Personnel reserve requirements for candidates. Formation of a personnel reserve in the organization

The process of forming a personnel reserve in modern conditions is a very important procedure that allows not only to quickly resolve the issue of replacing an employee during his absence, but also to properly train a new one who may be suitable for occupying a qualified position. Let's take a closer look at the process of forming a personnel reserve.


The personnel reserve should be understood as a list of persons who are capable of performing the functions and tasks of specialists in a certain position of a higher rank due to their abilities, knowledge and skills.

To be included in the reserve, an employee must have high knowledge and ambition for professional advancement. Such promotion should be understood as occupying leadership positions, which requires the candidate from the reserve to meet certain requirements and characteristics.

The importance of personnel reserve

The purpose of the personnel reserve is stated in legislation at the federal level. For example, the order of the Government of the Russian Federation “On approval of the federal program “Training and retraining of the reserve of managerial personnel”” speaks of the need to train qualified managers for all areas, especially government agencies, which is associated with the socio-economic changes occurring in the state. After the adoption of this document, some more bills were added that defined and supplemented the process of creating personnel reserves in government agencies and bodies. Such orders have been developed for many ministries (Ministry of Internal Affairs, Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Transport, Roskomnadzor, etc.)

The importance of the personnel reserve is multifaceted and for specific organizations that expect to operate for a long time and have growth prospects, they care about reducing personnel risks, especially in managerial positions.

HR goals

The purposes of creating a reserve are:

  • prompt resolution of problems associated with the departure of key managers;
  • significant savings in financial and time costs for searching, selecting and training personnel;
  • professional growth of employees;
  • increasing employee loyalty and motivation to work (including the lack of fear among “reservists” of the difficulty of fulfilling upcoming duties and suddenly assigned tasks);
  • developing in employees an understanding of their own value for the employer;
  • preparing specialists for future changes in the organization;
  • the opportunity to “polish” your personnel, which will meet the requirements of your organization;
  • reducing staff turnover;
  • retention of promising personnel in the company.

The process of forming a personnel reserve is quite complicated. It requires the involvement of not only the head of the company and the personnel department, but also other specialists (lawyers, psychologists, trade unions, etc.). In this connection, issues of personnel reserve are resolved, as a rule, collectively with the help of a special body (or commission).

Main goals

The formation of a personnel reserve is aimed at solving the following tasks:

  • identifying existing potential among employees;
  • the opportunity to fill unfilled vacancies;
  • continuity production process and its effectiveness.

Basic documents

Such a regulation on the formation of a personnel reserve should include the following sections:

  • goals and objectives of the personnel reserve;
  • principles of creation;
  • list of positions for which the personnel reserve is formed;
  • order of formation;
  • candidate selection criteria;
  • training program;
  • criteria for deduction from the reserve;
  • analysis of the efficiency of working with reserves.

This provision may also contain information about sample documents that must be drawn up in the process of working with the reserve.

Types of personnel reserve

Candidates must fully meet the requirements for the position for which they are placed on the reserve. However, this also includes those who have a high potential for further professional advancement, but have less experience or are not sufficiently prepared. As a rule, 2 candidates are selected for each position.

By type of activity, a development reserve and a functioning reserve are distinguished. In other words, a reservist can make a choice between two career paths - professional and managerial.

Based on the time of appointment, a group of candidates nominated for a higher position at the present time and a group of candidates for the next one to three years are formed in the personnel reserve.

The personnel reserve can be internal and external. Creating an internal one is a more studied process that requires less financial costs. Such a reserve is more often used in practice.

External reserve involves attracting candidates from outside.


The management of a company's personnel reserve is based on certain principles. Let's consider the basic principles of forming a personnel reserve:

  • the principle of relevance - means that the need to fill a position must be valid today;
  • the principle of conformity means that the candidate must meet the requirements for the position;
  • the principle of the candidate's prospects.

How is it formed

The current system for forming a personnel reserve is hard work to identify (or recruit) promising employees as the most suitable and appropriate for management positions.

The system provides certain rules. The order of formation is as follows:

  • form a body that deals with these issues;
  • develop internal regulations, that is, a document in which it is necessary to reflect all procedures for creating a reserve;
  • create mechanisms for implementing the developed rules.

Proper creation of such a system is the key to successful optimization of the company’s headcount.

Step-by-step formation scheme

Let's consider the stages of forming a personnel reserve, which involve a certain sequence of stages:

  • analysis of the current situation:
  • assessment of the need for new managers or specialists for the next 1-3 years;
  • compiling a list of positions for the new reserve;
  • determining the availability of existing replacement specialists;
  • specifying the list of specialists;
  • analysis of the effect of the reserve that was created earlier.

The selection of the necessary candidates for inclusion in the reserve occurs in the following stages:

  • analysis of employee questionnaire data;
  • conducting an interview;
  • monitoring the employee’s behavior in his relationships with other colleagues;
  • assessment of performance indicators that characterize his work activity, as well as the results of his performance of specific tasks;
  • conducting employee certification;
  • identifying the compliance of the identified qualities with the requirements of the position;
  • comparison of results for different candidates;
  • compiling a list of a new reserve with a list of candidates for the position.

This list has its own characteristics:

  • one person can appear in several sections at the same time: for the near and distant future, as well as for different options positions;
  • collecting the maximum amount of information about the candidate, for example, personal data, certification results, potential assessment, feedback from colleagues, etc.;
  • drawing up recommendations for a professional development program.

The list obtained in this way is approved by the head of the organization.

  • reviewing the register of candidates from time to time;
  • replenishing the list if necessary;
  • exclusion from the list of employees who no longer meet the requirements;
  • adjustment of employee training programs;
  • analysis of the effectiveness of using the registry, forecasting and changes.

Personnel assessment process

Main types of personnel assessment:

  • systemic, which is carried out by clearly defining all the characteristics of assessment (process, frequency, criteria, measurement methods);
  • unsystematic.

The main assessment procedures are as follows:

  • preparing an assessment - involves collecting preliminary information;
  • directly assessing the employee through the creation of expert groups that assess the level of knowledge, skills, abilities and results of the employee’s work;
  • the assessment stage, including a commission meeting in the following order: inviting an employee and his supervisor, reviewing materials, listening to interlocutors, discussing the results, drawing up a conclusion, drawing up a protocol;
  • the decision-making stage, after which a conclusion is formed taking into account the conclusions and proposals of the commission; at the same stage, recommendations are made on the need to promote the employee to a higher position.

