Where does Andrei Makarevich live? Another wife ran away from Andrei Makarevich. Personal life of Andrei Makarevich

Name: Andrey Makarevich

Age: 64 years old

Place of Birth: Moscow

Height: 172 cm

Weight: 80 kg

Activity: singer, musician, composer, poet, TV presenter

Family status: married

Andrey Makarevich - biography

Andrei Vadimovich Makarevich has many worthy roles, although at the moment he has already managed to earn a negative attitude towards himself due to his statements and his preferences in political life countries.


The family into which the composer, singer and musician was lucky to be born was intelligent. Father is an architect, mother is a doctor by profession. Polish-Belarusian paternal blood flowed in the boy’s veins, and the mother gave her son Jewish roots. My father went through the entire war, came home without a leg, but took up pedagogical activity, and the mother, dearly beloved by her son, last years worked at the Tuberculosis Research Institute. Andrei's biography was similar to many biographies of children of the post-war years.

From childhood the boy remembered communal apartment And old house Prince Volkonsky. Very often Andrey changed his dream. At first he was attracted to the work of a diver, later he wanted to become a paleontologist. Then I decided to follow in my mother’s footsteps. Andrey did not grow up alone, he had younger sister Natasha. His passion for music passed on to his son from his father; Andrei even completed one year of music school in piano.


Andrey was lucky enough to attend a prestigious school in Moscow with an English bias. The schoolboy had enviable tenacity, as he managed to assemble a collection of butterflies. He even kept several snakes at home, explaining this as his new hobby. Snakes did not live long in the boy's house, and soon alpine skiing and swimming appeared. IN adolescence music overpowered all other hobbies, largely thanks to the work of Bulat Shalovich Okudzhava and Vladimir Semenovich Vysotsky.

It occurred to Andrei to compose poems and music for them, and then perform them with a guitar. Many people came to him, just like him, to play the guitar and sing in the yard. The songs came out with deep meaning.

Music in the life of Makarevich

The Beatles gave the guy A New Look to his music. He fell in love with the work of this group. In 8th grade, Makarevich created his own group, which performed foreign compositions. Andrei’s comrades included Igor Mazaev, Yuri Borzov, Pavel Rubin, who already in the 9th grade gave the name to their team “Time Machine”. The future soloist and musician entered an architectural university, from the fourth year of which he was expelled for his passion for rock music, although the wording was of a completely different nature.

The guy managed to get a job as an architect, and a few years later he returned to the institute and completed his education, receiving a diploma. Andrey did not leave the group, the music continued to unite friends. The eightieth year was the year of recognition of the “Time Machine”; a cooperation contract was signed with it. Now the team could tour and present their creativity more fans.


Group biography received rapid development. Songs appeared that became business card“Time Machines”, audiences of completely different ages knew these hits by heart. Makarevich was fascinated not only by music, he was also inseparable from the art of cooking.

Andrey could be seen as the host of the TV show “Smak”, which revealed the secrets of cooking different dishes. Exploring the waters of many countries allowed Makarevich to take on the role of host of another program, which talked about the underwater world.

Artist position

Many of Makarevich’s statements on the unfolding Ukrainian conflict went against politics Russian state and the opinions of the majority of Russians. This behavior of the musician could not be called anything other than betrayal. He did not find support from the government; many concerts planned in cities across the country had to be cancelled. To be in full view of everyone in scandals - this path of popularity was chosen in Lately Makarevich.

It seems that the singer, who received audience recognition in home country Having found PR for himself in politics, he went beyond what was permitted. Music should convey the beautiful, the good, the eternal. People of art should not get involved in political persecution of the views of some to please others.

Andrey Makarevich - biography of personal life

The artist did not have stability in his family life, since he entered into an official marriage three times with different women. Makarevich’s first wife was Elena Fesunenko. Her father was a famous political commentator. This union lasted three years, they separated without scandals, hiding the reason for the divorce, their children did not unite them in this marriage.

After 6 years, the musician is once again trying to start a family. The second legal wife was Alla Golubkina; she worked as a cosmetologist and was far from the bohemia in which her husband was accustomed to moving around. Very soon a son, Ivan, was born, who was very similar to his father. But this child did not save the marriage, although he is still in good relations with own parents.

Natalia Golub now lives in Argentina with a hot Latino

Natalia Golub now lives in Argentina with a hot Latino

Residents of the dacha village of Pavlovo have been proud to be neighbors with the popular musician Andrei MAKAREVICH for four years now. “And there’s his house with a cow on the balcony,” they show. The cow isn't actually real - it's a sculpture. There are many legends about its origin. According to one version, this is a calf, symbolizing the proverb “where Makar did not drive calves.” According to another version, this is a “cash cow”, designed to bring wealth and prosperity to the house. But only Andrei Vadimovich himself told the truth.

