Intelligent transmissions. The most interesting programs: rating, list of the best, descriptions and reviews

The NTV television company has closed “Own Game”, a television quiz show that has won the status of the main one for 19 years on air. intelligent transmission countries. While numerous fans of the game are discussing what caused this decision - low ratings or the machinations of enemies - recalls the most interesting TV quiz shows, according to various reasons disappeared from Russian television.

"As easy as pie"

The program was most remembered in the period from 1994 to 1996, when Nikolai Fomenko was its host. It was built on the principle of the game "tic-tac-toe": in a giant square 3 by 3 cells sat famous personalities who answered questions. The player was required to agree or disagree with the answer. If he chose correctly, the sign he had chosen was placed in the square; if incorrectly, the opponent’s sign was placed. Distinctive feature- a catchy song in the intro and an incredible abundance of sponsors by today's standards. Like many domestic television games, it had an American prototype - the Hollywood Squares program.

"Golden fever"

Quite eccentric, even by the standards of Russian TV in the late 90s, Leonid Yarmolnik’s show. The main thing in "Gold Rush" was the surroundings. The actor in the image of the devil uttered sacramental phrases and moved along the metal grating that separated him from the players. His assistant, a dwarf in a cloak with a hood, interacted with the players mainly. Each program featured 30 people who, answering questions, desperately fought among themselves for ounces and kilograms precious metals. The main prize of the super final is a pound of gold.

"Weak Link"

This program was also hosted by Nikolai Fomenko for some time, but “The Weak Link” owes much of its popularity in Russia to the first presenter, Maria Kiseleva. The famous synchronized swimmer looked very natural in the role of a dispassionate observer of human vices: in each round of the game, one of the players, by the collective decision of the others, was declared a “weak link” and dropped out of the fight for Grand Prize. The TV game, which forced players to demonstrate their most unpleasant qualities, was seriously accused of excessive cruelty, which did not prevent it from staying on the air for four years - from 2001 to 2005.

"Russian roulette"

Another attempt to add passion and adrenaline to the intellectual show. In Valdis Pelsh's program, the player risked "falling into the abyss" for his mistake. Literally: each of the six participants stood on a trapdoor, which opened randomly after an incorrect answer. Any player could fail, not necessarily the author of the incorrect answer. In the first round, only one hatch opened. There were more and more of them as we got closer to the end. In the last round, the probability of falling into the hatch was extremely high; but at this stage, the presenter himself could fail along with the player.

"Oh, lucky guy!"

Russian-language adaptation of the British game "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?" for some time it was one of the most popular quiz shows on domestic television. One player had to answer 15 questions to win a million rubles. Some realities of the game - for example, the hint “Call a friend” - have become firmly established in the language. Copying the style of his foreign colleagues, presenter Dmitry Dibrov thoroughly ruffled the nerves of the participants and only then announced the correct answer.

"Brain Ring"

A sports version of the TV quiz show "What? Where? When?" and one of the few truly intellectual games on Russian TV. Two teams of six experts each answered questions at speed. Questions, according to tradition, were asked not for knowledge, but for logical thinking. Along with the team captain, a particularly responsible position was occupied by the player “sitting on the button” - his main task was to signal that the answer was ready before the other team, but not before the answer was actually ready. The program was published from 1989 to 2000, in 2010 on a short time revived on the STS channel.

"My own game"

And finally, “Own Game” is an analogue of the American television game show “Jeopardy!”, which lasted on Russian television for almost 20 years. In the video below - a pig in a poke, "Erich Krause", an auction question and the great Onotole, defeated by the sports editor of "" Yaroslav Kotyshov.

February 19, 2016

Various shows in which participants compete in the power of their minds are one of the most important components of entertainment television. “TV program” remembered the most rated Mind games Russian TV

Various shows in which participants compete in the power of their minds are one of the most important components of entertainment television. “TV Program” recalled the highest-rated intellectual games on Russian TV.

"What? Where? When?"

Source: Instagram

The first episode of the program aired in 1975. The project was invented by director Vladimir Voroshilov and editor Natalia Stetsenko. Voroshilov was also the permanent host of the program until December 2000. The essence of the game is the intellectual confrontation between TV viewers and experts. The unification of everyone who took part in the game “What? Where? When?”, before the collapse of the USSR it was called an “intellectual club”, and after the events of 1991 it began to be called an “intellectual casino”. Almost every CIS country has its own version of the game. The show also aired on Italian, Bulgarian, Turkish and American television. Since 1990, all games in the What? Where? When?" take place in the Hunting Lodge in Neskuchny Garden. The television program has been awarded the TEFI award more than once. And Vladimir Voroshilov was posthumously awarded the award “For personal contribution in development domestic television».