How the competition is held

We should also talk about holding a competition for the personnel reserve. The procedure for this procedure is also clearly regulated by the company’s internal documents. To carry out such a procedure, special competition commissions are formed in the organization:

  • to conduct a competition to fill a vacant position;
  • for holding a competition to form a reserve.

The competition procedure can only be started if there are at least two applicants for the personnel reserve. Otherwise, the competition is considered invalid.

Main stages of the competition:

  • submission of a memo by the head of the unit to the chairman of the competition commission;
  • preparation of all necessary documents for the competition;
  • an announcement about it is published 20 days before the competition;
  • documents are being accepted from applicants;
  • minutes of the meeting of the competition commission are drawn up;
  • conducting a competitive test by testing participants, as well as issuing a competitive task;
  • the evaluation of applicants in the competition is carried out;
  • the selection of the contestant is carried out;
  • all are processed Required documents for its acceptance.

Features of the state civil service

In order to promote the development of the civil service system, as well as improve the procedure for the formation and effective use reserve of managerial personnel, a Commission under the President is formed Russian Federation on issues of civil service and reserve of managerial personnel.

The period of planning and formation of the personnel reserve of the state civil service usually takes from one to three years. The length of stay of individual specialists in the personnel reserve is also on average three years, but with long-term plans of the organization it can reach five years.

Regardless of the timing of the implementation of the “reserve” project and the financial capabilities of the organization, work with the personnel reserve must be carried out among interested parties in an open form (information must be available to employees), this environment must be competitive (several candidates must be selected for a leadership position at once).

results professional activity- a very important selection criterion, since they can be used not only to judge the candidate’s performance, but also to evaluate the benefit of enrolling him in the reserve. Such non-material encouragement for a specialist, such as inclusion in the personnel reserve, will serve as a clear example for other employees and motivate them to achieve high work results.

This set of requirements is not exhaustive and can be formed depending on the needs of the organization now and in the future, on the level of staff turnover, as well as on the social, age and other characteristics of the personnel. It is important to understand that excessively strict selection can lead to discrimination against employees.

To manage the personnel reserve, special internal regulations are usually issued. For example, a regulation on the formation of a personnel reserve or a regulation on working with a personnel reserve. At an early stage of implementation of this project, such a document is intended to consolidate:

  • the procedure for forming a reserve;
  • tasks that are solved by creating a reserve;
  • duties and responsibilities of officials forming the reserve;
  • order and system of work;
  • replenishment of the reserve and changes in its composition;
  • reporting system on personnel work and the procedure for maintaining this reporting.

Such a document will emphasize the importance of the work, the seriousness of management’s intentions, and attentive attitude towards employees.

Along with the regulations on the formation of the personnel reserve, a list of positions in the personnel reserve of the state civil service is compiled, which, among other things, determines the number of candidates for the reserve position. Most organizations have talent development programs, retention programs, and reserve lists in case vacancies are filled. At the same time, it must be remembered that employees enrolled in the personnel reserve must not only know about this, but also clearly understand their prospects and the requirements that will be presented to them in the event of a real promotion.

Training of “reservists” can take the form of advanced training, obtaining a second higher education, taking courses or internships. A good addition is experience exchange meetings, where employees will share their knowledge and impressions.

At the same time, it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that the expectation of return from specialists reserved and trained for a certain position is meaningless if work with the personnel reserve is not connected with the organization’s strategy, is not supported by the entire corporate culture, if intermediate testing and analysis of staff turnover among employees are not carried out low loyalty, lack of readiness to learn. But if everything is different, the personnel reserve will certainly become a good motivating factor both for employees and for the organization itself.

In accordance with current legislation, it is provided Full time job with a reserve, the purpose of which is to prepare a worthy successor to management employees and ensure the continuity of generations. The forms and methods of working with reserves are determined by the head of the organization or its structural unit and the requirements of the position.


Thus, the creation of a personnel reserve in the company has the goal of updating the existing management and specialists at the expense of both its own and external employees. Entry into this reserve requires the candidate to have special qualities, knowledge, experience, skills, and also assumes the possibility of training and improving his qualifications to the required level. The list of positions and requirements for them in the organization are determined individually within it.

The personnel reserve is formed by HR specialists. Based on the results of assessing knowledge, skills, business and personal qualities, a group of employees is selected for a special team. The principle, technology and goals of forming a personnel reserve are aimed at solving the strategic objectives of the company.

From this article you will learn:

  • what tasks can be solved by forming a personnel reserve;
  • what are the main goals of forming a personnel reserve;
  • what is the procedure for forming a personnel reserve;
  • what principles are laid down in the formation of a personnel reserve;
  • what technology for forming a personnel reserve is the most effective.

What tasks can the formation of a personnel reserve solve?

A personnel reserve is formed in most Russian companies. If necessary, specialists capable of occupying leadership positions are selected from a special team different levels. It is quite difficult to attract untrained specialists for these purposes. In the labor market, supply always exceeds demand.

The level of preparedness of managers often does not meet the stated requirements of a particular organization. As a result, a situation may arise that a vacant managerial position remains vacant for a long time. And this negatively affects the development of the company and the solution of strategic issues.

Effective company development

Timely preparation and formation of a personnel reserve will help to avoid risks. Large companies entrust work of this level to the HR service. This helps to quickly fill vacant positions. A professional team capable of replacing managers is required not only for the current movement of personnel.

When planning business development, it is worth considering what specialists will be needed when expanding and creating new structural divisions. Human resources are considered a core asset. Without trained specialists, it is impossible to carry out development and solve strategic problems aimed at the economic growth and stability of the company.

The relevance of forming a personnel reserve

The process of forming a personnel reserve is most relevant in the following situations:

  • with the successful development of the company, when new branches and structural divisions are opened. Preparing Competent Leaders will allow you to quickly create a professional team and start working with maximum efficiency, without spending additional time and effort on finding management personnel whose competence may not meet the basic requirements of the organization;
  • If there is a constant movement of personnel in an organization, it can be quite difficult to attract specialists. This is especially true in companies whose activities have complex specifics. Managers must have the appropriate level of qualifications, experience and education;
  • The organization is interested in retaining young professionals with leadership potential and high professional qualities. Special training allows you to leave such professionals in a special team and, when the opportunity arises, to promote them;
  • a personnel reserve is necessary when trying to create a strong team of managers who are well familiar with the technological process and the specifics of the enterprise, and are able to quickly adapt to changing conditions.

The formation process involves key managers, HR service, and line managers. Completing successive stages of work allows you to count on a positive effect.

What are the main goals of forming a personnel reserve?

