Angel Alexander Day men's. When is Alexander and Alexandra's name day?

Celebrates name days more than representatives of other names. They are venerated more than 100 times a year, almost every third day of the year. According to the church calendar, the name coincides with the worldly one -.

  • In January - 8, 10, 14, 17, 31;
  • in February – 7, 17, 19, 20, 21;
  • in March – 6, 8, 10, 14, 17, 22, 25, 26, 28, 29, 30;
  • in April - 9, 23, 27, 28, 30;
  • in May – 3, 4, 24, 26, 27, 29;
  • in June - 1, 2, 8, 11, 20, 22, 23, 26, 27;
  • in July – 1, 6, 10, 16, 21, 22, 23;
  • in August – 2, 7, 11, 14, 20, 24, 25, 27, 29;
  • in September - 3, 4, 9, 12, 13, 17, 18, 20, 22, 26;
  • in October - 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 11, 13, 14, 24, 25, 30;
  • in November - 2, 3, 4, 5, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 20, 22, 23, 25, 27;
  • in December - 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 17, 22, 23, 26, 28, 29, 30.

Origin, meaning and interpretation of the name

The name Alexander was formed from the merger of the two Greek words “Alex” (protector) and “andros” (man). The combination of these words began to be interpreted as “protector.” Some people associate the name with the brilliant commander Alexander the Great, a courageous and courageous man, a man of action. Thanks to him, the name became popular in Europe. With the advent of Christianity, it became popular in Russia and is still among the top popular names. The owners of such a sonorous and majestic name there were emperors (Alexander I, II and III), generals (Suvorov, Nevsky), writers (Pushkin, Blok, Kuprin, Green), artists (Bryullov, Benois) and many more famous people. This only emphasizes the greatness and significance of the name.

The name itself already betrays Alexander’s leadership qualities and willpower. The name bestows authority, nobility, courage, and confidence on a person with this great name. He will achieve the goals he has set for himself. And he will do this with all his efforts.

A great visionary and dreamer who at times exists in his own imaginary universe. He desires love, although he himself is not ready to love. He is a charming man with a sense of humor that many girls fall for. However, being with him is very difficult. At times he is rude, harsh and does not respect the bounds of decency. Sasha can be irritable and angry, problems with psychological health. He needs female care, warmth, a feeling of peace and security, and at the same time remain independent.

He has excellent intuition and reaction, and one can only envy his determination. Thanks to all this, he reaches heights in his career. Although one can confidently call him a decisive and strong-willed person, he questions a lot. He experiences fear of the unknown and failure. It will never be possible to bribe Sasha with flattery or influence him by force. He can listen to the opinion of another person and listen to his advice, but in no case should he be forced to do this by force, otherwise there will be a completely opposite result.

Alexander is a touchy and vindictive person. Under the influence of resentment and revenge, he can do such things that he will later regret it. He handles money wisely, making a profitable investment in a profitable enterprise.

In business and career, Alexander reaches heights, investing all his strength, knowledge and skills. He only moves forward. Status and wealth are important to him. He will be an honest and fair leader, but for the sake of results he can cheat without remorse. Besides successful business, can become a successful journalist, actor, lawyer, economist.

Sasha will choose for his wife strong woman who will take care of him and obey him. In her he seeks understanding and support. He may be an unfaithful husband, but he will take care of his wife and love only her. He tries his best for his family.

Patrons of the name

Alexander of Constantinople is considered the patron saint of the Alexanders. He was born in Asia and studied in Constantinople. After this, he took monastic vows in the Syrian monastery. After 4 years, he went into the desert with one Gospel. He wandered in the desert for 7 years, and then the Almighty called him to preach to the pagans. He founded the “Monastery of the Never Sleeping”, where services were held around the clock. After 20 years of ruling the monastery, he again went on a journey and preached to the pagans.

Hegumen, Rev. Alexander of Svirsky - days of veneration are April 30 and September 12. His real name is Amos. At the age of 19 he went to the island of Valaam and was a novice for 7 years. Then he took monastic vows with the name Alexander. I lived in a cave for 7 years. He became famous for his numerous miracles and righteous life. He had many students and followers. He was the only Russian saint to see the appearance of the Holy Trinity.

