How to develop an innovative project. legal support for the project. Basic points of innovation theory

Innovation project– a set of targeted, interdependent activities, largely unique and autonomous, planned and documented, aimed at the development and / or implementation of innovations of a commercial or technological nature, limited in time and resources.

In. a project can be formed as part of scientific and technical programs, implementing the tasks of individual departments, or independently, solving a specific problem in a priority area.

Concept of in. project can be considered from 2 positions:

1. an activity, an event that involves the implementation of any actions to ensure the achievement of certain goals;

2. a system of organizational, legal, settlement and financial documents necessary to carry out any actions (package of documents).

That. in. the project is considered as a form of targeted management of foreign affairs. activities, the process of innovation, a set of documents.

Purpose (main goal) of innovative projects is to achieve specific strategic goals of the enterprise by implementing individual innovations within the framework of existing restrictions. The latter are primarily financial resources, personnel and implementation time.

Elements in. project:

1. goals and objectives, reflecting, reflecting the main. purpose of the project; 2. A set of design activities according to the decision of the foreigner. Problems; 3 organization of implementation of project activities (linking by resources, performers and deadlines); 4. basic project indicators, including those reflecting its effectiveness

Implementation of the plan the project is provided by its participants. Depending on the type of project, from 1 to several dozen different organizations can take part in its implementation.

Participants in. project:

1. customer – future owner and user of the results. project; 2. investor– physical Or legal person investing in foreign the project may also be the customer; 3. designer – a specialized design organization that develops design and estimate documentation. 4. supplier– organization providing logistics for the project; 5. performer– legal a person responsible for performing a certain set of works under a contract; 6. scientific and technical council – a team of leading specialists in thematic areas project, responsible for the choice of scientific and technical. solutions and their level of specialization; 7. project manager- face, cat. the customer delegates authority to manage the work on the in. project; 8. project team – a specially organized structure, headed by the project manager and created for the duration of the project in order to effectively achieve its goals; 9. supporting structures – organizations various forms property contributing to the main participants in. project (neither centers, consulting firms, patent-licensing firms).

The variety of possible goals and objectives of scientific and technological revolution predetermines many types of innovative projects. There is no generally accepted classification of them. It is advisable to classify projects according to the following criteria. Types of in. projects:

1. implementation period: long-term, medium-term, short-term;

2. level of solution: federal, presidential, regional, industry, individual enterprises;

3. type of innovation: New Product, new method production, new market, new source of raw materials, new management structure;

4. type of need: new needs, existing needs.

5. The nature of the project goals (final and intermediate).

The most effective approach to organizing innovation is target program - a planned complex of scientific, technical, production, economic, organizational activities, united by a common goal, covering a number of stages of the research-production process, interconnected in terms of resources, timing and contractor, carried out under a single management.

Elements of the target program: 1. Goals and objectives. 2. Functional executive structure. 3. Technical, economic and resource justification. 4. Organizational and economic structure.

The bodies of the target program system include :1)Highest level: Technical Director and technical advice. 2) Middle level: Target program manager subordinate to the technical director. 3) Lower level: Responsible executors of individual stages of the program or specialists of target teams.

For in. The project is characterized by the following. peculiarities: one-time use, definite beginning and end, limited time and money, complexity, the need to attract specialists of different profiles, high priority.

Functions and main elements of an innovative project:

1. IP goals:- commercialized satisfaction of a specific society. needs; - obtaining a fundamentally new scientific and technical result;

2. Analysis:- consumers of the target product; - economic feasibility of producing a new product;

External resources; - scope of use of the final product of the project; - economical and social consequences of the project;

3. Planning:

1. by goals: strategic plan, operational plan;

3. by level: plan for the project as a whole, plan for organizing participants, plan for individual types of work;

4. Organization and coordination- organization of program-target management;

5. Leadership and cooperation, both within the organization and outside it (communications).

6. Monitoring and evaluation of results: program management, control over basic parameters. parts innovation, functions developing. departments, planning and evaluation.

Stages of development of an innovative project:

1. formation of in. ideas:- determination of the final goals of the project (quantitative assessment of volumes, timing, profit margins; - determination of ways to achieve set goals; subjects and objects of innovation, their forms and sources; analysis of trade practices); - research of product and brand structure of the market; - analysis of consumer preferences; - consumer segmentation; - studying legislative framework; - analysis of trading practices;

2. project development:- comparative analysis various options for achieving project goals; - creation of a project team; - selection of project performers; - preparation of contract documentation; - technological base; - finance; - human resources;

3. project implementation:- monitoring the implementation of calendar plans and the expenditure of resources; - adjustment and operational regulation of the progress of project implementation;

4. completion of the project:- delivery of the project; - closing of the contract.

Project effectiveness in generally assessed to determine the potential attractiveness of the project for possible participants and sources of financing. It includes:

- public (socio-economic) efficiency project, which takes into account the socio-economic consequences of the implementation of an innovative project for society as a whole;

- commercial efficiency project, which takes into account the financial consequences of its implementation for the participant in the innovation project.

The effectiveness of the innovation project (IP) is assessed during the billing period, covering the time interval from the start of the project to its termination.

The billing period is divided into steps - segments within which the data used to evaluate financial indicators is aggregated.

Assessing the effectiveness of innovative projects: The use of comprehensive and systemic analysis allows us to identify two complementary approaches to assessing the effectiveness of innovative projects: qualitative and quantitative. Qualitative approach focused on assessing the effectiveness of the project in terms of its maximum compliance with the set goals. The system of intra-company goal setting is based on identifying and ranking first general and then specific company goals according to their priority. From the alternatives under consideration, the one that brings the campaign as close as possible to achieving its goal is selected. In this way, the strategic effectiveness of the innovation in terms of obtaining long-term market advantages is assessed. Quantitative methods performance evaluation innovative projects are based on the use of several indicators; payback, net present value and rate of return. Project payback method refers to the time period required for a company to recoup its initial investment. Clean current method Cost also takes into account the time factor and is the most common option for discounted cash flow methods. Simple norm method profit consists of comparing the average net accounting profit over the life of the project with the average investment in the project. Internal rate of return method. More fully reflects the real profitability of the project, which is defined as the ratio of the net present value of income from the project and the net present value of project costs.

A project, like any financial transaction , generates cash flows (real money flows).