The goals of forming a personnel reserve are determined by company leaders. They must know exactly why the organization needed personnel reserve and how to carry out effective selection with subsequent preparation. It must be taken into account that it is not created according to the principle “it will suddenly come in handy” or “so that it will be”. The key goals of such work must be identified, documented and communicated to all employees of the organization.

The main purpose of creating a personnel reserve is:

  • the need to fill vacancies in additional or new management positions;
  • in filling vacant positions associated with natural attrition of personnel for various reasons.

Each stage of formation is carefully worked out. An internal regulatory document is being created: “Regulations on the formation of a personnel reserve.” It describes the entire process in detail. Coordination is carried out with all specialists who will be involved in the assigned work.

Formation of the organization's personnel reserve

Having determined the goals of forming a personnel reserve, they develop rules and the main stages of selection. After agreeing on internal normative document making it much easier. All the basic principles and points have already been worked out.

The rules for forming an organization’s personnel reserve include:

  • procedure for selecting candidates;
  • principles of formation;
  • composition of the commission, powers;
  • rules for making decisions on enrollment;
  • formation of a professional training program;
  • procedure for exclusion from the reserve;
  • procedure for appointment to a position.

What is the procedure for forming a personnel reserve

Determination of numbers

  • the staff of managers is determined before the formation process personnel special team. The immediate and long-term prospects are taken into account, and on this basis the procedure for forming a personnel reserve is determined;
  • When opening new structural divisions or branches of the company, the required number of managers is taken into account. When identifying key positions, it is necessary to first calculate total number working employees in each department;
  • Key positions that influence the development and maintenance of the company’s economic stability are identified. At least two candidates are prepared for each position, taking into account the fact that in each organization there is a systematic movement of personnel for various reasons.

Determination of qualifications and development of basic competency models

The system for forming a personnel reserve is based on determining the level of management competencies. Specialists who perform their work efficiently are not always suitable for the personnel reserve. The criteria for evaluation are based on:

  • accounting qualification requirements, work experience, level of education, availability of special skills and knowledge;
  • the set of competencies required for the position of a manager, takes into account the behavioral factor, the ability to interact with the team, leadership skills.

What principles are laid down in the formation of a personnel reserve?

There are several options for creating a personnel reserve. The principles remain common to all organizations planning to carry out such work.

  • Publicity. All information is open to employees who have already been included in the team, candidates, and applicants. This will create a motivation system and increase loyalty.
  • Competition. It is considered a fundamental principle for preparing the pool of applicants. Several candidates may apply for one position. The selection is carried out taking into account the basic order of formation.
  • Activity. All interested parties are active and proactive. Line managers are responsible for nominating candidates and preparing characteristics.

If the three basic principles of forming a personnel reserve are observed, the staff will include truly competent and professional specialists who are capable of training, advanced training, and mastering the basics of administration.

Which technology for forming a personnel reserve is the most effective?

The technology for forming a personnel reserve is based on such aspects as:

  • Nomination of candidates taking into account the criteria and principles for creating a special team. Responsibility for this process lies with the immediate supervisors of the employees who will be nominated to the team. Lists are pre-compiled and submitted to the HR department.
  • Developing a general list of all nominated candidates. The HR service reviews all the information, takes into account the main reasons for the nomination and draws up a general list of all team members.
  • Psychodiagnostic measures are carried out to determine the main potential capabilities of nominated candidates. Leadership qualities, individual personality characteristics, level of loyalty, motivation, interest, and attitude towards enrollment in the reserve are taken into account. During such events, it is recommended to use a wide variety of techniques. Business games, interviews, and psychological testing are considered the most effective. A professional psychologist participates in the programs to accurately determine the results. Self-screening often occurs during psychodiagnostics. Some candidates are not prepared for such tests and refuse to take them.
  • Formation of the final list. Updated lists are compiled after all stages have been completed. Opposite each candidate's name is the position for which the reservist was accepted into the composition.

It is necessary to take into account that in each organization the technology for forming a personnel reserve can be changed. HR specialists work through each stage taking into account the specifics of the company’s work. The formation of personnel reserves during the civil service is not carried out. The management team is established taking into account federal laws or decrees of the President of the Russian Federation.

The operational staff includes specialists who can be appointed to a leadership position in the very near future. Accordingly, the selection of such candidates should be given increased attention. When promoting, conduct a preliminary assessment and certification.

There is additional time to train the strategic staff. Young specialists who have already proven themselves in the company will be suitable candidates. If the manager really plans to retain promising personnel, it is rational to promote them to reservists with subsequent promotion. The same employee can be promoted to both the operational and strategic teams. Promotion along the operational line will take place through several intermediate appointments to fill higher positions.

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The personnel reserve of an enterprise is:

The reserve of potential managers (employees for promotion) is a certain number of employees who, based on their professional and personal qualities, can be transferred to a planned management position at any time

The formation of a personnel reserve for management is one of the most important strategic activities of the company, which is a set of measures for the selection and training of potential managers

Who can become part of the organization's talent pool?

Company employees who have successfully passed certification and are recommended by their immediate superiors for promotion

The personnel reserve of an enterprise may include young specialists who have proven themselves in business

Employees working at the enterprise who remotely receive education in higher or specialized secondary educational institutions

Deputy current managers

There are two ways to form an organization’s personnel reserve: traditionally or modernly

The traditional vision of forming an enterprise's personnel reserve involves preparing a specific replacement for a specific position. For example, shareholders of a regional large manufacturing company decide to replace “foreign” top managers with local workers. For this purpose, the latter undergo proper training and education

The modern system of forming an organization’s personnel reserve is a painstaking “work with talents.” Among the company's employees, the most promising and talented are identified, and their development is carried out in their current workplace. At the same time, their greatest strengths are identified, after which it is decided in which leadership position they will bring the greatest benefit.