The meaning of the name Alexander is quite interesting and directly related to its history. The name Alexander came to us in the Russian language from Greece, along with the adoption of the Orthodox faith in Rus'. This is a paired female name for the name Alexander. The male name Alexander, translated from Greek, means “Protecting people.” However, the more literary language is usually used The meaning of the name is “protecting humanity” or “hope”.

The popularity of the name Alexander and Alexander is directly related to the church canonization of Prince Alexander Nevsky. If before this the name was not particularly popular, then after canonization the popularity of the name increases sharply.

The meaning of the name Alexandra for a girl

Alexandra grows up to be a rather difficult child for those around her. She is active and mobile, but this is combined with the whims of the child and other character difficulties. At the same time, the girl is quite purposeful and endowed with good qualities. leadership qualities, and this is noticeable from childhood. One more distinctive feature girls named Alexandra can be described as having a “pathological” attitude towards honesty. They demand utmost honesty in dealing with them and do not forgive even the most harmless lies.

Alexandra has great success in her studies, which is not at all related to the thirst for knowledge. She studies well rather for self-affirmation, and the knowledge itself does not interest her. But this does not mean that Alexandra is not capable of learning. If she decides to get it for herself a good education, then so it will be. And it will be not only according to estimates, but for real. Sasha is also growing athletic girl, which has a good effect on her health and figure.

Alexandra’s health in childhood will only please her parents. She rarely gets sick, which of course does not mean the absence of “obligatory” runny noses due to the weather. Playing sports further improves a girl’s health. The girl will be happy to go to dances or rhythmic gymnastics, but of course everything depends on her choice.

Short name Alexandra

Alexa, Aleksana, Aleksyukha, Lexa, Lexana, Sanya, Sasha, Sanyuta, Sanyukha, Sashukha, Sashuta, Shura, Shurka.

Diminutive pet names

Alexandrushka, Alexandrochka, Alexanya, Aleksasha, Alexya, Aleksyusha, Leksanya, Lexasha, Sashulya, Sashunya, Sanyusha, Shuryona, Shurunya.

Name Alexandra in English

IN English language Alexandra's name is spelled Alexandra.

Name Alexandra for international passport- ALEKSANDRA.

Translation of the name Alexander into other languages

in Arabic - إسكندرة‎‎
in Belarusian - Aliaksandra
in Bulgarian - Alexandra
in Hungarian - Alexandra
in Greek - Αλεξάνδρα
in Hebrew - אלכסנדרה‎
in Spanish - Alejandra
in Italian - Alessandra
in Chinese - 亞歷山大
in Korean - Lisandra
in Latin - Alexandra

In Lithuanian - Alexandra
in German - Alexandra
in Polish - Aleksandra
in Romanian - Alexandra
in Ukrainian - Oleksandra
in Finnish - Aleksandra
in French - Alexandrine
in Czech - Alexandra
in Estonian - Aleksandra
in Japanese - アレキサンダ

Church name Alexandra(V Orthodox faith) remains unchanged. Alexandra is a church name.

Characteristics of the name Alexander

Alexandra has a special and rare combination of name characteristics. She has a special femininity and the ability to look great. She is open and friendly and knows how to get along with people. However, this “openness” is rather indicative and not many people can find out what’s in Alexandra’s soul. Her active nature energizes those around her and helps the owner of the name achieve a good position in society.

Alexandra is characterized by high efficiency, and in combination with others useful characteristics name - this makes her successful in almost any field of activity. She is a born leader and knows how to cope with the responsibilities of a leader. Inflexibility and diplomacy in one bottle - that's about her.

In Alexandra’s family, there is more of a partnership business approach rather than a true homely atmosphere. She knows how to improve home life with the most minimal opportunities. Alexandra does not like small routine housework and tries to delegate it to someone else. Sasha is an excellent cook and loves both hosting and visiting. He loves his children very much and takes care of them in every possible way, even when they become adults.

The mystery of the name Alexander

Alexandra's secret usually remains her soul. She doesn’t let anyone into her inner experiences, but there are reasons for this. Sasha often first commits an act, and then analyzes what came over her. So, if you ask why she did something, then most likely she hasn’t thought about it yet. If you find yourself in the circles of people with whom Alexandra speaks heart to heart, then this is worth appreciating.

Planet- Mars.

Zodiac sign- Aries.

Totem animal- Dog.

