Yegor druzhinin refused to be a mentor. Yegor Druzhinin returned to “Dancing”! But not on TNT... Early years, childhood and family of Yegor Druzhinin


One of the key figures and judges of the large-scale project “Dancing” on the TNT channel, Yegor Druzhinin, refused to participate in its continuation. The famous choreographer left the project on the eve of the launch of the new - already fourth - season. Life learned about this from sources on the TV channel. The producers of “Dancing” were quite surprised by Druzhinin’s decision, but they assured that the separation was peaceful. The situation was explained to Life by the project’s press service.

Yegor Druzhinin is really leaving us,” TNT representatives reported. - He warned everyone about his departure, but the project managers are still confused: a replacement for Yegor needs to be found as soon as possible, because castings already begin in April.

In turn, Yegor Druzhinin spoke about the reasons that prompted him to leave the project. According to the choreographer, being in the judge's chair on a show is not an easy task that requires nerves of steel.

“I’m tired,” says Druzhinin. - At the end of each season I feel empty and squeezed like a lemon. We have to spend some time recovering.”

During previous seasons, Egor was very worried when one of the guys dropped out after the audience did not vote for him. In his opinion, such situations were unfair.

Now Egor is working on the musical “Jumeo”. This is a unique 3D production that tells the story of Romeo and Juliet in a new format.

But it’s too early to get upset: what if Druzhinin suddenly changes his anger to mercy and appears in the fourth season of “Dancing” after persuasion from the producers? Until he leaves television. And he works in the new show “Everybody Dance,” which airs on Russia 1 on March 19. Several transfer pools were filmed. “For me, the first day of filming is a holiday,” Yegor Druzhinin explained to KP about his work in the show “Everyone Dances.” - A festive atmosphere, sparkling eyes and a decent audience involved in the process. I would like this atmosphere to remain until the end. Let's hope that the participants will perform at their best and surprise with new performances. It is much easier to judge people who can dance than people who pretend that they can dance.

In this competition, 11 dance groups from all over the country (from Novokuznetsk, Sevastopol, Ulan-Ude, Petrozavodsk, etc.) compete for the title of the best dance group in Russia.

And a million rubles. The task is to show maximum transformation and perform from time to time in an unusual style, costumes, come up with interesting theatrical moves and new dance vocabulary. The game will crash.

Each episode of the show will feature guest stars - Larisa Dolina, Philip Kirkorov, Soso Pavliashvili and others. The project is led by Olga Shelest and Evgeniy Papunaishvili.

Participants will be evaluated famous choreographer Alla Sigalova, soloist Bolshoi Theater, who at one time worked with Galina Ulanova, Vladimir Derevianko and Egor Druzhinin.

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In March 2017, people started talking about Yegor Druzhinin on the pages of many Russian publications. A former jury member of the “Dancing” project (TNT channel) suddenly changed his job and moved to the Russia-1 channel in a similar project “Everybody Dance!” Now Egor successfully copes not only with the role of the famous choreographer, but also with the role an exemplary family man. The man is happy in his personal life. Let us recall the biography of Yegor Druzhinin.

Yegor Druzhinin celebrates his birthday on March 12. This year the man turned 45 years old. Hometown celebrities – Leningrad (St. Petersburg).

Yegor's father is popular Russian choreographer Vladislav Yuryevich Druzhinin. He worked at the Komissarzhevskaya Theater. In addition, Yegor’s father ran his own studio “Kvadrat”. It seemed that Yegor's fate was predetermined. With such famous father he could not become an ordinary worker. However, Yegor was in no hurry to become a choreographer. He was interested in the world of cinema.

In the 4th grade the boy became a real star Soviet Union. Egor starred in the film “The Adventures of Petrov and Vasechkin.” Subsequently, he starred in the continuation of the film - “Vacation of Petrov and Vasechkin.”

It turns out that Vladislav Druzhinin himself nominated his son for main role. It seemed to him that Yegor would cope with the filming very well. By the way, Yegor Druzhinin’s classmate Dima Barkov played the role of Petrov.

