Analysis of the work of the educational unit for the year. Analysis of the teacher's work

Analysis educational work

teacher organizer Batyrkhanova S.V.

for the 2013-2014 academic year.

The work of the teacher-organizer during the year was aimed at implementing the school’s educational work plan for the 2013-2014 academic year.

The purpose of the work was: creating conditions for self-realization and self-development of students’ personalities, their successful socialization in society.


    Creation of favorable psychological and pedagogical conditions for the development of personality, self-affirmation of each student, preservation of uniqueness and disclosure of his potential abilities;

    Raising in children a tolerant attitude towards current events and people around them;

    Formation and development of class teams; family groups

    Development of school student self-government, activation of children’s activities;

    Formation healthy image life;

    Preservation and enhancement of school traditions;

    Creation of conditions for organizing the work of additional education;

    Improving work with teachers.

The work was structured in the following areas:

    Preservation and promotion of health, prevention of DDTT;

    Labor and environmental education;

    Moral education;

    Artistic and aesthetic;


    Development of student self-government


    Prevention of extremism, terrorism, neglect and juvenile delinquency.

A lot of work has been done in the area of ​​“Preserving and Promoting Health.” This - sports holidays, fun starts, games between classes, cross-country, relay races, Olympiads, promotions, competitions, competitions, quizzes. Health Day was wonderful. During Health Week, a set of events took place. IN primary school- fun starts, in grades 5-11 there was a game - a trip through the stations, in grades 7-8 there were trainings, class hours were held in each grade.

In April, grades 1 to 11 came together to clean the school yard. Also, the “Our Clean Schoolyard” campaign was held twice a year. In April, a student from our school took an active part in the regional competition “Student of the Year,” where she was among the top ten winners.

During the year, in the direction of “Moral Education”, the following events were held:

- “Give Joy” (congratulations to veterans of teaching on Teacher’s Day, WWII veterans, home front workers on “Older Person’s Day”;

- “Letter to a Veteran”, “A Veteran Lives Nearby.”

The school year began with a solemn assembly dedicated to the Day of Knowledge. The line-up was attended by guests from the Narimanov district. In September, a single class hour “I am a citizen of Russia” was held for grades 1-11 (about citizenship and patriotism).

passed in October autumn holidays“Autumn drops” 1-5 grades, “ Autumn Ball» 6-10 grades. “A minute is not a joke” raids took place - organizing work to prevent absences and tardiness.

December was dedicated to preparations for the New Year: middle and high school children decorated the facade of the school, classrooms, prepared group evenings and amateur performances for the general public. New Year's performance. In elementary school, children learned round dances, learned songs, and prepared costumes. In grades 1-4, the performance was called “Winter's Tale.” The school activists and parents of grades 1-4 took an active part in the holiday for kids. You can note the variety of New Year's costumes, good preparation songs and round dances. assam which took 1st place - , 2nd place - , 3rd place - ...e figs

For 6-7 grades competitive program"The Adventure of Christmas tree"was bright, fun and interesting. After the performances I waited for all the guys sweet table, competitive -game program, disco. Carrying out measures to prevent road accidents in winter.

The celebration on February 23 was held in the form of a competition. The girls wanted to prove to our boys that they too could serve in the Army. The boys' team won. And for the holiday of March 8, the young men prepared an evening together with the Center for Creative Unions. Were prepared interesting competitions for girls, funny scenes, where mostly only boys participated. And the holiday ended with a wonderful dance, which the boys prepared together with the organizing teacher.

In April, Operation Clean School Yard took place, where the children tidied up the school yard and school grounds and planted flowers.

On May 9, a ceremonial assembly was held, where the children honored the memory of those killed in the Second World War. In honor of this holiday, a literary and musical composition was prepared (grade 8). The campaign “A Veteran Lives Nearby” was held (providing assistance to veterans and elderly people). The guys congratulated their wards and gave them gifts and flowers.

Last call prepared our 9-11 grades. A lot has been said beautiful words gratitude to our teachers, parents, children.

