The ideal family of Garik Martirosyan. Garik Martirosyan biography, personal life, family, wife, children - photo Zhanna Martirosyan biography nationality

Garik Yuryevich Martirosyan is famous not only for his hometown Yerevan, and far beyond its borders. Thanks to his excellent sense of humor and dedication to his favorite work, he is known to a multimillion-dollar public.

Garik Yuryevich never ceases to delight people with his jokes; he is the producer of numerous humorous shows and television programs. Along the way, he acts as a presenter and manages to act in films.

Martirosyan has every second planned out, despite this, he an exemplary family man, loving son and father.

Height, weight, age, how old is Garik Martirosyan? All fans of the Comedy Club resident's sharp humor know the answers to these questions. The presenter's height is 1 meter 86 centimeters, and his weight is 85 kilograms.

The artist himself does not play football, but among his friends he is known as an ardent fan of Lokomotiv Moscow. Of all sports, he prefers running. Due to his busy work schedule, he doesn’t always manage to work out, but Garik still tries to run at least twice a week.

Photos of Garik Martirosyan in his youth and now make it clear to everyone that the star has incredible charisma and penetrating eyes. Over the years, he only becomes more confident and courageous.

Biography and personal life of Garik Martirosyan

The biography and personal life of Garik Martirosyan are closely connected with humor and practical jokes. The future KVN player was born in 1974 on February 13th. Everyone knows the superstition about this date, so the parents wrote down their son’s birthday for the next day - February 14th. The artist himself often jokes about this, saying that this situation gives him the right to officially celebrate for two days in a row.

Garik and his younger brother Levon grew up in intelligent family: father - Yuri Mikhailovich Martirosyan worked all his life as a mechanical engineer, and mother - Jasmine Surenovna Martirosyan - became a doctor of science, worked as a gynecologist.

Besides secondary school, the brothers also attended music classes at the same time. However, Garik was soon expelled from the latter. The reason was not the child’s lack of talent, but his bad behavior in class. Subsequently, the young man himself mastered many musical instruments: guitar, piano and others.

Already at school, Garik began to take part in various productions. However, when the time came to decide future profession, he decided to enter Yerevan State Medical University. After graduating from university, Garik Martirosyan successfully worked as a neuropathologist-psychotherapist for three years.

While still a student, he began performing in the KVN team “New Armenians”. Participation in this group can rightfully be considered the starting point in the career of a future comedian.

Garik played with this team for nine years. During this time, “New Armenians” managed to win many awards and become laureates of various competitions held by the Club of the Merry and Resourceful.

Garik's participation in KVN opens the door to show business for him. In 2005, the “Comedy Club” program began airing on the TNT channel. This project was loved by all TV viewers.

The talented Armenian is a co-producer of such projects as: “Our Russia”, “Laughter without Rules”, “Show News”. The project “ProjectorParisHilton” won four times in the category “Best Infotainment Program”.

Garik Martirosyan not only skillfully jokes and comes up with new humorous programs, but also copes well with the role of presenter.

In 2015, the comedian became the host music project Main stage"

Since 2016, he has been the host of the show “Dancing with the Stars.”

This year, Martirosyan once again pleased his fans: on April Fool’s Day - April 1, Garik’s new author’s project “Martirosyan Official” began on the TNT channel

It remains to wish the talented Armenian to “stay on the raft” for a long time, so that the humor and jokes never end.

Family and children of Garik Martirosyan

The family and children of Garik Martirosyan occupy the most important place in the life of the famous comedian. Garik has not separated from his wife Zhanna for twenty years. During all this time they were never written about in yellow press: none public statements about an alleged divorce or any affairs on the side.

The Martirosyan couple are raising two children – a boy and a girl. All yours free time husband and wife devote to themselves and their children.

The showman cares not only about the spiritual “microclimate” of his family nest, a and o financial side. It is known that in 2010 his name was included in the list of one of richest people in the world.

Son of Garik Martirosyan - Daniel

The son of Garik Martirosyan, Daniel, was born in 2009. The TV presenter was incredibly happy about the birth of his second child, and even a boy. The father of the family is proud of his children and tries to give them the best, but at the same time he does not spoil them and raises them in strictness.

Garik's parents often come to visit their beloved grandchildren. He has long been calling for them to move to Moscow for permanent residence. However, they prefer to stay in their hometown.

The public's favorite could change his field of activity by becoming a politician, like his brother Levon. Garik refused such a drastic step - because then he would have to move to his native Yerevan. He did not want to leave his family and continues to delight fans of his work with new projects and jokes.

