Franz Schubert: biography, interesting facts, videos, creativity. Biography of Franz Schubert Which country is Schubert’s birthplace

Franz Peter Schubert is a great Austrian composer, one of the founders of romanticism in music. He wrote about 600 songs, nine symphonies (including the famous “Unfinished Symphony”), liturgical music, operas, and a large number of chamber and solo piano music.

Franz Peter Schubert was born on January 31, 1797 in Lichtenthal (now Alsergrund), a small suburb of Vienna, in the family of a schoolteacher who played music as an amateur. Of the fifteen children in the family, ten died in early age. Franz showed musical ability very early. From the age of six he studied at a parish school, and his household taught him to play the violin and piano.

At the age of eleven, Franz was accepted into the Konvict - the court chapel, where, in addition to singing, he studied playing many instruments and music theory (under the guidance of Antonio Salieri). Leaving the chapel in 1813, Schubert took a job as a teacher at a school. He studied mainly Gluck, Mozart and Beethoven. He wrote his first independent works - the opera Des Teufels Lustschloss and the Mass in F major - in 1814.

In the field of song, Schubert was a successor to Beethoven. Thanks to Schubert, this genre received art form, enriching the concert area vocal music. The ballad “The Forest King” (“Erlk?nig”), written in 1816, brought fame to the composer. Soon after it appeared “The Wanderer” (“Der Wanderer”), “Praise of Tears” (“Lob der Thr?nen”), “Zuleika” (“Suleika”) and others.

Of great importance in vocal literature are large collections of Schubert’s songs based on the poems of Wilhelm Müller - “The Beautiful Miller’s Wife” (“Die sch?ne M?llerin”) and “Winter Reise” (“Die Winterreise”), which are, as it were, a continuation of Beethoven’s idea expressed by in the collection of songs “Beloved” (“An die Geliebte”). In all these works Schubert showed remarkable melodic talent and a wide variety of moods; he gave accompaniment higher value, larger artistic sense. The collection “Swan Song” (“Schwanengesang”) is also remarkable, from which many songs have gained worldwide fame (for example, “St?ndchen”, “Aufenthalt”, “Das Fischerm?dchen”, “Am Meere”). Schubert did not try, like his predecessors, to imitate national character, but his songs involuntarily reflected the national current, and they became the property of the country. Schubert wrote almost 600 songs. Beethoven enjoyed his songs last days life. Schubert's amazing musical gift was reflected in the areas of piano and symphony. His fantasies in C major and F minor, impromptu songs, musical moments, and sonatas are proof of his rich imagination and great harmonic erudition. In the string quartet in d-minor, the quintet in c-dur, the piano quartet “Trout” (Forellen Quartett), the large symphony in c-dur and the unfinished symphony in b-minor, Schubert is Beethoven’s successor. In the field of opera, Schubert was not so gifted; although he wrote about 20 of them, they will add little to his fame. Among them, “Der h?usliche Krieg oder die Verschworenen” stands out. Certain numbers of his operas (for example, Rosamund) are quite worthy of a great musician. Of Schubert's numerous church works (mass, offertory, hymns, etc.) with an exalted character and musical richness The Mass es-dur is especially different. Schubert's musical productivity was enormous. Beginning in 1813, he composed incessantly.

In the highest circle, where Schubert was invited to accompany his vocal compositions, he was extremely reserved, was not interested in praise and even avoided it; Among his friends, on the contrary, he highly valued approval. The rumor about Schubert's intemperance has some basis: he often drank too much and then became hot-tempered and unpleasant to his circle of friends. Of the operas performed at that time, Schubert liked most of all “The Swiss Family” by Weigel, “Medea” by Cherubini, “John of Paris” by Boieldier, “Cendrillon” by Izouard and especially “Iphigenie in Tauris” by Gluck. Schubert had little interest in Italian opera, which was in great fashion in his time; only " Barber of Seville"and some passages from Rossini's Othello fascinated him. According to biographers, Schubert never changed anything in his compositions, because he did not have it for that time. He did not spare his health and, in the prime of his life and talent, died at the age of 32. The last year of his life, despite his poor health, was especially fruitful: it was then that he wrote a symphony in C major and a mass in es minor. During his lifetime he did not enjoy outstanding success. After his death, a mass of manuscripts remained that later saw the light (6 masses, 7 symphonies, 15 operas, etc.).