In the vast majority of cases, companies use the traditional method of creating a management personnel reserve, since it is less labor-intensive and costly

However, whatever method you decide to use, it is imperative that you adhere to the following set of principles:

The principle of planning - it is necessary to take into account the company’s objective need for new managers in conditions of constant change economic conditions activities

The principle of unity - the training of managers for all positions should be of the same quality

The principle of continuity - the development of a specialist who will become a worthy leader must be long-term and continuous. In some cases this lasts for several years. Constant self-education, honing skills on site, as well as attending useful events (courses, trainings, etc.) outside of production are expected

The principle “the more the better” - do not be afraid to include “unnecessary” workers in the organization’s personnel reserve, beware of missing out on a truly talented subordinate. However, there are also certain quantitative limits: no more than three people should be assigned to one “middle-managerial” position

The principle of transparency and an open list - provide the opportunity to any willing employee to become part of the enterprise’s management personnel reserve, if he really meets the formal criteria. There should also be an opportunity to “return” to the list of candidates for those who dropped out of it

The principle of “not creating a caste of untouchables” - entry into the management personnel reserve of an organization should not be a reason for special preferences. These people should not be given preferential or privileged working conditions. It's about exclusively about favorable conditions for professional growth

The principle of participation of top management - current bosses must necessarily work with the “younger” generation

The principle of confidentiality and ethics - be careful when appointing a manager from the company’s personnel reserve. The remaining members should not feel left out

The principle of general publicity - assumes that the company’s public can at any time check to what extent the qualities of those in the organization’s personnel reserve correspond to the selection criteria

In the process of forming a personnel reserve of future managers, the following important tasks are solved:

Selecting personnel to replace managers and creating a plan for these procedures

Designation of necessary requirements for future bosses

Identification of potentially suitable employees for the enterprise personnel reserve

Creation of an individual professional growth and development plan for each employee in the organization’s personnel reserve

Direct training and improvement of the level of selected specialists

Analysis of the progress of each employee in the personnel reserve of the enterprise

Transfer of an employee to new position and assistance during the adaptation period

Determining the actual cost of all the above activities

At the beginning, the objectively most important positions are identified that seriously affect the company’s activities and its results. As a rule, these include the chief manager, his deputies, heads of departments and other divisions. We can also talk about narrow specialists of a lower rank, but no less important for the enterprise

The number of important positions for which it is necessary to create a personnel reserve differs depending on the size and characteristics of the enterprise. For example, in large transnational companies the number of reservists ranges from 30 to 200 people

Taking into account what should the organization's personnel reserve management be carried out?

The number of required specialists you may need in the next 2-5 years

Actual number of reservists available at the moment

Approximate percentage of possible departure of participants in the personnel reserve of the enterprise due to inconsistencies identified during work

Number of current managers who, after leaving their position, can be useful in another area

If you correctly calculate the necessary and sufficient number of reservists, you will be able to avoid unnecessary costs

Remember, during his stay in the personnel reserve of managers, the employee undergoes enormous professional and psychological training. Ideally, he should be appointed to the intended position and bring great value to the company. Some remain in the organization's personnel reserve for a period longer than the standard 2-5 years. Considering that there is no age information among the formal requirements for reservists, a situation may arise when a potential candidate “outgrows” his goal

If a person who is in the personnel reserve of an enterprise does not see real prospects over many years of being there, he may lose interest in work and reduce dedication

When forming a personnel reserve, an organization must avoid rigid division of future positions: it is better if it is as mobile as possible. In this case, you will be able to choose the most worthy candidate from all when a leadership position becomes vacant. It will also be possible to find a use for a good specialist even if the vacancy planned for him does not open up. There are certain difficulties in creating the correct personnel reserve for an enterprise: it is necessary not only to identify key positions, but also to predict which of them will be objectively needed in 2-5 years. To do this, use forecast indicators for the industry, as well as observation data from competitors who are “older” than you

There are necessary criteria for selecting a candidate for the personnel reserve of an enterprise

Employee mobility (his readiness to change his place of work and place of residence at any time)

Ability to withstand severe psychological and physical stress

Willingness to free yourself from previously performed functions

If one of the conditions is not met, the candidate cannot be accepted into the organization’s personnel reserve

Next comes the second stage - creating a plan for releasing managerial vacancies. To do this, a set of indicators such as the age of current managers, health status, personal interests, and professional prospects are analyzed. The resulting plan will become the basis for preparing the enterprise’s personnel reserve

At the third stage, they are designated necessary requirements to potential leaders. A list of personal and professional qualities that a future reservist must necessarily possess is determined. You can use the example of a current leader in this work.

When starting the actual selection process, remember that the process must take place in an atmosphere of confidentiality. When analyzing each specific position, apply the following selection criteria to candidates:

Selection criteria for the organization's personnel reserve

Correspondence of the totality of individual characteristics of each applicant to the image of the ideal manager of a given site. Best used in in this case tools such as in-depth, comprehensive individual testing, since the subjective assessment method is not always effective, and the expert assessment method will violate the principle of confidentiality

Available results of current activities. To do this, use information from the employee’s personal file, as well as data from the evaluation of his work.

The degree of readiness of the candidate to take on a leadership position. This process should take place using the intuition and experience of HR employees; other methods are ineffective

All potential reservists undergo a two-stage rigorous selection process. At each stage, applicants are assessed from different points of view

First, clearly unsuitable candidates are eliminated. To identify them, complex tests are carried out that can determine how ready a person is for further development and personal growth.

At the second stage, the best are selected from the candidates remaining after the first. They analyze his abilities, skills, talents, as well as development potential even more deeply.

All selected reservists are conditionally divided according to the following principle:

Those who can objectively become leaders due to their existing qualities and professional qualities

Those that have enormous potential for development

If a person falls into both categories, then he is enrolled in the so-called “close personnel reserve of the enterprise.” Those who have only one of these characteristics are included in the “distant personnel reserve of the organization,” which is more expensive for the company due to the need to conduct various training programs and events

In the process of forming a personnel reserve, the following mistakes can be made:

Insufficient balance in the structure of the personnel reserve (certain levels of management among those enrolled in the reserve are missing)

Lack of worthy projects that will give reservists the opportunity to demonstrate their qualities

Incorrect motivation of candidates for the organization's personnel reserve

In the process of working with selected best reservists, they develop in three directions: they improve professional and industry skills, acquire managerial knowledge, and gain the necessary situational experience

A person who has the honor of being part of the leadership pool must constantly feel the attention of management to the process of his growth. The development of all reservists must be comprehensive and comprehensive

Companies that have mastered all the requirements for creating an enterprise's management personnel reserve do not have problems with changing managers at any level. Their development is characterized by continuity successful strategies along with bringing fresh innovative ideas

Forming an organization's personnel reserve is an important component of the effective operation of a unit. Management of an enterprise's personnel reserve should be provided only to qualified personnel specialists

IN modern society One of the main directions in the personnel management system is the preparation and organization of personnel reserves. This area is very important in the organization. Personnel reserves are a key link and an important component in any personnel activity. Currently, it is very important to carry out appropriate work to improve and ensure the reliability of the enterprise. What is this concept, what is its role, principles and types, what is personnel reserve management?

