When will Alexander Gudkov find his wife? Alexander Gudkov: biography, personal life, photo Which KVN team played gudkov

Member name:

Age (birthday): 24.02.1983

City: Stupino, Moscow region

Education: VTU

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Alexander Gudkov was born in the town of Stupino, closed during the Soviet era. The boy grew up as a completely ordinary child; he had no special acting talents or desire to amuse the public.

He studied calmly, sometimes he was a hooligan - like all other children. Artistic abilities awoke already in high school, and then it became fashionable to organize KVN competitions between classes.

And it was Sasha who pulled out his team, showing a skit in which there was a place for everything - free behavior, change of voice, and wit.

Although young Sasha caught fire with KVN, my parents insisted on entering a technological university. AND future star agreed, completing the training without gaps.

Gudkov has not worked a day in his profession, and his mother still assures him that he is doing stupid things and it’s time for him to pay attention to serious work and a diploma.

Alexander simply fell in love with KVN, together with Natalya, sister, he joined the team " Disaster" and "Family 2".

Later Alexander Gudkov joined the team"" and their appearance on television produced a crazy effect.

The participants were significantly different from the others; their performance was based on unconventional humor, complete absurdity and brilliant acting.

It took Gudkov and his team two years to prove to the jury that such humor has a right to exist. Yuliy Gusman was especially critical, but already in 2009 the Dvinyatin team received bronze.

After that Alexander signed a contract with the TNT channel and became one of the writers of the show “Comedy Woman”. For several years he worked behind the scenes, writing humorous skits and most of all he appreciated the absence of boundaries.

Later he went on stage and became an artist of the project, his first numbers were performed in company with Natalya Medvedeva, his colleague in “Fedor Dvinyatin”. Gudkov's appearance on stage is always bright and memorable jokes, grimaces and unbridled fun.

Following successful performances, offers poured in - Alexander works at Vecherny Urgant, “Yesterday Live” and others.

Few people know that Gudkov is also a businessman - in 2013, together with friends, he opened a hairdressing salon, intended exclusively for men, “Boy Cut”, in a format reminiscent of a club.

Clients can not just come and get a haircut, but also talk to each other, discuss news and plans.

Alexander says practically nothing about his personal life, but he really values ​​and takes care of his sister. The artist dreams about family and children and believes that one day he will meet a worthy woman. So far there is no such person in his circle.

Photo by Sasha

The guy is very charismatic, his Instagram has a variety of photos.

Gudkov Alexander Vladimirovich - famous TV presenter, actor, showman. Born in the town of Stupino on February 24, 1983. The boy's parents were simple workers who wanted their son happy life. They wanted the boy to get a job at a factory, and there he would gradually gain experience.

Alexander did not want such a future for himself, school years he didn’t even think about a career as a TV presenter or actor; he had wonderful humor and special charisma. Until 1999, Sasha studied at school without any worries, spent time with friends, and thought about what he would do after school. In one moment everything changed. The head teacher of his school decided to diversify the lives of the students, so he invited all interested students to perform at the KVN tournament. Alexander Gudkov was 16 years old at the time and played for the 11th grade team. The head of the city KVN team was at the tournament, he appreciated Sasha’s talent and play. After some time, Gudkov was invited to play in the city team.

After graduation, future actor entered the technological university. He soon graduated, but did not work in his profession.

Alexander Gudkov in KVN

Gudkov, together with his older sister Natalya Gudkova, performed in the following teams: “Family 2”, “Natural Disaster” and “Fedor Dvinyatin”.

In the Fedor Dvinyatin team, Sasha achieved great success. The acting was top notch and distinguished from others with its unique style.

In 2007, “Fedor Dvinyatin” were able to perform at the gala concert of the Sochi KVN Festival, which was shown on Channel One. They were invited to the Premier League, and later to the Higher League with Alexander Maslyakov.