Name color- Silver-gray.

Tree- Cypress.

Plant- Hydrangea.

Stone- Aventurine.

Wanting to get to know a person better or even understand ourselves, we pay attention to such things as the zodiac sign, the protection of a particular animal according to eastern horoscope. But we often forget about the name, but it has no less important and, undoubtedly, influences what kind of character a person has and how his fate develops.

Today the topic of our conversation is the beautiful name Alexandra. As part of our conversation, we will dwell in detail on the following points:

  • The history of this amazing female name, translation, as well as its possible forms.
  • Character, fate of Alexandra.
  • Compatibility of the female name Sasha with male names.
  • Alexandra's birthday church calendar.
  • Other interesting facts (protective plants and animals, happy Days weeks and seasons, mascot stones, etc.).

Origin, name day

Let's start our conversation with a little historical information. Today, there are two versions of the origin of this beautiful name. According to the first, the name Alexandra has Greek origin and is female version male name Alexander, which means "protector of people."

If you believe the second version, then Alexandra is also the female analogue of the male name Alexander. It, in turn (and this is the stumbling block that divided opinions about the origin into two camps) is a distorted form of the Turkic name Iskander and means “winner.”

The first mention of this name dates back to 310. At that time, the head of the Roman Empire was Maximian, who had a negative attitude towards Christianity and was famous for his cruel attitude towards its followers. During his reign, the holy virgins Claudia and Alexandra were captured. Despite the cruel torture from which the women later died, they did not abandon their faith in Christ. The name Alexander came to Russian soil in the 10th and 11th centuries.

How to address a person with this name? The official, full form is Alexandra. The shortened form is Sasha, the affectionate form is Sashenka. Derived forms: Alexandrushka, Sashunya, Sanya, Sashura, Shura.

Having undergone the sacrament of baptism, a person, in addition to spiritual cleansing, is endowed with a guardian angel. They honor their patron on the day we call name day. Alexandra’s name day falls on the following dates:

  • Spring: 22.03; 02.04; 06.05; 31.05.
  • Summer: 17.07.
  • Autumn: 13.10; 19.11.
  • Winter: 23.12.

Here are a few more interesting facts about the name Alexander. As a talisman, it is recommended to give preference to a stone such as aventurine. IN color scheme It’s better to stick to soft blues, rich reds, and silver shades.

Lucky days of the week are weekends and Tuesdays. Zodiac sign - , ruling planet - Mars. Among the representatives of the animal world, it is recommended to pay attention to the Great Dane dog, and also to the hippopotamus; from flora- for hawthorn, hydrangea, cypress.

Alexandra's character

Let us turn to such concepts as character, the fate of the girl named by this name. This is a very cheerful child, her energy is in full swing. Sometimes it seems that she only stops to sleep.

Sasha is a purposeful girl; as a rule, she achieves her goals. She is a clear leader in her circle. Sasha always defends her point of view. She does not accept deception from others; liars have no place in her world. In the conditions of modern reality, these qualities allow you to stay afloat and not get lost in the gray mass.

Knowledge at school, technical school, higher educational institutions are given to Alexandra easily and naturally. She simply adores books, reading one after another. She likes to absorb new things interesting information, because the more significant her knowledge base is, the more confident she feels.

In addition, Sashenka shows interest in sports and, doing it seriously, achieves excellent results. She likes rhythmic gymnastics and dancing. This is the character of Sasha in childhood and adolescence.

What can you say about the character of a mature woman, what will her fate be like? This is without a doubt strong personality. She is still energetic and cheerful, “spinning like a squirrel in a wheel.”

Naturally, such a strong character cannot exist without such manifestations as integrity and perseverance. Alexandra always wants to be the best and proves her superiority. Thanks to this, she will be able to achieve a lot in life!

Appearance - what does it mean for Sasha? Alexandra is pretty. She pays a lot of attention to her appearance, is always well-groomed, dressed with taste, and therefore is liked by others.

Alexandra is a lover of all kinds of travel. She will easily agree to her friends’ proposal to spend a couple of days on the shore of the lake, put up a tent, light a fire, barbecue, boil ears, and swim to her heart’s content. She will not refuse a sudden trip to another city or even country. Sasha is comfortable in almost any environment.