Individual entrepreneur cash flow- this is the time dependence of cash receipts and payments during the implementation of the generating project, determined for the entire billing period.

Cash flow is distinguished:

1. from investment activities:

Inflow- sale of assets during and at the end of the project, proceeds from the reduction of working capital;

Outflow – capital investments, liquidation costs at the end of the project, costs for increasing working capital;

2. from operating activities:

Inflow– revenue from sales, other and non-operating income;

Outflow– production costs, taxes.

Innovative project and management of work on its implementation

Kozlov V.V., Doctor of Economics, Director of the Federal State Budget Educational Institution of the UMC of Agroindustrial Complex, Professor of the Department of Management and Rural Consulting of the Russian State Agrarian University-Moscow Agricultural Academy named after K.A. Timiryazev

Eidis A.L. Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Management and Law, Moscow State Agrarian University. V.P. Goryachkina

Innovation project


The general provisions and prerequisites for the stabilization and development of innovative agro-industrial production, which are possible only on the basis of appropriate scientific support, on the basis of the accelerated implementation of the achievements of scientific and technological progress, are revealed.

The peculiarity of innovative development of agricultural machinery is directly related to the specifics of organizing work in the field of innovative design as a special type of activity in a single cycle “science - production”. The issues of terminology, principles of formation, basic requirements and life cycle of an innovative project are considered.

General provisions and premises

The current stage of economic development in Russia is characterized by a radical revision of ideas about the projected economic structure of agriculture, directions of its development and transformations occurring under the revolutionary influence of scientific and technological progress. A feature of this stage of economic development is the requirement to accelerate scientific and technological progress, which is based on innovative processes, which leads to the need for permanent renewal of production, formation and saturation of the market with innovative products. To overcome the crisis, agriculture requires a clear focus on the development of innovative high-tech technologies and innovative projects.

In the research-production system, the term “implementation” has been widely used for many years. It basically accurately characterized the essence of the process in the command-administrative economic system, since the lack of significant material and moral interest of the subjects of the innovation process in the final results led to the creation of the appearance of active work, and management bodies were forced to develop and implement coercive measures.

During the years of the planned economy in our country, various methods and methods of implementation in production of created scientific and technical products. For this most important task, government bodies in the republics, territories and regions created their own management structures, tasks for scientific and technological progress were mandatory components of decisions of congresses, plenums, boards and meetings. But even such a high management level could not make the system work in the required mode, since it lacked economic incentives, principles of competition and healthy market relations.

Since 1992 Russian Federation reforms are being implemented based on three main monetarist macroeconomic principles:

◘ price liberalization, which was carried out in a monopoly market and could not but lead to a significant increase in prices for absolutely all products, works and services;

◘ compression of the money supply, which led to a reduction in working capital of enterprises;

◘ privatization of state property (very fast) and not legally prepared.

As a result of such “reforms”, by the beginning of 1999 the country had a low level of economic, technological and food security, the living standard of 80% of the population decreased by 6-7 times compared to 1990-1991. Average annual levels of industrial and agricultural production in Russia amounted to half of the pre-reform period.

One of the reasons for the crisis in the agro-industrial complex and the exacerbation of the problem of food security is the low efficiency of management of agriculture and the agro-industrial complex as a whole. There was a rupture in the interests of individual sectors of production and processing of products, its implementation acquired a speculative, monopolistic and criminal character.

The stabilization and development of agro-industrial production in any country and in any economic conditions is possible only on the basis of its proper scientific support, on the basis of the accelerated implementation in production of the achievements of scientific and technological progress.

Foreign experience shows that focusing on the rapid development of high technologies and intellectual products is a guarantee of economic prosperity.

Solving the problem of overcoming the current situation only by extensive methods of improving existing technologies for cultivating agricultural production is not possible due to their low efficiency and the duration of the process. The rate of growth in efficiency from the use of traditional agricultural production technologies drops sharply already at the third stage of their improvement, while maintaining the volume of their use. This requires the accelerated development of existing innovative technologies and technical solutions, as well as the rapid replacement of innovative technologies in agricultural production.

Agricultural science has given and continues to provide many effective scientific developments, the timely implementation of which in production would significantly increase the efficiency of agriculture and the processing industries of the agro-industrial complex.

However, the absolute majority of agricultural enterprises, due to the lack of working capital against the background of increased economic risk, have stopped developing advanced high-tech technologies and innovative projects that are the result of R&D scientific organizations, and only a few economically strong enterprises go to the development of innovative technologies and carry out business contacts with research and design organizations.

In addition to general structural and economic transformations in the country, the current situation with the development and development of innovations in the agricultural sector has led to a clear understanding of the need to use a systematic approach, develop an innovation policy strategy and methods for its implementation. The relevance of these works is confirmed by the provisions of the priority national project on agriculture. The absence of a number of theoretical provisions on the formalization of the process, the preparation and adoption of management decisions, the development and legal support of the innovation process in the agro-industrial complex predetermined the relevance of work in this area.

Coverage of the basic problems of the formation and implementation of innovation policy should be preceded by a terminological analysis of the concepts used and justified by the specific conditions of the functioning of the Russian economy and methods of project management in the agro-industrial complex.

This is due to the following circumstances:

Foreign methodological developments do not take into account the specific conditions and features of the Russian economy and project management methods in the agro-industrial complex;

Lack of an established market for innovative projects for the agro-industrial complex;

Uncertainty of initial information for assessing the effectiveness of an innovative project and making management decisions in the agro-industrial complex;

Lack of established terminology, referring to the quantitative characteristics of the novelty of innovation, and the classification of innovative projects according to their complexity, novelty and quality;

Lack of methods for improving the structure of project management, forecasting development paths and developing a strategy for the development of innovative activities of industries, enterprises in the agro-industrial complex, etc.;

Lack of methods for accelerated development and implementation of innovative projects, as well as a system of innovation consulting at the stage of industrial use of innovations in agriculture;

There is practically no tool for determining with a sufficient degree of accuracy the cost and timing of work to create an innovation at the stage of concluding a business contract, their development and implementation.

In addition, a number of current economic indicators are still of a qualitative nature, which allows project developers to manipulate public opinion. This is also dangerous because such a position of a number of economists, combined with the interests of individual politicians, can influence the course of both microeconomic and macroeconomic processes. In this regard, this material discusses the suitability of some indicators for assessing various stages promoting innovative projects and all activities of the business entity.

