessmen

In the business sphere, aggressive and defiant behavior is absolutely unacceptable. Entrepreneurs often begin to brag about their own achievements and unreasonably flaunt a huge number of luxury items. In all civilized countries, such an approach is considered a sign of bad taste, indicating excessive pretentiousness and disrespect for the interests of business partners.

Western entrepreneurs are very attentive to everything their interlocutor says. Therefore, business ethics absolutely does not allow lengthy discussions and conversations on abstract topics. Any conclusions and comments are necessarily subject to detailed analysis, therefore all stories about limitless possibilities may become a reason for distrust and wariness on the part of foreign colleagues.

Most domestic entrepreneurs often make vague statements that are incomprehensible to most foreign colleagues. At the heart of any business is the solution of specific tasks to achieve certain goals. The result of any business negotiations should be the clarification of important issues.

Corporate culture of an organization in Russia

Barinov V.A., Makarov L.V.

The problem of Russia's entry into the world economy is multifaceted. On the one hand, this is compliance with formal requirements, recognition of Russia as a country with market economy, accession to the WTO, which makes it possible to remove a number of restrictions on the export of Russian goods to countries with developed economies, and to the world market in general. On the other hand, the content of the business, its organization and the set of criteria used in the decision-making process, and the real corporate culture.

One of the key elements corporate culture Russian organizations, actively influencing the processes of Russia’s full entry into world system division of labor, stands for business ethics.

Business ethics, or business ethics, has relatively recently gained a place in the system of Russian business education. But domestic developments and textbooks in this discipline are not enough, and they poorly meet practical requirements. Declarative and edifying language prevails; business ethics is presented in the form of teachings and moral standards necessary in business (trust, honesty, mutual respect), which is only part of its subject - normative ethics. Much attention is paid to etiquette (how to talk on the phone, behave in negotiations, write business letters, dress correctly, etc.) 1. In applied research, for example, in personnel management, the specifics of moral problems and solutions are often not reflected. As a result, it turns out that business ethics is not a tool for a manager, but a set of commandments. And the question is how to use them in specific situations.

In modern foreign literature the subject of business ethics is presented differently. The rules of etiquette are studied separately, as an independent discipline, and along with normative ethics, managerial and applied ethics are examined in detail. We are talking about the moral aspects of such business functions as marketing and advertising, the use intellectual property, confidential information, electronic communications, investing, human resource management, mergers and acquisitions, professional services, environmental protection, activities of transnational companies, etc. 2

It is impossible to teach Russian entrepreneurs and managers to apply business ethics in specific situations if it is presented only at a normative level. As for etiquette, it is impossible to judge by compliance with its norms whether a given manager or organization adheres to the norms of business morality. Etiquette - rules good manners, which are quite simple to learn, but ethics presupposes a choice, and sometimes a very complex one, of a morally justified decision that does not contradict business goals.

Concept and features of business ethics

The content of the concept of “business ethics” comes down to a certain form of behavior, the basis of which is respect for the interests of both one’s company and its partners, clients and society as a whole, and not causing harm to them. A similar rule applies to competitors. For example, in the code of entrepreneurs in many countries it is directly prohibited to cause damage by methods unrelated to competition. Ethical standards are aimed at obtaining benefits for the maximum number of market participants and providing equal opportunities for access to resources and business results. Violation of property rights, misappropriation of classified information (insidering), false advertising, infringement of freedom of consumer choice, commercial espionage cause deformation of market relations, increase risks and transaction costs. Bribes and embezzlement are reimbursed at the expense of others, dishonest information drives away buyers, discrimination based on unprofessional grounds and “brain poaching” distort relations in the labor market. Receiving profitable orders on conditions contrary to the competitive basis, i.e. for a bribe or through blackmail and threats, also destroys the market.

The basis of modern business ethics is the social contract and social responsibility of the company. At the same time, a social contract is an informal agreement between a company and its external environment on common standards of behavior. A mandatory component of business ethics is the company’s social responsibility, which is understood as maximizing the use of its advantages and minimizing the negativity that affects both business participants and society as a whole.

