Russian Chemical Forces Day: congratulations. Day of the troops of radiation, chemical and bacteriological protection of the Russian Federation

November 13 is a holiday - the Day of the Radiation, Chemical and Bacteriological Defense Troops of the Russian Federation.

The official date of formation of the radiation, chemical and biological (RCB) defense troops is November 13, 1918. However, military chemists appeared in the Russian army during the First World War. Since the summer of 1916, non-staff gas defense managers were introduced in the divisions, and teams were introduced in the regiments for chemical and meteorological observation, warning of German gas attacks, as well as for training troop personnel in the use of the simplest means of protection - a fabric bandage and a Zelinsky coal gas mask.

Over time, views on the content and implementation of protection measures have changed, as evidenced by the evolution of terminology. Since 1921, gas defense began to be called “anti-chemical defense”, since 1941 - “anti-chemical defense”, and since the early 50s, when nuclear weapons were adopted in the USA and the USSR, - “protection against weapons of mass destruction”.

Chemical forces were especially widely used and developed during the Great Patriotic War. Patriotic War. It was during this period, in August 1941, that chemical defense units received new names that more fully reflected their purpose. Universal separate chemical defense battalions were deployed, which, with minor changes in the staff structure, have been preserved to the present day. The main tasks of the chemical troops during this period were: conducting chemical reconnaissance of the enemy, smoke camouflage of combat operations of our troops and important rear facilities, and the use of flamethrower weapons.

The Motherland appreciated the contribution of chemical soldiers to the common cause of achieving victory over the enemy: 88 formations and units of chemical forces were awarded state awards and honorary titles, 21 people - the title of Hero Soviet Union.

Chemical troops on the roads of Afghanistan, where the most effective application They found flamethrower incendiaries and aerosols. The experience of Afghanistan has made significant changes in the tactics of chemical forces and in improving their organizational structure. The impetus for reform was several large-scale disasters and accidents at chemically hazardous enterprises and nuclear power facilities.

Large volume and complex character The work was carried out by chemical troops during the liquidation of the consequences of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. Suffice it to say that 44% of the 30,000-strong group of troops in the zone of liquidation of the consequences of the accident were formations and units of chemical troops. The list of main tasks they performed included: identifying and assessing the radiation situation; radiation monitoring; decontamination and dust suppression on the territory of nuclear power plants, in populated areas, on transport communications; providing troops with radiation reconnaissance and dose control instruments, protective equipment, decontamination solutions and formulations.

Taking into account the experience in eliminating the consequences of the Chernobyl disaster and other accidents, by decision of the government, mobile formations and units were formed within the chemical forces, equipped with special equipment that allows them to carry out liquidation work emergency situations at particularly dangerous facilities of the Russian Ministry of Defense.

In August 1992, the chemical troops were renamed the radiation, chemical and biological defense troops. The new designation of the troops concentrates the tasks for which they are intended.

In addition, it involves the solution by RCBZ troops of tasks to protect military personnel and the population in the event of radiation, chemical and biological hazards in peacetime.

NBC protection teams are located in places where nuclear power plants, nuclear technical production, large industrial enterprises. They include units designed to conduct radiation, chemical and biological reconnaissance in extreme situations, including in conditions of man-made disasters and natural disasters. The teams include units for carrying out emergency rescue operations, degassing, decontamination, disinfection and engineering units. Formations that are mobile in themselves also include units that are in constant combat readiness. They can be delivered to any place by air in a short time and are usually located near airfields capable of receiving heavy aircraft.

The official date of the formation of the radiation, chemical and biological protection troops (RCBZ) is November 13, 1918, when by order of the Revolutionary Military Council of the Republic No. 220 the first chemical defense bodies and units were formed in the active army. In August 1992, the chemical forces received their modern name.

Chemical troops - special troops, intended for chemical support of military operations of the armed forces. Modern RCBZ troops consist of subunits and units performing tasks of radiation, chemical and non-specific biological reconnaissance, decontamination, degassing and disinfection of weapons, uniforms, and other material resources and terrain. They also include units designed to use flamethrower-incendiary agents and masking smoke.