1.2. The concept of “project”, “innovation project” and its characteristics.

Effective consideration of the project management process is, in principle, impossible without defining its main categories: project and project management. The object of management is the activities called “projects”, and the problem of managing them is “project management”.

Until recently, the concept of “project” was associated with a set of design, technological or design and estimate documentation. Today, the concept of “project” has expanded functionally, which has led to the need to more clearly define this concept and clarify its characteristics (Table 1.1).

Table 1.1 – Formulation of the concept “project”

Source Formulation
US Institute of Project Management (PM BoK, PM) A project is a temporary effort (action) undertaken to create a unique product or service.
Basics of professional knowledge. National requirements for competence (NTC) of specialists" SOVNET A project is a purposeful, time-limited event aimed at creating a unique product or service.
Mazur I.I., Shapiro V.D., Olderogge N.G. A project is a purposeful, pre-developed and planned creation or modernization of physical objects, technological processes, technical and organizational documentation for them, material, financial, labor and other resources, as well as management decisions and measures for their implementation
Zarenkov V.A. Project management A project is an idea and actions to implement it with the goal of creating a product, service or other useful result.
Oberlander G.D. Project – “activity carried out to achieve the results expected by the customer”
Minnikhanov R.N., Alekseev V.V., Faizrakhmanov D.I., Sagdiev M.A. Innovation management
A project is a set of activities necessary to achieve the final goals in the most effective ways, including measures for personnel, information and legal support. Hammer R.
A project is a one-time action Grupp B.
Project – one-time activity Trotsky M., Grucha B., Ogonyok K.

A project is a non-repeatable (implemented once) complex event, localized in a specific time interval with established start and end points, carried out collectively (by several entities), relatively independently of the repeated activities of the enterprise, using special methods and technologies.

It follows from the table that both in Russia and abroad there is no clear understanding and unified scientifically based definition of the concept of “project”. Hence, the concept of “project” can include any ideas and actions characterized by the purpose of implementation, deadlines for implementation and the presence of resource limitations. This situation clearly confirms the relevance of work aimed at clarifying the concept of “project” and determining the main parameters of projects.

The main characteristic of the project is a clear statement of the goal, the choice of the vector for its implementation to meet the requirements of the market or a specific customer.

Recently, the requirement of one-time use in the definition of the concept of “project” has largely lost its significance, since this concept has become widely used in processes based on continuous production.

One of the most important characteristics of a project is its complexity. In the literature, complex projects include complex, large-scale and multi-object projects, “in the planning, management and implementation of which many divisions of an enterprise (or even several enterprises) most often participate.”

It is believed that the deterministic nature of the process is one of the significant characteristics of the project. According to the Project Management Institute, a project is defined as “an activity defined over time.” A number of authors, in various expressions, practically confirm one meaning of the concept of “project” as a deterministic procedure - an action “performed in a finite period of time, with certain start and end points.”

Determinism activities is associated with such basic project parameters as:

· Satisfying requirements;

· Sales costs;

· Duration of implementation.

The implementation of the project consists of achieving the planned level of values ​​of all the parameters listed above (Fig. 1) and comes down to the formula for minimizing possible investments and project implementation time with given requirements for an innovative product. If there are possible restrictions on resources or time for project implementation, it is possible to justify the amount of required investment when reducing the project implementation period or increasing the project implementation period when reducing investment volumes ( A-A curve in Fig. 1.1). At the same time, the quality and functional requirements for the project must remain constant.

Fig.1.1. Project implementation under constant requirements as a function of variables: cost limit and implementation time

Naturally, the project customer in this case can evaluate the volume of investments and adjust them according to the “price - quality” criterion. It is necessary that the parameters and requirements have unambiguous, or better formalized, meanings and formulations, but do not limit the creative initiative of the performer.

The volume of necessary investments and the timing of a project in agricultural engineering, depending on its novelty and complexity, are determined according to the methodology presented in the publication.

In this case, it is necessary to distinguish between the concepts « operation" and "project". An “operation” is repeated many times over a long period of time, while a “project” is temporary and isolated. This means that the project is novel and unique and has a strictly defined beginning and end in time.

Let's give examples.


· Work performed by rural producers using traditional technology.

· Work performed at enterprises for processing agricultural products using established technology;

· Development and development of technological lines for the production of innovative products;

· Creation and development of products based on new principles using patented effects.

Another characteristic of the project is its autonomy from other activities implemented in the enterprise. This characteristic of a project almost always requires a significant change in the structure of the enterprise.

When analyzing many existing definitions, the property of the concept “project” as an object was revealed - its dualistic nature, which is expressed in the fact that the project, on the one hand, is an action, and on the other, a product that can be bought or sold. This property of the project should be taken into account when studying the discipline of “project management”.

As a result of generalizing the studied material, the authors of the publication attempted to clarify the formulation of the concept of “project” for a more complete understanding of further material.

To specify and use it in the practice of agricultural production, the concept of “project” should be clarified, taking into account the specifics of the functioning of this production.

Project- a complex event, adapted to local conditions, implemented once in a specific time interval of beginning and end, performed autonomously and independent of traditional technologies, involving the use of innovative solutions, requiring structural restructuring of the enterprise, provision of labor, financial and material resources, the use of special methods and technologies .

An important feature of the project is that it involves a targeted change in the system in which it is implemented. The project requires not only changes organizational structure enterprises (industry, organization, society), but also qualitative changes in fixed assets, the use of new materials, the use of resource-saving technologies, increasing the educational level of managers and the qualifications of performers of specific operations.

Projects can be classified by area of ​​application, subject area, duration, design or technological complexity, scale of use of resources for their implementation, etc.

With all the variety of project types, they can be classified according to the following criteria:

1. Project class by composition and structure - mono-projects, multi-projects, mega-projects.

2. The scope of projects is divided into industrial, agricultural, public, cultural, etc. taking into account the specifics of their functioning.

3. Areas of activity in which projects are implemented:

Technical and technological.



Social and cultural.


4. Type of projects depending on the subject area:



Search and research.


5. Scale of resource use:

Small (up to 30 million rubles),

Medium (from 30 to 300 million rubles).

Large (from 300 to 3000 million rubles).

Very large (more than 3000 million rubles).

6. Project deadlines:

Short-term – 1-2 years.

Medium term – 3-5 years.