It is known that Yegor Druzhinin is voiced in the film by Igor Sorin, the future soloist music group"Ivanushki International". There are several versions of why the hero Egor is voiced by another person. According to one of them, the boy was not allowed to do voice acting at school. According to the second, Yegor had problems with diction, so the management decided to “use” a different voice.

On the set of the film “Petrov and Vasechkin’s Vacation”

This was the first and last experience of filming a movie in childhood. Egor says that he was not against acting somewhere else, but he was not suitable for the role everywhere. And even if he did, circumstances did not allow him to film.

Druzhinin's youth

The guy graduated from school in 1989. To a young man he had to choose what profession he planned to connect his future with. Yegor Druzhinin decided to enter the Leningrad State Institute of Theater, Music and Cinematography. Subsequently, this decision will change his biography. Nothing is known about the man’s personal life at this time.

Egor says that he entered theater university not so much because he wanted to become an actor, but because he considered this decision more than obvious. At that time, the young man did not see any opportunities to do anything else. Theater was something he was very familiar with. Dance career at that time seriously Egor didn't consider it. The young man knew that if he really wanted to dance, he would have to start much earlier. Dancers have been practicing since early childhood, preparing yourself for admission to the appropriate university.

Yegor finally started dancing. The young man decided to try himself in this field of activity for the first time at the age of 18. At that moment, Yegor had his first doubts about whether he had done the right thing by entering a theater university. The young man was not sure that in the future he would be able to succeed as an actor. Dancing became a real salvation for him from doubts. Subsequently, Yegor realized that dancing and theater are things that cannot be considered separately.

After graduation, Yegor went to work at the Theater young viewer in St. Petersburg. The young man worked there for a short time. He quickly became bored with performing, and he decided to try himself in something new and already familiar at the same time - dancing.

Egor left for the USA. Before leaving, the guy doubted for a long time whether he was doing the right thing. At that time, he already had his personal life. Yegor Druzhinin got a wife (see photo of the couple), but something urgently needed to be changed in his biography. The young man did not want to work in the theater anymore. Yegor longed to dance.

The future choreographer left for America in 1994. He subsequently became a member of the Boater Club.

Yegor danced in this club until he left for his homeland. The head of the club was amazed by the skill of the novice dancer and, of course, was upset when he learned about the imminent departure of his favorite.

How did the biography of Yegor Druzhinin change after returning to Russia?

After returning home, Yegor decided not to give up dancing. Moreover, the young man considered it necessary to turn his former hobby into a full-time job. For some time he worked as a manager dance group at the restaurant "Valhall" (St. Petersburg). Thanks to this work, Yegor Druzhinin became recognizable. They started talking about him in musical circles. Periodically, Yegor traveled to Moscow, where he was offered to take part in various dance projects.

Druzhinin left the show “Dancing”

The choreographer began to collaborate with popular Russian performers. At one time, Yegor Druzhinin managed to work for Philip Kirkorov, the group “Brilliant” and Laima Vaikule. The group “Brilliant” were the first with whom Yegor began working on the domestic stage.

One of Yegor’s first works on TV was staging choreography for New Year's film. It is noteworthy that Egor invited Miguel to work here. The choreographer recalls that he met Miguel 16 years ago, when he was a very young dancer with an Afro-style hairstyle.

In 2002, Yegor decided to try himself in a musical for the first time.

Is the famous choreographer happy off stage?

Yegor Druzhinin is happy in his personal life. His biography says Family status"married". My wife's name is Veronica Itskovich. The lovers got married in 1994. Some sources claim that the wedding took place on April 12. It is known that at that time Nika and Egor had already been dating for several years. The girl met her future husband at the institute approximately during her 1st or 2nd year. Some sources indicate that Veronica was his classmate. Other sources write that Nika graduated from the Tbilisi Choreographic School, but did not study at the Leningrad University. It is unknown what Nika is doing now. At one time she danced very well.

When Yegor went to conquer America, his wife remained in her homeland. The man prepared the “ground” so that his beloved could not come to an empty place. For several years, the couple lived in the States and did not think about adding to the family. Egor and Nika believed that children should be born exclusively in Russia.