Revealing the essence of the concept

Personnel reserves are the formation of a certain composition of employees who have passed the preparatory selection (assessment) and have the required potential to perform direct duties at a new place of work within the established time frame. This measure is mainly used in commercial structures, while numerous government, socio-political and social institutions also create it to solve their own problems with personnel.

In other words, personnel reserves are certain potential employees of the company planned for transfer to the necessary positions.

This pool of candidates has a conditional structure. The personnel reserve (professional reserve) has the ability to be both internal and external. As for the internal reserve, it consists of company employees and is divided into operational and prospective. Operational - these are employees who are already replacing higher-level managers and are ready to occupy certain positions without any additional training activities. Promising employees are employees with great potential, but who need additional training measures. The formation of an external reserve can occur as determined by the management team, i.e., the enterprise will reasonably attract outside applicants for vacant positions. In addition to this, an external reserve can be organized forcibly if the enterprise has a high rate of employee instability due to some factors.

The formation of a personnel reserve helps to unlock the potential of personnel, and can also help in case of urgent need to close personnel “gaps”. What specific professional reserve will be organized - external, internal or both at once - is decided by the head of the company.


The formation of a personnel reserve has the following goals:

  1. Preventing the likelihood of a crisis situation in cases of departure of employees occupying primary positions.
  2. Supplying the enterprise with a supply of highly professional and productive employees who are ready to improve the business in accordance with the established strategy and culture.
  3. Retaining and motivating professional management leaders.
  4. Maintaining a positive employer reputation.
  5. Reducing the costs of selecting and adapting a new employee.

Thus, the organization’s personnel reserve has a very great importance both in the formation and in the further development of any education. Personnel reserves are the development and prospects of the entire enterprise.

Work program

The formation of a personnel reserve as a system of targeted actions traditionally covers the following stages:

  1. Identification of positions at risk is carried out through specific measures, for example: consideration of the labor market in the area; estimates of the number of applicants to occupy vacant positions; analysis of the value of this position for the company; assessing the current situation with personnel at the site.
  2. Formation of a position profile - establishes the level of development of the candidate’s competencies so that he successfully copes with the tasks assigned to him. Traditionally, interviews are held with reservist managers, and after analyzing the data, a special profile is derived that a candidate for a vacancy must meet.
  3. The assessment and further selection of applicants is carried out using certain characteristics of the employee’s performance. In most cases, data obtained through assessment activities on the activities performed and information selected by assessing the potential, knowledge and other criteria that the candidate currently has are compared.
  4. The organization of personal development plans is carried out taking into account the existing needs and strategy of the company. This measure can help the reservist distribute short-term resources and understand how to achieve the established goal. The course of training is planned so that, by participating in various seminars, completing difficult projects, and undergoing internships, an employee enrolled in the personnel reserve will be able to develop specifically those knowledge and skills that are necessary when moving to a new position.
  5. Appointment to a new location.

Work with the personnel reserve can also be carried out according to special models that are developed by the enterprise itself or borrowed from more successful formation options.

Work technology

There are a number of sources of information:

  • interview when hiring, where a basic concept of the personnel reserve, the basics and probable career paths is provided;
  • a company information sheet, which informs about vacant positions, requirements for applicants, and how long the competition for the personnel reserve is scheduled for;
  • personal consultation;
  • All divisions have a Regulation on Personnel Reserve, available to all employees.

As for the Regulations, it should be explained in a little more detail, since it is this important document that regulates the main directions of all activities.
The document pursues and achieves the goals, which are the competent placement and education, training of personnel in case of filling positions at various levels in municipal and other government entities. To achieve this, the program provides for a systemic increase professional level candidates for positions.

This act traditionally consists of the following sections:

  1. General provisions, which indicate the issues regulated by the Regulations, predetermine the main guidelines for working with reserve employees. An explanation of the main tasks of the system for working with the reserve of employees is also provided, and in particular:
    - what is an employee reserve;
    - the essence of the system of working with reserve staff;
    - what issues are resolved by the fact of a reserve of workers;
    - why is it necessary to design a personnel reserve;
    - what are the sources for organizing a reserve of employees.
  2. Order of education. This section establishes how and on the basis of what approach a reserve of employees is created in the organization.
  3. Organization of direct activities.

The main tasks are provided:

  • Calculation of employee reserve.
  • Designation of applicants.
  • Evaluation of applicants.
  • Analysis of the results of the assessment of candidates for the reserve.
  • Organizing a reserve of employees and establishing a list by the company’s management.
  • Creation and implementation of programs for reserve training.
  • for employees: characteristics, reports on the implementation of assignments, expert assessment; analysis of assessment results. Results: negative assessment - exclusion from the reserve, additional preparedness will be required - planning of personal training, positive - establishing a decision on promotion to a higher position.

In addition to the main points, appendices may be added to the Regulations, consisting of the standards of documents needed to compile the employee’s personal file, lists of direct responsibilities of the intern and internship manager, and other necessary additions.

When forming a reserve, the following criteria are provided:

  • Experience in the profession.
  • A professional characteristic from a specific boss, which includes an assessment of performance results, quality of service, level of skill and competence of the employee, outlines his actions at critical moments.
  • Recommendations from colleagues, which characterize a person’s communication skills and the degree of authority among employees.
  • Conducting various psychological tests with the aim of establishing possible abilities: organizational predispositions, neuropsychic and emotional stability, leadership abilities, hidden probable potentials, stress resistance and others. The results of such studies most directly influence the determination of the personal and professional qualities of the applicant for the position.

When selecting personnel, preference is given to the greatest extent significant groups professionals. These groups represent employees of various qualifications from management to ordinary workers. To establish the circle of required reserve workers, there are a lot of different methods.

Basic principles

The organization and development of the personnel reserve is based on the following provisions:

  • relevance - the need to fill positions must be valid;
  • compliance of candidates with the position and type of reserve - in a specific position;
  • the candidate’s high prospects - requirements for highly professional development, compliance of education with the proposed position, age criteria, work experience in the industry of interest, career dynamics in general, health status.

Positive sides

From the point of view of advantages, the benefits of working with a personnel reserve are obvious. Carrying out such events will always be necessary, and each organization must take into account this direction when forming your own management strategies.

Here are just some of the positive aspects of this direction:

  • financial benefit (no need to spend money on selecting and training new specialists);
  • saving time (filling positions in the shortest possible time);
  • highly qualified staff (the employee is taken from their own ranks and trained according to their own retraining program);
  • assistance and promotion of own personnel - employee value policy (also acts as a motivational factor: employees do not want to leave a company where clear opportunities for career growth are visible);
  • softer adaptation in the team (the employee does not change, but only his position in the service changes);
  • the specialist is practically “honed” for the company, perfectly understands the policies and characteristic features of relationships and quickly adapts to a new position;
  • prospects for stability and competitiveness of any enterprise;
  • increasing productivity and effectiveness.

