What is Svetlana’s name day? Saint Photinia: icon, prayer, angel day

Question: “A 6-year-old girl died, she was baptized Svetlana. Is it really now allowed to baptize with one’s own name, and not with Photinia, as before?”

Answer: Questions related to the name at Baptism are asked quite often. The reason for this is some misunderstanding that exists among parishioners. There is an opinion that at Baptism a person is given some kind of “secret, church” name, which must be called only in the Church. Of course this is not true. In the Sacrament of Baptism there is the rite of naming, which the priest, in agreement with the parents, proclaims by laying his hand on the baby. The fact is that, according to the teachings of the Church, every Christian at his Baptism is approached by a guardian angel who is present next to him all his life. However, there is a pious tradition according to which if a baby bears the name of one of the saints of God, already glorified in holiness, then in addition to the guardian angel, he is also helped in life by a heavenly patron whose name he bears. It is important to understand that a baby is not baptized “in the name” of this or that saint.

Angel Svetlana Day according to the church calendar

Baptism can only be performed in the name of the Most Holy Trinity, as the Savior commanded us: “Go and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit” (Matthew 28:19). The presence of a heavenly patron does not occur “automatically”; it is not a “mechanical act of witchcraft.” You must also turn to the saint whose name the baby bears, “get to know” him, read his life, find out by what feat he was glorified among the host of God’s saints. And be sure to prayerfully turn to him. Of course, saints are always ready to come to our aid, but the person must ask for it, say that he really needs help. To address the saints there are prayers, akathists, and the Canons to the saints are especially good. And of course, there must be an icon of our heavenly patron so that we know who we are turning to.

As for whether it is possible to give names at Baptism that are not in the Saints, there are no strict canonical conciliar prohibitions against this. However, in our opinion, is it really bad if a newly baptized baby has a heavenly patron, an intercessor to whom he can turn? Hard time behind prayer help and advice. It is only important that this appeal really exists and is conscious. Therefore, in the Russian Church (precisely in the Russian, in others Orthodox Churches, say, in the Georgian, Serbian, Greek there is no such tradition), there is a centuries-old pious tradition of calling the newly baptized by the names that the holy saints bear. Therefore, at Baptism, priests usually follow this tradition.

Most often this question arises in connection with the Russian name “Svetlana”. In our opinion, there is some confusion here. The name "Photinya" (Photinia, Photina), Greek. Φωτεινή", is only a translation into Greek name Svetlana, or rather, on the contrary, the name “Svetlana” is a translation from Greek into Russian of the name Fotinha. We believe that this is the same name, just pronounced in different languages, but not different names. Church Tradition informs us that this was the name of the Samaritan woman with whom the Savior spoke at the well (John 4:4-42). Since ancient times, she was remembered as Photinia, then in the 19th century the name was translated and “Svetlana” appeared, but this is the same name. Now in publishing church calendars this discrepancy has been eliminated, and this is how it is indicated: “Fotina (Svetlana) Samaritan of Rome” or “Svetlana (Fotina, Fotinia) of Palestine.” Therefore, you can commemorate both with this and that; we repeat, this is the same name.

In general, indulging in excessive reasoning on the topic “how to remember correctly, how to write, where to put a period, etc.” we thereby express a latent distrust of God and our Holy Church. The Lord knows all our names, everything about us sinners, “even the hairs of your head are all numbered.” (Matthew 10:30), this is what the Savior says. Therefore, God bless all our Svetlanas, Photini, Photin, living and deceased!

Priest Mikhail Makarov

Name Day CalendarPhotiniaNames

Origin and meaning

The name Photinia is ancient, with ancient Greek roots. It is female form from Fotin. It has a modern, more common version - Svetlana. The origin of the name is associated with the ancient Greek word “phos”, which means “light” or “foteinos”, which translates as “bright”. In its original form it is practically not used.

Character traits

The secret of the name Photinia hides a woman with an idealistic worldview, which forces her to be quite demanding of others. Irreconcilable with other people's shortcomings, she believes that everyone around her should be perfect. If he understands that this is not so and someone does not meet the far-fetched standard, he becomes very upset, even to the point of disappointment.

The character of Photinia is open, but very contradictory. Along with self-sacrifice and good nature, sometimes cruelty is manifested in him. And all this is just due to misunderstanding. The meaning of the name embodies love and care for others. She can be good and true friend, able to help in any difficult moment. But this girl is so carried away by the problems of others that she becomes somewhat obsessive in her care. As a result, it causes alienation from others.