The task of the radiation troops is to minimize the damage from radiation contamination. They are required to enter the affected area, determine the background radiation level and decontaminate the contaminated area. Chemical defense troops are engaged in eliminating the consequences of the use of chemical warfare agents (CWA). Their task is to determine the type of hazardous agent, to prevent losses among the population and personnel as much as possible, to localize and disinfect the affected area. Biological defense troops are called upon to protect people and territories from the threat of the spread of various deadly viral diseases and methods of delivery of their carriers.

This holiday was established to pay tribute to the employees of these units, which are extremely important for any state.

When is it celebrated?

The Day of the Radiation, Chemical and Biological Defense Troops (RCBD) is held annually in Russia on November 13. He is memorable date and established by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 31, 2006 No. 549. In 2019 it is celebrated for the 14th time.

Who's celebrating

The Day of the Radiation, Chemical and Biological Defense Troops 2019 is traditionally celebrated by military personnel of these branches of the armed forces and teams of scientific and manufacturing enterprises associated with these units.

History of the holiday

The event date has symbolic meaning. On November 13, 1918, according to Order No. 220 of the Revolutionary Military Council, the first chemical defense units were created in the Russian army - the Special Chemical Department (No. 9), which was responsible for the accounting and storage of military chemical property. This day is considered the date of formation RCBZ troops. Modern name These units received only in August 1992 (before that they were called chemical troops).

For the first time, combat gases were used by German troops. They used chlorine during the 1915 fighting near the Belgian city of Ypres in World War I.

First combat use atomic weapons- nuclear air strike by the US Air Force in 1945 on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Don't forget about mortal danger"peaceful atom". Here we can recall the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, which claimed the lives of many people.

Bacteriological weapons were first used by American colonialists. It is historically proven that in 1763 they used blankets infected with the smallpox pathogen, sending them to Indian tribes. But there is another hypothesis, which at the moment not supported by evidence. According to her, primacy belongs to sheep. Animals were used as carriers of plague by the militant Hittites who lived in Bronze Age. With the help of planted infected sheep, they were able to capture the Phoenician city of Simira, and 15 years later - the Asia Minor state of Artsava. In both cases, before the attack of the Hittites, ownerless animals were killed among the people, and after a short time a plague epidemic began.

Russian Chemical Defense Troops

Radiation, chemical and biological protection troops are the most important integral part Armed forces of the Russian Federation. Many lives depend on the speed of their action, because it is not easy to clearly and accurately identify which biological weapon struck.

Without chemical weapons, without radiation - be it in the form of a nuclear bomb or a peaceful atom - a nuclear power plant is now impossible to imagine almost any news release. The world is discussing whether chemical or bacteriological weapons have been found in this or that country, nuclear power plants are operating unstable, and more and more countries are conducting nuclear tests. Representatives of the RCBZ troops have a hard time, because they are fighting against an invisible enemy. In this article we will tell you in as much detail as possible about this branch of the military.

History of the RKhBZ troops

Chemical weapons have been around for over 100 years. Industrial production The first weapons of mass destruction for military use were launched in 1916. During World War I, the army of the Kaiser's Germany used poison gas against Entente troops in Western Front. This substance was called mustard gas (from the city of Ypres, where the first gas attack in history took place).

Until the end of the war, poisonous gases were used by both sides - both the countries of the Central Bloc and the Entente. The first means of gas protection appeared, mass produced for the needs of the army. Also in 1917-1918, the first special military units and formations appeared, which became the prototype of modern RCBZ troops.

Later, the term chemical attack will be supplemented by such types of threats as radiation and biological attacks. They will appear a little later, after the Americans dropped the first in history nuclear bombs to Japan. You can see a video about the consequences of the combat use of nuclear weapons in Hiroshima and Nagasaki right now on our website.

Currently, military personnel of RCBZ units are subjected to serious tests during the exercises. The soldiers of the units spend difficult days during their service, but the hardening received during these years will be useful to them during the elimination of the consequences of man-made disasters or enemy attacks. You can also watch a video of one of these RCBZ exercises below.

