Experiences and mistakes in a work about love. Thematic area “experience and mistakes” in

Here is a small collection of theses that can be used as introductions or conclusions to essays on thematic areas Experience and mistakes. Don't write these words down thoughtlessly. The introduction and conclusion should be related to the topic of the essay and the main idea.

1) We often hear “he who does nothing makes no mistakes.” But does this mean that all the mistakes a person makes in his life were inevitable? Of course not! Often mistakes can be avoided; you just need to listen to the advice of people whose experience and intelligence you trust.

2) The military says: every line in the regulations is written in the blood of those who tried to do something differently and paid for it with their lives. But the same can be said about many other things. For example, rules of behavior arose due to many conflicts and stupid actions of people who lived before us.

3) Even if they say that an entire nation has committed some serious crimes and mistakes, common sense tells us that this is an exaggeration. All the people cannot be wrong at once. There will always be those who are out of step with the erroneous and criminal majority. And if later the people are convicted of crimes or repent of their past sins, then the actions of these out of step can save the honor of this people.

4) Although people make mistakes, it is believed that this is not so bad. Mistakes give us valuable experience, “we learn from our own and others’ mistakes,” “a negative result is also a result,” “he who does nothing makes no mistakes.” However, this worldly wisdom does not always work. Sometimes people make mistakes from which it is impossible to extract any experience, because there is no one left to extract it. Or the mistakes they make traumatize souls so much that people simply go crazy and experience ceases to matter.

5) It is believed that science is impossible without a constant search, in which the right decisions are almost always arrived at after many mistakes. It also happens that past experience and seemingly correct decisions begin to interfere. And in order to move forward further, they must be discarded.

6) Worldly wisdom tells us that we should learn from the mistakes and experiences of other people. And yet we often neglect it. Why? We often feel that other people's experiences concern other people and are only suitable for them or for people like them. If it seems to us that we are “not like everyone else,” then other people’s experience does not seem valuable to us. We believe that we may well succeed in what others could not, because we are not them. And only life can show us whether we have overestimated ourselves or not.

Subject of speech

Possible topic formulations

Possible wording main idea. conclusions


Literary example

The inextricable link between experience and mistakes.

Any mistake is an experience, any experience is a result of mistakes.

Why did Pushkin call experience “the son of difficult mistakes”?

Is it possible to experience without errors?

Does every mistake lead to the accumulation of experience?

A mistake due to ignorance is forgivable for any person.

A negative result is also a result.

Every mistake provides an opportunity to gain experience. --> There is no need to hide mistakes, you need to draw conclusions.

Oh how many wonderful discoveries we have

The spirit of enlightenment is preparing

And experience, the son of difficult mistakes,

And genius, friend of paradoxes,

And chance, God the inventor.

(A. Pushkin)

A person who makes a mistake and does not correct it has made another mistake. (Confucius)

An adversary who reveals your mistakes is more useful to you than a friend who wants to hide them. (L. da Vinci)

A mistake is not a lie.

I made a mistake that I hurt myself - science goes ahead.

Having burned himself on the milk, he blows on the water.

And the old woman gets into trouble. They learn from mistakes. (Russian proverbs)

There's no such thing as successful man, who never stumbled or made a mistake. There are only successful people who made mistakes, but then changed their plans based on those same mistakes. I'm just one of those guys. (Steve Jobs)

Failures and rejections are the most important component of success. We learn from mistakes, getting closer to success! (A. Jackson)

L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace"

V. Rasputin “Live and Remember”

A. Solzhenitsyn “In the First Circle”

I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons"

Experiences and mistakes in a person’s life path

Is it possible to learn from other people's mistakes? Is it really necessary to try everything in life?

What mistakes can I forgive my friends?

Is it true that those who do nothing make no mistakes?

Why are we afraid of failures and mistakes?

Why shouldn't you be afraid of mistakes?

How to treat friends who point out mistakes?

Why is it impossible to live life without making mistakes?

Why the ability to forgive is enriching inner world person?

Learn from mistakes or avoid them?

“The history of every human life is the history of defeat” (Jean Paul Sartre). See sample essay.

It is impossible to gain experience without making mistakes.

You need to try to rely on other people's experience and not make mistakes.

The proverb “learn from mistakes” is for losers.

In life you need to try everything.

Every experience leads to development.

Not every experience is needed by a person.

We are afraid of mistakes because we are afraid of being judged. --> The opinion of the crowd does not allow us to develop.

Sometimes this opinion needs to be ignored.

There are situations when one is right and everyone else is wrong. — > You need to do as you see fit.

You cannot learn to live from other people's mistakes.

The one who does nothing makes no mistakes. But doing nothing is a mistake. (Theodore Roosevelt).