Long-term – more than 5 years.

7. Novelty of the project (for agricultural machinery):

Pseudo-innovation is an increase in efficiency by 15% or less.

Improved innovation - 15-60% increase in efficiency.

Innovation - increasing efficiency by 60-100%.

Basic innovation - increasing efficiency by 2 or more times.

8. The complexity of projects is characterized by the structural or technological complexity of their implementation. Simple, complex and very complex projects are distinguished. In the field of agricultural machinery, 24 categories of project complexity are used.

However, modern projects are almost always mixed.

Projects can be classified according to a number of specific characteristics (Figure 1.2).

Rice. 1.2. Types of projects

The first characteristic is the source of the order for the development and production of an innovative product. Based on this criterion, external and internal orders can be distinguished.

The initiation and implementation of internal orders is primarily related to the development of production, the intensification of activities and strengthening the position of the enterprise in the market of innovative products, and the implementation of the strategic objectives of the enterprise. The implementation of internal orders ends with the creation of a qualitatively new product, with the help of which the enterprise must get ahead of competitors and occupy not yet developed market niches. These orders reflect the requirements for the development and production of an innovative product adapted to the specific needs of regional market with improved characteristics of the structural elements of the project and the quality of the technological process, reliability, energy intensity, ergonomics, environmental friendliness, etc. The implementation of such orders, as a rule, requires significant investments to carry out search and applied research work, and carry out a large volume of development, technological and production activities. In this case, the financial costs of implementing the project are borne by the enterprise itself.

The company receives external orders from directly consumers or consumer associations, products or from investment companies. The implementation of projects for external orders carried out under a contract leads to problems associated with the coordination and planning of the work of co-executors, the correct calculation of deadlines and costs, increased uncertainty and the implementation of these projects. This leads to the need for continuous contact with the customer and the exchange of reliable information with him, a clear division of responsibilities and legally competent documentation. All this leads to increased production costs and prices. However, in this case financial support this project is carried out by the customer.

Projects aimed at creating objects - products, technical systems and tools, etc. When implementing this type of project, the enterprise returns to functioning as usual, i.e. the technological process, the system of organization and management of the enterprise does not undergo significant changes.

Projects aimed at creating processes - agricultural production technologies, information systems and decision-making systems, etc. When implementing this type of project, changes in the functioning of the enterprise are envisaged and entail changes in organization and management in other areas of its activity.

The third characteristic by which projects differ from each other is the degree of their novelty and complexity. By definition, any project is characterized by a certain level of originality.

In accordance with classification 4, innovative projects are divided into pseudo-innovative, improved innovation, innovative and basic innovative.

Increasing the efficiency of an innovative project within 1.0 - 1.3 E compared to an existing project can be achieved by improving organizational measures, ergonomics, aesthetic appearance, working conditions and reducing the environmental load on the human environment. Such an innovative project should be defined as pseudo-innovative (novelty A), associated with the improvement of existing technology (techniques) for the production of a product, which does not require scientific research and activities for its development. At the same time, the coefficient of unification of pseudo-innovation K y with the existing project is within 0.95< К у £ 1,0. К этой же категории инноваций относятся работы по воспроизводству технологии в других регионах или техники на других предприятиях по имеющейся документации.

In cases where E S > 1.3 of the efficiency of the current project, changes are made to the technology or technical solution that lead to the need for additional technological research and design development. In accordance with the conducted research, the increase in the efficiency of the improved project is within 1.31< Э S £ 1,6, он может быть отнесен к разряду улучшенных инновационных проектов (новизна B), обеспечивающих максимальное приспособление существующего проекта к требованиям сложившегося рынка. При этом коэффициент унификации улучшенного инновационного проекта К у с действующим проектом находится в пределах 0,7< К у £ 0,9.

When E S > 1.6 efficiency of the current project, it is necessary to switch to new technology, which does not change the structure and implementation principle inherent in it, but significantly increases the efficiency of the project 1.61< Э S £ 1,99. Отсюда к разряду инновационный проект (новизна C) следует отнести технологические и технические проекты, требующие новых компоновочных и функциональных изменений, повышающих эффективность Э S процесса до 2,0 раз. При этом коэффициент унификации инновационного проекта К у с действующим проектом находится в пределах 0,5< К у £ 0,7.

In all these cases, innovations can significantly reduce “lost profits”, but do not ensure the transition of the economy of an economic entity to the next, higher stage of economic development.

Intensive methods for the development of agricultural production require a transition to the development of fundamentally new technological or technical projects based on scientific achievements, the introduction of discoveries and inventions that increase the efficiency of business entities at times (E S ³ 2) and allow them to move to a higher stage of economic development. It is precisely such technological and technical projects that should be classified as basic innovation projects (novelty D). In this case, the coefficient of unification of the innovative project K y with the existing project is K y £ 0.2. Basic innovation projects can only be implemented based on the use of the results of fundamental and applied research.

Thus, the concept of “innovation project” is an economic category, and the assignment of an innovative project to one or another category of novelty should be taken into account when developing and making a decision on the development and development of its production.

The fourth characteristic is the size of the project. The size of the project is characterized by the volume of work performed, the duration of implementation, and the number of performers. According to this criterion, projects can be divided into small, large and large. H.-D. Litke proposes a classification of projects according to their size, based on three criteria: the size of the project team, labor intensity and cost of the project (Table 1.2).

Table 1.2. – Classification of projects by size

A fifth characteristic is proposed – technological and technical complexity. The complexity of the project is characterized by the amount of labor required to implement the project. According to this criterion, projects can be divided into six categories of complexity - simple, uncomplicated, medium complexity, complex autonomous, complex from several objects, complex complexes. The methodology for assigning an agricultural machine or complex to a particular complexity category is given in the book4.

Also, an essential criterion for classifying projects is the scope of their application. According to this criterion, we can distinguish, in particular, industrial, construction, agricultural, public, social, cultural projects, etc.5

A slightly different classification of projects is given according to the following criteria:

Class of projects by composition and structure.

Mono-projects projects aimed at creating an object or service, carried out out of connection with other projects;

Multiprojects are complex programs or projects implemented within large enterprises;

Megaprojects are targeted programs, containing many projects united by a common goal, allocated resources and time for their implementation.

The concept of “program” that appears in these formulations should be considered as a group of interrelated projects united by a common goal and conditions of implementation.