In 2017, it is planned to introduce a real robot into the Russian Chemical Defense Troops. Lieutenant General Eduard Cherkasov reported this in one of his interviews. He also said that by the end of 2020 there should be a complete update of the RCBZ weapons. Let us quote the general’s words verbatim.

“By the way, the very first “robots” in the Armed Forces appeared precisely in the Russian Chemical Defense Forces to solve special problems. These are mobile robotic complexes KPR and robots, remotely controlled for radiation and chemical reconnaissance RD-RKhR, which are standard means of connections and military units NBC protection,” said Eduard Cherkasov.

It is very pleasing that radiation protection troops are taken care of at the highest level.

Units of the RKhBZ troops of the Russian Armed Forces

A short list of RCBZ parts:

  • 27th Brigade RKhBZ (military unit 11262, Kursk);
  • 39th RKhBZ regiment (military unit 16390, Oktyabrsky village);
  • 28th Brigade RKhBZ (military unit 65363, Kamyshin);
  • 29th Brigade RKhBZ (military unit 34081, Yekaterinburg);
  • 140th central base of the Russian Chemical Defense Plant (military unit 42733, Khabarovsk);
  • 564 about RKhBZ (military unit 33464, Kursk);
  • 254th separate battalion of the Russian Chemical Defense Plant (military unit 34081-3, Topchikha village);
  • 349th BKh RKhBZ (military unit 54730, Topchikha village);
  • 16th Brigade RKhBZ (military unit 07059, Galkino village);
  • 135th OBKhZ Far Eastern Branch;
  • 200th Rapid Response RCBZ Detachment (military unit 83536);
  • 282nd training center of the Russian Chemical Defense Forces of the Moscow Military District (military unit 19893).

Of course, in addition to the above military units, there are also a sufficient number of individual RCBZ battles, storage bases and other formations and units of the RCBZ that are part of combined arms formations.

RCBZ Academy in Kostroma

Let's begin our fascinating story about the Russian Chemical Defense Plant in Russia with a description of the academy where future officers are trained. This multi-level academy is located in the city of Kostroma. Back in Soviet times, Kostroma was a source of military chemists. The educational institution is considered higher and the level of education in it is very decent. The full name of the academy is: Military Academy of Radiation, Chemical and Biological Defense named after Marshal of the Soviet Union S.K. Tymoshenko.

You can write a lot about this academy, because its history goes back more than 80 years. It is worth noting that the RCBZ Academy was among the first such educational institutions, who were awarded the Battle Banner.

RCBZ in Kamyshin

The further story will be about the military units of the Russian Chemical Defense Plant. Let's start with the modern part, which is based in the city of Kamyshin. The radiation, biological and chemical protection brigade is based in this unit. It was founded in 2011 and is equipped with the most advanced technology. The equipment of this brigade will be the envy of all similar military units. It is very difficult to get to serve in Kamyshin; you need to be better than many competitors. The brigade is planned to be used in the most difficult and dangerous military operations.

RCBZ in Noginsk

Based in the city of Noginsk training part, in which both privates and sergeants receive physical and mental training. The training center is the largest in the Russian Federation. The head of the center is Pastukhov, who is responsible for recent years brought part to new level. Preparations there are carried out in three directions.

Scouts are trained separately from flamethrowers, and sergeants also train according to their own separate program. Both civilians and military personnel can get a job in the unit. All conditions for service have been created on the territory of the garrison.

RCBZ in Yekaterinburg

The military camp of the 29th separate RCBZ brigade is located within the city of Yekaterinburg. The brigade is currently 29 years old. Over the years, she has taken part in many rescue operations. For example, in May 1989, members of the brigade took part in eliminating the consequences of an accident on one of the oil pipelines in the city of Artemovsk.

IN as soon as possible managed to eliminate the consequences of the accident and prevent petroleum products from causing even greater damage to the environment. At the moment, the soldiers of the unit continue the glorious traditions of past generations.

RCBZ in Kursk

The Kursk brigade of radiation, chemical and biological protection was formed after the accident at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant. The main task of the brigade is to quickly respond to chemical, biological or radiation attacks, as well as eliminate the consequences of man-made disasters. It was because of the Chernobyl accident that became the impetus for the formation of this brigade.