The characteristics of the name Photinia reveal an intelligent and pragmatic personality, but not capable of analyzing various situations clearly and deeply enough.

Fotinia's name day

She treats the problems that arise superficially, often without delving into their essence. Nevertheless, leadership qualities can't be taken away from her.

Positive character traits include friendliness, restraint, and curiosity. She takes care of her appearance, loves jewelry, but the main thing for her is not to overdo it. Her negative qualities include pickiness, indifference, and selfishness.

Interests and hobbies

Photinia loves to communicate with her friends; she devotes almost half of her life to them. Closely follows all fashion trends. Shopping is an exciting activity for this lady. She also loves spa treatments, which allow her to always look her best.

Profession and business

Hardworking, responsible Photinia is able to achieve high results in her professional activity. The main thing for her is to overcome her vanity. Variability and two-facedness, characteristic of character this woman, allow her to easily change jobs if all interest in her is lost. When choosing a profession, you need to pay attention to those that are related to communication. In this case, success in business is guaranteed.


Excessive concern for others causes a girl with this name frequent worries and worries. This is fraught with frustration nervous system. You need to control your emotions, and then everything will be fine.

Sex and love

Photinia dreams of beautiful love. She is capable of great feelings, passionate and sexy. But the chosen one must fully correspond to her ideal of beauty and perfection, including the character and characteristics of his individuality. If this does not happen, the feelings quickly fade away.

Family and marriage

It is very important for Photinia that her life partner be a like-minded person and at the same time as romantic as she is. Sacrifice for the sake of love and her ideals, which this woman is always ready for, must necessarily have a response. Otherwise, there will be no trace of her feelings. Family and children are the main thing in life for her. There is enough care for everyone. She is a wonderful housewife, a faithful wife and a loving mother.

Compatibility of Photinia in love and marriage

Dates of Fotinia's name day

Name days for the name Photinia are celebrated 3 times a year. One of these dates is the Day of the Angel of a person named Photinia.

Each person can have only one name day per year, which is determined by the day of his birth. Your name day is the date that falls on or follows your birthday itself.

Bless me, Father, and please help me understand this situation: My mother claims that in infancy I was baptized with the name Svetlana. My spiritual father said that this is a delusion and Svetlana is a worldly name. And that, most likely, they baptized me as Photinia. I “resigned myself” (I write in quotation marks because I still have some doubts in my soul and it will become clear later why) and accepted this name. But even before I started going to the Temple and trying to comprehend the basics of Orthodoxy, I always had the Icon of the Holy Martyr with me. Photina, to whom I prayed as an ambulance and prayer book for my soul. T.K. I have never come across an Icon of the Holy Martyr. Photinia, then my soul in prayer constantly turns to Photina in front of her icon, and not to Photinia. Although, according to the instructions of my confessor, I go to confession and Holy Communion as Photinia. Is it correct? Help me to understand. I was born on June 6. God bless you! (Svetlana, 01/27/2010 11:13)

Photinia 01/30/2010 18:25: God bless you, Father Alexander!

The name Svetlana, Photinia in the Orthodox calendar

Glory to God for the wisdom of His servants!

Chief Editor - Archpriest Alexander Bilokur, Executive Editor - Elena Blaivas

Question to the priest No. 194

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Icon of Saint Photinia

T.K. I have never come across an Icon of the Holy Martyr. Photinia, then my soul in prayer constantly turns to Photina in front of her icon, and not to Photinia. Although, according to the instructions of my confessor, I go to confession and Holy Communion as Photinia. Is it correct? Help me to understand. I was born on June 6. God bless you! (Svetlana, 01/27/2010 11:13)

Archpriest Alexander Bilokur 01/29/2010 20:15: Dear Svetlana, Fotina, Fotinia!

I address you this way because all three forms of your name are correct.

IN Orthodox calendar for 2009 published by the UOC (with the blessing His Beatitude Metropolitan Vladimir) we meet two ascetics of the faith of Christ - teacher. Svetlana, Fotin, Photinia of Palestine, Memorial Day (13) February 26, and MC. Svetlana, Fotin, Photinia the Samaritan Day of Remembrance (March 20) April 2, with whom Jesus Christ talked at the well.

The name Svetlana is not worldly, but is a translation from Greek to Slavic name Photina, Fotinia, which means “bright” in all languages. As, for example, in Greek there are no names Faith, Hope, Love, but this is a translation into Slavic of the Greek names Pistis, Elpis, Agape.

