Is it possible to speak money? A plot to make quick money so that you always have it in your wallet

Sometimes difficult situations arise in life when you can experience what poverty is like. And let them say that happiness is not in material goods ah, but in their complete absence, surviving in our time is very difficult.

Fortunately, there are many ways to cope with financial difficulties. The main thing is to believe, and first of all, in yourself.

The most effective ways to attract wealth and good luck to your home

With the help of magic:

  • rites and rituals
  • conspiracies
  • prayers

With the help of folk signs:

  1. You cannot spend immediately after receiving your salary. The full amount must spend at least one night in your home
  2. Throughout the year you need to store and not spend one large bill. It will be “saturated” with your energy and will help attract money into your home
  3. Don't let your wallet remain empty - there should be at least one coin in it. The same applies to the pockets of clothes: putting them away in the closet until next season, leave a few coins there or small bills. Don't forget to make sure there are no holes in your pockets - money doesn't like that. “Money comes to money” - this is the “magic of money”
  4. The resulting bubbles in the mug on the surface of the tea need to be collected with a spoon and drunk - it is believed that this is for money
  5. Always keep three red carnations bought on Thursday in a vase in your home, then material wealth will not leave you
  6. To ensure prosperity in your home, you need to scatter coins (preferably silver) on the floor when moving into a new home.
  7. Hide a few bills under the tablecloth and store them there, then there will be no losses in your home
  8. To prevent money transfers, place an empty open wallet on the windowsill on the night of a full moon, and a closed one with money on a new moon. When you see the moon, show it the largest one banknote, which you have so that the money grows like the new moon, or grab gold so that the money flows

With the help of Feng Shui.

It is considered one of the most reliable methods for. But in order for the efforts not to be in vain, you must sincerely believe in the energy of things.

Your wallet should attract money, not repel it.

The following rules will help achieve this:

  • Your wallet should not be old, worn or unkempt. Buy new wallet green is the color of money, it will help attract it
  • Keep your wallet tidy. It is necessary to throw away all old unnecessary receipts, business cards, used tickets.
  • Organize your money by denomination and currency: thousandth bills in one compartment or just next to thousandths, hundreds with hundreds, dollars with dollars, rubles with rubles. Changes should be kept in a separate pocket of the wallet
  • The smell of cinnamon and mint - put a mint leaf or cinnamon stick in your wallet

Using the power of thought:

None of the methods listed above will work if you are thinking in the wrong direction.
You must forget about all the stereotypes associated with money. Just love money, think about it only in a positive way. Remember that a thought is material and can be translated into reality.

Strong conspiracies and prayers for money

Magic ritual for the waxing moon

This conspiracy is pronounced only on the waxing moon. It is recommended to do this in the morning before noon or in the evening after 8 o'clock. Conduct the ceremony in secret so that no one knows about it.

Place two large buckets next to each other. One needs to be filled with water, and a coin must be placed in the other. You need to pour water from one bucket to another 7 times and say:

“The river flows wide, the river flows deep, the circle of a pure field, the circle of Alatyr-stone, the river carries mighty water, boiling water, for every animal, every grass to live on, so would I have a servant of God (name), gold and silver It flowed like a river, washed the rapids, filled the corners, gave the children strength, the old people their belongings, and people’s income.

My words are bound with iron, you can’t pierce them with a knife, you can’t chop them with an ax, so be it.”

If you spill a little water, blot it with a canvas rag and wipe the floor at the threshold of your apartment with it.

The charmed coin must be taken out of the bucket, put in your wallet and always carried with you. Be careful, if you accidentally spend this coin, the plot will lose its power.

Prayer to the young moon to attract profit

The prayer is said on the third day after the new moon. To carry out the ritual you will need several coins.

In the evening, just before sunset, take the prepared coins and go outside. At this time, if weather conditions permit, the month should already be visible in the sky.

Bow to the young moon and, jingling coins, say a prayer to her:

“I will bow to the month and pray for prosperity. Moon, young month, you are the master of all the stars, be the master of my money: as many stars as there are in the sky, send me as much money.”