Type of projects – technical, organizational, economic, social, mixed.

Technical – modernization of production, transition to the production of innovative products. Goals are clearly defined and digitized. The process is well controlled. Results are measured qualitatively and quantitatively.

Organizational – reforming the enterprise, implementing a new management system, creating new organization. Features: the goal is defined in advance, but the results are difficult to measure quantitatively and qualitatively, resources are provided whenever possible, costs are controlled, but require adjustments as the project progresses.

Economic – transition to a new reporting system, creation of an audit, introduction of a new tax system. Features: the goal is to improve economic indicators. The main goals are outlined in advance, but later require adjustments. The same applies to deadlines.

Social – introduction of new elements of the social security system (benefits, benefits system, assistance, protection, etc.). The goals are related to improving the well-being of the population, the results are monitored. Features: these projects are very vulnerable to external factors and therefore require strict continuous monitoring.

Mixed - can represent a combination of all of the listed types of projects, which become subprojects.

It is necessary to define the concepts of “project implementation” and “project result”.

Project implementation is a set of activities and actions aimed at achieving the goals of the project. Project implementation requires three types of management activities: managerial, operational and facilitating management.

The result of the project is a created product, service that meets market requirements, standards and project documentation.

No less important is the second characteristic of the project related to its focus on objects or processes.

Goals and strategy of the innovation project

Based on analysis:

Achievements of fundamental science (new physical, chemical, biological and other effects for which patents for discoveries have been received);

Results of applied science (new technical and technological solutions for which patents have been received);


ideas arise about the possibility of realizing these achievements, which can be expressed in the form of project goals.

A necessary condition Successful implementation of an innovative project is the stage of goal setting. As noted earlier, the goal of an innovation project is the result of the activity achieved during the implementation of the project under the given conditions. Each innovative project is characterized by at least one goal, but more often there are several such goals, which under certain conditions may conflict with each other.

The set of goals of the innovation project and the project management process is subject to a certain hierarchy of priorities 6:

1st level. The general goal of an innovation project (mission) is the main, most general reason for its implementation from the point of view of the future use of the project results.

2nd level. Necessary goals of an innovation project are intermediate goals of various stages of project management, which in individual cases can be adjusted.

3rd level. Desired goals of an innovation project are goals that are not required for the successful implementation of an innovation project, but can be set and achieved under certain conditions by individual project participants.

The goal cannot be set abstractly in relation to the desired result and must accurately describe the qualitative and quantitative characteristics, as well as what initial conditions should be taken into account when implementing an innovative project.

Determining the goal of an innovation project is the most important stage in creating its concept. It is a clearly formulated goal that allows one to begin evaluating alternative options for its implementation. The implementation of an innovative project is possible subject to a number of restrictions on time, financial, labor and material resources, ensuring its implementation with the specified quality. During the implementation of project goals, they can be adjusted and clarified. Hence, goal setting must be considered as a permanent process of continuous analysis of emerging situations and trends that require appropriate adjustments to varying degrees.

The next important component of the implementation of an innovative project is the project strategy, which defines the processes, actions and results of achieving the goal and mission of the project.

Strategy is a generalizing model of actions necessary to achieve set goals through the coordination and distribution of company resources. Essentially, a strategy is a set of rules for making decisions that guide an organization in its activities.

The strategy development process includes:

1) defining the corporate mission;

2) specifying the corporation’s vision and setting goals;

3) formulation and implementation of a strategy aimed at achieving goals.

The stages of goal setting can be represented by a pyramid, in which, moving from the top to the base, the actions to achieve the project result are detailed (Fig. 1.3).


(thought) Opportunity

Mission The importance of the result

(Why are we Social significance,

we will do this) Market.

Target Results.

(what, when, with what Time


Opportunities, dangers,

Strategy strong and weak sides,

(How we will do this) choice of option, selection.

Rice. 1.3. Stages of goal setting.

The project strategy is developed at the very first stage of its implementation, must be comprehensive and cover all main aspects and be updated and revised as the project develops.

Stages of creating an innovation project strategy:

1. Analysis of the situation.

2. Evaluation of alternatives, formation of evaluation criteria and final choice of strategy.

3. Implementation and control of the implementation of the innovation project strategy.

To implement the strategy and the innovation project as a whole, the structure of the enterprise provides for a coordinating body, the main function of which is to control the implementation of the innovation project.

Related information.

Innovation project

Innovation project- a project containing a technical, economic, legal and organizational justification for the final innovative activity.

The result of the development of an innovative project is a document that includes detailed description innovative product, justification for its viability, necessity, possibility and forms of attracting investments, information about deadlines, performers and taking into account the organizational and legal aspects of its promotion.

Implementation of an innovation project is the process of creating and introducing an innovative product to the market.

The goal of an innovation project is to create a new or change an existing system - technical, technological, informational, social, economic, organizational and achieve, as a result of reducing resource costs (production, financial, human), a radical improvement in the quality of products, services and a high commercial effect.

Innovation projects are managed by innovation management.

Examples of successfully operating domestic innovation projects. In the field of education: Moscow Cultural Lyceum No. 1310 (considered a leader in the field of innovation). In the field of medicine: AIDS center under the leadership of V. I. Pokrovsky.

Stages of development of an innovative project

The development of an innovative project includes two main stages: 1. Pre-investment. Search and justification of the viability of an innovative idea. Scientific and marketing research and development of feasibility studies. 2. Investment. Investment of money and material implementation of the project.

1. Since introducing innovative products to the market, as a rule, requires investment, it is necessary to justify the feasibility of investing money and the possibility of making a profit from the innovation. An important task of the research part of the project is to prove that the idea is not only innovative, but will also be accepted by the market.

The development of an innovative project begins with the search for an idea.

The search for an idea for an innovative project can be carried out: - on the basis of the latest scientific developments and research, - analysis of consumer demand ( marketing research, consumer surveys)

Finding an idea for an innovative project is a creative task; TRIZ is often used for these purposes.

