How to draw graffiti step by step with a pencil. We teach you to draw easily and simply with a pencil, pen and felt-tip pens

Surely in your city or in any other you have paid attention to the intricate inscriptions on fences, garages or concrete ones. Most often, these drawings are found in suburban areas, where you can express yourself with the help of paints without interference. Writers write inscriptions on walls, and their drawings are called graffiti. For beginners unfamiliar with the data, images are often difficult to read. In fact, if you look closely, you can see that hidden behind the incomprehensible symbols are letters written in an ornate font. In this article we will describe how to learn how to apply graffiti step by step for beginners.

Types of graffiti

Many countries perceive graffiti as vandalism. But there are cities in which the administration has allocated special places for applying inscriptions and images, for example, Copenhagen in Denmark, Warsaw in Poland, Melbourne in Australia. It is important to know that not every drawing can be called graffiti (especially for beginners) - this is a certain style that deserves attention and respect. Insults and vulgar inscriptions are inappropriate here.

Let's look at the most common types of image application:

Tagging - the signature of the writer applying graffiti;

Writing - represents beautiful and unusual inscriptions, as well as large paintings;

Bombing - drawings are applied in extreme places; What is more important here is not the quality of the application, but the location of the inscription (this could be train cars or electric trains in the subway).

Graffiti for beginners can start with tagging. This is the simplest type of image that a future artist can learn.

In the beginning there was a name

In order to learn how to draw graffiti with a pencil step by step, you need to decide what you want to write. To avoid racking your brain for a long time, use your name or nickname for training. Writers usually sign their paintings with it. A common and simple font used to write a name is bubble. This look is characterized by bright, inflated letters without sharp corners. Which font to choose is up to you. Maybe you like straight lines, then try writing your name in a blockbuster style. In this case, the letters are depicted straight with wide shadows. There is also a font called frou-up. In this style, regular letters with slightly elongated corners are drawn. This is the most suitable font to use when learning graffiti for beginners on paper.

Game of shadows and lines

Graffiti requires individuality, so the more whimsical you create the lettering, the more appreciated your art will be. Don't be afraid of improvisation and unusual fonts. Take a white sheet of paper and try to sketch your name on it. Play with the thickness and length of the lines. By applying graffiti in stages with a pencil, add three-dimensionality. Expand the boundaries of the letters by changing the thickness. Narrow the beginning of the letter, making it larger towards the end. With a pencil, you can create sketches, see mistakes and, as a result, correct inaccuracies or interference. You can use markers to darken the lines. If the line turns out wider in one place than you would like, do not be afraid to increase its volume. Select places in your sketch where there will be dark or light color. If the letters are in the edges, the inscription will acquire volume.

Adding Color and Effects

Work done in one color is considered simple graffiti. If you want to create something more eccentric, add colors. One letter, or maybe several, can be colored. You can also paint over only the shadow and leave the outline without filling. Additional details can be drawn with a distinctive tone. Graffiti is complicated by the presence of elements such as stars, dots, and crowns. For originality, add artificial smudges or highlights. You can depict one of the letters in the form of a drop or lightning. Place the lettering in a large cartoon bubble or bring the letters to life by drawing eyes on them. It all depends on your imagination. Use your imagination and don’t be afraid of the non-trivial.

First, decide what kind of inscription you will have. Easy to read or unrecognizable, whimsical.

Secondly, for the first sketches, take clean white paper. You should not draw on notebook sheets that have a linear design.

Thirdly, do not forget that graffiti is an abstraction. Consider perspective, volume, and jagged lines.

Fourthly, with one simple pencil you can apply different types shading and shading.

Fifthly, to create smooth lines, you can make stencils from cardboard. Many artists use different patterns to achieve the desired result.

Drawing graffiti for beginners step by step on paper is much easier than applying it to the wall without training. Try sketching different letters, then words, moving from simple to complex, gradually developing your own individual style.

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How a cat can ruin your life

Graffiti has become special kind contemporary art streets, which consists of depicting drawings on the walls of houses. You can often see ugly inscriptions that cannot be called art, and they only spoil the buildings, but there are also real masterpieces. Aerosol paints are mainly used for this purpose. To become a real graffiti artist you need to spend a lot of time. Where to start? First, learn how to draw graffiti with a pencil on paper. Why sketch? Even experienced graphite artists (writers) always make sketches, because this is how you can select shading, colors, and individual details in advance. It’s not easy to take a can of spray paint, come up with an idea and immediately draw a delightful design. And if you hold a sample in your hands, it will be much easier.


  • Desire and inspiration to work.
  • Paints, colored pencils, felt-tip pens.
  • For a preliminary sketch, an eraser and a pencil.
  • Paper, ah better album(so you collect sketches in one place and see how you progress).