Alexandra has a huge number of friends and acquaintances. It is worth noting that most of them are men. Perhaps this is due to the fact that a strong character feels more comfortable with his own kind. Despite his sociability and outward emancipation, his inner world, Alexandra will entrust her thoughts only to the very, very close person.

The time of year in which she was born makes its own adjustments to Sasha’s character. Spring Alexandras are slightly capricious. Such women achieve success in creativity, for example, in the acting profession. Alexandras born in autumn are strict and demanding not only of themselves, but also of those around them. Such children grow up to be excellent doctors.

Summer Sashas are characterized by increased emotionality. True, over time they will learn to keep their emotions under control. But winter girls have high self-esteem. But they will be able to turn this character trait in the right direction by opening their own business.

Health, career, love

A few words about Sasha’s health. Everything here is just wonderful. The only thing is that you need to be careful when playing sports so as not to get injured and not overload your heart.

Career - does it matter to such a girl? Yes! Alexandra is a real workaholic! Having received higher education, she is eager to conquer the heights of her profession. And of course, she succeeds. She can achieve success as a doctor, journalist, teacher.

But her true element is leadership positions. Her character is simply created for this. In addition, in order not to lose interest in the profession and not to get bored at work, it is vital for Alexandra to go on business trips, sometimes long-distance, sometimes long.

What can you say about relationships with the opposite sex? Undoubtedly, men like Alexandra and drive them crazy. She easily makes new acquaintances, but only establishes relationships with a select few. Her man should be smart, handsome, successful, honest.

She doesn’t get married early, chooses the best and rarely makes mistakes. As a wife she is simply magnificent. Alexandra is a good housewife, her house is always clean and tidy, and there are real culinary masterpieces on the table. Lives in a trusting relationship with her husband, becomes for him true friend, support. Alexandra loves children, she's great wonderful mother. In her family, as a rule, there are not one, but two or three children.

When talking about love, one cannot fail to mention such a thing as compatibility. So, the next point of our conversation: male names with which Alexandra has good compatibility, and those where you need to be careful so as not to make a mistake in choosing a life partner.

Such male names as Tolya, Vitya, Vanya, Petya, Semyon, Yura are perfect for Sasha. Doubts are raised by men named Valentin, Valery, Evgeniy, Georgy, Nikolai, Stepan.

Let's draw a conclusion. Alexandra is a strong, energetic, cheerful representative of the fair half of humanity. Of course, she is somewhat stubborn, categorical, and sometimes capricious, but these are such little things (a tiny fly in the ointment in a huge barrel of sweet honey). A loving, caring mother, a wonderful wife, a good housewife. She is almost always successful in her profession. There are many friends around her, whom she definitely won’t let get bored. Author: Nadezhda Permyakova

In Russia, Angel Day has been celebrated for a long time. In honor of this, rituals were held and personalized loaves were baked. They visited the church and lit candles for the saint in whose honor the birthday boy was named.

The holiday was more revered than a birthday. It would not have been possible without a festive feast. The birthday boy was given gifts: icons, candles, books. Celebrate the day of both Alexander and Alexandra.

Origin of the name

The history of the origin of the name Alexander goes back more than one millennium. This is one of the most popular and famous names. When it appeared is not known for certain. But translated from Greek Alexander- “protect” or “man”. Initially it was a male name, then its female counterpart appeared - Alexandra. Great commanders, scientists, and emperors bore this name. It is revered by the Orthodox and Catholic Church. Included in the code of Jewish names, in honor of the well-known Alexander the Great. By the way, after his campaigns of conquest, an analogue of the name Iskander was formed in Muslim countries. Iskander the Two-horned - a corruption of Alexander - wearing a helmet with two horns became legendary, like his name. But this is all history, and name days are celebrated to this day.

Angel Alexandra's Day

Alexandra, or Sasha, is revered and popular as a male name. The woman was given this name for good and worthy deeds, courage, and justice. If you look at the day of the angel Alexandra according to the church calendar, everything will become clear. The name is mentioned almost every month. It came from male version. Consequently, her character will be similar - reliable, protector of people. Sometimes they write courageous, but this definition is not suitable for a woman. Perhaps this meant strength of character and a strong will to win. According to the zodiac sign, it is more suitable for Sagittarius and Leo. A little less - Aries and Capricorn. Does not harmonize with Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces, Gemini, Libra and Aquarius.