If the work of Beethoven, his older contemporary, was nourished by revolutionary ideas that permeated public consciousness Europe, then the flowering of Schubert's talent occurred during the years of reaction, when for a person the circumstances of his own destiny became more important than the social heroism so vividly embodied by Beethoven's genius.

Schubert's life was spent in Vienna, which, even in the least favorable times for creativity, remained one of the musical capitals of the civilized world. They performed here famous virtuosos, the operas of the universally recognized Rossini were staged with great success, the orchestras of Lanner and Strauss the Father sounded, raising the unprecedented height Viennese waltz. And yet, the discrepancy between dreams and reality, so obvious for that time, gave rise to moods of melancholy and disappointment among creative people, and the very protest against the inert, complacent bourgeois life resulted in their escape from reality, into an attempt to create their own own world from a narrow circle of friends, true connoisseurs of beauty...

Franz Schubert was born on January 31, 1797 on the outskirts of Vienna. His father was a school teacher - a hardworking and respectable man, who sought to raise his children in accordance with his ideas about the path of life. The eldest sons followed in their father's footsteps, and the same path was prepared for Schubert. But there was also music in the house. On holidays, a circle of amateur musicians gathered here; Franz’s father himself taught him to play the violin, and one of his brothers taught him to play the clavier. The church regent taught Franz music theory, and he also taught the boy how to play the organ.

It soon became clear to those around him that in front of them was an unusually gifted child. When Schubert was 11 years old, he was sent to a church singing school - konvikt. It had its own student orchestra, where Schubert soon began playing the first violin part, and sometimes even conducting.

In 1810, Schubert wrote his first composition. The passion for music embraced him more and more and gradually crowded out all other interests. He was oppressed by the need to study something that was far from music, and after five years, without finishing the convict, Schubert left it. This led to a deterioration in relations with his father, who was still trying to guide his son “on the right path.” Yielding to him, Franz entered the teachers' seminary, and then acted as an assistant teacher at his father's school. But the father’s intentions to make his son a teacher with a reliable income were never destined to come true. Schubert entered the most intense period of his work (1814-1817), without hearing his father's warnings. By the end of this period, he was already the author of five symphonies, seven sonatas and three hundred songs, among which there are such as “Margarita at the Spinning Wheel”, “The Forest King”, “Trout”, “The Wanderer” - they are known and sung. It seems to him that the world is about to open its friendly arms to him, and he decides to take the extreme step of quitting his service. In response, the indignant father leaves him without any means of support and essentially breaks off relations with him.

For several years, Schubert had to live with his friends - among them there are also composers, there is an artist, a poet, and a singer. A close circle of people close to each other is formed - Schubert becomes its soul. He was short, stocky, short-sighted, shy and distinguished by extraordinary charm. The famous “Schubertiads” date back to this time - evenings devoted exclusively to the music of Schubert, when he did not leave the piano, composing music right there on the go... He creates every day, hourly, without fatigue and stopping, as if he knows that He didn't have much time left... The music didn't leave him even in his sleep - and he jumped up in the middle of the night to write it down on scraps of paper. In order not to look for glasses every time, he did not part with them.

But no matter how hard his friends tried to help him, these were years of desperate struggle for existence, life in unheated rooms, hated lessons that he had to give for the sake of meager earnings... Poverty did not allow him to marry his beloved girl, who preferred a rich pastry chef to him. .

In 1822, Schubert wrote one of his best works - the seventh "Unfinished Symphony", and in the next - a masterpiece of vocal lyrics, a cycle of 20 songs "The Beautiful Miller's Wife". It was in these works that a new direction in music - romanticism - was expressed with exhaustive completeness.

At this time, thanks to the efforts of friends, Schubert made peace with his father and returned to his family. But the family idyll was short-lived - after two years, Schubert left again to live separately, despite his complete impracticality in everyday life. Trusting and naive, he often became a victim of his publishers, who profited from him. The author of a huge number of works, and in particular songs, which during his lifetime became popular in burgher circles, he barely made ends meet. If Mozart, Beethoven, Liszt, Chopin, as excellent performing musicians, greatly contributed to the growth of the popularity of their works, Schubert was not a virtuoso and only dared to act as an accompanist for his songs. And there is nothing to say about the symphonies - not a single one of them was ever performed during the composer’s lifetime. Moreover, both the seventh and eighth symphonies were lost. The eighth score was found by Robert Schumann ten years after the composer’s death, and the famous “Unfinished” was first performed only in 1865.