The USSR realized that no country could cope without fighters from such military units. Chemistry students The brigades in the city of Kursk are proud that they are the only ones who represent this branch of the military in the Central Military District. The RCBZ equipment in this unit is the most modern, which facilitates the work and service of both ordinary soldiers and officers.

How to celebrate RCBD Day in Russia

The RCBZ troops, like any other branch of the military, have their own holiday, which, as mentioned above, is celebrated on November 13th. RCBZ Troops Day in Russia is usually not held en masse, but in a small circle.

Most festive events take place on the territories of military units. Often, during celebrations, demonstration exercises take place, from which it is difficult to take your eyes off. These exercises take place not only on the day of the celebration, but also several days before it begins. You can see one of these teachings right now on our website.

Every fighter will proudly take to the streets on November 13 hometown, wearing his dress uniform. Passers-by who meet him on this holiday will look at this soldier with respect and follow him with a bit of envy, because serving in the ranks of the RCBZ troops is very honorable.

RCBD Day in Russia may not be the largest holiday, but for many people serving in this branch of the military, it is special and ranks on par with such holidays as New Year, or birthday. Therefore, any present that you can give them on a given day will undoubtedly please every representative of the chemical defense troops.

I would like to say that this branch of the military may not belong to the elite, but in modern world, military personnel of the RKhBZ troops have become indispensable. More and more often the news reports about new explosions at nuclear power plants or leaks of petroleum products. It is the chemical fighters who have to eliminate all this. protection. Also, during military conflicts, warring parties often use all possible chemical or biological attacks, the consequences of which are also eliminated by soldiers of this type of military.

It is also worth noting that this branch of the military is closest to some areas of the subculture since the 80s. If a civilian conscript is close to such trends as steampunk, cyberpunk, industrial, post-apocalypse - welcome to the RCBZ troops! All these movements are closely connected in their aesthetics and image with various gas masks, respirators, chemical protective suits and symbols of radiation or biological danger.

Symbols of the RCBZ

It is worth noting that there are currently three types of emblem. The small emblem is a regular golden hexagon with 4 red rings in the middle. The middle emblem is very similar to the small one, but it has a double-headed eagle of silver color with outstretched wings, which holds in its paws a smoke torch and an arrow covered in flames.

The large emblem consists of a small one, on top of which is an eagle, and around it is a golden oak broom. For RCBD Day - 2016 you can find products with any symbols of this type of troops on our website.

Souvenirs and gifts on RCBD Day

On November 13, any soldier of the chemical defense forces deserves to receive a nice gift. Any item with RCBZ symbols will undoubtedly be an excellent gift for your friend or relative.

RKhBZ souvenirs, which you can easily and simply find on the website of the country’s largest military trader “Voenpro,” will delight you and your friends, because their selection is quite decent, and the quality of the products is at the highest level. Buy a gift for your family and friends on RCBD Day 2016 right now and don’t worry about this issue in the future.


Please contact our managers if you have any questions.

On November 13, Russia celebrates the Day of the Radiation, Chemical and Biological Defense Forces. On the calendar professional holidays For military personnel, this day appeared on the basis of Presidential Decree No. 549 of May 31, 2006. Military personnel of the RKhBZ troops are called upon to solve wide circle tasks in both war and peacetime. List of tasks, standing in front of the military personnel of the RKhBZ troops, look like this:

detection of nuclear explosions;
conducting radiation-chemical-biological (RCB) reconnaissance, dosimetric and chemical monitoring;

assessment of the NBC situation after the enemy’s use of weapons of mass destruction, destruction (accidents) of radiation, chemical, and biologically hazardous objects;
carrying out special treatment of personnel, weapons, equipment, disinfecting areas and military facilities, as well as disinfecting and providing medical care to victims;
control over changes in the degree of contamination of the area with radioactive products;
inflicting losses on the enemy using incendiary weapons;
aerosol counteraction to enemy precision weapons and reconnaissance equipment;
implementation of aerosol (smoke) camouflage of troops and objects;
supply of formations and units with weapons and means of NBC protection;
repair of weapons and NBC protection equipment;
assessing the consequences and forecasting a possible radiochemical situation;
liquidation of consequences of accidents (destructions) at radiation, chemically and biologically hazardous facilities;
training personnel of other branches of the military and the civilian population on behavior in emergency situations associated with radioactive chemical contamination, training in the use of personal protective equipment.