Those who do not learn from their mistakes are doomed to repeat them. (George Santayana)

If you look back at your life, I bet you will regret eighty percent of your actions. But life is all about mistakes. (Sylvester Stallone)

Everyone calls their own mistakes experience. (O. Wilde)

Look into your own eyes. I felt ashamed - it means something is wrong here! There are no successes without failures, There are no easy victories, So why are you sad, weirdo? (V. Lanzberg)

The worst mistake you can make in life is to be afraid of making a mistake all the time. (E. Hubbard)

It is human nature to make mistakes (I. Turgenev) That a true friend among a crowd of acquaintances, Who, without fear of the truth, will point out your mistake. (N. Depreo)

What we call sin in others, we call in ourselves life experience. (R. Emerson)

A.S. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter"

L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace"

L. Ulitskaya “The Case of Kukotsky”

V. Astafiev “Lyudochka”

O. Wilde "The Picture of Dorian Gray"

Mistakes and responsibility. Punishment.



Why are people ashamed of their mistakes?

You need to have the courage to publicly admit your mistakes.

Why do people try to hide their mistakes?

What do the words “unforgivable mistake” mean to me?

In what cases should mistakes be punished?

Sometimes we regret our mistakes too late.

How does nature take revenge for human mistakes?

If mistakes are not punished, people will not gain experience.

There are mistakes that cannot be forgiven.

Any mistake can be forgiven.

Mistakes that lead to the losses of others are unforgivable.

If a person only harmed himself, he has already been punished.

Violations of moral laws cannot be forgiven (explain what is meant by this concept for you).

It's better not to make mistakes than to regret later.

It's better to make mistakes than to regret not trying.

We feel shame not because we make mistakes, but because everyone can see our humiliation. (M. Kundera)

Having cured the damaged wing of a kite, you become responsible for its claws (V. Hugo).

If you tell a criminal that his crime does not depend either on his nature or on his character, but on the unfortunate circumstances of his life, he will be eternally grateful to you (A. Camus)

M Bulgakov "The Master and Margarita"

V. Rasputin “Live and Remember”

K. Paustovsky “Telegram”

A.N. Ostrovsky “The Thunderstorm”, “Dowry”

F.M. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment"

Search for the meaning of life and mistakes

Do I agree that to an honest man“you have to rush, get confused, struggle, make mistakes, start and quit...”?

Is it possible to make a mistake on the path to finding the meaning of life?

Is it possible to comprehend the meaning of life without making mistakes?

You should not be afraid to do what you think is necessary.

Finding the meaning of your life is impossible without making mistakes.

An easy life teaches us nothing.

Sometimes you need to go against the crowd and make the only right decision.

The more mistakes a person makes, the wiser he becomes.

Mistakes do not lead to the accumulation of wisdom, they lead to the accumulation of evil.

Some people's experiences are dangerous for others.

To live honestly, you have to struggle, get confused, struggle, make mistakes, start and quit, and start again, and quit again, and always struggle and lose. And calmness - spiritual meanness. (Lev Tolstoy)

Life is a moment. It cannot be lived first in a draft and then rewritten into a white paper (A. Chekhov).

An easy life teaches us nothing. And the main thing is what we ultimately learned, what we learned and how we grew (R. Bach).

Do what you must, and come what may (proverb).

Leo Tolstoy "War and Peace"

I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons"

I.A. Goncharov "Oblomov"

M.Yu. Lermontov "Hero of Our Time"

O. Wilde “The Picture of Dorian Gray”

V. Aksyonov “Moscow Saga”

V. Grossman “Life and Fate”

V. Kaverin “Two Captains”

Possible essay topics:

He who does nothing never makes mistakes.

To make mistakes is the property of man, to forgive is the property of God.

Experience allows us to recognize a mistake every time we repeat it.

A truly thinking person draws as much knowledge from his mistakes as from his successes.

The only real mistake is not correcting your past mistakes.

Experience is the best mentor.

Our true teachers are experience and feeling.

There is nothing better in life than your own experience.

The only criterion of truth is experience.

The best proof of all is experience.

Essay example

“The history of every human life is the history of defeat” (Jean Paul Sartre)

Our whole life is a series of ups and downs, victories and defeats, successful and unsuccessful coincidences, this fills a person’s existence with excitement, makes it brighter and more contrasting. However, all this is not endless, and under any circumstances it is worth keeping in mind that our existence on Earth is finite, because man is mortal, “sometimes suddenly mortal,” and this sad outcome is to a certain extent a defeat. And if our whole life is a road to death, sometimes bumpy and winding, and sometimes straight, can any story of human life be considered a story of defeat?