Well, our school year is over. World Day Child Protection. Our children were invited to the cultural center with. Linear on concert program, and our guys took part in it.

Analyzing all the work done over the year, I would like to note the positive aspects:

Active assistance in organization from children;

A variety of forms and topics of events;

Joint participation in work with Society (DK. Lineinoe village, rural library, Administration Village Council Linear)

Organize joint work of parents and children in conducting school events. (grades 1-4)

What didn't work:

It was not possible to organize an independent and joint activities pupils.

It was not possible to involve many parents (grades 5-11) in helping with preparation and participation in school events.

Organizing teacher: Batyrkhanova S.V.

Requirements for the quality of teaching and learning in modern school increases almost day by day. Full time job self-control, continuous improvement of one's professionalism, active self-learning - these are just a few of the requirements placed on teachers. At the same time, it is important that the entire process is recorded - on paper, on electronic media in the form of certificates, reports, presentations.

In this section of our website we will publish different variants and forms of analysis of the teacher’s work: samples of self-analysis, certificates and reports on professional activity, information about achievements, etc.

Why do we need an analysis of a teacher’s activities?

The analysis of a teacher’s work itself performs several functions:

  • Diagnostic.
  • Self-educational.
  • Transformative.
  • Cognitive.

The combination of these functions makes it possible to see the teacher’s work in perspective, correctly outline the paths for the development of professional skills, and identify vectors of self-education.

The main indicator of a teacher’s effectiveness is, first of all, a well-conducted lesson. It is he who influences such criteria as student performance, their mastery of the subject, their motivation, and subsequently admission to higher education. educational establishments.

Therefore, not only teachers themselves, but also methodologists and members of the school administration should have analytical skills.

Types of analytical reports

Analysis of a teacher’s work covers all areas of a teacher’s activity. Depending on the purpose, there are:

  • Analysis of all teaching activities of the teacher.
  • Analysis of a teacher's work on a specific topic.
  • Analysis and .
  • Analysis of the work of a teacher as an educator.
  • Teacher self-analysis.

Some types of analytical reports are written by inspectors. The teacher himself usually draws up a self-analysis of his work based on the results of a quarter, a year, or a certain period of time allocated for studying the problem or topic at hand.

How to write a teacher performance analysis report

A general analytical report that evaluates all pedagogical activity teachers are usually compiled according to the following scheme:

  • general information about the teacher (full name, subject, classes in which he works, length of service, length of service in this institution, education, category).
  • The topic or problem that the teacher is working on.
  • Selected.
  • What tasks does a teacher set for himself in his work?
  • Expected results of work that were planned at the beginning of the year.
  • How the teacher works to achieve his goals.
  • Teacher's results: GPA ZUN, number of achievers, lagging behind, GIA, Unified State Exam results in the subject, open lessons, participation of children in subject Olympiads, competitions, thematic weeks, festivals, individual work with students, work of a circle on the subject.
  • results methodological work teachers: development teaching materials, take part in a methodological association meeting, summarize experience, materials from speeches at pedagogical conferences, analyzes the work of colleagues.
  • The results of the teacher’s work as an educator: work with parents, classroom management, joint work with a psychologist, etc.
  • The work of a teacher as a member of the teaching staff: compliance with labor discipline, participation in public life schools, relationships with staff, administration.
  • Documentation culture: plans, lesson notes, timely submission of reports, etc.

This is a sample general scheme drawing up an analytical report, which can be supplemented or shortened depending on the purpose of the analysis.


Analysis of the teacher's work occupies one of the leading places in. Analyzing your work is an excellent way to demonstrate the reflection skills of the teacher himself, the ability to correctly and adequately evaluate the results of his work, see his shortcomings, and record successes and achievements. Moreover, it is job analysis that helps you choose the right direction for self-education or work to improve your skills.