“I once participated in a charity event where stars painted cows,” the lead singer of the “Time Machine” group told Express Newspaper. - So, the cow I painted left the auction at the highest price - 38,000 euros! And I liked it so much that I took out a plastic copy, painted it again... and put it on the balcony.

Goodbye, Podushkino!

House Andrey Makarevich very large and spacious, with a huge beautiful swimming pool, an artist’s workshop, a sauna and a barbecue on the veranda. The village of Pavlovo is considered one of the most prestigious cottage villages on Novorizhskoye Highway. average cost houses with an area of ​​800 m2 on a plot of 30 acres reaches $4-5 million. There is a cinema in the village, and the most expensive and prestigious school is nearby. The strictest security does not allow unauthorized vehicles and persons to enter. And, perhaps, its most pleasant component is a huge lake and a pedestrian area in the forest, where you can walk your dogs or stroll along shady alleys illuminated by ancient lanterns.

Free access to the forest was one of the decisive factors why the frontman of the group “Time Machine” settled in this particular village. Before that, he lived on Rublevo-Uspenskoye Highway in Podushkino in a house purchased from Leonid Yarmolnik. The musician did not like the fact that near the village, on the edge of the forest, surrounded by one and a half century old oak trees, deforestation began for the construction of an elite village. In addition, in Podushkino, Andrei’s relationship with his neighbors did not work out, accusing the celebrity of almost all sins: he pollutes the local lake with his sewage, and the head of the village was bitten by a dog - in general, continuous quarrels and squabbles.

Room with a boa constrictor

Lenya and I were visiting Andrei in New Riga,” says the actor’s wife Oksana Yarmolnik. “But from the moment he got a boa constrictor, I didn’t go to visit him. In my opinion, there is even a separate room for the boa constrictor. Apparently, he became more interested in the boa constrictor than with his friends. But I understand him, because I also love snakes very much. Anyone who has touched them and is not afraid knows that they are very pleasant to the touch, especially if the snake is not poisonous and does not bite. Lenya also doesn’t go to Andrey’s often anymore, as he has lost interest in diving (they used to do this together) and has become interested in surfing. As an artist and designer myself, I can say that Andrey’s house is perfect, because he furnished it the way he wanted! This is a very individual home. If a person is bright and interesting, then his home is the same. There are a lot of interesting things there, he is a collector: he collects dolls, antique glassware, monastery bells, musical instruments, beads, keys...

And also, as everyone already knows, Andryusha is an excellent cook, and he has a well-equipped kitchen with all kinds of smokehouses and stoves - and he always feeds his guests exquisitely - his meat and fish turn out great. And in general, Andrey is a very hospitable host, the house is always full of friends, and the table is laden with all kinds of dishes.

“I was recently at Andrey’s, we were drinking vodka on the street,” he says Vladimir Sapunov, concert director group "Time Machine". – Normal, good house V modern style, but not hi-tech. His lawn is mowed, there are Christmas trees, flowers - everything is very neat and beautiful!

Love and Dove

By the way, Makarevich was leaving Podushkino married man– his life partner then was a make-up stylist Natalya Golub, who is 15 years younger than Andrei Vadimovich. Their love story is very romantic. They crossed paths at work, and Andrei invited interesting girl to parties, but Natalya refused, realizing that for him she would only be a girl to brighten up one evening. As Natalya herself said in an interview, the spark between the future spouses slipped at a concert of the Chaif ​​group. They, without saying a word to each other, simply hugged and began to meet every day. Six months later, Andrei invited Natalya to move in with him. Another six months later, a marriage proposal followed, and two weeks later, exactly on December 31, 2003, the lovers went to the registry office. Natalya shared all her husband’s hobbies: diving and alpine skiing. But after seven years life together, just two years after moving to Pavlovo, the couple for some reason separated.

The fact of their divorce was confirmed by Oksana Yarmolnik and Natalya Makarevich- sister of a musician. Andrey and Natalya looked so harmoniously side by side at the Silver Galosh 2012 award ceremony that many mistook their names, mistaking their sister for the musician’s new passion. We tried to find out the reason for the divorce from Makarevich’s friends.

- Oksana Pavlovna,- we asked the wife of Leonid Yarmolnik, - why did they break up? Maybe Natalya was jealous of Andrey’s boa constrictor?

I have no idea, you have to ask Andrey. How do people get divorced? Love has passed, I guess.

- Maybe Natalya found herself another man?

- They were happy couple?

But I don’t know... It seems to me that all couples are both happy and unhappy at the same time. But now they separated, which means they are better apart.

-Where does she work now?

In my opinion, she does not work, but travels around the world...

