Didactic games for visual arts and artistic activities. Didactic games on art

Compiled by: Gnedina E.V.

Game "Collect a landscape"

Using the example of a landscape, it is also convenient to develop a sense of composition and knowledge of phenomena. surrounding nature. To do this, it is convenient to use this didactic game.
Purpose of the game: to develop compositional thinking skills, consolidate knowledge of seasonal changes in nature, consolidate knowledge of the concept of “landscape,” develop observation and memory.
Progress of the game: the child is asked to compose a landscape of a certain season (winter, spring, autumn or winter) from a set of printed pictures; the child must select objects corresponding to this particular time of year and, using his knowledge, build the correct composition.

"Little Artists"

Goal: Improving color perception and color discrimination.

Game material: A set of pictures “Vegetables and fruits” and a set of colored circles (you can use a set of gouache paints in jars of at least 12 colors).

Progress. The teacher gives the children pictures of vegetables and asks them to choose a colored circle (paint) to match their vegetable or fruit. Then trace the outline of the drawn vegetables and fruits with your finger, clarify the shape and name the color.

“Make a hedgehog out of sticks.”

Goal: Development of imagination, learning to create a schematic image.

Game material: sets with counting sticks according to the number of children.

Progress. The teacher invites the children to think and use counting sticks to create an image of a hedgehog.

“Name your fingers.”

Goal: development of motor skills, consolidation of the names of the fingers.

Progress. The teacher reads a poem:

My little finger, where have you been?

I went to the forest with this brother

I cooked cabbage soup with this brother.

I sang songs with this brother.

Well, I met this one and treated him to candy.

Children show their fingers, then call them.

“Lay out the pattern.”

Game material: silhouette images of items of clothing, a set of geometric shapes, one per pair of children.

Progress. The teacher offers to decorate clothes for the dolls. Indicates that the pattern should be located in the center and along the edges.

“When it’s fun, when it’s sad.”

Goal: developing the ability to determine the mood of a picture by its color scheme.

Game material: illustrations from books.

Progress. The teacher shows the illustration and invites the children to determine what mood it evokes and explain their choice.

“Make a pattern on a circle.”

Goal: Developing the ability to construct a pattern, taking into account spatial relations between its elements, maintaining symmetry. Developing cooperation skills.

Game material: paper circles, a set of geometric shapes, one per pair of children.

Progress. The teacher suggests decorating a plate for dolls. Indicates that the pattern should be located in the center of the plate and along the edges.

“Recognize the elements of the pattern.”

Target:clarify and consolidate the idea of ​​the main elements of what- or painting, teach to isolate individual elements of a pattern, develop observation, attention, memory and speed of reaction, and arouse interest in painting.

“Make a Khokhloma pattern”

Goal: to consolidate children’s ability to compose Khokhloma patterns using appliqué. Fix the names of the elements of the painting: “misfires”, “blades of grass”, “shamrocks”, “droplets”, “crooked”. Maintain interest in Khokhloma crafts Material: stencils of dishes by Khokhloma artists made of yellow paper."Gorodets patterns"

Goal: to strengthen children’s ability to compose Gorodets patterns, recognize the elements of painting, remember the order of the pattern, and independently select the color and shade for it. Develop imagination, the ability to use acquired knowledge to compose a composition.

Material: stencils of Gorodets products made of yellow paper

"What does a landscape consist of"

Goal: to consolidate knowledge about the genre of landscape, its distinctive and constituent features and parts. Material: various pictures with images of elements of living and inanimate nature, subject.

"What does a still life consist of"

Goal: To consolidate knowledge about the genre of still life, image features,

constituent elements. To consolidate knowledge about the objective world, its purpose and

classifications. Material: various pictures depicting objects, flowers, berries, mushrooms, animals, nature, clothing, etc.

Tatiana Kokorina

As a visual arts teacher, I need to not only teach preschoolers paint, but also give them the basics of color science. It is advisable that they come to first grade knowing primary, complementary colors, contrasting colors, chromatic - achromatic colors, etc. It is also necessary to teach children how to mix colors and know what color is obtained as a result of mixing primary colors. Of course, practical activities in which children are given complete freedom to experiment with colors are a great help in this regard. But any knowledge for preschoolers is best given in game form Moreover, the same knowledge received in different forms is better absorbed. Therefore, there was a need to find another - game method– to consolidate knowledge about what color should be obtained as a result of mixing certain primary colors, and during diagnostics it is easy and quick to check this knowledge.