The team played in KVN for about two years; it showed that their unconventional humor has its own connoisseurs. Many jury members criticized the actors' performances and said that some numbers did not deserve such a reaction from the audience.

A television

Alexander’s first experience on a TV channel was creating scripts for the TV show “ Comedy Woman" The guy was an excellent screenwriter and created very funny stories for the project.

After some time, Sasha also began to appear on stage with his friend Natalya Medvedeva. The audience fell in love with this couple; they had a special humor, as well as unusual numbers.

From 2010 to 2011, Alexander worked as a presenter in the project “Laughter in big city" Then he created his project “Nezlobin and Gudkov” on the MTV channel together with Alexander Nezlobin.

After some time, Alexander Gudkov works as a screenwriter in the humorous project “ Evening Urgant", and later becomes the co-host of Ivan Urgant and the voice-over of the show.

Personal life

Today Alexander devotes himself entirely to his work. On his this moment there is no girlfriend or wife, but the man has long dreamed of building a strong family. He works on television, starring in “Evening Urgant” and “Comedy Woman”.

The actor admits that his work allows him to meet many beautiful girls, but he has not yet met the one. Sasha admitted to journalists that one day he dreams of hosting a TV show about animals with his future wife.

    Sasha Gudkov - participant of KVN, participant of the comedy project Comedy Vumen

    Many people adore Gudkov for his talent to show different images

    Gudkov has no official family and of course there are rumors about his sexuality

    It seems to me that Alexander is a normal man, he just hasn’t found the one who would win his heart

    Like many artists, work comes first for Sasha Gudkov. But who knows what will happen in the future?

    Alexander Gudkov simply tried on the image of a gay man. It was in this image that he managed to make the audience laugh best of all. And what else does a man of his profession need.

    He dreams of a family and a son and daughter. But for now, being very busy at work does not give him the opportunity to start a family.

    Let's hope that Sasha's dreams will come true soon.

    Alexander Gudkov is not gay. However, this impression could arise due to the way in which he appears at some events. Although, if he were gay, it would be quite funny. But still no.

    Alexander Gudkov is not gay, this is his stage image. Currently, he is one of the participants in the very popular women's show Comedy Woman. And the fact that he does not have children and a wife only means that he has not yet met the one with whom he would like to connect his life.

    To be honest, the question made me laugh a little, you can’t judge a person based on his appearance and behavior, he has no family, wife and children, but this is not an argument to consider him gay, he is of a completely normal orientation

    Many people know Alexander Gudkov from such programs as

    He is known to many as a member of the KVN team.

    To date, Sasha is not yet married. She has no children yet, which upsets her mother more and more.

    Some people think that Alexander Gudkov is gay.

    It is not true. Sasha just thinks it’s too early to start a family. He sorely lacks time for his personal life.

    As many may think, showman Alexander Gudkov has an unconventional orientation. It all has to do with his demeanor and the voice in which he speaks. In fact, this is not true at all, he a regular guy with the same preferences in personal life. He just hasn’t yet met the one with whom he would like to connect his life and start a family.

    Alexander Gudkov is one of the participants in the entertaining TV show Comedywoman. He has a rather melodic voice, which Sasha skillfully uses in her work, mainly playing the role of a gay man. In real life he is not gay, he is straight.

    Of course Sasha Gudkov is not gay. And this is his image, in which it was he who found recognition from the audience. After all, any actor has his own image, and in this way he makes people laugh. After all, he began his career in humor a long time ago, while still playing in KVN.

    Now we see him in a program called Evening Urgant and have already become accustomed to his voice, with shades you know what, he is mannered and simply plays his role, for which he receives a salary.

    And what we can see on the screen and a person in life are completely different aspects. He is not married, because it is too early to speak, he needs to create a material base for this purpose and helps financially his loved ones, his mother and sister.