Youth reserve

MKR (Youth Personnel Reserve) is a functional system for developing knowledge, practice and experience among young people that are in demand in the labor market. To accumulate intellectual and practical skills, university students are given the opportunity to acquire knowledge and necessary skills by participating in trainings, master classes and other events. In particular, to accumulate practical experience during internships in government agencies. authorities, banks, and other important government and non-government structures.

Those who have demonstrated mediocre abilities are included in the personnel reserve created, for example, under the Moscow government. The youth personnel reserve as an area is very relevant and, of course, promising for both young professionals and employers. The opportunity to undergo practical training and obtain all the necessary knowledge during internship periods allows you to quickly obtain efficient and highly qualified specialists.

The concept of state reserve

The state personnel reserve is the targeted training of a group of young promising people who are under the full patronage of the Administration and the President of the Russian Federation himself.

This direction is no less promising and also allows you to achieve effective results by forming a professional team of candidates. Scroll necessary qualities and skills is determined individually and always depends on the vacancy and legislation.

Features of the reserve in the civil service

The personnel reserve is not formed on the basis of the relevant Federal Law, which was adopted in July 2007 No. 79-FZ. This occurs on the basis of democratic principles of appointment, to positions of people according to their practical and business qualities, merit in one or another leadership position.
In this matter, the main thing is the timely creation of conditions for the professional growth of management personnel, an impartial assessment of performance, derived during certification tests or passing specialized exams.

Municipal reserve

The municipal personnel reserve, in its ideal interpretation, is a list of individuals who meet the criteria presented to them in terms of intellectual, professional and practical level, allowing them to effectively perform the duties assigned to them in the future. It also includes specialists who lost their jobs during or complete liquidation of the self-governing body. They have gained experience, and no one will lose valuable specialists.

The main priority areas for the formation of the reserve:

  • appointment of qualified professionals to positions taking into account their professional merits and competence;
  • promoting career advancement;
  • work to improve qualifications;
  • creation of a professional reserve and its effective implementation;
  • assessing the performance of municipal employees through certification;
  • use of advanced technologies in the selection of employees upon admission.

The creation of such a reserve of personnel pursues the goals of rational placement of personnel in vacant positions in city halls, constant rotation of talented people in the personnel register.

Features of the government reserve

No less significant direction. The government's personnel reserve consists of highly qualified, creative, motivated civic position and other positive characteristics. All of them can work in the state administrative apparatus in the regions in various positions or directly in the Government, holding positions as heads of departments, sectors, and so on. If an official, for example, working in the periphery with the rank of regional governor, showed extraordinary ability to implement social and economic projects, then, of course, he will be noticed in government circles. His candidacy will most likely be included in the personnel reserve and, if the need arises and the corresponding place becomes vacant, he will be appointed to a higher position.


To summarize, we can say with confidence that personnel reserves are the most powerful and highly effective tool in the entire personnel management system, allowing us to solve issues on a wide scale and implement policies at the proper level.

Exactly correct and good organized work can bring appropriate results. Personnel reserves are one of the strongest links in the organization and management of any structure or entity. It’s not for nothing that they say that personnel decides everything. Working with the personnel reserve is primarily a focus on the needs of the company, the needs of management and employees, and the competent formation of a reserve for further improvement of activities and professionalism.

In conditions of fierce competition in the business sphere, the one who has a powerful management resource always wins. Truly talented leaders can make sound management decisions and develop innovative strategic plans. Deserves special attention within the organization’s human resources management team. Therefore, it is important to form a personnel reserve and work with it.

When is it necessary to form a personnel reserve?

The personnel reserve must be formed not only due to the current movement of personnel, but also due to the need to follow the organization’s development strategy, because when planning a business, the manager determines the list and amount of resources necessary to achieve strategic goals. And in this case, human resources, namely specialists and managers who are ready and capable of performing important tasks for the company, play a decisive role.

A group of organization employees who have achieved positive results in their professional activities and were selected to a special team based on the results of an assessment of knowledge, skills, business and personal qualities is a personnel reserve. The positions for which a personnel reserve is created are mainly managerial ones. After completing training, representatives of this group can be nominated for any leadership position if the need arises.

The formation of a personnel reserve is most often relevant in cases where:

  1. The company is developing successfully and rapidly. New areas of work are opening up and urgency in new competent leaders who are capable of leading them.
  2. There are difficulties in attracting external top managers due to the complex specifics of the organization’s activities, in which new managers must already have a certain set of starting knowledge.
  3. The organization wants to retain young professionals who demonstrate high results in their work and are committed to professional development in this organization.
  4. The company needs to create a strong leadership team, whose representatives will have a good knowledge and understanding of all work technology, be aware of the specifics of a specific business environment, and will be able to quickly and effectively solve assigned tasks.

6 rules for effective work of the personnel reserve

What needs to be done for the personnel reserve system to work effectively, the editors of the General Director magazine said.

For what purposes is a personnel reserve created in an organization?

1. Achieving the company's strategic goals. Basic strategic goals of any organization is:

  • making a profit from core activities;
  • gaining leading positions in the market;
  • formation of a positive image.

It is impossible to solve these problems without a good team of top managers and highly qualified specialists. Therefore, the goal of the personnel reserve, in turn, is to achieve the strategic missions described above in the shortest possible time.

2. Increasing the level of readiness of company personnel for organizational changes. Any company regularly undergoes changes in its organizational plan. It is simply necessary to train and retrain personnel to form a personnel reserve in such conditions. To increase employee loyalty to changes of various kinds, additional training can be organized, the area of ​​responsibility can also be expanded, and so on.

3. Ensuring continuity in management. To ensure continuity within management, the “reservist” must be well trained; in addition, he must initially perform his duties in the presence of the reserved employee, and only then fully replace the employee in his absence. A large number of large Russian companies are faced with a certain problem: key management personnel are well into retirement age and, in the absence of an appropriate replacement, continue to perform their duties. This situation is especially critical in the field of engineering, energy, and design work. The urgency of the problem is also made by the fact that these employees are carriers of unique information, and when they unexpectedly leave and the personnel reserve is not formed, production may suffer irreparable losses.