Daughter of Garik Martirosyan - Jasmine

Garik Martirosyan’s daughter, Jasmine, is the first child in the family of a comedy show producer. The girl was born in the summer of 2004. As a little girl, her father’s character began to manifest itself – the same restless and restless child. In addition to behavior, Jasmine also inherited a sense of humor. Even now she loves to make fun of her classmates.

Parents attach great importance to learning languages: they believe that children must know Russian, English is more likely yes than no, and Armenian is generally beyond competition.

Garik Martirosyan's wife - Zhanna Levina

Garik Martirosyan’s wife, Zhanna Levina, is a fairly well-known lawyer in the Russian capital. She graduated from Stavropol Law University. During her student years, the girl fell in love with KVN and often went to various festivals to support her classmates. It was on one of these trips that her fateful acquaintance with Garik Martirosyan took place, who, along with his team, also came to the performance.

Garik and Zhanna started dating only a year later. Pretty soon they realized that this was not just love, a passing infatuation - but real feelings and decided to legitimize their relationship.

Today, the couple still live happily in marriage and raise children. Garik Martirosyan with his wife and children – photo happy family can be found on the Internet in huge quantities.

Instagram and Wikipedia Garik Martirosyan

Until recently, the TV presenter was not registered on any social network. Instagram and Wikipedia of Garik Martirosyan appeared not so long ago. An Instagram account is an official website where Garik asks subscribers a question, at the end of the day he chooses the funniest answer, the author of which is then awarded a prize. This project was called “Insta Battle”.

Garik Martirosyan is known not only as a man with an excellent sense of humor, but also as a man of his word. So he promised everyone that if his favorite football team won, he would shave his head. After Manchester United's victory, Garik posted a photo on the Internet with a new hairstyle, quite surprising the fans with his trick.

Zhanna Viktorovna born in Sochi, studied to become a lawyer in Stavropol. Her family was from the medical field: her grandparents were surgeons, her father, Viktor Morisovich, ran a business, a chain of opticians. Mom was an economist.

It is known that Zhanna even worked in her specialty in Moscow, but work and home were difficult for her at the same time, and she eventually became a housewife. He is interested in design.

Zhanna is Jewish by nationality. She is about 40 years old.

The girl is not without humor, though she future husband- Garik notes in an interview that he did not immediately appreciate him.

Zhanna was rooting for the KVN players of her university and therefore went to root for them at the festival in Sochi in 1997. In this city, her fate changed dramatically, because it was there that she met Garik, right at the KVN festival.

Zhanna and Garik: love story, children.

The young people liked each other, but broke up without even exchanging phone numbers. But a year later, in 1998, fate brought them together again, after which they were no longer separated.

Their wedding took place in Cyprus, on the territory of a luxurious villa with a swimming pool.

In their marriage they had two children:

Zhanna is very economical, cooks well, Garik returns home with pleasure from routine work days. At the same time, the girl manages to pay attention to her beauty; Zhanna looks wonderful. Together with Garik he tries to attend all the parties.

wife famous TV presenter Garik Martirosyan's name is Zhanna Levina. She grew up in Sochi, and after graduating from school she entered the Stavropol State Law University and since then lived in two cities. Once in 1997, she was an ardent fan of the team of her native university and came to support her favorites at the festival in Sochi. And this was her fate, because at one of the parties Zhanna found herself at the same table with Garik Martirosyan. The young people immediately felt sympathy for each other, but their communication did not last long. The festival ended, and the girl flew back to Stavropol, without even leaving Garik a phone number. A year later, the couple met again, and just a few days later the young people decided to get married.
In an interview, Zhanna said that neither her nor his parents expected such a rapid development of events, but did not resist the will of their children. Their engagement took place in Yerevan, after which the young couple went on tour with the KVN team, where Garik performed. Due to a busy work schedule, the wedding was celebrated only 2 years later, and it happened in Cyprus. Zhanna is quite easy-going, so she took with interest the fact that she was taken down the aisle not from home, but from a hotel. The ceremony itself took place in a villa with a swimming pool, and the guests were the friendly KVN team “New Armenians”. The only “native” moment in the whole ceremony was the wedding in the Armenian church.

Martirosyan's wife devotes herself entirely to her family

Zhanna Levina is a lawyer by training, but own career she is in no hurry to build, because she devotes every minute of her life to her children and husband. In 2004, the couple had a daughter, Jasmine, and in 2009, an heir, Daniel, was born. Perhaps due to the fact that Garik fully provides for his family and builds successful career on television, Zhanna can afford to enjoy family happiness.