Enchanted coins cannot be spent until the next new moon, and then they must be distributed as alms. On the new moon that appears, speak again to the other coins.

A strong spell for wealth on the full moon that cannot be removed

On a full moon, you need to stand in front of a window with a bill in your hand. Its denomination does not matter, but it must certainly be in good condition: not dirty and without tears.

“Just as the Moon attracts day and night, so let this talisman attract money, riches, and golden things to me. I will save them, I won’t spend them on trifles, I will multiply them and put them to use. Let the power of the Moon help me with this."

Always carry the bill you have in your wallet.

Prayer for prosperity to Saint Spyridon of Trimifuntsky

Read this prayer daily until financial difficulties won't dare. But know that you need to do this exclusively in the mornings or exclusively in the evenings:

“O blessed Saint Spyridon! Beg the mercy of God, the Lover of Mankind, not to judge us for our iniquities, but to deal with us according to His mercy.

Ask us, God's servants (names), from Christ and God for our peaceful, serene life, mental and physical health. Deliver us from all spiritual and physical troubles, from all yearnings and the devil’s slander.

Remember us at the throne of the Almighty and beg the Lord to grant us forgiveness of many of our sins, grant us a comfortable and peaceful life, and grant us a shameless and peaceful death and eternal bliss in the future, so that we may continually send glory and thanksgiving to the Father and the Son and the Spirit Holy, now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen".

Appeal to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker

This prayer can help in attracting money that suddenly disappeared from your life:

“Father Nicholas! I pray to you, ruler of those floating on the sea, feeder of the hungry, helper and patron of all, for a peaceful and bright path of life. I unceasingly glorify the one God in the Trinity forever and ever. Amen!".

Ritual with a coin so that money is kept in the house

You need to take any coin and say the following words on it:

“As there is a lot of mud in a swamp, and fish in the water, so there is a lot of wealth for me. Month, grow and grow, and give me, the servant of God (name), wealth. Amen. Amen. Amen".

If someone takes it from the corner or shifts it, then it will be necessary to start all over again.

In exactly one week you need to spend this coin. Then on an even day and on the waxing moon, you need to put a new coin, also speaking to it first. Repeat the ritual two more times. After this, your income should increase.

How to apply these methods at home?

Prayers and conspiracies are serious business. And if you are not a professional and do not have experience in this matter, then you need to know and strictly follow a number of rules:

  1. Start performing a ritual or reading a plot only if you are ready for any unexpected consequences that your magical actions. Think everything over carefully, weigh the pros and cons again. Please note that it is impossible to predict the consequences
  2. Do not cast spells simply to test their effectiveness out of curiosity. If everything in your life is already good, and you don’t need it, then you won’t see any results from the ritual.

  3. Conspiracies to attract money need to be read word for word, as written and without hesitation. It’s better to re-read them several times to yourself or memorize them before saying them out loud
  4. It is forbidden for pregnant women to resort to any magic related to raising money. An unborn baby is extremely vulnerable to such things. If you, being in a position, nevertheless decide to carry out the ceremony, then be prepared for unpredictable consequences
  5. For various conspiracies and prayers there is a specific time of day and a specific day when they should be said. If you do not take this into account when reading conspiracies as you please, then, of course, you will not get any results.
  6. If rituals to attract wealth are performed at your request by another person who is not knowledgeable in this matter, then you need to give him something in gratitude. It can be anything, but under no circumstances should you give alcohol or money
  7. If the conspiracy that you are going to pronounce is aimed exclusively at you, then you need to carefully prepare for this. Fast for three days before performing a ritual to attract financial wealth. It is strictly forbidden to quarrel and sort things out with your relatives. On the contrary, it is advisable to stock up positive emotions. You cannot do anything bad: steal, kill animals, etc.

  8. Do not tell anything related to the conspiracy to a single living soul, even to your closest and dearest people. Keep what you are going to say secret and especially do not talk about the results of the ritual. Remember that this is only your business and does not concern anyone but you.