Gaucho and bachata

And Natasha Golub, after her divorce from the king of SMAK, found a second youth! The 44-year-old woman lost weight, became prettier... and left for Argentina, where she lives for her own pleasure: taking photographs, walking, rocking salsa and bachata dance parties, riding horses. And Natalya regularly posts on her personal Internet page intimate photos with a handsome Argentinean, calling him “my gaucho,” that is, “my cowboy,” explaining that her romantic hero- owner of a neighboring ranch. And he makes some rather piquant remarks (spelling and punctuation preserved): “One friend wrote to me that she got braces to lose weight... another American friend wrote to me that she was very happy that she took off her braces..!! I asked why..??? “I haven’t had a blowjob for so long,” she said with an accent. So I don’t know whether to put on braces or not???!!!)))).”

It’s interesting that among Natalya’s friends social network there is also ex-girlfriend Andrei Makarevich - journalist Anna Rozhdestvenskaya. She lived with the musician for two years and in 2000 even gave birth to his daughter Anechka. And three years after the birth of his daughter, the musician already married Golub. Anna Rozhdestvenskaya regularly comments on Natasha’s blog, which makes one wonder: did the musician’s wives sing together because of slander against their ex? Andrei’s sister Natalya also regularly comments on Golub’s photographs. And only Andrei Makarevich proudly remains silent about his last seven-year marriage.

In contact with


Andrey Makarevich - popular Russian singer, talented composer, the permanent leader of the Time Machine group. Andrei Vadimovich writes poems and lyrics for his songs, paints pictures. His songs are relevant at all times. Many viewers remember him as the TV presenter of the “Smak” program.

Due to recent loud statements, Makarevich was almost considered a traitor to the Motherland. However, Andrei Vadimovich himself once admitted: he was never interested in politics. More than anything else, he wants to do his main thing - music.

Parents saw Andryusha as a successor to the work of his father, Vadim Grigorievich Makarevich, a famous Soviet architect. But in first grade they still sent him to music school, to piano class. Musical notation The boy couldn’t do it at all, and solfeggio lessons drove him to hysterics. In the end, Andrei left classes.

Khrushchev’s “thaw” of the 1960s broadened our horizons Soviet people. One of the discoveries was music British group"The Beatles". Andrei Makarevich first heard Lennon and McCartney at the age of 12 - and also went crazy: “It felt like all my previous life I had been wearing cotton wool in my ears, and then it was suddenly taken out. I just physically felt how something inside me was tossing and turning, moving, changing irreversibly. The days of the Beatles had begun. The Beatles were listened to from morning to evening...

Sometimes my parents, exhausted by the Beatles, would kick me out onto the balcony with a tape recorder, and then I would turn up the volume so that everyone around would also listen to the Beatles...” By the way, Beatles recordings appeared in their house thanks to the father of the family, Vadim Makarevich. He asked a colleague for a foreign record and copied it onto a tape recorder. Of course, the enthusiastic teenager also wanted to play “like the Beatles.” Together with his father, he even cut his first guitar out of plywood.

But in the USSR Beatlemaniacs were not welcome, and neither were English-language songs. But Andrey found a way out. While studying at a school with an English bias, he, together with classmates Misha Yashin, Larisa Kashperko and Nina Baranova, created The group Kids (“Children”), which performed English folk songs. The guys played at school amateur performances, where they even performed Beatles covers. All this was presented as a process of learning English.

One day, musicians from the famous VIA Atlanta came to school. Supervisor VIA Alexander Sikorsky allowed the schoolchildren to play on their equipment. Makarevich was amazed by the sound of the bass guitar. But it was difficult to buy it in those years. Then Andrey bought an ordinary acoustic one and put cello strings on it. The sound turned out to be quite acceptable.

Another serious step was the teenager’s decision to collect new team, which received the name Time Machines (“Time Machines”), This name was invented by drummer Yuri Borzov. That same year, the guys recorded their first album on a home tape recorder.

Performing rock music in the USSR was a thankless task. A few rock groups disguised themselves as VIA, playing rock under the guise of folk music. Soviet group with an English-language name and student body, it had no chance of becoming famous. Makarevich did not immediately, but agreed to rename the title to “Time Machine”. The move turned out to be successful, and in 1973 the Melodiya company recorded a record of the vocal trio “Zodiac”, which was accompanied by “Time Machine”.

“...Even such a trifle helped us exist: in the eyes of any bureaucratic idiot, an ensemble that had a record is no longer just hippies from the gateway,” the musician recalled. A year later, director Danelia invited Andrei and his team to star in the comedy “Afonya”. The group was not included in the shot, but in the scene where Kuravlev’s character comes to the dance, Makarevich’s song “You or I” is heard. But a fee of 500 rubles allowed the musicians to purchase a Grundig tape recorder, which for a long time served as their recording studio.

Meanwhile, “homemade” recordings of “Time Machine” were spreading across the country. Makarevich’s voice became familiar to thousands, but not many knew what he looked like. And yet “machinists” became popular. When the girls found out that this smiling, curly-haired guy was Andrei Makarevich, they immediately showed interest in him. But his heart already belonged to Elena Fesunenko, the daughter of a famous international journalist.