Behind these dry military formulations sometimes lies truly heroic work aimed at preserving the lives and health of thousands of people. After all, the use of weapons of mass destruction by the enemy, which is any type of weapon from the NBC components, as well as any man-made disaster at the site of one of the NBC components, can lead to negative consequences of colossal magnitude.

One of the areas of activity for which lately Active attention is being paid to the disposal of chemical weapons. First of all, we are talking about the process of recycling the domestic potential of chemical weapons, as well as the disposal of chemical weapons that remained in warehouses controlled by the Syrian government army. According to the latest data, up to 75% of Russian chemical weapons have been eliminated at the specialized facilities of the Russian Chemical Defense Plant of the Russian Federation. The process of disposing of Syrian chemical weapons potential exported outside the country has been almost completely completed.

One of the largest chemical weapons disposal facilities in Russia is a special facility located in the Bryansk region (the city of Pochep).

The main profile of the Pochep disposal facility is the process of neutralizing air bombs filled with toxic substances, including soman, sarin, VX, etc. The disposal of ammunition is also carried out, the main toxic substance in which is chlorine. Due to the serious threat to the life and health of military specialists involved in the disposal of chemical weapons, the entire neutralization process is carried out at special sealed automated stations. In a special chamber, the capsule is dismantled and the toxic substance is extracted from it, which, through a series of chemical reactions and physical processes (including thermal neutralization), is transformed into a new one. chemical compound low activity without the so-called toxic component.

Due to the fact that reports are coming from international experts that militants are using chemical weapons on Syrian territory, certain volumes of which they are creating in makeshift conditions, it can be stated that the work of the liquidators of chemical weapons is definitely not completed. At the same time, there is quite a heated discussion about whether it is necessary to carry out 100% utilization of the Russian chemical weapons potential or, due to the far from rosy situation in the world, should we abandon the idea of ​​complete chemical disarmament? This question obviously requires balanced approaches to obtain an unambiguous answer. After all, we are talking about weapons of mass destruction.

One of the heroic pages, unfortunately, riddled with tragedy, of the RCBZ troops in our country is the page dedicated to eliminating the consequences of the Chernobyl accident nuclear power plant. From the first days, the personnel of the RCBZ troops took a direct part in the activities in the contamination zone after the Chernobyl accident. The military personnel, having a theoretical understanding of the effects of radiation, acted literally at the forefront of the battle with an invisible enemy. For obvious reasons, no amount of theoretical training can give a complete understanding of the dangers radiation poses.

Soldiers of the RKhBZ troops (at that time - chemical defense troops, or simply “chemists”), finding themselves at the walls of the emergency power unit a few days after the disaster, took measurements of the radiation background to compile a radiation picture, sometimes having only baggy suits, rag masks or gas masks.

Dosimetric indicators, expected at a level of several hundred microroentgens/hour, often simply “swallowed” the scale. It turned out that in some areas of the object the level of radiation must be measured not in micro-, but in roentgens, or even in hundreds of roentgens per hour. At this level of radiation, the dose received in just a few minutes could amount to a year’s “normal” dose, which led either to fatal outcome, or to the hardest radiation sickness, affecting organs at the cellular level.

The battle between military personnel of the chemical defense forces and an invisible enemy in Chernobyl was conducted under the leadership of the head of the chemical troops of the USSR Ministry of Defense, General Vladimir Pikalov. He led the troops in 1969 and by 1986 had extensive management experience. However, in Chernobyl, even such a solid experience did not become decisive, since all the work had to be built literally from scratch, because it was a challenge on a completely different scale than all those that the troops had to face before.