How to attract big money to your home and get rich quickly; of course, read the conspiracy for money in your wallet, after which poverty will pass and wealth will come. This vintage one money ritual will help to attract goodness and luck into your home and the money in your wallet will always be in the amount you need. Take the wallet in your hands and, opening it, say the text of the conspiracy: ... Count the money in the wallet, every last penny, and write the resulting amount on a sheet of white paper (there should be no stripes or cells!). Buy a candle of any color and any size in church and when you bring it home, melt the candle in your hands and mold the candle again, only add a piece of paper with the amount to the wick, distributing it along the length

  • A spell for money for a husband's wallet should be read on a church candle painted in green color and a banknote of any denomination. After the spell to attract money, the bill should be given to the husband so that he can buy bread, milk and eggs, so calculate the denomination of the bill; there should be one. Your husband must give you all the change from the purchase - this is very important! I’ll tell you why later, but for now let’s talk about how to attract money and prepare for the money ritual. For the ritual to attract money to the house, you need a church candle, tinted with brilliant green and dried; prepare it in advance. During the day, when no one is home, place a lighted candle in front of the icon and stand on

  • Money conspiracies that really help and work quickly are ancient conspiracies for money and wealth that need to be read on the moon. If you want to attract wealth so that you always have money, you need to read the following conspiracy to attract and increase money in your wallet on the full or waxing moon on your wallet. Important at the time of money ritual There must be 5 rubles in one coin in your wallet. After a money spell, this coin will be a talisman that attracts wealth into your wallet so that there is always money in your wallet. A conspiracy for money and wealth should be read by going outside to a deserted place, looking at the moon and stroking

  • A money ritual that attracts money from Vanga is done independently. To attract money on the waning moon, you need to read the strongest conspiracy against the poor, destitution and lack of money, so that money is always available and never runs out. A conspiracy against poverty for money is read for the smallest paper bill in the house at midnight on the waning moon, and early in the morning this bill must be spent in the church by buying candles, as many as are enough and putting them in memory of those relatives who have already passed on to the other world. After the candles are placed, order a magpie for your health for yourself and your family with whom you live. This concludes the ritual for the waning moon from lack of money and poverty. Conspiracy from lack of money to decrease

  • The best and strong conspiracy for good luck in trading to attract buyers and big money Vanga revealed a money conspiracy for successful trading and removing the evil eye on honey and holy water which you need to read on your own point of sale every third day of the month, regardless of the moon and your condition, even if you are sick and don’t have the strength to go to work, you cannot skip the money ceremony! Keep this in mind before you start reading the plot for good luck in trading, attracting big money and wealthy clients. If you are ready for such a ritual to attract cash flow to your business and increase sales with the greatest benefit for yourself, buy natural honey and pour it in the church

  • You don’t know what you need to do to always have money in your house, but you need to read a conspiracy to attract money using a money magnet you made with your own hands and it will attract a sufficient amount of money into your home. This money conspiracy is over 100 years old and throughout its existence it has always worked to attract money to those who read it. You need a yellow coin and a church candle. It is best to do this plot on New Year or Christmastide, but you can read a conspiracy for money so that it is always in your wallet on any day, regardless of the lunar cycle, just remember the date when you did the ritual to attract big money from your life - in a year this

  • Spells and prayers for money and good luck from Vanga have already helped many to establish wealth in money matters and bring back luck in life. In the reviews, those who have read Vanga’s conspiracies to quickly attract money all claim that these are the strongest and fastest money conspiracies that get rid of lack of money and after which success comes in all matters and endeavors. Anyone can read Vanga’s money conspiracies on their own and you don’t need to go anywhere to read them; Vanga’s money conspiracies need to be read at home, right where you live. Tempting? Don’t waste your time and the consequences of the money conspiracy will bring down a financial flow, endless luck and

  • A souvenir money scoop spoon on which a spell to attract money has been read will make its owner a rich and influential person. Today we will tell you how to make a money scooping spoon yourself and what spell you need to read for it, teaching you a money ritual to attract good luck and money. At all times and in all religions of the world, a spoon is considered a symbol of abundance and a rich table; if you independently read the money plot on a spoon, you will get it money talisman attracting money and prosperity to the house. It was precisely these raking spoons that the Old Believers used to charm to attract material wealth and attract the energy of money. Old