Defeat is a clear failure in any conflict, it is defeat, injustice, loss, fiasco. It seems to me that the concentration of all these concepts is the word “death” - the very outcome, the point after which all processes end, this is both an impetus for action and a fact that not everyone is ready to accept. This is an eternal conflict with life, a mystery shrouded in darkness, and probably the most expected and most tragic defeat that a person can experience.

Each of us is mortal, despite social status, age, life preferences, but many forget about this, and that’s why we know so many stories with tragic end. In the story by I.A. Bunin "Mr. from San Francisco" we face fate enough typical personality: an elderly rich American sails with his family on the ship Atlantis to the Old World to reward himself for long years"labor" (but in reality the brutal exploitation of Chinese workers). The hero of the story was nothing special; the author does not even tell us his name. All his life this gentleman was engaged in hoarding, and, having reached a fairly respectable age, he nevertheless decided to get what seemed to be a well-deserved rest - a time of idleness and gluttony. However, everything turned out completely differently. Did this hero consider himself a winner? Of course, especially in comparison with those who could not afford six meals a day, who were much lower in status and sailed in the hold of the ship. The gentleman from San Francisco believed that money gave him the right to rule over life and everyone who was near him, but literally for a moment - sudden death, and he, lifeless, floats not even in a coffin, but in a wooden box of soda water in the bowels of the ship, next to those to whom during his lifetime he expressed arrogant disdain. This death was a logical and instructive outcome, a cruel but fair defeat, towards which the gentleman from San Francisco had been going all his life. After him, nothing remained in people’s hearts, not even his name. It turns out that the story of his entire life was the story of his defeat.

A similar outcome, unfortunately, awaits those who, during their lifetime, try their best to fight the system, who destroy stereotypes, who fill life with their own meaning and, albeit on a subconscious level, want to leave their mark on history. The hero of the novel I.S. Turgenev's "Fathers and Sons", Evgeny Bazarov is presented to us as an extraordinary personality: despite his destructive theory, he was a natural scientist, a practicing doctor, he helped people, but despised authority. Having created his strict “building” of nihilism, the “pillar” of which was the denial of love, art, and, indeed, “EVERYTHING” (and first of all the state, power, religion), he did not notice how his “building” was gradually collapsing in a collision with life, with a feeling of love for Madame Odintsova, for her parents. It was love that revealed the weakness and lifelessness of his vulgar materialist theory. This wonderful feeling made Bazarov become disappointed in himself. Trying to stifle love in himself, he seems to lose the ground under his feet. Hence his bitter reflections before his death: “Does Russia need me?... No, apparently I don’t.” Death overtook Bazarov in the prime of his life, which is why it is doubly absurd. But we still have good memories of the hero: he is young, smart, educated, and his nihilism is just posturing (I really wanted to be different from everyone else, a kind of “subverter” of foundations). Last words Bazarov, addressed to Odintsova, who came to say goodbye to him, bare his soul: “Live and enjoy while there is time!... Blow on the dying candle... Calm your mother.” Death for Bazarov was to some extent a defeat, but it is also the beginning of good, elegiac memories of him, and his life itself was not lived in vain. He, unlike the hero Bunin's story, left a memory in the souls of those who knew and loved him.

The statement of Jean Paul Sartre, who asserted that “the history of any human life is the history of defeat”, in my opinion, is not entirely fair. Defeat is a fiasco, a collapse, and this leads to chaos in the mind. You cannot live constantly with the thought of inevitable defeat. Thoughts about this should awaken passion and competition in a person; the desire to act, feel, experience difficulties, learn life and teach should be ignited - in other words, the desire to live, and not exist aimlessly.

Experience is acquired by every person. Living life, we learn not only school subjects, but also the experience of communicating with friends, teachers, and parents. Feeling the bitterness of defeat, we tie a knot as a keepsake, remembering what we did wrong. Having been disappointed in the first experience of falling in love, we try to avoid similar problems the next time we meet. This is how life goes. We learn from our own mistakes, and emotions become islands in our memory. certain rules life.

It has always been this way. Even during the time of Ranevskaya from A.P. Chekhov’s comedy “ The Cherry Orchard" A former landowner, the mistress of an estate with a beautiful cherry orchard, is practically ruined by her young Parisian lover. She hides from reality all the time, unable to perform the right actions dictated by reason. She lives in the past. Remembering her deceased son, her deceased nanny, she literally demonstrates calm. Life has battered her, but even after losing her son, she leaves her minor daughter under the care of her stepdaughter, not much older than Anya. He has been “suffering” in Paris for five years, having managed to squander all his savings and sell his property. Seventeen-year-old Anya finds her prodigal mother in some smoky room on the fifth floor, surrounded by strangers. The young man left her, and she suffers again. Upon arrival home, she decides to break up with her Parisian lover and resolutely tears up the first two telegrams without reading them, with the words: “Paris is over...”, but in each new action we see how her decision gradually changes: at first she is all... he still tears up the telegrams, although he reads them, then he doesn’t tear them up anymore, and in the end he decides to return to Paris. What awaits this aging woman, not adapted to life in this city? It’s as if she was created to suffer and revel in the pleasure of this suffering. She has experience of ruin and loss, but experience gives her nothing, she does not want to learn from her mistakes.