Egor Druzhinin and Miguel members of the jury of the show “Dancing with the Stars”

Some sources indicate that Nika came to Yegor in America only in 1996 due to the fact that she was not allowed to leave the country. It is not known for certain; indeed, the departure of the choreographer’s beloved was delayed precisely for this reason.

After 4 years of living in America, Nika found out that she was pregnant. The couple decided that the woman should give birth at home, in Russia. Suddenly, Yegor and his wife returned to their native St. Petersburg.

They had a daughter in Russia. The girl was named Alexandra. Somewhat later, Nika gave her husband two more sons - Plato and Tikhon.

What does Yegor Druzhinin think about family relationships?

Egor believes that his biography as a choreographer was formed only due to the fact that Veronica Itskovich appeared in his personal life, a woman with whom he has been happily married for almost 25 years. Let us remember that the couple has three children.

The choreographer says that in his youth he was a confirmed bachelor. The fact is that the man’s parents divorced when he was 15 years old. Grandparents did not get along with each other, despite the fact that they lived together for a very long time. Yegor noticed that many of his friends remained with one parent. It was the fathers who, as a rule, left the family. Because of this, Yegor believed that family was an unreliable thing, and it was better to abandon it immediately.

The future celebrity was timid with girls. He preferred to play rebellious. This, according to Yegor, is where the “nonsense” about the impossibility of getting along with the opposite sex came from. In practice, it turned out that Yegor can build a happy family.

The choreographer believes that peace in the family can only be achieved if both spouses make concessions. The same goes for children. The task of parents is to teach them to yield to each other (if there are several children in the family) and to adults. In his interviews, Yegor says that in his family, children and adults easily make compromises and don’t even notice it. Yielding to another is something that goes without saying.

What is Yegor Druzhinin doing now?

Since Yegor first learned what it was big stage, approximately 17 years have passed. During this time, the man managed to gain popularity and become recognizable not only in narrow circles, but also in wider ones. Including thanks to television.

For example, in 2011, Yegor was invited to the unusual project “Minute of Glory”. There the choreographer tried his hand at acting as a consultant. Also, the choreographer repeatedly choreographed numbers for dance programs, broadcast on Channel One.

Egor Druzhinin in the show “Everybody Dance”

TV viewers remember Yegor Druzhinin for his filming in the show “Dancing” (TNT channel), where he was a member of the jury from 2014 to 2016.

Follow with us how the biography and personal life of the popular choreographer Yegor Druzhinin (see photo) will develop in the future.

1. I suspect that Egor made the decision to leave the project even after the scandalous one. But, apparently, the contract for season 3 had already been signed and there was no replacement, so I had to stay for another year. And Denisova was clearly being prepared for the role of a mentor. Well, it was “introduced” into the project very technically. At the beginning of the season, we saw Tatyana in only 2 episodes, but by the end she was present on almost every broadcast, even sacrificing her work as a choreographer on “Everyone Dances.”

d) Competition. The verbal battles between Miguel and Yegor periodically became too “dirty”, causing negative emotions among the audience. Tatiana is still a woman, and it seems to me that her rivalry with Miguel will be no less intense and interesting, but still more “purer”.

e) Viewer's reaction. The audience of the project has already met Tatyana Denisova. I am sure that before approving her candidacy, the project management conducted a thorough analysis, and the risks for the show are minimal. Well yes, on beautiful woman always nice to watch =)

f) Lack of alternative. Who else could replace Yegor? Dukhova is mothballs, Poklitaru is not the format, and Radu would never go to TNT, Tsiskaridze is plus or minus in the TNT format, he understands dancing, but I have big doubts about his ability to create numbers and manage the production process. It seems that Nikolai only always sat on the jury. Any of the choreographers is not a public figure; after all, the jury needs to say okay. Rudnik or Karpenko, in principle, could be tried, but this is a big risk, and you can’t change the coach in the middle of the season. Former members- even less experience is not an option at all. Kristina Kretova is a bit dull. Any foreign choreographer is expensive, because he will have to move to Moscow for 3 months and cancel all his business/projects. In general, in my opinion, the project management made the most correct choice.