According to established tradition, a saint is considered the heavenly patron of man,
whose memory takes place shortly after the birthday.

Thus, the closest memory to your birthday is St. Venerable Svetlana, Photina, Photinia of Palestine, who is your heavenly patroness, and to whom you should contact morning prayers: “Pray to God for me...” The icon you are wearing is most likely the martyr Photinia of Samaritan.

Photinia 01/30/2010 18:25: God bless you, Father Alexander! Glory to God for the wisdom of His servants! Kuzmina Svetlana Vyacheslavovna 05/02/2016 19:56: date of birth 09/29/1967 I bought and embroidered an icon with the name Fatina, when I brought it to the church to illuminate, the parishioners there told me that this is not my icon, the correct icon is Fatinya. Now I am confused. Please advise what to do? Svetlana 02/04/2017 16:30: I can’t understand whether I’m Fotina or Fotinia

Our Holy Hierarch, Theodosius, pray to God for us!

© 2009-2018 Temple of St. Theodosius of Chernigov
(03179 Kyiv, Chernobylskaya str., 2. tel. +38 066-996-2243)

With the blessing of His Beatitude Vladimir, Metropolitan of Kyiv and All Ukraine.

Chief Editor - Archpriest Alexander Bilokur, Executive Editor - Elena Blaivas, Technical editor - Alexander Perehrestenko

Fatinia or photinia

The meaning of the name Svetlana: “Light”, “pure” (Slavic).

As a child, no one can understand Svetlana. She has a very complex nature. You never know what to expect from her. She always looks like her father in appearance, and borrows her character from her mother. He goes to school without any desire. However, she is an average student so as not to upset her parents.

Having matured, Sveta becomes stubborn and persistent. He stands his ground to the end and will never give in. Full of energy, but in the most difficult life situations she gives up and is afraid of obstacles.

Svetlana wants to be a leader in everything, she loves to command. But at the same time, he's afraid public opinion. As soon as she hears something unpleasant for her addressed to her, she immediately gets upset and tries to change everything. However, she is well adapted to life, knows what she wants, is self-sufficient and independent. It is always easier for her to communicate with men, since she does not find like-minded people among women. If Svetlana became someone's wife, she becomes an exemplary housewife and mother.

Other forms of the name Svetlana: Sveta, Lana, Veta, Svetulya, Svetusya, Svetik.

With all my heart I wish, Sveta,
May your life always be
Honey, sweet like candy,
May you bloom with joy!

Let the sun, Svetochka, shine
It gives light only for you!
Let everything be what you want
Your heart for many years!

Svetlana, so bright,
That's not your name for nothing:
There is no end to the goodness in your soul,
You light the way for life.

I wish you well and happiness,
To illuminate everything around.
Don't let bad weather scare you,
And a faithful friend will be nearby!

Svetlana, Svetochka, Svetulya,
You are a bright ray on earth.
Be healthy, be a joy to your family,
Be happy in your destiny!

Happy birthday, Svetlana! May your life, in accordance with your name, be filled with light, happiness and joy. Let there be no dark moments at all, and let all sorrows and sorrows pass by. Love to you, peace in your soul and everything you wish for.

Sveta, Svetochka, Svetlana,
The brightest man
Be happy all the time
May your life be good.

Let in all matters of the heart
There will be joy and peace,
And luck is endless
Follows you!

I wish you, Svetlana,
It’s beautiful, like living in a fairy tale.
So that my husband takes me to restaurants,
I didn’t forget to give flowers.

So that you go happy
From morning to night, all year round.
Luck may love you
And you didn’t know that there were any worries.

Our dear Svetlana -
A queen without a flaw.
With this simple truth
Everyone agrees, my Svetik.

It's always fun where you are.
Cheers up
Your warm smile
A loud laugh and a good disposition.

Remain a spark of light
After all, there is no sadness with you.
Be always protected by God
Happy in life, loved.

I will tell you without deception:
You are simply the best, Svetlana!
After all, you give us light of happiness,
May you have no troubles!

May there be many bright days
And in my personal life everything is okay.
May only success await you,
Your loud laugh always sounds.

May everyone's wishes come true,
Let the confessions be passionate,
All life is cozy and calm!
You, Sveta, deserve it!

Sveta, Svetochka, Svetulya,
You're like a rose in July -
So beautiful, good
And your soul is pure!

There is no anger, no deception,
There is no flaw in appearance.
Stay like this -
Sweet, glorious, golden!