In the era of Stalinist repressions, almost the entire multi-million people Soviet Union went through the Gulag camps. The hero of A.I. Solzhenitsyn’s story “One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich” is prisoner Shch-854, a former peasant who ended up in the camp, like many soldiers during the war years, as a traitor. And his fault was that, having found himself in German captivity, he did not hide it, but honestly told it during interrogation. During the eight years of imprisonment, he gained experience, learned to endure, take care of himself, managed to get up every morning half an hour before rising, which created the illusion of a certain freedom. He checks every step with the rules of conduct in the zone. Eating in the common dining room turns into a process: he tries to “... enjoy the fact that he chewed and crushed heavy raw bread with his tongue in his mouth for a long time...”, this helped to saturate the body gradually, creating the effect of satiety. He never shot a bull, but patiently waited for the remaining cigarette butt to be offered, did not interfere with the process: “He looked past and seemed indifferent... .. Caesar turned to Shukhov and said: “Take it, Ivan Denisych!” And he also feels sorry for everyone who surrounds him, because he understands that many jackals will not live out their sentences, that former commanders will die from diseases acquired in the punishment cell, because they do not tolerate false accusations, impolite treatment, and rebel against the system. But he knows how to survive in inhumane conditions Gulag, experience helps him live day after day, waiting for his now imminent return home.

Experience is a gain, as older people say. But experience is given to everyone, but few know how to use it. I believe that you should be smarter, learn not to repeat mistakes, but use not only your own experience, but also the experience of other people who create works that convey this experience.


Within the framework of the direction, discussions about the value of spiritual and practical experience are possible individual, people, humanity as a whole; about the cost of mistakes on the path to understanding the world and gaining life experience; about the relationship between experience and mistakes; about experience that prevents mistakes, about mistakes, without which it is impossible to move along the path of life; about irreparable, tragic mistakes.

Why do you need to analyze your mistakes? 2. Do you agree that mistakes are a key component of life experience? 3. What does the reading experience add to the life experience? 4. How do you understand the saying “living life is not a field to cross”? 5. What kind of life can be considered not lived in vain? 6. Can an experienced person make mistakes? 7. He makes more mistakes who does not repent of his mistakes. 8. What lessons does the history of his people give a person? 9. Is the experience of previous generations important to us? 10. How can the experience of fathers be valuable for children? 11. What experience does war give to humanity? 12. What events and impressions in life help a person gain experience? 13. Is it important, when moving forward in life, to look back at the path you have taken? 14. Is it possible to avoid mistakes along the path of life? 15. Is it possible to gain experience without making mistakes? 16. “... Experience, the son of difficult mistakes...” (A.S. Pushkin) 17. The path to truth lies through mistakes. 18. Is it possible to avoid mistakes by relying on the experience of others? 19. What mistakes cannot be corrected? 20. What is delusion? POSSIBLE TOPICS IN THE DIRECTION

QUOTES IN THE DIRECTION “EXPERIENCE AND MISTAKES” 1. “Experience is the teacher of everything.” (Julius Caesar) 2. “Inexperience leads to disaster.” (A.S. Pushkin) 3. “Experience is the best mentor.” (Ovid) 4. “In life there is nothing better than your own experience.” (W. Scott) 5. “The only real mistake is not correcting your past mistakes.” (Confucius) 6. “Admitting your mistakes is the highest courage.” (A. Bestuzhev) 7. “You can only reach convictions through personal experience and suffering.” (A.P. Chekhov) 8. “Show me a person who has never made a mistake in his life, and I will show you a person who has achieved nothing.” (Joan Collins)

M. A. Bulgakov “The Master and Margarita”, “ dog's heart» I.S. Turgenev “Fathers and Sons” D. I. Fonvizin. "Undergrown." A. S. Griboyedov. "Woe from Wit." A. S. Pushkin. "Eugene Onegin". M. Yu. Lermontov. "Hero of our time". A. N. Ostrovsky. "Thunderstorm", "Dowry". I. A. Goncharov. "Oblomov." F. M. Dostoevsky. "Crime and Punishment". L. N. Tolstoy. "War and Peace". A.P. Chekhov. “Man in a Case”, “Gooseberry”, “About Love”, “Ionych”, “The Cherry Orchard”. I. A. Bunin. "Mr. from San Francisco", "Dark Alleys". A. M. Gorky. “In People”, “At the Bottom”. B. L. Pasternak. "Doctor Zhivago". M. A. Sholokhov. "Quiet Don" V. Astafiev. “Tsar Fish” K. Paustovsky. “Telegram” A. Pristavkin. “The golden cloud spent the night” (about the war) L. Ulitskaya. “The Case of Kukotsky” V. Rasputin. “Farewell to Matera” SELECTION OF WORKS BY DIRECTION