Types of analyzes of teacher work in different areas

Usually we're talking about O comprehensive analysis of their work, which teachers draw up at the end of the school year. This type of analysis is the most general and includes a description of all areas of the teacher’s activity at once:

  • Teaching a subject with full analysis quality of students' knowledge.
  • Methodological work.
  • Scientific research work.
  • Teacher's activities as class teacher.
  • Analysis of extracurricular and extracurricular work.
  • Social work teacher
  • Work on advanced training and self-education.

Analyzes aimed at specific goal and describing one of the components. For example:

  • Analysis of the teacher's pedagogical activity.
  • Analysis of the educational achievements of students... of the class in the subject.
  • Analysis of the work of a teacher in self-education.
  • Analysis of the work of the class teacher, etc.

These types of analytical reports are highly specialized and focus exclusively on the chosen direction.

Analysis of teaching activities MBOU teachers" ***** main comprehensive school» ****oh N.N.

I, **** Natalya Nikolaevna*.*.19** born, teacher primary classes first qualification category. Secondary education - special, graduated from **** pedagogical school in 1986, specialty - pedagogy and methodology primary education, qualification - primary school teacher. 30 years of teaching experience in the specialty. Based on the results of the previous certification in 2012, I have the first qualification category, the next certification is in March 2017.

I consider the main goals of my pedagogical activity: holistic harmonious development personality of a junior school student. I consider it important in my work to create a situation of success. To teach a child to learn means to ensure his success, which disposes the student to activity and is aimed at ensuring that he copes with the work. These goals are realized through solving the following tasks: nurturing interest in the process of cognition, searching for new sources of information, developing cognitive activity through the use of new educational technologies, active forms training, development of independence, skills research activities. The basis of my teaching experience is an activity-based approach, a pedagogy of cooperation.

To carry out the educational process I use various shapes and methods of classroom and extracurricular activities.

By introducing modern educational technology (technology of problem-dialogical learning,design and research activities,technology critical thinking , productive reading technology), I noticed that the children's interest in training sessions, they became more active in class.

Problem-based learning technology allows you to create in the classroom problematic situations. I teach children not to receive ready-made knowledge, but to “discover” knowledge together with the teacher. I use this technology in lessons of the Russian language and the surrounding world, where students make comparisons, generalizations, conclusions, and compare facts.

Design and research technology is used in classroom and extracurricular activities. During lessons about the world around us, children created projects “My Family”, “Feed the Birds in Winter”, etc. The children with great interest made feeders for their feathered friends, watched them, fed them, researched what birds live in the vicinity of our village. We also create collective projects with students: “Thank you grandfather for the Victory!”, “Elderly people are wise people”, “Our land”, “Rights and responsibilities of a schoolchild”. Collective project activities creates an atmosphere of friendliness and responsibility, self-expression and the desire to create something. During the development of the project, students read books, turn to reference books. The students became winners of the regional competition “My name in history settlement" - 2014 PROO "Ant", "Waterfowl of our ponds" - 2016 inter-territorial competition "My specially protected territory" in O***, and in school competition research work and projects in December 2016

On lessons literary reading I use productive reading technology, the use of which helps improve conscious correct reading skills. This technology helps to understand the author's intention, his life position and the ability to make a correct assessment of events. Using this technology, I developed a literary reading lesson for the “Teacher of the Year 2017” competition.

The use of these pedagogical technologies helps to increase students' motivation to study subjects and the ability to acquire knowledge. The effectiveness of the technologies used is confirmed by the stable results of the academic and extracurricular achievements of my students.

Student performance. Table 1

Quality %

Academic performance %

Results of monitoring studies conducted by the regional system for assessing the quality of education in the 2014-2015 academic year. table 2

As part of the Federal State Educational Standard, all students are involved in extracurricular activities various directions. I have developed extracurricular activity programs for primary school students in the spiritual and moral direction “Our Perm region”, general intellectual “Learning to create a project”, “Path to literacy”, sports “Safe Wheel”. Classes in these clubs contribute to the development of creativity, manifestation and disclosure of each child’s interests and hobbies.