4. Increasing the motivation of company employees. Any organization that is developing quite dynamically can offer its specialists the opportunity for professional growth. It is this kind of movement career ladder is the main motivating factor for employees. Thanks to the created personnel reserve, this movement can be made more manageable and planned. The process of moving and assigning any employee should be as transparent as possible so that employees have the opportunity to set a specific goal for themselves, as well as determine ways to achieve it.

5. Improving the financial position of the company. This goal can be achieved thanks to a permanent composition of employees, high motivation of each employee individually and all personnel as a whole, regular professional training and high labor productivity. It is no secret that the dismissal of, for example, a sales manager can lead to the loss of several clients at once, which, in turn, negatively affects the overall image of the organization and the business processes themselves. At the same time, searching for employees through recruitment agencies in emergency mode leads to significant financial and time losses. In this regard, it is extremely important to have a personnel reserve.

Types of personnel reserve

It is customary to distinguish between two types of personnel reserve.

External personnel reserve. This type The personnel reserve, as a rule, is a database of resumes of those specialists who fit the organization’s requirements for employees and who can be invited for an interview when a suitable vacancy becomes available. A serious disadvantage of this type of personnel reserve is the rapid obsolescence of information in databases, because potential employees could have already found a job or changed their city of residence, or perhaps even changed the direction of their activity. This data will be valuable only when they work on collecting information for a long time, constantly updating the contents of the reserve. It is most optimal to maintain such databases for the selection of rare, expensive specialists.

In rare cases, an external one may be a group of specialists who are periodically involved in solving certain problems within the framework of the organization’s projects. In the future, they may be invited to work permanently.

Internal personnel reserve. This type of personnel reserve is a group of employees of an organization who have a high potential for occupying management positions and are capable of rapid development.

The types of personnel reserve described above also have their own subtypes, for example, operational and long-term.

The internal operational personnel reserve for filling management positions consists of employees who are already deputy managers or top managers and can start working without additional training.

The prospective talent pool consists of employees who have the potential to perform their job duties, but need additional training. After upgrading their qualifications, such workers can fill available vacancies.

Where to start forming an organization's personnel reserve

The preparation of the personnel reserve should be carried out systematically and accompanied by systematic work. First of all, it is necessary to analyze the problems existing in the organization regarding personnel management (assess staff turnover, conduct social and psychological studies of personnel, and so on). The assessment will allow you to identify not only formal staff turnover, but also determine a list of problematic positions, as well as draw up a socio-psychological portrait of the resigning employee. Such data, in turn, will make it possible to determine the causes of the current situation and outline priority tasks, as well as ways to solve them.

Sometimes it is worth inviting external HR experts. Often this allows you to look at many current problems from the outside or change your strategy personnel work. It is thanks to a detailed and high-quality analysis of problem areas within the framework of personnel management that it will be possible to create a personnel reserve that will meet the objectives of the organization at the moment.

It is customary to highlight two models for forming a personnel reserve.

  1. Make a forecast of expected changes in the organizational and staffing structure. In this case, the reserve is formed in accordance with the need to fill vacant positions for a certain period of time (usually 1-3 years).
  2. Determine the key needs of positions in the organization and create a reserve for all management specialists, regardless of whether they are planned to be replaced.

When choosing a model, you should rely on priority tasks, as well as financial and time resources. If you choose the first option, the process will be less expensive and more efficient in terms of implementation time, and with the second option, it will be more reliable and holistic. At the same time, the second model also involves predicting likely changes. This procedure can be carried out as one of the stages of the process of forming a personnel reserve.

What are the criteria for selecting a personnel reserve?

Typically, selection for the personnel reserve is carried out according to the following criteria:

  1. Age. The optimal age of employees included in the personnel reserve to replace middle managers is 25-35 years. This circumstance is due to the fact that it is at this age that an employee most often thinks about self-realization and makes long-term career plans. In this case, joining the personnel reserve will be a good motivation for professional growth. At the same time, the personnel reserve for replacing senior managers should be formed from employees over 45 years of age.
  2. Education. This criterion reflects the likely level and professional orientation of the candidate's education. To replace a mid-level manager, it is recommended to form a personnel reserve of people with higher professional education. For the position of senior manager, specialists with higher education in the field of management, economics or finance.
  3. Experience working in a company in a basic position. Most companies include in the personnel reserve only those candidates who have some experience in a given organization. Other enterprises focus only on professionalism, regardless of where the candidate’s work experience was gained. This criterion reflects the basic principles corporate culture organization and must comply with its standards.
  4. Results of professional activity. The “reservist” must be a valuable employee and have a track record of stable professional results and achievements. Otherwise, including him in the personnel reserve will be the wrong decision, since it will be purely formal.
  5. The candidate's desire for self-improvement. This criterion is very important when selecting personnel reserve participants. If a candidate has no desire to develop and is limited from a professional point of view, this will prevent inclusion in the reserve even if he fully complies with the basic requirements of the position that this specialist could fill.

The criteria listed above are not the entire list. This or that company can supplement it or reduce it, based on the tasks that need to be solved thanks to the personnel reserve. When the basic selection criteria have been determined and the list of positions has been compiled, you can proceed directly to the formation of a personnel reserve, having previously determined the procedure for this procedure.

Creating a personnel reserve: 4 stages

Stage 1.Determining the need for reserve.

Before you begin to form a personnel reserve, you need to clearly determine the degree of its need. To do this, it is necessary to analyze the development prospects of the organization, allocate the resources necessary for replacement, and also work on the issue of improving the process of promoting employees up the career ladder without including them in the reserve. Then you should determine the speed at which positions are being vacated and understand how many personnel are currently available to replace them. Once the need for a personnel reserve has been identified, it is necessary to analyze the degree of saturation of the reserve for specific positions, the level and rate of replacement of these places. In this case, all possible prospects for a certain period (for the next 3, 5, 7 years) should be taken into account. When identifying the nature and size of the talent pool, it is important to take into account those basic positions that the company cannot do without, as well as positions that will only be filled in the event of force majeure.

Stage 2.Formation of a reserve list.

At the second stage it is necessary to determine target audience potential candidates for a place in the personnel reserve and compile a list of these candidates in accordance with specific positions. In addition, for each position you need to create a detailed list of criteria that the candidate must meet. Once you determine how well candidates currently meet the previously selected criteria, you can create an individual training schedule for each employee included in the personnel reserve. When selecting employees, it is worth paying attention to information about personal characteristics, professional competence and career plans. You also need to take into account the candidate’s potential capabilities and his main motives regarding work activities.

Stage 3.Coordination of the reserve plan with its direct participants.