INTRODUCTION OPTIONS 1. People live differently on earth. Some go their own way, as if by inertia, without thinking about the final goal. Live a day - and okay. Others map out their path in advance and never deviate from it. Still others often get lost in search of the right path, sometimes losing their way. Who is more likely to gain experience and who will make mistakes? Most likely, no one can do without mistakes: every step is a grain of our experience, even if the wrong road is chosen. The path to truth is the path of self-knowledge. But not everyone admits and realizes their mistakes, trying to correct them and gain positive experience. On the pages works of art there are many similar examples... 2. How to pass your life path without making a single mistake? Is it possible to gain a positive experience from this? Of course not. The child, taking his first hesitant steps, falls, but gets up and tries to walk again. He subconsciously acquires a tiny experience: he can’t stop! Growing up, a person achieves the desired result not immediately, but by trial and error. Only by overcoming obstacles, falling and getting up, can you come to truth and purpose. But you need to learn to draw conclusions from your mistakes and avoid making irreparable mistakes. Pondering over destinies literary heroes , we understand that it is impossible to live without mistakes, but trying to correct them is eternal work

above oneself. This is the search for truth and the desire for spiritual harmony. INTRODUCTION OPTIONS 3. Is reading experience important for learning about life, for gaining one’s own experience? The answer is obvious. It is books, scientific or artistic, that give us knowledge, that is, experience. Writers of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries left us a rich cultural heritage . A person whose reading experience is rich has the opportunity to make the right experience out of mistakes, will be able to learn important things that will help him in the future not to commit unnecessary actions. That is why, every time at a difficult moment, he turns to the book, studies in order to understand the world, so that there are as few mistakes as possible in his idea of ​​the world, society, and himself.

What works will really become our good helpers?.. 4. What is the price of a mistake? The consequences of even one person’s mistakes are sometimes difficult to predict. And if these mistakes are made by a person endowed with power, on whose decisions the fate of an entire country depends. It is no coincidence that when assessing the activities of rulers or leaders, we pay attention to such qualities as foresight, wisdom, the presence of a practical mind... If we have a person in front of us who is indifferent, poorly educated, and even ambitious and vain, then his mistakes can turn into disaster, otherwise and a disaster. And there are many examples of this in life and in literature... 5. What experience does war give to humanity? First of all, the need to prevent irreparable mistakes in the future. Mistakes in war. Errors in choosing battle strategy and tactics. This is already a tragedy. The lives of the soldiers subordinate to him depend on the ill-considered actions of commanders, on their careerist motives, selfishness or cowardice. And the experience here is only negative, which under no circumstances should be repeated. But there is another, human, wise experience: in the education of courage, perseverance and valor, similar to those what war heroes showed: ordinary soldiers and worthy officers. Those who blocked the enemy’s path did not allow him to desecrate our native land. INTRODUCTION OPTIONS 6. “And experience, the son of difficult mistakes...” exclaimed Pushkin. Is it possible to experience without errors? Are they always interconnected? And does every mistake lead to the accumulation of experience? It is probably impossible to gain experience without making mistakes, but it is simply necessary to draw the right conclusions from failures. But why is a person so afraid to take the wrong step, to make a mistake? Afraid of being funny, avoiding condemnation and punishment? Should you be afraid of making mistakes in your life experiences? It depends on what experiences and mistakes you are talking about. A surgeon's mistake can result in the death of a patient, and a pilot's mistake can result in the death of hundreds of people. But if we're talking about Everyday life

7. Is the experience of previous generations important to us? What lessons does the history of his people teach a person? It is common for every individual to make mistakes, but is it possible to talk about the historical mistakes of the people? Most likely not, since what was done and approved at the beginning of the 20th century, for example, the revolution, was debunked in the end. But if we are talking about wars of conquest, then it is important to learn the necessary lessons and not repeat the monstrous experience of the conquering commanders.