Garik Martirosyan is a Russian and Armenian showman, TV presenter, comedian, artistic director, co-producer and resident of the popular show “Comedy Club”. He is the author of the idea for the “League of Nations” project, as well as the producer of the “Show News”, “Our Russia” and “Laughter without Rules” projects.

A man with an excellent sense of humor, a generator of new ideas and projects, bright and talented - he burst into the world of Russian show business, took a stable position on its Olympus and is still in his conquered place today, delighting fans with his creativity.

Garik Yuryevich Martirosyan was born in February 1974 in the heart of Armenia - the sunny city of Yerevan. Since the boy was born on the 13th, his parents, out of superstitious motives, recorded his birthday as February 14th. Since then, the artist has been celebrating his name day for two days in a row.

As a child, Garik was an incredibly active and restless child: he broke sets, played pranks, and created bedlam in the house. In addition to Garik, another son was growing up in the family - Levon. At the age of 6, his parents sent the boy to a music school, from where he was soon expelled due to bad behavior. But the exile did not become for young musician an obstacle to independently mastering your favorite instruments - guitar, drums and piano. In addition, Martirosyan began composing music.

IN school years Garik Martirosyan, although he was not the first ringleader in various tricks and pranks, was known as a great inventor. For example, in the first grade he told his classmates that he was a grandson. And the young prankster showed artistic talent early on: Garik played his first role in the sixth grade, portraying Archimedes in a school play.


After graduating from school, Garik Martirosyan entered the Yerevan State Medical University (YSMU), where he received the specialty of neurologist-psychotherapist. For three years future star"Comedy Club" was a practicing doctor, and he liked this work. But artistic talent still prevailed. Today Martirosyan does not regret the years devoted to medicine and psychiatry: he assures that now “you can’t fool him, because thanks to specialized education he sees people through and through.”

As for humor, Garik Martirosyan joked everywhere, always, with or without reason - it’s in his blood. He probably would have continued to see patients if he had not met the KVN “New Armenians” team. Now we can say with complete confidence that it was this acquaintance that became the defining moment in Garik’s life, giving him a ticket to television.


The young neuropathologist met the KVN team in 1992. Probably, this year should be considered the point from which creative biography Garik Martirosyan. The club of cheerful and resourceful people radically changed life and determined future fate future artist.

In an interview, Garik Martirosyan shared his memories of that time. According to him, soon after entering the medical university, a military conflict began in Armenia (). There were serious power outages in the country, there was no gas, and bread was issued on ration cards. It was during that period that KVN began - young people gathered in someone’s apartment, stocked up on candles and wrote comic texts.

“We had fun with ourselves. Well, we simply had no other choice,” says the artist.

In 1993, Garik became a player in the Armenian KVN League, on the basis of which the “New Armenians” team was created in 1994. Martirosyan started as an ordinary player, and in 1997 he led the team.

Playing KVN filled all the artist’s free time, so it is completely logical that he began to make a living with humor. In the late 90s, the main income came from KVN tours, but even then Garik Martirosyan tried himself as a screenwriter. Even when he was not playing in KVN on stage, he continued to play as a producer. Then the Sochi team appeared “ Burnt out by the sun", for which Martirosyan wrote scripts.

Garik played as a member of the “New Armenians” team for a total of nine years. During this time the team became a champion Major League(1997), twice received the Summer Cup (1998, 2003), was repeatedly awarded at the Jurmala festival “Voting KiViN”, and also became the laureate of many other awards from the Cheerful and Resourceful Club.

As Garik Martirosyan himself noted, the experience that KVN gave him in his youth became a real school of life for him.

A television

Garik first appeared on television in 1997 as a screenwriter for the Good Evening program. Unbeknownst to himself, he became active participant different shows.

In 2004, Garik Martirosyan took part in the popular show “Guess the Melody” together with Polina Sibagatullina and reached the third round of the game.

The artist’s musical talent has come in handy more than once. In the “Two Stars” project, the comedian demonstrated excellent vocal abilities, winning a well-deserved victory in the duet.

And in 2007, in the program “Minute of Glory,” Garik Martirosyan tried himself for the first time as a TV presenter. Before this, he had not had such a big project - the program gave him a feeling of self-confidence.

In December of the same year, Martirosyan participated in the recording music album"Respect and Respect."

In 2008, the humorous series “Our Russia” produced by “ Comedy Club Production". The directors created the sketch inspired by the English TV series “Little Britain”. Garik was the producer of “Our Russia”, where he also starred as cameraman Rudik.

In May 2008, the humorous project “ProjectorParisHilton” appeared on screens for the first time. The show was broadcast on Channel One until 2012. Garik Martirosyan was one of the hosts of the popular project along with, and.