You radiate warmth and light,
And the world becomes kinder.
They call you Svetlana -
A flower that is dearer to everyone.

And the heart yearns for wishes
Love, warmth and many years to come.
Moments of sincere confession,
Where there are no letters from untruth.

May fortune visit you
And never burning out,
Let it fall in the moonlight
Yours happy Star.

Sveta, Svetochka, Svetlana,
Congratulations, my Svetik,
Let it fall, beauty,
Rain of good luck is golden.

Feelings for you - only real ones
The ones that make your head spin
And in the pocket “for pins”
Let the money rustle.

May you be lucky in your career
Always move forward
May you have a lucky break
Life will be difficult.

Named Svetlana Slavic origin and it means "light".

a brief description of

It is believed that women with this name are contradictory by nature, sometimes combining opposite things in their character. So she is very sympathetic person, ready to help even a stranger in difficult times. But she can also be vindictive and vindictive.

In marriage, Svetlana is a caring wife and mother. She loves children very much and is faithful to her husband. These women are flexible and diplomatic in their relationships with relatives, which has a beneficial effect on the entire family.

Svetlana carefully takes care of her appearance and tries to maintain her appearance for as long as possible. She keep an eye on fashion trends and tries to dress according to them, but does not always know when to stop.

She has a penchant for leadership, she likes to command, sometimes they make excellent leaders. She is able to extract life lessons and draw conclusions from your mistakes, is able to change by working on yourself.

When is Svetlana's Angel Day celebrated?

In general, a name day is considered to be the day on which a person was baptized and given the name of a saint. But it often happens that people do not remember the day of their christening. But, of course, there is a way out of the situation. In this case, you should use the church calendar. In order to determine what date is the day of the Angel Svetlana, you need to select in the calendar the day of memory closest to the date of birth of the saint bearing the same name. This date is considered to be the name day or the day of the Angel named Svetlana. The saint, whose memory is revered, becomes a heavenly patroness who protects her ward and helps her in all good deeds.

Name day or Angel Svetlana's day can be celebrated on the following dates:

One of these dates will become Svetlana’s Angel Day, and the second will be considered a “small” name day.

It is interesting that this name appeared relatively recently - in early XIX century. It was invented by A.H. Vostokov and used in the “heroic story” “Svetlana and Mstislav”. The name gained fame thanks to the ballad of the same name by V. Zhukovsky. And it began to spread only after October revolution. But the main factor that caused the name to gain popularity at a certain point was that it was the name of I.V.’s daughter. Stalin.

Question: “A 6-year-old girl died, she was baptized Svetlana. Is it really now allowed to baptize with one’s own name, and not with Photinia, as before?”

Answer: Questions related to the name at Baptism are asked quite often. The reason for this is some misunderstanding that exists among parishioners. There is an opinion that at Baptism a person is given some kind of “secret, church” name, which must be called only in the Church. Of course this is not true. In the Sacrament of Baptism there is the rite of naming, which the priest, in agreement with the parents, proclaims by laying his hand on the baby. The fact is that, according to the teachings of the Church, every Christian at his Baptism is approached by a guardian angel who is present next to him all his life. However, there is a pious tradition according to which if a baby bears the name of one of the saints of God, already glorified in holiness, then in addition to the guardian angel, he is also helped in life by a heavenly patron whose name he bears. It is important to understand that a baby is not baptized “in the name” of this or that saint. Baptism can only be performed in the name of the Most Holy Trinity, as the Savior commanded us: “Go and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit” (Matthew 28:19). The presence of a heavenly patron does not occur “automatically”; it is not a “mechanical act of witchcraft.” You must also turn to the saint whose name the baby bears, “get to know” him, read his life, find out by what feat he was glorified among the host of God’s saints. And be sure to prayerfully turn to him. Of course, saints are always ready to come to our aid, but the person must ask for it, say that he really needs help. To address the saints there are prayers, akathists, and the Canons to the saints are especially good. And of course, there must be an icon of our heavenly patron so that we know who we are turning to.

As for whether it is possible to give names at Baptism that are not in the Saints, there are no strict canonical conciliar prohibitions against this. However, in our opinion, is it really bad if a newly baptized baby has a heavenly patron, an intercessor, to whom you can turn in difficult times for prayerful help and advice. It is only important that this appeal really exists and is conscious. Therefore, in the Russian Church (specifically in the Russian, in other Orthodox Churches, say, in the Georgian, Serbian, Greek there is no such tradition), there is a centuries-old pious tradition of calling the newly baptized by the names that the holy saints bear. Therefore, at Baptism, priests usually follow this tradition.