Appendix 1. (Feedback from parents and children about the clubs they attend)

Students in my classes not only actively participate in intellectual and creative competitions, but also become prize winners.

table 3

event title

2014-2015 academic year

BJJ Quiz

"My friend is a traffic light"

Certificate, gift


Creative competition(regional)

"Open the door to a fairy tale"

Creative competition (district)

"Open the door to a fairy tale"

Certificate, gift


Review-competition “YuID”


IV regional research competition “Ant”


Diploma, medal

Creative tournament

"Marathon of Knowledge"

Certificate, medal


Competition "Safe Wheel"

Certificate, medal


Competition "Safe Wheel"

at the “Rules” stage traffic»


Competition of feeders and birdhouses

Valuable gift


School tour olympiads



2015 - 2016 academic year


Regional competition-festival of the UID “Safe Wheel”

Stage "Figure driving"

Certificate, valuable gift

Regional rally of the "YuID" detachments

Certificate, gift


Intellectual and creative tournament

"Lyuboznayka" OM and TRIZ

Certificate, medal


Intellectual and creative tournament “Lyuboznayka” Mathematics and TRIZ

Certificate, medal


Poetry competition “Mine” favorite piece about school"


Team "Hitchhiker"

Certificate, medals,


Regional competition of the UID “Safe Wheel”

Stage "Figure driving"

Valuable gift


2016-2017 academic year

"My specially protected territory"



Presentation competition “Take care of nature”

"Lucky Case 2016"

Diploma, cup


"Open the door to a fairy tale"



"Open the door to a fairy tale"


School Conference of Research Works and Projects



I am a class teacher for grades 2 and 4. I carry out educational work according to the “I live in Russia” program. The purpose of educational work: to create conditions for the formation of the personality of a citizen and patriot of Russia with his inherent values ​​and views, the formation of citizenship and patriotism in students, the cultivation of love for the Fatherland, and spirituality.

The task of the class teacher is not only to teach, but also to educate. Awaken the soul of the child, develop the inherent nature Creative skills, teach communication, orientation in various life situations, to cultivate an elementary culture of behavior, feelings of mercy and compassion, to instill healthy lifestyle skills - these are the main tasks that I set for myself for four years.

I spend a lot interesting events: these are various matinees, competitions, conversations, KVN and much more. I pay attention to working with parents. My lessons and educational activities are always open to parents.

Pupils of my classes are active participants in school events: “Tourslet”, Mother’s Day, New Year, For the honor of the school, etc.

Appendix 2. (Feedback from parents on the activities carried out)

I'm bringing in personal contribution in improving the quality of education based on improving teaching and educational methods, mastering new pedagogical technologies and actively disseminating my teaching experience. From 2012-2016, she was the head of the school methodological association of primary classes and teachers of the kindergarten structural unit.

The purpose of the School of Education “Continuity”: to create conditions for work in ensuring a unified educational environment; creating conditions to stimulate cognitive activity through increased motivation educational activities and activation of the personal position of students.

Since September 2016, I have been the head of the district methodological association of primary school teachers.

RMO theme: “Modern educational technologies as effective remedy implementation of the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of NOO and a means of development professional competence primary school teachers."

The purpose of the work of primary school teachers’ RME: improving the quality primary education through increasing the level of professional competence of the teacher.

She generalized her experience of working on the technology of productive reading to sections of primary school teachers at the August conference in 2016 and made a report “The educational situation as a way to implement the activity approach” in 2014. At the school’s pedagogical council she summarized her experience in working on innovative pedagogical technologies, at the methodological council “Formation of meta-subject results”. In November 2015, a regional seminar was held at our school


for work as a teacher of grades 2 and 4 Petrinich Natalya Anatolyevna

Petrinich Natalya Anatolevna- primary school teacher.

Work experience - 21 years old.

Self-education topic"Didactic games in the classroom as a means of communication and child development." This topic allows you to overcome learning difficulties more broadly and deeply in the lessons of the Russian language, mathematics, knowledge of the world, which gives good results in learning and improves the quality of students' knowledge.

I use it in class elements of technology multi-level learning, gaming technologies, explanatory and illustrative technologies. The result of using elements of these technologies is to increase children's interest in the subjects they study, which affects the quality of students' knowledge.