4. Team of choreographers. Another point that I want to pay attention to in this article is choreographers. After all, having become a mentor, Tatyana Denisova will need to collect own team choreographers. Who will it be - her friends or the choreographers of Yegor’s team? Will we see performances by Garik Rudnik, Alexander Mogilev, Larisa Polunina, Vova Gudym in the 4th season of DANCE on TNT? The mine is not going anywhere, I promise. If not Denisova, then Miguel will take him. I remember in one of the episodes he regretted that Druzhinin called Garik first before launching the project. Previously, I would have assumed that Denisova would rather form a core of her familiar directors, and Egor’s choreographers would be periodically invited to choreograph for one team or another. But recently on Instagram, Tatyana subscribed to Garik Rudnik and Sasha Mogilev, which suggests that she plans to work with them. In principle, abandoning Rudnik is a stupid decision, but Denisova is a smart woman. Mogilev is more or less on the same wavelength as Tatyana, they should work together. Well, where Alexander is, there is Larisa Polunina. But I can’t imagine Vova Gudym with his locking in Denisova’s team. Although, Gudym also choreographs hip-hop, and this style is one of the key ones in DANCE.

With a high degree of probability, we can assume that in the 4th season of DANCE on TNT we will often see Vitaly Savchenko - he has been Tatyana Denisova’s assistant for many years. I’m not sure that Savchenko will be trusted to direct the shots himself, but he will definitely assist. And yes, of course, Tatiana’s own productions are waiting for us.

Vasily Kozar - he was a guest choreographer for Yegor’s team and he is an old acquaintance of Denisova, therefore, the chances of seeing Vasya’s new masterpieces on TNT are also high.

Among the new faces, it seems to me, we will see Evgeny Karyakin - Tatyana has long-term creative ties with him. Here are several works by Karyakin the choreographer

One of the performers is Dima Maslennikov

To summarize. Druzhinin's departure is certainly a minus for the project. But considering that it is inevitable, appointing Denisova as a mentor is the best way out of the situation.

That's all I have! In the near future I will write who I would like to see in the 4th season of DANCE as participants.

Egor Vladislavovich Druzhinin is a talented man who independently reached unprecedented professional heights, despite a famous relative who could easily arrange his life.

He managed to realize himself as a choreographer and dancer, and also became a film director and actor.

Childhood and youth

The future choreography star was born on March 12, 1972 in St. Petersburg. Vladislav Yuryevich, Yegor’s father, is a popular choreographer who staged many performances on the stage of the Komissarzhevskaya Theater. He also ran his own studio, the main focus of which was pantomime. It would seem that with such a star father further fate Yegor’s life is predestined, and the child is simply obliged to continue the family business, but the boy as a child was distinguished by his rebellious and assertive character. Yegor initially decided to forget about dancing, which greatly puzzled the head of the family.

Instead, young Druzhinin dreams of a career as a film actor, trying to make the necessary efforts to implement his plans. Such aspirations were rewarded, and at the age of 11 the boy first appeared on the screen. Parents, of course, rejoiced at their son’s success, but Vladislav Yuryevich continued to regret that Yegor was ruining his talent for dancing.

No one was surprised that after a successful film debut, Druzhinin entered the acting department at the Leningrad State Institute of Theater, Music and Cinematography. Tired of listening to his father's constant advice, the guy, despite the circumstances, begins to study at ballet school. 18 years is too late for beginning dancers, because representatives of this profession are taught the skill at a very young age. youth, but Egor’s decision was made finally.

The father was extremely skeptical about his son’s new hobby, since he had previously arranged for Yegor to classical dancing. Despite his father’s efforts, the young man clearly did not show himself in ballet, however, in the future future artist I approached my studies with full responsibility. Druzhinin began to devote every free minute to his favorite activity, and outside of class he visited his father’s studio, memorizing movements from modern jazz.