    While still at school, and then at KVN in the team Fdor Dvinyatin, Alexander Gudkov created and successfully exploited the image of a gay man. Alexander is 31 years old, he is not yet married because he has too much work. Gudkov’s mother is expecting grandchildren, but in addition to everything, the showman and his friends recently opened a hairdressing salon in one of fashionable places capital Cities. Gudkov says that he doesn’t care what they say and write about him, the main thing is that he’s not really like that. So resident Comedy woman and KVN team member Fedor Dvinyatin is not gay. He dreams of family, children and family program on TV.

Our today's hero, like many show business stars, comes from KVN. His extraordinary humor was loved by many television viewers. Thanks to his work and perseverance, this man has achieved that today he is included in the list best comedians countries. Actor, showman, TV presenter, screenwriter, understudy - all this is the incomparable and inimitable Alexander Gudkov.


Alexander Vladimirovich Gudkov was born in the Stupino maternity hospital on February 24, 1983. As a child, Sasha was a restless child; he always stood out among his peers, and not only due to his non-standard physique. Alexander Gudkov's parents, like the future showman himself, did not believe that their son was endowed with special talents. However, Sasha's friends always told him that he should go creative path.

At the age of sixteen, Alexander Gudkov first met KVN. Then he could not even think where all this would lead. So, in 1999, the head teacher of the school where Sasha studied announced a competition for the best team KVN among students. Our hero did not stand aside and was accepted into the 11th grade team. Gudkov's performance turned out to be so successful that a member of the city KVN team present at this competition invited him to join the ranks of his team. Sasha agreed without hesitation.

Student years

The young man always tried to listen to his parents in everything, so at their insistence he entered the Russian State Technical University, choosing a specialty in materials science. In parallel with this, Alexander plays for the city KVN team. After graduation educational institution Sasha understands that he doesn’t like this profession, it’s boring, he should be doing something completely different.

Parents' attitude towards creativity

Continuing the conversation about Alexander’s parents, it must be said that they are still not delighted with their son’s profession. They always wanted their child to be an ordinary worker, for example, in a factory, have work book and rose to the rank of foreman.

"Fedor Dvinyatin"

Before joining the ranks of Fyodor Dvinyatin, our hero first played for the teams Natural Disaster and Family 2. By the way, Alexander Gudkov’s older sister Natalya was also part of these teams. In 2006, a fateful event occurs in the comedian’s life: he and Natasha are invited to a new humorous team - the “Fedor Dvinyatin” team. It was the performances in its composition that brought Sasha fame and success.

In 2007, “Fedor Dvinyatin”, as part of the Sochi KVN festival, first appeared at the first federal channel. Then the team created a real sensation. Thanks to their atypical humor, the guys from “Fedor Dvinyatin” were able to qualify for the Premier League. And in 2009 they were already bronze medalists of the KVN Major League. Then, by the way, Alexander Gudkov was awarded a prize and recognized best player year, received a separate gift from Yuliy Gusman - a bag of sprats and sausage. In his congratulatory speech, Yuliy Solomonovich explained this gesture by saying that Sasha looked very tired and exhausted, so he needed to eat more.

In general, if we talk about the performances of “Fedor Dvinyatin”, the guys have always been very much criticized for their humor. Mostly the negativity came from the jury members. So, for example, in one of their games the team demonstrated a number where Sasha Gudkov, dressed as Valery Leontyev, came down from the stage into auditorium and began to communicate with the judges. Yuliy Gusman and Konstantin Ernst reacted causticly to such an outburst and, as a result, gave the guys low marks, and Alexander Vasilyevich Maslyakov, the host of the KVN TV show, even said that the guys didn’t show anything like that so that they could be applauded like that. However, all this did not prevent the Fedor Dvinyatin team from earning all-Russian love and fame.

Sister of Alexandra Gudkov

The comedian’s sister, Natalya Gudkova, although she began her career in KVN, playing with her brother on the same team, still did not follow the creative path, although she had all the makings for this. According to the latest information, it is known that she now lives in Stupino and works in the youth affairs department; moreover, she is not married and has no children.