  • To learn how to draw on your own, you must first observe the creativity of others. But if you don’t know at all how graffiti is drawn with a pencil, then you should look at graffiti made with paint. If you choose one, take a photo. At this stage, the main thing is to visually understand the basic principles.
  • If it's time to draw yourself, start with the basics. Draw text or simple 2D drawings. For now, you don’t have to make them voluminous, the primary task is to learn to draw confidently clear contours and color. Good result You can't achieve it without a steady hand.
  • At first, it may seem that you will not be able to achieve high results. Just ignore such thoughts. Don’t be afraid to combine incongruous colors, play with contours and shades - what more unusual drawing, the more attention is paid to it, the more it is distinguished from the crowd.
  • Also, before you begin, you must get acquainted with the main styles images of letters and texts. Below Teach This Will Lead brief description these styles and will tell you about the features of each. Also worth show imagination, because in any creativity you need to take the initiative. Play with sizes, introduce ornaments, add details.
  • Start your learning with the image of one not very long word, maybe your name or name. After all, all graffiti artists have their own signature, so called tag.
  • The letters should be placed at a short distance from each other. In this case, you can complete and expand them. When you're sketching, it's worth playing with the pressure you apply. Then you will feel the pattern and can easily change the thickness and depth of the contour. Also, do not forget about applying shading - this allows you to create interesting effects. If you set yourself the goal of making a three-dimensional inscription, you need to apply shadows and highlights, draw the letters on the side. Also, the text can be done with perspective, that is, as if it is removed from the audience. To do this, you just need to slightly narrow the part of the inscription that you want to make next. Mentally imagine the rails going into the distance and write your text on them.


  • Bubble or bubble. The letters are round, as if inflated, merging with each other. This style is popular among beginners.
  • Wild style. Unreadable, jumbled letters with great detail. A bunch of complex intertwined symbols and additional elements.
  • Messiah. The text is multi-layered, as if several drawings of one word are depicted, which are superimposed on each other.
  • Character. Only those who already have good artistic abilities can do this. This style is often used to draw cartoon or comic book characters.
  • Blockbusters. Wide and huge letters using a background (which is done with a roller).

And finally, some advice, how to draw text in bubble style. So, first trace the letter with a pencil, without making sharp corners. Just make a second smooth outline. When you reach the desired degree of width and roundness, erase all the inner lines (the original letter too). Then fill in the resulting drawing with paints or a marker. Experiment with details, backgrounds and color combinations. You can add a few highlights in the brightest places.

Video lessons

How to draw graffiti on paper for beginners - in this lesson we will draw the word “stop”. Such graffiti is not very complex; it is designed for beginners.

How to draw graffiti on paper

Of course, you can draw more complex graffiti, which will be covered in other lessons, but for beginners it is better to practice on these simpler drawings.

So let's start drawing graffiti on paper for beginners. Draw “stop”. I start with the letter “O”, which has an oval shape and no closed lines.

Again, like other graffiti tutorials, I advise you to draw the letters first with a simple pencil, and then outline them with color. You can always erase a simple pencil and correct a mistake. But it’s almost impossible to correct a line with a colored pencil.

After the drawn letter “t”, draw the first letter “s” on the left. The beginning of the first letter is depicted as an arrow.

Well, the last letter that should be drawn is the letter “r”. It consists of two parts, please note. I have already started coloring the bottom of the letter with a green pencil.

In other lessons, we outlined with black, and now we will outline the letters with a green pencil. Look carefully at how the stroke is drawn and where it thickens.

Now we trace all the letters with a pencil blue shade darker. The figure below shows everything clearly.

All that remains is to decorate the graffiti drawing. I took a green pencil, but a shade lighter than the stroke. I left the letter “o” blank.

I hope you were able to draw from this lesson - how to draw graffiti on paper for beginners. You can try to decorate your drawing with other colors, you don’t have to follow exactly as in the lesson. The same applies to letters, which you can try to change the slope or draw them somehow “in your own way.”

Nowadays, graffiti is very popular among young people, but not everyone can draw graffiti beautifully and stylishly. “VKontakte” even has a special program, but we will try to learn how to draw graffiti on paper with a pencil, then coloring the resulting inscription with paints or colored felt-tip pens.

1. Choose a style for your word

Probably almost every one of us has come across graffiti-style inscriptions on the streets. Sometimes the city authorities even allocate special places for them. If not, then look on the Internet, there is a lot of such information and images.

It is difficult to talk about all the styles of graffiti in a short article. We can only note that the most popular and fairly easy style is graffiti with rounded shapes letters This style is called Bubble. You can choose rounded or sharp edges of letters, equal in size or capital letters, and some of them are smaller, etc. It's easier to imitate a style than to invent it, but once you get it right draw graffiti, you can develop your own style.