Egor Druzhinin in his youth

The mother, trying to help her son, demonstrated tap dancing steps to the boy in the subway passages. Egor showed himself to be an extremely capable student, who easily caught up with the program and soon studied on par with other children who began dancing in childhood. Vladislav Yuryevich was proud of his success, because his dream was finally coming true: the boy was mastering the family profession of choreographer.

In 1994, Yegor Druzhinin received a diploma of higher education majoring in drama and film actor. Understanding that dance is an international art that requires permanent job over himself, the guy decides to go to the homeland of the legendary Broadway, which combined music, dance and acting. New York warmly welcomed the young choreographer, but after 6 years Egor returned to St. Petersburg, having gained experience at an American dance school. Staying abroad influenced Druzhinin's worldview. In adulthood he managed to build creative biography so as to achieve success.


Yegor Druzhinin got into cinema thanks to his father, who dreamed of making him a dancer. In 1981, Vladimir Alenikov, a family friend, decided to film musical comedy, which personified his autobiography. Once Vladislav Yuryevich advised the director to try Yegor for this role. The boy came to the audition, read a couple of lines and left for Kid `s camp for the summer with a friend.

The directors paid attention to Yegor's performance. As a result, the young star is offered to read the script of the new film. The boy was not at a loss and put forward a counter-proposal - his friend Dmitry was obliged to read Vasya Petrov’s remarks. The duet of Yegor and Dmitry impressed Alenikov so much that he did not hesitate to take the guys for the roles.

Due to strict discipline at school, Yegor was not able to participate in the voice acting of his character - Petya Vasechkin received the voice of another boy. Neither the studio workers nor film crew, but there is a widespread belief that Yegor’s hero speaks in the voice of one of the future soloists of “Ivanushka International” -.

Tango by Yegor Druzhinin in the film “The Adventures of Petrov and Vasechkin...”

The film “The Adventures of Petrov and Vasechkin, Ordinary and Incredible” was released in 1983 and immediately earned the love of the public. Children fell in love with the film for its realistic and congenial main characters, and parents simply enjoyed the light, pleasant atmosphere of the film. The success of the film made it possible to shoot a sequel, “Petrov and Vasechkin’s Vacations, Ordinary and Incredible,” which appeared in theaters a year later.

Yegor Druzhinin becomes an all-Union celebrity, winning the love of hundreds of thousands of children. Young actor they recognized people on the streets, asked for autographs and sent many letters. Fame did not make the guy an arrogant person who puts himself above others. On the contrary, the artist tried in every possible way to prove to his fans that he was ordinary Soviet schoolboy.

Gradually, Yegor, giving preference to theater and dance, refused to participate in the filming of films. In 2004, he played a gang leader in the film “Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves” and appeared in a not particularly prominent role in the comedy series “Balzac’s Age, or All Men Are Theirs...”.

Choreography and television

After graduating from the institute, Yegor Druzhinin expected to work in the theater. The graduate was taken in by the troupe of the Leningrad Youth Theater, which, however, could not satisfy the actor’s requests, since they trusted him minor roles. And then Druzhinin made a serious decision that changed his fate - he went to the USA, where he intended to study dancing and choreography. At first, the aspiring choreographer studied at one of the local studios, where he was noticed by the head of the dance quintet of the comedy club “Boater” and invited to join the troupe. The artist was a member of “Boater” for several years, after which he returned to Russia.

Egor Druzhinin at the Star Factory project

At home, Yegor Vladislavovich took up free creativity, which did not affect the development potential within the theater. The choreographer took the leadership of a talented dance group from the Valhall restaurant and began staging the ensemble, which became business card establishments. Druzhinin also worked with famous figures Russian show business, filling the performances with unforgettable dances, which, together with the artist’s performance, made up a spectacular show.

In 2002, Druzhinin performed in a dance troupe in the Russian adaptation of the popular musical Chicago. The choreographer also paid a lot of attention to this genre in the future, and musicals became one of the main works in his career. Yegor Vladislavovich had a hand in creating dances in “Twelve Chairs”, “Cats” and “Producers”.