In 2017, the show, beloved by millions, came out again after a five-year break. The lineup of presenters has not changed: to the delight of the huge television audience, Garik Martirosyan appeared again with his former colleagues, jokingly explaining the long break.

Martirosyan is not only a wonderful artist, but also a producer. In this capacity, he first tried his hand in 2008: viewers saw the premiere full-length film“Our Russia. Eggs of Destiny." But Garik Yuryevich is not only the producer of the project, he wrote the script for it. Martirosyan managed to prove his talent as a producer once again when he released new project called "Show News".

Garik Yuryevich performed as a presenter on the musical television project “Main Stage”, which he hosted in 2015, as well as in the tenth season of the show “Dancing with the Stars” on “Russia-1”.

"Comedy club"

Garik Martirosyan's career, which started in KVN, opened doors for him in Russian show business. So, in 2005, the artist, together with his KVN comrades, initiated a new comedy project.

A program called “Comedy Club”, made according to the template of American stand-up show, soon began airing on the TNT channel. Garik was one of the producers, while also performing in the show. Soon Garik Martirosyan became cult person for domestic youth.

Unfortunately, Martirosyan himself always spoke very sparingly about the creation of the program. Being modest, the artist says that all the participants of the Comedy Club got together and decided to organize humorous program, although colleagues claim that he is the founder of this successful project.

The artists did not immediately make it to television with their programs. The test episode of “Comedy Club” gathered dust in someone’s desk for about a year before it was watched and approved. Not everyone liked the sharp jokes of the residents (as the artists themselves called themselves), but, fortunately, the program was broadcast.

Now it is difficult to find a person who has not heard of “Comedy Club”, despite the fact that Garik Martirosyan himself at first did not believe in the success of this project. The showman demonstrated an excellent sense of humor not only as an artist of the project, but also as a host: Martirosyan became famous for his ability to introduce guests.

In 2016, Garik Martirosyan again delighted his fans with hilarious skits as part of the Comedy Club. Viewers consider his performances in a duet with the most successful: their parodies “Eurovision Casting” and “Conversation between and” received thousands of views on Youtube.

IN New Year's Eve from 2016 to 2017, TNT viewers enjoyed watching the Comedy Club show, which was made in karaoke format. Garik Martirosyan not only made everyone laugh, but also surprised everyone by performing the hit of the year from Rostov rapper Pika called “Partymaker”.

For the new season of the “Our Russia” project, “Comedy Club” residents Garik Martirosyan and Pavel Volya pleased fans with a surprise - the humorous song “Our Russia is a terrible force.”

At the end of 2016, the comedian made his fans a pleasant surprise, having visited Georgia. On national air comedy show he shared the most funny jokes and incidents from life. The video of the show appeared on YouTube and received a huge number of views.

Today, Garik Martirosyan continues to remain at the peak of popularity and delights viewers with his appearance in new projects, and not only television ones. The showman betrayed his principle of not registering in any social network and created a work account in Instagram. But, as he claims, not at all in order to look for new friends and communicate with them: his circle of friends is already incredibly wide. It's all about a new project called “Insta Battle”.

Every day Garik Martirosyan asks his subscribers one question, and then, after analyzing the answers, selects the funniest one, the author of which is awarded a prize by the MEM Media agency with which the artist works.

Martirosyan’s plans for 2017 include the appearance of new Internet humorous programs, which Garik plans to create specifically for YouTube, RuTube and Facebook.

In February 2017, Garik Martirosyan appeared in the 758th episode of the humorous show “ Evening Urgant", where he told what he did for five years after the closure of the ProjectorParisHilton project.

In February 2017, the artist celebrated his 43rd birthday - the age when a person is at the peak of his creative powers and is full of new ideas and plans.

Personal life

Garik Martirosyan is married, and thanks to KVN - this program played main role and in the personal life of the popular comedian. IN student years his wife Zhanna Levina was a big fan of the Stavropol Law University team. In 1997, she traveled to Sochi to support friends at the annual festival. There, at one of the parties, Zhanna met Garik. Then they were unable to communicate normally, but it seems that it was fate.

A year later they met again: a dizzying romance began, which culminated in the desire to get married. Garik Martirosyan and Zhanna Levina got married in Cyprus: all members of the KVN team “New Armenians” were witnesses.

Today, the family has two children: daughter Jasmine and son Daniel, born in 2004 and 2009. Garik Martirosyan’s personal life was happy: for 19 years, the couple never gave food to the yellow tabloids.