  • At a time of financial need in Rus', they read this powerful conspiracy for money, which has a powerful magical blow to the lack of money. As a result of this money conspiracy, which you need to read yourself at home, money and prosperity came to the family. Before you get ready to read the plot, place copper coins on a white saucer without a pattern, pour wheat grains on its bottom on top of the coins and cover them on top with a green scarf. At home, pour the saucer generously with holy water every three days without lifting the handkerchief (don’t even touch it!). Every time you water wheat sprouts, you should read the spell on

  • Will help you attract money into your life money magic and a very strong conspiracy to attract money told by Vanga. If need has come into your life and money slips away like sand through your fingers, read this powerful conspiracy to attract money and your life will very quickly change with the arrival of big money. better side. To read the plot, prepare two glasses of wheat, a glass of holy water and a church candle yellow color. On the waxing moon, as soon as Vespers in church ends, go to the window holding a glass of holy water in your left hand and a lit candle in your right and say the words of the spell to attract

  • Home plot for money you need to read on a new moon on a coin that will magically attract money and good luck. The money plot told by Vanga, which needs to be read for money, is a very powerful and ancient ritual of money magic performed on the new moon. Vanga called this plot a money magnet of good luck and wealth. The moon is the largest natural magnet that attracts water (ebb and flow), controlling the consciousness and subconscious of people (sleepwalking). Spells and rituals for money that need to be read on the moon are so powerful and loved by all practicing magicians, and the fact that you can read a spell for money at home makes it even more

  • Rituals and rituals for money on the full moon have always contributed to the increase in money and wealth with the help of a big money conspiracy. Most quick way To become richer with the help of magic is to read a spell for money on the full moon yourself. Those who, on the night of the full moon, happened to read a money plot to attract money on a green candle could very quickly get rid of lack of money and pay off all their debts and live in wealth and prosperity without knowing the need. If you want to perform a ritual to attract and increase money and there is a full moon in the sky, then you have the opportunity to find out what the magic of money on a full moon can actually do and read old conspiracy for money which is real

  • If you read a conspiracy for money on the day of the Assumption Holy Mother of God you can get rich very quickly and get a lot of money out of life for a very short term. The magic for the Assumption is the most powerful and spells for money read in front of the icon of the Virgin Mary act instantly enriching a person and making him luckier in all matters. If we remember the traditions and customs of our ancestors on the day of the Dormition of the Virgin Mary that relate to money, then on this day, many knowledgeable people upon entering the church, they read a special old conspiracy - a prayer for money in order to immediately become richer both spiritually and financially after the holiday. In church before the service you need to light 3 candles if you do not have a family or

  • What do they do at the Presentation of the Lord so that there is money, of course a monetary ritual and a conspiracy - a prayer for financial well-being which attracts money to its owner. If you are experiencing problems with money, by reading a spell for money on the day of the Presentation of the Lord, you can improve your financial affairs and attract big money into your life with the help of white magic. A money ceremony performed independently and a spell read - a prayer for money and good luck is truly magic remedy with which you can quickly get rich and become richer in an instant. After you can get rich on Candlemas with the help of a money plot, do not forget to express gratitude to the Almighty

  • All money conspiracies, prayers and rituals that can be read on the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary are aimed at attracting money and strongly attract wealth and luck to a person in all his affairs. The most powerful conspiracy - the prayer for the Intercession is read with money, or rather with any one coin, which you need to carry with you, putting it in your wallet. To independently and correctly perform magical ritual To attract money you need to choose an unusual coin. For this purpose, a commemorative coin or a special series coin made of silver or gold purchased from any bank is best suited. Such a coin is a talisman and certainly cannot be confused or spent by mistake. Read the spell to attract money

    • When it is necessary to return a large sum of money (for example, if someone borrowed and long time does not return)
    • When it is necessary to attract money to the house (it happens that everyone in the house works, but there is still no money)
    • When you urgently need to find or receive a certain amount of money (for example, when you need money for surgery or treatment).