Egor Druzhinin at a concert dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Vladimir Vysotsky

In 2004, the artist became a choreographer and director of numbers in music show"Star Factory". Druzhinin’s work so impressed the project management that he was offered to extend the cooperation for another 2 seasons.

In 2008, TV viewers remembered the appearance of Yegor Druzhinin on anniversary party dedicated to the 70th anniversary, and the tap dance performed by the dancer was called best performance.

In 2014, Yegor Druzhinin became a jury member and mentor in the show “Dancing” on the TNT channel. In 2017, the Russian dancer was again supposed to become the main actor the next part of the project, but on the eve of the launch of the 4th season, the choreographer decides to leave the television program. This decision surprised the producers. The organizers of the TV show said that they were warned about the man’s plans, but were still confused, and began to look for a replacement as quickly as possible.

The choreographer left the “Dancing” show for objective reasons. In an interview with media representatives, Druzhinin noted that he was simply tired of participating in the project. According to Yegor, he often had to experience internal disagreement with the opinion of the audience, when, based on the results of the next audience vote, it was necessary to remove a specific participant from the competition.

Famous audience voting against came as a surprise to the jury member. Yegor Vladislavovich explained that he was unable to cope with the situation, which had become a kind of competition mode, and his worries about the project participants were frankly harmful.

Druzhinin's employment in others creative projects, including in the preparation of the 3D musical show “Jumeo”, is also one of the reasons that influenced the decision to leave the “Dancing” show. It was assumed that difficult relationships with other jury members, the show, especially with, could become the basis for radical changes. The press reported that conflicts constantly arise between choreographers, and complex relationships cannot have a positive impact on the project and all participants.

Judges of the show “Dancing” Egor Druzhinin, Laysan Utyasheva and Miguel

The producers searched for a new mentor for 2 weeks, trying to find an equally worthy judge. It soon became known that Yegor Druzhinin’s place in “Dancing” was taken by a Ukrainian dancer, founder and director dance group JB ballet in Germany.

It should be noted that in 2016 she appeared on a TV show Russian TV presenter, who alternated in the jury chair with a “judge from the people.” The presence of a spectacular blonde on the project ended in a scandal. One of the show participants insulted the star, pointing out the unprofessionalism in evaluating the dancers, as a result of which Buzova defiantly left the show.

After “Dancing”, Yegor Druzhinin lost another project, deciding to leave the musical “Jumeo”, which he worked on at the same time, participating in dance show. The director disrupted the premiere of the musical. Egor refused to work, claiming that the show organizers planned to implement the project abroad. In turn, the directors did not hide the fact that they dreamed of presenting the production on Broadway, so this decision of the choreographer came as a surprise to them.

Since March 2017, Egor Druzhinin has become a member of the jury of the show “Everybody Dance!”, and the choreographer is accompanied by other prominent representatives choreographic art- And . and were chosen to lead the project.

The dancer constantly monitors his health. According to Yegor, a height of 178 centimeters is optimal for him, but weight can cause harm, so the choreographer devotes a lot of time to sports exercises and physical activity.

Personal life

1994 turned out to be a turning point not only in Yegor Druzhinin’s career, but also in his personal life. A few years later romantic relationships he proposed marriage to actress and dancer Veronica Itskovich, who met the choreographer at the institute. The girl came to Moscow from Tbilisi, her cousin– . The talented ballerina agreed to help Yegor with his plastic exercises. The dancer couldn't do the splits at all, while Veronica handled it brilliantly. From the 2nd year of institute, the young people began to live together. A wedding soon followed.

Having registered the marriage, Yegor set off alone to conquer the United States, leaving his beloved wife in his homeland. When the guy managed to establish a career and life in a distant country, he brought Veronica to live with him.

They lived in New York for another 4 years, after which the actress found out about her pregnancy. Yegor was firmly convinced that the child should be born in Russia, which he himself had already begun to miss by that time. Together with his family, he returned to St. Petersburg, where a girl was born. They named her Alexandra. Soon two more children appeared in Yegor’s family - Tikhon and Plato. Yegor Vladislavovich also has a half-sister, Lisa, who is now also dancing.