More and more, Schubert plunged into despair and loneliness: the circle fell apart, his friends became family people with a position in society, and only Schubert remained naively faithful to the ideals of his youth, which had already passed. He was timid and did not know how to ask, but at the same time he did not want to humiliate himself in front of influential people - several places that he had the right to count on and that would have provided him with a comfortable existence were, as a result, given to other musicians. “What will happen to me...” he wrote, “in my old age, perhaps, like Goethe’s harpist, I will have to go from door to door and beg for bread...”. He did not know that he would not grow old. Schubert's second song cycle, Winterreise, is the pain of unfulfilled hopes and lost illusions.

Last years During his life he was sick a lot, he was in poverty, but creative activity it did not weaken. Quite the contrary - his music becomes deeper, larger and more expressive, whether we are talking about his piano sonatas, string quartets, the eighth symphony or songs.

And yet, even if only once, he learned what real success was. In 1828, his friends organized a concert of his works in Vienna, which exceeded all expectations. Schubert is again full of daring plans, he is working intensively on new works. But there are several months left before death - Schubert falls ill with typhus. The body, weakened by years of need, cannot resist, and on November 19, 1828, Franz Schubert dies. His property is valued at pennies.

Schubert was buried in the Vienna cemetery, with the inscription engraved on the modest monument:

Death buried a rich treasure here,

But even more wonderful hopes.

Franz Peter Schubert (1797-1828) – Austrian composer. For such short life he managed to compose 9 symphonies, a lot of chamber and solo music for piano, and about 600 vocal compositions. He is rightfully considered one of the founders of romanticism in music. His works still, two centuries later, remain one of the main ones in classical music.


His father, Franz Theodor Schubert, was an amateur musician, worked as a teacher at the Lichtenthal parish school, and had peasant origins. He was a very hardworking and respectable person, his ideas about the path of life were associated only with work, and Theodore raised his children in this spirit.

The musician's mother is Elisabeth Schubert ( maiden name Fitz). Her father was a mechanic from Silesia.

In total, fourteen children were born into the family, but the spouses buried nine of them at an early age. Franz's brother, Ferdinand Schubert, also connected his life with music.

The Schubert family loved music very much; they often held musical evenings at their home, and on holidays a whole circle of amateur musicians gathered. Dad played the cello, his sons were also taught to play different musical instruments.

Franz's talent for music was discovered at an early age. childhood. His father began to teach him to play the violin, and his older brother taught the baby to play the piano and clavier. And very soon little Franz became a permanent member of the family string quartet, he performed the viola part.


At the age of six, the boy went to parish school. Here not only his amazing ear for music, but also an amazing voice. The child was taken to sing in church choir, where he performed rather complex solo parts. Church Regent, who often attended musical parties with the Schubert family, taught Franz singing, music theory and playing the organ. Soon everyone around realized that Franz was gifted child. Dad was especially happy about his son’s achievements.

At the age of eleven, the boy was sent to a boarding school, where singers were trained for the church, which at that time was called konvikt. Even the environment at school was conducive for Franz’s musical talents to develop.

There was a student orchestra at the school, he was immediately assigned to the first violin group, and occasionally Franz was even trusted to conduct. The repertoire in the orchestra was distinguished by its diversity, the child learned in it different genres musical works: overtures and works for vocals, quartets and symphonies. He told his friends that Mozart’s Symphony in G minor made the greatest impression on him. And Beethoven’s works were for the child the highest example of musical works.

During this period, Franz began to compose himself; he did it with great passion, which even put music at the expense of other school subjects. Latin and mathematics were especially difficult for him. Father was alarmed by Franz’s excessive passion for music; he began to worry, knowing the path of the world famous musicians, he wanted to protect his child from such a fate. He even came up with a punishment - a ban on coming home for the weekend and holidays. But the development of the young composer’s talent was not affected by any prohibitions.

And then, as they say, everything happened by itself: in 1813, the teenager’s voice broke and he had to leave the church choir. Franz came home to his parents, where he began studying at a teachers' seminary.