Nonecessarynote two points:

Firstly, systemic norms are introduced into processes in the form of “rules of the game” of the organization (economic entity) and the external environment in domestic and foreign literature on management. Key elements of the external environment usually include: competitors, suppliers, including financial resources, consumers, consultants (auditors), state and municipal authorities, regulations, the existing system of values ​​and norms of behavior 3. At the same time, the key characteristics of the external environment are interconnectedness, complexity, mobility, uncertainty, which describe the characteristics of the environmental factors in which the business entity operates. The fundamental systemic position is the impossibility of the organization’s influence on external environment. This is, on the one hand. On the other hand, all types of resources come from it, and the result of activity is also sent to the external environment. In the context of a multiplicity of qualitatively different business participants, including the state, the problem of introducing norms regulating economic processes is an urgent task that has many aspects. This is, first of all, ensuring the humane orientation of the main activities of the system.

Analysis of the practice of meeting needs in modern conditions shows that there is a wide field of possibilities for the production of goods that are directly dangerous to humans and their health, and harmful to the moral foundations of society and its value orientations. This situation stipulates the introduction of uniform “rules of the game” that are understandable to all market participants and ensure a humane direction of development.

Secondly, the introduction of general rules presupposes the formation of a system for monitoring their compliance. Characteristic feature socio-economic systems (SES) is the need for constant revision of the norms that determine their behavior. We are talking about a system for monitoring processes and improving SES, which gives the necessary effect in the context of expanding diversity inherent modern role scientific and technological progress in the development of society. Democratic institutions of modern society have formed mechanisms of public control. The basis of these mechanisms is information transparency, where the key role is played by the media, as well as the network public organizations, including professional ones. The role of the media in such a device for controlling business is to highlight the general processes of social development and create conditions for the implementation of the mechanism of public choice.

Thus, the considered areas of standardization of processes are focused on streamlining processes in the system, giving its development a positive direction.

Business Ethics Framework

Business ethics operates at three subordinate hierarchical levels:

1. World level (hypernorms) 4. These are the highest level standards based on universal human values and enshrined in the “Principles of International Business” - a global code of ethics adopted in 1994 in Switzerland by representatives of leading companies and business consultants from the USA, Western Europe and Japan. IN compressed form they boil down to this:

o social responsibility of business (creating public goods, jobs, improving the standard of living of clients, employees and shareholders, as well as the population);

o modernization of technologies, production methods, marketing and communications;

o increasing confidence in business (while maintaining trade secret- sincerity, honesty, keeping promises);

o respect for legal norms and ensuring equal opportunities in competition;

o recognition of the supremacy of ethical standards (some transactions permitted by law may be unacceptable from a moral point of view);

o promoting free multilateral trade;

o respectful attitude towards environment;

o refusal of illegal actions (bribery, money laundering, sale of weapons to terrorists, drug trafficking, etc.).

Particular emphasis is placed on the moral obligations of companies and entrepreneurs towards:

o buyers - high quality goods and services, honesty in advertising, respect human dignity;

o workers - decent pay and working conditions, health protection and ability to work, equal rights and employment opportunities regardless of gender, age, race, religious beliefs;

o owners and investors - a relationship of trust, the responsibility of managers to guarantee a fair return on invested capital, free access to information, limited only by the law and competitive conditions;

o suppliers - fair and honest dealings with them, including pricing, licensing, absence of coercion and unnecessary legal proceedings, development of long-term and sustainable relationships, exchange of information and involvement in the planning process, timely payment of supplies in accordance with the terms of contracts, preference for those suppliers and contractors who respect human dignity;

o competitors - mutual respect, development of open markets for goods and capital, refusal to use dubious means of achieving competitive advantages, respect for physical and intellectual property rights;

o local population - maintaining peace and security, respect for human rights, respect for cultural integrity, sponsorship events, participation of companies in civic life.

Hypernorms are dominant in relation to national, industry and corporate ethical codes and norms.

2. National standards(macro level, industry or national economy scale). These are hypernorms and ethical postulates close to them, implemented in industry or national codes of business ethics (for example, “Twelve principles of doing business in Russia” 5). The most important things here are respect for private property and market competition, reliability of information, and the absence of unfair discrimination in the labor market.

3. Corporate level(micro level, on the scale of an individual company and its clients). These are the principles of trust and non-discrimination in relations between suppliers and customers, staff and administration, managers and shareholders, etc. Violation of these rules also entails various losses (increased overhead costs, conflicts and conflict situations, etc.). At this level, private ethical problems that arise literally at every step, especially in the field of people management, are also resolved.