"Brain Ring"

This TV game is another brainchild of Vladimir Voroshilov. The master of national television conceived this project back in 1980. The first episode of the program aired 10 years later - in 1990. Since 1991, the program has been led by the master “What? Where? When?" Andrey Kozlov. Distinctive feature intellectual show“Brain Ring” became a competition between two teams. The reward for winning the game cycle was a prize called the “Golden Brain”. Unlike “What? Where? When?" There were a large number of spectators present during the filming of the Brain Ring - several thousand people were seated in specially built stands. Many people played Brain Ring famous experts"What? Where? When?". IN different time Alexander Druz, Maxim Potashev, Vladimir Belkin, Elena Kislenkova, Boris Burda and other professional players met on the fields of intellectual television battles.

"My own game"


This popular television quiz is an analogue of the American show “Jeopardy!”, which translates as “Take Risk!”. The premiere of “Own Game” took place in the spring of 1994. The main assistant of the players on this program is erudition, whereas, for example, in the program “What? Where? When?" experts answer questions guided by synthesis, analysis, logic and imagination. From the very beginning, the Russian version of the American television show acquired its own characteristics. So, for example, the editors came up with robes different color for the participants, whereas in America the players appeared on screen in their own clothes. An interesting fact is that at first the heroes of “A Game of Their Own”, who came to the TV show from other projects, could not get rid of the habit of consulting with their rivals - several curious incidents that occurred on the set were associated with this. “Own Game” was awarded two TEFI awards, and its permanent presenter Pyotr Kuleshov received a prestigious award in the “Television Game Presenter” category in 2005.

Intellectual programs on Russian television


1. Russian television on modern stage. Intellectual focus modern television

2. Characteristics intelligent programs Russian television

2.1 Knowledge games for money

2.2 Intellectual talk shows


The relevance of the chosen topic is that in the last few years on the screens Russian channels TV programs with intellectual content are appearing more and more often. This trend is implemented both through TV games and through competitions, conversations in the studio, etc. These are programs that define themselves as “intellectual”, related to “ high culture”, built around conversations between experts and professionals. Their goal is to teach viewers to think, to convey knowledge in its “humanitarian” version. They more or less reproduce the conventions of popular programs that exist on television, but at the same time they strive to convey a critical attitude towards popular culture. There is a constant fear here: “Do you love great Russian literature?”, “ Mass culture“Is this just evil or absolute evil?”

By design, these are not visual programs: you can not watch them, but only listen to them or read them in the form of a book. They do not use the resources of television as a media, although, perhaps, this is what could provide some new moves in order to turn “talks about culture” off the usual rut. Programs often preserve the image of an expert, a bearer of knowledge (sometimes by simulating it), and reproduce ideas about the role of the “intelligentsia” enlightening the “people”; spectators habitually demonstrate their readiness to listen - in a limited space in a limited time. Although this position does not seem modern, it is also in short supply on domestic television. While it remains open question about whether it is possible to propose any other solutions for “intellectual programs”, which would involve technologies and media languages ​​and would destroy the usual boundaries between intellectual strata in Russian society.

The priority for modern Russian television is the preservation and development of the traditions of educational, intellectual, cultural programs and programs related to entertainment broadcasting, including the most popular genre - film screening, as well as news, socio-political and analytical television.

People live by television - it is all-class, all-educational, all-age, all-confessional. There's no other social institution, including school and family, which could compete with television in programming consciousness, and therefore behavior. An idea of ​​life is imposed on us that contradicts reality. And scientists recognize the fact that a person believes more in his ideas about something than in reality, that is, he believes not in life, but in what he thinks about it. If you believe television, then reforms. which were carried out in the 90s completely failed, the privatization of state property is the height of injustice and corruption, a businessman and a criminal are synonymous, and the country of Russia is a country of criminals. Television is the most powerful tool psychological impact, stronger than any law enforcement system, FSB, Ministry of Internal Affairs. And whoever owns television and interprets events owns the country.

The basis of the structure of Channel One is information broadcasting, and, above all, information program"Time", which has a stable viewership. Its popularity is facilitated by both the breadth of relevant topics covered and the emergence of young talented reporters. Today this is a traditional evening (“nine o’clock”) episode. "Night Time" is an information and analytical channel that goes on air with the results of the day and contains live broadcasts with comments from experts on the most important issues And current problems, as well as episodes of the author's program "However".

IN morning broadcast The information and entertainment channel "Good Morning" is released.

A special place in broadcasting is occupied by journalistic programs, where the most relevant political, economic and other aspects of the life of modern society are discussed.