    However, in addition to these varieties, people actively use, for example, effective spells for money in a wallet, which are a special kind of whispering (slanders) produced with the aim of attracting money to it from a wide variety of sources. The so-called conspiracies of Stepanova, the famous Russian healer and sorceress, who shares her wisdom and sacred knowledge with everyone, are also popular among the people. Those who have repeatedly resorted to her magic confidently confirm the fact that conspiracies Siberian healer money never lets you down.

    What to do if you need to attract money to your home?

    For those, who for a long time struggling with the question of how to attract money, a conspiracy to make money flow will be just right. The simplest of these rituals is as follows: whenever you go to a store or market, make a purchase or sale transaction and receive money (no matter change or payment), say to yourself: “In our wallet is your money, your treasury is my treasury. Amen". Such a conspiracy to attract money will not only constantly concentrate the consciousness of the speaker on the formation of a money egregor, but will also really affect the influx financial resources to the house.

    Another good plot To make money flow, it is done on the new moon. First day new moon, exactly at midnight you need to go out onto the road with 12 coins, put the coins under the light of the moon and say out loud seven times:

    “Everything that grows and lives multiplies from sunlight, and money comes from moonlight. Grow money. Multiply your money. Add more money. Make me (your name) rich, come to me. Let it be so!".

    After which the money should be held tightly in your fist and, upon entering the house, immediately put into the wallet that you use constantly. This conspiracy for money on the new moon, like others carried out during this period of the lunar cycle, is very effective and efficient.

    What to do if you urgently need a large sum of money?

    In case it is necessary to obtain a large amount money, use the following conspiracy for big money:

    “Jesus Christ, hope and support, Ever-Virgin Mary, Jesus’ support, walked across the sky, carrying bags of money, the bags opened, the money fell out. I, the servant of God (your name), walked downstairs, collected money, took it home, lit candles, and distributed it to my friends. Candles, burn, money, come to the house! Forever and ever! Amen!".

    The plot is read over five burning church candles. After reading these words, you need to wait until the candles burn out, collect the wax and put it in your wallet as a talisman. Coming large amount money guaranteed. If you just need to receive or find money, a conspiracy to receive money is also done with candles, or rather, with one green candle. On the candle you need to write with something your name and the specific amount of money that is needed. After which the spark plug is first lubricated vegetable oil, then rolled in basil powder and set on fire with the words:

    “Money comes, money grows, money will find its way into my pocket!”

    Such conspiracies for money serve as a kind of invisible pointer to the funds where they need to go.

    What to do if you need to return the money you lent?

    It often happens that a person borrows money from someone, but it is not returned to him. It was invented for such cases. His the main objective- not only to return the money to the person who needs it and to whom it rightfully belongs, but also to influence the conscience of the one who borrowed this money and does not give it back. A typical conspiracy to get money back might look like this:

    “I am sending a charge against the servant of God (the name of the debtor): let this charge burn and bake, chase him around the corners, break bones, not eat, do not sleep, do not drink, and not give rest to (the name of the debtor) until that debt is repaid to me.” .

    This conspiracy is read to get the money back, over a broom, with which you mentally beat the debtor. Another effective conspiracy to return money is somewhat exotic, but no less effective. You need to get freshly churned cow butter (this can be done in the villages), take it to right hand as much as possible and, carefully smearing it on the aspen board, say:

    “The oil will turn bitter, and you, servant of God (name of the debtor), will grieve in your heart, and roar with your eyes, and ache in your soul, and suffer in your mind. About the fact that you need to give me (your name) your debt. Amen".

    After which the board should ideally be thrown into the debtor’s house. Then his conscience will be restless, and he will constantly remember the unrepaid debt. This conspiracy to give away money is most effective if all its requirements are met.

    Money and luck

    This variety stands apart magical rituals related to financial means, such as spells for good luck and money. And although the name itself already contains a catch and there is an attempt to “kill two birds with one stone”, both luck and money, nevertheless, this type of money magic is still quite popular and, according to eyewitnesses, very effective.