A television

After KVN, Alexander Gudkov decided to move to television. He signed a contract with TNT and began working as a comedy screenwriter Comedy show Woman. However, our hero did not remain behind the scenes for long: after some time, a duet appeared within the framework of the same project - Alexander Gudkov and Natalya Medvedeva. By the way, Sasha had known his partner Natasha since the days of KVN, when they played for the same team - “Fedora Dvinyatin”.

In parallel with Comedy Woman, Alexander hosted the TV show “Laughter in the City.” Afterwards, as a host and screenwriter, he participates in such shows as “Nezlobin and Gudkov” and Yesterday Live. In 2012, Sasha began collaborating with the Evening Urgant program, the top show of Channel One.

About personal

The personal life of Alexander Gudkov is shrouded in darkness and mystery. Many novels were attributed to him, which were eventually refuted by the artist himself. Take the same Natalya Medvedeva - Alexander’s duet colleague in Comedy Woman - this couple has been married so many times that it’s simply impossible to count. It must be hard to avoid such rumors when you work in women's team.

But still, does Alexander Gudkov have a wife? The answer to this question can be answered with complete confidence “no”. Now the artist leads a bachelor lifestyle.

As Sasha himself says, he is not against starting a family in which he will have a loving wife and beautiful children, but so far he has not yet managed to meet the one and only. The artist also admitted that he has a dream - to host a program about animals, hosted by him and his wife. Well, let’s see, perhaps very soon we will see a wonderful program about our little brothers, and at the same time we will get to know Alexander’s wife.

Showman's orientation

The fact that the comedian is already well over thirty, and the fact that he is still not married, has led many journalists to believe that Alexander Gudkov is a homosexual. Despite all the artist’s denials, the press is still actively discussing the rumors. Apparently, the artist will only be able to prove the truth when he performs a wedding with his beloved, whom he does not yet have.

Voice acting

There is another remarkable fact in the biography of Alexander Gudkov. It turns out that the artist is still partial to cartoons. Against the backdrop of this love, Alexander tries himself in animation as an understudy, and copes with this task perfectly. His voice can be heard in such films as “Wreck-It Ralph” and “Angela’s School Chronicles.” Alexander himself admits that he really likes voicing cartoon characters, and in the future he would like to try himself in this direction.


Who would have thought that the funny, skinny guy had an entrepreneurial spirit. Today, in addition to all his television projects, Alexander also finds time for the business, which he has owned together with Andrei Shubin and Nazim Zeynalov since 2013. For more than five years now, the guys have been promoting their hairdressing studio. Alexander Gudkov always dreamed of trying himself in something like this, since his student days, but then there was only enough money for minor expenses, what kind of business was that? And at the age of thirty, Alexander managed to make his dream come true.

For your hairdressing salon, which specializes only in men's haircuts, the guys came up with unusual name- Boy Cut. Here you can not only get a beautiful haircut, but also buy clothes and accessories. Over the entire period of its existence, the studio has managed to attract many clients, including show business stars.


To date, there is only one film on Alexander Gudkov’s list - “Pokhabovsk. back side Siberia" (director Yuri Yashnikov). The comedy film was first shown to Russian television viewers in 2013, in which Sasha starred as Ernest Samuilovich. Despite the lack of acting education, Alexander played his character quite professionally and was noted by many film critics, but Gudkov did not receive any more offers to act in films.

In conclusion

If you look at the photo of Alexander Gudkov from Instagram, you will notice that he is a cheerful and very personable person who loves his surroundings, which reciprocate his feelings completely. By the age of thirty-five, he had reached considerable heights, one of which was audience love. To achieve it, our hero had to do long haul. Despite all the criticism that rained down on the actor from all sides, he did not turn back and resolutely walked towards his goal.

Today Alexander Vladimirovich Gudkov is great artist, without which it is no longer possible to imagine Russian television. Thanks to his talent, humor in the country has become new uniform and continues to develop rapidly.