Let us remember Napoleon or Hitler and their punitive campaigns of conquest. Why not experiment with people! Who should be blamed for such atrocities? People? Leaders? Difficult question. Although they say that the people deserve the ruler they choose, in general they cannot be held responsible for the actions of the leaders. And at the same time, every person in the country bears a share of responsibility for everything that happens in it: you can blindly obey and allow yourself to be drawn into a negative, monstrous experience, or you can resist it. Many examples of the above can be found in Russian literature... INTRODUCTION OPTIONS 8. Is the thousand-year history of Russia something alien to us or is it still an important and valuable historical experience? Reflecting on this issue, it is necessary to understand that the experience of previous generations is undoubtedly significant for us, because the wisdom accumulated over the centuries shows us the future path and helps us avoid many mistakes. culture, about the repressions of the 30s, which allow every person to realize how destructive they were, how various events in history influence a person’s life. The bitter experience of the harsh war years teaches us not to forget how much grief and suffering war can bring. We must remember this so that the tragedy does not repeat itself again and again.

Historical experience is part of the culture of a people. And if you do not study your history, do not adopt the experience of your predecessors, then it will be impossible to understand what the foundations of the universe and human self-knowledge lie. Let's turn to literary examples... (183 words without arguments) INTRODUCTION OPTIONS "Is the experience of previous generations important for us?" 8. Life experience... What does it consist of? From actions committed, from words spoken, from observations of the lives of people around and the lives of literary heroes, from decisions made, both faithful and unfaithful. Often a person sometimes unexpectedly finds himself in difficult situation and, confused or lacking experience, may make the wrong decision or commit a rash act. Sometimes his actions lead to

tragic consequences . And only later does he realize that he made a mistake and learns the lesson life taught him. How to avoid irreparable mistakes? You need to carefully think through your every step, your word, your action, and not be afraid to turn to your elders, to teachers-mentors, to books, for the much-needed experience. Let us also turn to literary examples. INTRODUCTION OPTIONS), But the happiness was short-lived. Smart Pierre quickly realized the cost of his mistakes. He finally finds his happiness by marrying Natasha Rostova.

After much torment, mistakes, and wanderings, Pierre Bezukhov comes to the understanding that true happiness lies in serving society, which is what he does in the epilogue of the novel. (It is no coincidence that, according to L. Tolstoy’s plan, it was Pierre Bezukhov who was supposed to become the Decembrist hero in the planned story, which later became an epic novel). ARGUMENT-1 Evgeny Bazarov, the hero of the novel “Fathers and Sons” by I. S. Turgenev, is a progressive-minded young man who is not afraid to take risks, engages in experiments, a nihilist who does not recognize any authorities, a supporter of the most “complete and merciless denial.” What is Bazarov denying? Anything that can get in the way practical activities

naturalist. Undoubtedly, Bazarov is a man of a sharp and strong mind, believing that his chosen path is the most correct. However, he did not avoid mistakes: love, which the hero of the novel considered “nonsense,” overtook him completely unexpectedly, so much so that Evgeny was completely at a loss, unable to cope with his feelings. What is this? Error in the hero's actions? Of course not. The mistake lies in his nihilist worldview. However, Evgeny was able to turn out to be taller and more humane than Odintsova, who valued her “peace of mind” more than anything else in the world! In the end, Bazarov was able to control himself, plunging into his work, but having obviously failed to fully cope with his thoughts, he makes another, already irreparable mistake: he operates on a typhoid patient, forgetting about precautions, and... dies. Only before his death, Evgeniy realizes the futility of his plans: “Russia needs me... No, apparently, I don’t need it...”. Well, if a miracle happened and the hero survived, would he abandon his experiments? I think it’s unlikely: his convictions in his own rightness were too strong. And this is also a mistake, since it is necessary to critically re-evaluate your thoughts and actions. ARGUMENT-2 M.Yu. Lermontov "Hero of Our Time". The hero of the novel, M.Yu., also makes a series of mistakes in his life. Lermontov. Grigory Aleksandrovich Pechorin belongs to the young people of his era who were disillusioned with life. Pechorin himself says about himself: “Two people live in me: one lives in, but he cannot find application for his mind, his knowledge. Pechorin is a cruel and indifferent egoist, because he causes misfortune to everyone with whom he communicates, and he does not care about the condition of other people. V.G. Belinsky called him a “suffering egoist” because Grigory Aleksandrovich blames himself for his actions, he is aware of his actions, worries and does not bring him satisfaction. The hero is aware of his mistakes, but does nothing to correct them; his own experience does not teach him anything. Despite the fact that Pechorin has an absolute understanding of what he is destroying human lives

(“destroys the lives of peaceful smugglers,” Bela dies through his fault, etc.), the hero continues to “play” with the destinies of others, which makes himself unhappy. ARGUMENT- 3 Story by K.G. Paustovsky's "Telegram" is a story about lonely old age, about indifference to elderly parents, about personal experiences and mistakes. Katerina Petrovna lived out her life in an old house, her daughter, Nastya, living in a distant big city, wrote to her very rarely and almost never came. Old woman out of modesty, he is afraid to remind himself. “It’s better not to interfere,” she decides. Abandoned own daughter Grandma Katerina will soon write: “My beloved, I will not survive this winter. Come for a day..." But Nastya calms herself with the words: “Since her mother writes, it means she’s alive.” Thinking about strangers, while organizing an exhibition of a young sculptor, the daughter forgets about the only thing