Mature years

After graduating from the seminary in 1814, the guy got a job at the same parish school where his father worked. During three years Franz worked as a teacher's assistant, teaching subjects to children primary school and literacy. Only this did not weaken the love for music; the desire to create was stronger and stronger. And it was during this time, from 1814 to 1817 (as he himself called it, during the period of school hard labor), that he created a huge number of musical works.

In 1815 alone, Franz composed:

  • 2 piano sonatas and string quartet;
  • 2 symphonies and 2 masses;
  • 144 songs and 4 operas.

He wanted to establish himself as a composer. But in 1816, when applying for the position of bandmaster in Laibach, he was rejected.


Franz was 13 years old when he wrote his first piece of music. And by the age of 16, he had several written songs and piano pieces, a symphony and an opera. Even the court composer, the famous Salieri, noticed such outstanding abilities of Schubert; he studied with Franz for almost a year.

In 1814, Schubert created his first significant works in music:

  • Mass in F major;
  • Opera "Satan's Pleasure Castle"

In 1816, Franz had a significant meeting with the famous baritone Vogl Johann Michael. Vogl performed works by Franz, which quickly gained popularity in the salons of Vienna. In the same year, Franz set Goethe’s ballad “The Forest King” to music, and this work had incredible success.

Finally, at the beginning of 1818, Schubert's first composition was published.

The father’s dreams of a quiet and modest life for his son with a small but reliable teacher’s salary did not come true. Franz quit teaching at school and decided to devote his whole life only to music.

He quarreled with his father, lived in deprivation and constant need, but invariably created, composing one work after another. He had to live alternately with his comrades.

In 1818, Franz was lucky, he moved to Count Johann Esterhazy, in his summer residence, where he taught music to the count's daughters.

He did not work for the count for long and returned to Vienna again to do what he loved - create priceless musical works.

Personal life

Need became an obstacle to marrying his beloved girl, Teresa Gorb. He fell in love with her in the church choir. She was not a beauty at all; on the contrary, the girl could be called plain: white eyelashes and hair, traces of smallpox on her face. But Franz noticed how her round face transformed with the first chords of music.

But Teresa’s mother raised her without a father and did not want her daughter to play such a role as a poor composer. And the girl, having cried into her pillow, went down the aisle with more worthy groom. She married a pastry chef, with whom life was long and prosperous, but gray and monotonous. Teresa died at the age of 78, by which time the ashes of the man who loved her with all his heart had long since decayed in the grave.

Last years

Unfortunately, in 1820, Franz's health began to worry. He became seriously ill at the end of 1822, but after treatment in hospital his health improved slightly.

The only thing he managed to achieve during his lifetime was a public concert in 1828. The success was resounding, but soon after he suffered from enteric fever. She shook him for two weeks, and on March 26, 1828, the composer died. He left a will to be buried in the same cemetery as Beethoven. It was fulfilled. And if in the person of Beethoven a “beautiful treasure” rested here, then in the person of Franz there were “beautiful hopes.” He was too young at the time of his death and there was so much more he could have done.

In 1888, the ashes of Franz Schubert and the ashes of Beethoven were transferred to the Central Vienna Cemetery.

After the composer's death, many unreleased works remained; all of them were published and found recognition from their listeners. His play Rosamund is especially revered; an asteroid that was discovered in 1904 is named after it.


At the age of eleven, Franz was accepted into the Konvict - the court chapel, where, in addition to singing, he studied playing many instruments and music theory (under the guidance of Antonio Salieri). Leaving the chapel in the city, Schubert got a job as a teacher at a school. He studied mainly Gluck, Mozart and Beethoven. He wrote his first independent works - the opera "Satan's Pleasure Castle" and the Mass in F major - in the city.

Why didn't Schubert complete the symphony?

Sometimes to an ordinary person it's hard to understand the lifestyle they lead creative people: writers, composers, artists. Their work is of a different kind than that of artisans or accountants.

Franz Schubert, an Austrian composer, lived only 31 years, but wrote more than 600 songs, many beautiful symphonies and sonatas, and a large number of choirs and chamber music. He worked very hard.

But the publishers of his music paid him little. The lack of money haunted him all the time.

The exact date when Schubert composed the Eighth Symphony in B minor (Unfinished) is unknown. She was dedicated musical society Austria, and Schubert presented two parts of it in 1824.

The manuscript lay there for more than 40 years until a Viennese conductor discovered it and performed it at a concert.