On the wave of popular popularity, the host of the “Music Kiosk” program, Eleonora Belyaeva, recorded an entire episode with the “drivers.” And although the program was taken off the air, the musicians still had high-quality recordings of their songs.

For several years, “The Time Machine” was not released on big stage. Ultimately, in 1979, a conflict arose between the founders of the group, Makarevich and Kawagoe, which resulted in the closure of the group. And only six months later, Alexander Kutikov convinced Makarevich to revive “Machine”.

Tired of the persecution of the authorities, Makarevich willingly agreed to conclude the first contract with Soyuzconcert. This gave the right to legal touring activities. However, the debut album of “Time Machine” was released not in the USSR, but in the USA “... without any participation or knowledge on our part, it was called “Fortune Hunters” and sounded disgusting,” the musician recalled. “Surprisingly, we never saw any money for it.” But Makarevich was summoned to Lubyanka, where he gave an explanation of how the record with his songs ended up being released overseas.

The 1980s became the peak of popularity of “machinists”. So, in 1981, the director and husband of singer Alla Pugacheva, Alexander Stefanovich, invited the group to star in his film “Soul”, where main role performed by Sofia Rotaru. After the film received several prizes, the artists gathered at Makarevich’s apartment to celebrate its success. An elderly teacher who lived on the floor below decided to teach the musician a lesson and called the police at night.

The door was opened by Mikhail Boyarsky. The patrolmen were taken aback. When Sofia Rotaru, Rolan Bykov, and Ivar Kalnins began to come out into the hallway, the guys in uniform realized that their arrival did not at all imply getting to a celebrity party. After apologizing, they left - but the harmful neighbor did not give Makarevich a quiet life for several more years.

Although Mashina Vremeni concerts were always sold out, until 1986 the group was prohibited from performing in Moscow. Only perestroika finally brought “Machine” out of the shadows. Then, in 1987, Makarevich married for the second time - to cosmetologist Alla Golubkina. The marriage produced a son, Ivan. But after three years, due to frequent tours family life gave a crack. Then Andrei had civil marriages with radio host Ksenia Strizh and journalist Anna Rozhdestvenskaya. The latter gave birth to his daughter Anna. The musician’s third official wife, stylist Natalya Golub, lived with him for seven years - from 2003 to 2010.

What was the reason for the group's success in Soviet years? Fans of Makarevich’s work saw in his songs a protest against Soviet system. He himself then avoided politics. Only in August 1991 did “Time Machine” openly side with Yeltsin, giving a concert at the barricades, and in 1996 the artist became the president’s confidant. And at first he had good relations with Vladimir Putin, he even became a member of the Presidential Council for Culture.

Andrei Vadimovich’s transition to the camp of fierce critics of the authorities occurred after the events in Ukraine in 2014. He did not accept the return of Crimea to Russia and made loud statements more than once. The keyboard player and director of the Time Machine, who supported the government’s policies, were fired by Makarevich. Fans reacted differently: some were on the side of the idol, some were categorically against, and some simply did not understand why the musician got involved in politics. But that's a completely different story. Andrei Makarevich made a significant contribution to the development of Russian music. And icon status Soviet rock it belongs to him by right.

Today his name can be heard in every second publication on the Internet. Andrei Makarevich’s position made him an object of love and hatred, but in any case, he earned almost more political attention than he once did with his work. This is the person the site will tell you about." In the country" .

What is happening today did not appear overnight, it had its own reasons, there are roots, events and actions of the past. In Makarevich’s memoirs, one of his first grandiose scandals and protests against the system was the story of kindergarten. The child was not particularly spoiled by culinary delights at home, but was accustomed to a certain approach. It was impossible to come to terms with the smell of fish oil in the second courses every day, floating pieces of butter in a cup of cocoa and other subtleties of Soviet catering. Little Andryusha began inventing methods of deliverance. The easiest thing to do with oil in a drink was to quickly throw it out with a spoon and that’s all it would take. With cutlets it turned out to be a little more difficult, but even here you just needed some skill. A slight movement of the hand and the hated cutlet went flying onto a high cabinet behind Makarevich’s back. A month later, the smell spread throughout the kindergarten... When his source was discovered, tracking down the culprit was already a matter of technology, and kicking him out in disgrace. So exactly six months later Andrei was released from kindergarten.
By the way, it is one of little Andryusha’s nannies that needs to be thanked for the specific “pronunciation” of the musician. Just one day while walking, the boy fell face down on the asphalt. The nanny told the parents that nothing bad had happened, just that he was slightly scratched, but in fact the child had a displaced nasal septum. If the doctors had immediately taken up the matter, everything would have been easily solvable, but... Time was lost.