Alexander Gudkov is a humorist whose personal life today is of interest to the general public no less than high-profile scandals with the participation of show business celebrities. His fast career and popularity cause envy and some misunderstanding among colleagues. And it’s not surprising, because Alexander has a very atypical appearance and manner of performance.

Today little is known about the personal life of Alexander Gudkov. The showman and screenwriter only says that he simply does not have time to start a family due to his constant workload. And I simply haven’t found my other half, to whom I would devote my whole life. These statements only fuel the public's interest, because gossips and gossip lovers are increasingly talking about gay Alexandra Gudkova.

It's no secret that workaholics find it difficult to arrange a family and live happily ever after in marriage. Alexander himself says that constant dedication to work prevents even just communicating with representatives of the opposite sex, because Serious relationships his life is not yet planned.

He considers his sister to be his best friend. He treats the Gudkov family with great respect, and, unlike many modern representatives show business believes that marriage is an incredibly serious step that should be taken with maximum responsibility.

In Alexander Gudkov’s personal life, as he himself claims, there is no permanent partner or girl with whom he has dated for quite a long time. Media representatives are trying to make this fact a reason to convict the comedian of belonging to sexual minorities. They refer to Alexander’s somewhat effeminate image on stage and the roles of gays, which he was given very successfully.

The comedian himself says that it is still too early for him to get married, there is enough time ahead, which for now he prefers to devote to his work. In addition to the stage and writing scripts for comedy programs, the showman also runs his own business.

Gudkov's career: plays, in spite of critics

Alexander Gudkov was born in the Moscow region, his homeland is the small town of Stupino. Alexander's parents are simple workers working at a local factory. They believed that their son should follow in their footsteps, but it didn’t work out.

Also in high school Sasha was distinguished by his wit and constantly came up with jokes. In 11th grade he began participating in KVN home school. In the tournament he represented own class. But, fortunately, the head of the city KVN team gets to attend this performance as a jury. He notices talent young man and appreciates it. Later, Alexander performs in the KVN team of the city of Stupino.

Gudkov on the TV show “Improvisation”

The future star begins to spend a lot of time coming up with new jokes with his teammates. However, he decides to listen to his parents and get higher education and enters the Technological University in Moscow. There he studies materials science. But in four years of study. Alexander never managed to fall in love with this serious, but boring profession for him.

Now Alexander Gudkov, whose personal life interests many of his fans today, admits that he entered the university only for the sake of his parents, who, after his son graduated from the university, could be calm about his future. Since then, he has not worked a single day in his specialty.

But performing in KVN teams was easy and successful for him; he wrote jokes together with his sister Natalya, and often performed with her. At that time, Alexandra was noted in such teams as “Natural Disaster” and “Family-5”.

But truly successful, and even scandalous, for young comedian There was participation in the KVN team - “Fedor Dvinyatin”. Here real success awaited him. Playing in the national team influenced the future career of Alexander Gudkov, whose personal life and photos are now being actively discussed in the press and social networks. The team successfully performed in several Moscow competitions, and then at the Sochi KVN festivals. The concert was then broadcast on Channel One.

Gudkov participated in KVN

After this success, the team was invited to Major League KVN, which was hosted by Alexander himself. Despite the huge number of talented and bright teams in the league, FD stood out for its absurdity and unusual style. Critics reacted ambiguously to it, but among the audience “Fedor Dvinyatin” enjoyed great success. Alexander was the most bright participant young KVN team.

Alexander Gudkov already came up with the image of the “Feminine Macho” for himself, thanks to which both he and the entire team in which he played became famous talented actor. In this image, he performed most of his roles, and soon became a real celebrity among millions of viewers. He became for him business card, and also the reason that journalists, condemning the personal life of Alexander Gudkov, have been attributing a non-standard orientation to the star for many years. Of course, these rumors only increase the popularity of the actor and screenwriter.