When forming a specific decision-making mechanism that takes into account the ethical criterion, difficulties arise objectively related to the contradictions of inter-level communications and the difference in the nature of the norms themselves. This situation is confirmed by differences in the views of researchers on the problem.

Noteworthy is the wide dispersion of hypotheses and conclusions given by various authors and groups of authors on problems related to the interaction of national business and corporate (organizational) culture in the modern world.

Thus, supporters of one point of view argue that a transnational company is able to form its own corporate management culture, including such an important component as business ethics. At the same time, although national differences should be taken into account when constructing effective system management in different countries, their role is not decisive. In any case, we can and should strive to ensure that all the basic ethical values ​​professed by the parent company of a transnational corporation, as well as the basic principles of its management, are uniform in all parts of the world 6 .

Proponents of another point of view argue that when the approaches and values ​​of corporate and national business cultures do not coincide, the national business culture ultimately dominates. Moreover, attempts to artificially introduce corporate rules and traditions that do not coincide with the national culture are reminiscent of Sisyphean work. Even if the staff of branches and subsidiaries “accepts new corporate values” and sincerely strives to change the national behavioral paradigm to the corporate one, ultimately everything returns “to normal.”

Renowned English comparative management scholar Richard Hill writes: “Although there are a number of large organizations that still believe that corporate culture and mission statements can radically shape personality, it should be obvious by now that unless people are made up entirely of “ supermen,” they “cannot leave themselves at home when going to work” 7. By the way, the authors of this article adhere to a similar point of view.

Confirmation of the dominant role national culture and traditions is a textbook and has been described many times in foreign literature unsuccessful attempt McDonald's company to teach Russian employees to smile joyfully (“American style”) to visitors. As you know, in Russia (unlike the USA) it is not customary to smile joyfully (“widely”) at the first person you meet. Attention and goodwill are traditionally expressed by other signs of non-verbal communications (turning towards the visitor, tilting the head, friendly facial expression, etc.). Since the sellers’ smiles turned out to be “strained” and unnatural (as Russian buyers felt), the company’s management decided not to insist on their “implementation” in the future. The world-famous trademark of McDonald's hospitality has not taken root in Russian culture.

The main approach to creating a business culture at the corporate level in the context of globalization is based on the following provisions:

1. Business ethics is one of the foundations of the globalization of economic processes. Mastering ethical business standards removes “cultural” barriers to establishing technological chains between companies different countries. The cross-cultural aspect of relations ensures effective cooperative integration within the international division of labor only in the absence of organizational barriers (for example, in the form of political motives for decisions, inflated customs barriers) or discriminatory rules for the interaction of firms from different countries in relation to Russia, which the WTO is trying to establish.

2. The mechanism for the formation of national business culture (Fig. 1) must be considered as an adjustment to the real existing model and norms at the national level to normative business culture. Moreover, the latter is considered as a set of abstract rules that integrate global management experience, and not its national models.

Rice. 1. Scheme of the formation of Russian national business culture in the context of globalization

Real Russian business culture is the constant improvement of the national model in the direction of creative understanding of Russian practice of applying a set of generalized management rules in economic activity. On the one hand, this is the rationalization of intra-company processes in Russian conditions, on the other hand, the practice of interaction with Russian partners and partners from the CIS countries, on the third, the experience of economic relations with foreign partners from countries with developed market relations, on the fourth, practical experience management, representing the evolution of management practices since the Soviet period, and the changes in approaches and methods of management that have occurred over recent decades.

At the same time, the conditions of globalization of the economy determine the creative content of the national norms of the corporate culture of the Russian economy in the context of the constant reduction of barriers to interethnic economic relations, as well as their modern organizational forms: from self-organization of technological chains of production and sales to international markets to multinational companies. The structure of the processes of formation of national norms of corporate culture in the considered direction can be presented in the form of Fig. 2.

The implementation of the considered principles in the activities of managers faces certain difficulties. For managers accustomed to quantitative performance measures and pressed for time, ethical decisions are often overwhelming and uncertain, and they are willing to ignore them. Surgery is also a great difficulty for them. at different levels ethical standards. Hypernorms sometimes conflict with micro-level norms and other specific business objectives. They can help here standard techniques(albeit to a limited extent) and some new recommendations from American experts on the introduction of ethical decisions into management practice.