2. Write the word on paper

You can choose any word for graffiti. The main thing is to leave a lot of space between the letters, since you will be expanding them and filling the space between them. Make the space large enough to allow room for other layers, but not so large that there are large gaps.

3. Graffiti style from letter structure

You need to draw graffiti with light pencil strokes, as you may have to correct some lines and small mistakes. This activity will require a lot of time and patience to get all the letters in the chosen style. Remember that in graffiti you need to draw words in an original way, if possible without copying anyone, without this there is no way to do graffiti. Don't be afraid to change the letters beyond recognition.

4. Line thickness options

You can make all the lines the same thickness, but you can do shading and 3D effects. For example, the top and one side of a "C" may be very wide, while the bottom and other side are tapered. Use a pencil to vary the thickness if you're going to darken with ink or marker, so you don't want the color to be pitch black. This way you can imagine how the line thickness will change appearance letters.

5. Add additional effects

Once you are done drawing the letters, you can add additional effects to your graffiti. Perhaps one of the letters will represent lightning or a drop, experiment. The letter with peeking eyes in the letter “P” looks very impressive. You can place a bubble around the word, just like in the comics. The possibilities of graffiti are limited only by your imagination and imagination.

6. Copy the graffiti drawing

If you have made any serious mistakes while coloring the graffiti, then you will not be able to continue painting it correctly. Be sure to copy the drawing made in pencil before final drawing or coloring. Use the scanner settings so that all shades and effects are reflected correctly on the copy paper.

7. Make shadows with a soft pencil

Using a pencil or marker, you can darken the lines you drew in pencil. These lines are more or less permanent, so be extremely careful. Don't be upset by small mistakes, you can correct them so that they are not noticeable. Say, if the line is too thick or you go outside the line, just fill it in to create extra volume.

8. Draw single-color graffiti letters

To fill in your words with color, you can look at other examples first, but don't fill in the letters with a pencil. The pencil makes only a single-color drawing, despite the abundance of shadows and shades. And graffiti must be bright and catchy, which can only be achieved with paint.

9. Coloring graffiti letters

Almost no graffiti work is done with just one color. You can also fill in each letter different colors or just do it in a slightly different color. You can only make additional parts of a different color. But it's not worth it draw graffiti too colorful. Bright colors will distract from the main effect of graffiti and will not focus attention on the word.

Everyone has probably tried to draw a rose, but not everyone succeeds. In fact, drawing a rose is easy, you just need to remember its features.

In this lesson you will be able to draw a tiger. Try it, drawing animals is as fun as graffiti.

Pictures of a puss in boots or a kitten, drawn with a pencil or paints can become good decoration children's room. But in order to draw a cat correctly, let's learn a little.

It's easy to draw a butterfly. But, however, there are some tricks here. Pollen can be drawn using pencil strokes directed in one direction, then rub these strokes with your finger or other available objects, a piece of paper or an eraser.

Every anime fan wants to be able to draw manga, but this is not easy for everyone, since drawing a person is the most difficult, especially anime, in motion. However, try it, maybe you can handle manga.

First, let's draw an approximate general shape the body of the Firebird and its limbs. Just remember this initial contours, you should not draw details at this stage.

It would seem so easy to draw a star, but try it straight, correct form draw it without reading this lesson. By the way, be sure to watch this lesson if you like to draw graffiti. The method of adding volume to a star can be used to draw graffiti with three-dimensional letters.

Before we start the lesson on how to draw graffiti for beginners, let's watch two videos first.

The first video shows a boy practicing how to draw graffiti. To do this, he chose a warehouse and took or bought a sheet of fiberboard or chipboard (by the way, this sheet comes in different thicknesses and costs on average 130 UAH or 500 rubles). Pay attention to his equipment. It is better to use a respirator, gloves and clothes that you don’t mind ruining. Since the paint is caustic, harmful to health and stains, especially since he applied a layer of paint to remove the previous drawing, you can imagine the stench there. So, let's see.

Now let's see how to draw a monster in graffiti style with colored paints and spray cans.

Cool! Yes! You want it too. BUT, to paint with spray cans you just need to be able to draw this style If you don't know how to draw, you won't draw anything. Therefore, you must first learn to draw on paper, using pencils, felt-tip pens, gel pens etc. Let's start with the alphabet, in the video we will see a simple style of drawing letters in graffiti.

Now try drawing on paper. Click on thumbnails to enlarge.

It worked! Okay, let's draw some monsters.

Now let's summarize. To start drawing graffiti on walls, boards, etc. spray cans, you need to learn how to draw graffiti on paper, practice a lot and bring the lines to automaticity in order to draw without auxiliary lines and corrections, i.e. you need to draw each individual letter, drawing as many times as possible so that it does not cause difficulties, just take it and draw it, for each person this number will be different from 20 to 100. After you have learned to draw, for example, what word, buy it or if there is where -it's a free board, practice on it, you should understand how it works.