    Today, very strong spells for money and good luck bring not only solid financial resources, but also success in business. They can also be used when concluding trade transactions or when carrying out financial transactions. In such cases, the party that used the conspiracy not only receives money, but also remains a winner in all other respects. In addition, these kinds of magical formulas, if applied correctly and in a timely manner, bring good luck in all financial transactions: from buying bread to selling a car. We present one of these slander here as an example. In order to implement it, you need to take three multi-colored candles: green, white and brown.

    Each of them has a symbolic meaning:

    1. White color directly denotes the person performing this ritual
    2. Brown – activity carried out by this person
    3. Green, respectively, those cash, with which the above object deals in its activities.

    Candles are placed on the table, forming a triangle, preferably with equal sides and its elements arranged as follows: a white candle should be placed in front of you, a green one to the left of the white one, and a brown one to the right. Then the candles are lit in order, starting with the white one. At this point it says: "Flame is like a soul, soul is like a flame". Setting fire to the brown one, they say: “Deeds within deeds, paths within paths, everything is muddy”. The green candle says the following: "Profit in profit, money in money". Then you should look at how they burn, and then sharply, in a single movement, combine them into one, but so that they continue to burn, and then put the resulting mixture in the center of the former triangle and continue the spell: “In strength there is power, in power there is strength, I am with strength and with that power.”. This is perhaps the most powerful money conspiracy. Please also note that the candles must burn out completely, and whatever remains of them must be carefully collected and stored. This will be talked about in monetary transactions.

    When choosing to attract, return and preserve financial resources or material well-being, it is better to first read what people say about them: are these rituals effective, when and how best to perform them. And, of course, before you carry out this or that money conspiracy, reviews of which you do not know, be prepared for the fact that it may not work. Therefore, try to take descriptions of such rituals from trusted sources. Particularly noteworthy is the fact that all monetary and financial magical actions, including, should be carried out exclusively on the waxing moon. The “waxing moon” refers to the period of time beginning with the new moon and ending with the beginning of the full moon, when the moon is waxing.

    By the way, about the moon. Adherents of white magic claim that the cycles of the Earth’s satellite are very closely related to the financial sphere, which means that any money spell for the moon should be done wisely and with an eye on its current cycle.

    But at the same time, experts warn that it is better to refrain from rituals related to money on the days of the full moon. Spells for money on the full moon may well give reverse effect. However, this does not mean at all that in specialized literature you will not find rituals dedicated to money and carried out during full moon. However, their specificity only confirms the rule described above. Here, for example, is one such conspiracy for money on a full moon: for three days (on the full moon, on the day before it and on the day after it), you need to put an empty open wallet on the windowsill at night, in which you carry money during the day, saying: “Just as there are many stars in the sky, just as there is enough water in the sea, so should my wallet have a lot of money and always have enough.”, and on the day before the new moon and the two days after it, you need to put a full wallet on the window, saying the same words.

    A strong conspiracy to quickly get money from unexpected source. This plot helps to find money or receive it as a gift. But don’t think that they are dishonest or unworking.

    Every person loses money, everyone is sometimes deprived of what deserves to belong to them. This plot will help miraculously to return what was once lost by you, although it will come from another source.

    Go to a road or street where there are a lot of people walking. Walk along it and count your steps. After counting down 21 steps, begin to repeat to yourself (from memory) the words of the conspiracy.

    I'm walking, and money is coming my way. They are waiting for me, they come to me joyfully. How many people walk here every day, that’s how much money will come to me. Amen.

    You need to repeat this plot as many times as possible (at least 21). After that, count the steps again, count 21 steps, and you can return home or go about your business. Try to immediately forget that you are waiting for money, then it will come to you sooner.

    Read conspiracies to attract money

    Conspiracy for the waxing moon

    Performed on the fourth day after the new moon. You need to go to the window, jingle and rustle the money and say: You, a month, will be young, but there will be no money in my wallet!
    Repeat three times.

    Money plot

    Performed on the waxing Moon. You need to light a green candle and concentrate on the flame.