Makarevich’s family is generally amazing. Father Vadim Grigorievich Makarevich (1924-1996) met his future wife Nina Markovna Shmuilovich (1926-1989) while still in school. Vadim Grigorievich was simply obsessed with airplanes, which is probably why he entered the Moscow Aviation Institute after school. From there he was taken to the front in 1941, where he became a lieutenant, commander of an artillery crew. At the end of 1943, the crew was blown up by a mine, Vadim Grigorievich lost his leg. His mother even received a funeral message from the front, but the woman did not believe it, she simply felt that her son was alive and waited for his return.

After the war, Vadim Grigorievich Makarevich took up architecture, working in the Gorstroyproekt workshop. In 1956 he began teaching at the Moscow Architectural Institute. V. G. Makarevich is the author of many published works, including the monograph “Light Architecture” (co-authored with N. M. Gusev, 1973). He is also the co-author of the “Victory Monument in Tallinn” (1952), the creator of the monument to V.I. Lenin (1955, author, sculpture Kibalnikov), “Pantheon Eternal Glory"(1953), the monument to Karl Marx in Moscow (1961, sculptor Kerbel), the Young People's Pavilion at VDNKh, carried out work to improve lighting at the Second Moscow Watch Factory. He is responsible for the design of Soviet pavilions at world exhibitions in Montreal, Brussels, and national exhibitions in Genoa, Paris, and Los Angeles. And during his treatment in the hospital, Vadim Grigorievich learned to play the piano and retained his love for airplanes throughout his life, regularly obtaining models that he and his son assembled.

Grandmother Lidiya Antonovna Makarevich (nee Ussakovskaya, 1891-1973) lived a long and eventful life. She was born in the village of Bluden, Grodno province, in the family of Anthony Konstantinovich Ussakovsky (born 1867-19??), a Greek Catholic priest from the gentry family of the coat of arms of Sas and Anfila Kyriakidi. Her second husband, Grigory Andreevich Makarevich (1886-1947), also came from the Grodno province from the village of Pavlovichi from a family of crown peasants. In 1915, Makarevichi moved to Moscow.

Grandfather Gregory was a strict, gloomy man, sometimes even of a Puritan type. The family obeyed him unquestioningly. Before the revolution he worked at Aleksandrovskaya railway, then he taught, then he was involved in trade union activities. It’s interesting that in 1937, Grigory Andreevich was arrested, kept in a cell for several days, but then unexpectedly released without even being questioned once.

But Lydia Antonovna worked with children all her life - she was a biology teacher, and headed it in 1948-1956. station for young naturalists, had the title of People's Teacher of the USSR and was awarded the Order of Lenin.

Andrey’s mother, Nina Markovna, was a phthisiatrician. She worked at the Central Research Institute of Tuberculosis. In 1973, Nina Markovna defended her doctoral dissertation, her research was aimed at studying non-tuberculous mycobacteria, and had many publications on pharmacotherapy and pathophysiology of pulmonary and extrapulmonary tuberculosis, mycobacteriosis, and methods of isolating Mycobacterium tuberculosis from patient secretions. It is interesting that her mother, Maria Moiseevna (Meriesya Moishevna) Blyakhman (1902-1978), born near Vitebsk, whose father was a shochet at the Vitebsk synagogue, worked at Petrovka, 38, in the Moscow criminal investigation department as a pathologist. By the way, it was Grandma Maria who kept the family under a tight rein.

Thanks to my father, music was constantly playing in the house. And Andrei’s mother also played well; she studied music at school, but did not have much interest. But Vadim Grigorievich played a lot and with pleasure. He and his son often picked out melodies from popular films by ear and played their favorite compositions. Naturally, the boy was also sent to a “music school,” but Makar did not stay there for long, and he dropped out of school quite soon.

He took up music on his own, mastering the guitar at the age of 12. It turned out to be his – he was raving about the music of Vysotsky and Okudzhava. In general, Andryusha had many hobbies. The child's favorite toy was a huge bear, which the boy persistently treated, quite seriously injecting it. The sawdust could not withstand such abuse; in the end it swelled, and the patient was lost. In my dreams there were divers, climbers, serpentologists. There was always enough living creatures in the house too - rats and mice from my mother’s work, and there was even a period of fascination with snakes. But after the viper escaped, this case was closed.
The compositions “ The Beatles"in 1966. The group's hits were listened to constantly, from morning to evening, causing a still unclear stirring, movement, change in the soul.
In the 8th grade, Komsomol member Makarevich founded his first ensemble - the debut of “The Kids” took place in 1968. And in 1969, “Time Machine” was born together with classmates Igor Mazaev, Pavel Rubin, Alexander Ivanov, Yuri Borzov and his friend from another school, Sergei Kawagoe.