V.G. Rasputin "Farewell to Matera". Rasputin's Tale is not just a work about loss home , but also about how wrong decisions lead to disasters that will certainly affect the life of society as a whole. For Rasputin it is absolutely clear that the collapse, the disintegration of a nation, people, country begins with the disintegration of the family. And the reason for this is the tragic mistake that progress is much more important than the souls of old people saying goodbye to their home. And there is no repentance in the hearts of young people. Unfortunately, only old men and women remained loyal to Matera. Young people live in the future and calmly part with their small homeland. Wise from life experience older generation doesn't want to leave home island not because he cannot appreciate all the benefits of civilization, but primarily because for these amenities they demand to give Matera, that is, to betray his past. And the suffering of the elderly is an experience that each of us must learn. A person cannot, should not, abandon his roots. The ending of the story is tragic: the officials who are relocating the last inhabitants of the island symbolically got lost in the fog, and among them is Daria’s son, main character. And the “old old women” of Matera at this time, in last time having united with each other, they leave this world, retiring to heaven.

Rasputin's story is not just a story about great construction projects, it is the tragic experience of previous generations as an edification to us, people XXI, hidden in the mountains. One can understand the feelings of the Chechens who took revenge for the destroyed graves of their ancestors: [“My dear! My house! My garden!] Revenge is dark, it knows no bounds and often falls on the innocent. There is a terrible scene in A. Pristavkin’s story when the next morning Kolka, who had slept in his hole, stumbles upon his crucified brother Sanka and sits for a long time near him, petrified, whining and howling. Terrible death innocent child. And, finally, pure friendship with the Chechen boy Alkhuzur, who, seeing Kolka’s suffering, is ready to become his brother: “I, I am now Sask.”

Whose fault is it that both Russian and Chechen children are destitute? Whose fault is it that entire nations were forced to leave their native lands and subsequently incite national hatred? The answer is obvious. Not at all far-sighted politicians. It was for their mistakes that the innocent people paid. Such books are needed to know the past, to learn lessons from bitter experience. This is a book about the responsibility for the future of one generation to another. (261 WORDS) ARGUMENT-7. MISTAKES AND EXPERIENCE OF THE PEOPLE (STORIES: turns the rootless dog Sharik into citizen Sharikov. But in everyday life, scientific experience led to the most disastrous consequences. Attempts to instill basic cultural skills in Sharikov meet with staunch resistance on his part. And every day Sharikov becomes more impudent, more aggressive and more dangerous. As a result, Preobrazhensky understands the reason for his delusions and carries out the reverse operation: Sharikov again becomes the sweet and kind dog Sharik. Having analyzed his mistake, the professor realizes that the dog was much more “humane” than P.P. Sharikov. Thus, we are convinced that the humanoid Sharikov is more a failure than a victory for Professor Preobrazhensky. He himself understands this: “Old donkey...”. Philip Philipovich comes to the conclusion that violent intervention in the nature of man and society leads to catastrophic results.

After reading the work, thoughts arise about how often thoughtless experiments are carried out, which can sometimes become an irreversible disaster for both a person and society itself as a whole, especially if they occur by force. Without experiments, science will not move forward, but they must be balanced; a mistake can be costly. ARGUMENT-6 - SCIENTIFIC AND SOCIAL EXPERIMENTS The plot of Lyudmila Ulitskaya’s novel “The Kukotsky Case” is quite simple: it tells about the unfortunate life of a gynecological surgeon who had an extraordinary talent as a diagnostician - a special gift, “intravision” of the affected internal organs patients, a surgeon who opposed the ban on abortion. In 1942, in a small Siberian town, he saved his future wife Elena Georgievna and her child, adopting her as his own. The first problems in the life of the Kukotskys appeared in the period preceding the start of the campaign against genetics. Pavel Alekseevich found original way avoid unwanted events: at the right moment he honestly got drunk, creating a reputation for himself as a drunkard. And after one carelessly thrown phrase by the hero to his wife, this outstanding doctor drinks himself for ten years, unable to correct his accidental mistake, in fact, a slip of the tongue, and his wife for the same ten years, having never forgiven him, goes crazy... But most importantly actor the novel turns out to be Kukotsky - Tanya. Tanya, a student in the evening department of the Faculty of Biology, got a job in a laboratory studying brain development, where she surprisingly quickly mastered the methods of preparing histological preparations. And a few years later, an event occurred that turned Tanya away from science forever: she caught herself ready to make a drug from a living human fetus. Without waiting the right words from her father, Tanya left work. Soon Tanya dies in an Odessa hospital due to medical care not provided on time during childbirth. Half-crazy Elena never learned about her daughter’s death.