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Page creation date: 2016-04-02

Business circles have their own specifics of communication, which help the parties to communicate successfully, work productively and achieve their goals. In this article we will talk about what business ethics is and how to use it in practice.


It is worth noting that business ethics is not a set of legal rules established at the legislative level. Usually it is guided in entrepreneurial work behind the scenes.

Let's look at its features:

  • First - honesty. This metric should apply to all colleagues, clients and even competing firms. It is the moral and moral qualities are the main activities of the company. For a business to be profitable, you need to negotiate correctly, manage competently and resolve conflicts.
  • National and cultural traditions It's worth researching in advance. This way you can show respect and win the sympathy of foreign colleagues with whom you are building business.
  • Correct behavior will help to form a positive image of the company and the leader. Team management will also be successful. Thanks to a favorable reputation, the level of trust of buyers and investors will increase.

What is it?

Business ethics are codes of conduct, rules and principles that help regulate behavior at work. These are the basics by which goals are achieved. When the parties recognize and apply these rules, business partners more easily find ways to cooperate and conduct successful joint activities.

The definition of the rules of business ethics also characterizes the relationships between different parties in the business sphere. Knowing the main norms and rules, you will be able to behave correctly in critical situations and communication conditions, and predict the behavior of your colleagues. It is interesting that the term “business ethics” itself is close in meaning to the word “order”. Certainly, we're talking about about the conduct of business. Different directions Research on this topic agrees that business ethics is based on work as a moral value that helps emphasize human dignity.

Thus, the essence of the term is that entrepreneurs rely on certain elements - norms of behavior - in order to achieve their goals and implement important tasks.

Main differences from etiquette

Etiquette is the rules of human behavior in a certain social environment. Business etiquette absorbs and various conditions greetings, correspondence, negotiations. By following it, you will be able to level out possible mistakes and create the image of a reliable person. Every entrepreneur must understand that etiquette and its observance will open up new horizons for him.

As for business ethics, its purpose and structure are similar. At the same time business ethics presupposes a set of certain rules that are generally followed in business circles. This also includes categories such as work style, relationships with partners, employee appearance, and the basics of document flow.

These standards will be an excellent basis for actively and efficiently running your business.

The basic principles include commitment, responsibility, and honesty. Of course, running any business will be based on constant contacts, negotiations, and the implementation of important transactions. Therefore, entrepreneurs should be able to build relationships, present themselves correctly in any circumstances, and improve the skills of good manners when communicating.


The types of business communication include several impressive groups:

  • The first one should include oral methods. They are divided into monological and dialogical. The first include a greeting, a sales speech, informational speeches, and a report. Dialogue includes business conversation, conversation, negotiations, interviews, discussions, meetings, press conferences. Such methods of business communication allow you to establish a verbal relationship with a person.

  • Another group - written. The characteristics of such remote interaction also help to establish contacts, but without direct “live” communication. Here you can note official documents: business letter, instructions, application. All of them will be different in internal content. For example, a document can be material (includes the exchange of objects, results of activities), cognitive (when knowledge is exchanged), motivational (interests are exchanged here), and activity-based (skills are a way of exchange).

To conduct correspondence, you must strictly adhere to the basics of business communication.


The Code (from Latin codex) is a set of rules. This is a single systematized normative act, which regulates a specific area public relations. It is the code of business ethics that ensures the effective assistance of company employees, their responsibility and other important issues. It is being developed on the basis of public standards of business ethics, as well as Russian and foreign documents that define best corporate governance practices. This is the Code of Corporate Conduct.

It is thanks to him that the main values ​​of each company are determined:

  • Efficient work. The company is always responsible to its colleagues and other participants in the work process. Every company wants to increase its profits and be effective. This will be the main value.
  • Another value - employees. Those tasks that coordinated work is aimed at solving will be successfully achieved. Therefore, it is in the interests of the company to reveal the talents of its employees and their abilities.
  • Responsible attitude. Every company must be aware of its social responsibility. This means that the company is conscientious and honest in the processes of market economy.