At Alexandra's good health, hard work. This good name for feminine, gentle and beautiful representatives of the fair sex. They make good doctors and accountants. They also have masculine traits - they like to watch football and hockey, and they drive a car well. Good hostess and a caring mother. Loves to travel. Women endowed with this name are smart, beautiful and sexy, with a good sense of humor. She is characterized by kindness, caring for her family and children. And the qualities of a defender are fully manifested here.

When should Alexandra celebrate Angel's Day?

The day of the angel Alexandra is celebrated 6 times according to the church calendar. There are many more saints bearing this name. It is better to choose a name day date closest to your birthday. These dates are: April 2, May 6, May 31, June 26, July 17 and November 19.

When to celebrate Angel Alexandra's Day? If your birthday falls, for example, on November 1, then your name day can be celebrated on November 19.

Most best gift on the day of the angel Alexandra - attention and love of loved ones and surrounding people. And when to celebrate it is not so important. But the coincidence of a birthday and a name day (this happens) is doubly better. Gifts of flowers or a small souvenir will be pleasant and appropriate, as will a simple show of attention. And of course, guests and merry feast, and there is a birthday cake on the table. And what you call it, a pie or a loaf, is not so important, but it must have a solemn inscription.

Angel Alexander's Day

The most courageous and famous name. Suffice it to recall Alexander the Great, Nevsky, Suvorov, Pushkin, Blok. And in modern history many owners of this name glorify it to this day. According to the church calendar, Angel Alexander's Day is celebrated more than 60 times. A strong and strong-willed character will help you achieve great success in any endeavor. Especially big success accompanies those born under the sign of Leo. Helping people is another one positive trait in the character of Sash.

The most famous and celebrated is Alexander Nevsky. He is remembered on June 5, September 12 and December 6.

Alexander's character is energetic and sometimes uncontrollable. But it is not always possible to realize the given opportunities. Creative skills will help you become talented actor, director or poet.

Wishes on the day of the angel Alexander should be bright and memorable - the same as the owners of this courageous and sonorous name.

When is Angel Alexander Day?

The name Alexander is made up of two Greek words, one meaning “protector” (alex) and the other (andros) meaning male.

  • In childhood little Sasha May be sickly child, however in adolescence he begins to get involved in sports, he is interested in hardening. In adulthood, he is no longer a weak boy, but a strong and persistent man.
  • A man named Alexander achieves his goal. As a rule, at work he holds the position of boss and skillfully manages his team. Those who are subordinate to Alexander speak of him as a fair man.
  • Alexander may become addicted to alcoholic drinks. Being drunk, he loses control over himself, trying to be the first among his feast partners. Only serious events occurring in the lives of his relatives can turn Alexander away from alcohol.
  • Alexander sees himself in his dreams as a romantic in love, but in reality his dreams remain dreams: he perceives women as a hobby, trying to be friendly and charming with everyone. Ladies hear a lot of compliments from him. But if Alexander swears his love to one woman, then, having met another, he surrenders with the same fervor and faith to his feelings for his new chosen one.

Alexander's name day (angel's day) - dates by month

Alexander's name day in January

  • January 8 - honoring the memory of the righteous martyrs. Alexandra Krylova and tormentor. Alexandra Volkova
  • January 10 - the church honors the righteous Alexander Ciceronov and the martyrs. Alexandra Dagaeva
  • January 14 - veneration of the memory of the righteous martyrs. Alexandra Trapitsyna, martyr. Alexandra Organova
  • January 17 - veneration of the memory of the righteous martyrs. Alexandra and much Alexander Skalsky
  • January 30 - the church honors the memory of the righteous martyr. Alexandra Rusinova
Alexander's patron saint, the Venerable Alexander of Svirsky

Alexander's name day in February:

  • February 7 - veneration of the memory of the righteous torment. Alexander the Roman, son of MC. Philicates of Rome
  • February 17 - veneration of the memory of the righteous martyrs. Alexander Pokrovsky and tormentor. Alexandra Sokolova
  • February 19 - the church honors the righteous man of torment. Alexandra Telemakova
  • February 20 - veneration of the memory of the righteous torment. Alexandra Talyzina
  • February 21 - veneration of the memory of the righteous torment. Alexandra Abyssova

Alexander's name day in March:

  • On March 6, the church honors the memory of the martyrs. Alexander Vislyansky
  • On March 8, the church honors the memory of St. Alexander of Constantinople
  • On March 10, the memory of the martyrs is honored. Alexandra Vinogradova
  • On March 14, the memory of the martyrs is honored. Alexandra Ilyenkova
  • On March 17, the memory of the martyrs is honored. Alexandra Likhareva
  • On March 22, the church honors the memory of the martyrs. Alexander of Sevastia
  • On March 25, the church honors the memory of the martyrs. Alexandra Derzhavina
  • March 26 is the day of remembrance of the martyrs. Alexandra Pidnsogo
  • On March 28, on this date, the church celebrates two days of such Saints: Alexander of Side (Pamphylia) and Alexander of Egypt, Caesarea
  • March 29 is the day of remembrance of the martyrs. Alexander I of Rome
  • March 30 is the day of remembrance of the martyrs.

Angel Alexander Day

Alexander's name day in April:

  • April 9 is the day of remembrance of St. Alexander Vochsky
  • April 23 is the day of remembrance of the martyrs. Alexander the African
  • April 27 is the day of remembrance of the martyrs. Alexandra Orlova
  • On April 28, the church honors the memory of the martyrs. Alexandra Gnevusheva
  • On April 30, the church honors the memory of St. Alexander Svirsky

Alexander's name day in May:

  • On May 3, the church honors the memory of St. Alexander Oshevensky
  • On May 4, the church honors the memory of St. Alexander Sinaisky
  • On May 24, the church honors the memory of St. much Alexander Petrovsky
  • On May 26, the church honors the memory of the Holy Martyrs: Alexander of Rome, Alexander of Zaozersky, Alexander of Tiberias
  • On May 27, the church honors the memory of the martyrs. Alexandra
  • On May 29, the church honors the memory of the martyrs. Alexander of Jerusalem

Alexander's name day in June:

  • June 1 is the day of icon veneration of such Holy Martyrs: Alexander of Saul, Alexander Eroshov
  • June 2 is the day of icon veneration. Alexander of the Aegean
  • June 8th is the day of icon veneration. Alexandra
  • June 11th is the day of icon veneration. Alexander of Alexandria
  • June 20 is the day of icon veneration of such Holy Martyrs: Alexander Preobrazhensky, Alexander Osetrova, Alexander Makhetov, Alexander Zuev
  • June 22 is the day of icon veneration. Alexander of Prussia
  • June 23 is the day of icon veneration of the Holy Martyrs: Alexander of Krodamn, Alexander Andreev
  • June 26 is the day of icon veneration of the Holy Martyrs: Alexander of Moscow, Alexander of Arkhangelsk
  • June 27 is the day of veneration of icons. Alexandra Parusnikova

As a child, little Sasha can be a sickly child

Alexander's name day in July:

  • July 1st is the day of icon veneration. Alexander Krutitsky
  • July 6th is the day of icon veneration. Alexander Miropolsky
  • July 10th is the day of icon veneration. Alexandra Sidorova
  • July 16 is the day of icon veneration of St. Alexander of Constantinople
  • July 21st is the day of icon veneration. Alexandra Popova
  • July 22 is the day of icon veneration of the torment of Alexander of Egypt
  • July 23 is the day of icon veneration of the torment of Alexander Nikopolsky

Alexander's name day in August:

  • On August 2, the church honors the memory of the martyrs. Alexander Arkhangelsky
  • On August 7, the church honors the memory of the Holy Martyrs: Alexander, Alexander Sakharov
  • On August 11, the church honors the memory of the martyrs. Alexandra
  • On August 14, the church honors the memory of the martyrs. Alexander of Perga
  • On August 20, the church honors the memory of the martyrs. Alexander Khotovitsky
  • On August 24, the church honors the memory of the martyrs. Alexander Rimsky
  • On August 25, the church honors the memory of the martyrs. Alexander Komansky
  • On August 27, the church honors the memory of St. Alexandra Urodova
  • On August 29, the church honors the memory of the martyrs. Alexandra Sokolova

Alexander skillfully manages his team

Alexander's name day in September:

  • September 3 is the day of icon veneration of the Holy Martyrs: Alexandra,
    Alexander Elokhovsky
  • September 4th is the day of icon veneration. Alexander Ratkovsky
  • September 9 is the day of icon veneration. Alexandra Tsitserova
  • September 12 is the day of icon veneration of the Holy Martyrs: Alexander Nevsky, Alexander of Constantinople, Alexander of Svirsky
  • September 13th is the day of icon veneration. Alexandra Lyubimova
  • September 17 is the day of icon veneration of the holy martyrs: Alexander Blokhin, Alexander Nikolsky
  • September 20 is the day of icon veneration of the holy martyrs Alexander Peresvetov and Alexander Medvedev
  • September 22 is the day of icon veneration of the Holy Martyrs: Alexander Vinogradov, Alexander Ilatov
  • September 26th is the day of icon veneration. Alexandra Aksenova

Alexander's name day in October:

  • On October 3, the church honors the memory of the martyrs. Alexandra Tetyueva
  • On October 4, the church honors the memory of the Holy Martyrs: Alexander Fedoseev
  • On October 5, the church honors the memory of the martyrs. Alexander
  • On October 8, the church honors the memory of the martyrs. Alexandra Smirnova
  • On October 9, the church honors the memory of the martyrs. Alexander Levitsky
  • On October 11, the church honors the memory of the Holy Martyrs: Alexander, Alexander of Kalutia
  • On October 13, the church honors the memory of the martyrs. Alexandra Orlova
  • On October 14, the church honors the memory of the holy martyrs: Alexander, Alexander Agafonnikov
  • On October 24, the church honors the memory of the martyrs. Alexander Grivsky
  • On October 25, the church honors the memory of the martyrs. Alexander Pozdeevsky
  • On October 30, the church honors the memory of the martyrs. Alexandra Shchukina
Alexander's birthday by month

Alexander's name day in November:

  • November 2 is the day of icon veneration. Alexandra Orlova
  • November 3 is the day of icon veneration. Alexander Bogoyavlensky
  • November 4th is the day of icon veneration of the Holy Martyrs:. Alexandra Lebedev, Alexandra Adrianopolsky, Alexandra Andreev
  • November 5th is the day of icon veneration. Alexandra Solovyova
  • November 12th is the day of icon veneration. Alexandra
  • November 13th is the day of icon veneration. Alexander Vozdvizhensky
  • November 14 is the day of icon veneration of the Holy Martyrs: Alexander Smirnov, Alexander Shalaya
  • November 16 is the day of icon veneration of the Holy Martyrs: Alexander Parusnikov, Alexander Zverev
  • November 17 is the day of icon veneration. Alexander Petropavlovsky
  • November 20 is the day of icon veneration of the Holy Martyrs: Alexander Krylov, Alexander Ilyinsky, Alexander Kurmyshsky
  • November 22 is the day of icon veneration. Alexander Solunsky
  • November 23rd is the day of icon veneration. Alexandra Medema
  • November 25th is the day of icon veneration. Alexander Arkhangelsky
  • November 27th is the day of icon veneration. Alexandra Chekalova

Alexander's name day in December:

  • December 2 is the day of remembrance of the Holy Martyrs: Alexander Mishutin, Alexander Serebrov
  • December 3 is the day of remembrance of the martyrs. Alexandra Sakharova
  • December 6 is the day of remembrance of the Holy Martyrs: Alexander Nevsky, Alexander Uksusov
  • December 7 is the day of remembrance of the martyrs. Alexander of Corinth
  • December 8 is the day of remembrance of the martyrs. Alexandra Vershinsky
  • December 17 is the day of remembrance of the martyrs. Alexandra Posokhina
  • On December 22, the church honors the memory of the martyrs. Alexandra Buravtseva
  • On December 23, the church honors the memory of the Holy Martyrs: Alexander Tuberovsky, Alexander Shklyaev
  • On December 25, the church honors the memory of the martyrs. Alexander of Jerusalem
  • On December 26, the church honors the memory of the Holy Martyrs: Alexander Pospelov, Alexander Yuzefovich
  • On December 28, the church honors the memory of the martyrs. Alexander Rozhdestvensky
  • On December 29, the church honors the memory of the martyrs. Alexandra Kolokolova
  • On December 30, the church honors the memory of the martyrs. Alexandra Savelova

You will learn about the secret and meaning of the name Alexander by watching the video.

Video: The secret and meaning of the name Alexander