I developed and created a color mixing game "Butterfly Wings". To do this, I found a suitable butterfly template on the Internet, copied the number I needed, and colored their wings and bodies using the Paint program. I printed it out, cut it out, laminated it and this is what I came up with.

So, color mixing game "Butterfly Wings" allows you to achieve the following goals:

To give and consolidate knowledge about primary and secondary colors;

Give and consolidate knowledge about what additional color obtained by mixing primary colors.

Towards the end senior group children should know and distinguish between such genres of painting as portrait, landscape, still life. And of course, knowledge through play is also needed here.

This is how the game “Make a Still Life” appeared. All the details are for her painted with gouache and watercolor.

Target games: teach how to compose a still life, following the rules of composition and color science.

Compound: backgrounds for still life; vases, baskets, jugs, fruits, vegetables, mushrooms, berries;

contour images of still lifes;

still life cards

It is also necessary to teach preschoolers to distinguish between warm and cool colors. The game “Decorate the Jug” will help with this. The game will teach you not only how to decorate a jug in the appropriate color scheme, but also how to select a pattern that contrasts with the color of the jug, and how to alternate parts by color and size.

And with the help of the following games concept can be consolidated "symmetry".

For this games I cut out vases and jugs of different shapes from cardboard Brown and cut them in half. Target games: find identical halves and make jugs, vases, glasses from them.

I really hope that my ideas will be useful to someone.

Collection of didactic games

The collection contains didactic games for working with children preschool age in class fine arts And artistic work.

Addressed to teachers additional education arts and crafts orientation, kindergarten teachers.

Introduction………………………………………………………….. 4

Didactic games

for drawing lessons…………………………….………………… 5

Didactic games

for modeling lessons …………………………………………………....... 6

Didactic games

for appliqué classes……………………………………………. 7


As is known, play is the main activity of preschool children; it has great importance for the intellectual development of the child, to clarify his knowledge about the environment. Game, like no other activity, due to its specificity, ensures children's activity and initiative. It is in the game that they manifest themselves and develop. different sides his personality, many intellectual and emotional needs are satisfied, his character is formed. Game tasks have a positive effect on the development of ingenuity, resourcefulness, intelligence, and develop Creative skills children.

The collection contains didactic games that can be used in fine arts and artistic classes with children aged 5-7 years.

For ease of use, all games are divided into types of activities: drawing, modeling, appliqué. Didactic games used in drawing classes are aimed at consolidating knowledge about color and its shades and developing children’s imagination. Games used in modeling classes help consolidate children’s understanding of flat and three-dimensional geometric shapes, develop children’s creative imagination, fine motor skills hands, activate the child’s search activity. By performing game tasks with paper, children consolidate the ability to cut out various geometric shapes from paper, create a composition according to plan, and develop imagination and creative abilities.

This collection will be of interest to teachers of additional education of arts and crafts, and kindergarten teachers.

Didactic games for drawing classes

"All the colors are around us"

Objectives: consolidate knowledge about color and its shades; practice finding a given color or shade in surrounding objects.

The leader of such a game can be a teacher or children.

This game can be used as a dynamic break in class.

Progress of the game: the driver names a color, and the participants of the game find an object of that color.

“Choose the color and shade”

Objectives: to consolidate the idea of ​​the color and shades of familiar vegetables and fruits; practice using the names of shades of color: dark red, light green, etc.

Progress of the game: the teacher shows a vegetable or fruit and asks to name its color or shade.

"Warm and cold colors"

Goal: consolidate knowledge about warm and cool colors

Progress of the game:

Option 1: distribute cards with warm and cold colors to the children, ask those with cards with warm colors and those with cold colors to unite.

2nd option: choose two guys - captains who are recruiting a team, one chooses the guys with cards of warm colors, and the second with cards of cold colors.

“Complete the object using the given form »

Goal: to develop children's imagination

Progress of the game:

Distribute sheets of paper, on each of which a circle with a radius of 4 cm is drawn. During the lesson, children work with simple and colored pencils.