    Repeat the spell three to nine times to feel its power: “I wish the healing and harmonious energy of this candle to become mine. Let the magic of money flow through my life.

    I attract money like a magnet. I am open and receptive to wealth. There is light and love around me, they protect me in all my efforts. Let everything be done according to my word.”

    Leave the candle to burn out.

    Money plot against poverty

    If you are constantly short of money, you need to get a cow horn, hoof or leg bone.

    A beef leg bought in a store will do, but the bone needs to be thoroughly cleaned of meat. Put the bone in cold water and leave for a day. Then drain the water and place the bone in the sun.

    When the bone dries, say a spell against poverty:
    I will go out, blessed, I will go, crossing myself, seven angels, seven archangels, seven saints, seven of my patrons will meet me. “Angels, archangels, patron saints, where have you been, what have you seen?” “We were on the holy mountains, we saw a white ox, that white ox was running through the mountains, carrying misfortune-poverty across the sea.

    I ran across the sea, there was a white stone called Alatyr. The ox threw that misfortune-poverty onto the Alatyr-stone, began to gore it with its horns, and trample it with its feet. He beat him, trampled him, and threw him to the bottom of the sea, onto the yellow sands, where the wind doesn’t blow, the sun doesn’t warm, and the rain doesn’t fall.” Lie down, misery and misery, don’t get up either yesterday or tomorrow, but on this day I locked you with a key, and drowned the key in the well. My word is strong, like God's truth. Amen.

    After reading the plot, you need to wrap the bone in a white scarf and hide it at the doorstep. In the near future, the lack of money will no longer bother you.

    A conspiracy to make the husband of a housewife earn good money

    This conspiracy is aimed at ensuring that the husband of a housewife earns good money, does not get tired at work, so that he has energy left for the family.

    They read the plot on Monday, when the husband leaves for work. They escort their husband out the door, cross themselves and pronounce a spell:

    In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. I will get up, a young married slave (name), early in the morning, I will go out into an open field, in the open field there is a holy tree - the Mamrian oak, on that oak tree hang three sticks. Those sticks of three holy wanderers, three holy saints.

    And the first stick is of St. Anthony, and the second stick is of St. John, and the third stick is of St. Eustathius. I’ll come up, bow down, and pray to the saints of God. O holy martyrs Anthony, John and Eustathius! Look down from the heavenly palace on those who require your help and do not reject my requests; but as we have dreamed of our benefactors and intercessors, pray to Christ God, that He who loves mankind and is abundantly merciful will save my married husband (name) from every cruel situation: from cowardice, flood, fire, sword, evil people, theirs and mine sin.

    May the Lord not judge us sinners for our iniquities, and may we not turn the good things given to us from the all-merciful God into evil, but into the glory of His holy name and into the glorification of your strong intercession. May the Lord, through your prayers, give us peace of mind, abstinence from destructive passions and all defilement. O holy martyrs Anthony, John and Eustathius!

    Give the servant of God (name) strength in his hands, intelligence in his head, pure thoughts in his heart, goodness in his home, love in his family! Help, Lord. Amen. Amen. Amen.

    Spell to attract wealth

    If you are determined to get rich, then take a compass and determine the north direction.
    Place coins of different denominations around the compass. Then place a red candle on the table to the right of the compass needle, and a yellow one to the left and light them.
    Cast the spell three times:
    Forces of nature, cardinal directions, share your riches with me. Now and forever. Amen.
    Wait until the candles burn out and the flame goes out on its own. Place coins like talismans in secret pockets, wallets, boxes and do not waste them. Bury the remaining candles in the ground.

    Prayer to the Guardian Angel for material well-being

    I appeal to you, angel of Christ. He also protected me, and protected me, and kept me, for I have not sinned before and will not sin in the future against faith. So respond now, come down on me and help me. I worked very hard, and now you see my honest hands with which I worked.

    So let it be, as Scripture teaches, that labor will be rewarded. Reward me according to my labors, holy one, so that my hand, weary with labor, may be filled and I may live comfortably and serve God. Fulfill the will of the Almighty and bless me with earthly bounties according to my labors. Amen.