It has always remained a mystery to Schubert himself why he did not complete the Eighth Symphony. It seems that he was determined to bring it to its logical conclusion, the first scherzos were completely finished, and the rest were discovered in sketches. From this point of view, the “Unfinished” symphony is a completely finished work, since the circle of images and their development exhausts itself within two parts.


Octet. Schubert's autograph.

  • Operas- Alfonso and Estrella (1822; staged 1854, Weimar), Fierabras (1823; staged 1897, Karlsruhe), 3 unfinished, including Count von Gleichen, etc.;
  • Singspiel(7), including Claudina von Villa Bella (on a text by Goethe, 1815, the first of 3 acts has been preserved; production 1978, Vienna), The Twin Brothers (1820, Vienna), The Conspirators, or Home War (1823; production 1861, Frankfurt am Main);
  • Music for plays- The Magic Harp (1820, Vienna), Rosamund, Princess of Cyprus (1823, ibid.);
  • For soloists, choir and orchestra- 7 masses (1814-28), German Requiem (1818), Magnificat (1815), offertories and other wind works, oratorios, cantatas, incl. Victory song Miriam (1828);
  • For orchestra- symphonies (1813; 1815; 1815; Tragic, 1816; 1816; Small C major, 1818; 1821, unfinished; Unfinished, 1822; Major C major, 1828), 8 overtures;
  • Chamber instrumental ensembles- 4 sonatas (1816-17), fantasy (1827) for violin and piano; sonata for arpeggione and piano (1824), 2 piano trios (1827, 1828?), 2 string trios (1816, 1817), 14 or 16 string quartets(1811-26), Forel piano quintet (1819?), string quintet (1828), octet for strings and winds (1824), etc.;
  • For piano 2 hands- 23 sonatas (including 6 unfinished; 1815-28), fantasy (Wanderer, 1822, etc.), 11 impromptu (1827-28), 6 musical moments (1823-28), rondo, variations and others plays, over 400 dances (waltzes, landlers, German dances, minuets, ecosaises, gallops, etc.; 1812-27);
  • For piano 4 hands- sonatas, overtures, fantasies, Hungarian divertissement (1824), rondos, variations, polonaises, marches, etc.;
  • Vocal ensembles for men's, women's voices And mixed compositions accompanied and unaccompanied;
  • Songs for voice and piano, (more than 600) including the cycles The Beautiful Miller's Wife (1823) and Winter's Journey (1827), the collection Swan Song (1828).

see also


  • Konen V. Schubert. - ed. 2nd, add. - M.: Muzgiz, 1959. - 304 p. (Most suitable for an initial introduction to the life and work of Schubert)
  • Wulfius P. Franz Schubert: Essays on Life and Work. - M.: Music, 1983. - 447 pp., ill., notes. (Seven essays on the life and work of Schubert. Contains the most detailed index of Schubert’s works in Russian)
  • Khokhlov Yu. N. Schubert's songs: Features of style. - M.: Music, 1987. - 302 pp., notes. (Under investigation creative method Sh. based on the material of his songs, gives a description of his songwriting. Contains a list of more than 130 titles of works about Schubert and his songwriting)
  • Alfred Einstein: Schubert. Ein musikalisches Portrit, Pan-Verlag, Zrich 1952 (als E-Book frei verfügbar bei
  • Peter Gülke: Franz Schubert und seine Zeit, Laaber-Verlag, Laaber 2002, ISBN 3-89007-537-1
  • Peter Härtling: Schubert. 12 moments musicaux und ein Roman, Dtv, Munich 2003, ISBN 3-423-13137-3
  • Ernst Hilmar: Franz Schubert, Rowohlt, Reinbek 2004, ISBN 3-499-50608-4
  • Kreissle, "Franz Schubert" (Vienna, 1861);
  • Von Helborn, "Franz Schubert";
  • Rissé, "Franz Schubert und seine Lieder" (Hannover, 1871);
  • Aug. Reissmann, “Franz Schubert, sein Leben und seine Werke” (B., 1873);
  • H. Barbedette, "F. Schubert, sa vie, ses oeuvres, son temps" (P., 1866);
  • Mme A. Audley, “Franz Schubert, sa vie et ses oeuvres” (P., 1871).