The artist managed not only to create a strong family, but also to provide for it well: in 2010, Garik Martirosyan, together with his colleagues Pavel Volya and Sergei Svetlakov, was included in the rating compiled by Forbes. In 2011, the artist's fortune was estimated at $2,700,000. His estimated income is approximately $200,000 per month.

The comedian’s favorite and long-time hobby is football: Garik Martirosyan is a fan of Lokomotiv Moscow. Recently, a resident of the Comedy Club made a promise before the match between Manchester United and Tottenham: if his favorite team, in which Henrikh Mkhitaryan plays, is in the lead, he will shave his head.

Manchester United won, and Martirosyan – according to the terms of the dispute – became bald, posting a photo of himself with a new “hairstyle” on Instagram as proof.


  • 2005 - “Our Yard 3”
  • 2008 - “Our Russia”
  • 2009 - “Univer”
  • 2010 - “Our Russia. Eggs of Destiny"
  • 2013 - “HB”

And Zhanna Levina is celebrating her 20th anniversary this year life together(they met in 1997 at the KVN festival in Sochi), but it seems that their candy-bouquet period has not yet ended. Throughout the filming, Garik sent Zhanna touching messages (“Aren’t you worried?”, “Aren’t you hungry?”), and then in an interview Zhanna with pride (and humor, by the way) told that she loves to cook dolma and why she is not at all jealous of her husband, a popular showman . ABOUT wedding dress for rent, secret long relationship and the book “The Diary of a Comedian’s Wife” (all proceeds from sales go to a charitable foundation), which Zhanna presented this fall, she told in an interview with PEOPLETALK.

About the wedding

We got married in 1998, a year after we met. The wedding took place in Cyprus. At that time, Garik and I had absolutely no money. From the word absolutely. And so, we came on a KVN tour to Cyprus and decided to get married there - we found a beautiful Armenian Church, and rented a dress (I was incredibly lucky that day - there was a large delivery of dresses that no one had ever worn). I found what I dreamed of - open shoulders, lace, a full skirt.

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About the secret of a long relationship

When you love each other very much, it doesn’t matter what the date is or where it is. Yes, even on a bench in the park, you will feel like this is the most luxurious date in your life. In general, I can’t say that Garik and I are romantic people; for me, sitting decorously by candlelight is somehow funny. But we have a tradition - we buy each other gifts and hide them. Although in 20 years, it seems to me that everything has already been handed over, and every holiday I have stress. Maybe I’ll start making vases soon, and I’ll ask Garik (he’s good at drawing) to paint my portrait. I hope we don't get divorced after this. ( Laughs.)

Blouse, Max Mara

Garik – creative person, for which I am the rear. I don't want him to do anything around the house. He comes home after work, where dolma is waiting for him (I quickly mastered his favorite dishes), and relaxes.

And I’m definitely stricter with the children (the couple have two children: (14) and Daniel (9) – Prim. edit.). Garik is constantly at work; if he were also a strict parent, it would be completely wrong. I'm a bad cop, dad is a good one. I think we have distributed the roles well. So far everything is working out.

Cloak, Space Lock; Shoes, property of the heroine

About jealousy

I'm not jealous. I have always understood women who pay attention to Garik - they have good taste. I have the best man. Why shouldn't he like it? It would be strange for me if they didn’t like my husband. I would start to think I made the wrong choice. Yes, he may be attracted to them, but he loves me.

Coat, Maxmara; Shoes, property of the heroine

About the most popular question

Now I go to interviews a lot (my husband and I recently visited Urgant), they write to me more often in Direct. And the most popular question is whether I speak Armenian. Yes talking! I want to be in the thick of things, to understand our friends' jokes. I bought a tutorial and started cramming. I tell Garik all the time: “It would be better if you were French. At least I learned French." ( Laughs.)

And also in Instagram They often write that I’m “tired of showing off my new clothes,” and I always want to ask: “Should I be photographed naked?” So I tried to take a photo of the forest and write a post. Well, they don’t like the forest!

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About the book “The Diary of a Comedian’s Wife”

The first thoughts about the book appeared precisely thanks to my funny posts on Instagram, which I started writing two years ago (at 40 you understand that it’s best when a woman talks less, it’s better to let her write). But when there is a man in front of you who is very talented and successful, everyone knows him, it’s somehow difficult to shout out: “Me too!” And I! And I can do something too.” But I realized that if I live in fear all the time, before I die I will say to myself: “I lived my life in fear.” So-so last sentence. Maybe behind my back they say: “Yes, this is all because she is Martirosyan’s wife,” but I know that I did a good job - “The Diary” costs about 500 rubles, and all funds are transferred to a charity