The teacher says: “Guys, today a guest came to our lesson. Are you ready to play? Cippolino: “Guys, now I’ll show you my drawing - this circle. Try to guess what I wanted to draw with this circle and draw it on your sheets. You just can’t make the circle bigger or smaller, or change its shape.” Children complete the circle. Cippolino is in the teacher’s arms (the teacher walks between the rows) looking through the works. Not everyone immediately guesses how to depict an object using a ready-made circle shape; there are also mistakes. And then Cippolino points them out in a relaxed manner and helps redo the work. When the drawings are almost ready, he sums up: “Exactly, that’s all I wanted to draw!” The drawings turned out so different. Cippolino adds: “I’m just so cunning, one circle is not enough for me.”

At the end of the lesson, he helps organize an exhibition of children's work.

Didactic games for modeling classes

“Sculpting figures”

Goal: to convey the shape of the selected animal, respecting the proportions; sculpt a figurine of an animal (bunny, dog, kitten).

Progress of the game:

Riddles are asked:

Sitting in the yard

The house is guarded

Who goes to the owner

She lets you know

The children guess, the teacher puts out a toy dog ​​and asks: “How did you guess?” Children explain (in riddle words).

Shaggy, mustachioed,

He starts eating and sings songs.


Similar work is being carried out.

Small, white,

Jump-jump through the forest!

On a snowball - poke, poke!

It turns out how the guys found out that it was a bunny.

"Who is who or what is what"

Objectives: to intensify the child’s search activity, improve the ability to sculpt objects from plasticine different shapes.

Progress of the game: the children are asked to conceive and sculpt two different images so that they can guess who is who (for example, a beetle and a caterpillar) or which is which (for example, an apple and a banana). The author of the works shows them to the children, and they guess who or what is in front of them.

Didactic game "Forms"

Objectives: to consolidate the idea of ​​flat and three-dimensional geometric shapes. Create a search situation: sculpt three-dimensional shapes from plasticine, looking at a schematic or incomplete image on a plane.

Game options: the teacher invites the children to sculpt:

Three different balls, which can be different in size, color, or both. What can each of them and all together be turned into?

Make three different circles. (How can you do this?)

Make three different cubes. (What can each of them and all together be turned into?).

Make three different squares.

Make three different pyramids. (What can each of them and all together be turned into?).

Make three different triangles. (How can you do this?)

Fashion a few geometric bodies.

Make several geometric shapes.

Fashion a house from several shapes.

Fashion a ladder.

"Plasticine painting"

Objectives: to develop children's creative imagination, sense of color, fine motor skills.

Progress of the game: the children are invited to mix 2 - 3 pieces of plasticine different color, until you get fancy streaks and stains and fashion a vase, flowerpot or sculpture from the resulting mass.


Objectives: to develop children's creative imagination and fine motor skills.

Progress of the game: the teacher shows the children an image of a playground on which there are swings and a slide, asks the children to think about what else can be placed on the playground, then offers to sculpt their own playground on which they would like to play.

Didactic games for applique classes

"Gather the Harvest"

Objectives: to develop the ability to select the color and shape of the workpiece in accordance with the selected fruit.

Progress of the game: children cut out vegetables and fruits from colored paper, and then collect the harvest in baskets attached to the board: vegetables are placed in the first basket, fruits in the second.

"Let's decorate the mittens"

Objectives: develop imagination, the ability to compose a composition according to plan.

Progress of the game: the teacher invites the children to decorate mittens cut out of colored cardboard. Children come up with a pattern, cut out elements of the pattern from colored stripes (circles, stripes, various shapes), place the pattern in the middle of the silhouette, along the edge, and glue all the details.

"Continue the pattern"

Objectives: to develop the ability to observe symmetry and rhythm, to develop creative abilities and independence.

Progress of the game: each player receives a colored card with half a pattern and lays out the missing part of the pattern from colored elements, exactly repeating their location, color and shape.

« Unusual zoo»

Objectives: to consolidate the ability to cut circles from squares, to develop the creative imagination of children.

Progress of the game: the teacher offers to take a trip to fairyland, where unusual animals live, consisting of circles and semicircles: their body, head, ears and even tail are round or semicircular. Children cut out circles of different sizes from pre-prepared squares and use them to create an image of an animal. From the received images of animals, create an exhibition “Unusual Zoo”.