  • Schubert's Catalog of Works, Unfinished Eighth Symphony (English)
  • NOTES (!)118.126MB, PDF format Complete collection of Schubert's vocal works in 7 parts in the Sheet Music Archive of Boris Tarakanov
  • Franz Schubert: Sheet music of works at the International Music Score Library Project

Wikimedia Foundation.

  • 2010.
  • Franz von Sickingen

Franz von Hipper

    See what "Franz Schubert" is in other dictionaries: Franz Schubert (disambiguation)

    - Franz Schubert: Franz Schubert is a great Austrian composer, one of the founders of romanticism in music. (3917) Franz Schubert is a typical main belt asteroid, named after the Austrian composer Franz Schubert ... Wikipedia(3917) Franz Schubert

    - This term has other meanings, see Franz Schubert (meanings). (3917) Franz Schubert Discovery Discoverer Freimut Borngen (English) Date of discovery February 15, 1961 Eponym Franz Schubert ... Wikipedia Franz Peter Schubert

- Franz Peter Schubert Lithograph by Joseph Kriehuber Date of birth January 31, 1797 Place of birth Vienna Date of death ... Wikipedia

Franz Schubert

creativity composer Schubert Childhood and years of study

. Franz Schubert was born in 1797 in the Vienna suburb of Lichtenthal. His father, a school teacher, came from a peasant family. Mother was the daughter of a mechanic. The family loved music very much and constantly organized musical evenings. His father played the cello, and his brothers played various instruments. Having discovered little Franz's musical abilities, his father and older brother Ignatz began to teach him to play the violin and piano. Franz had in a wonderful voice

. He sang in the church choir, performing difficult solo parts. The father was pleased with his son's success. When Franz was eleven years old, he was assigned to a konvikt - a training school for church singers. Situation educational institution favored the development musical abilities

boy. In the school student orchestra, he played in the first violin group, and sometimes even served as conductor.

Over time, the rapid development of Franz's musical talent began to cause concern in his father. But no prohibitions could delay the development of the boy’s talent.

Years of creative flourishing. For three years he served as an assistant teacher, teaching children literacy and other elementary subjects. But his attraction to music and his desire to compose is becoming stronger. The father's desire to make his son a teacher with a small but reliable income failed. The young composer firmly decided to devote himself to music and left teaching at school. For several years (from 1817 to 1822) Schubert lived alternately with one or the other of his comrades. Some of them (Spaun and Stadler) were friends of the composer from their convict days. The soul of this circle was Schubert. Vertically challenged, dense, stocky, very short-sighted, Schubert had enormous charm. During meetings, friends got acquainted with fiction, poetry of the past and present.

But sometimes such meetings were devoted exclusively to Schubert’s music; they even received the name “Schubertiad”. On such evenings, the composer did not leave the piano, immediately composing ecosaises, waltzes, landlers and other dances. Many of them remained unrecorded.

The last years of life and creativity. He writes symphonies, piano sonatas, quartets, quintets, trios, masses, operas, a lot of songs and much other music. Having neither funds nor influential patrons, Schubert had almost no opportunity to publish his works.

And yet the Viennese came to know and love Schubert’s music. Like the old ones folk songs, passed from singer to singer, his works gradually gained admirers.

Insecurity and constant failures in life had a serious impact on Schubert's health. At the age of 27, the composer wrote to his friend Schober: “...I feel unhappy, the most insignificant person in the world..." This mood was reflected in the music last period. If earlier Schubert created mainly light, joyful works, then a year before his death he wrote songs, combining them common name"Winter Way". In 1828, through the efforts of friends, the only concert of his works during Schubert’s lifetime was organized. The concert was a huge success and brought the composer great joy and hope for the future. The end came unexpectedly. Schubert fell ill with typhus, and in the fall of 1828 Schubert died. The remaining property was valued for pennies, and many works were lost. Famous poet At that time, Grillparzer, who had composed Beethoven’s funeral eulogy a year earlier, wrote on the modest monument to Schubert in the Vienna cemetery: “Death buried here a rich treasure, but even more beautiful hopes.”

Major works.

Over 600 songs

  • 9 symphonies (one of them lost)
  • 13 overtures for symphony orchestra
  • 22 piano sonatas

Several collections of pieces and individual dances for piano

  • 8 impromptu
  • 6 “musical moments”

“Hungarian Divertissement” (for piano 4 hands)

Trios, quartets, quintets for various compositions