The viability of an idea depends on many factors: - the uniqueness of the project, the presence of competitors and similar projects; - availability of scientific developments and research on this project; - the presence of obvious benefits (benefits) for the consumer inherent in the innovative product; - presence of need for the product, portrait of the consumer, market volume; - the ratio of project implementation costs and commercial effect; - availability of initial capital or the possibility of acquiring a loan/credit; - the scale of the project, deadlines for execution and payback, the need for additional investments; - marketing strategy, product positioning options; - the level of professionalism and personal interest of the project performers; - legal security of the project - compliance with legislation, the need to obtain certificates, licenses, the presence of patents, copyrights, the possibility of obtaining support from the state (subsidies, benefits);

As a result of the analysis of all these factors, a preliminary decision on investment is made. After this, the development of documentation begins - scientific research and feasibility studies, their coordination and approval.

The logical conclusion of the first phase is making a decision on the feasibility of implementing an innovation project and investing.

2. The second phase is implementation, the material embodiment of the innovative project. Monitoring indicators, resolving conflicts and adjusting the project.

Structure of an innovation project

Each innovative project must contain the following main sections:

  • The essence of the innovative project, justification of its business attractiveness in a summary form;
  • An enterprise implementing an innovative project. Complete information about activities, legal status, opportunities;
  • Product, its characteristics;
  • Analysis of product markets, competition;
  • Marketing strategy for an innovative product;
  • Organization of the production process;
  • Organization of management;
  • Risks and their insurance;
  • Financing strategy.

Classification of innovative projects

Innovative projects can be classified depending on the field of application into:

Research; scientific and technical; organizational;

According to the level of solution, innovative projects are divided into: federal; regional; accepted at the enterprise and organization level.

By type of innovation they are divided into:

New product; new service; new production method; new management method; new market; new source of raw materials;

In relation to existing systems - disruptive innovative projects that offer a completely new system, involving the abandonment of existing models aimed at conquering existing or completely new markets - supporting innovative projects aimed at improving existing systems, improving their quality

Innovative projects are also classified according to the degree of completion - final and intermediate, and according to the time of execution - also long-term, medium-term, short-term.

Features of the innovative project

1. Each innovative project must go through the “science-production-consumption” cycle. The idea of ​​an innovative project must have a basis in the form of scientific and marketing research, just like production, it must adapt to the consumer and be based on scientific developments.

2 Difficulty in predicting results and, as a result, increased risks. The emergence of something new is always associated with a high risk of rejection by society. Conservatism in this regard is characteristic not only of the majority of society, but also of the majority of Russian production facilities, which are not capable of accepting innovation even technically. The probability of obtaining positive results, depending on the type and nature of innovative research, ranges from 5 to 95%.

3. . The development and implementation of an innovative project is a creative and unique task. Therefore, a lot depends on the enthusiasm and personal interest of the performers. An analysis of the reasons for the failure of innovative projects in the West showed that a common reason for these failures is the management of the project by ordinary hired managers who had the only motivation in the form of money.

4. Organization of work of project participants. The presence of free will and high motivation of project participants makes the usual organization of work and the creation of labor discipline impractical. Therefore, an adequate approach to the choice of management style by managers is necessary.

5. Lack of customary standards for an innovative project. Even the clearest project concept can undergo major changes during the development process.



  • Innovative management: Textbook for universities I66 /S. D. Ilyenkova, J1.M. Gokhberg, S.Y. Yagudin and others; Ed. prof. S. D. Ilyenkova. - 2nd ed., revised. and additional - M.: UNITY-DANA, 2003. - 343 p. ISBN 5-238-00466-4
  • Gordienko A. A., Eremin S. N., Tyugashev E. A. G68 Science and innovative entrepreneurship in modern society: Sociocultural approach. - Novosibirsk: Publishing House of the Institute of Archeology and Ethnography SB RAS, 2000. - 280 p. ISBN 5-7803-0060-7
  • A. M. Mukhamedyarov “Innovation Management”, Textbook, Second Edition, Moscow, INFRA-M, 2008 ISBN 978-5-16-003094-4
  • Fakhtutdinov V. A. “Innovation management”: Textbook for universities, 6th ed. - St. Petersburg, Peter, 2008 ISBN 978-5-469-01658-8
  • Balabanov I. T. Innovative management. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2001. - 304 p.
  • Innovative management: Textbook / Ed. Doctor of Economics, Prof. L. N. Ogolevoy - M.: INFRA - M, 2002. - 238 p.
Investment projects: from modeling to implementation Aleksey Sergeevich Volkov

8.1. Example of an innovative project

Academician Yunitsky's String Transport (STU) is a special vehicle on steel wheels (rail vehicle), placed on two string rails mounted on supports. STU is intended for both passengers and freight transport. Work on the project “Development and commercial use of UST” has been ongoing since 1977. The most active work has been carried out since 1998 - since the receipt of the first UN grant. The project continues to develop actively and systematically. The level of development of the project at present is such that its feasibility is beyond doubt either by the developer or by experts.

The developer of the project, author and general designer of UST is Anatoly Eduardovich Yunitsky, author of more than 100 inventions, including the UST circuit diagram, Doctor of Philosophy of Transport, full member (academician) Russian Academy natural sciences and other Russian and foreign academies. The results of scientific and technical developments are protected by 37 patents. UN HABITAT expert Doctor of Economics A. A. Urunov took part in the development of the business plan for the construction and operation of the UST.

Scientific works on the subject of UST have been published in 5 monographs, 26 reports and articles, 56 inventions have been created, there are 37 patents (a number of patents have been issued for a group of inventions), more than 50 essays have been published in the press, according to central television More than 10 reports were shown, works were presented at more than 50 exhibitions, fairs, symposiums, forums, there are more than 30 diplomas, medals, certificates, 14 positive expert opinions. Over the 27 years of work on UST, the author of the program created his own UST school, whose specialists live in different countries.

UST as a mode of transport compared to other modes of transport has the following main advantages:

Low specific consumption of materials and low cost of construction of routes;

Low operating costs;

High consumer qualities;

High throughput;

High environmental performance;

Less land acquisition for highway construction;

Laying routes is possible in hard-to-reach areas.

The relative technical simplicity of execution distinguishes UST from other work on the creation of new transport systems - monorail, magnetic levitation train, cable cars and others.

The project describes sequentially and interconnectedly:

Trends in the development of the global transport market and the place of STU in global transport systems;

State of the industry and competition;

Technical description of UST;

Information about the project team;

Information about international and state support project;

Information about the social and national significance of the UST and the project;

Information on the protection of know-how;

Risk factors and risk mitigation strategy.