"Man on the Move"

Goal: to develop children's creative imagination

Progress of the game: the teacher gives information about the basic proportions of the human figure, then places a magic square consisting of several rectangles on the board. Then, placing the rectangular parts of the square on the board, the teacher gives an idea of ​​the basic proportions of the human figure: the size of the torso with the head equal to length legs, the knee divides the leg in half, the length of the arms is equal to the length of the legs, etc. children are invited to depict a human figure in motion using a “magic square”.

Lutay Marina Igorevna

Yulia Belonosova
Card index of visual arts games for preschool children

Card index on visual activities for preschool children.

1. Didactic game “Who will draw the most oval-shaped objects?”

Target: consolidate skill children quickly find similarities between ovals located horizontally, vertically or diagonally with whole objects flora or parts thereof, complete the drawing Images.

Material and equipment: cards with images ovals in different positions, colored and simple pencils, felt-tip pens, crayons.

Rules of the game: draw at least 5 ovals plant images, paint them with the appropriate color, while combining different figurative material for completeness of similarity with the original.

Game actions: completing drawings of familiar plants from memory, painting them in the required colors.

2. Didactic game "Who's playing hide and seek with us".

Target: learn children compare color, a background of a picture with the coloring of animals, which allows these animals to be invisible against this background.

Material and equipment: cards with backgrounds of different colors (green, yellow, striped, brown, white, animal figures (frog, tiger, polar bear, white hare and brown hare, etc.).

Rules of the game: take two cards of different colors, name animals with similar colors; Having received the figure, circle it on the desired background.

Game actions: guessing "cunning" animals, drawing them on cards with the appropriate background.

3. Didactic game "Portraits".

Target: teach children draw head using templates.

Materials and equipment: a sheet of paper with a drawn oval of a face; cardboard eyebrow templates, eyes, nose, lips, ears, hairstyles.

Game actions: Lay out the head on a piece of paper, trace it, and color the resulting portrait.

4. Didactic game "Draw a warm picture» .

Target: clarify concepts with children "warm and cool colors"; continue to learn how to compose picture from memory using warm colors when coloring.

Material and equipment: 4 pictures depicting simple scenes, geometric shapes found on these pictures, colored pencils, felt-tip pens, sheets of white paper.

Rules of the game: after carefully examining the unpainted sample picture, at the teacher’s signal, turn it over, portray Color the plot you saw on your sheet of paper, sticking to a warm palette.

Game actions: plot image, finishing drawing small parts, usage unconventional ways drawing to add personality to your work.

Creative tasks:

Tell me what is orange (pink, red, yellow);

Color your clothes in warm colors. What vegetables and fruits come in the same color?

5. Didactic game .

Target: consolidate knowledge children children with geometric figures: circle, square, triangle.

Material and equipment: templates from cardboard

Rules of the game: The teacher offers the children a hat, scarf and mittens. Children decorate clothes with suggested geometric shapes on assignment teacher: “Adorn the scarf with blue geometric shapes” etc.

6. Didactic game “Decorate your hat, scarf, mittens”.

Target: consolidate knowledge children about the primary colors of the spectrum. Continue introducing children with geometric figures: circle, square, triangle.

Material and equipment: templates from cardboard(hat, scarf, mittens, geometric shapes.

Rules of the game: the teacher suggests decorating clothes with certain geometric figures: “Decorate the mittens with circles” etc.

7. Didactic game "Color Lotto".

Target: develop children ability to distinguish colors, name objects of the same color.

Material and equipment: 4 cards, divided into 4 cells, in which depicted items of one colors: red – star, flag, flower, cherry; yellow – lemon, sunflower, turnip, pear; green – grapes, spruce, plant leaves, cucumber; blue – cornflower, bell, plum, balloon; paper squares of the same colors.

Rules of the game: the teacher gives it to the children cards, and in the middle of the table puts 16 squares of four different shades. Invites children to select 4 squares of the same colors as the objects on their maps, and arrange them in the appropriate cells. Then he asks to tell what colors the artist used. For example: "I have all the items yellow color» or: "I have blue items".

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