An old, but still unresolved question: is the ability to kill living things in the womb a positive experience for good or irreparable mistakes that give rise to evil? Is he right or wrong - Pavel Alekseevich - who put his personal happiness on the sacrificial altar of his profession? ARGUMENT 8 - DEVELOPMENT OF SCIENCE THROUGH MISTAKES AND ACCUMULATION OF EXPERIENCE One of humanity’s global mistakes is “experiments” with nature, ruthless implementation of natural laws. The death of the Aral Sea, a real threat to Baikal, the extinction of many animal species and the complete disappearance of unique medicinal plants - all this is a consequence of crazy experiments on nature. Nature immediately “takes revenge” on man, and we simply must draw conclusions from the mistakes made by our predecessors. V. Astafiev in his work “The Fish Tsar” tries to understand this problem. Main character short story of the same name Ignatyich - a fisherman. He conquered the river. Here he is the king of nature. But how does he manage the wealth entrusted to him? Poachs, guided by greed and ambition. Then the king fish appears, sent to fight the king of nature. According to legend, if you catch the king fish, the sturgeon, you must release it and not tell anyone about it. Ignatyich, when meeting a huge sturgeon, does not fulfill this commandment: greed takes over his conscience and destroys him. The wounded king of nature and the queen of rivers meet in equal combat with the elements. Together with the fish, huddled close to each other, they await their death. And Ignatyich is an intelligent man, he understands his guilt and sincerely repents of what he has done, asking: “Lord, let this fish go!” "I'm sorry..." Nature is not as merciless as man; it gives him a chance to improve. And the king fish, freeing himself from the hooks with incredible effort, swims away to his native element. This is clear experience, its mistakes and the lessons learned from them. By grossly interfering with the life of nature, man commits. He who is merciless to nature is merciless to all living things, and therefore to himself. The harmony of relationships can only be preserved thanks to spiritual - historical experience previous generations. (243 words) EXAMPLE ESSAY “THE HISTORICAL EXPERIENCE OF THE PEOPLE”

Experience is the best teacher, but the cost of teaching is too high.

(T. Carlyle.)

Every person makes mistakes. What is an error? An error is an incorrectness in actions, deeds, thoughts, statements. This is something that I would not like to repeat, because it is perceived as negative. But, unfortunately, mistakes are made again and again. Is it always bad to make mistakes? No. On the one hand, making mistakes is necessary for a person. It is important to analyze the experience of each mistake in order to avoid them in the future, otherwise mistakes will not teach us anything. On the other hand, a series of the same mistakes can lead to serious consequences.

In the novel L.N. Tolstoy's "War and Peace" Prince Andrei goes to the war of 1905.

The reason for this act was the prince’s desire for “his Toulon”, for glory like Napoleon. Andrei desires power and worship. On the battlefield, Prince Andrei performs a heroic act - he raises the banner and leads the soldiers forward. But he is wounded, and the sky of Austerlitz opens before him (“How come I haven’t seen this high sky before? And how happy I am that I finally recognized it.<...>Everything is deception except this endless sky"). Having tasted death and looking at the high sky, the prince realizes that he has made a mistake and changes his life position. IN further Andrey continues his life's quest. He will also make a number of mistakes, but these mistakes will become experience for him to find the right path: feeling Christian love to Natasha, rapprochement with the people (“Our prince?”).

In the story "Morphine" M.A.

Bulgakov shows how doctor Sergei Polyakov, who made a number of the same mistakes, becomes a drug addict. It all started when the doctor felt severe pain in the stomach area. Then the doctor was forced to inject morphine. The next day, Sergei did it again on his own (“I injected one centigram into my thigh myself”). It was addictive, but the doctor only consoled himself (“four injections are not terrible”). The need for morphine is growing more and more, the doctor’s behavior is changing (“For the first time I discovered in myself the unpleasant ability to get angry... to shout at people...”). Initially, this man understood that drug use could lead to irreversible consequences, but the state of euphoria forced him to take morphine again and again. The doctor realizes that he suffers from morphinism (“I am the unfortunate doctor Polyakov, who fell ill<...>morphinism"), but does not lose hope for recovery, although this hope was desperate. The doctor’s condition gradually worsened, he already feels imminent death. Desperate, the doctor soon commits suicide.

Thus, there is no experience without errors, these concepts are interconnected, but sometimes errors can lead to serious consequences.

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Updated: 2016-10-21

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