  • Partnership. For the successful functioning of a company, it is necessary to win and strengthen business partnerships. Only then can significant results be achieved when there is long-term mutually beneficial cooperation. At the same time, both parties must respect each other. The company must create motivation for its employees in order to achieve its plans and desired goals.
  • Indicators of morality. It is important not only to comply with all laws, but also to lead your company to profit using simple “human” fundamentals. These include honesty, justice, decency.

We see that with the help of the code it is possible to effectively compose the corporate values ​​of each company.


Business ethics will function on the basis of a specific profession and its focus. The main function is to facilitate the effective implementation of tasks. Business ethics is a kind of mediator. It incorporates the interests of society and professional groups population, as well as individually.

To summarize, business ethics connects the moral and moral components in the field of work.


The main rules for conducting successful activities should also be observed. This applies to introductions, greetings, meetings, meetings. Any interaction with work partners, colleagues or investors should always be rational.

Keep a low profile. Emotions that are not controlled will have an adverse effect on making correct and informed decisions.

It is also important to show understanding to business partners. Attentive attitude will help develop mutually acceptable solutions.

An important rule is to provide reliable information. False data will influence the situation not in your favor. You should also not lecture your partners. It is better to try to negotiate with the other side and understand their actions and desires.


There are the following moral principles of business ethics: I:

  • All actions must be carried out on time. Punctuality- an important feature of the success of enterprising people. Any delay will have a negative impact on work. They will also tell you that this person is unreliable. In order to keep up with everything, experts advise adding 25% to the period that you think is needed to carry out important work.
  • Confidentiality. It is worth remembering that all secrets of the institution should be preserved in the same way as personal secrets. Do not repeat any information you hear from a colleague, manager or subordinate.
  • Friendly environment, friendly employees. You should always behave with utmost politeness at work. At the same time, you don’t need to make friends with everyone, but you should always show kindness. This will help you in your work and career growth.

  • Attentive attitude. Respect for the opinions of others is the basis. Try to understand why a certain situation happened. You should also listen to criticism and important advice from employees. At the same time, you cannot lose confidence in yourself.
  • Appearance. Clothing is also an important point. You should skillfully enter the environment and adopt a similar style. You need to look neat and stylish.
  • Literacy. Whatever the situation, you need to speak and write correctly. This applies to both negotiations and correspondence. It is unacceptable to use abusive phrases, including if you cite another person’s phrases as an example.


There are multiple standards of ethical behavior for the manager and colleagues of each organization. Their manifestation mainly consists of knowledge, and also depends on everyone’s desire to work fruitfully and effectively. There are also special rules that will help prevent conflicts. These include:

  • When disagreements arise, forms of non-contact interaction should be used. This will help emotions subside a little and make decisions more carefully.
  • Entrust negotiations on controversial situations only to those employees who hold high positions in the company and also have all the necessary powers.
  • It is better to involve a qualified specialist at the first stage of the conflict. This will help prevent possible deterioration of the situation, material and moral losses.
  • It is necessary to use even small chances to achieve a truce.
  • If it was not possible to resolve controversial issue, then the dispute is then considered in pre-trial or judicial proceedings.

Such norms define expectations, effective behavior that is approved by an enterprise or society. Of course, the most civilized will be only an honest business, which is built on moral and ethical values.

Relationship culture

In business, it is important to maintain a culture of communication. If you speak the client's language, you will be able to conclude the most profitable contracts. Corporate ethics, the ability to listen, as well as knowledge of the traditions of your partners will help to form a positive image of the company and conclude mutually beneficial deals.

For example, Russia has its own peculiarities of business communication, unlike Japan and Vietnam. Modern national ethics has undergone development with the improvement of traditional society.

The roots of business ethics go back to when relationships were just beginning to emerge between people. IN medieval Europe the basis of such business relationships is the desire for profit. Now this principle is also present in an enterprise or company. Also important are moral qualities employees. All this allows you to establish strong contacts with the right partners.

Business ethics is one of the fastest growing areas of science. If you want your company to grow and develop, and your staff to work harmoniously, then you must know the basics of business ethics.

In this article you will learn:

  • about business ethics in the organization;
  • basics of business communication ethics;
  • rules of business ethics.

Despite the fact that business ethics began to develop in Russia not so long ago, many employers have already been able to appreciate the benefits of using it in their organization. And every self-respecting secretary should be fluent in its basics.