The press has repeatedly published information that Yegor Druzhinin is having an affair with one of the members of his team, but the celebrities themselves ignored such rumors.

Egor Druzhinin now

On August 25, 2018, the 5th season of the show “Dancing on TNT” started. The main event of the season was the return of Yegor Druzhinin as a mentor. The renowned choreographer shared the mission with Miguel and Tatyana Denisova.

According to Yegor, he had enough time to take a break from “Dancing”, gain strength and inspiration, so he accepted the offer of the project organizers. Both other jury members expressed the opinion that there would be a heated battle, not without creative debates, because now not two, but three teams of mentors had to fight.

The best representatives Egor's team, which he calls KED for short, included Yuval Lamay (Yuvi), Karen Stepanyan, Alexander Lee, Sasha Guryanova, . The final, which took place at the end of December, was remembered for the festive number from Druzhinin’s charges in the style of an American wedding.

The choreographer's colleagues were delighted with the idea of ​​the dance. According to the voting results, the representative of Tatyana Denisova’s team won 1st place, and Sasha Lee and Yuvi from the KED group took 3rd and 2nd positions, respectively. According to tradition, the participants of the TV show will spend 2019 on tour, which will begin in early January.

Judging by the photo in "Instagram" choreographer, all members of Yegor Druzhinin’s family were present at the final concert of the winners. The picture impressed the choreographer’s subscribers, who expressed admiration appearance Yegor's wife. Over the years, Veronica only began to look even younger.

TV viewers in current season enjoyed the performance of our favorite choreographer in the humorous project “Improvisation”. Together with, and appeared in the “Freeze Frame” competition. According to fans of the show, Egor turned out to be the best guest ever to visit a television project.

In addition to filming on television, Egor participates in the production of theatrical performances. In December, the premiere of the play “The Big Prince” took place, directed by. Druzhinin became the choreographer of the performance. The funds raised will be sent to the Galchonok charity foundation.


  • 1983 - “The Adventures of Petrov and Vasechkin, ordinary and incredible”
  • 1984 - “Petrov and Vasechkin’s vacation, ordinary and incredible”
  • 2004 - “Silver Lily of the Valley 2”
  • 2005 - “Balzac’s age, or All men are… 2”
  • 2005 - “Viola Tarakanova. In the world of criminal passions"
  • 2005 - “First Ambulance”
  • 2006 - “First at home”
  • 2008 - “Aurora’s Love”
  • 2010 - “Alibi for two”
  • 2011 - “Traffic Light”

In March of this year it became known: one of the main judges of the show “Dancing” on TNT (44)! He was a choreographer-mentor in the first, second, third seasons and “Battle of the Seasons” (in which the best dancers from the first and second met). He announced his departure shortly before the casting fourth season. As a result, the writers had to look for a new mentor in as soon as possible, because already in April castings were supposed to begin in all cities of Russia. Egor Tatyana Denisova (36).

Then Yegor said: “I’m tired. Every new season I promised myself not to worry so much about my participants. But it doesn't work. Excitement and emotions tear you apart. And at the end of each season I feel empty and squeezed like a lemon. You have to spend some time recovering. But he’s not there. The competition situation is clearly not for me. I cannot dispassionately make decisions about the care of participants when I am working with them. You get used to everyone and become attached to them. My decision, no matter how you explain it, is a blow for them. I don't want to hurt them anymore. I don’t want to hurt myself.”

It looks like he changed his mind and returned to the judge's chair dance project! But not on TNT. He became a member of the jury of the new show “You are super!” Dancing" on NTV. Egor will be accompanied by choreographers Evgeniy Papunaishvili (35), Kristina Kretova (33) and actress (46). The presenter was (41), .

International children's dance competition"You are super! Dancing” is notable for the fact that it gives talented young dancers, who were left without parental care, a chance to express themselves. Participants in the show will be pupils from orphanages, boarding schools, children from foster and foster families. Castings took place not only in Russia, but also in the CIS and Baltic countries. Before this, the NTV channel hosted a competition “You are super!” - he was musical.