The next stage is direct communication with candidates for positions. The plan for forming a personnel reserve should be clear to both the managers themselves and the candidates, so that representatives of both parties can assess the prospects and risks. After approval and making the necessary amendments, a final list of reservists is compiled.

Stage 4.Candidate preparation.

Personnel reserve training is carried out in several ways:

  • internship under the supervision of a senior employee;
  • internship in the planned position, but in another company;
  • studying at a university, taking courses.

The final method is determined based on the objectives. The training program for employees included in the personnel reserve most often consists of:

  • general theoretical training;
  • individual practice;
  • exercises for the social and psychological adaptation of the employee.

How does inclusion in and exclusion from the personnel reserve occur?

Company employees can be included in the personnel reserve in the following ways:

  • due to the consideration of an application from a candidate for inclusion;
  • thanks to the recommendation of the boss (self-nomination);
  • through nomination based on the results of annual assessment procedures, including additional assessment actions.

At the time of enrollment in the personnel reserve, each applicant must have assessment results in accordance with the Regulations “On Personnel Assessment”, and they must be recent (no older than 12 months from the date of submission of the application for inclusion). If this assessment was not carried out or is outdated at the time of submission of the application from the candidate, then the procedure should be repeated before the employee is enrolled in the reserve. The implementation of such assessment procedures is necessary to ensure that qualified candidates are appointed to positions, taking into account their individual characteristics, weaknesses and strengths of the individual.

In order to exclude a company employee from the personnel reserve, there must be some reason. This could be a one-time or repeated failure to complete official tasks, passing the assessment procedure at an unsatisfactory level, or regular failure to fulfill the development plan that was drawn up for the candidate.

The individual development plan of the applicant must be agreed upon with the head of the personnel training department and includes those activities that are focused on the development of the employee’s professional competencies and his personality.

3 main principles on which work with the personnel reserve is based

Publicity. Any information that contains information about the personnel reserve, the methods of its formation and the employees included in it must be available to all employees of the organization. Only with this approach will a personnel reserve system be created and be able to function normally, increasing the motivation and loyalty of staff.

Competition. The principle of competition implies the presence of several candidates for one leadership position.

Activity. To successfully form a personnel reserve, all persons involved in this process must be as interested, proactive and active as possible. This especially applies to line managers responsible for nominating candidates for the personnel reserve.

Training and development of the company's personnel reserve

Based on the results of assessments of candidates for inclusion in the personnel reserve, it is necessary to draw up a development schedule, as discussed above. Such a document is developed by employees of the HR department and approved by the head of the organization’s HR department. In addition, this document must be agreed upon with the head of the training and personnel development department and with the immediate supervisor of the reservist.

Activities prescribed in the plan may be:

  • rotation in the horizontal direction;
  • mentoring system;
  • various internships, trainings and various seminars;
  • work as part of project teams and so on.

It is worthwhile to dwell in more detail on these types of events:

Self-study. This process takes place in full accordance with the developed development plan; for this purpose, such self-learning tools are used as:

  • professional literature;
  • external webinars;
  • various video materials;
  • materials from the corporate electronic library collection.

Seminars and trainings usually carried out in accordance with the general personnel development schedule. Such a document is usually drawn up for a calendar year. If necessary, special training can be added, including not only internal training programs, but also training courses from external suppliers.

Rotations in the horizontal direction allow:

  • expand the candidate’s professional horizons;
  • purchase new experience, knowledge and skills, as well as improve the skills of the candidate, department and organization as a whole.

The period of stay of a reservist in a new place as a result of horizontal rotation is determined by the matrix of requirements that apply to the position being filled.

Internship implies the acquisition of work experience or advanced training in the chosen field of activity. The duration of this process is reflected in the individual development plan and depends on the goal being pursued.

Mentoring system involves a process that is regulated by special Regulations. In this case, the mentor is selected on the basis of the employee’s individual development plan, approved by the curator of the personnel reserve system.

Only those reservists who are included in the operational personnel reserve can temporarily replace the main manager. At the same time, representatives of not only the operational reserve, but also the strategic internal reserve can participate in the work of project groups, if the personnel committee decides so.

Managing talent pool without mistakes: 7 mistakes of managers

Error 1.Everyone is equal. Most managers believe that all employees must be treated equally. In connection with this attitude, the very idea of ​​​​forming a reserve seems wrong and unworthy of attention to them. Such managers waste not only time, but also money, until they recognize that there are both more and less valuable specialists for the company. At the same time, more valuable employees deserve more attention from management. Only after realizing that highlighting the best is quite natural and even correct, does it become possible to form the most effective personnel reserve.

Error 2.Situational. Sometimes it happens that the personnel reserve in an organization is formed by “raids”, as the corresponding mood appears among the company’s managers, as well as as monetary and time resources accumulate. Given this approach, it is inappropriate to talk about an effective personnel reserve. In order for the reserve to be beneficial, the process of its formation must be continuous.

Error 3.Reserve as a threat. Some middle managers view the very idea of ​​forming a talent pool negatively, perceiving all candidates as a threat to themselves. To avoid this state of affairs, the person who is responsible for creating the reserve should convey to such managers the full amount of information about their prospects.

Error 4.By patronage. Often, managers form a talent pool from their favorites in the hope that when they become managers, it will be easier to work with them. However, such views and actions greatly demotivate the rest of the company’s employees, and sometimes even become the reason for their dismissal. To avoid such a situation, you should describe in detail the procedure for forming a personnel reserve and strictly adhere to it.

Error 5.Not by choice. When an employee is of interest to a manager as a potential future head of one of the departments, as a rule, there is a desire to include him in the personnel reserve. However, not all employees aspire to become top managers, and it is very important not to put pressure or coerce, even if a person has the necessary level of knowledge and professionalism. First of all, you should rely on the wishes of the employees themselves. You can try to find a compromise, but if this fails, it is better to just leave the subordinate alone.

Error 6.On your own territory. When an employee who is part of the talent pool is a trainee for a future management position, the current manager may try to conceal any important information from a reservist. Firstly, to protect your know-how, and secondly, so that a beginner does not notice errors in his work. It is unlikely that such an internship will be effective and useful. Most likely, it will reduce the motivation of the reservist. Therefore, it is very important that the person responsible for the formation of the reserve carefully monitors all processes and acts as an intermediary between the employee and his manager.

Error 7.Inflated reserve. The formation of a personnel reserve should be carried out taking into account the true need for certain specialists today and with an eye to the future. In this case, you should not follow the rule “the more, the better.” It is important to understand that if a reservist does not see real prospects for his growth and development within a given company, then he will not be motivated to learn and master new knowledge.