Business ethics in the organization

Business ethics is a set of ethical and ethical principles. Thus, we can conclude that business ethics in an organization establishes recommended norms and rules of behavior for employees at work. The basis of business ethics is the understanding of work as moral value. This understanding is acquired by an employee when work ceases to be just a way of making money, but also becomes a way of developing human dignity. An employee with such an understanding also has a solution to traditional ethical problems: instead of a moral choice, there is a choice of profession (vocation); the meaning of life becomes akin to meaning professional activities; and moral duty is equal to professional duty, and so on. Thus, the presence of such norms and rules and their sharing (understanding) by the company’s team can be regarded as the business ethics of the organization.

In a successful organization, the concept of business ethics must be supported by documents. These papers can be called a set of internal rules that all employees (primarily the manager) must follow. This documentation can be presented in any form and may not even be drawn up in accordance with all the rules. These papers should contain information on how to successfully organize and conduct negotiations, how to behave with clients and partners, how to maintain good relationships in the team, and so on. As you already understand, the business ethics of the organization is entirely focused on creating the most favorable atmosphere for all employees, clients and partners of the company.

Business ethics of communication

Business communication ethics for a secretary is an excellent help in the work of any organization. After all, who else but the secretary has to communicate every day with by different people, both from within your organization and from outside. So let's take a closer look at a few of the golden rules of communication that business ethics sets forth.

When communicating with subordinates, you must behave the way you would like to be treated by your manager. Everything here is very simple, if you do not tolerate rudeness, prevarication and rudeness, then you should understand that many employees also do not accept this. Therefore, this rule will allow you not only to build good business relationships with subordinates, but also to better understand your immediate superiors.

When communicating with your superiors, you should remember the above-mentioned rule, only it must be applied in reverse side. That is, if you, as a manager, do not like certain behavior of a subordinate, then you should not expect your manager to good attitude if you start to behave in a similar way. Remember what moral qualities you require of your subordinates, and then force yourself to live up to them.

Also, when communicating with management, you cannot impose your point of view. Any comments or suggestions should be made in the form of a polite question. “How would you feel if...?” etc.

Categorical yes/no answers should also be excluded. When communicating with your superiors, a constant “yes” will make you a sycophant in the eyes of management, and a categorical “no,” on the contrary, will constantly irritate you. Therefore, every refusal or consent must be justified. The same applies to communication with subordinates.

When communicating with colleagues, the golden rule is a clear delineation of responsibilities. If, nevertheless, responsibilities overlap, then ask your immediate superiors to delimit them or (if it is impossible to separate responsibilities) to determine the powers of each employee.

Rules of business ethics

One of the main and the most important rules business ethics is the lack of communication in an organization in a raised voice. Everything is very simple here: raising your voice indicates disrespect and inability to control yourself. Thus, a person who raises his voice at a subordinate not only loses authority, but also creates the impression of an incompetent employee. This means that next time his words will be treated with even less trust and attention. And, conversely, the calmer and more balanced the employee’s voice, the more it inspires trust and desire to comply.

Also, the rules of business ethics in an organization must take into account the national and ethnic norms of society. This condition is mandatory for both international organizations, and for small companies. Again, you will never be able to know in advance what this or that person who called your company (sent a letter) looks like. That's why it's so important to follow this rule. The same applies to business negotiations.

In a team, you should remember that, first of all, you are part of a single organism that will function successfully only if there is coordinated work and clear interaction. Therefore, there is no place for selfishness and selfishness in the organization. Of course, you must understand that each employee is an individual. However, personal interests and self-interest must be forgotten in the workplace. It is precisely the rejection of one’s own egoism in favor of the entire company (the whole, and not its individual representatives) that makes work not only enjoyable, but also more productive. Believe me, you will soon notice these results.

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    Appearance manager and the fundamental principles when compiling his wardrobe. Presentation, regulatory and information functions of business clothing. Personal and business qualities of a manager, his ability to successfully manage a business under any conditions.

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    Consideration theoretical aspects ethics of business relations. The concept of social responsibility of organizations. Socio-economic characteristics of the Murmansk Cashiers enterprise, key roles of the HR manager. Improving business etiquette.

    course work, added 01/26/2012

    The place of business ethics in the system of Ukrainian business. Moral aspects of business functions: marketing and advertising, use of intellectual property, management and electronic communications. Managing company ethics and social responsibility.

    course work, added 03/19/2014