In that academic year We study using textbooks from the Atamura publishing house. For 2nd grade, free textbooks and workbooks in all subjects are provided, which is an invaluable assistant for the teacher to consolidate the material studied and to test the knowledge gained from studying a particular topic.

I conduct extracurricular and open lessons in order to improve the teacher’s personality and increase the effectiveness of his work through involvement in innovative and experimental activities; formation of a multicultural personality of students who have a sufficient level of basic knowledge and are capable of creative, cognitive activity through the use of student-centered learning techniques; involving students in active demonstration of student skills in the subject; I involve parents in participating in class activities; comparative analysis achieved with the past performance and achievements of teachers and students. Students demonstrated their knowledge of subjects acquired both in class and in extracurricular activities, which contributed to the acquisition of knowledge capable of creative, cognitive activity through the use of student-centered learning techniques. My guys took part in the “Ak Bota” competitions - 4th grade students Karina Pfeiffer, Daria Krylova, Inna Guzio, “ The Golden Fleece“- 4th grade student Daria Krylova, “Little Kangaroo” - Karina Pfeiffer (awarded with a certificate for participation), although they did not win, but, most importantly, they asserted themselves in the fact that they can successfully master extracurricular material to improve their knowledge.

IN given time I am the head of the educational organization of primary school teachers. The MO includes 2 primary school teachers, 1 mini-center and checkpoint teacher. The work of the Ministry of Defense is carried out according to the planned plan. Members of the MO actively participate in events held at the school. Participate in seminars, are their active participants.

I provide methodological and psychological assistance young specialists, in particular, the teacher of the m/c Savitskaya A.V.

During her work, she repeatedly conducted open lessons in the Russian language, literature, mathematics, knowledge of the world, integrated lessons in mathematics and labor training.

All accumulated methodological and didactic material distributed into folders. The following folders are available: " Learning programs”, “Instructions on work in the office and in labor and knowledge of the world lessons”, “On the use of state. characters", " Extracurricular activities», « Cool watch", "Working with parents", "Russian language meters", "Mathematics meters", "Literature meters", "World knowledge meters", reference material in subjects, developing lessons in the Russian language, literature, mathematics, knowledge of the world.

To summarize my work experience this academic year, I am going to defend the first category.


for the work of the teacher of the mini-center Anastasia Viktorovna Savitskaya.

Savitskaya Anastasia Viktorovna – mini-center teacher

Work experience - 2 months

Self-education topic"Development of children's sensory abilities through didactic game" This topic allows us to overcome difficulties in the upbringing and development of children more broadly and deeply, which gives good results in learning and improves the quality of knowledge of children of this age.

I am still learning how to raise and teach children aged 2-5 years, who are gathered in one group, so I often turn to my colleagues for methodological help - primary school teachers, who are always ready to help. In particular, providing methodological assistance in drawing up a lesson plan, preparing for classes, selecting visual aids, demonstration material, individual work with weak children great help provided by my mentor Petrinich N.A., I conduct classes on technological maps, compiled according to long-term planning and corresponding cyclograms. In speech development classes, I use gaming technologies when learning poems, tongue twisters, tongue twisters, and pronouncing sounds. I definitely spend more time with poorly speaking children, pronouncing individual sounds, letters, and words.

Classes on visual arts allow, through the use of didactic games and elements of gaming technology, to expand the horizons of children and develop their creative abilities.

In order to strengthen physical health and improve the well-being of children, I do daily warm-ups, exercises, group games with a ball, with gymnastic sticks, with jump ropes.

I'm currently selecting required material for your self-education, i.e. studying methodological literature, I am decorating my office, studying and trying to apply innovative technologies in classes with children.

I prepared a report on the topic of self-education, which was studied at a meeting of the Moscow Region and a proposal was received: to continue working on this topic for the purpose of self-development, which is what I have been doing all the time I have been working at this school.

All accumulated methodological and didactic material is distributed into folders.