After school, the choice of university was almost predetermined - the Moscow Architectural Institute. But he didn’t last long; after 3 years, in 1974, he was expelled. The reason today looks very exotic “for untimely leaving work at a vegetable base.” Translated into normal language - for playing rock music, which was terribly disapproved in the USSR. True, in 1975 Makarevich returned to Moscow Architectural Institute as a correspondence student, while simultaneously working as an architect at the State Institute for the Design of Theaters and Entertainment Facilities. Born in the same year illegitimate daughter Dana, who now lives in the USA. Moreover, Makar found out about his daughter only when she turned 19 years old and from his friends, since the girl’s mother did not want to inform her about who Dana’s father was. Two years later, Andrei received a diploma in architecture and graphic artist.

And two years later, in 1979, “Time Machine” acquired completely legal status after signing a contract with Rosconcert. It was from this moment that the career of Makarevich the architect ended and Makarevich the musician began.

At this time, Andrei's first marriage took place. With Elena, a student at the Institute of History and Archives, the daughter of the famous political commentator Igor Fesunenko. True, the marriage was short-lived, only three years from 1976 to 1979. By the way, Elena’s father spent a lot of time as a correspondent for Gosteleradio in South America, in Cuba. He has several books, interesting TV shows and teaching to his credit. Well, Elena herself - smart, ironic, beautiful - married the Polish director Martin, who filmed documentary about Soviet rock and the Time Machine.

In the eighties, the Time Machine began to be active. tour life. Musicians travel around the USSR, perform concerts, and their records begin to be released. Interestingly, the first one is released in the USA completely unexpectedly, without the knowledge of the artists. Naturally, the musicians never received a fee for it. In addition to concerts, the group appears in films, for example, “Soul” and “Start from the Beginning” by A. Stefanovich.

Despite the “strange” attitude of the then leadership of the country towards music, it is not worth talking about its oppositional nature. There is no criticism or sedition among the texts of that period, although fans manage to find whatever they want in them. As Makarevich himself said, songs were written under the influence of the moment, expressing the mood, and not the general position.

In the 80-90s, Makar also had performances in a typical bard format. He went on stage alone, with acoustic guitar. And he performed special compositions that were outside the Time Machine format. Some then entered with concert program, became one of the most beloved by the public - “Wagon Disputes”, “He Was Older Than Her”.

In the early 80s, stars of the then screen and stage gathered in Andrei’s house. But the neighbor downstairs, who regularly called the police, did not like the noise. Imagine the state of the patrol, when Mikhail Boyarsky answered the call, and in the apartment there were, among others, Rolan Bykov, Sofia Rotaru and many others. For a long time Makarevich was warmed by the idea of ​​going to his neighbor’s teacher’s work and telling the children that she was bullying him. But things did not come to such drastic measures. They started writing about it in newspapers and showing it on television, and the noise surprisingly stopped bothering the lady.

In 1986, Makarevich married Alla Golubkina for the second time. Alla worked as a cosmetologist. It is interesting that her first husband was Alexey Romanov, who also performed as part of the Time Machine, and is also the creator of the Resurrection group. A year later, the Makarevichs had a son, Ivan, and two years later the couple separated.

With such genes, it is not surprising that at the age of 12 Ivan took up music. He played drums in a school band and later began writing music, including for films and theaters. You can find his tracks online under the pseudonym James Oklahoma.

He studied at the Moscow Art Theater School with Konstantin Raikin, then Ivan graduated Russian Academy theatrical arts on the course of A. Golomazov. His first notable role was Kostya from Shadowboxing. Next were “1814”, “Ivan the Terrible”, “House of the Sun” (in which he plays the father).

In addition to music, Andrei Makarevich has the talent of an artist. Also in student years he made illustrations for “Technology for Youth”, and since 1990 he has participated in many exhibitions in Russia and abroad, including personal ones, with his graphic works.

Makarevich did not stop at two marriages.

In the 90s, his name was associated with Ksenia Strizh, presenter on Europe-Plus radio. Ksenia is an extraordinary person. She grew up practically behind the scenes, her father is an actor, her mother is an artist. Studied at theater school, acted in films, played in the theater, but then she was noticed on “Europe-Plus” and from that moment her radio career began. Now he hosts his own program on the radio "Vesna FM".

In 1998-2000 he lived in a civil marriage with the group's press attache Anna Rozhdestvenskaya, who gave birth to his daughter Anya. True, Makarevich’s relationship with the girl began only when she was 5 years old. It turned out that she had a completely daddy's smile.

The girl Anechka’s character also turned out to be very difficult. The first couple of years the girl was on homeschooling with her mother and grandmother, but at school she managed to convince almost all the teachers at once. She was regularly late for classes with the Englishwoman because she was learning table tennis during the break. The historian was completely confident in the angelic essence of the sweet child. During math lessons, the girl put on a show for at least a quarter of an hour at the blackboard, stalling for time as best she could.