In the 21st century, the possible share of USTs in terms of the length of roads in the world is estimated from 20% to 40% - this is from 5 to 10 million kilometers. The project provides:

Creating a new transport niche in the global economy and retaining at least 30% in each segment of the created niche (design and construction of routes and infrastructure, design and production of rolling stock, freight and passenger transportation);

Maintaining a leading position in the field of creating new technologies and know-how on UST topics.

$6 million was invested in the project in the late 1990s. Using these funds, a large number of studies and tests were carried out, an experimental UST section was built, design documentation was developed for more than 10 types of string track structures, intermediate and anchor supports, and transport models of several types. Tests carried out in 2001 confirmed the design characteristics of the UST. The volume of external investment required to complete R&D and UST certification is approximately $30 million. In the full-scale version, the investor becomes a co-owner of all know-how. The investor is offered:

Equity participation in the project;

Active participation in project management, assistance in solving emerging problems and attracting administrative resources.

For operational management of the project, it is planned to create a parent company, UST, together with the investor. The company's tasks will include making strategic decisions, operational management of certification and commercial use of UST, maintaining accounting and management records, and representative functions.

The main stages of the company's development and the project schedule are presented in table. 21 and 22. Table 23 illustrates the directions for using investments.

Table 21 The main stages of development of the parent company UST

Table 22 Calendar plan project

Table 22 uses the following notation:

A – testing and certification work by stage;

X – active testing and certification work at the stage;

Co – commercial use of the results.

The main business areas at the commercial operation stage will be:

1) design, construction and operation of routes and infrastructure;

2) design and production of rolling stock;

3) cargo and passenger transportation;

4) receiving royalties from the use of intangible assets.

Table 23 Structure of investment use

Currently, Russia has a road network of about a million kilometers, which is half the calculated minimum level. But building and maintaining the roads that are missing in Russia with its frosts, snowfalls, swamps, permafrost, taiga, and tundra is very problematic - it will require colossal material costs and time. STU may be the only possible solution to Russia's transport problem. At the same time, if the UST is brought to serial production in Russia, it is Russia, being a bridge between Europe and Asia, that can take key positions in the formation of a new world communication policy of the 21st century.

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6.4. Foreign experience in innovative financing Financing the creation of a new innovative product has different shapes implementation in different countries. The most effective is investing in small innovative companies focused on development and

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10.1. The concept and essence of an innovation project An innovation project is a system of interconnected goals and means of achieving them. It represents a complex of research, development, production, organizational, financial,

From the author's book

10.2. Development of an innovative project An innovative project, considered as a process taking place over time, includes the following stages:1. Formation of an innovative idea (plan). On the one side, innovative idea forms the basis of an innovative project,

From the author's book

11.1. System of indicators for assessing the effectiveness of an innovative project The implementation of any innovative project must be preceded by the solution of two interrelated tasks: 1) assessment of the profitability of each of the possible options for implementing the project; 2) comparison of options and

From the author's book

An example of a project is the ABC company. ABC, a manufacturer of tourist tents (profit after taxes - 50 million rubles) is going to launch its new model of the SuperM tent on the market. ABC design engineers have been developing this model over the past three

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13 Examination of the final version of the draft standard. Preparation of a draft standard for approval 13.1 General requirements for preparing a draft standard for approval Upon receipt of the final version of the draft standard, the national body of the Russian Federation for

An innovative project is a complex system of actions aimed at achieving certain goals in the development of science and technology. They are interconnected by event performers, deadlines and resources. An innovation program is a set of interconnected innovative projects, as well as projects that are aimed at supporting activities in this area. At the moment, innovative projects in preschool educational institutions are gaining popularity, examples of which inspire the creation of new educational programs.

Level of scientific and technical significance

Innovative projects, as well as technical solutions and the ideas they implement may have the following levels of scientific and technical significance:

  • modernization (the basic technology does not undergo fundamental changes);
  • innovative (the design of the new product is significantly different from the previous one);
  • advanced (the design was created thanks to advanced technical solutions);
  • pioneer level (new technologies and materials appear that did not previously exist).

The level of significance of an innovative project determines the complexity, scale, features of promoting the results of the process and the composition of the performers. This will affect the content of project management.

Classification of innovative projects

Innovative projects can be classified as follows:

1. By the nature of the goals:

  • final;
  • intermediate.

2. By implementation period:

  • short-term;
  • mid-term;
  • long-term.

3. According to the needs that the project satisfies. They can focus on creating new or satisfying existing needs.

4. By type of innovation (creation of a new or improved product, reorganization of the management structure, etc.).

5. According to the degree of decisions made, they can be of the following nature:

  • branded;
  • regional;
  • industry;
  • international federal

6. According to the scale of the tasks performed:

  • mono-projects - projects that are carried out by one company within strict financial and time limits, and have a clear innovative goal;
  • multiprojects - complex programs aimed at achieving complex goals;
  • megaprojects are multi-purpose programs that combine a number of multi-projects that are connected by one difficult to achieve goal.

Each project goes through certain stages of its development from its inception to its completion. Their totality forms its life cycle. It is customary to divide it into phases, then into stages, and then into stages. They vary depending on the work organization system and field of activity.

Development of an innovative project

When created, innovative projects undergo implementation and completion. It is worth paying attention to the main stages:

  • idea formation;
  • opportunity research;
  • preparation of documentation for concluding a contract;
  • preparation of documentation for the design of the project;
  • work to implement the program;
  • monitoring of economic indicators.

At the development stage, attention is paid to the success and effectiveness of the project. Moreover, the details of his existence at this moment are not too important. For them, novelty, competitiveness, licensing protection and the presence of a patent are especially important. In addition, innovative projects require investment of funds aimed at improving the business.

Implementation of innovative projects

Most organizations use internal and external sources of financing simultaneously. Internal sources are their own funds, which are mainly formed from the sale of assets or are insurance amounts and depreciation charges. External sources of financing include those attracted and also financing from the regional or federal budget.


Innovative projects are the programs with the highest risk for investment. For this reason, their creators should realistically assess their capabilities. The most attractive for investment will be programs aimed at promoting ready-made projects. Projects related to the promotion of new technologies are characterized by increased risk, since it is much more difficult to create a marketing concept for them.

Problems with financing arise if the project has an unfinished exploratory research stage. When they are carried out there is Great chance getting a negative result.