Most often this question arises in connection with the Russian name “Svetlana”. In our opinion, there is some confusion here. The name "Photinya" (Photinia, Photina), Greek. Φωτεινή", is only a translation into Greek of the name Svetlana, or, rather, on the contrary, the name “Svetlana” is a translation from Greek into Russian of the name Fotinya. We believe that they are the same name, just pronounced in different languages, and not different names. Church Tradition informs us that this was the name of the Samaritan woman with whom the Savior spoke at the well (John 4:4-42). Since ancient times, she was remembered as Photinia, then in the 19th century the name was translated and “Svetlana” appeared, but this is the same name. Now in published church calendars this discrepancy has been eliminated, and this is how it is indicated: “Fotina (Svetlana) Samaritan of Rome” or “Svetlana (Fotina, Fotinia) of Palestine.” Therefore, you can commemorate both with this and that; we repeat, this is the same name.

In general, indulging in excessive reasoning on the topic “how to remember correctly, how to write, where to put a period, etc.” we thereby express a latent distrust of God and our Holy Church. The Lord knows all our names, everything about us sinners, “even the hairs of your head are all numbered.” (Matthew 10:30), this is what the Savior says. Therefore, God bless all our Svetlanas, Photini, Photin, living and deceased!

Priest Mikhail Makarov

Svetlana - Old Slavonic - bright, pure.

Svetlana's name day according to the church calendar:

  • February 26:Svetlana (Fotina, Fotinia) Palestine, St.
  • April 2:Fotina (Svetlana) Samaritan, Roman, mts.

Characteristics of the name Svetlana

Little Svetlana is a gentle, fragile, receptive girl. She fully lives up to her name: clean, neat, pretty, everything seems to glow from within. Svetlana - trusting and inquisitive child. However, already from early age the main feature clearly emerges in her character - inconstancy, contradiction. She may claim that the fairy tale she read seemed boring to her, but immediately change her attitude if her mother calls the fairy tale fascinating. And this is how Svetlana manifests herself in everything.

Svetlana's studies at school are uneven. She takes tasks lightly, but at the same time she is endowed with a lively mind, original imagination and excellent memory. All this allows her to easily acquire knowledge, but somehow impetuously, superficially. However, Svetlana usually graduates from school with good results. It happens that she is interested in some particular subject - more often history or biology - and then Svetlana has no equal in knowledge. She reads a lot, draws with enthusiasm, and often writes short stories or draws comics. Svetlana is active, enjoys organizing events, and helping teachers. She is selfless, does not expect praise or encouragement, and keeps an open mind. Classmates usually love Svetlana, and she happily communicates with them.

In the personality of the adult Svetlana, her inconsistency emerges more and more clearly. In it amazingly strength and weakness, kindness and indifference, gullibility and perseverance, courage and indecision are combined. Svetlana’s soul is torn by tossing: she chooses a profession for herself, gets on her feet quite firmly, and suddenly, obeying an instant decision, gives up her favorite business. She painstakingly begins to rebuild her life. Svetlana often has high self-esteem. For some reason, she considers herself unique, born for fame, and is sincerely surprised when this is not recognized. Meanwhile, Svetlana is quite independent, hardworking, can show persistence and practicality and achieve a lot in life. She gets along well with her colleagues, enjoys their trust, is very diplomatic and kind. Svetlana will become a good economist, teacher, fashion designer, doctor, psychologist, journalist, zoologist. She can realize herself in any creative profession and really become a “star”.

Svetlana is very responsive and will help even a stranger out of compassion. She has many friends, whom she loves all without exception. Svetlana is faithful to friendship and painfully experiences betrayal. However, she is able to cope with herself and is able to forgive a person. Svetlana can unknowingly cause pain to herself to a loved one, than he will immediately repent.

Svetlana is a charming woman. Even if she is devoid of natural beauty, she is endowed with a rare and delightful charm. Usually men are inexplicably drawn to her, but Svetlana is extremely careful. She loves to flirt, loves male company, but always knows when to stop. Svetlana, a supporter of strong relationships, chooses one and only man - kind, sympathetic, but wealthy. Svetlana becomes ideal wife, a caring housewife and mother. Her house is clean, comfortable and warm. She teaches children order and responsibility. Svetlana usually finds a compromise with her husband and will not cheat on him.