When we're talking about about the educational mission of television, we see how much we have lost. Once upon a time we had excellent educational channels, educational and popular science programs. But after Channel 4 was transferred to NTV, we went from a country that was once proud of its educational and educational television to a country in which there is no educational broadcasting. In a word, a cultural catastrophe has occurred, and this is one of the biggest losses of our television, which cannot be compensated for by anything. In terms of the role of television in the education of a person, a citizen, an individual, in enlightenment, we have become one of the most backward countries. And if urgent measures are not taken today to restore educational broadcasting with its rich traditions, then we will lose one generation after another.

Society must set certain conditions for commercial television and business. Air frequencies are Natural resources, which belong to everyone, and they need to be used for the good, for the development of citizens, but this is not happening. Both television and society have lost the instinct of self-preservation, having absorbed all the worst from Soviet and Western television. Even American students, who are interning with us on television, are amazed by the abundance of blood and violence, cruelty on our screens. It is no coincidence that 70% of people, in a sociological survey conducted in 2004, were in favor of introducing censorship. Not political, but moral, protecting against harmful influences. In France there is a television supervisory board, to which the president appoints three people, who receive a salary and do not have the right to work anywhere else until the end of their powers. The monetary sanctions imposed on TV channels abroad are very large, and they can even take away their license.

It requires political will, both from the entire television management and the entire television community, to get out of this current state in which we find ourselves.

Besides, special place The channel occupies the genre of documentary investigation, built on the principle of reconstructing past events, which expands the demographic composition of the channel, attracting a significant youth and male audience to it - the programs “How It Was”, “Documentary Detective”, “Independent Investigation”.

A slightly different, but no less important task is solved by the social program “Wait for me”, which helps in finding people who sometimes lost each other many years ago, and creates, through various, often tragic, human destinies portrait of today's Russia.

One of the most important functions for the channel is the educational function; its on-screen embodiment is implemented in two popular genres- cognitive and cultural, which are based on both modern materials and historical events. The popular science programs “Civilization,” “In the Animal World,” and “Travelers’ Club” enjoy constant success among Channel One viewers.

Among the cultural programs are the author's cycles of the famous Russian art critic Vitaly Vulf (translator of T. Williams' plays) "Silver Ball"; cycles historical programs writer and playwright Edward Radzinsky, awarded the Russian national television award "Tefi"; program "The History of a Masterpiece", dedicated to collections of the largest Russian museums - Tretyakov Gallery and the Russian Museum and others.

The most popular and rated type of broadcasting is film screening, which occupies 40% of broadcasting on Channel One and is formed from all cinematic genres and forms existing today - gaming feature films, television series, documentaries and animated films. Film screenings on Channel One are aimed at satisfying the interests of not only the mass audience, but also attract viewers with non-standard aesthetic tastes. IN Lately on Channel One there is a priority for domestic series, which are extremely successful: “Special Forces”, “ destructive force", "Border. Taiga novel", "Stop on demand".

It was on Channel One that such domestic films as " Burnt out by the sun", "Checkpost", the trilogy "Love in Russian", "Peculiarities of the National Hunt", "Peculiarities of the National Fishing". The constant presence of the channel in the international television and film market allowed us to conclude contracts with such companies as Warner Brothers, Paramount, MGM/UA , Turner, BBC, Gaumont, UGC and show Russian viewers films of famous Western directors - “Casino” by M. Scorsese, “Leon” by L. Besson, “Con Air” by S. West, “Citizen Kane” by O. Wells, “Life is Beautiful” "R. Benigni...

The entertainment genre on Channel One is represented in two directions - music and gaming. Most Popular music program with domestic performers- “Song of the Year”, as well as concerts famous performers A. Pugacheva, O. Gazmanov, V. Leontyev, the groups "Chaif", "Aquarium" and others. Among the channel's notable musical events are concerts by Sting, David Bowie, Joe Cocker, Tina Turner, and Michael Jackson. Channel One's game programs have a consistently large audience, despite the fact that some of them have existed for many years. This is “Field of Miracles”, “What? Where? When?”, KVN. New games - "The People Against", "Russian Roulette" and "The Weakest Link" - are aimed at TV intellectuals.

Today, the sphere of television has been able to cover almost all spheres and areas of human life and activity. The time has long come when interesting programs designed not only for fans of reality shows or singing competitions. Modern television offers a huge number of interesting programs on a wide variety of topics: from politics and criminology to fashion and design. As for domestic television, most projects are copies or adaptations of American shows. Most often these are culinary programs and talent shows. However, quite a large number of created original formats that can satisfy the curiosity and needs of any viewer, even the most erudite and demanding.

Purpose of gears

Modern television increasingly seeks not only to entertain viewers, but also to educate and enrich them. inner world. Even if a person is a professional in his field, he can always update his knowledge and test his intellectual data by watching the program. Interesting programs can be not only entertaining, but also educational and even documentary. Each TV viewer can find something for himself interesting shows, which will allow you not only to spend time in an informative and exciting way, but also to replenish your knowledge and practical skills in a particular branch of life.