It is necessary to name the names of the officers who in 1986 became part of the task force under the leadership of Colonel General V. Pikalov. These are the generals and officers of the Military Academy of Chemical Defense, officers of the Directorate of the Chief of Chemical Troops, 33rd Central Research Institute of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation:
Rear Admiral V. Vladimirov, Major General V. Kavunov, Captain 1st Rank Yu. Timoshkin, Colonel V. Kuzmichev, Captain 2nd Rank E. Volkov, Lieutenant Colonels N. Andreev, V. Petraitis, A. Bazhenov, A. Mikshta.

By May 1986, 2 brigades, 7 regiments and 3 separate battalions of chemical defense troops were deployed in the contaminated zone in the area of ​​the Chernobyl accident. The total number of troops was more than 10 thousand people.

The contribution of military personnel of the chemical defense forces (since 1992 - RKhBZ) to the process of eliminating the consequences of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant is truly enormous. All these people, sacrificing their own health, did something that made it possible to prevent the spread of the terrible and invisible enemy - radiation - by significantly larger territories. And if it weren’t for the dedicated work of the liquidators, it is unknown how events would have developed after the accident global scale which occurred on April 26, 1986.

The invaluable experience gained by the troops was documented and formed the basis of scientific materials that are studied in specialized military universities.

« Military Review» congratulates the military personnel of the Russian Chemical Defense Forces, veterans of the service and expresses special gratitude to the people who were directly involved in the process of eliminating the consequences of man-made accidents of the Russian Chemical Defense nature, including the accident at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant.

Happy holiday!

Stockpiles of military chemicals existed back in tsarist army. In 1918, on November 13, the profession of military chemist was introduced in the Red Army and a special chemical department was created to solve the problems of protecting the population and the active army from the effects of chemical weapons. This day is considered the official day of formation of chemical defense troops. Later in 2002, they were renamed the radiation, chemical and biological protection troops, whose main task is modern conditions is the protection of civilians and personnel of the Armed Forces from the damaging effects of chemical, biological and nuclear weapons, as well as reducing the influence of these factors on environment.

Pulling on a gas mask,
Are you protecting us?
From microbes, various gases,
Terrible contagious viruses,
From aggressive Ebola,
Active radiation...
Let your chemical protection
Will be covered with glory
Geiger counter is silent
The respirator does not smoke!

Chemical Defense Troops
They will save you from radiation,
With biological weapons
They will straighten out in five minutes,
Today we congratulate everyone
Happy professional day to them,
And, of course, we wish them
Good luck, courage in everything!

On the Day of the Radiation, Chemical and Biological Defense Troops, I wish to breathe clean air, live under a peaceful blue sky, never know what war and devastation are, always meet happy and good sunrises.

The Motherland has troops,
Downright mystical.
They will fight off the attacks
Scary chemicals.

Thank you all from us,
Live a peaceful and happy life
We wish you from the bottom of our hearts.

From germs and invasions,
From the bacteria of the ascensions,
From hydrogen attack
You are the defenders of the people!

You will save from the virus,
You will come to our aid,
If by some miracle the pollution
Attack without permission!

We wish you good health,
And didn’t go out of order
Not a single gas mask
You are our salvation!

We wish you love,
May the days be bright,
So that you can achieve
All wishes and dreams!

From various contaminants,
Evil viruses intrusion
They will protect us for centuries
Chemical defense troops.

We wish you an easy service,
Strong muscles under overalls,
So that the bacteria tremble,
They ran away from you at full speed!

I came wearing a gas mask
I am in complete ecstasy.
There is always clean air -
Hello everyone from the chemical regiment.

Congratulations guys
Let the girls make you happy
And let the war become a thing of the past,
Completely impossible.

Your work is not seen very often,
But you are always on defense,
Radiation protection
I want to congratulate the troops.

You are always on guard
Chemical big attacks,
Biological weapons
The enemy will not use it with you.

I wish you strength and patience,
Kindness, family warmth,
Decent salary
And the endurance did not fail.

You provided us with protection, troops,
From radiation, chemical hazards.
And the whole country may not be afraid
Threats and biological.

Congratulations on your Day!
We wish you good health,
Let your souls be filled with warmth,
Let your hearts be warmed with love.