And in 2003, Makarevich officially entered into a marriage (for the third time) with Natalya Golub. Natalya is 15 years younger than Makar, they periodically crossed paths at work, because she is a make-up artist. Andrey invited the girl he liked to parties, but she didn’t want to become a “girlfriend for the evening.” The turning point was visiting the concert of the Chaif ​​group, they then hugged without words and started dating. Six months later, Makarevich invited Natalya to move in with him, six months later he proposed, and two weeks later the couple got married. Their marriage lasted seven years.

And another direction of creativity was writing. From the pen of the musician came collections of poetry, autobiographical stories, and books about cooking.

Founded in 2001 new group"Creole Dance Orchestra". It included musicians from the most different groups- and actually “Machine” and “Fern”, “Kvartal” and others. The group plays very interesting things in genres that are not standard for “Machina” - blues and rumba, chanson and jazz, swing and bossa nova.

Business became another interesting area of ​​Makarevich’s activity. The first project in 1997 was dental clinic“Dental Art”, its partners and co-owners are Yarmolnik, Inshakov and Yakubovich. The following year, together with Valery Meladze and Stas Namin, he opened the “Rhythm Blues Cafe” in Moscow.

In general, Andrei Makarevich has a huge number of hobbies. In addition to billiards, cooking and collecting, there is a great love for diving. Andrey loves diving in all its forms – and spearfishing He is also interested in underwater archeology and even underwater photography. He has participated in several underwater archaeological expeditions. As well as a chain of stores with diving goods, Bathyscaphe. The first of them was opened together with the former commander of a group of rescue divers Oleg Chebykin in 2001, as well as the Andreevsky Smak club-restaurant in Dnepropetrovsk (Ukraine) for diving enthusiasts.

He is also actively involved in animal protection. Conducts charity concerts, participates in various thematic events and charitable foundations. Together with other cultural figures, they are seeking the introduction of commissioners for animal rights, etc.

And of course, we must definitely talk about politics. Everything is simple here. You have convictions. In 1991 he supported Yeltsin. “Time Machine” performed at the barricades near the White House in support of its defenders. He clearly defined his attitude towards power next years: the communists interfered with life, their overthrow was a blessing, but new government there were certain hopes. But years have passed and since 2010 disappointment has been noticeable; the regime has not lived up to expectations. It was then that a letter appeared signed by A. Makarevich, A. Sklyar, V. Shakhrin, B. Grebenshchekov, E. Fedorov, K. Kinchev, President D. Medvedev calling for a fair trial of Khodorkovsky’s case. Then there were open letters, interviews, participation in events. He talked about corruption, about unfair pocket courts, about deprivation of choice. And he was one of the first to speak out against the use of Russian military forces during the annexation of Crimea and supported refugee children who suffered from terrorist actions in the Donetsk and Lugansk regions. And this is precisely why they are now persecuting him and trying to deprive him of awards and titles...

44-year-old Natalya Golub, who lived with Andrei Makarevich for 7 years, flew to Argentina, having fallen in love with a local Latin American macho

Residents of the dacha village of Pavlovo have been proud to be neighbors with the popular musician Andrei MAKAREVICH for four years now. “And there’s his house with a cow on the balcony,” they show. The cow isn't actually real - it's a sculpture. There are many legends about its origin. According to one version, this is a calf, symbolizing the proverb “where Makar did not drive calves.” According to another version, this is a “cash cow”, designed to bring wealth and prosperity to the house. But only Andrei Vadimovich himself told the truth.

“Once I took part in a charity event where stars painted cows,” the lead singer of the “Time Machine” group told Express Newspaper. - So, the cow I painted left the auction at the highest price - 38,000 euros! And I liked it so much that I took out a plastic copy, painted it again... and put it on the balcony.

Goodbye, Podushkino!

House Andrey Makarevich very large and spacious, with a huge beautiful swimming pool, an artist’s workshop, a sauna and a barbecue on the veranda. The village of Pavlovo is considered one of the most prestigious cottage villages on Novorizhskoye Highway. The average cost of a house with an area of ​​800 m2 on a plot of 30 acres reaches $4-5 million. There is a cinema in the village, and the most expensive and prestigious school is nearby.

In a country mansion in Pavlovo, the “driver” has a separate room for a snake and a painted cow on the balcony

The strictest security does not allow unauthorized vehicles and persons to enter. And, perhaps, its most pleasant component is a huge lake and a pedestrian area in the forest, where you can walk your dogs or stroll along shady alleys illuminated by ancient lanterns.

Free access to the forest was one of the decisive factors why the frontman of the group “Time Machine” settled in this particular village. Before that, he lived on Rublevo-Uspenskoye Highway in Podushkino in a house purchased from Leonid Yarmolnik. The musician did not like the fact that near the village, on the edge of the forest, surrounded by one and a half century old oak trees, deforestation began for the construction of an elite village. In addition, in Podushkino, Andrei’s relationship with his neighbors did not work out, accusing the celebrity of almost all sins: he pollutes the local lake with his sewage, and the head of the village was bitten by a dog - in general, continuous quarrels and squabbles.