The image of “Fedor Dvinyatin” in one of the performances of the national team created a real sensation. The audience was then completely delighted with Gudkov’s performance, but the jury members were practically indignant at this format of the team’s jokes and Alexander’s performance itself. Yuli Gusman and Konstantin Ernst expressed particular dissatisfaction.

For his height, Alexander indeed looks quite thin, this applies to both his face and figure. But his unusual appearance perfectly complements his image, which is unlike any other artist performing in the modern humorous genre. Gudkov simultaneously resembles the American movie hero and the Russian Ivanushka the Fool. It is not surprising that the personal life of Alexander Gudkov and his photos often become a reason for ridicule from journalists and critics.

But the public likes him, and his stage colleagues claim that working with Sasha is easy and pleasant, he is easy to communicate and does not suffer star fever, like many artists who have achieved such popularity.

Alexander Gudkov from Comedy Vumen: beginning to careers on television

Not everyone knows that Alexander Gudkov began his television career as a screenwriter. His first project was women's comedy show"Comedy Woman". He then created scripts for light, somewhat unusual miniatures. Soon he came to work on the show former colleague And good friend– Natalya Medvedeva, with whom she took part in the “Fedor Dvinyatin” team. Today she is one of the brightest participants in the Women's Comedy. Alexander felt quite comfortable as a screenwriter; here one could not forget about strict limits and formats that we constantly had to deal with while playing in KVN.

Soon she and Medvedeva began performing in shows together, creating some of the most striking and memorable miniatures. Gudkov can be seen on the same stage with other participants in the project. Atypical manners and appearance are a special highlight of “Comedy Woman”, despite the fact that it is mainly girls who perform in the show.

Then in the artist’s career there was the project “Laughter in the Big City,” where Alexander acted as the host. And after him - another humorous program, which he hosted together with another famous comedian - Alexander Nezlobin. It was a project - “Nezlobin and Gudkov”. But after some time, the artist became the host of another popular show, “Yesterday Live,” in which Alexander was approved for the role of host immediately after he read the first test text. This was in 2010.

In 2012, Gudkov decided to try himself in new profession- dubbing actor. Here he also succeeds, he voices one of the roles in the cartoon “Wreck-It Ralph” and the film “Angela’s School Chronicles.”

By that time, the presenter, artist and screenwriter was already working full-time on Channel One. Photos, personal life and orientation of Alexander Gudkov even then haunted journalists and viewers. He constantly appeared on the screens of one or another high-profile project, and the personality of the star simply could not go unnoticed.

Does Alexander Gudkov have a wife in his personal life? This question was also of interest to many of the showman’s fans, because his bright and charismatic appearance distinguishes him from other comedy stars who can be seen on TV screens. “Evening Urgant” is another of the projects in which Alexander is a screenwriter, voiceover and presenter. Today, Sasha Gudkov continues to star in this show, and also works in the “Comedy Woman” project.

Gudkov himself admits that, despite a large number of the beautiful women who constantly surround him at work, he has not yet met the one with whom he could start a family. Although he has long dreamed of family relationships and home comfort. He blames the fact that at his age Alexander is still single, he blames work that requires a lot of time and effort. And also - permanent employment.

Businessman vein

Today it is known that in addition to the talents of a screenwriter, comedian, artist and presenter, Alexander Gudkov leads successful business. A few years ago he opened a men's hairdressing salon. In fact, he calls his hair salon "Boy Cut" as a joke. Both fans of the star and ordinary people who want to spend time in style and profitably come here. The salon is purely for men. This is probably another reason to discuss and come up with piquant moments in the personal life of Alexander Gudkov in 2017. It is known that the salon brings good profit to Gudkov.

Despite the fact that Sasha has achieved great success on stage, television and in business, his parents are still unhappy with him. They believe that the son should have worked in his specialty, gone to the factory and gained experience. Then - get a good pension and raise grandchildren. But Gudkov himself chose his fate, and today he does not regret it one bit.