Risk classification

The risks of an innovation project are uncertainty that depends on decisions taken, and their implementation takes place after some time. Part of business decisions is risk assessment. To classify them, it is advisable to apply the block principle, which provides for the distribution of risks by categories, groups, types, etc. The risks of innovative projects can be classified as follows:

  • As predictable as possible: foreseen and unforeseen.
  • By the presence of intentional creation.
  • By time of detection.
  • At the place of discovery.
  • By detection method.
  • For reasons of appearance.
  • According to the culprits of the appearance.
  • By duration of action.
  • If possible, insurance.
  • By methods of eliminating consequences.
  • By stages of the technological process.
  • According to production conditions.
  • At set prices.

To assess the risk of an innovation project, it is necessary to determine the degree of research and development, the program's compliance with the company's market strategy, and marketing. Classification, assessment and study of risks will be required to manage them.

Assessing the effectiveness of an innovation project

The effectiveness of a project of this type from the point of view of its participants can be determined by the corresponding indicators of their participation. It is worth considering its assessment by the innovative university, which is responsible for the implementation of the project and also attracts outside participants and additional funding. Assessing the effectiveness of an innovation project is based on the following principles:

  • prices for services, resources, goods that are provided for by the project or established on the market are applied;
  • cash flows must be calculated in the same currencies provided by the program for paying for products and purchasing resources, after which they will be converted into rubles at the current rate;
  • in the calculations it is necessary to take into account the profit from financial and investment activities, as well as apply the project financing scheme;
  • it is necessary to take into account contributions to additional funds and the income received from them.

In the process of calculating the performance indicators of a company's participation, it is worth taking into account funds, regardless of whether they are own or borrowed. Loan payments will be called outflows, and borrowed funds will be called inflows.

project taking into account efficiency risks

It is worth considering the development of an innovative project taking into account the assessment of its effectiveness. As an example, you can take the example of the EcoZdrav LLC project. The company operates in Krasnoyarsk. The project is aimed at the production and sale of reagent-free and cartridge-free units, which are intended for the purification of drinking and waste water. At the moment they have no analogues.

Preliminary market research has shown that the need for these installations is quite high. According to estimates, it is 25,000 pieces, which is only a tenth of possible buyers. Based on this information, the company plans to produce 10 thousand units per year, which will be quite reasonable.

To evaluate performance, you need to find the net present value (NPV) using prices and the sum of the weighted average cost of capital (WACC). The following formula applies:


where E is equity capital, D is the amount of borrowed capital, K is the amount of invested capital, y is the expected return on equity, b is the expected return on borrowed capital, t is the income tax rate.

For this company the indicator will be:


If we take the inflation rate of 7%, which was set at the time the project was developed, we can get a discount factor of 0.340624.

According to the plan, the profit volume will be 448,060 rubles. in the first year, 3,229,925 rubles. - in the second, and 3,919,425 rubles. - in the third. Taking them into account, it is necessary to calculate indicators on the basis of which the effectiveness of the innovation project will be assessed.

Net present value calculated for the next three years (NPV):

NPV1 = 448060/1.340624- 2000000 = - 1665782.5

NPV2 = 448060/1.340624+ 3229925/(1.340624)^2 - 2000000= 131343.21

Return on Investment Index (PI):

PI = (448060/1.340624+ 3229925/〖(1.340624)〗^2)/2000000 = 2131343.21/2000000 = 1.0656

Internal rate of return (IRR):

IRR = r_1+NPV(r_1)/(NPV(r_1)- NPV(r_2)) (r_2-r_1)

The cost of capital r1 is taken to be 20%.

Then IRR = 0.3+255859.8/(255859.8- 131343.21) (0.340624-0.3)=0.383475

We can conclude that the calculated rate of return exceeds the cost of capital. Thus, the implementation of this innovative project will be appropriate.

Innovative projects in business

Today, innovative business projects are successfully conquering the world market. This is explained by the fact that the modern consumer is not so easy to please. If a company repeats its competitors, it will lose its popularity over time. For this reason, any business needs innovation. It is best if these are truly innovative projects, and not an update of old technologies, goods or services.

It is actively changing due to the development of the scientific and technical sphere. From this point of view, business requires attention. In addition, innovations must be recognized by society. If they do not accept the developed innovative project, an example of which was demonstrated to consumers, it will not bring any benefit.

The benefits of innovation in business

It is worth noting that innovation in business requires significant intellectual, financial and labor costs. In addition, you will have to invest not only in the project, but also in the company’s employees. Innovation in entrepreneurial activity can be technical, managerial, administrative, economic and organizational.

Among the main innovative projects of this kind can be called computerization. They help create databases of baths, carry out calculations using the Internet, use computer programs for work and sending emails. In addition, an entrepreneur will be able to create a commercial website or online store.

Thus, projects of this kind in business make it possible to improve the procedure for development, provision of services, sales, etc. In addition, the process will be significantly simplified and take less time. This means that the business will have greater profitability.

Innovative projects at school

Parents are often faced with the question of where to send their child, to a regular school, gymnasium or lyceum. Most of them are identified quickly, but the concept of “innovative school” is rarely familiar to them. Despite this, all modern educational institutions can be called as such. This is because most curricula are designed with innovation in mind.

It is not at all necessary to send your child to an innovative school, because an innovative pedagogical project is also being implemented in a traditional institution. But they will still focus on developing children’s ability to independently acquire knowledge.

The use of innovative technologies in school allows us to individually select a training program for each child, which has a positive effect on his capabilities. In addition, children will be more eager to study, since they can be interested. What is an innovative project at school? Example - application in education various programs. With their help, you can positively influence the acquisition and assimilation of knowledge.

Innovation project: example

In order to finally understand what an innovative project is, it is worth considering a specific example. Electrolux Design Lab held a student competition in China in 2013. There, a graduate of the Animation Institute, Qing Ji, presented his project, which was aimed at improving human sleep. He developed a cell cushion in the form of green mass. It can provide not only optimal rest, but also protection against harmful bacteria. IN in this case the innovative project, an example of which is presented, involves the invention of a completely new and complex technology.

The pillow contains aloe cells that absorb carbon monoxide and release oxygen. For this reason, people who sleep on it do not have breathing problems. Aloe cells are able to eliminate any harmful bacteria around them. This innovative project, an example of which was described, became successful, but if you want to create something new, you can prepare a program that is not so complicated. It may contain an update to existing technology.