MAKAREVICH could not live in a cottage in Podushkino because of arrogant neighbors (photo by Boris KUDRYAVOV)

Room with a boa constrictor

“Lenya and I were visiting Andrei in New Riga,” says the actor’s wife Oksana Yarmolnik. “But from the moment he got a boa constrictor, I didn’t go to visit him. In my opinion, there is even a separate room for the boa constrictor. Apparently, he became more interested in the boa constrictor than with his friends. But I understand him, because I also love snakes very much. Anyone who has touched them and is not afraid knows that they are very pleasant to the touch, especially if the snake is not poisonous and does not bite. Lenya also doesn’t go to Andrey’s often anymore, as he has lost interest in diving (they used to do this together) and has become interested in surfing. As an artist and designer myself, I can say that Andrey’s house is perfect, because he furnished it the way he wanted! This is a very individual home. If a person is bright and interesting, then his home is the same. There are a lot of interesting things there, he is a collector: he collects dolls, antique glassware, monastery bells, musical instruments, beads, keys...


And also, as everyone already knows, Andryusha is an excellent cook, and he has a well-equipped kitchen with all kinds of smokehouses and stoves - and he always feeds his guests exquisitely - his meat and fish turn out great. And in general, Andrey is a very hospitable host, the house is always full of friends, and the table is laden with all kinds of dishes.

“I was recently at Andrey’s, we were drinking vodka on the street,” says Vladimir Sapunov, concert director of the Time Machine group. – A normal, good house in a modern style, but not high-tech. His lawn is mowed, there are Christmas trees, flowers - everything is very neat and beautiful!

Love and Dove

By the way, Makarevich left Podushkino while still a married man - his life partner at that time was a make-up artist Natalya Golub, who is 15 years younger than Andrei Vadimovich. Their love story is very romantic. They crossed paths at work, and Andrei invited an interesting girl to parties, but Natalya refused, realizing that for him she would only be a girl to brighten up one evening. As Natalya herself said in an interview, the spark between the future spouses slipped at a concert of the Chaif ​​group. They, without saying a word to each other, simply hugged and began to meet every day. Six months later, Andrei invited Natalya to move in with him. Another six months later, a marriage proposal followed, and two weeks later, exactly on December 31, 2003, the lovers went to the registry office. Natalya shared all her husband’s hobbies: diving and alpine skiing. But after seven years of marriage, just two years after moving to Pavlovo, the couple for some reason separated.

The fact of their divorce was confirmed by Oksana Yarmolnik and Natalya Makarevich- sister of a musician. Andrey and Natalya looked so harmoniously side by side at the Silver Galosh 2012 award ceremony that many mistook their names, mistaking their sister for the musician’s new passion. We tried to find out the reason for the divorce from Makarevich’s friends.

— Oksana Pavlovna,- we asked the wife of Leonid Yarmolnik, - why did they break up? Maybe Natalya was jealous of Andrey’s boa constrictor?

- I have no idea, you ask Andrey. How do people get divorced? Love has passed, I guess.

- Maybe Natalya found herself another man?

— Were they a happy couple?

- I don’t know... It seems to me that all couples are both happy and unhappy at the same time. But now they separated, which means they are better apart.

—Where does she work now?

- In my opinion, she doesn’t work, but travels around the world...

Gaucho and bachata

And Natasha Golub, after her divorce from the king of SMAK, found a second youth! The 44-year-old woman lost weight, became prettier... and left for Argentina, where she lives for her own pleasure: taking photographs, walking, rocking salsa and bachata dance parties, riding horses. And regularly on her personal page on the Internet, Natalya posts intimate photos with a handsome Argentinean, calling him “my gaucho,” that is, “my cowboy,” explaining that her romantic hero is the owner of a neighboring ranch. And he makes some rather piquant remarks (spelling and punctuation preserved): “One friend wrote to me that she got braces to lose weight... another American friend wrote to me that she was very happy that she took off her braces..!! I asked why..??? “I haven’t had a blowjob for so long,” she said with an accent. So I don’t know whether to put on braces or not???!!!)))).”

Now DOVE has given herself over to other, Argentine passions: local gaucho, horse riding, hot dancing

It’s interesting that among Natalya’s friends on the social network is Andrei Makarevich’s ex-girlfriend, journalist Anna Rozhdestvenskaya. She lived with the musician for two years and in 2000 even gave birth to his daughter Anechka. And three years after the birth of his daughter, the musician already married Golub. Anna Rozhdestvenskaya regularly comments on Natasha’s blog, which makes one wonder: did the musician’s wives sing together because of slander against their ex? Andrei’s sister Natalya also regularly comments on Golub’s photographs. And only Andrei Makarevich proudly remains silent about his last seven-year marriage.