Variety of TV programs

Each TV channel creates and broadcasts a large number of different programs not only to attract viewers, but also to significantly increase this. This move allows you to become more attractive and promising for those who want to advertise their product on it. The most interesting programs can be divided into several main types:

  • News releases and analytical shows.
  • Programs about adventures and travel, nature and ecology.
  • Programs about science and education. Those aimed at developing intelligence.
  • Sports shows. Football reviews.
  • Scientific projects.
  • Children's programs.
  • Entertainment formats.

As for TV shows, this type can also be divided into several subtypes:

  1. An improvisational show where actors live perform certain actions.
  2. A talk show where characters discuss current and important events and problems.
  3. A reality show where characters experience certain events live.

Entertainment programs

The purpose of entertainment programs is to evening time gather the whole family or friends in front of the TV screen. Among the most popular and sought-after types of such projects are humorous, fashionable, dance and vocal ones. It is in such shows that there is not only an entertaining, but also a competitive moment. He makes the program as interesting and unpredictable as possible. There are also very interesting programs in our country. The list of the best of them is as follows: “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?”, “Battle of Psychics,” “Dancing with the Stars,” “ Fashionable verdict", "House 2", "X-Factor", "Bachelor".

World TV show rating

If we take into account the world-famous interesting programs, their list is as follows:

  • Top Gear is a program about the types, characteristics and testing of cars. The show has been popular for several decades. Over time, its format has become even more exciting and unpredictable.
  • “Mythbusters” is a scientific program that is based on testing and debunking certain legends. Scientists conduct interesting experiments and show their consequences.
  • “The X Factor” is a vocal show that has captivated audiences all over the world. The main task of the program is to find talented vocalists who compete with each other for a valuable prize.
  • “The Oprah Winfrey Show” is a program that has been gathering stars and popular people of America in its studio for 25 years. This project in some way influenced the development of pop culture and the worldview of many Americans.
  • “The Show with David Letterman” is an American-produced program that belongs to the entertaining and humorous format. The host of the show invites celebrities and spends time with them interesting conversation with tricky questions.
  • “House 2” is a Russian program that is considered one of the longest running. Its format is that it is completely different people they propose to build love relationship and start a family.
  • “Candidate” is an American program that invites several people to try their hand at a certain profession. After several assignments, the employer must choose someone who can fill the vacancy in his company.
  • "The Bachelor" - worldwide famous show, which allows a single successful man to choose a worthy life partner. In each episode, he must refuse one of the girls, thereby narrowing the circle of contenders for his heart.
  • “Battle of Psychics” is a popular program all over the world that allows you to select a true professional with paranormal abilities. Participants must pass many tests and competitions that show the real talents and skills of magicians.

Each person has needs when choosing a TV show to watch, however, according to the ratings of domestic and foreign channels, it is possible to identify interesting TV shows that are most popular and in demand. Each of these projects allows viewers not only to watch something educational, but also to gain new knowledge and skills. Among such shows you can see both entertaining and educational types of programs.

Thanks to the large number of foreign channels and Internet sites, anyone can choose a program that will satisfy their needs and curiosity. Among these shows are the following programs: “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?”, “Polyglot”, “Fear Factor”, “Hell’s Kitchen”, “House 2”.

Cognitive transfers

most often attract people who like to watch various journalistic investigations, paranormal phenomena, current or past military conflicts, important events and people whose names and activities were previously classified. In addition, TV channels present a huge number of scientific and technical programs that tell about important discoveries and inventions. Transport lovers can also find interesting shows telling about models and equipment configurations.

Medical professionals can learn about new pharmaceutical products and the latest developments and achievements in medicine from television shows. Fans of hunting and fishing will also not be left without watching the programs. Since there are even special channels specializing in this narrow topic.

Russian programs

Russian television consists of programs that are borrowed from American projects and formats. They were created specifically for the domestic mentality. On Russian space interesting programs gears occupy a special place. Among Russians there are a large number of comprehensively developed and intelligent people who prefer only high-quality and time-tested programs.

Ukrainian broadcasts

Interesting programs that are popular among Ukrainians are quite often analogues of American and Russian projects. However, this is not an obstacle to their popularity and demand. Many Ukrainians prefer mainly educational and entertaining programs that allow them to relax and get a charge of positive emotions.

A significant advantage of modern television is the ability to watch shows live, experiencing all the emotions and incidents online. In addition, almost all episodes and seasons of programs can be found on the Internet without any problems. There you can watch programs without commercial breaks and breaks. Special sites that present a variety of interesting programs on any topic can become a real salvation for those who seek to gain richer and more interesting emotions and knowledge.